
=== Mirv_ is now known as Mirv
robert_ancellThe Mir headers have no flag to check version right? I was looking how we can make GTK+ conditionally support new enum values21:40
robert_ancellTrevinho, you're making GTK+ depend on unreleased Mir code and you haven't added any checks to configure.ac21:43
desrtrobert_ancell: i yelled at him for that a bit earlier :)22:34
robert_ancelldesrt, ah good22:35
desrt(i think he's not around on account of it being sunday, though)22:35
desrtjhbuild is currently broken :/22:35
desrtalso: not sure who acked Trevinho to push patches to gtk...22:35
RAOFrobert_ancell: We do not have such a flag, no. This sounds like a reasonable idea.23:31
robert_ancellRAOF, I vote for the same as the GTK+ #defines for versions23:31
robert_ancellthey seem to work23:31
* RAOF shall whip up a branch providing such things.23:38
RAOFI was going to say “Hm, what about feature-flags”, but screw it. Versioning's simpler.23:38
robert_ancellRAOF, yeah, featuring flags gets a bit out of control23:45

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