
solarshi, can anyone tell me what I need to install a Digital Devices Cine CT V6 Card?07:08
solarsI don't have the devices, latest mythbuntu 14.0407:08
solarsfound the yavdr ppa and tried this dkms experimental, but I don't know if these instructions are outdated07:08
solarsgot disconnected yday, sorry07:08
qwebirc85161i am a noob installing MythUbuntu, When i try to setup the video source in SchedulesDirect , it does not  the channel lineup, Not sure what i am doing wrong. I entered username / password for Schedule Direct how ever it does not load my channel lineup12:45
qwebirc85161i am a noob installing MythUbuntu, When i try to setup the video source as Schedules Direct , it does not retreive the channel lineup, Not sure what i am doing wrong. I entered username / password for Schedule Direct how ever it does not load my channel lineup.12:47
qwebirc85161I see this message in the error log12:50
qwebirc85161GetChannelData() failed because it could not#012#011#011#011find channel number 'Please add' in DB for source '2'.12:50
qwebirc85161any hey help would be appreciated12:50
qwebirc85161Please see my logs at http://pastebin.com/W5aF883U12:57
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