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skellat.nws 4400417:41
skellatyano, where did jenni disappear to?17:42
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belkinsaskellat, my Russian Blue ate jenni.23:01
skellat"Russian Blue"?23:01
belkinsaThe cat breed23:02
belkinsaIt's a random joke23:02
belkinsaBut I do have a Russian Blue23:03
skellatbelkinsa: What do you think of the course of the u-c-t discussion of Jono's blog post?23:03
belkinsaI need to catch up, give me a few minutes.23:03
skellatRandall Ross said in a separate post somewhere that people are being passive-aggressive in the thread23:05
skellatI could have sworn I was being outright aggressive23:05
belkinsaWell, I know that we (as the Community) are lacking leadership training and even Aveem Ashfaq's idea of a "newbie outreach" is a good one.23:06
belkinsaBut I think we also need the S.M.A.R.T goals23:06
belkinsaGet these going.23:07
belkinsaI guess my point is that I do agree that the CC needs to be proactive.23:08
skellatMuch of it doesn't come down to the structures, though23:08
skellatAdding a new team doesn't really change anything23:08
skellat"Rooting out bureaucracy" doesn't really change much either23:08
belkinsaTrue, true.  But we do the Ubuntu Leadership team that needs to be rebooted.23:09
belkinsaThat was two your adding a new team comment.23:09
skellatDid you read my last drop to the list?23:09
* belkinsa is now23:09
* belkinsa 's brain is dead.23:13
belkinsaI'm came from work an hour ago and I shouldn't logged on to catch up...23:14
belkinsaOr maybe need to think on what you said in that e-mail23:14
skellatWhat didn't make sense?23:16
belkinsaIt's not that, I need to think more on what you said.  What you have said made sense.23:17
skellatWell, had you ever heard of the Plurk social network before I mentioned it?  I used to have an account there once upon a time.23:18
belkinsaI never did.23:18
belkinsaIt was only Facebook, MySpace23:18
belkinsaBut I get your point.23:18
skellatYou only need look at this "AddThis" widget on some web sites to see the multiplicity of social networks out there23:19
belkinsaI see and yes, there is  way to many.23:19
skellatI should propose that with xubuntu-docs in DocBook we try a test export to EPUB just for the heck of it too23:19
belkinsaYou should and I think also all of the those flavors too23:20
skellatDocBook is set up to do such exports readily23:22
skellatI don't know about Mallard23:22
* skellat is writing the e-mail to xubuntu-devel@lists.u.c to pose the question23:23
belkinsaOh duh, I forgot.23:23
* belkinsa facepalms23:23
skellatHmm...Mallard can go to LaTeX which can then go to EPUB too23:24
skellatSo mainline could do such too with a bit more heavy lifting23:24
belkinsaYou are welcome to suggest that to the Ubuntu Doc team.  I'm a mod and I can approve it.23:28
* dzho wonders if you'd find pandoc useful for any of this23:29
skellatI'm going to keep it within Xubuntu for the moment to see if we can test it23:29
skellatdzho: For DocBook, *maybe*23:30
skellatdzho: For Mallard, nope23:30
belkinsaOkay, it's shower/bath time.23:31

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