
belkinsao/ cprofitt00:09
cprofitthey belkinsa00:46
aveemashfaqi hope you have read this http://aveemashfaq.blogspot.in/2014/11/bridging-gaps-in-ubuntu-user-base.html07:35
aveemashfaqi have a question07:35
aveemashfaqwho is the part of the governance team and who approves of these projects and how do i put my idea into motion07:36
aveemashfaqi am making a launchpad project. but i have a lot of questions unanswered07:36
belkinsaaveemashfaq, you can e-mail them at community-council@lists.ubuntu.com12:45
=== guest2681 is now known as aveemashfaq
aveemashfaqa small question to all. How many of you read  my proposal. How many believe that i am making sense15:16
silverlionI've read it ... but still thinking about it15:17
aveemashfaqatlast someone is alive. some input is appreciated.15:20
aveemashfaqwhat is going on in your mind15:20
aveemashfaqi wanted to have an oppurtunity to present it and do a briefing on what the work is going to be but i heard that community meetings are in IRC15:21
silverlionaveemashfaq, you'll get your feedback ;) It'll only take time as we are all in different time zones around the world15:26
aveemashfaqyup. pretty alien to IRC.  I am having to climb a very steep learning curve. With absence of any replies, it seems that i am babbling for no reason15:30
silverlionaveemashfaq, you need to know that it takes up to 24 hrs to get a reply15:31
silverlionlet them have time to think about what you wrote15:31
aveemashfaqthank you for the heads up. and one suggestion, i wished the community meeting would be on google hangouts rather than IRC15:33
aveemashfaqjust an opinion15:33
aveemashfaqi am available to ask any questions at aveemashfaq@gmail.com15:34
aveemashfaqto help you take any decisions, you  need a wholistic approach and i complete it because i am a complete noob and a novice15:35
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