
MichaelPetchIs there someone here that may be able to help me in escalating a bug report (severe regression in Ubuntu 14.10) for the "gnubg" package. The bug in question is here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnubg/+bug/139310501:19
ubot5Launchpad bug 1393105 in gnubg (Ubuntu) "GNUbg crashes shortly after starting game" [Undecided,New]01:19
=== magical_mystery is now known as Auv
tewardMichaelPetch: the solution is to wait - there's a substantial sponsorship queue - yours is in the queue but you have to wait.  http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/ is the whole queue for sponsor-seeking things15:37
MichaelPetchThank you for the response15:46
MichaelPetchI was unaware I could see the queue, thanks for the link.15:46
TheBlackRussianthis is ubuntu bug right16:38
TheBlackRussiani may have a bug which i need help me?16:42
penguin42TheBlackRussian: Ah hello again16:48
penguin42TheBlackRussian: Have you reported it using ubuntu-bug yet?16:48
TheBlackRussianthey told to come here16:48
TheBlackRussianah penguin, we meet again16:48
penguin42TheBlackRussian: You need to report the bug with ubuntu-bug16:48
TheBlackRussiani did do that16:48
penguin42ok, and what's the bug number?16:49
TheBlackRussianBug #139320516:49
ubot5bug 1393205 in Ubuntu "Intel q35 bug on Ubuntu 14.04 (Screen Artifacts)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139320516:49
* penguin42 looks16:49
penguin42TheBlackRussian: OK, so I've flipped that to the right package, now do you have the upstream bug number that ali1234 found for it yesterday?16:50
penguin42TheBlackRussian: The freedesktop.org bug ?16:51
penguin42ok, lets see if I have it in my history16:51
penguin42got it16:53
penguin42TheBlackRussian: So I've flipped that bug to the right package and wired the freedesktop.org bug into it16:54
TheBlackRussianso what do i do now16:54
penguin42TheBlackRussian: Did you ever try building the kernel like ali1234 was suggesting yesterday?16:54
TheBlackRussiandont have a clue how to build a kernel nor what a kernel is16:55
penguin42TheBlackRussian: OK, so then you need to wait; sorry we're not intel graphics devs16:55
penguin42we can help work bugs through here16:57
TheBlackRussian:( so no intel guys here16:58
penguin42TheBlackRussian: Probably not, if you're lucky one of the Intel guys will notice that bug and help, but they're are a lot of bugs16:58
TheBlackRussianwhat are the chances a intel guy will notice, by that sentence i guess help is rare16:59
penguin42but they do sometimes, I've had them comment on a few17:01
TheBlackRussian:( by the time i get that help i be 100 years old i guess17:01
* eliasps is away: I'm away or busy, leave a message and I'll get back to you.17:31
wxlhey folks need help with bug 127352419:38
ubot5bug 1273524 in lxsession (Ubuntu) "LXDE guest session shows error message "no session for pid <pid for lxsession>"" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127352419:38
wxli'm not sure if lightdm's guest session or lxsession is to blame (or both)19:38
MichaelPetchWhile I am here. This bug may be duplicated somewhere else(i didn't see it, sorry if it is a dup). It is related to mysql-workbench. Originally the bug was from 2013: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-workbench/+bug/1155571  and was changed to "fixed". Since then in the past week or so may people have reported *similar* issues (even appeared on Stack Overflow). Should a new bug be created? Or should this be re20:55
ubot5Launchpad bug 1155571 in mysql-workbench (Ubuntu) "Workbench not showing tables or query results in raring" [Undecided,Fix released]20:55
MichaelPetchIt is a medium priority issue IMHO (but it is affecting many people). The EER diagram editor basically becomes useless (see this bug on StackOverflow for an example: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26902391/the-eer-diagram-editor-is-not-displaying-column-data-and-other-information/26934118#26934118 )20:57
tewardMichaelPetch: it also is a Universe package - again, it's community supported23:48
tewardMichaelPetch: if as you say this is a regression and the prior bug is already fixed, you should create a new bug, making a note that this is Bug 1155571 but is still present - a "Fix Released" usually means it was fixed at one point, but if it's also found in a newer version of the package, it could be a regression23:49
ubot5bug 1155571 in mysql-workbench (Ubuntu) "Workbench not showing tables or query results in raring" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115557123:49
tewardto that end, however, if it's in an older version, you might want to consider opening an SRU bug -23:50
tewardbut it seems that this is a 'regression'23:50
MichaelPetchThanks that was me feeling on it. It definitely is a regression caused by a change with GLIB. Upstream seems to be aware of it and there was a patch (but no official source). I was tempted to create a new bug to ensure that it is captured in 14.10.23:52
MichaelPetchI was wondering if I was maybe missing a bug in the system that already captured this problem before I duplicate the bug.23:52
tewardMichaelPetch: i guess I'll go poke the release team again - ultimately it's SRU-able, I believe, if you have a specific patch for it, but again, SRU decisions are up to the release team and the SRU team, not the bug control and triagers23:53
MichaelPetchI think it is enough of a regression to get a fix. Although it doesn't prevent you from using the diagram editor it definitely limits one ability to use it for modifications (which many people do). I hadn't tried the patch yet (I probably should) to see if it works.23:55
MichaelPetchThanks for your input. Much appreciated23:56
tewardMichaelPetch: open a bug, make a note in it that its a regression, go test the patch, put the SRU template in, etc.23:56
tewardeither way I'd open a bug for the regression - it looks like the glib changes are going to make quite a few regressions23:57
tewarddon't expect expediency though - and also keep in mind 'criticality' of a bug is dependent on the bug importances in the triage guide - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Bug%20importances details the importance classifications we use23:58
tewardultimately bug control members have to set the importance, but still23:58
tewardMichaelPetch: and I apologize for the late late response almost 3 hours later... side effect of being busy :P23:58
MichaelPetchAgreed. I'm an upstream maintainer where a glib regression broke our product in 14.10 and I'm currently trying to get that going as an SRU. It was just coincidental that I happened to answer a StackOverflow that seems to be related to yet another glib regression. And I would probbaly expect there are many projects that may be broken(or partially) and it may not have been discovered.23:59

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