
skepticmisfithello, i have the Error:BrokenCount > 0 error01:36
skepticmisfitwhen running apt-get install -f, i get this:01:36
skepticmisfitroot@alan-HP-G60-Notebook-PC:/home/alan# apt-get install -f Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done Correcting dependencies... Done The following extra packages will be installed:   libgcc1 The following NEW packages will be installed:   libgcc1 0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded. 2 not fully installed or removed. Need to get 0 B/48.3 kB of archi01:36
holsteinskepticmisfit: i would look at, and remove the 2 not fully installed or removed01:36
skepticmisfithang on lemme get the rest of the log01:37
holstein!paste | skepticmisfit01:37
ubottuskepticmisfit: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:37
holsteinskepticmisfit: just look and see what 2 packages those are, remove them, and get "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" to complete without error01:38
holsteinif you have added ppa's, consider ppa-purge01:38
skepticmisfitwhat is the command for ppa-purge? (already removed third-party ppas from ubuntu software center)01:40
holsteinppa-purge *is* the command.. its an application.. you can add it *if* your package system is not messed up too bad01:41
holsteinskepticmisfit: removing the sources doesnt remove the unsupported 3rd party applications01:41
holsteinskepticmisfit: all of the options are discussed here.. http://askubuntu.com/questions/307/how-can-ppas-be-removed01:42
skepticmisfitholstein: got this, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8996465/01:42
skepticmisfitproblem seems to be with libgccl01:42
holsteinskepticmisfit: sure. thats *not* how you use ppa-purge01:43
skepticmisfitholstein: it wasnt installed01:43
holsteinskepticmisfit: as per the link i shared, you use it like this.. "sudo ppa-purge ppa:repository-name/subdirectory"01:43
holsteinskepticmisfit: right.. i mentioned you would need to install it.. can you? try "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ppa-purge"01:44
skepticmisfitholstein: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8996507/01:45
holsteinskepticmisfit: right, so in the conditional statement i had above, where i stated *if* your package system it not too messed up, it is..01:46
holsteinskepticmisfit: would you try removing the packages mentioned?01:46
holsteinskepticmisfit: literally like this.. "sudo apt-get autoremove libc6" for example01:47
holsteinskepticmisfit: see what all is wanting to be removed when you try running that ^01:47
holsteinskepticmisfit: then, as i stated above, you want "sudo apt-get update" to complete without errors..01:47
skepticmisfitholstein: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8996535/01:47
holsteinskepticmisfit: just keep following it back, friend01:48
skepticmisfitholstein: following it back meaning01:48
holsteinskepticmisfit: try what the message states ^01:48
holsteinsudo apt-get -f install01:49
skepticmisfitholstein: typing "apt-get -f install" into terminal would do it without any packages right01:49
holsteinskepticmisfit: we dont know what "would do it" yet.. you have to fix what you have broken01:49
holsteinskepticmisfit: try the command listed in the error message you got..01:49
skepticmisfitholstein: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8996552/01:50
holsteinif that errors, try "sudo apt-get autoremove multiarch-support"01:50
holsteinthen, again.. the goal is to get "sudo apt-get update" to complete without errors01:50
holsteinskepticmisfit: you can try "y" there, but that will likely put you right back where you were01:51
skepticmisfitholstein: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8996558/01:51
skepticmisfitit seems everything i do gets me back to the same issue01:51
holsteinskepticmisfit: correct.. so keep working bacfk01:51
holsteinskepticmisfit: keep removing what is broken, and then purge the relevant ppa's01:52
skepticmisfitholstein: it's not removing packages because of the dependency issues01:52
holsteinskepticmisfit: libc6 should be removed01:52
holsteinskepticmisfit: no.. the dependency issue is due to something else..01:53
skepticmisfitholstein: i tried removing libc6 from within ubuntu software center and it didnt work01:53
holsteinskepticmisfit: please run "sudo apt-get autoremove libc6" again01:53
holsteinskepticmisfit: sure.. *dont* run another package manager right now01:53
holsteinskepticmisfit: close the software center..01:53
skepticmisfitholstein: software center's been closed01:53
holsteinsudo apt-get autoremove libc601:54
skepticmisfitholstein: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8996603/01:54
holsteinskepticmisfit: but, you reinstalled multi-arch01:54
skepticmisfitholstein: how did multiarch get reinstalled when the package manager cant do anything01:55
holsteinskepticmisfit: sudo apt-get autoremove multiarch-support01:55
holsteinskepticmisfit: dont run "sudo apt-get -f install" and say "y"01:55
skepticmisfitholstein: ok01:55
holsteinskepticmisfit: when you answer "y" it puts it back. and its not time for that01:55
holsteinskepticmisfit: please just *keep* removing.. and only removeing, and dont put them back01:56
skepticmisfitholstein: there's no point showing you another log is there01:56
skepticmisfitgot the same thing with autoremove multiarch01:56
holsteinskepticmisfit: what "same thing" ?01:56
skepticmisfitholstein: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8996687/01:57
holsteinskepticmisfit: try "sudo apt-get purge multiarch-support libc6"01:59
skepticmisfitholstein: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8996719/02:00
holsteinskepticmisfit: please try "sudo apt-get update"02:01
holsteinskepticmisfit: just apt-get update02:03
holsteinskepticmisfit: you ran "sudo -s" to get a root terminal?02:03
skepticmisfitholstein: ran sudo su when i first opened the terminal02:03
holsteinskepticmisfit: ok02:04
holsteinskepticmisfit: exit to normal user02:04
holsteinskepticmisfit: and run "sudo apt-get update"02:04
skepticmisfitholstein: uhh... terminal emulator didnt open02:04
skepticmisfitgot a dialog box "Failed to execute command exo-open-- launch TerminalEmulator"02:05
holsteinskepticmisfit: in what capacity, friend? when you clicked on it? i never said you close the one you had open.. i said, exit to your user..02:05
holsteinskepticmisfit: please just lanuch some terminal, or tty..02:05
ubottuTo get to the TTY terminals 1-6, use the keystroke ctrl + alt + F1-F6 respectively (Alt+F7 will get you back to your graphical login).  To change the resolution for your TTY, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution02:05
holsteinand sudo apt-get update02:05
holsteinyou can use alt f2 to lanuch xfce4-terminal or whatever you like02:06
skepticmisfitanother dialog box, "Failed to execute child process "xfrun4" (No such file or directory)"02:06
holsteinskepticmisfit: no doubt, you have a broken system here02:06
holsteinskepticmisfit: not sure how bad, and im not hearing all the details about how it was broken02:07
skepticmisfitholstein: all i did was install software, im new to linux but i didnt know installing software broke stuff this bad02:07
holsteinskepticmisfit: at some point, reverting to a backup or reinstall might be your easiest path to a "Good" system02:07
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge02:07
holsteinskepticmisfit: adding ppa's can be risky..02:07
holsteinthey are 3rd party unsupported packages..02:08
skepticmisfitholstein: the only ppas that were added were from steam and googlemusicmanager02:08
skepticmisfityea nothing's running anymore02:09
skepticmisfitprobably gotta reinstall02:09
holsteinskepticmisfit: im not saying the ppas are the cause.. could be bad hardware.. could be failing hard drive.. anything02:09
skepticmisfiti just installed this a couple days ago.. computer worked fine on windows but i wasnt pleased with performance and i got enticed by xubuntu02:09
skepticmisfiti use an old hp laptop from 2008, barely runs windows 7 but has terrible performance in basic tasks like web-browsing and such, xubuntu seemed much faster however the OS just broke itself02:11
skepticmisfitholstein: thanks for your help, im gonna see if i can reboot and probably watch the whole thing crash and burn even more, seems every single program was deleted02:12
holsteinskepticmisfit: try and come here *before* adding packages that require multiarch02:13
holsteinskepticmisfit: and before doing *anything* with sudo command02:13
skepticmisfitholstein: alright thanks again02:13
holsteinskepticmisfit: sudo is not something to take lightly.. thats something that in windows you just do .. run as admin.. in linux, root is not casual like that02:13
skepticmisfitoh wait.... the... error pic in top right corner's gone02:14
skepticmisfitbut i still cant run any programs02:14
skepticmisfitugh im sorry for wasting your time02:14
holsteinskepticmisfit: you should be able to run commands in tty as well02:14
holsteinskepticmisfit: and, from the recovery console02:15
skepticmisfitholstein: hang on im gonna reboot, for some reason it seems i lost user privleges as well.. urgh. this isn't supposed to be this frustrating, is it?02:16
=== GridCube is now known as GridNet
azizhas anyone else had the problem that aacgain doesn't work in easymp3gain-gtk? it just says "Error: Cannot start aacgain..." and searches don't spit out anything helpful.12:53
AirbanderHi guys how can i install winusb13:58
Airbanderi used this command " sudo apt-get install winusb"13:58
Airbanderbut this didnt work13:58
cfhowlett!info winusb13:58
ubottuPackage winusb does not exist in utopic13:58
elfyyou can't use that command to install things that aren;t available13:59
knomeAirbander, what do you need winusb for?14:02
knomeeg. what's the real question14:02
cfhowlettAirbander, you do know that's a windows utility, i.e you run it from windows?14:02
Airbanderknome i want make install windows on laptop dont have cddrive14:03
Airbandercfhowlett ya there is a version for linux either14:03
cfhowlettAirbander, ask ##windows14:03
cfhowlettAirbander,I stand corrected14:04
elfyAirbander: did you actually read the page you linked - where it actually tells you what to - you've come here and asked exactly the same question that's been answered there?14:05
Airbanderlol i didnt finish reading the page14:05
Airbandersorry for that14:05
cfhowlettlawd ...14:06
Airbanderi just saw the command line14:06
Airbandertry it. didnt work i come here to ask14:06
Airbanderi was stupid on this one sorry again14:06
knomeAirbander, this isn't the first time you've demonstrated you are not reading what you are told, or what you've found, so PLEASE take put some more effort into that14:06
cfhowlettAirbander, running commands without understanding them?  you're gonna have a bad time.14:06
Airbanderbe easy one me guys14:07
Airbander:'( i'm crying right now14:07
n-iCeknome: how are you?14:22
knomei'm fine, and do you have a support question?14:22
n-iCeNo I don't, I'm new on xubuntu, and everything is just awesome.14:24
knomen-iCe, ok, then you might want to join #xubuntu-offtopic, which is our channel for general chatter :)14:25
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
mahcould someone help me out15:49
mahi am having problems to have my xubunt recognize my android15:50
mahi already looked up some forums nothing worked15:50
cfhowlettmah, xubuntu version?  android phone version?15:50
mahdunno my xubuntu version15:51
GridCubemy solution to have less headaches whit android mount points was to install ssh in my desktop and a client on my phone, then i just transfer files from and up the phone that way15:52
mahi have a samsung galaxy s5 mini15:52
cfhowlettmah, cat /etc/issue         in a terminal15:52
GridCubeits faster and easier15:52
cfhowlettGridCube, or ... airdroid15:52
GridCubethan fighting with everything else15:52
GridCubecfhowlett: never heard of that, sounds interesting15:52
cfhowlettGridCube, drag and drop ... only requires the computer and the phone be on the same wifi network15:53
mahubuntu 12.04.415:53
GridCubesounds very useful15:53
cfhowlettGridCube, it works.  i've dropped books,15:54
cfhowlettVersion: 1.308.1.215:54
cfhowlettDepends:  tunes, apk and ring tones on my nexus that way15:54
cfhowletteek.  excuse the extra paste stuff15:54
mahim kinda lost here15:54
GridCubewell, i've used an ftp client from my phone to the desktop and grabbed files from a shared directory, basically music and wallpapers, and downloaded pictures to the desktop15:55
GridCubeeven if thunar does recognizes the device, it sometimes stop recognizing it at mid transfer15:56
mahi dunno whats this15:57
n-iCedid you flash 5.0 already?15:57
mahthis is what i tried but it didnt work15:57
mahcould someone help me?16:06
mahi cant install nothing in my android because there is no space left16:06
n-iCewell, this is xubuntu16:06
n-iCetry #android16:07
cfhowlettmah, that's not an ubuuntu problem.  ask ##android16:07
GridCubedelete stuff16:07
n-iCeor move to your sdcard16:07
DethFiestaHi All -- I'm having some trouble getting a program to autostart when using Application Autostart in the Session and Startup Manager.  Can anyone help?18:09
DethFiestaI've created a new entry in the Appliction Auto start list and pointed it to this command:    home/nvfx1/Desktop/Attract Mode Source/attract-1.4.1/attract18:12
DethFiestaBut, this program does not launch upon login.  How do I troubleshoot why the program is not auto-starting.  It starts fine when I launch command manually.  Thanks in advance for any help.18:13
GridCubeDethFiesta: maybe the spaces in the path are breaking things18:13
GridCubetry escaping the spaces or move the executable to a simplier path18:13
DethFiestaAhhh, I'll try removing the spaces, thanks!18:13
MrZeegood afternoon, I tried to install a battery manager for my laptop called TLP, but it's not working and now my NetworkManager isn't starting18:14
MrZeehow can I fix it?18:15
holsteinMrZee: installed from the repos? can you try the guest user or a different user to see if the network applet starts? you can try running it manually as well.. nm-applet18:15
MrZeeit says "Network Available" but nothing else18:16
cfhowlettMrZee, IINM tlp is a ppa, right18:16
MrZeeI've no idea what a ppa is...18:17
holsteinMrZee: who said "ppa"?18:17
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge18:17
holsteinMrZee: did you add a ppa?18:17
MrZeeholstein: cfhowleft did18:18
holsteinMrZee: *where* did you get the application?18:18
MrZeeI don't know what a ppa is18:18
holsteinMrZee: see above ^^18:19
MrZeeon internet, there was a tutorial how to install it through the terminal18:19
MrZeebut it didn't work quite well... though, when logging as a guest, everything's fine18:19
holsteinMrZee: *anytime* you use the "sudo" command, you shouldnt take that casually.. its not trivial.. you add sources that are not supported, and you can break things18:19
holsteinMrZee: so, if everything is fine as guest, i would assume the "issue" is in the config for the user18:20
holsteinMrZee: what did you add and how? are you wanting to remove that?18:20
MrZeewell... I just want to properly connect again18:22
holsteinMrZee: i would like to, if i were you, share with a volunteer here what i have done, and have someone look at all the commands i ran that "broke" the funcitonality..18:24
MrZeeholstein: I'm trying to find it18:25
holsteinMrZee: to find out what? what page you visited? and what commands you ran? try the browser history..18:25
MrZeeholstein: exactly18:26
MrZeeholstain: that's what I'm doing18:26
MrZee**holstein, sorry18:26
cfhowlett!info tlp18:26
ubottuPackage tlp does not exist in utopic18:26
holsteinMrZee: you can open a terminal and type "history" and you may see commands like "sudo add-apt-repository".. you can share those here..18:27
MrZeeholstein: ok, perfect, I'll do that18:27
xubuntu82wI am having a problem with xubuntu. Every time I try to use to "su" command in the terminal to act as root, it won't let me. I thought  maybe my password was incorrect, but I have reloaded xubuntu multiple times, and I am positive that I am entering the only password the installation process asks for. Is there a reason xubuntu wouldn't let me function as root? Or is it somehow putting its own password automatically in and not tel19:29
knomexubuntu82w, you should not use the "root" account in xubuntu; use sudo19:29
Luyinxubuntu329: it's sudo su19:32
Luyinand knome is right, don't use it19:32
Unit193Generally  sudo -i  is the preferred method.19:37
knomewell, if you *absolutely* need to get a root terminal..19:37
artagjust do sudo su, then passwd19:43
knomethey are gone19:43
artagi installed 14.04 the other day. it's got a few problems. will 14.10 get fixes earlier, even though it's not LTS ?19:45
knomedepends; most probably not. you have selected the non-LTS upgrade path, so you should upgrade to every new release19:46
knomeand sorry, i think i read it wrong19:46
artagisn't 14.04 LTS though ?19:46
knomebut the answer still starts with: depends19:47
knomeLTS releases will get some fixes that the regular releases do not necessarily get19:47
holsteinthe "fixes" would ideally come from the hardware manufacturer.. both 14.04 and 14.10 are open, and use the linux kernel, that is open and avialable to the manfacuters to support19:47
artagmost problems i've encountered seem to be around the network and modem managers, are they a problem in ubuntu too ?19:47
holsteinartag: i would try and isolate the software in xubuntu from the driver support..19:48
knomeartag, ubuntu uses the same network indicator afaik; what's the problem?19:49
artaginitially, no icon in the top panel. I found a workaround on the web somewhere that involved using an alternate of some sort, and it's got me the wifi back, but there are still problems19:50
artaglike, every few boots it gets stuck ok/failing modem manager19:50
holsteinyou can always try 14.10 live and see if it addresses the issue..19:51
artagand, less importantly, the clock is different so it doesn't give the date so easily19:51
artagthat's a thought, thanks19:51
artagoh, and the update manager keeps telling me I need to restart, but apt-get doesn't seem to have anything to fix19:52
artagwhat tells it it wants a restart ?19:52
holsteinartag: i would try and apply all updates.. in a terminal "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" and reboot into the latest kernel, and see if that addresses that message19:53
artagi don't think i've tried dist-upgrade since the actual change, so will give that a go19:54
artagit gets lots of reboots as it's a laptop and I usually fully shut it down19:55
holsteinartag: just specifically reboot into the latest kernel, if you get a kernel update19:56
artagi assumed it did, but i'll check on the next go-round. it did find something to apply, anyway19:57
holsteinartag: you can just run the commands in the terminal to get and apply all upgrades and reboot.. then, you are up to date, and booted into the latest kernel19:57
holsteinartag: i would do it immediately, as, that update, if there is one, can effect the issues you are seeing..19:58
artagyeah, rebooting now. shutdown is another thing : it doesn't work immediately, but if i try again it reports it can't do it in the current start20:02
artagi guess it's waiting for something to die, but i don't know what20:02
artagi'm getting 3.13.0-39-generic #66-Ubuntu SMP Tue Oct 28 13:30:27 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux20:02
artagthere was no other choice in the boot menu20:03
xubuntu502ciao buona sera21:21
knome!it | xubuntu50221:22
ubottuxubuntu502: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:22
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
shamuraiHey everyone got an issue where when I resume from sleep or suspend on xubuntu 14.04 I get tearing. Intel graphics21:46
shamuraiWorks great prior to suspend21:47
shamuraiLogging out and back in also fixes the problem.21:48
sleeziohello, can someone verify xubuntu has drivers for the geforce GTX 750 ti video card?21:51
sleezio..in their repos21:52
knomesleezio, try if your hardware works with the live CD21:55
knomelive DVD21:55
sleezioaah, didn't think of that, thanks21:55
elfyI've seen cases of people needing xorg-edgers with that card elsewhere21:57
knomethey're gone21:58
elfyreally should tab complete name first :)21:58
knomeor not ignore joins/parts ;)21:58
elfydidn't notice tbh21:59
dna113pHello. I'm having trouble finding where I would go to remove the Keybinding for Super-L that locks the screen as I want to use it for something else. I am using Xubuntu.22:06
Raynedna113p, I thought this question has an easy answer, but I haven't found it, too22:18
sleezioknome, (i think it was you that suggested live cd) yes, the card/pc work fine when booting into live cd22:19
knomesettings manager -> keyboard -> application shortcuts?22:19
sleezioi'm in live cd now with new vidcard22:20
knomesleezio, then it should work as well when you install; elfy noted that other people have needed the xorg-edgers repository for the card to work, but i don't think he has the card, so it's just hearing from others22:20
knomeif it works for you out of the box... great :)22:20
sleezioin live cd, i already have xubuntu installed as my main os22:20
sleezioam i going to have to reinstall xubuntu?22:21
knomesleezio, does that installation work for you?22:21
sleezioi'm just trying to figure out how to switch the cards in my existing os22:21
dna113pRayne: Yeah its weird, I can't find the answer!22:22
knomesleezio, do you have an /etc/X11/xorg.cong ?22:22
sleezioyes, i installed xu from this same live cd, but using my previous vidcard22:22
knomesleezio, *conf22:22
sleeziohmm..i'll have to look22:22
sleezioif i do, what do i need to edit?22:23
shamuraiGetting tearing on resume, intel graphics xubuntu 14.04 compositing enable sync to vblank enable22:23
knomesleezio, i would think just remove (move to a safe place so you can revert to using that)22:23
sleezioi don't have that file22:24
knomesleezio, then it's pretty safe to just switch the card22:24
knomesleezio, if something goes wrong, we're here to help22:24
sleezioi'll try again, thanks for the help22:24
knomesleezio, but as always, take backups :)22:24
sleeziomost of my personal stuff i save on slave drives22:25
sleeziothanks again22:25
brainwashshamurai: re-enable vsync every time you resume22:26
shamuraideselect and reselect?22:26
brainwashit may work or not, haven't tested it22:27
shamuraitesting now thanks for the tip.22:28
shamuraiHave you seen this before?22:29
brainwashI have read about it. A user described the same loss of vsync after unlocking the screen22:31
brainwashso, you might also try and disable lock on suspend22:31
brainwashto confirm that it's caused (indirectly) by the screen locker22:32
shamuraiI think that might be the case. When I force a suspend and then resume there is no tearing. But if I let the computer automatically do it there is tearing.22:35
brainwashbut the screen is locked in both cases, isn't it?22:38
brainwashsadly, there is no one who is able and willing to debug this22:40
brainwashbugs related to screen locking and/or suspending22:40
knomeshamurai, ^ if you are, it would mean work for you, but be greatly appreciated by the xubuntu team22:40
brainwashmany issues are hardware/driver specific on top of that :/22:41
knomebut i guess resolving a single case with a developer might be useful as well.22:41
brainwashit's one step forward :)22:42
shamuraixubuntu gives two options for monitor power control. 1. Put screen to sleep and 2. power screen off. Both have different time limits. I have determined that if I wait for the screen to sleep then resume there is no tearing but if it powers off then I resume there is tearing.22:42
ali1234shamurai: what video driver are you using?22:43
shamuraiHard to say I ran the intel graphics installer 1.0.722:44
ali1234does it work again if you turn it off and on again in the xfwm settings?22:45
shamuraiJust tried unchecking and checking sync to vblank and it didn't correct the tearing22:50
ali1234this seems to suggest that if dri has to be restarted then it will be 10 seconds before it works again22:50
ali1234all the code involved here is in compositor.c anyway, in the DRM/DRI sections22:51
lucas_Boa noite esta aqui alguem que fale portugues22:53
knome!pt | lucas_22:53
ubottulucas_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.22:53
shamuraidisabling and then enabling the compositor fixes the issue.22:55
shamuraithanks for the link ali123422:56
shamuraiI wonder if there is a cleaner way we can do this with out disabling and enabling the compositor every resume22:57
ali1234probably, check what happens when the compositor is enabled22:58
ali1234stuff inside ifdefs22:58
knomeali1234, you mean disabled? :P23:00
ali1234what happens when it is disabled is probably irrelevant23:00
shamuraiclicking the check box seems to just do this "xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/use_compositing -t bool -s false" or "xfconf-query -c xfwm4 -p /general/use_compositing -t bool -s true"23:01
shamuraiYou can create a keyboard shortcut to toggle it with this "xfconf-query --channel=xfwm4 --property=/general/use_compositing --type=bool --toggle"23:01
ali1234http://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfwm4/tree/src/compositor.c#n3201 is the function called when the compositor takes over the screen23:02
ali1234it calls ope_dri23:02
ali1234which also appears in the previous thing I linked23:03
shamuraiI am afraid I am not much of a coder. I can understand some of this but not a lot.23:04
ali1234what i would do is add logging to wait_vblank to see what it is doing23:05
ali1234i don't have intel though23:05
brainwashyou could also just use intel's tearfree setting instead of xfwm's vsync option23:05
shamuraitear free should be enable by default right? For intel that is.23:07
brainwashnot by default23:08
brainwashlook at /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:08
ali1234shamurai: you want to find out what happens after the 10 second timer23:11
shamuraiOh and the tear free fix doesn't seem to be available in xfce just gnome. Or at least the file 20-intel.conf doesn't exist.23:14
ali1234actually i guess that timer isn't even firing23:15
ali1234i bet it doesn't know it needs to restart; dri probably just silently fails23:15
ali1234could even be a driver bug23:16
brainwashshamurai: it's a xorg config snippet, you have to create the file manually and then restart xorg23:16
shamuraixorg.0.log shows no changes when disabling and enabling compositing23:17
ali1234it won't23:17
shamuraiwhat do I need to look at to find out what dri is doing in those 10 seconds?23:18
ali1234that won't be logged anywhere by default23:19
shamuraiof course not lol23:19
ali1234you need to add printf statements and then rebuild xfwm23:19
ali1234or even better, syslog23:19
ali1234one problem with debugging xfwm is that if it freezes or something, you can't see anything23:20
ali1234if you have the compositor enabled anyway23:20
ali1234maybe run it from  VT23:20
shamuraiCreated the 20-intel.conf, disabled sync to vblank, and restarted xorg. Fixes tearing I will see if it does so after a suspend resume.23:26
shamuraiperformance seems to be much better and more consistent than enabling this in the compositor.23:28
ali1234that's not really too surprising23:29
ali1234the tear-free stuff in the compositor is a hack23:29
ali1234you can't do proper tear-free from userspace without DRI3, which is still not widely available23:29
shamuraiIs there and nvidia option to do this so I can stop using it on my desktop also?23:30
ali1234nvidia only supports vsync with opengl, nothing else23:30
shamuraithis seems to be experimental but maybe and option Option "OnDemandVBlankInterrupts" "boolean"23:32
xubuntu822hey all23:35
xubuntu822just installing xubuntu and woundering what app can i get to simulate windows .exe files in this os23:36
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu23:36
xubuntu822also i nned a good software to record videos and audio of my desktop plz23:36
xubuntu822thx all23:37
ali1234i use kazam for screen recording23:37
xubuntu822does it simulate a virtual screnn as i do it as well ?23:37
shamuraior kazam23:37
ali1234wine can yes23:37
ali1234it doesn't by default though23:37
xubuntu822kazam seems to crash a lot from user review23:37
ali1234the old version was buggy, it's better now23:38
xubuntu822also screen preference seem a bit tricky23:38
xubuntu822so while this is still installing, can i click on the link posted here ???23:38
shamuraikazam has come a long way and has a lot of cool features23:38
shamuraiI would click on every link you get sent but you can also just do a search for what they are suggesting.23:39
xubuntu822wow this is really cool, im actually chatting while os is installing23:39
shamuraisimplescreenrecorder is nice if you want to record games as it has a lot of features for that.23:40
xubuntu822anyone ps3 fan ??? looking to get something like sony remote play, so i can play and record /video stream my games to HDD, does any1 know what is the best way for this ??23:40
shamuraiI would just get a inline capture card like https://www.elgato.com/en/gaming/game-capture-hd6023:42
xubuntu822a lot of work ad money spend going on the card option23:42
shamuraiBut I am sure you can find info on that in the PS3 channel23:42
xubuntu822there is a way to get round this...i checked a youtube video showing how to install23:42
jostHI! After updating from 14.04 to 14.10, tooltips in firefox stopped working properly. The tooltips show up, but are just black areas. Did someone else experience this and can tell me how to fix it?23:58

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