
KrixvarGot a 404 on http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/raring/main/source/Sources when upgrading from 14.04 to 14.10, I can just delete that one right? I'd imagine its either not needed or will be replaced by a 14.10 equivalent?00:04
valorieof course00:05
valorieyou don't want any raring dists left00:05
valorieor PPAs for that matter00:06
KrixvarThanks, that's what I figured, just didn't want to risk killing things :P00:06
Krixvaryeah, it disabled 3rd party ppas as expected00:06
valoriethey should be deleted automatically00:06
Krixvarin the past its just commented them out for me00:06
valoriethe old way of upgrading was just replacing the names in each link00:06
valorierather chancy to do that now00:07
Krixvarhow come? Still not super knowledgeable about the nitty gritty of ubuntu yet00:07
Krixvarweird.. for two repos it changed one of the two binary/src to utopic but left the other00:10
valoriethat is wrong00:11
valoriewhich was left at raring?00:11
Krixvardeb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu raring partner00:12
Krixvardeb-src http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu raring main00:12
KrixvarI manually edited those both to be utopic, then ran the updater again and it changed them both back for some reason00:12
archetech2how do I stop all these *(&^&%^%$# roll over pop ups in plasma5/next?00:12
archetech2specifically quassel00:13
KrixvarI'm starting to feel I should just reinstall over thanksgiving break.. this system has been through at least 2 upgrades if not 3 or 4 and I think some things have gotten mixed up 0.o00:16
valoriearchetech2: I've never seen such, so I imagine that is a quassel thing00:16
valorieask in #quassel00:16
KrixvarProbably because I've been using synaptic instead of muon and it seems that synaptic, muon, and my sources.list all show different sources...00:16
valorieKrixvar: I would add the correct lines, and delete the old ones in muon or something00:17
valorierather than trying to edit manually00:17
KrixvarI tried that this time - synaptic shows everything as fine so I changed it in muon00:17
valorieah, synaptic00:18
valorieI used to love that too00:18
valoriemuon package manager is even better though00:19
valorieand of course the cli is fastest00:19
KrixvarI want to like it... help convince me?00:19
valorieI don't like Discover much00:19
valoriebut I do like the package manager00:19
valorieKrixvar: it is a tool; use what you like00:19
Krixvarmuon, that is - I use cli unless its a lot of packages or searching for something I don't know the name of00:19
valoriethis ain't religion00:19
archetech2amen sister00:21
Krixvarwell said00:21
KrixvarI just feel like it might be advantageous to use the integrated kde software to prevent weird hiccups like this again00:21
Krixvarhuh I never saw the muon package manager before.. appears to be ugpraded kpackagekit?00:22
valorieI think that's how it started, yes00:22
KrixvarI'll have to check it out then... I think the only reason I switched to synaptic was because it had better control over which version of a package is installed, which I don't really need atm00:23
Krixvarback to work, thanks for the verification on removing the sources :)00:24
valoriesynaptic used to be the best indeed00:25
valorieglad to help00:25
archetech2valorie:   same error as above00:25
archetech2Cannot add PPA: 'ppa:~neon/ubuntu/kf5-snapshot-weekly'.00:26
archetech2The team named '~neon' has no PPA named 'ubuntu/kf5-snapshot-weekly'00:26
valoriewhere are you getting the advice to add that?00:26
valorieneon is gone.....00:26
archetech2you said this was fixed00:27
valorieyes, did you clear your cache?00:28
valorieonly /next is advised, or using the plasma5 iso00:28
archetech2ok cache was the prob00:29
archetech2so my neon install will now break in spectacular ways?00:33
valoriearchetech2: at some point you might want to `sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoremove`00:33
valorieand get rid of that neon stuff00:33
valorieonce you have successfully added p500:33
valorieyou will no longer have a neon install00:34
valorieyou'll have plasma 5, and plasma 5 alone00:34
valoriethis is a big step, and it can kill kittens00:34
valoriebe advised00:34
valoriethat said, I'm loving it00:35
valorie...and reporting bugs00:35
archetech2ok i signed up for trouble when I agreed to install it I fig00:35
valorie14.04 was so solid and clean I got bored00:36
archetech2sudo apt-add-repository ppa:kubuntu-ppa/next00:39
archetech2sudo apt update00:39
archetech2I ran those and nothing happens  up to date00:39
valoriethere is no output after update?00:44
valoriearchetech2: for the record, your 14.10 install is all running smoothly?00:45
archetech2very well00:45
valorieyou know that update just updates the sources, right?00:47
valorieIt doesn't install anything00:47
archetech2ok  but I run this kf5-config --kde-version I get 5.3.000:48
valorienext isn't the daily-unstable00:48
valoriewhich is guaranteed to kill kittens00:48
archetech2I hate fittens anyhow00:49
* valorie flies off in a fit of rage00:50
archetech2lol its a sick world00:50
valorieactually, I'm off to eat dinner in a few mins00:50
archetech2where we going?00:51
valoriewhen I did this upgrade, I had to repeat the steps in a console00:51
valorieAND i had to remove lightdm manually even after choose SDDM properly00:51
valorieso be ready to resort to a console00:51
* valorie invites archetech2 over for leftover night00:52
archetech2For daily builds, install ppa:kubuntu-ci/unstable as above.  Ill try this00:52
valoriebe warned, it will blow up00:53
valoriethat said, we need moar testers00:53
archetech2i havent got daily00:53
valoriejoin #kubuntu-ci to watch the builds00:53
archetech2ok 2100 to be upgraded :)00:56
archetech2I'll reboot and watch the fireworks   brb00:59
archetech2 kf5-config --kde-version01:13
archetech25.5.0   :)01:13
keithzgReady to take the plunge over into Plasma5 on my laptop, is the official method just the kubuntu-ppa/next ppa?01:29
archetech2I have it on vbox  even unstable repo works well so far01:32
archetech2keithzg:   I'd use the latest iso01:33
keithzgarchetech2: Well, I'm already running Kubuntu 14.10 on my laptop, so installing via the ISO doesn't make much sense to me.01:35
archetech2ya im not clairvoyant01:36
keithzgso the ISOs are just drawing from the same packages? ie. if you *did* install via the ISO, it'd have the PPA configured in the sources list?01:37
archetech2what DE is on that now?01:37
keithzgI mean, that's what I'm assuming, I just figured I should check.01:37
keithzgI'm just running bog-standard Kubuntu 14.10 at the moment on here.01:38
archetech2or kde4?01:38
keithzgbog-standard Kubuntu, so, not CLI, that'd be ubuntu-server or minimal :P01:38
archetech2well I said iso because I prefer to start fresh with experimental software01:39
keithzgFair enough; I tend to prefer the opposite, since if things break it tends to be far more illuminating, haha01:41
keithzgI have one machine where I jumped into upgrades for each alpha starting with Kubuntu 5.10 :P01:42
keithzgIt's also a large part of my day job to fix and maintain Linux systems, so jumping in early on test machines lets me worst-case-scenario it.01:43
archetech2benn on kf5 since 5.0.0   just went to 5.5 tonight01:44
keyonce04sorry,i went to  my freinds brithday party01:53
keyonce04hi keithzg01:53
keyonce04hi simonides01:55
keyonce04how is evry one01:55
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=== layla is now known as keyonce04
keyonce04hi archetech01:57
keyonce04welcome jikan01:58
keyonce04how are u01:58
keyonce04welcome kameloso02:00
keyonce04keyonce04 is loking for somewone to chat with(i am keyonce04)02:01
valoriekeyonce04: chat is in #kubuntu-offtopic02:14
valoriethis chan is for support02:15
valoriearchetech2: so it went well?02:15
keyonce04do u mean me?02:16
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archetech2valorie:   yes on kf5  5.5.0 now02:16
valoriekeyonce04: this chan is for support02:17
valoriechat is in #kubuntu-offtopic02:17
keyonce04hi valorie02:17
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valoriekeyonce04: please stop that here02:36
valoriethis channel is for support02:36
keyonce04please stop what02:37
valorietyping random greetings02:37
kavacohi, can i install the "vgaswitcheroo" on kubuntu?03:11
valorie!info vgaswitcheroo03:14
ubottuPackage vgaswitcheroo does not exist in utopic03:14
valoriekavaco: have never heard of it03:15
valoriewhat is it?03:15
kavacovalorie: http://xpressrazor.wordpress.com/2013/10/08/enable-and-use-open-source-radeon-drivers-in-a-muxless-hybrid-graphics-intelamd-setup/03:16
kavacoswith video cards03:17
kavacoto me: intel / radeon03:17
valoriekavaco: you can use xorg/edgers certainly03:29
valoriekubuntu is ubuntu with KDE after all03:29
valorieand there was a recent update to that, I heard today03:29
valoriethat tut sounds smack-on03:30
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keyonce04hi,i love to chat03:35
valoriewelcome back03:36
keyonce04tnank you03:36
valorieyou know, there are entire networks where people just chat03:36
valoriefreenode is not generally one of those networks03:37
valoriemost people here are working in free software03:37
valoriethat is really the point of freenode, after all03:37
keyonce04silvia i awake now03:39
valorieoops, sorry, I mistook this for -offtopic03:40
kavacovalorie: can you help me?03:40
valorieas I said before, this is a support channel, NOT a chat channel03:40
keyonce04hi kavaco03:41
valoriekavaco: did your tutorial not work?03:41
kavacovalorie: no03:42
kavacohi keyonce0403:42
keyonce04how are u03:42
kavacovery nice03:42
valoriecan you show me the error message in a pastebin, kavaco?03:42
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:42
valoriekeyonce04: please stop that in here, and use #kubuntu-offtopic for chat03:43
kavacowhat command?03:43
valorieor I will kick you from the channel03:43
valoriekavaco: were not you following http://xpressrazor.wordpress.com/2013/10/08/enable-and-use-open-source-radeon-drivers-in-a-muxless-hybrid-graphics-intelamd-setup/ ?03:43
kavacowait please03:44
kavacovalorie: cat: /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch: Arquivo ou diretório não encontrado03:45
valoriekavaco: I don't understand03:45
valoriedid you follow the instructions in your link?03:45
kavacoon Step 303:45
kavacofrom tutorial03:46
valoriekavaco: did you restart, as they instruct?03:46
valorieand did you enable compositing in systemsettings03:47
valorieI notice they don't mention kubuntu, but that's where it is03:47
valorieor just start typing compositing into alt+f203:47
rx_hi everyone! is kde supposed to work with nouveau driver? i have probably the most "classic" nvidia card (geforce7) and it doesnt work at all. i have to boot with nomodeset to see something on the screen. then i can install nvidia 304.88 drivers and they work okay with plasma4. however, the same drivers dont work at all with plasma5+... i have to apt remove both nvidia and nouveau driver to get it to work and strangely X reports using vm03:51
rx_ware drivers (this is a a real machine not a vm)03:51
valoriethat sounds very strange03:52
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto03:52
valorieI've not messed with drivers for years03:53
valorieand yes, kde works with nouveau03:53
kavacovalorie: we forget that tutorial?03:54
kavacovalorie: and try other alternative, you know.03:54
rx_its weird because kubuntu 4.10 kde4 installer does not work out of the box with my so classic 5 years old machine without nomodeset... :(03:54
valoriekavaco: you didn't answer my question03:54
valoriedid you set compositing, and did you restart?03:54
kavacoi dont speak english very well03:55
valoriewell, the tutorial writer knows more than both of us put together, so I would follow that advice03:55
valorieto the letter03:55
kavacosometimes, i dont undertand, sorry03:55
valoriekavaco: step two says to set up compositing03:56
valorieas i said earlier, just do alt+f203:56
rx_hehe that page is olddddd03:56
valoriethen start typing compositing03:56
valorieand turn that on in systemsetting03:56
valoriethen restart03:56
rx_and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsNvidia was updated 4years ago03:56
valorieTHEN you can do step 303:56
valorierx_: sorry about that03:57
kavacothis @xcompmgr -n?03:57
valorieas I said, I've not messed with drivers for years03:57
rx_hehe thats fine ;o)03:57
rx_im looking for someone with my setup03:57
rx_i must not be the only one03:57
valoriethis is usually a quiet time in the channel though03:58
valoriethe Europeans aren't up and around yet03:58
rx_why??? all the gfs are sleeping ;-)03:58
valorieAmericans are all doing something else03:58
kavacovalorie: i dont update. i ran it now04:00
kavacoon step one04:00
kavacoinstalling the updated packages now04:01
kavacovalorie: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9036755/04:10
kavacoits ok?04:10
valoriethat looks like you already have compositing running, kavaco04:18
valoriesorry, I'm going to go watch a movie now04:18
valoriejust keep following the tut step by step04:18
kavaco valorie: thanks04:19
kavacoi sleep now04:19
kavacoon here, brazil, its a 01:19am04:19
kavacovalorie: thank you very mutch04:19
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Name141How long does 12.04 have?08:21
Name141And is there a way to stop the 14.04 reminder?08:22
valorieName141: reminder?08:57
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades08:58
valorielooks like 12.04.5 will be supported until April 201709:00
valorieand if you mean reminders to update, select "LTS" in muon09:00
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valorieSettings > Configure Software sources > Updates09:03
valoriealso you can configure it to never notify you at all09:04
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denysoniqueHow can I make Firefox not look like Sh*t under KDE?09:36
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BluesKaj'Morning all11:27
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buriedaliveBluesKaj evening)11:40
BluesKaj'evening buriedalive :)11:55
=== Tabstar is now known as Tabmow
buriedaliveBluesKaj tu) u from? just curious12:11
buriedaliveoh Canada, my association rock band Rush first)12:13
buriedalivelince hi there12:33
dinosaur_where are quassel configuration files?12:41
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ForgeAusKDE5? wow ... whats everyone think of it so far?13:52
ForgeAuslooks less klunky than kde4 initially did13:52
Konwhaldstill sticking with KDE4. I don't like the Plasma 5 theme, but it looks like there is a lot of improvements13:55
Konwhaldi hope there are some improvements for tablets. KDE at the moment on tablet is good but has some horrible edges13:56
ForgeAuswas that kde-active?14:03
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amichairHi, is there a mysql-server-5.5 debug symbols package available for kubuntu 14.10?14:21
yofelamichair: there is a mysql-server-5.5-dbgsym, which is in the ddebs repo https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash#Debug_Symbol_Packages14:22
amichairyofel: thanks14:25
KonwhaldHi there, i have a lot of issues with KDE here, on 14.0414:28
Konwhaldi have plain knotify grey notifications, no plasma notifications14:29
Konwhalddoes someone have an idea how to fix that ? It's really annoying14:29
=== administrator is now known as keyonce04
BluesKajKonwhald, could be a kde-workspace issue14:45
dinosaur_where do I best report a bug in Kubuntu (specifically in quassel)?15:07
BluesKaj_dinosaur_, https://bugs.kde.org/15:09
dinosaur_It was already reported, but seems like nothings has been improved15:09
dinosaur_BluesKaj_: seems like it has nothing to do with KDE15:10
BluesKaj_dinosaur_, in quassell help/Report Bug ,will set it up for you15:10
dinosaur_I'm not sure if I should report it if it already has been done. http://bugs.quassel-irc.org/issues/1275.15:13
BluesKaj_dinosaur_, then just choose the "it happens to me" option on the page15:14
BluesKaj_or not if there's no such option15:16
dinosaur_OK, I'll leave it for now. I could probably fix it on my own if I really wanted. They could fix it too, but I don't want to send them my database. So no.15:18
dinosaur_Will Linux be the proper choice for backuping Windows?15:18
dinosaur_Heh, just found a second bug in quassel15:22
BluesKaj_dinosaur_, no, use windows.old folder on a backup ntfs partition, and you can do that in windows15:35
dinosaur_BluesKaj_: I want to store it on a CD.15:38
blade_how about resource usage in kubuntu vs makaro kde15:47
blade_is kubuntu light or how vailla it is ? because in manjaro its not kde anymore15:48
blade_ubuntu unity is very lagging15:50
BluesKaj_blade_, dunno , never tried manjaro15:50
blade_is kubuntu  snappy15:50
BluesKaj_bla depends o lot on your HW15:50
blade_its a old system15:51
BluesKaj_how old?15:51
blade_centrino 2 cpu 3gb ram 128 mb graphics15:51
blade_unity runs fine but getts slow after like using it for 20 mins15:51
blade_firefox gets slow hangs a bit15:51
blade_i have tried many distro but not able to settle15:52
BluesKaj_kuuntu ruan nicely here with those specs , even quicker now with 6G ram15:52
blade_but its the apps15:53
blade_i want to use gtk apps15:53
blade_would they rune fine, ugly ?15:53
yofelif you mean from a theme side they'll look about the same as any other application (as long as you stick to oxygen) as they'll use oxygen-gtk(3)15:55
johnnis it true that plasma5 tech preview iso image doesnt boot into live desktop?15:56
blade_i hate kde default menu16:02
blade_is there any way i can replace it with anything16:02
BluesKaj_johnn, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-plasma5/daily-live/pending/16:02
BluesKaj_blade_, switch to classic menu by right clicking on the kmenu and choosing it16:03
yofelblade_: there is the traditional launcher with a menu that you could add. And there's homerun which is more unity like16:03
blade_im more familair with a bar at top16:07
blade_can i change the way kde looks16:07
blade_so i can change menu can i make it more like xfce16:07
yofelyou can move the panel wherever you want16:08
yofeland xfce is a simple menu if I remember correctly? Then the classic menu is likely what you want16:09
blade_homerun looks awesome16:09
blade_what are the prefered apps in kde world16:09
blade_like im used to gnome apps16:10
blade_what are ur preffered apps16:10
BluesKaj_depends on the usage..think there's a page that shows kde and gtk equivalents16:13
johnnthanks blueskaj does this image boots properly?16:17
BluesKaj_johnn, yes, it did when i tried it a month ago16:18
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tupacfanhi guys16:56
tupacfananyone wanna help me backup my mp3s?16:56
tupacfangmopkub you wanna backup my mp3s?16:57
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cRzygood day17:57
cRzyany one here17:57
cRzyi have a question17:58
cRzyecho -e "\e[8;30;60t"18:00
cRzyin konsole18:00
cRzydsent works18:00
cRzyany work around ?18:00
tsimpsonwhat do you expect that command to do?18:06
cRzyto resize konsole window18:06
cRzyit works greate with gnome-terminal18:06
cRzyi dev in perl and i resize alot of terminal windows, but im new to kde18:06
cRzyand i have this problem with konsole18:06
cRzyi need to resize the window from within the script18:07
cRzyforeach my $val (sort keys %ENV) {18:07
cRzy        18:07
cRzyif ($val eq "XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP" && $ENV{$val} eq "KDE" ) {18:07
cRzyelse {18:07
unopastecRzy you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted18:07
cRzyno ?18:13
tsimpsonthe command does work, but it won't resize the window (just the space available for the terminal)18:15
cRzyyes i have understood that18:15
cRzyis ther a way to achive the same without opening a new window ?18:15
tsimpsonyou can resize the window via DBus, but you'll have to convert the size into pixels18:18
tsimpsonI don't know of a way to do it via xterm escape sequences18:18
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RoeyHello everyone.  I have a Crucial/Micron m500.  Found a web page[1] mentioning that it is on a Linux kernel blacklist: http://forum.crucial.com/t5/Crucial-SSDs/M500-M5x0-QUEUED-TRIM-data-corruption-alert-mostly-for-Linux/td-p/151028/page/4  <-- does my 3.13 kernel support TRIM for this Crucial/Micron M500 device?20:05
=== Yukinotteru is now known as Yukitteru
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Roeyhi, how can I tell if my system is using TRIM?  I tried "grep -i trim /boot/config-*", and the command returned no output.20:36
skinuxWhat is the Bluetooth management application?20:40
soee__bluedevil ?20:41
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mparilloOn Apper, I can search for and add kteatime, kblocks, and other small packages. Muon Discover does not have them, but has 'big' packages such as rekonq, so the little packages, I have to add with apt. Is that a packaging difference between Kubuntu and Fedora/OpenSUSE, or Apper versus Muon Discover, or RPMs/yum versus DEBs/apt?21:19
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kingjereIf I add a new service menu entry in /usr/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus do I have to do something to make it take effect?22:04
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kingjereOk, now it shows up in the menu, but it doesn't work?Exec=/bin/sh -c ";tiff2pdf -z -p letter -o `date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S`.pdf %f"22:13
kingjereIt seems that my `date blahblah` command makes it fail. I wonder why.22:16
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toothewhat's the difference between LTS and non-LTS?22:59
toothefrom an end-users perspective?22:59
skinuxAnyone know of a good .epub reader application?23:45
bpromptskinux:     just to read? or to make ?23:46
skinuxJust to read23:46
bpromptskinux:    hmm..... there's fbreader.... and there's also a firefox addon for it   https://addons.mozilla.org/en-us/firefox/addon/epubreader/23:47
skinuxAlso, what are the most official sources for finding out info such as current rankings/usages of various softwares, usages of programming languages on Linux, things trending on Linux, etc?23:49
skinuxWell, I installed the Firefox extension, but I can't figure out how to open an ePub document that is saved to my computer.23:51
skinuxNevermind. I can open it by browsing to the file path in browser (using Firefox as a File Browser)23:52

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