
=== MmikeM is now known as Mmike
GITSaitolooking for a light fork of wireshark, dat can allow me to know wich firewall port need to be open16:17
tewardGITSaito: wireshark won't tell you which firewall ports need to be open for specific applications...16:20
tewardwhat exactly are you trying to accomplish?16:20
GITSaitoactually, it does. it showing me tcp dat bein blocked by my router firewall16:26
GITSaitowhen i m making files transferts i want to open manually the port needed16:27
GITSaitoi disable upnp, and forbid ports range16:27
anjo-aladiahthere is no 64 bits ubuntu Skype so i installed 32 bits version on lubuntu 14.10 64 bits. Some problem with this ?16:27
anjo-aladiahhuum seems it works. I didnt know lubuntu 64 bits runs 32 bits apps !16:29
phillwanjo-aladiah: you can run 32 bit apps on a 64 bit install, but not the other way round.16:30
GITSaitoanjo-aladiah: all 64 run  32 dats why better install 6416:30
anjo-aladiahthank you GITSaito16:30
GITSaitoanjo-aladiah: but i m pretty sure there is a 64bits of skype16:30
anjo-aladiahnot in SKype website16:31
anjo-aladiahmay be unofficial version. is that you mean ?16:31
GITSaitosudo ap-get install skype16:31
anjo-aladiahi did that16:31
anjo-aladiahit dont find16:31
GITSaitosudo apt-get install skype16:31
anjo-aladiahremember Skype is Microsoft owner .16:32
anjo-aladiahSo Linux is the contrary of Microsoft16:32
GITSaitodo sudo apt-get update before16:32
GITSaitoanjo-aladiah: i m new to ite too. i wont say so16:32
anjo-aladiahbut now i have the 32 bits installed16:32
anjo-aladiahshould i removei it first ?16:33
GITSaitoanjo-aladiah: tcheck on google if your cpu can handle 6416:33
anjo-aladiahMy pc is 64 bits16:33
anjo-aladiahthat is for sure16:33
GITSaitoif yes, i recommend to switch to lubuntu 14.10 amd6416:33
anjo-aladiahiam with that one16:34
anjo-aladiahiam with an amd quad core16:34
tewardGITSaito: i don't think there's any fork of wiresharl that's 'light'... wireshark's pretty much in its own class of network traffic analysis and such.16:34
anjo-aladiahand latest version of lubuntu 14.1016:34
GITSaitoanjo-aladiah: ok. so maybe there is no 64 bit version of skype.16:37
anjo-aladiahGITSaito:   check this pleas and comment http://paste.ubuntu.com/9045232/16:37
GITSaitoyep, dats it, i just tcheck on google too, no 64b version of skype16:38
GITSaitoteward: did you know how to set it to have only the infos dat i want ?16:48
=== Steven-- is now known as Steven-

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