
ubuntu_hi...new to this... and to linux00:02
ubuntu_anybody here?00:02
k1lubuntu_: yep. a lot of users in here. :)00:03
dsnydersHi ubuntu_, Do you have a question?00:03
ubuntu_yeah... how do i see what users are in?00:03
dsnydersubuntu_: The who command will tell you who is logged in.00:04
ubuntu_thanks... just found another way, lol00:05
ZZRMikeI just picked up a UHD display, and obviously the native resolution makes everything impossible to read. How do I change the dpi in KDE?00:05
wachpwnski1Anyone know how I can use a keyfile on a usb stick to unencrypt a full drive encryption on boot?00:05
dsnydersubuntu_: What way was that?00:05
ActionParsnipUbuntu_: or use the 'last' command00:06
ActionParsnipZZRMike: https://blogs.kde.org/2008/04/29/how-change-x11-dpi-under-kubuntu00:07
ubuntu_dsnyders: sorry.... checking this whole thing out...00:07
ubuntu_as I said... new to Linux... not very impressed...00:08
ActionParsnipZZRMike: https://community.kde.org/KDE/High-dpi_issues00:08
ActionParsnipubuntu_: not impressed with what?00:09
ubuntu_with linux00:10
ActionParsnipubuntu_: in what way?00:10
ubuntu_fair enough, this is the ubuntu desktop, so...00:10
ActionParsnipUbuntu_: same question still stands...00:11
ubuntu_filing system to atsrt with... confusing00:11
ubuntu_*to start with00:12
ActionParsnipubuntu_: well, outside of your docs and such, you shouldn't care as a user00:12
CyLHi, in Xubuntu 14.04 I have the package python-tk installed, but trying to import tkinter from the interactive interpreter, yelds me an error saying python could'nt find any module named tkinter00:12
ActionParsnipubuntu_: the storage makes sense as the data falls jnto 4 distict categories00:12
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ActionParsnipUbuntu_: rather than Windows where anyfile can be put anywhere in the filesytem by users.  Total chaos00:13
ubuntu_Sorry, Action... don't know what type of users you are used to but I'm used to have full control of my machines and know exactly and quickly where whatever is...00:13
ubuntu_WEith this ubuntu thing, that's a challenge00:14
ActionParsnipubuntu_: but what are you doing outside of your documents?00:14
ubuntu_then again, new thing to me, so... not making any judgments00:14
ubuntu_what a hec do you think a compurter is for? documents only?00:14
ActionParsnipubuntu_: what are you doing on the system that means you need access outside of your home?00:15
k1lubuntu_: well. you need to learn a lot if you want to "control" the whole system. linux is not windows. if you dont want to learn either stay at windows or reduce the demanding on controlling everything on the first day00:15
it_alguem portugues aqui00:16
k1lubuntu_: ubuntu is used in a lot of different professional enviroments. its not just a fun toy.00:16
ActionParsnip!pt | it_00:16
ubottuit_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.00:16
ubuntu_to start with, my home isn't usually where this places it, and to have to constantly get to type a dang command to have full admin rights to do whatever i need to do, isn't impressing at all... annoying at the least, scrappable to the worst00:17
ubuntu_lol... just typed reply and apparently00:17
ubuntu_was too long00:17
ActionParsnipubuntu_: not really, replies can be lots of text00:18
k1lubuntu_: if you constantly need root rights, what are you doing?00:18
ubuntu_yup... just noticed.... had to scroll up to see it00:18
k1lubuntu_: even windows scratched that "you need to be admin all the time" nonsense.00:18
CyLHi, in Xubuntu 14.04 I have the package python-tk installed, but trying to import tkinter from the interactive interpreter, yelds me an error saying python could'nt find any module named tkinter00:18
ActionParsnipUbuntu_: needing to type a command for admin rights means that rogue commands cannot run wild on your system. Unlike Windows where idiots log in as Administrators to do daily tasks and wonder why they get issues00:19
CyLit_: Digite /join #ubuntu-br na linha de entrada de texto00:19
ubuntu_yeah... but only if you don't bother getting rid off it... which is as easy nas sneezing lol00:19
ActionParsnipUbuntu_: what users do needs user access, so why have more all the time? It makes no sense00:20
ActionParsnipUbuntu_: its a better user model00:20
k1lubuntu_: ok, so do you have any actual support issue? else you could switch to #ubuntu-offtopic for general ramblings00:20
ubuntu_doesn't it, Action?00:20
ActionParsnipUbuntu_: doesnt what?00:20
CyLHi, in Xubuntu 14.04 I have the package python-tk installed, but trying to import tkinter from the interactive interpreter, yelds me an error saying python could'nt find any module named tkinter00:20
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ubuntu_Sounds a bit like denying the user the right to have full control of their machine00:20
ActionParsnipUbuntu_: if you press TAB after you type 'action' it will autocomplete my nick00:21
ActionParsnipUbuntu_: they do, they can be in the sudo group which gives them access to use sudo when power is needed00:21
k1lubuntu_: no. its a big security milestone not to be admin all the time. but again: if there is no actual issue please put that chtichat into #ubuntu-offtopic00:21
kostkonCyL, probably you need python3-tk00:22
CyLkostkon: Why I would need it (althought it is installed as well)?00:22
ubuntu_k1l... sorry... new here... is that for me and Actionparsnip?00:22
ActionParsnipUbuntu_: you can even control what commands users can run with sudo, so even if they have sudo access you can restrict them tona subset of commands if you like00:22
kostkonCyL, are you in a python3 or python2.x interpreter?00:23
k1lubuntu_: we try to keep this channel clear for actual support issues.00:23
ubuntu_oopss... got it... sorry k1l00:23
CyLkostkon: python 2, but it looks like the prblem was with me, I wasn't importing it correctly, sorry, just managed to get it done00:23
splergycomplete noob here, how do i cd into the root directory? trying to move a .theme file to ~/.irssi/00:23
ubuntu_thanks for the chat... see u around guys...00:23
kostkonCyL, what was the problem?00:23
ubuntu_have fun :)00:24
tewni have an external goflex seagate hard drive i am trying to get to boot to.  the mbr is installed to the right hard drive however when i boot it enters grub2 rescue mode and doesn't find the right blk_id00:24
k1lsplergy: ~/ is not in root directory. its in your home00:24
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k1lsplergy: "~/.irssi" means "/home/user/.irssi"00:24
CyLkostkon: I see everywhere you should do "import tkinter" when in fact, for some reason, it should be "import Tkinter", maybe python change something00:24
splergyokay thanks for the help00:24
splergyjust looked like a root symbol to me lol00:24
dsnyderssplergy: Note - the . in front of irssi means the file is hidden from normal commands.00:25
Viking667I've got a question about keyboard mappings. I've got a normal(ish) keyboard, yet when I bring up the "Show me a picture of my keyboard mapping" I get what looks like a Microsoft Natural keyboard. I don't have one of those.00:25
kostkonCyL, according to this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7498658/importerror-when-importing-tkinter-in-python  you are correct00:25
splergyah i was just gonna ask why i couldnt see it lol00:25
Viking667How do I get a picture of the normal layout instead of the Natural layout?00:26
k1lsplergy: presss ctrl+h in filebrowser to see .folders and files00:26
EriC^^splergy: or ls -a if you're using a terminal00:26
CyLkostkon: Okay, thanks for your advice nevertheless00:27
kostkonCyL, np00:27
Frank_JamesoI may be using the wrong words when searching, is there any documentation on the services (i.e. sudo service ssh start), and how to turn processes into services?00:28
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splergythanks EriC^^00:30
EriC^^splergy: no problem :)00:31
skinuxIs Thunderbird still the best E-Mail client?00:39
bekksskinux: Depends on your needs.00:42
LemonSqueezeis anyone here verse in clementine? I am having problems and error reports when trying to add remove thing from my ipod.... or is there another chat room i should hit up?00:45
PCworkerOn ubuntu 14.04, How do you uninstall a program that you installed using the terminal?00:48
k1lPCworker: sudo apt-get remove packagename00:49
PCworkerk, gimme a minute....00:49
PCworkerk11: it keeps telling me that it can't find package. This was a tar.bz2 file I downloaded.00:55
k1lPCworker: ok that is an info that is important.00:56
k1lPCworker: no it depends on what software that was and if there is a uninstall script available00:57
PCworkerk11: ok. it came from the SecondLife Virtual Life website and it is used a their movie viewer. Let me look in the directory for some instruction.00:58
NyanCatHi there, I want to install Ubuntu to a netbook. So far, it's the only distro with the right drivers included in the image to allow my HW to function correctly01:02
NyanCatI know there was UNR at one point, but do I just use the regular ubuntu 14.10 image now to install on a netbook/01:02
k1lNyanCat: UNR is deprecated long time now01:03
enyc_NyanCat: short answer yes, though are yo ufinding  14.04 LTS  doesn't work?01:03
NyanCatI'm not finding that it doesn't work01:03
NyanCatI'm just on the fence on what to install01:03
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PCworkerThanks k11, got it.01:04
NyanCatAs best I can tell, the live environment works perfectly fine on the netbook01:04
k1lNyanCat: since netbooks are really low power with that atoms better see if lubuntu is ok for you01:04
mtreeis it already on in Ubuntu? https://pbs.twimg.com/media/B1Mb3sBIgAAwQB8.png:large01:04
enycgiven you say netbook... i would mention   Mint 17.1 is a good *variant* of ubuntu, less onerous interface options (MATE especially), though cinnamon is nice,     based upon 14.04 LTS but chaning out the default-frontend , basically....   as k1l says  lubuntu can work too01:04
k1lmtree: what do you mean?01:05
NyanCatI've tried mint before01:05
enycNyanCat: well what are the uncertainties then?01:05
NyanCatenyc: Well, if there were any major uncertainties, I'd say you got them there01:05
scriptThisAny idea why $ diff -u foo.txt bar.txt  would just do nothing? (and both files are present in current dir)01:05
k1lenyc: mint doesnt help. and if you mention mint you could tell that you can run the same desktops on ubuntu, too01:05
NyanCatI'll look at lubuntu01:05
mtreek1l: these thumbnails for every single bookmark01:06
k1lmtree: that is chrome specific and not ubuntu specific01:06
zteamHi how can I force e2fsck to check my filesystem at reboot?01:06
k1lmtree: google will change the bookmark stuff on their services. have a search for that. i bet there are plugins for that already01:07
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot01:07
k1lzteam: ^01:07
NyanCatenyc, call me picky, but I don't actually like LXDE01:07
NyanCatI assume that's why it's called Lubuntu01:07
NyanCatbecause it features LXDE?01:08
ubottulubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.01:08
k1lNyanCat: yes. but besides lxde it got some modifications for low end and old hardware01:08
k1lNyanCat: so what is your issue at all? because we cant help you on your taste  of which desktop you like the most :)01:09
zteamk1l, Thanks but I'm already familiar with sudo touch /forcefsck, but the problem with that one seems to be that it only scan the disc if the device flag is dirty?01:09
enycNyanCat: MATE is gnome-2-derived and seems ok on what older hardware i've tried on ...   in short you colud add to cyou confusion in a few days' time with 17.1 MATE and Cinnamon varieties... Hey why not try XFCE too =))01:09
enycNyanCat: ultimately if they all 'work for you' it may not really matter much01:10
k1lenyc: enough of the mint advertising. you can run both desktops on ubuntu too. so no need for mint at all.01:10
zteamk1l, I want to check it no matter what the dirty flag says01:10
NyanCatk1l, I don't have any issues01:10
enyck1l: oh indeed, but not (so) easily from live cd, though you can do that do vith apt-get and stuffs.01:10
NyanCatI'm just looking for opinions01:10
NyanCatsorry if I came off as "I have an issue"01:11
enycNyanCat: well try coming up with some more clearly defined requirements/experiences =)01:11
NyanCatenyc: Can Ubuntu make my coffee01:11
NyanCatif not01:11
NyanCatThen I'm going to mother Debian01:11
k1lNyanCat: ubuntu ships all big desktops. you just need to choose one.01:12
zteamk1l, any more suggestions besides booting from a live-usb and perform the check there?01:12
enycNyanCat: i've never got along so well with Debian Wheezy's gnome-3 version, but the MATE packages now in wheezy-backports work well!01:12
k1lzteam: if /forcecheck is not good enough go with a live cd and make manual checks01:12
NyanCatenyc: I'm just joking actually, Debian images don't have the driver for my wireless nic01:12
NyanCatAnd I don't have any opportunities for wired connection here01:13
enycNyanCat: there are 'firmware' boot images somewhere that may work for you ...01:13
NyanCatI'm going to try unity01:14
NyanCateven though I hate the heck out of it01:14
enycNyanCat:   http://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/unofficial/non-free/cd-including-firmware/7.7.0/multi-arch/iso-cd/   maybe01:14
enycNyanCat: good luck =)01:14
enycNyanCat: why do you hate the heck out of it?01:14
NyanCatenyc: I'm more used to GNOME201:14
NyanCatI didn't really like GNOME301:15
enycNyanCat: metoo, and MATE is the derivative of GNOME2 and quite good01:15
zteamk1l, :-/ I was afraid of that... seems a little bit lame thought.... even Windows can perform a "real disc check" (not only check the dirty flag) at system reboot01:15
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enycNyanCat: AIUI  ubuntu 14.10  now includes MATE, and  its' available as a PPA on ubuntu 14.04 ...01:15
k1lzteam: sorry, i dont get what issue you got with /forcefsck01:15
NyanCatenyc: Right-o01:16
zteamk1l,  not to be rude or so....01:16
NyanCatWell, I'm going to play around with normal Ubuntu01:16
k1lthere is a mate ubuntu 14.04 image01:16
enycNyanCat: so you can find the right metapackage and then install it' and use it as an opiton on the login screen01:16
NyanCatgoing to try just a regular install first to see how it behaves01:16
NyanCatif I have to, i'll look at specialties01:16
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zteamk1l, from what I know a /forcefsck only perform a quick scan (i.e check the dirty flag of the filesystem) if that flag is clean it just skips the filesystemcheck01:18
k1lzteam: says who?01:19
NyanCatenyc / k1l: Thanks for the assistance none the less01:21
zteamk1l, I colud be wrong on that part of course but on my system it doesn't even scan the discs for more than a few seconds, a "real filesystem check" usually takes much longer than that (at least from my experience)01:22
jmaderohi all - I keep getting a stale handle error for nfs transferred - guidance appreciated01:22
jmaderodigging through forums has been utterly unhelpful01:22
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k1lzteam: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilesystemTroubleshooting  cant find any confirmation of your statement01:24
NyanCatenyc, I'll be back in a while, if you're still around I'll tell you how it worked out01:27
NyanCatTake care all, have a great evening!01:28
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Loshkizteam: trying to fsck a root filesystem?01:30
canada4663hello - I am getting intermittent hangs on boot after upgrading to ubuntu 14.0401:32
canada4663it gets stuck at 'Starting enable remaining boot-time encrypted block devices' each time - though that entry says 'OK'....01:33
zteamk1l, well, I don't have a source for my statement as I already said this is what I'm assuming because the system boots as quickly as normal01:33
zteamLoshki, well on my homefolder more precisly :-)01:34
zteamk1l, I didn't mean to offend you or something, but booting from a live-usb just to check the filesystem seems pretty "old"01:35
Loshkizteam: please pastebin the output from df -h01:35
Loshkizteam: booting from a live-usb to check a root filesystem is S.O.P. Sorry if it's not "new" enough.01:37
zteamLoshki, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9035050/01:37
k1lzteam: i dont get why you want to get a 1 hour waiting time just to convince you your fs is fine?01:37
LoshkiSo you wanna fsck this drive: /dev/sda2          63G    28G    32G  47% /home01:37
Loshkidrive -> partition01:38
k1lwell, if its about the non root partition you can unmount it and fsck it if you want01:38
k1l"just be to be sure"01:38
Loshkizteam: Oh yeah, why do you feel the need to fsck it manually?01:39
Hydrogenumjust reinstalled, and can't figure out how to enable sloppy (mouse) focus.  Where's that config?01:39
zteamk1l because I believe the filesystem is damaged, and I had my computer shut down due to a power outage, and now it behaves somewhat strange01:40
Hydrogenumgconf-editor shows /apps/metacity/general/focus_mode=sloppy but that doesn't seem to help01:40
k1lzteam: ah ok. so that is the real issue here.01:40
k1lzteam: what do you mean by "somewhat strange"?01:40
xofamorevery annoying that thunar has no built-in search.01:40
reisioxofamore: you can give it one, it's extensible01:41
xofamorehow do i do that?01:41
k1lzteam: remember that the filesystem (that is what fsck checks) can be just fine, but that data on it is broken. so a fsck doesnt magically heal everything01:41
reisioxofamore: catfish works nicely01:41
zteamk1l, well for example my caps lock led doesn't work properly on my main account01:41
Loshkizteam: please elaborate on "somewhat strange". Meanwhile, do what k1l said, unmount and fsck the thing already.01:41
xofamorereisio, thanks. will take a look at that.01:41
reisioxofamore: http://marksnotebook.com/ubuntu/how-add-built-search-thunar-using-catfish01:42
zteamk1l, yup, that's true, but sometimes fsck and checkdisk can fix many issues :-)01:44
Loshkizteam: so is fsck running yet?01:44
xofamorereisio, awesome. thanks.01:44
zteamLoshki, you mean I can unmount my /home partition while running the fsck command?01:45
Loshkizteam: also, was it a clean power outage, or a lumpy, bumpy, spikey outage01:45
morhadubuntu 14.4 have any method to switch kbd layout between 2 languages with one kbd combination and if I want to switch to 3rd language, for this case I will use anothe combination..?01:45
zteamLoshki, or are we talking about booting from the live-usb?01:46
Loshkizteam: you must unmount /home before you can run fsck on it. To do so, you probably need to login as root from a text console. This is one of those occasionans when it helps to have a root password, which is against the rules. This is why it's actually easier to use the live-usb...01:47
zteamLoshki, I get what you are saying man, I just can't belive there is no smoother way to check my discs :-)01:48
k1lno need for that01:48
Loshkik1l: go on...01:49
k1ljust log out, then switch to tty, login as user, sudo -i for rootshell, unmount /Home, do checks, remount, logout, get to lightdm again, login01:49
k1lbut i still think that all is just wasting time while the real issue is somewhere else.01:50
zteamLoshki, I mean why would you need a live-usb for checking the /root (or any essential filesystem for that matter)01:50
Loshkizteam: you pop in a disk, click three or four things, wait 5 minutes, and you have a fully functioning linux system. How much smoother does it get?01:50
KEEmEriC^^ ?01:51
Loshkik1l: "login as user" <-- won't this mount /home, so you can't fsck it?01:51
Loshkik1l: "login as user" <-- won't this mount /home, so you can't even unmount it?01:51
k1lshould work01:52
EriC^^KEEm: hey, what's up01:52
KEEmhey Eric good to see you :)01:52
Loshkik1l: I disagree, won't work.01:52
KEEmeric^^: im using Test disk now01:52
k1lzteam: because you will break the journaling that way01:52
EriC^^KEEm: ok, cool01:52
zteamLoshi, not to complain but pretty much smoother, if you are running Windows for example chkdsk c: /R and it performs a full filesystem clean for you once you reboot01:53
EriC^^KEEm: anything come up in the quick search?01:53
KEEmeric^^: but it keeps adding more Estimated time to completion  time01:53
EriC^^KEEm: let it run for 30secs or so only01:53
EriC^^KEEm: then try the deep search if it doesn't find anything01:53
KEEmeric^^: listen i found the partition and some files on the drive01:53
k1lzteam: pretty smooth from linux not needing to defrag all the time :)01:54
EriC^^KEEm: ok, you want to recover the files only?01:54
KEEmi allreaddy did01:54
Loshkizteam: Except that your filesystems are clean, and I will be surprised if forcing an fsck finds anything. Please answer my question about the nature of the outage.01:54
k1lzteam: and again: we are still wasting time for a idea you didnt prove so far.01:54
KEEmbut there are only 240 file recovered eric^^01:54
zteamLoshki, no need for any live-usb there, so in my opinion that is definetly smoother, I'm just a little bit surprised than Linux don't provide a similair way01:55
k1lzteam: it does!01:55
Loshki"I'll do anything to fix my filesystem except boot live-usb and run fsck". Is that where we are?01:55
Hydrogenumnm, figured it out01:56
k1lzteam: we are still at the point that you want to blame forcefsck for your issues but we  dont even know what the issue is.01:56
EriC^^KEEm: how many files were there?01:56
KEEmidk 600gb out of 100001:56
Loshkik1l: please try your own recipe and report if you are able to unmount /home.01:57
KEEmeric^^:  ^01:57
k1lzteam: so either you go and fsck the partitions now or we dig into the issues and solve that. but wasting time saying windows is all better will not help you or us.01:57
KEEmso maybe 2000/5000 eric^^01:57
EriC^^KEEm: try the deep search maybe01:57
zteamLoshki, nope, where at "I'm just suprised that there doesn't seem to be a way to force a filesystem check at reboot"01:57
k1lLoshki: sorry, cant test it right now, since i am compiling and cant logout now01:57
EriC^^maybe it's not picking up the whole partition or something01:57
k1lzteam: [citation needed]01:58
KEEmok  eric^^01:58
Loshkizteam: I agree with k1l. In your place, I'd be worried about the hardware. I'd run a memtest overnight, then check the disk SMART data. Maybe try a different keyboard.01:58
NyanCatenyc: Hey there, just checking in... So far, so good!01:58
k1lLoshki: if you tested it and it doesnt work: ok, sorry for that.01:59
zteamk1l, well I could be wrong about it, and then I apologize,  but if /forcefsck is performing a full filesystem check how comes my system boot as fast as without /forcefsck then?01:59
k1lzteam: we are still on the "ifs". so please perform a fsck you think is checking enough and see if it reports any errors.02:00
zteamLoshki,, the keyboard is fine, and caps lock works very fine in the guest account for example02:00
KEEmeric^^: how sould i run a deep search, to find the partition or the file (< if so how)02:01
k1lzteam: what if it got a counter for idiotic forcefsck and just skips it? prove that ;p02:01
EriC^^KEEm: after quick search press enter02:01
Loshkik1l: No, but I've hunted down processes which have files open on mounted filesystems often enough that I know you can't unmount a partition you have open files on.02:01
EriC^^to stop it, then it should say deep search, highlight it and press enter02:02
k1lzteam: does dmesg or syslog report any issue? does .xsession-errors ?02:02
KEEmeric^^: after quick search for partition right?02:02
Loshkiztane: because your filesystem is marked clean, so fsck says "no need to check this". It's rarely wrong.02:03
zteamk1l, I dont know how many times I said it now I could be wrong but obviusly it has taken much more time, then I did run e2fsck from a live-usb before02:03
k1lLoshki: the desktop is stopped and the tty should not demand that much services. and when you sudo -i you get a rootshell anyway02:03
k1lzteam: still running in circles here.02:03
EriC^^KEEm: yeah02:03
Loshkik1l: you do, but that rootshell is running inside a user shell, which almost invariably has files open on /home, preventing you from unmounting it.02:04
zteamk1l, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9035419/02:05
zteamk1l, well time to sleep for me anyway.... :-)02:06
k1lzteam: talking about the fat partition sdc102:06
zteamk1l, yup, but that's just my usb-pendrive02:07
zteamk1l, I'm to tired to continue to investigaste the problem right now the clock is 03:08 AM here02:08
k1lthat is not a fsck error at all.02:09
KEEmeric^^: after quick search for partition right02:09
KEEmeric^^: ups02:09
EriC^^KEEm: yes02:09
KEEmeric^^: deep searching now :)02:09
EriC^^KEEm: cool :)02:09
zteamk1l, nope, who said that?02:09
KEEmEriC^^ do you like psytrance?02:10
Loshkizteam: get some sleep. Battle to recommence tomorrow...02:10
EriC^^KEEm: i guess some songs02:11
EriC^^psy = psychedelic?02:12
k1lthe error he gave is a typical error for 14.10 since not all services are fully switched to systemd. and the systemd stuff is complaining. but that should not make any difference to the system before the power cut02:13
KEEmeric^^ yeah i will send you an example, some i made my self :)02:13
EriC^^KEEm: ok, cool02:13
KEEmEriC^^: https://soundcloud.com/jonathanagerskov/palestine-psychedelic-trance02:14
zteamLoshki, yep, that's what I'm doing, but no Battle from my side :-)02:15
Loshkik1l: Isn't it about this? "FAT-fs (sdc1): Volume was not properly unmounted. Some data may be corrupt. Please run fsck."02:16
k1lLoshki: he told he is aware of this and that is his pendrive.02:16
EriC^^KEEm: seems cool, the start reminded me a bit of trainspotting's soundtrack, choose life02:16
KEEmnice :D02:16
KEEmthanks :)02:17
zteamLoshki, nope that just a usb-pendrive, I don't have my /home folder there02:17
zteambut time to sleep, goodnight and thanks for your help Loshki and k1l  :-)02:18
Loshkizteam: k1l: well, doesn't change anything then :-). Goodnight.02:18
lotuspsychjegood morning to all02:22
HFSPLUSif swapiness is set to 0 does linux wait until the last resort to use swap space?02:23
ubuntuaddictedhey guys, i followed a guide to get transmageddon installed in xubuntu 14.04.1 but when I try to run it I see this error in the terminal: gi._glib.GError: transmageddon.ui: required gtk+ version 3.12, current version is 3.1002:24
daftykinsaww .02 out!02:24
reisiogstreamer, pish02:25
ubuntuaddictedso is it possible to get GTK+3 in Xubuntu 14.04.1?02:26
lotuspsychjeubuntuaddicted: how did you install it exactly? url of the guide?02:26
ubuntuaddictedlotuspsychje, http://linuxg.net/how-to-install-transmageddon-1-3-on-ubuntu-14-04-and-derivative-systems/02:27
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lotuspsychjeubuntuaddicted: did you instal that gstreamer also?02:28
ubuntuaddictedlotuspsychje, of course. it's a problem with gtk+ 3.1202:28
lotuspsychjeubuntuaddicted: maybe sudo apt-get clean and sudo apt-get install -f after02:33
ubuntuaddictedlotuspsychje, why? that won't install gtk+ 3.1202:34
lotuspsychjeubuntuaddicted: well if you need this version, why dont you install it then?02:35
ubuntuaddictedlotuspsychje, doesn't look like it's available in xubuntu 14.04.102:35
ubuntuaddictedlotuspsychje, hence why i am here asking for help02:35
lotuspsychjeubuntuaddicted: you added this ppa on your own risk mate, xubuntu 14.04.1 should be up to date on its packages02:36
ubuntuaddictedlotuspsychje, xubuntu 14.04.1 is up to date, i'm not saying it's not. i'm asking if there's a safe way to upgrade gtk+ 3.12 installed in 14.04.102:37
lotuspsychje!pinning | ubuntuaddicted maybe this way?02:37
ubottuubuntuaddicted maybe this way?: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto02:37
JC_Yangwhy useradd a new user account doesn't create the home for the user as well?02:39
ubuntuaddictedlotuspsychje, you must not be understanding. gtk+ 3.12 isn't available in 14.04.1, it was released too late compared to when 14.04.1 was released.02:39
JC_Yangthe man page states it should by default02:39
ubuntuaddictedJC_Yang, it should've, how did you create the new user?02:39
geoffmccJC_Yang, if you want it to create home and set password, user adduser instead02:39
k1lJC_Yang: adduser is the ubuntu way02:40
JC_YangI create that user in root, I sudo su before doing that operation02:40
JC_Yangbut the man page of useradd claim it will....  weird...02:41
sacarlsonJC_Yang: I have used useradd to make system accounts that have no home but I think I added something to do that02:41
EriC^^JC_Yang: no, it doesn't02:42
EriC^^JC_Yang: you have to use the -m option02:42
geoffmccJC_Yang, you can use useradd to create the account, but you have to define everything such as home and password. adduser is a perl script that does all that for you and then sends it through useradd02:43
geoffmccJC_Yang, not really do it for you, it will prompt you for the password and account details.02:43
EriC^^JC_Yang: and -r with userdel to delete the home dir and mail spool02:44
EriC^^JC_Yang: sudo useradd -m -g <groups,to,add,to> <username>02:45
JC_YangI'm sorry I misread the man, thank u all02:45
EriC^^JC_Yang: then sudo passwd <username> to set the passwd, dont use space with the groups and ,02:45
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JC_Yangthe adduser is yet another interface?02:47
FlannelEriC^^, JC_Yang: Don't do that useradd command.02:48
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sacarlsonJC_Yang: ya that's the interface I used not useradd02:48
EriC^^Flannel: why not?02:48
FlannelEriC^^, JC_Yang: To use useradd to add someone to groups, you NEED -a, otherwise you're /setting/ the groups, not adding to them.  A much safer interface is to use adduser ("adduser username group" will add username to group)02:48
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SunstreamALrighty I got a old HDD that used to be in a DVR but I cannot seem to be able to format it or do anything to it. How do I force a partition delete and redo on it?!02:49
EriC^^Flannel: i thought that was usermod -aG <groups>02:49
lotuspsychje!info gparted | Sunstream02:49
Ben64Sunstream: fdisk, parted, gparted, take your pick02:49
ubottuSunstream: gparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.19.0-1build1 (utopic), package size 498 kB, installed size 1860 kB02:49
EriC^^Flannel: if you're creating the user, .. yeah just checked manpage useradd doesn't have a -a option02:50
SunstreamThe problem is gparted does NOT show it, Disks does but no way to do a partition02:50
FlannelEriC^^: Mmm, you're right.  But useradd can't add multiple groups (-g specifies the initial login group, not a bunch of groups, it's -G that specifies the extra groups)02:50
Ben64Sunstream: how does it not show it? pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l"02:50
FlannelEriC^^: I knew something seemed off, but usermod -g (sans -a) is quite common (and I wanted to speak up quickly before someone removed themselves from admin)02:50
SunstreamIt shows the stuff for the internal and usb chip but not the SDC02:52
EriC^^Flannel: yeah, i understand02:52
FlannelJC_Yang: but still, the normal (user friendlier) interface is to use adduser (the useradd manpage even calls this out)02:52
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JC_Yangthank u, pals02:53
Sunstreamit shows sda and sdb but not sdc02:53
dsnydersSunstream: What type of disk is it, and how is it connected?02:54
Ben64Sunstream: pastebin02:54
SunstreamBen pastebin will NOT help02:54
Ben64ok, good luck then02:54
Sunstreamit does not show sdc02:55
Sunstreamitis hooked up with an external hdd usb adapter02:55
Ben64if you're not willing to do stuff, then maybe this channel is not for you02:55
xpistosIs it possible to mount a usb external drive as an NFS share?02:55
asddasasdasdIf somebody has a little time to spare and want to really help me out, I would love for you to download the following file, extract it on your Ubuntu desktop and run the "nw" binary. For me, *nothing* happens. It's supposed to open up a GUI box. It does on the Windows version. Not with the Linux one (for me). http://dl.node-webkit.org/v0.11.0/node-webkit-v0.11.0-linux-x64.tar.gz02:55
Sunstreamwhat good will it do if the problem is on sdc and the output has nothing about sdc at all not even an error02:55
Ben64asddasasdasd: sounds extremely sketchy02:56
SunstreamI thought my device went bad so I hooked up an working drive and that shows02:56
asddasasdasdBen64: https://github.com/rogerwang/node-webkit02:56
asddasasdasdBen64: It's linked to from there. Unaffiliated with me in any way.02:56
SunstreamI think this disk is encrypted or somsthing02:56
Ben64asddasasdasd: doesn't really make it any less sketchy02:56
lotuspsychjeSunstream: what kind of hd is this? IDE? brand?02:57
asddasasdasdBen64: It's a major software project...02:57
asddasasdasdDo it in a VM if you must.02:57
Flannelasddasasdasd: Regardless, it's offtopic for this channel.  Try #ubuntu-offtopic02:57
asddasasdasdIt's 100% on-topic.02:57
asddasasdasdThis is about Ubuntu not working correctly.02:57
Ben64"download this file and run it" is not on topic really02:57
bobbyyuDo you folks know where I can get dependencies?02:57
dsnydersSunstream: Does the usb adapter show up in lsusb?02:57
asddasasdasdI'm trying to figure out why it doesn't work.02:57
Ben64bobbyyu: depends which ones, explain what you're doing, any errors you're getting, etc02:58
SunstreamHitachi HDD Z3K323225A7A380 type TT5SAB25002:58
HappyNewYear13i messed up my audio config. commands to install alsa and pulseaudio. i even lost my volume icon but i have sound.02:58
k1lasddasasdasd: made it +x ?02:58
lotuspsychjeSunstream: well, i never seen any hd that gparted cant see..you sure this hd is not broken?02:58
HappyNewYear13i messed up my audio config. commands to reinstall alsa and pulseaudio. i even lost my volume icon but i have sound.02:58
lotuspsychje!sound | HappyNewYear1302:58
ubottuHappyNewYear13: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.02:58
bobbyyuAn update of vlc-data and libvlc took out the VLC program itself.02:58
asddasasdasdk1l: "Type" column says "Program".02:58
Sunstreamit maybe possible it is brokern02:59
k1lasddasasdasd: dosnt matter02:59
k1lasddasasdasd: you need to give it the executable bit with chmod02:59
bobbyyuWhen I tried to reinstall vlc, I see dependency errors.02:59
Ben64bobbyyu: pastebin those errors02:59
bobbyyuLet me take a piss first.02:59
lotuspsychjeSunstream: you might wanna try a hd sector boot disc on the hd maybe02:59
dsnydersSunstream: On my USB adapter, I find that it is easy to misalign the pins on the plug to the hard drive.  Can you double-check that?02:59
Ben64bobbyyu: not necessary to share with the channel02:59
asddasasdasdk1l: It is.03:00
Sunstreamit is inpossible to do that with a SATA hdd03:00
asddasasdasdIf run from the terminal: "./nw: error while loading shared libraries: libudev.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"03:00
Sunstreambut I did disconnect and reconnect03:00
k1lasddasasdasd: sudo apt-get install libudev0:i38603:01
dsnydersSunstream: Is the drive getting enough power?03:01
lotuspsychjeSunstream: you said the disk tool sees your hd? did you try a SMART test?03:01
asddasasdasdk1l: I cannot tell users to run such commands...03:01
asddasasdasdIt must work with what is shipped.03:01
SunstreamBen http://paste.ubuntu.com/9035958/03:01
SunstreamSmart does not see it03:02
Sunstreamnow I plugged in a working drive03:02
Flannelasddasasdasd: Then you need to find software that doesn't depend on a shared library that isn't installed by default.03:02
asddasasdasdk1l: "Package libudev0:i386 is not available, but is referred to by another package."03:02
bobbyyuHere it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9035960/03:02
Flannelasddasasdasd: What version of ubuntu are you on?03:02
asddasasdasdFlannel: Hmm. I guess I can ship that file.03:02
k1lasddasasdasd: ah its dropped from 14.04 even03:03
Flannelasddasasdasd: That's... not how this works.03:03
asddasasdasdFlannel: ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso03:03
canada4663Hello - I just upgraded to ubuntu 14.04 LTS, and my boot is hanging at "Starting enable remaining boot-time encrypted block devices" - any idea what this is?03:03
asddasasdasdWhat do you mean by "it's dropped from 14.04 even"?03:03
k1lasddasasdasd: see http://askubuntu.com/questions/288821/how-do-i-resolve-a-cannot-open-shared-object-file-libudev-so-0-error03:03
Flannelasddasasdasd: 14.04 has libudev1 not libudev0, so ... even less off base.  You'll need to find the version of that webkit thing that works with 14.04 libraries (should be easier)03:03
asddasasdasdThey recently made some sort of change?03:03
Sunstreamhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/9035972/ <--- with the working drive so I know that the device I am using for the drives work03:03
HappyNewYear13lotuspsychje, THANK U03:04
k1lasddasasdasd: its libudev1 since 14.0403:04
xpistosDoes anyone know Is it possible to mount a usb external drive as an NFS share?03:04
Sunstreamso I think this HDD is either encrypted or will not work with my Startech HDD to USB adapter03:04
sacarlsoncanada4663: I'm guessing you have an encrypted /home/user ?03:05
dsnydersSunstream: was the drive working in the DVR?03:05
reisioxpistos: sure03:05
lotuspsychjeSunstream: would be interesting to plug your drive in an external case03:05
bobbyyuBen64: I am trying right now on being able to install vlc-nox03:05
canada4663sacarlson: yes, I think I do.03:05
Ben64bobbyyu: pastebin "apt-cache policy vlc vlc-nox libavcodec55 libavcodec-extra-55 libavutil53 libavformat55 libgles1-mesa libgles1 libvncclient0"03:05
lotuspsychjeSunstream: might be your hd to usb adapter then03:05
Sunstreamso I assume it is either encrypted or made to ONLY03:05
dsnydersSunstream: I suspect the USB adapter is not providing enough power to the hard drive.03:05
xpistosreisio: Can you tell me how it needs to be setup? My internal drives are responding fine, but the usb share is not03:05
SunstreamI dont think so lotuspsychje, all my other drives work fine03:06
canada4663sacarlson: oddly, about 30% of the time the boot goes all the way through03:06
sacarlsoncanada4663: do you have another sudo account that's not encrypted so you might fix it?03:06
lotuspsychjeSunstream: even if the drive got endryption, gparted should be able to re-format it03:06
asddasasdasdk1l: So... is this error by Ubuntu, the node-webkit project or somebody else?03:06
SunstreamI have 2 full size and one laptop03:06
Ben64asddasasdasd: none of the above03:06
sacarlsoncanada4663: oh it's intermitent?03:06
asddasasdasdWhose fault is it?03:06
bobbyyuPastebin? I don't understand? Copy that to the terminal?03:06
k1lasddasasdasd: its the node webkit demanding old files03:06
canada4663sacarlson: yes...03:06
asddasasdasdAnd more importantly: how do I actually fix it?03:06
Sunstreamthis is a 5V 700mA Hdd like my other laptop hdd and that laptop hdd works fine03:06
SunstreamI think maybe this drive is special03:07
lotuspsychjeSunstream: im more into following dsnyders03:07
k1lasddasasdasd: see the link i posted03:07
asddasasdasdI saw it.03:07
usr13!paste | bobbyyu03:07
ubottubobbyyu: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:07
asddasasdasdThere was no solution in there.03:07
k1lasddasasdasd: there were a lot of solutions03:07
asddasasdasdThe "solution" spoke of somehow getting an old version in an undisclosed manner.03:07
Ben64bobbyyu: same way you pasted the stuff before03:07
sacarlsoncanada4663: do you have  autologin set?03:07
k1lasddasasdasd: you just need to read and not only scan for commands to copy&paste03:07
asddasasdasdLike always on Stack Exchange, there are lots of replies but rarely if ever any real solutions.03:08
bobbyyuPaste the output, right?03:08
canada4663sacarlson: I don't think I have autologin set, but I'm wondering if I have a service that is running in my name (i.e. dropbox)03:08
bobbyyuPaste the output of that command?03:08
Ben64bobbyyu: on paste.ubuntu.com yes03:08
asddasasdasdOkay. Got it working, but that was one ugly solution.03:09
sacarlsoncanada4663: oh ya maybe at boot before login something tries to access you /home and can't yet03:09
lotuspsychjeSunstream: checkout the ##hardware channel for other ideas to test your hd03:09
bobbyyuOK, here it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9035993/03:09
asddasasdasdI really hope users won't have to deal with such commands.03:09
sacarlsoncanada4663: sounds like a race condition that some how sometimes passes03:09
Flannelasddasasdasd: That's what happens when you try to use software that's been compiled for different versions of things than your OS has.03:09
xpistoshere is my /etc/exports on the server and /etc/fstab on the local03:09
canada4663sacarlson: Hmmm - odd.  any pointers for what to look for?03:09
Ben64bobbyyu: as i thought. you have PPAs enabled, those are not supported here and are causing your current dependency problems03:10
JC_Yangweird, when I try "adduser username groupname"  it says The user 'username' does not exist03:10
bobbyyuOK. Sorry.03:10
EriC^^JC_Yang: are you using any special characters in <username> ?03:11
JC_Yangupper case is forbidden?03:11
FlannelJC_Yang: yes, first just "adduser username" that will add the user.  "adduser user group" adds a user to a group (not "adds a user")03:11
EriC^^JC_Yang: nevermind, yeah what Flannel said.03:11
FlannelJC_Yang: uppercase isn't forbidden (but unconventional)03:11
Harv_Hey anyone willing to help me with a post installion problem?03:12
SunstreamNahh I am not worrried about this stupid drive enough03:12
dsnydersSunstream: If the drive is working in the DVR, but cannot be seen when plugged into the USB dongle, and the USB dongle works (as evidenced by the other drive), then there is an incompatibility between the USB dongle and the DVR drive  (In my experience it's usually power). Try finding another way of connecting it other than the USB dongle.03:12
JC_Yanghow about a user name need separator between words?03:12
SunstreamI got 2.160 TB of space on 3 other drives that do work03:12
Sunstreamdsnyders, That could be03:13
lotuspsychje!details | Harv_03:13
ubottuHarv_: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)03:13
EriC^^JC_Yang: i don't think adduser will let you add a username with a "." using a separator seems like a bad idea.03:13
asddasasdasdFlannel: It's the 64-bit Linux files of node-webkit, which we use to package our actual application. I do not control the files they include there.03:14
asddasasdasdFlannel: So basically, I just hope that this won't mean that every Linux user will have to type in commands and shit.03:14
SunstreamJC_Yang, why do you want to use a user name with a "." in it?03:14
Flannelasddasasdasd: You should probably spend some time to learn more about how linux libraries are packaged and work, because you sound like you're not really understanding what you're doing, and I fear it'll lead to problems for you in the long run.03:15
JC_YangI don't use dot as separator, how about underscore or hypen?03:15
Sunstreamso user_name/user-name?03:15
Sunstreamnever seen anyone do that03:15
Sunstreambut it is your system03:16
Harv_Okay after I installed Ubuntu what it was a Windows Exp, the machine specs are a Petuim 4 CPU @ 2.3Ghz with 1GB of RAM and I installed the 32 bits version of Ubuntu on it. After installion the GUI screen is totallly messed up. HOw do I fix this?03:16
chaotixhi.  i have a dell optiplex desktop computer with intel core 2 duo 6400 2.13 gzh, 1gb ram, not sure the graphics but here is the hardinfo report:  https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/61702610/hardinfo_report.html     ...anyways, currently it runs on xubuntu 12.04 and it seems to do pretty good, i am going to upgrade tonight or tomorrow, and i was wondering what kind of performance i could expect if i decided to go with ubuntu u03:17
chaotixnity instead of xfce?03:17
asddasasdasdQuestion: why is there a floppy disk icon on the default Ubuntu desktop in the menu?03:17
bubbasauresHarv_, This at boot and you never get to a login?03:17
usr13asddasasdasd: It is probably for a usb device or card reader.  Right?03:18
SunstreamJC_Yang, it seems _ may be a BAD idea too03:18
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asddasasdasdusr13: It's literally a floppy disk.03:18
asddasasdasdIt's even mentioned by name.03:18
asddasasdasdDefault desktop view. Latest Ubuntu.03:18
Harv_The best details I could give that the GUI is doubled on the login page and cut in half so there are a login screen on the top left and the bottom left and on the right side it is completely gray and the whole screen is blanking every few secounds.03:18
usr13asddasasdasd: Does this computer have a floppy disk?03:19
bubbasauresHarv_, What does this mean exactly "I installed Ubuntu what it was a Windows Exp"03:19
asddasasdasdusr13: No. It's a VM.03:19
usr13asddasasdasd: Paste a screenshot, let's see what it looks like.03:19
asddasasdasdMaybe it virtually has, and that's why Ubuntu adds that icon?03:20
k1lasddasasdasd: yes, possible03:20
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usr13asddasasdasd: http://imgur.com/03:20
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SunstreamOkay just one thing about "Unity" is pretty03:21
Harv_I installed Ubuntu to replace Windows Exp.03:21
JC_Yangbut the traditional naming convention makes names with multiple parts/words difficult to read/recognize...03:21
asddasasdasdHarv_: What is Windows Exp.?03:21
Harv_via USB03:21
usr13asddasasdasd: So you have ubuntu running as a client OS in virtualbox?03:21
asddasasdasdusr13: Yes?03:21
asddasasdasdWell, VMware Player.03:21
lotuspsychjeHarv_: did you install ubuntu with internet enabled?03:22
asddasasdasdBecause VirtualBox turned out to be too awful.03:22
Harv_It's was that.03:22
usr13asddasasdasd: Ok.  Well, I don't know.  That's interesting.03:22
asddasasdasdHarv_: It's "XP". Not "Exp.".03:22
usr13asddasasdasd: Why was VirtaulBox too awful?03:22
SunstreamAnother thing about it, its pretty.... pretty slow on many systems. UNLESS you have a decent system which you may, it is very very slow compared to xubuntu03:22
Harv_No because I don't have enough ports to put the USB for wireless interent connection.03:22
bubbasaures!nomodeset | Harv_ Try this boot03:22
ubottuHarv_ Try this boot: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter03:22
asddasasdasdusr13: Countless reasons, ranging from no "drag and drop" file transfers between desktops to pure performance.03:23
lotuspsychjeHarv_: wich ubuntu version did you try?03:23
asddasasdasdusr13: Many things resulted in black screens or flickering, etc.03:23
JC_YangI am a vbox user for pretty long time, it's ok overall03:23
SunstreamI do not recommend the use of it UNLESS you have 2GB of ram and a decent video card03:23
xpistosSo does anyone know how to mount a external USB drive as an NFS Share?03:23
asddasasdasdYou can tell that VirtualBox is open source and that VMware Player (while annoying crippleware) is not.03:23
Harv_14.04 32 bits03:23
usr13asddasasdasd: What is the host OS?03:23
lotuspsychje!nfs | xpistos03:23
ubottuxpistos: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.03:23
usr13asddasasdasd: Win7?  Win8?  or...?03:24
lotuspsychjeHarv_: its really recommended to install ubuntu with internet enabled (like cable) and enable updates during setup03:24
asddasasdasdusr13: 8.1 Update 1. Why is this so important?03:24
xpistoslotuspsychje: I have several NFS setup but I cannot get the external USB to be recognized in my local server03:24
usr13asddasasdasd: Ok.  Well, you are upside down in my opinion.  Win8 is quite a resource hog.03:25
usr13asddasasdasd: Linux is a MUCH more efficient operating system.03:25
asddasasdasdHas not been true at all in my experience.03:25
NotANickboth windows 8 and linux are light in my opinion03:25
asddasasdasdNobody uses Windows because it's the ultimate OS and so nice. We use it because there is no alternative for the tasks we use it for.03:26
zykotick9xpistos: if the USB is setup with fstab, and mounts normally.  NFS should have no problem with it...03:26
asddasasdasdAnd no, that's not gaming or "spreadsheets".03:26
usr13NotANick: Really, win8?  Can you install it on a 1.2GHz with 1G ram?03:26
usr13asddasasdasd: That was for you too...03:26
NotANickusr13: compared to linux of what?03:26
usr13any flavor03:26
zykotick9usr13: why feed?03:27
xpistoszykotick9: It is being seen as and mounted correctly using fstab on reboot03:27
asddasasdasdAgain and again, the "open source" mindset fails to provide the necessary "polish" for many kinds of tasks. It's just how it is. Nothing can (easily) be done about that.03:27
NotANickto complete that, yes i have a win7 with that machine03:27
usr13zykotick9: Good point...03:27
xpistoszykotick9: but no luck with the NFS03:27
FlannelGuys, take the windows vs *nix vs * discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.03:27
NotANicki have had XFCE too03:27
NotANickboth have been slow03:27
usr13Flannel: Ok03:27
Harv_I could try connecting the laptop with the ethernet cable, do you really think that will fix the GUI problem thoguh?03:27
ubuntuaddictedweird, normally my webcam mic shows up in audacity but it's not now. can anyone help please? it's a usb webcam03:27
lotuspsychjeHarv_: that might do magic yes03:28
SunstreamThank you everyone I thought maybe there was a way to get this hdd to work no worries03:28
zykotick9xpistos: NFS should be able to export anything that the kernel/system sees03:28
Harv_But how do I reinstall just reboot the flash again?03:28
lotuspsychjeHarv_: i would surely reinstall fresh with cable on and updates during setup03:28
EriC^^ubuntuaddicted: is the module loaded? lsmod | grep uvcvideo03:29
lotuspsychjeHarv_: yes, retry your usb and wipe whole hd again03:29
dsnydersSunstream: next time you have your machine open, pop it in on a spare SATA connection.  and good luck.03:29
Harv_Okay but since it's already installed do I put the USB in+connect ethernet, then reboot from the USB?03:29
ubuntuaddictedEriC^^, yes, i can see the mic moving in pavucontrol03:29
Sunstreami am building a system and in that frankecomputer I will try it there03:29
xpistoszykotick9: I am rebooting my server and laptop and will check it, but there must be something more to using the USB through NFS03:30
EriC^^ubuntuaddicted: ah sorry i misread03:30
lotuspsychjeHarv_: setup will see if your connected to cable or not03:30
Harv_Okay I will try that now.03:30
lotuspsychjeHarv_: just reboot and reinstall03:30
zykotick9xpistos: USB should make zero difference...03:30
lotuspsychjexpistos: maybe this is relevant? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=210693903:30
Sunstreamit will have 2 TB of HDDs in it and a 250G B SSD (primary system drive)03:31
ubuntuaddictedit's weird, it's like audacity isn't see the usb webcam mic at all. it doesn't show up under devices03:31
EriC^^ubuntuaddicted: maybe something else is using it or something?03:31
xpistoslotuspsychje: checking03:31
lotuspsychjewhat ssd brand you got?03:31
djapoare there any chat applications installed with the default ubuntu install?03:31
djapolike irc?03:31
usr13djapo: Yea, but I like irssi03:32
djapois that installled by default?03:32
lotuspsychjedjapo: xchat is nice to install03:32
zykotick9djapo: pidgin is an IM client, makes a poor IRC client IMO - xchat for gui, or irssi for cli.03:32
ubuntuaddictedEriC^^, negative. nothing else is running that would grab the mic. and it's not muted in alsamixer.03:33
SunstreamI haven't yet but likely a curcial03:34
EriC^^ubuntuaddicted: does arecord work? open a terminal and type arecord ~/bla03:34
xpistosjust keeps telling me mount.nfs: Network is unreachable03:34
Bashing-omdjapo: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1010780 ; irssi install and initial set up.03:35
xpistosbut my 3 other shares are fine03:35
ubuntuaddictedEriC^^, it returned this in the terminal Recording WAVE '/home/ubu/bla' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 8000 Hz, Mono03:36
ubuntuaddicted   but if i play back the file in vlc there's no audio03:36
SunstreamI will go with a top of the line SSD so I can have the most reliable03:36
lotuspsychjeSunstream: checkout ##linux-ssd for ssd tweaks etc03:36
zykotick9xpistos: if the usb is fat/ntfs then that "might" have permission issues involved03:36
xpistoszykotick9: lert me check that03:37
EriC^^ubuntuaddicted: i guess it's to do with the whole system then03:37
usr13xpistos: What exactly are you mounting?  (Or trying to mount.)03:37
xpistosusr13: it is a usb drive (ntfs formated) with christmas movies on it.03:38
ubuntuaddictedEriC^^, other software records my mic just fine. the other software uses pulse though. here's what arecord --list-devices returns: http://pastebin.com/JGg9Vb4z03:38
usr13xpistos: You say that, you "cant get the external USB to be recognized in my local server"?03:38
metrixI want to backup a server via LVM snapshots to a NAS.  What options do I have for bullet proof LVM backups?03:39
usr13xpistos: sudo fdisk -l  #Do you see it in that list?03:39
lotuspsychjemetrix: also check the #ubuntu-server guys03:39
metrixOK will do03:40
SunstreamI will thanks03:40
xpistosI changes permissions to 777 and still nothing03:43
usr13xpistos: You changed permissions on what?03:44
djapook, i have irssi. but i was wondering if there are any default installed irc chat clients in ubuntu also do any of them have debug in the bottom?03:44
xpistoson the NFS share03:44
ubuntuaddictedcan anyone help with audacity?03:44
xpistosthe mount on the server03:44
usr13xpistos: I thought you were trying to mount a USB drive.03:45
xpistosThe usb drive is mounted on a server03:45
usr13xpistos: So what exactly did you change permissions on?03:45
lotuspsychje!ask | ubuntuaddicted03:46
ubottuubuntuaddicted: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:46
usr13xpistos: Where?03:46
xpistoson the server where I have the usb drive mounted03:46
lotuspsychjedjapo: why do you want it to be default?03:46
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usr13xpistos: You changed permissions on the mount point?03:47
usr13xpistos: I don't think that will do any good.03:47
usr13xpistos: What is the mount point?03:47
usr13xpistos: Full path...03:48
xpistosthe drive is mounted to /mnt/XMAS03:48
usr13xpistos: pastebin your /etc/exports file.03:48
xpistossudo chmod -R 777 /mnt/XMAS/03:48
djapolotuspsychje: not default, i meant are there any irc clients installed in the ubuntu iso?03:48
djapoand do any of the have the words debug near the bottom?03:49
ubuntuaddictedlotuspsychje, i asked my question already. it's weird, normally my webcam mic shows up in audacity but it's not now. can anyone help please? it's a usb webcam03:49
usr13xpistos: ls /mnt/XMAS/Movies/  #Do you see the files?03:50
lotuspsychjedjapo: you can add your setup cdrom to software sources to see whats inside the Iso03:50
xpistosif I ssh to the server and go to /mnt/Xmas/Movies yes, I see the files03:50
lotuspsychjedjapo: its possible to install packages from there offline, not sure if it holds any irc clients03:50
usr13xpistos: Can you ping ?  (From the server..)03:51
usr13xpistos: So the client is *still* ?03:51
usr13xpistos: So let's see's fstab entry for it.03:52
xpistos192.168.100:/mnt/XMAS/Movies/ /home/x/Videos/Christmas/Moviesnfs rw,hard,intr 0 003:52
usr13xpistos: correct the IP address03:52
xpistosoh my god03:53
lotuspsychjedjapo: not sure whats your end goal is exactly? what do you want to achieve?03:53
usr13xpistos: :)03:53
xpistosusr13: OMFG! I can't believe I didn't see that03:54
xpistosusr13: Thank you!03:55
usr13xpistos: NP.  (Gee, I've never made an obvious mistake like that.... *NOT*>>>)03:55
djapolotuspsychje: i just want to know if there any chat applications or programs with debug at the bottom?03:57
djapoor what use would debug have in an application like that?03:58
lotuspsychjedjapo: its possible to debug xchat..checkout other channels for irc client support03:58
lotuspsychjedjapo: #xchat #irssi03:59
nOTewARe2is there an option like proxpn for ubuntu?03:59
djapois xchat installed in ubuntu?04:01
lotuspsychjedjapo: not by default, sudo apt-get install xchat04:02
lotuspsychjenOTewARe2: maybe the #openvpn guys might know a workaround for proxpn04:03
nOTewARe2lotuspsychje: thanks for that. I will check it out.04:05
duckgoosewhy is it when I type "sudo rm -rf /" my computer freezes04:33
allenhey folks, can anyone help out with a gimp issue, worked great yesterday, but today i can't it to start up, no splash screen, no errors. it just doesn't load. I have removed it and re-installed with no luck. any ideas please ?04:34
lotuspsychjeallen: try gimp from terminal for errors04:40
bubbasauresallen, You can go as far as deleting .gimp in home, it will rebuild04:41
allenthanks guys, i think i got it....i deleted the theme i was using and a whole bunch of gimp windows popped open04:42
alleni've been using PS in  Wine, but i'm trying really hard to go all Linux, was messing around last night trying to get Gimp to function like PS as much as i could, i knew it had to be something i messed up, but wasn't sure where to look.04:43
allenthanks for responding tho, i appreciate it.04:43
bubbasauresgotta burn some calories some way04:44
alleni've been on linux almost a year, about 6 months now with Ubuntu and i love it. but i am having a hard time getting used to the photo editors, 10+ years with PS its hard to switch04:46
asddasasdasdI just checked, and my VM doesn't seem to have any floppy disk drive. So why does Ubuntu show a floppy disk icon for me? Are you sure that the rest of you don't have this?04:48
asddasasdasdThis is really fascinating to me.04:48
asddasasdasdAn OS in 2014 (maybe) by default showing a floppy disk icon.04:48
asddasasdasdOn the default menu on the first screen.04:49
knightshade2allen: do you know about the single window mode for gimp? makes it look more like PS.04:49
timaaarrreeeallen: I feel your pain gimp is a complete UX/design fail and needs to be forked, scraped or re-written for this century.04:49
allenknightshade2, yes i do thanks. love it04:49
allenif anyone has something thats better than gimp i'd be interested in hearing about it,04:50
timaaarrreeeDarkTable is promising for raw image processing for photography.04:51
allentimaaarrreee, i have Corel aftershot its pretty decent.04:52
lotuspsychjeallen: you can also try playonlinux for installing other photo software04:53
allenlotuspsychje, yeah i'm running PS in Wine now, but i'm trying to go all native linux if i can04:54
lotuspsychjeallen: good choice :p04:55
alleni mean my games i won't be able to, but i'd like my software to be if i can04:55
lotuspsychjetimaaarrreee: that darktable site looks nice04:56
alleni really enjoy linux, the flexibility, my desktop is probably not the same as the next guys, it is custom to me and i like that. i like the lack of headaches, the lack of windows glitches.  i deal with them all day at work, it is almost a joy to come home to my laptop with Ubuntu lol04:56
allenmy problem right now tho is, i know enough to be dangerous and not so much how to get myself out of it.04:57
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rypervencheallen: Just always be sure that you know what you're running before you actually run it.05:05
rypervencheallen: I.e., don't blindly follow guides or run commands that someone on the net/IRC tells you to run.05:05
allenrypervenche, yes i learned that early on.05:06
rypervencheallen: And always make backups :)05:07
allenrypervenche, i always have stuff backed up, i could reload almost any day and not lose anything of importance05:10
asddasasdasdEven Photoshop itself has major usability issues. If you place the free "alternatives" next to it, though, it's like night and day.05:14
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TurdLickerAnyone on?05:35
basil1xYes.  i hesitate to ask, but here goes.  TurdLicker?  Really?05:36
basil1xMust be a trollbot.  First saw one yesterday.  What a stupid invention.05:38
TurdLickerLol.. I'm just being goofy05:40
=== TurdLicker is now known as GoldenAngle
basil1xBetter.  What's the issue, GoldenAngle05:41
GoldenAngleNo specific issues05:41
GoldenAngleI just like to see what's up here05:42
basil1xEveryone's asleep.  Americans, you know.05:42
GoldenAngleBummer. . I don't sleep much05:43
basil1xNor I.  So I sit at computer, waiting for interesting things to happen.05:43
beltorakhow do i run a 32 bit application on a 64 bit ubuntu? i have this program I am carrying over from my last machine (same ubuntu version); do I just install libc6:i386?05:43
basil1xTry that first, beltorak05:44
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basil1xbut don't let it uninstall anything you can't live without.05:44
GoldenAngleBasilx are you involved in IT?05:45
basil1xNot any more than I can't avoid, GoldenAngle05:46
GoldenAnglePrimary occupation?05:47
basil1xI had other jobs before, but I like the outcome of baking much better.05:47
GoldenAngleWow.. cool05:48
basil1xPeople are happy when I show them the results now, too.05:48
mehdi_anybody know where can i find Yosemite icons for ubuntu?05:50
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OerHeksmehdi_, maybe on a osX dvd?05:52
basil1xThere's OSX4LIN05:52
OerHeksmehdi they are on deviantart... were ..http://elatik-p.deviantart.com/art/Yosemite-0-1-icons-for-ubuntu-14-04-48165505805:53
mehdi_OerHeks, i download ye package around 100MB yesterday but i donno how to apply them on my ubuntu the folders content  are different than my /usr/share/icons05:53
OerHeksmehdi_, oh, first you ars where, now you say you have downloaded them05:54
cmdshftnaaaaand deviant art appears down; good job05:54
OerHeksmehdi before i go googl ehowto do that, what is your real question ?05:55
basil1xmehdi, http://sourceforge.net/projects/mac4lin/?source=directory05:55
OerHeks,,, just checking05:55
mehdi_OerHeks, i only need to have Yosemite icons applied,05:56
OerHeksmehdi sure they include a howto?05:58
mehdi_OerHeks, what include how to?06:00
OerHeksmehdi_, whatever package you downloaded?06:01
mehdi_OerHeks, they are bunch of .icns file and also there __MACOSX folder06:02
vegombreihi is there a media server besides plex for ubuntu so i could stream to ps306:05
OerHeksvegombrei, there was a ps3 mediaserver, but that project is dead06:09
OerHeks*unless you are on 12.04 precise06:09
mehdi_OerHeks, do u have the Yellowstone theme?06:13
OerHeksmehdi_, no, i don't care about themes myself.06:14
OerHeksmehdi_, if that package has no howto, nor the files are .png we cannot help.06:14
basil1xUse the ones in the package I linked.  There's a nifty assistance doc, too. ;)06:16
Guest29628How do I stop an upstart service?06:16
Bushmasterhi, does ubuntu only has this unity desktop, is it not possible to choose any other desktop? Unity is kind of awkward cos all the software i downloaded kind of squizzed in the left hand scroll bar, and sometime it just too hard to scroll them cos it jump back and forth06:18
Ben64Guest29628: sudo service <foo> stop06:18
daftykinsubuntu / kubuntu/ xubuntu / lubuntu each offer a different one, Bushmaster06:18
Guest29628Ben64: it doesnt work06:18
Ben64Bushmaster: you can install many different ones on ubuntu06:18
bazhang!notunity | Bushmaster06:18
ubottuBushmaster: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.06:18
basil1xBushmaster, 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop' will install KDE06:18
Ben64kubuntu-desktop will install the whole kubuntu desktop though, including redundant text editors and stuff06:19
basil1xWell, they're prettier. ;)06:20
basil1xAnd as a single command, it does work.06:20
ivanityHi all! I'm trying to install 64 and 32 bit versions of the same package ("sudo apt-get install libgirepository-1.0-1:i386 libgirepository-1.0-1"), but apt-get says that would cause a conflict. What's the best way to learn which packages conflict with each other?06:20
eb0they guys which irc client do you use06:22
Bushmasterthanks basil1x and others06:22
daftykinseb0t: one that works. any reason for your query?06:23
daftykinsare you looking for one of a specific kind?06:23
basil1xWelcome, Bushmaster06:23
eb0tyes reason is i was just curious as to which ones you use06:23
eb0tso i just asked06:23
daftykinsirssi here06:23
Bushmasterdanger is installing different desktop on my current ubunty may cause issues with my other software or file management dont u think basil1x06:23
eb0tah cool i had a look at irssi...but preferred weechat06:24
basil1xeb0t, you obviously have one up and running.  It doesn't get better than that.  I mean, none of us see scenes with unicorns in that you don't or anything.06:24
OerHekssome use irssi, some hexchat, some xchat, there are maybe more06:24
codygmanShould I change my linker from ld to ld.gold via update-alternatives (how?) or just by updating the symlink?06:24
eb0tno it does get beeter06:24
daftykinsbasil1x: you need a patch for that ;)06:24
eb0tthis weechat is amazing once configured06:24
eb0tyou should try it06:24
daftykinsno thanks - and this isn't the place to wax lyrical about your favourite06:25
eb0tyou wont look back06:25
basil1xBushmaster, Yeah, some DEs don;t play nice together.  Avoid LXDE for instance.06:25
eb0truns fantastic on ubuntu06:25
eb0tputs the rest to shame06:25
OerHekseb0t, there is no single best, and beyond the topic of this channel, thanks/06:25
eb0toh there is ...its called weechat06:25
Bushmasterright now i am in unity, i just want to replace that with something i am used to, may be xubuntu desktop, is it possible without breaking the system or its organization basil1x06:26
eb0tone fo the guys was using irrsi...i think i just changed his mind06:26
basil1xOh poo.  I remempre you now, ethingy.  *ignore*06:26
Ben64eb0t: not on topic here, take it to #ubuntu-offtopic where nobody will care still06:26
OerHekseb0t, stop it now, please06:26
eb0tsay pretty please06:27
basil1xXfce and unity play well together, Bushmaster .  Or so has been my opinion.  I'm sure you'll find someone who's found this not to be the case, though.06:27
daftykinsi'm sure i'd seen eb0t before too.06:28
Bushmasterbasil1x,  right now, i am running that unity and ubuntu LTS, cant remember the version name, i have several software in the unity left hand side bar that scroll and bounce back and forth when u try to scroll them with mouse, its annoying, cos they are bouncing, all i want is replacing this dekstop, but i certainly dont want the system to break, so do u know how to actually replace unity with xfce desktop then without compromising what softw06:30
Bushmasterare i installed etc? basil1x06:30
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bazhangBushmaster, try gnome-shell06:31
basil1xNot replace, no.  I can add it alongside fairly easily, though.06:31
basil1xthough I'm sensing that's not what you want.06:31
bazhangBushmaster, unity and gnome-shell are both gnome3 shells06:31
Bushmasterokay, so when i add it alongside, u mean in log in menu, it will ask me which desktop to choose basil1x06:31
basil1xI do06:32
basil1xYou have to tick the toothy wheely thing and select it.  It will then be default until you select another.06:32
Bushmasterbazhang,  xfce will work for me as basil1x  may able to help me06:32
basil1xall you have to do is 'sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop' without the inverted commas.06:33
basil1xIt will ask you to install quite a few packages.06:33
Bushmasteru sure it wont cause any issue on the software i have installed, i have carefully chosen software for my use, mostly mathematical software like R commander, Python IDE, LaTeX, etc and need to be careful i dont screw things up basil1x06:34
bazhangBushmaster, keep in mind that install xubuntu-desktop with give you more than one of several similar applications06:34
dkbhadeshiya_running that command will install complete xubuntu desktop06:34
basil1xAfter that is done, reboot and choose the new DE at login.06:34
dkbhadeshiya_and even change the Grub entry to xubuntu06:34
basil1xI've never had any issue installing XFCE06:34
joshuasm32I have a major issue with Ubuntu:06:34
basil1xHe's right.  It will update GRUB to reflect the change.06:34
joshuasm32I got sick of the guest account and tried to use this page http://www.howtogeek.com/117994/how-to-disable-ubuntus-guest-session-account/06:35
Ben64it'd be better to do "sudo apt-get install xfce4"06:35
Ben64not so many extra packages06:35
joshuasm32It involves editing LightDM.conf06:35
dkbhadeshiya_yes thats better06:35
joshuasm32Unlike what was shown, the file was empty and surprisingly there was no password prompt06:36
dkbhadeshiya_LightDM.conf has some entry about guest account, dont remember though, but you have to change it to 'false'06:36
joshuasm32I added the line "allow-guest=false" and restarted my device06:36
joshuasm32Now there is no GUI06:36
Bushmasterdkbhadeshiya_,  very well put comment, basil1x  as dkbhadeshiya_ point out, at the moment, i am multibooting with OpenSuse, Mint , Ubuntu and Windows, hence my grub entry is on OPenSuse GRUB2 it will cause issues dont u think, i mean i like OpenSuse grub2 entry, i can always reinstall it to get it back i assume, also Ubuntu is brilliant, cos it does not create issues running other Linux or windows with it alongside at all06:36
joshuasm32LightDM cannot be found it states06:36
joshuasm32I think there was a problem editing06:36
joshuasm32Reconfiguring graphics or using a low-graphic session does not work06:37
basil1xYou should try his way forst, Bushmaster , as it's a subset of mine anyway.06:37
joshuasm32Cannot use any entries in the low graphics mode06:37
* basil1x didn't clock that a dual grub thing was happening. Sorry for the inconvenience.06:38
joshuasm32Basically I can't go to a login screen, command line in boot says LightDM is gone, and the tutorial was a piece of crap06:38
Bushmasternot sure about ur last comment basil1x  and Ben64  was suggesting xfce4, is it the one i should install?06:38
joshuasm32What should I do?06:38
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dkbhadeshiya_try reinstalling lightdm06:39
dkbhadeshiya_if it fails then install GDM06:39
joshuasm32Command line is locked06:39
joshuasm32No GUI06:39
dkbhadeshiya_Command line is locked?? Strange06:39
basil1xBushmaster, yes... try xfce4 first.06:39
joshuasm32in boot06:39
dkbhadeshiya_No GUI means you have access to CLI??06:39
joshuasm32"Stopping recovery options if display manager fails to start"06:39
joshuasm32Recovery does not work06:39
beefkittenNeed help getting resolution above 1024x768???06:39
joshuasm32No options in it at all that is06:40
joshuasm32@beefkitten are you using a monitor?06:40
joshuasm32Click the other display icon06:40
joshuasm32Set built-in to disabled06:40
joshuasm32Then change it there06:40
joshuasm32Infinite message @dkbhadeshiya is shown06:41
joshuasm32no function at all06:41
joshuasm32its a laptop harddrive cannot be taken out06:41
joshuasm32and the disk is encrypted06:41
eblipwow disk encryption06:42
beefkittenjoshuasm32: i'm only working on one dispay...there is no "other display" option in my settings06:42
beefkittenjust built new machine today, and display is the only thing we can't get right06:43
joshuasm32sry i use laptop with external display a lot06:43
joshuasm32Anyway, I need to access my laptop06:44
joshuasm32Does anyone know how to edit the LightDB.conf file from the in-boot command line (by hitting esc) and have it restored?06:45
jamswatjoshuasm32, Does SSH work?06:45
jamswatOops sorry06:45
jamswatwas reading old stuff06:46
joshuasm32Running Ubuntu 14.04 LTS06:46
niLuvUis this safe ^06:47
niLuvUhttps + webdav ?06:47
Bushmasterbasil1x, just finised installing it, let me reboot and see what happen, thanks for the help and i may seek help if i get stuck06:47
jamswatSo anyway joshuasm32, it turns out my question was relevant. Does SSHing from another machine to the locked up machine work?06:48
joshuasm32I'm not sure what you mean sorry06:49
joshuasm32My disk is encrypted06:49
joshuasm32This may be a problem if using remote06:49
jamswatDo you have any other computers connected to your network?06:50
vegombreihi how do i install files that come in tar.gz06:50
vegombreiim new to linux06:50
jamswatvegombrei, they're source files06:50
jamswatyou need to compile them06:50
joshuasm32A smaller notebook06:51
jamswatokay. That's good.06:51
basil1xvegombrei, have you extracted the files and looked for instructions?06:51
vegombreii extracted them into the download folder and now im confused dunno what to do06:51
jamswatwindows or linux on the netbook?06:51
basil1xOr checked to see if someone's made a .deb of whatever it is?06:51
EriC^^vegombrei: check the README06:51
joshuasm32@vegombrei do you want to install or run?06:51
basil1xbecause being new, a .deb would simplify everything.06:52
joshuasm32tar.xz is like a zip in windows06:52
joshuasm32inside is a .sf file usually06:52
joshuasm32you have to change a setting to run it instead of viewing source code06:52
joshuasm32you can do this by editing preferences in nautilus, under behavious06:52
jamswatAlso joshuasm32, do you have a android/iOS device?06:52
joshuasm322 ubuntu, 1 raspbmc06:53
jamswatthat's going to make it a bit more difficult. Oh well.06:53
joshuasm321 ubuntu is down06:53
joshuasm32Sorry about than then06:53
jamswatOn the working machine type "sudo apt-get install zenmap"06:53
vegombreiEriC^^: readme gives absolutely no information on how to install06:54
EriC^^vegombrei: what are you trying to install?06:54
joshuasm32vego, do you want to install or are you okay with just running it?06:54
vegombreiEriC^^: serviio is a media server i wanna use instead of plex06:55
jamswatI forgot to ask, joshuasm32. Is the locked up machine a desktop or laptop?06:55
joshuasm32acer aspire with touch ^^06:56
EriC^^vegombrei: ok, where did you download it from?06:56
jamswatDoes it have a ethernet port?06:56
SwiftRiderI'm having troubles copying files from a CD drive to my system.06:56
SwiftRiderWhen I try to select all the files and use 'Copy' option in the right click panel, it says 'Input/output error'. I'm guessing it's a permission issue.06:56
SwiftRiderWhat can I do to fix this?06:56
vegombreiEriC^^: http://www.serviio.org/06:56
jamswatgood, is it possible to connect it up to your router with an ethernet cable?06:57
joshuasm32yes :)06:57
joshuasm32finished zenmap install...06:57
jamswatCan you now tell me the output of "ifconfig"06:58
metaphysicianIs it true that Ubuntu kernel team is going to maintain 3.16 kernel until 2016? What PPA are they using for same?06:58
DarwinSurvivorSwiftRider: is this with all CDs or one in particular?06:58
SwiftRiderDarwinSurvivor: Just this one.06:58
jamswatthere should be a line containing "192.168"06:58
jamswatpaste that06:58
DarwinSurvivorSwiftRider: it could be a sign of a damaged disk, are there any visible scratches/etc on the bottom surface?06:58
vegombreihowcome they dont make installables where you double click and it installs or even sudo apt-get is awesome how does a newbie deal with tar.gz and then install this?06:59
SwiftRiderDarwinSurvivor: Nope. It works perfectly on Windows.06:59
joshuasm32 br0       Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr dc:0e:a1:57:1a:fa06:59
joshuasm32          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
joshuasm32          inet6 addr: fe80::de0e:a1ff:fe57:1afa/64 Scope:Link06:59
joshuasm32          UP BROADCAST MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:106:59
joshuasm32          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:006:59
DarwinSurvivorSwiftRider: Windows may not be being as picky about the checksums or something06:59
SwiftRiderShould've told him to do ifconfig | grep 192 or something ^_^07:00
DarwinSurvivorSwiftRider: is this a burned disk, or factory made?07:00
basil1xvegombrei, newbies usually go lok for a ppa from some nice person who's built whatever it is for Ubuntu07:00
jamswatTrue. Now I feel bad. :(07:00
SwiftRiderDarwinSurvivor: Burned disk.07:00
jamswatSorry Josh!07:00
DarwinSurvivorSwiftRider: how recently?07:00
jamswatanyway, I now have the info I need07:00
EriC^^vegombrei: cd to the directory you extracted, and type ./bin/serviio.sh07:00
SwiftRiderDarwinSurvivor: An year ago, maybe.07:00
jamswattype "gksudo zenmap &"07:00
joshuasm32oh no my mistake thanks btw07:01
jamswatand put in your password.07:01
EriC^^vegombrei: to start the console type ./bin/serviio-console.sh07:01
EriC^^vegombrei: check starting the server and adding media etc. here http://www.serviio.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=507:01
jamswatOkay, in the target box type "192.168.1.*"07:02
SwiftRiderDarwinSurvivor: Basically, I just want to play a media file. It's in .DAT format, but I can't seem to be able to play it.07:02
Bushmasterbasil1x, thanks, succesfully installed and work fine and good news is, it did not update my grub either, all i need to figure out is how to get rid of the all the parittion disk icon showing on the desktop and how to change the theme and wallapaper07:02
DarwinSurvivorSwiftRider: If you are only seeing problems with this 1 disk, chances are it is a problem with the disk (different operating systems and applications will handle this differently). If you really want to read the data in Linux, you could try dd'ing the disk to an image file then mounting that07:02
SwiftRiderI don't really need to copy it to the drive anyway; just playing is enough.07:02
DarwinSurvivorSwiftRider: if you still have the original versions of the data (on another computer, etc), then I would highly recommend using those instead of a possibly damaged disk07:03
jamswatAnd in the profile box select "Quick scan plus"07:03
jamswatand press "scan"07:03
basil1xBushmaster, do you *want* to rid yourself of the desktop icons?07:03
Bushmasterbasil1x, good news is, it did not break the system, and all the software i installed in Unity remain well intact and well organized07:03
SwiftRiderDarwinSurvivor: I don't, that's the problem :(07:03
jamswatIt might take a few minutes to finish07:03
joshuasm32still doing it07:03
EriC^^vegombrei: it says you need to install ffmpeg first, if it doesn't work, type sudo apt-get install ffmpeg07:03
SwiftRiderDarwinSurvivor: Could you tell me how to do that? I'm reading man dd but that's going to take me a lot of time :/07:03
Bushmasteryes basil1x i like to keep my desktop clean and also the wallpaper, i like rainforest etc by default it chose a blue screen07:03
SwiftRider<-- n00b07:03
jamswatWhen it's done, copy the output, put it on pastebin.org, and send it to me.07:04
basil1xBushmaster, they're there in xfce, though I do think you can configure it to not put them there, but I'm not on xfce atm, so buggered if I can recall how.07:04
Bushmasteryes its little difficult unlike unity basil1x  thanaks anyhow07:05
DarwinSurvivorSwiftRider: then I would dd the disk to a local image and mount that locally, though I cannot guarantee the file will be uncorrupted07:05
SwiftRiderDarwinSurvivor: Yeah, how to do 'dd the disk to local image'?07:05
Bushmasterthanks Ben64 for suggesting xfc64, its good and it did not update my GRUB which is good07:05
DarwinSurvivorSwiftRider: if you run "mount" it should print a bunch of information, 1 line will indicate your cdrom (/dev/cdrom or something similar)07:06
jamswatDamn. Just what I didn't want to see.07:06
EriC^^SwiftRider: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/path/to/save/image.img07:06
jamswatAre you sure that the ethernet cable is plugged in?07:06
vegombreiEriC^^: you installed it sucessfully?07:07
joshuasm32i'll reboot the router07:07
jamswatThat wouldn't do anything.07:07
joshuasm32ethernet is a bit dogy07:07
EriC^^vegombrei: i didn't install it, i read the docs on the website07:07
vegombreiEriC^^: dude nothing happens07:07
EriC^^there's an install guide i pasted the link earlier07:07
EriC^^vegombrei: i think the first command runs the server07:07
EriC^^( in the background )07:08
SwiftRiderEriC^^: thanks. That's done.07:08
SwiftRiderHow do I mount it?07:08
jamswatAnyway, ensure the cable is plugged in, and reboot the frozen pc.07:08
vegombreiEriC^^: cruisor goes to the next line and nothing happens07:08
DarwinSurvivorSwiftRider: how big of a file did it create?07:08
EriC^^vegombrei: the second command runs a console i guess07:08
DarwinSurvivor"du -h /path/to/save/image.img"07:08
johnhey guys, I need a little help with installing ubuntu on assus laptop07:08
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EriC^^vegombrei: with the second command?07:08
jamswatThen redo the scan, and send it again.07:08
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EriC^^SwiftRider: the cdrom could be /dev/sr0 btw07:08
vegombreiEriC^^: one sec07:09
EriC^^SwiftRider: it most likely is, type lsblk to check07:09
__john__doe__I have windows uefi installation that I can't delete07:09
joshuasm32ethernet works now restarting scan07:09
EriC^^SwiftRider: nevermind, /dev/cdrom is a symlink to /dev/sr007:09
__john__doe__I want to install it with legacy boot option, with grub207:09
EriC^^SwiftRider: so it's the same thing07:09
__john__doe__so that windows installation is intact, while Im using linux07:10
DarwinSurvivor__john__doe__: which version of windows?07:10
__john__doe__I installed it, didn't have any error07:10
__john__doe__I dont need dual boot07:10
__john__doe__I just dont want to delete windows and all of its recovery stuff07:10
__john__doe__and use linux as main OS07:10
SwiftRiderEriC^^: 651264 bytes (651 kB) copied, 0.0604047 s, 10.8 MB/s07:10
SwiftRiderIt's the same for both /dev/cdrom and /dev/sr007:11
EriC^^SwiftRider: that's odd07:11
DarwinSurvivorSwiftRider: it sounds like you either copied the wrong device, or the disk is unreadable07:12
SwiftRiderDarwinSurvivor: How do I know if the disk is unreadable?07:12
jamswatNope. It's not finding the broken machine.07:12
jamswatThat's a shame.07:12
joshuasm32i'll try again in a few minutes07:12
sacarlson__john__doe__: ubuntu cdlive install will ask if you want to just delete all and install it.  can't you just use that option?07:13
EriC^^SwiftRider: try with conv=noerror07:13
joshuasm32maybe still booting?07:13
SwiftRiderls output => lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 Nov 16 12:39 /dev/cdrom -> sr007:13
EriC^^SwiftRider: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/path/to/save/image.img conv=noerror07:13
DarwinSurvivorSwiftRider: run "mount" and you should see an entry for the cdrom if it is still mounted07:13
joshuasm32i'm using my parent's evil airport router, its ports are all jacked up07:13
EriC^^SwiftRider: notrunc too07:13
joshuasm32may be it07:13
EriC^^SwiftRider: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/path/to/save/image.img conv=notrunc,noerror07:13
deegowhich parent's?07:13
joshuasm32parents' you troll07:14
SwiftRiderDarwinSurvivor: Yes, it's still mounted.07:14
lolboxso yesterday i've installed ubuntu 14.10 and i keep getting display freezes,i am running nvidia-331 from additional drivers,i can get past the freezes by switching to a tty,is there any solution except for switching back and forth?07:14
DarwinSurvivorSwiftRider: does it show /dev/cdrom as the device that it mounted?07:14
joshuasm32I'm really hoping I won't need to fresh install07:14
SwiftRiderEriC^^: Same thing happens. Except it repeats over and over again. The file size remains the same.07:14
jamswatSo joshuasm32, is your entire disk encrypted?07:15
joshuasm32using the option in the ubuntu setup07:15
SwiftRiderDarwinSurvivor: /dev/sr0 on /media/user/diskname type iso9660 (ro,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=utf8,mode=0400,dmode=0500,uhelper=udisks2)07:15
joshuasm32requires password during boot07:15
DarwinSurvivorSwiftRider: ok, then dd with /dev/sr0 should be correct07:15
jamswatDoesn't that only encrypt your home folder? Maybe someone else can correct me. I've never really messed around with encryption.07:16
joshuasm32That's another option07:16
joshuasm32I'm using both at once ^^07:16
jamswatAhh yes, I understand.07:16
joshuasm32It's when you select install ubuntu07:16
joshuasm32there is an option to encrypt it as well and even use logical volume management07:16
joshuasm32I have both enabled07:16
jamswatDoes it get to the point where it prompts you for your password?07:16
__john__doe__sacarlson: I set up my partition manually07:16
SwiftRiderDarwinSurvivor: Still the same file size. 693 KB. Could it be a permission issue?07:16
__john__doe__because I need certain setup07:16
joshuasm32past that07:17
DarwinSurvivorjamswat: if you need to enter the encryption password before the login screen, that is whole-disk encryption07:17
joshuasm32then goes into low graphical boot07:17
__john__doe__I did everything that partition wizzard asked me07:17
__john__doe__but it's not working07:17
jamswatYep. Thanks DarwinSurvivor.07:17
joshuasm32however, nothing in low graphic boot works07:17
DarwinSurvivorjamswat: home-folder encryption will almost always use your login password as the decryption key, making it seemless07:17
joshuasm32blinks the "window", then shows the thing again07:17
SwiftRiderI don't know if it makes any difference, but I tried `sudo su -` and cd'd to the cdrom directory and did `cp -R . ~/Desktop` - it outputted the same error.07:17
joshuasm32i can use a command line thing when hitting esc07:17
DarwinSurvivorSwiftRider: if it was a permission issue, you should get an error07:18
joshuasm32message there says display manager cannot be loaded07:18
joshuasm32then sits infinitely07:18
DarwinSurvivorSwiftRider: what does "ls -l /dev/sr0" print?07:18
sacarlson__john__doe__: so erase all that's in the efi partition and see how it goes.  I"ve never installed efi manualy before07:18
SwiftRiderDarwinSurvivor: brw-rw----+ 1 root cdrom 11, 0 Nov 16 12:39 /dev/sr007:18
jamswatAnd it doesn't respond to anything?07:18
__john__doe__sacarlson: I dont want uefi07:19
joshuasm32what ip* thing was it again?07:19
__john__doe__I want to keep it on my disk07:19
__john__doe__but use grub07:19
Stainedhathey all, I'm having problems with ubuntu server 14.04 cli going to sleep and losing network connectivity. I've tried acpi=off but that seems to break lvm. Any other options for disabling power management?07:19
joshuasm32me too07:19
__john__doe__I setup my bios 10mb partition because it's gpt partition type07:19
DarwinSurvivorSwiftRider: if "cdrom" appears in the list when you run "id", then there should be no permissions issues07:19
lolboxi wonder how to fix the random display freezing07:19
sacarlson__john__doe__: oh is that option work in your bios?  the just delete the uefi partition and see if it works07:19
__john__doe__I setup my boot partition, root and home07:19
jamswatDoes it respond to REISUB? http://fosswire.com/post/2007/09/fix-a-frozen-system-with-the-magic-sysrq-keys/07:19
joshuasm32have to restart a lot network breaks07:19
StainedhatI'm running in a virtualbox so no real bios07:20
__john__doe__sacarlson: I cant delete it07:20
__john__doe__than I wont be able to recover windows later07:20
jamswatJust to make sure SOMETHING's still working.07:20
__john__doe__it's company computer, not my personal07:20
SwiftRiderDarwinSurvivor: It does.07:20
sacarlson__john__doe__: oh you stated you didn't want dual boot07:20
__john__doe__that's why I decided not to touch uefi but to go with grub07:20
DarwinSurvivorSwiftRider: then it's not a permissions issue07:20
__john__doe__sacarlson: yep07:20
joshuasm32@who jamswat?07:20
joshuasm32REISUB thing07:20
SwiftRiderDammit, I give up. I'll just install Windows and copy the contents -____-07:20
EriC^^SwiftRider: try isoinfo -d -i /dev/sr0 | grep -i -E 'block size|volume size'07:21
SwiftRiderDarwinSurvivor, EriC^^: Thank you for your help!07:21
XeI am getting X to segfault when loading the proprietary ATI drivers07:21
sacarlson__john__doe__: you might be able to point your bios to anther disk or another partition of the disk for mbr then07:21
DarwinSurvivorSwiftRider: if Windows can read it, then try copying the files in Windows, then moving them to Linux07:21
SwiftRiderEriC^^: Logical block size is: 2048, Volume size is: 112407:21
__john__doe__see on my home laptop, ACER, I disable secure boot and I get legacy option07:21
joshuasm32...it isn't frozen however07:21
jamswatSorry, I should make it obvious, don't want someone accidently using reisub. :)07:21
SwiftRiderDarwinSurvivor: Yeah, but the problem is I don't have Windows installed.07:22
joshuasm32esc can toggle, as can arrow keys07:22
Xelooking at the logs it looks like a null pointer error07:22
EriC^^SwiftRider: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/path/to/save/image.img bs=2048 count=1124 conv=notrunc,noerror07:22
DarwinSurvivorSwiftRider: It sounds like the disk itself is damaged though, so you may want to try some physical recovery as well (disk repair kit, simple cleaning, etc)07:22
joshuasm32but cmd line is locked07:22
__john__doe__on asus I disabled secure boot and enabled csm and PXE OpROM07:22
__john__doe__but still doesn't boot07:22
daftykinslol PXE option ROM is for network boot.07:22
EriC^^SwiftRider: i think that means there's only 2mb on the cdrom07:22
__john__doe__daftykins: so should I just keep CSM?07:22
sacarlson__john__doe__: ya pxe is netboot07:23
jamswatjoshuasm32, what do you mean? You don't need the command line. This works at a very low kernel level.07:23
DarwinSurvivorSwiftRider: sometimes (but rarely), just trying a computer with a different drive can do the trick07:23
jamswatDoes it reboot the stuck PC?07:23
daftykins__john__doe__: that's only relevant if you want a non-EFI install07:23
joshuasm32not sure what you mean07:23
__john__doe__daftykins: I did non-efi install07:23
SwiftRiderEriC^^: Nope, properties says '19 items, totalling 616.4 MB'07:23
daftykins__john__doe__: i saw you mention GPT, CSM can't boot from a GPT disk07:24
__john__doe__daftykins: legacy boot can07:24
daftykins__john__doe__: i don't even know what your issue is though :) just switched channels07:24
sacarlson__john__doe__: so you already did non-efi install so where did you point to put your mbr?07:24
jamswatHolding "SysReq" +  "R" "E" "I" "S" "U" "B" keys in linux forces the PC to reboot.07:24
joshuasm32i can reboot it07:24
__john__doe__to 10md bios partition I created manually07:24
EriC^^SwiftRider: dd if=/dev/cdrom of=/path/to/save/image.img bs=2048 count=300000 conv=notrunc,noerror07:25
jamswatUsing those keys.07:25
__john__doe__actually ubuntu asked me that07:25
EriC^^SwiftRider: try that and see if it the image file is larger07:25
jamswatJust to see if the kernel'07:25
jamswats responding.07:25
martyj-ohttp://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/ <-- What the eff? Since when can 32-bit computers only have less than 2 GB of RAM? It's 4 GB or less...07:25
joshuasm32i can hold the power button07:25
joshuasm32controls work07:25
EriC^^SwiftRider: ( that wont get you all that's on the cd, but check if it gets you more first )07:26
joshuasm32i can hit esc or left/right and switch from splash screen to command line thing07:26
SwiftRiderEriC^^: It is. It's now 1.1 MB07:26
sacarlson__john__doe__: ok then now you have to point bios to that 10mb partition if your bios supports such things07:26
joshuasm32and tap/hold power to reboot07:26
joshuasm32it isn't frozen, but the command line makes no progress in boot and does not accept commands07:26
joshuasm32(the usual thing)07:26
__john__doe__sacarlson: I know, that's where I got stuck :)07:26
joshuasm32are you able to type when hitting esc during boot?07:26
XeAnyone available to answer my question?07:26
joshuasm32i've never been able :/07:26
martyj-oCan somebody explain my finding?07:27
sacarlson__john__doe__: ok then mybe your bios doesn't support it07:27
martyj-oWhy does the page talk about "less than 2 GB"?07:27
sacarlson__john__doe__: maybe you will need some usb or cd bios loader just to boot your main disk07:28
joshuasm32i'm guessing its a lost cause?07:28
__john__doe__sacarlson that's what I thought07:28
__john__doe__how can I create grub on my usb, if I boot from same usb07:28
Flannelmartyj-o: You can use either one.  They're recommending the 64bit version for computers with larger than 2GB of RAM07:28
__john__doe__I have only one available07:28
jamwatI'm back.07:28
sacarlson__john__doe__: you can use something like plop to boot your main disk from usb07:29
sacarlson__john__doe__: again assuming your system supports usb boot07:29
joshuasm32Such a shame... I just spent weeks upgrading all of my media to pbthal flac07:29
joshuasm32not backed up07:29
__john__doe__sacarlson: it does, I installed ubuntu from unetbootin usb stick07:29
jamwatThat's unfortunate. :(07:29
daftykinsmartyj-o: yeah, you didn't understand its' intention very well. it says <2GB because that's the 'less than' value which means more sense for using a 32-bit distro with. simple.07:30
sacarlson__john__doe__: ok well that's a last resort then plop or similar grub usb07:30
joshuasm32@jam(s)wat, what was the ip* thing again?07:31
joshuasm32to use in zen?07:31
daftykinsjamwat: do you have a question?07:31
sacarlson__john__doe__: but keep researching your bios to be sure there isn't a better way http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanager/download.html07:32
jamwatWhat do you mean?07:32
joshuasm32he's helping me07:32
joshuasm32i owe u one07:32
joshuasm32thanks for helping so far07:32
jamwatThat's okay. I really should be studying for exams atm. :P07:32
DarwinSurvivorjoshuasm32: have you tried accessing the drive from a recovery disk?07:32
jamwatThe disk's encrypted DarwinSurvivor.07:33
jamwatCan you decrypt it?07:33
jamwatwith the recovery disk?07:33
DarwinSurvivorjamwat: yes, it should prompt you for the password when you try to mount it from the live-cd07:33
jamwatOkay, Thanks DarwinSurvivor07:34
Rohan_14does "sudo -i" works on every linux distro ?07:34
joshuasm32i don't have a recovery disk07:34
joshuasm32just a pw07:34
jamwatMake one. :P07:34
EriC^^Rohan_14: if sudo is installed, yes07:34
smacktalkso I have 4 x 1 T hard drives in a case and I'd like to convert it to an ubuntu studio system....is there a way to make the spare drives accessible to the network as a share?07:34
joshuasm32its locke07:34
EriC^^Rohan_14: if not use su -c "<command>"07:34
=== joshuasm32 is now known as paranoidandroid
jamwatPut ubuntu on a spare USB disk, and boot it up in live mode on the locked up machine.07:35
Rohan_14EriC^^: su works on every linux distro ?07:35
jamwatYes Rohan_1407:35
paranoidandroidlive mode?07:35
EriC^^Rohan_14: yeah it should07:35
Rohan_14EriC^^: :)07:36
EriC^^Rohan_14: if you want a shell, su -07:36
paranoidandroidso shoud I install the os to a disk or use try ubuntu from a usb?07:36
paranoidandroidalready have 2 usb installers, one 32bit the other 64, could i use the try ubuntu thing or should i install it to the usb?07:36
paranoidandroid(no disk drive)07:36
jamwatuse "Try before installing"07:36
jamwator whatever it's called.07:36
paranoidandroidand then fix the file?07:37
paranoidandroidwow that is an amazing idea07:37
EriC^^Rohan_14: :)07:37
jamwatIt was DarwinSurvivor's idea. Thank him.07:37
DarwinSurvivorsmacktalk: what operating systems would you like to share them with?07:37
paranoidandroidat school ubuntu is black market07:38
paranoidandroidloan the drives after school07:38
paranoidandroidto dual boot the notebook provided07:38
paranoidandroidkeep them nice and handy07:38
=== EriC^ is now known as Guest32063
smacktalkI'd like to share with a windows desktop07:38
jamwatApparently, it will prompt you for the decryption password when you try to mount it in "live" android. paranoidandroid.07:39
lolboxi've disabled swappiness to see if the screen freezing goes away07:39
jamwatOops "live" ubuntu07:39
paranoidandroid(Paranoid Android is a Radiohead track)07:39
jamwatAnd a android rom. :P07:40
=== Guest32063 is now known as EriC^
paranoidandroidoh neat07:41
jamwatAnyway paranoidandroid, it should be pretty easy to fix the LightDM config once you mount the encrypted drive.07:41
daftykinssmacktalk: samba.07:42
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html07:42
DarwinSurvivorsmacktalk: ^^07:42
paranoidandroidoh i have grub access07:42
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
DarwinSurvivorsmacktalk: you want "samba file server" from the second link07:43
jamwatparanoidandroid, apparently there is a "'default" lightdm.conf at /usr/share/doc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.gz07:43
jamwatcompresssed obviously.07:43
smacktalkok so I just go ahead and install ubuntu studio...and set up samba after?07:43
daftykinssmacktalk: no idea why you want studio, but sure.07:44
smacktalkthere's no special way to set up the directories07:44
DarwinSurvivorsmacktalk: pretty much07:44
paranoidandroidah damn ubuntu can't find it07:44
DarwinSurvivorsmacktalk: what do you mean by "special way"?07:44
paranoidandroidreplaced my acer boot maneu07:44
paranoidandroiddevice not listed07:44
smacktalkwhy wouldn't I want studio, it's got all the art programs..photography07:44
paranoidandroidsorry ignore me07:45
EriC^^Swiftrider you good?07:45
paranoidandroidgoing on and on07:45
jamwatparanoidandroid, the bios isn't finding the USB stick?07:45
daftykinssmacktalk: because i can't read minds and had no idea you desire such things.07:45
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DarwinSurvivorsmacktalk: actually, I think the newer Ubuntu versions may have it built right in. http://www.7tutorials.com/how-access-ubuntu-shared-folders-windows-707:45
SavKobaniis there a way to undelete a file i did rm -rf on?07:45
EriC^^How do you tab complete on a phone?07:45
daftykinsDarwinSurvivor: yep and it fails right out of the box!07:45
paranoidandroidtrying to use advanced options mode to see if it works07:45
niLuvUguys I want to convert all my office files from .docx/.doc to .odt/ODF; about 1000 files ; What to do ?07:45
DarwinSurvivorsmacktalk: you should be able to just right-click the folder and set up sharing (never done it that my myself though)07:45
daftykinsSavKobani: nope. unless you start messing with data recovery programs, but you'll need to reboot immediately and use a live session for that07:46
paranoidandroidhmm i have a cmd now07:47
smacktalkoh....hopefully it'll have the individual drives listed and I can just right click and share07:47
paranoidandroidwould it be possible to fix it from here?07:47
jamwatWhere exactly is the command line. On the broken install?07:47
daftykinssmacktalk: only if you mount them somewhere during the install, maybe to /media/disk1 /media/disk2 etc07:47
paranoidandroidi used advanced options i'm so stupid07:47
paranoidandroidi'm really sorry to07:48
jamwatThe same install that was "locked"07:48
paranoidandroidthe boot cmd was locked07:48
DarwinSurvivorsmacktalk: not quite. In linux the drives are mounted to folders, you'll want to share those folders (very similar concept though)07:48
paranoidandroidwas too stupid to hit f12 and use advanced mode07:48
paranoidandroidif you have reddit, i can give u gold07:48
paranoidandroidso sorry07:48
paranoidandroidis is possible to fix LightDM from cmd?07:49
smacktalkhopefully it's straight forward in the install07:49
paranoidandroidin the broken machine?07:49
jamwatOf course I use reddit. I don't expect gold though.07:49
DarwinSurvivorsmacktalk: so you'll want to make the mounts permanently ( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions ), then share the folders where you mounted them (ex: /mnt/drive1, etc)07:49
* paranoidandroid will find you /:D07:49
paranoidandroidsrs tho07:49
jamwatIf you want to stalk me paranoidandroid, I'm /u/-jimmyrustles07:50
DarwinSurvivorsmacktalk: just be careful during the install not to wipe out the data on your other drives (make sure you install to the right one!)07:50
Stainedhatso, does anyone know of a way to turn off suspend in 14.04 server?07:50
DarwinSurvivorStainedhat: server edition shouldn't suspend by default07:50
jamwatCan't believe I'm giving people my reddit account. :P07:50
smacktalkwould I be able to make two of the drives into a raid configuration?07:50
DarwinSurvivorStainedhat: was this an original server install, or a desktop install converted to server?07:50
smacktalkthere's no data...they're wiped07:51
StainedhatDarwinSurvivor: hmm yeah thats what I though but I have a vm that was a server edition install and it keeps turning off display and networking after a while07:51
DarwinSurvivorsmacktalk: yes, you should be able to do that, but you'll need some knowledge of disk partitioning. Chose "advanced" when the installer asks about partitions07:51
paranoidandroidso from cmd...07:51
jamwatparanoidandroid, this "cmd"; is it grub, ubuntu, usb ubuntu? what?07:51
paranoidandroidi ran advanced options and loaded it07:52
paranoidandroidon the normal ubuntu07:52
paranoidandroiddidn't think of using it before07:52
jamwatOkay. Fantastic!07:52
StainedhatDarwinSurvivor: I tried acpi=off from grub but it broke lvm and coulnd't find the vg07:52
lolboxmy screen froze again :(07:52
DarwinSurvivorStainedhat: what vm are you using? (virtualbox, vmware, etc?)07:52
jamwatparanoidandroid, the corrupted file is /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf?07:53
StainedhatDarwinSurvivor: Virtualbox07:53
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lolboxidk what to do with there damn screen freezes,they just come up randomly07:54
StainedhatDarwinSurvivor: I poked around looking for anything that would cause it in VB but couldn't find anything07:54
jamwat do you see output when you type "zcat /usr/share/doc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.gz"07:54
DarwinSurvivorStainedhat: did you install any power management stuff after the initial install?07:54
Apachezanyone who knows why "fstrim -v /" still reports shitloads of data even if I have mounted my partitions with the discard flag set? (running ubuntu 14.10)07:55
StainedhatDarwinSurvivor: no, just apache, php and that was pretty much about it07:55
Aaroni have a question how come my bluetooth disappear all of the sudden?07:55
DarwinSurvivorStainedhat: does it respond to pings when the display turns off?07:55
jamwatgood, paranoidandroid.07:56
paranoidandroidah could use cd07:56
paranoidandroid(don't know how tho lol)07:56
StainedhatDarwinSurvivor: no it's basically like the machine is off. Cannot ping it and apache does not respond. It's like the network service is going into powersave07:56
* paranoidandroid == ultra-hyper-newb07:56
StainedhatDarwinSurvivor: as soon as I click in the VB window and ping another server it comes back up after about 2-3 sec07:57
lolboxshould i install nvidia-331 updates or the tested one,because i am trying to fix my screen freeze problem07:57
jamwatparanoidandroid, can you type this: "rm /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf"07:57
Apachezlolbox: I used the regular 331 suggested by additional drivers07:57
Apachezlolbox: that is not the nvidia-updated07:57
lolboxi have a stupid optimus laptop with nvidia-prime installed07:58
jamwatparanoidandroid, "zcat /usr/share/doc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.gz > /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf"07:58
Apachezlolbox: also make sure that you in your antialias settings (and perhaps also anistrotphic) use "let app decide"07:58
paranoidandroidread-only system07:58
paranoidandroidit says when running the rm07:58
Apachezlolbox: several steam games will start with only black screen if you force antialias07:58
lolboxand every now and then i get those random screen freezing07:58
jamwattype "mount -o rw, remount /"07:58
DarwinSurvivorStainedhat: are theer any relevant entries in /var/log/messages?07:59
lolboxby freezes i mean my mouse gets stuck and i have to switch to a tty07:59
lolboxthan back to the x server07:59
jamwatparanoidandroid, did the mount command work?07:59
paranoidandroidin the usb thing?07:59
jamwatIn the "root@devicename:~#" cmd08:00
jamwatcan you rm the lightdm.conf file now?08:00
StainedhatDarwinSurvivor: well, one thing i just noticed when issuing a dmesg right after it "woke up" is "plymouth-upstart-bridge main process ended, respawning"08:00
paranoidandroidit says it is a read-only system08:01
paranoidandroidi decrypted it08:01
jamwatparanoidandroid, can you post the output of "fdisk -l" (without disconnecting :) )08:02
DarwinSurvivorStainedhat: that error could be unrelated08:02
DarwinSurvivorStainedhat: are there any time-stamped around the time when the network connection goes down?08:02
paranoidandroidinvalid operation08:03
paranoidandroidgives usage stuff08:03
jamwatCan you type "sudo mount -o remount,rw /" again?08:04
paranoidandroidno output...08:05
paranoidandroidnow try it?08:05
ForExampleJohnhi all08:05
jamwatparanoidandroid, can you run  "rm /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf"08:05
ForExampleJohni need some direction please08:05
ForExampleJohnim lost08:05
paranoidandroidyes but no output08:06
StainedhatDarwinSurvivor: well, i do see some messages about eth0 link is not ready but thats for IPv6 then right after that snd_intel8x0 can't find IRQ for PCI INT A; probably buggy MP table.. followed by a block f apparmor messages about dhclient and netowkr manager08:06
jamwatparanoidandroid, now run "zcat /usr/share/doc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.gz > /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf"08:06
ForExampleJohntrying to find a nokia support channel, so sorry to be asking this here08:06
ForExampleJohnbut im just stuck in the wrong channels all the time08:06
Viking667Ahhhhh. This isn't a nokia support channel. Nothing like it, in fact.08:06
StainedhatDarwinSurvivor: it doesn't seem right though because I am specifying everything via a static entyr in /etc/network/interfaces08:07
ForExampleJohnyeah i know, but do you have any idea what one is called?08:07
paranoidandroidnow just reboot and cross my fingers?08:07
SvetlanaForExampleJohn: hi! what specifically about nokia are you looking for help with? software? hardware? what software or what hardware?08:07
jamwatnot yet.08:07
Viking667I have no idea why nokia would even have a IRC support channel.08:07
DarwinSurvivorStainedhat: hmm, unfortunately I'm running out of ideas08:07
Viking667but... that aside, what issue are you having with your Nokia?08:08
DarwinSurvivorDarkvapour: the only thing I can think of is that the screen and network issues *may* be unrelated08:08
jamwatcan you verify that "cat /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf" and "zcat /usr/share/doc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.gz" produce the SAME output?08:08
ForExampleJohnViking, you are a legend08:08
DarwinSurvivorStainedhat: sorry, Darkvapour's message was for you08:08
StainedhatDarwinSurvivor:  yeah same here.. Google is not being helpful for once either. i'm gonna tail -F the dmesg log and see if I see anything when it "sleeps"08:08
ForExampleJohnI have nokia suite installed on pc, but it doesn't want to connect to the web08:08
jamwatTry rebooting.08:08
jamwatAnd cross your fingers :D08:09
DarwinSurvivorStainedhat: I think server mode *will* turn off the screen after a while (but just the screen).08:09
paranoidandroidcrossing all fingers at once08:09
paranoidandroidlooks kind of like spok08:09
StainedhatDarwinSurvivor: hmmm possibly.. I wonder if network manager is trying to conflict with my static entry somehow08:09
ForExampleJohntrying to update software on my mobile08:09
DarwinSurvivorStainedhat: if network manager is fighting with /etc/network/interfaces, that could potentially cause periodic issues, try disabling network manager and see if that resolves anything08:09
paranoidandroidaw crap have to enter encryption pw08:10
StainedhatDarwinSurvivor: I admittedly didn't rtfm and just did my entry the old fashioned way.. lemme try that, thanks!08:10
paranoidandroidwith fingers crossed08:10
paranoidandroidcan it be done?08:10
DarwinSurvivorStainedhat: no problem, I've got to go now unfortunately, but I wish you luck in your hunt08:11
paranoidandroidgold is on the way sir08:11
StainedhatDarwinSurvivor: No worries, thanks for talkign through it with me08:11
jamwatI found your reddit account08:12
paranoidandroidgotten attached to that one08:12
jamwatIf you don't feel like giving gold that's okay.08:12
DarwinSurvivorStainedhat: one last hint. If you suspect unwanted suspending, run "watch 'date >> ~/log.txt'" and look for gaps in the timestamps08:12
paranoidandroidparanoidandroid is just to keep evil gamers off my back08:12
paranoidandroidits okay i'm guilder08:12
paranoidandroidsee the classy trophy?08:13
paranoidandroidone last thing before i go @everyone08:13
paranoidandroidis there a package that improves touch support in ubuntu?08:13
jamwatI don't think there's one that "improves" it.08:13
StainedhatDarwinSurvivor: looks like nm isn't even installed so I may need to look elsewhere. I'll try echoing the date to the log and see if I see gaps. I guess that could tell me whether it's network or system. thanks08:13
paranoidandroidwindows was full of gestures and there were ring around the places where there were taps08:14
paranoidandroidubuntu is pathetic in that aspect, only tap for click is supported08:14
DarwinSurvivorparanoidandroid: the synaptics packages do all kinds of amazing magic08:15
paranoidandroidi looked around different results for touch08:15
paranoidandroidno luck so far...08:15
DarwinSurvivorparanoidandroid: for instance, I can scroll indefinitely by running my finger in a circle around the touchpad like an old-school iPod08:15
DarwinSurvivorparanoidandroid: wow, seeing the words "old-school iPod" makes me feel old :(08:16
paranoidandroidoh no i have one08:16
jamwatme too!08:16
paranoidandroidthe only apple product i would not burn08:16
paranoidandroiddo you guys have rockbox on it?08:16
paranoidandroidits an open sourced os08:16
paranoidandroidfor ipod classic/90% of media players08:17
jamwatNope. doesn't support iPod Nano 4th gen.08:17
paranoidandroidthere is a port i think08:17
paranoidandroidi had to use emcore08:17
paranoidandroida custom boot thing08:17
paranoidandroidand use another person's precious time in an irc :)08:17
paranoidandroidsome terminal comands did it08:17
daftykinslets try and stay on topic peeps, if not there's always #ubuntu-offtopic for all your rambling needs (:08:18
jamwatAnyway paranoidandroid, thanks for being patient with me :P08:18
paranoidandroida port is here: http://www.rockbox.org/wiki/IpodNano4GPort08:18
paranoidandroidnow i'm done08:18
paranoidandroidoh no!08:18
paranoidandroidthanks for being patient with me08:18
paranoidandroidcan't get gold right now, will tho srslyu08:19
jamwatThank you. I really appreciate it.08:19
paranoidandroid@darwinsurvivor what package did the scrollwheel thing?08:19
paranoidandroidthat sounds amazing08:19
lolboxso is there any way to fix the screen freezing,i cannot watch videos or play games08:19
lolboxidk what is happening08:20
DarwinSurvivorparanoidandroid: My laptop runs arch ( https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Touchpad_Synaptics ), but the package should be available somewhere for Ubuntu as well08:21
paranoidandroidokay, one last thing sorry guys08:21
paranoidandroidon any ubuntu install i use, there are about 4 system error warnings08:21
paranoidandroidand one that comes 5 min after08:21
paranoidandroidis this normal?08:21
daftykinslolbox: what card?08:22
paranoidandroidmaybe its a package i use08:22
lolbox720m with optimus08:22
lolboxi have nvidia prime on08:22
daftykinslolbox: tried bumblebee?08:22
lolboxand nvidia 33108:22
jamwattype "sudo nano /etc/defaults/apport"08:22
paranoidandroid(warnings are on startup)08:22
daftykinsparanoidandroid: it would be great if you could cut down on the spam by pressing enter less.08:22
lolboxi didn't try bumblebee yet08:22
paranoidandroidhaha okay i will try to make longer messages :)08:22
Name141Is there a way to stop the 14.04 LTS reminder in 12.04 ?08:23
jamwatparanoidandroid, there should be a file called something like apport.conf in /etc/defaults08:23
daftykinslolbox: it's a worthy plan08:23
lolboxinstalling gnome shell currently to see if it is because of compiz08:23
jamwatName141, go into the dash, type "Software and Updates" and select it08:23
Name141Also, how long does 12.04 have anyway?08:24
paranoidandroidthe file is empty... just like that last one i tried editing!  I think i'll hold off for now XD08:24
jamwatThere should be something about notifying about new versions. Select do not ask me08:24
paranoidandroidgot to go, thanks for the help and for putting up with my excessive posting08:25
Name141Alright, I'll do that after the apt-get distro-upgrade is done installing08:25
jamwatName141,  2017-04-26 is when support stops08:25
cfhowlettName141, distro-upgrade??? or dist-upgrade08:25
daftykinsName141: it's dist-upgrade :P08:25
Name141..yeah that08:26
Name141I installed 14.04 and it ran the tiny 8 GB hard drive out of space.08:26
jamwatOkay guys, I'm leaving now. I'll see you all again sometime.08:26
cfhowlettName141, yep. should have gone with something lighter: lubuntu or xubuntu.08:27
Name141cfhowlett: I was lucky I found that on a CD to bring that machine back to life.08:27
Name141and that I had a hard drive in an old DISHNetwork DVR08:27
Name141that still worked after 10 years08:27
cfhowlettName141, dude!  you got hacker skillz!08:27
Name141cfhowlett: I now miss all my WebTV friends I used to talk to on that DISHNetwork Player :(08:28
Name141and WCW..08:28
Name141I remember pausing Mondy Night Nitro08:28
Name141but yeah anyway08:28
introomhi. a little bit ot. How can I set twitter to send *all* the tweets from users I followed to my mailbox?08:29
introomvia some webapp or some local script are all welcome.08:29
lolboxi am back after installing gnome shell08:30
lolboxgoing to try playing a video to see if it freezes again08:31
=== Aaron is now known as Guest8224
raidensnakedoes anyone know why IP tables doesn't save the configuration when it reboots08:49
raidensnakeI keep losing my configuration08:50
OerHeksraidensnake, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo#Saving_iptables08:50
magnuluhello - I am trying to set up squeezeslave on 14.04 (more or less clean install), and somehow it has broken my audio!08:51
magnuluI can't see anything in the syslog08:51
magnuluwhat to do, from your point of view? I am at a loss on where to start looking08:51
raidensnakethis is the problem the file is there but every time it reboots the settings aren't being applied08:54
OerHeksmagnulu, if i look at the downloadsite, squeezeslave is discontinued and now they make squeezeline ?https://code.google.com/p/squeezeslave/downloads/list08:54
clone1want help- i want to know how to start with my own linux distro08:55
daftykinsclone1: this is a support channel for ubuntu, not making your own :)08:56
daftykinsclone1: try ##linux perhaps08:56
OerHeksraidensnake, it is all there, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo#Configuration_on_startup08:56
=== Orc is now known as Whatever
=== Whatever is now known as Test888
raidensnakethat doesn't help as there's only a single file with the settings.09:01
raidensnakeall I have is /etc/iptables.rules09:02
LxusAnyone know the command to make my home folder non private? need to get some files from my home folder onto my windows drive.09:13
Lxushave ext3/4 drivers installed and able to access the disk, but the home folders encrypted/private to protect my data apparently09:14
Ben64Lxus: what is in your home folder09:15
alice_littleurhythem box cannot add music(mp3) to it,what should i do09:18
LxusBen64: Some games i installed via POL, i wanna move them to my windows drive so i don't have to redownload/reinstall when i change my linux distro09:18
=== Desu is now known as Mion
lapionI have been having problem with utopic and usb3.0 harddrive09:21
sacarlsonlapion: I think I already saw a bug filed on the kernel on utopic for usb3.0 problem,  if you want to add to it you may09:23
LxusBen64: any ideas?09:24
Ben64Lxus: i mean what do you see when you open your home folder in windows09:25
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LxusBen64: only one document saying my home is unmountable to access my data, but i recall a command to make the folder public and mountable i just cant remember where or what it is09:26
OerHeksLxus decrypting your home is a lot of work, i would make a folder under /opt/ to share with windows09:27
Ben64Lxus: well you can't do that in windows09:28
raidensnakehad no choice but to edit the /etc/sysconfig/firewall to make the changes permenant09:28
raidensnakeat least it worked09:28
LxusBen64: you can i've done it before i just can't remember where i seen it or how to do it. >.<09:29
lapionsacarlson, the only bugreport I found was from someone that problems with a usb3 device and decided to try it under a live disc09:30
LxusOerHeks: good idea never even thought of that.09:30
LxusKudos :)09:30
lapionsacarlson, my bug is only with utopic09:30
Ben64Lxus: i really doubt there is a way to decrypt a linux home from windows09:31
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sacarlsonlapion: I see many bugs on usb3.0 including intel hardware bug that requires chip mask changes for failure to recover from suspend.  so best be more specific as to what problem and on what version of kernel09:32
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thanosmehello everyone. I have installed ubuntu 14.04 and I have a problem with the mouse. It double clicks at random times and I cant control it09:32
thanosmeIs there a fix to this?09:32
chettikandathilis there any way to find the target of a symlink?09:33
daftykinschettikandathil: yeah "ls -l" in its' path09:33
daftykinsshould show up09:33
=== Michael__ is now known as Guest78198
sacarlsonlapion: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/135887109:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1358871 in linux (Ubuntu) "USB 3.0 connection is unreliable + xHCI xhci_drop_endpoint called with disabled ep" [Medium,Incomplete]09:35
fingertipsHow do I create a ppp interface on server?09:35
chettikandathilis it necessary to give the full path when a symlink is made using ln -s?09:35
chettikandathilor can i do like ln -s ./abc ~/abc09:36
Ben64chettikandathil: you should use full paths09:37
daftykinsabsolute references are better than relative references09:38
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chettikandathilBen64, daftykins thanks09:38
=== Geo__ is now known as Geo__gr
LxusBen64: No not from windows you decrypt on linux then when you mount the drive on windows its mounted09:39
magnuluOerHeks: yep09:45
chettikandathili added a symlink successfully to /usr/bin . which points to an executable. however i don't get bash completion for the command. is there any extra procedure to get bash completion on an entry on /usr/bin ?09:46
daftykinschettikandathil: check permissions and ownership, also be sure you restart the terminal for completions sake09:47
sacarlsonchettikandathil: bash completion?  it does start?09:49
sacarlsonchettikandathil: the file would also require to be set executable but I should assume you already did that09:50
chettikandathilsacarlson, yeah. the symlink path was relative. fixed it and it works now. but don't know why it show any error first time. maybe bash_completion ate it.09:55
sacarlsonchettikandathil: cool then it works now so don't swet it09:56
daftykinschettikandathil: lol, but we told you not to do it relative...09:56
sacarlsonchettikandathil: ya the told you09:57
chettikandathilyeah. it was an older symlink.09:57
Ben64kind of curious why you have simlinks to stuff in /usr/bin when that should be in your path anyway09:57
daftykinsBen64: no the originals are in /home apparently09:58
daftykinsso rather than add to PATH, symlinks are putting them in /usr/bin apparently09:58
Ben64well thats a big silly mess09:58
daftykinsi wouldn't use non packages, let alone have something in my /home :(09:59
daftykinsbut ho-hum09:59
chettikandathildaftykins, i mean, i just expected to see the symlink in bash completion, even though the symlink path was wrong (which i didn't realize by the way)10:00
daftykinsso you mean if you had /usr/bin/magicalprogram point to ~/magicalprogram - you thought typing "mag" then tab would complete to "magicalprogram" and it didn't?10:00
Ben64or you know... make ~/bin and it will automatically be added to PATH so it would work without making weird links10:01
chettikandathilactually it points to ~/magicalprogram right now. i did point to ./magicalprogram earlier10:02
chettikandathiland it didn't work then10:02
fingertipsHow do I create a ppp interface on server?10:02
chettikandathilBen64, will do that.10:03
PlinkHey all10:09
daftykinsdo you have a question?10:09
Plinkno just saying hi :)10:10
daftykinsPlink: ok well please refrain in future as it's a support channel10:10
=== Guest9911 is now known as nesthib
dimig'morning. what do I type in the terminal to upgrade tinyxml2?10:13
EriC^^dimi: sudo apt-get install --only-upgrade <package>10:14
Plinkim guessing Sudo10:14
dimithanks eric^^10:14
EriC^^ np10:14
kuruk1hi all10:14
dimihm, eric^^: "Unable to locate package tinyxml2"10:15
EriC^^!info tinyxml210:15
ubottuPackage tinyxml2 does not exist in utopic10:15
OerHeksdimi, tinyxml2 on github is 2.2.0, in Utopic is tinyxml2 2.1.0 .. so wait for packagers to update10:15
EriC^^!find tinyxml10:15
ubottuFound: libtinyxml-dev, libtinyxml-doc, libtinyxml2-2, libtinyxml2-dev, libtinyxml2.6.210:15
Ben64dimi: if you do "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" it will upgrade all your packages10:15
OerHeksgithub version is 17 days old10:16
dimiokay, ben6410:16
dimiI thought ubuntu did that anyway every few days, ben64? I was told my tinyxml2 was very, very outdated. what could cause this?10:17
Ben64dimi: told by whom10:17
daftykinsdimi: can you share "cat /etc/issue" please?10:17
Ben64dimi: and it's up to you to decide if updates are done automatically or if you have to do them10:17
dimione of the desurium developers. i tried to build it and it game me two errors, ben6410:17
dimihold on daftykins10:18
dimidaftykins: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS \n \l10:18
daftykinsah, decently supported version then.10:19
daftykinsdimi: just run the dist-upgrade as suggested then, hopefully that'll be new enough for whatever you're trying to use10:19
EriC^^dimi: also try sudo apt-get update before the dist-upgrade10:19
dimiokay, eric^^10:20
dimii'll try to build desurium again--there goes another 2 hours :P-- and find out if this worked! thanks daftykins, eric^^, ben6410:21
OerHeksnext release Vivid will have the latest 2.2.0 http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/vivid/tinyxml210:21
EriC^^dimi: which version do you need?10:21
EriC^^would this work libtinyxml2-dev?10:22
EriC^^!info libtinyxml2-dev trusty10:22
ubottulibtinyxml2-dev (source: tinyxml2): TinyXML2 library - header and static library. In component universe, is extra. Version 0~git20120518.1.a2ae54e-1 (trusty), package size 37 kB, installed size 176 kB10:22
EriC^^!info libtinyxml2-dev10:22
dimieric^^, the dev told me : "tinyxml2::XMLDocument::Parse function requirest at least 2.0.1, which ubuntu doesn't provide for 14.04"10:22
Ben64dimi: why build it? you could use this ppa, still unsupported but definitely easier https://launchpad.net/~makson96/+archive/ubuntu/desurium-stable10:22
ubottulibtinyxml2-dev (source: tinyxml2): TinyXML2 library - header and static library. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.1.0-1 (utopic), package size 35 kB, installed size 211 kB10:22
EriC^^dimi: ok, utopic provides it10:23
dimii didn't know that was an option, ben6410:23
EriC^^you could add the source, install it, and then remove the source10:23
Ben64dimi: you should always check for easier ways to do stuff10:23
EriC^^dimi: ( if it doesn't pull any other dependencies )10:23
dimithanks eric^^. ben64, ya, I guess, I just don't know where to look for this stuff10:24
Ben641. ubuntu repositories        2. PPAs         3. compile yourself            4. something else10:24
EriC^^that sounds like a bad idea10:24
EriC^^cause other packages might want exactly the trusty version10:24
dimihuh, the terminal tells me that library's already upgraded. i'll get back to the dev, see what they say, and try the ppa in the meantime.10:25
dimithanks everyone10:25
sennn.net opensource now!!!!10:25
daftykinssennn: welcome to last week's news10:30
cfhowlettsennn, have you an actual support question?10:30
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dimithe ppa worked, thanks, ben64 ^^10:34
XanoI installed Apache2 and PHP5 with "--with-apxs2". There is a mods-enabled/php5.load with a timestamp that indicates it was created when PHP5 was built. There is  a PHP5.conf in there that links *.php files to the PHP parser. However, Apache serves PHP files as plain text and does not execute them as PHP code. I'm not really sure where to look for the cause of this.10:34
ikoniaXano: deinfe I installed with "--with-zpxs2" do you mean you compiled it ?10:35
Xanoikonia: yes10:35
ikoniaXano: then you'll need to deal with it - there are ubuntu packages that will configure it all fo ryou10:35
Plinkso we can do C#.net in Ubuntu soon?10:37
ikoniaPlink: there is mono10:37
ikoniaresearch mono10:37
Xanoikonia: Well, I obviously cannot deal with it myself, which is why I am on IRC asking for directions...10:37
Plinki know mono is there10:37
ikoniaXano: then you shouldn't have compiled it10:37
daftykinsXano: the point is we support official packages, not your own attempts :)10:37
ikoniaXano: why did you not use the packages provided and supported by uubntu10:37
Xanoikonia: So you never do things you have never done before, so you can learn? And when you do, you never ever look to people around you to see if they can give you a nudge in the right direction?10:38
ikoniaXano: all the time,10:38
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ikoniaXano: why did you not use the ubuntu packages10:38
cfhowlettXano, *nudge* use ubuntu packages.10:39
Xanoikonia: Then please watch what you say. I know what you mean, but to someone new to OSS what you said could potentially sound very arrogant like "You're not doing it out way, now piss off".10:39
ikoniait's fine if you don't want to, the channels #httpd and ##php will support your custom builds10:39
Xanoikonia: I needed extensions that weren't available as packages10:39
ikoniaXano: no it doesn't sound like that10:39
ikoniaXano: try #httpd and ##php10:40
ikoniaas they support the generic software10:40
ikoniathey can help you with your custom builds10:40
Xanoikonia: WIth all due respect, if there is one thing I learned in life is that you can never know how what you say sounds like to someone else, in another part of the world, who may not speak your language and especially over the internet ;)10:40
daftykinsXano has a point there.10:41
daftykinsikonia: you've been sounding like me for quite a while ;)10:41
Plinki like Xano10:41
Xanoikonia: I'm not trying to piss you off, sorry if that was the case10:41
ikoniaXano: with all due respect, this channel is #ubuntu for ubuntu support issues, you are not using ubuntu software, you are using your own software, which I suggest you use #httpd and ##php for the generic custom builds10:41
Xanoikonia: I have learnt these things the hard way by haning out in IRC channels for years myself. I just wanted to share some potentially useful advice10:41
Xanoikonia: Oh, I know, and I'll happily ask elsewhere as well. You sometimes just don't know what knowledge might be available in related channels.10:42
ikoniaXano: yes, "related" channels being the key10:42
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MMukherjee<MMukherjee> How to cross compile for Windows when I'm on Linux?10:43
MMukherjee<MMukherjee> I've got a makefile BTW10:43
PlinkIts related. if feel this channel is our Home, The users of UBUNTU. Made by PEOPLE, Used By PEOPLE, then we got ungreatful ones10:43
MMukherjeeI'm on Ubuntu Linux 14.1010:43
ikoniaMMukherjee: you don't do that10:43
ikoniaPlink: not sure what thats about, but please keep it out of the channel10:43
MMukherjeeI want to cross-compile the makefile10:43
ikoniaMMukherjee: you don't do that10:44
Plinkyou keed your hate out of Channel!10:44
MMukherjeeGNU make is what I've got10:44
ikoniaMMukherjee: I understand that,10:44
JookiaMMukherjee: You can do that using MinGW10:44
ikoniaMMukherjee: however you don't cross-compile windows software on linux10:44
ikoniaMMukherjee: what linux distribution are you using10:45
Jookiaikonia: Perhaps not in production, but it's excellent for development. :)10:45
MMukherjeeUbuntu 14.1010:45
fingertipsHow do I create a ppp interface?10:45
ikoniaMMukherjee: what is the software you want build10:46
ikoniaMMukherjee: so that looks like it's going to need ming support on windows10:48
Jookiaikonia: Does it?10:48
ikoniaJookia: certainly does to me10:48
ikonialooks like it's going to use it for display10:48
MMukherjeeI assume it's impossible.10:49
Jookiaikonia: From what I can see it can use MinGW to cross compile10:49
ikoniaJookia: yes,10:49
Sunstreamwhat is +q?10:49
ikoniaSunstream: a mute10:49
Sunstreammake someone shut up ikonia ?10:49
JookiaSunstream: mean10:50
daftykinsit wouldn't be a very good support channel if the volunteers were muted.10:50
JookiaMMukherjee: It's probably possible to cross compile Sauerbraten from Linux to Windows. But whether you want to do it is another question you should think long and hard about10:50
MMukherjeeI think I should compile that using MinGW for Windows10:51
ikoniait does have some notes about the cross-compile toolchain10:51
ikoniabut it looks like it will need a fair ammount of setup10:51
Jookiaikonia: This is true10:51
ikoniadocumentation isn't really the best10:51
JookiaIt may be more painful to use MinGW on Windows to build10:52
JookiaBecause you'd be doing it in Windows without a shell10:52
ikoniaMMukherjee: there is the channel #sdos on the gamesurge IRC channel, there maybe some people who have done the build for windows and know how to make it easier from their experience10:52
ikoniaI think you'll struggle to cross-compile it without a lot of effort,10:53
cfhowlettSunstream, no need for all that.10:53
MMukherjeehmmmm 'kk10:53
JookiaThe worst part about across compiling is the lack of dependencies10:53
ikoniaMMukherjee: maybe worth asking, it looks like it's designed with a cross-compile in mind, but the build chain looks not straight forward and the documentation isn't really %100 clear10:54
ikoniaso there would be some trial and error unless you already know what's needed10:54
MMukherjeehmmm 'k.10:54
MMukherjeeI will ask 'em10:54
JookiaIf you've got a day to set aside, it looks certainly doable. But then again, Windows. :)10:54
Sunstream? I asked for what +q mean I was just being silly I am sorry cfhowlett.10:55
cfhowlettSunstream, OK.  moving on now ...10:55
* Sunstream goes to bed night all.10:56
chris87lhi@all. does anyone know how i can look up my previous bug reports unter xubuntu. in ubuntu there is a button for the previous reports ...    the link should be like https://errors.ubuntu.com/user/"some numers and letters"        i'm serching for this button or a method how i can find out the numerbs and letters for my system11:04
ikoniachris87l: launchpad.net and the "my bugs" search11:05
chris87lbut only if i have a account there isn't it? i have no account11:05
ikoniachris87l: you must have an account, or you couldn't log bugs11:05
EriC^^chris87l: settings > privacy > diagnostics > show previous reports11:06
EriC^^chris87l: that's on unity, should be similar on xubuntu11:06
chris87lit's the automatic bug report system with apport and whoopsie11:06
chris87loh ok then i'll serch for that11:06
zonov_romanHello everyone11:07
chris87lthanks eric^^11:07
EriC^^hello zonov_roman11:07
EriC^^chris87l: np11:07
zonov_romanCan somebody help me?11:07
zonov_romanWho is Click Store developers?11:07
zonov_romanAnd reviewers?11:07
cfhowlett!help | zonov_roman11:08
ubottuzonov_roman: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:08
ikoniazonov_roman: what's the actual problem11:08
chris87l@eric^^: this option is not available in 13.10... some other clues how to reach that link?11:11
ikonia13.10 is dead11:11
ikoniaso there won't be any new tools for it11:11
ScrappyCoccowho can help me?11:12
ikoniaScrappyCocco: we don't know who until you ask a question11:12
cfhowlett!ask | ScrappyCocco,11:12
ubottuScrappyCocco,: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:12
cfhowlettScrappyCocco, no questions asked = no help offered11:12
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:13
ScrappyCoccoi'm on windows now, and i have c: and d:, i have made a new logical partition and i have installed ubuntu in the logical, but where i have to instal the boot loader?11:13
MMukherjeeFor compiling for Windows on Ubuntu with Mingw (64-bit) I will require ming-w64 pkg. right?11:13
EriC^^chris87l: hold on, i tried mine and i'm searching for it11:13
ikoniaScrappyCocco: are you using wubi ?11:13
ScrappyCoccono ikonia11:13
Prezidentwubi is not devoloping anymore so not recomending using that11:13
ScrappyCoccoi an not using wubi11:13
ikoniaScrappyCocco: ok - so the boot sector will go on the boot disk mbr11:13
* cfhowlett wishes canonical would stop packaging wubi with the .iso's11:14
ScrappyCoccoboot disk mbr?11:14
chris87lyes but that link for automatic reported bugs should still exist. does anyone know how that number is created? the number behind https://errors.ubuntu.com/user/"this section" ??? it looks like a sha512sum or something like it11:14
ScrappyCoccowhat is it ikonia11:14
ikoniaScrappyCocco: how many physical disks do you have ?11:14
ikoniaScrappyCocco: ok, so it goes on the master boot record of that disk11:14
ikoniaScrappyCocco: the installer will detect and install that for you normally without any interaction11:14
ScrappyCoccoprobably it's windows c:11:14
ikoniaScrappyCocco: no11:14
ikoniaScrappyCocco: that is a partition11:15
ScrappyCoccook sorry11:15
ScrappyCoccook i will try11:15
ikoniaScrappyCocco:  the installer will do it for you11:15
chris87l@eric^^: ok i'm waiting11:15
canhhi i'm new with irc, any tips for beginner?11:16
PrezidentWhat tips you need?11:16
ikonia!guidelines | canh11:16
ubottucanh: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines11:16
ikoniacanh: that will explain how to use the ubuntu IRC channels11:16
canhthanks :D11:17
michele993hi guys11:21
michele993how to backup all the system on a cd/dvd then it's bootable?11:21
EriC^^chris87l: nothing is showing up til now searched /var and /etc11:22
ikoniamichele993: while there are tools/apps that help with this, that's actually quite complex when you think about it11:22
ikoniamichele993: your systme will be larger than 4GB normally11:22
EriC^^michele993: all system to dvd?11:22
michele993yes eric11:22
michele993hi eric ^-^11:22
ikoniamichele993: so you need to make your system compress using file systems such as squashFS11:22
EriC^^hi michele993 :)11:23
ikoniamichele993: then you need the boot system to decomcompress that on demand11:23
michele993i solve the problem of kworker :D11:23
EriC^^michele993: haha thats great :D11:23
michele993i'm haker xD11:23
EriC^^haha :D11:23
michele993i set the luminosity of the startup11:23
EriC^^michele993: i wanted to tell you about that11:24
michele993and the sound of the startup11:24
EriC^^.profile worked!11:24
EriC^^i tried it and you left that one time11:24
michele993i'm here11:24
BluesKaj'Morning all11:27
basil1x'Lo, BluesKaj11:28
BluesKajHi bas11:28
BluesKajbasil1x, rather :)11:28
basil1x'bas' will do. ;)11:28
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Guest96670does anyone know how to get the  mfc-j470dw scanner working in ubuntu 14.10 ? i can get print side working but just cant get scanner to work11:31
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EriC^^michele993: yes?11:41
michele993skype don't login with microsoft account11:41
michele993skype 4.311:41
EriC^^michele993: hmm11:43
EriC^^michele993: try to sign in to outlook.com11:44
michele993it's not a problem of password or username11:45
ikoniahow is it an ubuntu problem ?11:45
michele993because it show to me a message when i click11:45
EriC^^michele993: what's the msg?11:45
michele993slow connection11:45
michele993don't appear the textbox11:46
PrezidentYou use mobile internet?11:46
Prezidentbasil1x: try /clear & /clear -all or /buffer clear -all /buffer clear.. / regards11:47
michele993no wifi of my home11:47
PrezidentYou got lower then 10% signal? Then you can get such mess.11:47
basil1xI got it.  Just hit the wrong key, Prezident11:47
PrezidentNo matter microsoft / *nix11:47
Prezidentbasil1x: ok.11:48
michele993no i'm near the modem11:48
PrezidentWhy not use network cable then? Allways more stable.11:48
michele993nono wifi11:48
bekksmichele993: A modem does not provide wifi.11:48
michele993sorry router11:49
bekksAnd being near a wifi AP/router, doesnt mean you have a "good" connection.11:49
michele993it's my notebook11:49
cfhowlettmichele993, can't login to skype = ##microsoft issue --- not ubuntu issue11:49
PrezidentAlright, sure i got it.. But did you try skype with network cable instead for trouble shooting?11:49
PrezidentDoes it solve your slow connection error message?11:50
michele993i haven't the cable lol11:50
michele993i think that the version of skype it's not ok11:50
PrezidentAre you sure? The provider of router allways give you atleast 1 cable.11:50
PrezidentWhy would that make any prob with connection? I cant see why that would make any sense.11:51
michele993fewer cable it's too good11:51
daftykinsyou're saying use a network cable to diagnose skype connection issues? lol.11:51
Prezidentdaftykins: why not11:51
PrezidentSince its 100% stable. Wifi can be unstable.11:51
daftykinsthanks for putting a smile on my face :)11:52
Prezidentdrop packets etc.11:52
michele993i view the video 1080p on youtube without problem -.-11:52
EriC^^michele993: try to reinstall skype11:52
michele993it's not a problem of slow connection11:52
EriC^^michele993: sudo apt-get install --reinstall skype11:52
OerHeksmichele993, some have succes with " delete <home_dir>/.Skype 2. restart skype and login. " http://community.skype.com/t5/Linux/Can-t-sign-in-Ubuntu-12-04/td-p/83822611:52
michele993ty eric you are the best11:52
PrezidentSame error just diff os11:53
daftykinsPrezident: no thanks, not relevant to me.11:53
daftykinsno more highlights please11:53
PrezidentSo then shut up! :)11:53
daftykinsPrezident: you need to be called out on your ridiculous ideas :)11:55
PrezidentDo not hi-light me neither then daftykins, put me on ignore and we both are happy.11:55
daftykinsoh my, such twisted underwear today.11:55
michele993do not fight11:56
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PrezidentWe do not fight, just see things from different views. He says im wrong i proove me correct, he wont read.11:56
PrezidentStupidness, well enough abou tthis.11:56
PrezidentDid reinstall help michele993 ?11:57
michele993sorry same problem reinstalling skype11:57
michele993now i show you the message11:57
OerHeksmichele993, did you reinstall without purge?11:57
EriC^^michele993: try what OerHeks suggested, rm -r ~/.Skype11:57
zacariasHi. I'm trying to install Ubuntustudio in dual boot with mac os. I have never had any problems before. But now, no matter what I do, I always end up with an error message saying that it couldn't install the bootloader. Any help?11:57
michele993rm -r ~/.Skype do nothing11:58
OerHeksmichele993, and restart skype as i wrote earlier11:58
michele993impossibile to remove11:58
EriC^^michele993: it erased the directory that has the config11:58
michele993directory do not exist11:58
EriC^^michele993: what do you mean?11:58
michele993ah okok11:58
EriC^^michele993: is the S capital?11:58
michele993i've solved11:59
OerHekshave fun :-)11:59
michele993i had set i don't accept12:00
PrezidentEnjoy :-)12:00
michele993the condition12:00
michele993for error12:00
zacarias(zacarias) Hi. I'm trying to install Ubuntustudio in dual boot with mac os. I have never had any problems before. But now, no matter what I do, I always end up with an error message saying that it couldn't install the bootloader. Any help?12:00
felonk3b wont burn mp3? wave only ?12:01
cfhowlett!mac | zacarias, you have to follow the mac install instructions specific to your machine.12:01
ubottuzacarias, you have to follow the mac install instructions specific to your machine.: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a Mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages12:01
daftykinsfelon: you'll have to decode them first probably12:01
michele993can't do videocall?12:02
felonisent there another program that can burn mp3 format in ubuntu 14.04LTSS?12:02
cfhowlettfelon, brasero12:03
OerHeksfelon, to burn mp3 you need the lame codec package AFAIK12:03
cfhowlettOerHeks, yep12:04
EmsYhey guys! Do you know any macbook or apple server on irc? I have a whit screen of death :(12:04
felonheh even with Brasero?12:04
BluesKajor wodim in the terminal12:04
k1l_!codecs | felon12:04
ubottufelon: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:04
cfhowlettfelon, of course.12:04
felonok ty12:04
bekksEmsY: #MacOSX12:05
cfhowlettfelon,  the only package that *might* not need lame is vlc player but IDK if VLC can extract .mp312:05
daftykins!alis | EmsY12:05
ubottuEmsY: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*12:05
EmsYbekks: thanks12:05
feloni have vlc12:05
daftykinsEmsY: sounds like your disk is toast12:05
feloni should be able to apt-get install AFAIK12:06
felonor is it not in the dep12:06
k1l_vlc got own codecs shipped. please read the links the bot gave you they explain what to do12:07
mi3yajoin #ubuntu12:07
PrezidentYou are already in #ubuntu mi3ya.12:07
OerHeksfelon AFAIK is short for 'as far as i know'12:09
RustinCohleHello guys, when trying to connect to a local Mac via ssh with my Ubuntu, I get this error msgs: /etc/ssh/ssh_config "Bad configuration option: permitrootlogin" and "Bad configuration option: usepam" is it normal to turn ON PermitRootLogin? And I don't know what "UsePAM" is.12:11
ikoniaRustinCohle: is that from the default ubuntu configuration file or have you changed it12:14
Ben64ikonia: definitely not from the default12:14
ikoniaBen64: didn't think so12:14
Ben64those are sshd_config options12:15
ikoniayeah, that sounds like the mac12:15
RustinCohleikonia: I haven't changed it yet because I need advise from you guys as it's the first time I'm doing this. So I get this messages on terminal while on Ubuntu, after I typed "ssh peter@peter-macbook"12:17
ikoniaRustinCohle: that sounds like it's the mac sshd_config12:18
ikoniadoesn't sound like the ubuntu client12:18
ikoniaor you have changed the ubuntu ssh_config12:18
RustinCohlebut why is it telling me /etc/ssh/ssh_config and not "sshd_config"?12:18
ikoniaRustinCohle: is there a permit root option in your ssh_config ?12:19
Ben64RustinCohle: really sounds like you messed with /etc/ssh/ssh_config12:19
RustinCohleikonia: yes in my /etc/ssh/ssh_config from my Ubuntu computer PermitRootLogin is set to "no" and UsePAM is set to "no" too12:19
ikoniaRustinCohle: then you have changed it12:20
ikoniaas those are sshd_config options, not ssh_config12:20
RustinCohleSo do I remove them or do I just turn them to "yes"?12:20
ikoniaor you are looking at sshd_config and not noticed12:20
ikoniaRustinCohle: how did they get there ?12:20
RustinCohleno no it's really ssh_config and not sshd_config12:20
OerHeksi have no Permitrootlogin too, to confirm.12:20
ikoniain ssh_config ?12:21
ikonianot sshd_config12:21
Ben64RustinCohle: can you pastebin the contents of /etc/ssh/ssh_config12:21
RustinCohleyes sir12:21
RustinCohlejust a sec12:21
zy3pDwhich pacakge provides apt-add-repository ?12:22
bekks!file /usr/bin/apt-add-repository12:22
Ben64software-properties-common: /usr/bin/apt-add-repository12:22
bekks!file apt-add-repository12:22
zy3pDbekks, ich glaub das wird nichts ;)12:23
OerHekstry !find12:23
bekks!find apt-add-repository12:23
ubottuFile apt-add-repository found in software-properties-common12:23
eblipRustinCohle: restart ssh on  your machine12:23
bekkszy3pD: You can search package.ubuntu.com as well12:23
ebliptry /etc/init.d/ssh restart12:24
eblipmay be even /etc/init.d/sshd restart12:24
Ben64eblip: this issue has nothing to do with sshd12:24
RustinCohleBen64: here is my /etc/ssh/ssh_config from my Ubuntu: http://pastebin.com/2F5VfwUb12:25
michele993hi guys12:25
eblipthen restart ssh12:25
ikoniassh is sshd12:25
ikoniaso restarting sshd is pointless12:25
eblipno it isnt12:25
michele993how to make a button to show desktop as windows?12:25
eblipssh is your client12:25
bekksRustinCohle: using the root account is not the ununtu way.12:25
ikoniaeblip: do you understand what you are saying ?12:25
eblipsshd is your server12:25
bekks!root | RustinCohle12:25
ubottuRustinCohle: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo12:25
ikoniarestart ssh ??? how will typing ssh a second time change the config ?12:25
eblipim just making sure that the config they say they havent altered is kicked in12:26
eblipits my job ikonia12:26
bekksRustinCohle: PermitRootLogin is disabled because root cant even log in at all.12:26
Ben64RustinCohle: really strange that you have that in there12:26
eblipso please dont preach to an ssh troubleshooter12:26
eblipwho can have their system working in seconds12:26
ebliprather than watch you guys flummox your way through12:26
ikoniaeblip: you appear not to be a good trouble shooter12:26
RustinCohleSo I shall remove this?12:26
bekksRustinCohle: No. Dont touch it.12:27
bekksRustinCohle: Login as user and use sudo to gain root privileges.12:27
Ben64bekks: you probably still have me on ignore, but if not, you're missing the issue12:27
OerHeksmichele993, open systemsettings > appearance - tab behaviour 'add show desktop icon'12:27
ebliprestart ssh ,,,,and then verify the error message12:27
ikoniawhy is there server side parametes in there12:27
ikoniaOerHeks: you have a 14.04 default instal ?12:27
RustinCohlebekks: so "sudo ssh peter@petermacbook"?12:27
bekksRustinCohle: No.12:27
OerHeksikonia no 14.1012:27
ikoniaRustinCohle: sudo !!! no12:27
eblipno rustinchhle if you have restarted ssh12:28
RustinCohlelol I'm kind of lost12:28
bekksRustinCohle: ssh user@host; after login use sudo12:28
eblipuse  ssh -vvv perter@peternacbook12:28
Ben64RustinCohle: remove lines 50, 51, 52, 5312:28
ikoniaOerHeks: can you verify if you have the root parameter in your ssh_config too12:28
ikoniaRustinCohle: just dump sudo12:28
ikoniaRustinCohle: you don't need to use sudo12:28
eblipthe vvv will give a more verbose output12:28
OerHeksThis is my ssh_config http://paste.ubuntu.com/9042486/12:28
eblipof error12:28
ikoniaeblip: he doesn't need verbose output12:28
eblipill tell him what he needs ikonia12:28
eblipyou clearly dont know about these things12:29
bekkseblip: you are telling him nonsense, obviously.12:29
ikoniaOerHeks: ok, perfect, you don't have the permitroot  line12:29
ikoniaso that means %100 something has changed RustinCohle's config12:29
ikoniaOerHeks: thank you for the verify12:29
bekksRustinCohle: OSX does not allow root login for good reasons. Login as user. In case of dire need to run commands that require root permissions, use after you logged in as user.12:30
Bobbert2bekks: you're completely missing the point12:30
RustinCohlebekks: if I do this "ssh user@host" I still get the two error messages :/ because I didnt remove them from ssh_config12:30
Bobbert2bekks: the issue is nothing to do with root or sudo at all, it is sshd config options for ssh client12:30
ikoniaRustinCohle: remove the server lines from the ssh_config12:30
ikoniathey shoulnd't be there - hence "bad config"12:30
ikoniaI'd be concerned how they got there12:30
RustinCohleI'll pastebin my whole terminal12:31
Ben64RustinCohle: lines 50-53, remove them12:31
ikoniaRustinCohle: no need12:31
ikoniajust remove what Ben64 said12:31
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RustinCohle50 to 53 or just 50 and 53?12:32
Ben6450 to 53 inclusive12:33
michele993thanks a lot12:33
RustinCohleOK so to make sure I'm removing: PermitRootLogin, ChallengeResponseAuthentication and UsePAM12:33
Ben64ikonia: got spam pm from estikes12:33
Ben64RustinCohle: and pubkey authentication12:34
ikoniaBen64: send me the info in pm12:34
PrezidentHow to fix so my switch between terminal windows is down instead of up of the terminal window?12:34
Prezidenttabs i want down instead of up in gnome termial12:34
Ben64RustinCohle: all 4 of those are sshd_config options, really really weird to have in ssh_config, especially if you don't remember doing that12:35
RustinCohleYes I've never touch this Ben64 as it's the first time I'm trying this stuff12:35
ikoniaRustinCohle: just out of interest can you show me the output of uname -a12:36
RustinCohleshall I get a look at my sshd_config to make sure everything is clean in this too?12:36
k1l_Prezident: please rephrase12:36
cyber37Hi, i come here because i have a problem with my TOUCH SCREEN in the laptop, when you use the touche screen it work except on some applications .. like candy crush . in windows there is no problems .. i have made a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqR67EiIleE as you see when i click it doesn't invert the "boxes" i need to MOVE THE MOUSE for make it working12:36
cyber37Any ideas ? i think the problem is only with application who try to interpret the mouse moving.12:37
cyber37Did exist a TOOL for CONFIGURE the touch screeen ?12:37
RustinCohleikonia: Linux peter 3.13.0-30-generic #55-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 4 21:40:53 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux12:37
ikoniaRustinCohle: perfect, so looks standard, thank you12:37
Ben64kind of old kernel12:37
RustinCohleno problem, do you want guys check my sshd_config?12:38
OerHekscyber37, candy crush  on Ubuntu?12:38
ikoniaBen64: but sane version12:38
Ben64indeed, but i'm at 3.13.0-3912:38
RustinCohlewell it seems my sshd_config doesnt exist12:38
eric__hi.. i need help on my ubuntu 14.1012:38
ikoniaRustinCohle: in /etc/ssh ?12:38
Ben64RustinCohle: !? no /etc/ssh/sshd_config ?12:38
ikoniathat's concerning12:39
Ben64RustinCohle: do you maybe... not have openssh-server installed?12:39
k1l_RustinCohle: is openssh-server installed?12:39
RustinCohleI just did "gedit /etc/ssh/sshd_config" and it's totally blank12:39
RustinCohlehum it's not installed12:40
bekksRustinCohle: You are editing the wrong file.12:40
k1l_RustinCohle: install it.12:40
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k1l_RustinCohle: the desktop doesnt have a ssh server installed as default. only the server version does12:40
ikoniawell, don't install it if you don't need it12:41
ikoniaRustinCohle: sounds like you are fine then12:41
Ben64weird to have sshd_config stuff in ssh_config and not even have an ssh server12:41
Ben64i'm puzzled as to how that happened12:41
ikoniaBen64: yes, that was my surprise12:41
k1l_well yes. if you dont need a running sshd dont install it :)12:41
RustinCohlealright, but just want to know to understand: why do I need openssh-server if my Ubuntu is going to be the client WHO connect to the server?12:41
ikoniaRustinCohle: no, you don't need it12:41
Ben64RustinCohle: you absolutely don't in that circumstance12:41
eric__hello.. how does this go... how can i ask question :) sorry newbie here12:42
ikoniaeric__: that simple, just ask a question and people will answer if they can12:42
Ben64eric__: yeah, just ask. try to give as much detail and information as possible12:42
RustinCohleDo I have to install an "openssh-client" or something similar instead?12:42
eric__thanks ikonia and ben12:42
eric__i installed ubuntu on an external HDD , i have windows 7 on the internal hdd.. so i have a dual boot now but evrytime i detached or remove the external hdd the GRUB cant find the boot records .. it cant boot :(12:42
ikoniaRustinCohle: already instaled12:42
RustinCohlehow to make sure it's up?12:43
ikoniaeric__: so if you remove the disk, it can't read it12:43
ikoniaeric__: it's because it reads the grub.conf from the ubuntu /boot partition12:43
ikoniaRustinCohle: what's up ?12:43
bekksRustinCohle: ssh client is a client, not a service.12:43
RustinCohlebecause I typed "openssh" and I got "openssh: command not found"12:43
eric__so how can i transfer it on  my C:\12:43
Ben64RustinCohle: the package is openssh, you use it by typing "ssh"12:43
RustinCohlealright get it12:44
eric__or what do u call that /sda12:44
RustinCohleso for now I should be able to connect to my server12:44
ikoniaeric__: you can't12:44
ikoniaeric__: it needs to read it from the ubuntu disk12:44
Ben64RustinCohle: yep12:44
bekksRustinCohle: No. You edited the wrong file.12:44
RustinCohleOK I'm trying it12:44
Ben64RustinCohle: give it a try12:44
bekksRustinCohle: you tried to edit sshd_config which is irrelevant for your client.12:45
RustinCohleOK I'm trying again12:45
eric__@ikonia theres no way i could transfer it on an internal hdd so that even i dont have my external HDD attached i could still u my windows12:45
bekksand from what I got until now, you have two server config lines in ssh_client12:45
ikoniaeric__: it wants to read your ubuntu /boot directory12:45
RustinCohleyes bekks but I edited ssh_config by removing the 3 lines as Ben64 told me12:45
ikoniaeric__: so you'd need another ext partition on your local disk for a /boot12:45
bekksRustinCohle: Then you fine - and ssh user@host should work12:45
RustinCohlealright, testing right now12:46
eric__@ikonia . i could create a small partition from my internal .. is that what ur saying? and have the /boot on it?12:46
ikoniaeric__: you'd have to copy the stuff across, and then re-apply / configure grub so it knows the partition has moved12:46
eric__@ikonia ,, i found this Grub Customizer.. can i use that12:46
ikoniaeric__: I have no idea what that tool does and I personally have low opinions of grub config tools12:47
RustinCohlealright I've new issues, I'll go pastebin this12:47
eric__@ikonia ..sorry for this silly questions...  do u have any links on how to transfer my /boot folder12:47
ikoniaeric__: I'm sorry I don't, and it's not a silly question, it's a good question12:48
eric__@ikonia  tnx :)12:48
RustinCohlebekks Ben64 is it OK to paste ip address and RSA key fingerprint?12:49
Ben64RustinCohle: i would block out that part12:50
RustinCohleOK I'll change this12:50
RustinCohleBen64 bekks: now this is what I get from the terminal when trying to connect to the Macbook: http://pastebin.com/Mdye0dBb12:52
RustinCohle(I edited ip address and rsa key fingerprint)12:53
ikonialooks like the mac is trying to use public key auth12:53
RustinCohleFYI I turned Firewall OFF on the Mac, and allowed access to all users via Remote Login on the mac.12:54
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kamhaghHi, yesterday, i made a script that automatically does "sudo apt-get -y upgrade" at 3am, this morning i came and saw its stuck at "processing something trigger...." it sounded like it was stuck, and i didn't had keyboard around i pressed shutdown (on my computer) now it gets stuck at loading (xubuntu logo) and its always stuck in same place ! i pressed ctrl+alt+Fx it didn't work ! once i pressed shutdown it got unstuck and my pc shutd13:47
kamhaghi didn't hold the shutdown key! + if i press Ctrl+Alt+F1 before it gets stuck i can see a blackscreen but soon after that it gets stuck there13:47
daftykins!chroot | kamhagh do this from bootable media and repair your package state13:47
ubottukamhagh do this from bootable media and repair your package state: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot13:47
kamhaghdaftykins: can you yell me how?13:48
daftykinsi linked you to a guide on how.13:48
kamhaghoh its an command?13:48
kamhaghoh sorry13:48
kamhaghi didn't see last line13:48
kamhaghthanks :)13:48
daftykinsmake yourself a bootable USB, boot from it, then come back if you get stuck13:48
kamhaghlet me read it13:49
kamhaghso i boot from livecd and write this right?13:49
kamhaghok let me boot will come back if had problems thanks13:51
snowflakeshow to kill all process in a one command?14:04
OerHekssnowflakes, sudo shutdown -h now14:05
snowflakesthat would restart my vps14:06
kswienckihello all!14:06
snowflakesi cannot manual kill the process14:06
snowflakesi thnk my vps is comprimised.14:06
OerHekssnowflakes, you didn'tsay VPS14:06
snowflakesthere are process that i ddnt run14:06
snowflakesso i assume my vps is comprimised.14:06
snowflakeswhen i do killall +9 perl14:07
snowflakesdoesnt work because i thnk those process ddnt run in perl14:07
rgb-onedoesnt +9 kill by pid14:07
cfhowlettrgb-one, indeed14:07
snowflakesrgb-one yep it kill all14:07
snowflakesbut the proccess ddnt run in perl14:08
cfhowlettsnowflakes, +9?  kill -9  PID14:08
snowflakeskillall -9 perl14:09
snowflakesI thnk those pcocss ddnt run perl14:09
snowflakesI mean could manually kill the process pid one by one, bt thres so many of them14:09
HoneyBooBoohey guys14:10
snowflakesis there any way to kill all process in a one blast14:10
rgb-oneuse ps -ef to see which processes are running14:10
snowflakesjust like this command if i run all perl program and do killall -9 perl14:10
HoneyBooBooi tried to install on my lenovo laptop several times ubuntu 14.04 ...but when i install it ..i get "Operation system not found"14:10
rgb-onekill the parent process to kill all preceeding processes14:10
HoneyBooBooi think it has to do with grub14:10
HoneyBooBooand uefi14:10
snowflakesit will kill all perl process that run n my box14:10
HoneyBooBoocan anyone point me in the right direction?  :/14:10
HoneyBooBoowindows 8.1 was installed on that laptop before ..but i thought ubuntu would delete it and override it14:11
snowflakestest     10420     1  0 Nov15 ?        00:06:49 -xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  <-- all process like this , tons of process like this one14:11
cyber37Hi, i come here because i have a problem with my TOUCH SCREEN in the laptop, when you use the touche screen it work except on some applications .. like candy crush . in windows there is no problems .. i have  made a video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqR67EiIleE as you see when i click it doesn't invert the "boxes" i need to MOVE THE MOUSE for make it working Any ideas ? i think the problem is only with application who try to interpret the m14:11
cfhowlett!efi | HoneyBooBoo14:11
ubottuHoneyBooBoo: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI14:11
cyber37it's facebook candy crush but i have the same problem with other applications like google chrome (it have a non standard system for move the windows / close it ...) with the touchscreen it work badly14:12
rgb-oneso the program you are running depends on perl right?14:12
cyber37who ?14:15
cyber37me ?14:15
rgb-onesnowflake I think14:16
amichairHi, is there a mysql-server-5.5 debug symbols package available for ubuntu 14.10?14:16
* Prezident back14:18
OerHeksamichair, i cannot find mysql-server-5.5-dbgsym14:23
XanoIs the default PHP 5.5.9 package for 14.04 threadsafe?14:24
superherointjI am trying to install my Nvidia GTX780Ti card in Ubuntu but I don't how how to leave X.14:24
progixHi folks! I have this (maybe dumb) question: How the hell do I properly uninstall adobe reader 9? purging doesnt work, neither does synaptic show the package(s). Google didn't help much neither14:30
progixpurging the acroread or adobereader files didnt help14:31
daftykinsprogix: confirm packages present with "dpkg -l | grep thingtosearchfor"14:32
progixdaftykins: thats the problem. its not finding anything.14:34
Prezidentdaftykins: rocks he will find a solution for ya i promise:-)14:35
progixdaftykins: found it! thanks for your help14:36
daftykinsprogix: no problem :)14:36
mercandierbonjour, je souhaite savoir comment faire pour créer des raccourcis sur mon bureau.14:42
indexcest facile frero14:42
indextu veux que te pass un tuto14:42
mercandiernokn juste savoir où se trouve l'icône pour lier, je ne connais pas le jargon geek14:43
indexalors vas au bereau click sur betton droit14:43
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList14:43
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.14:43
indexclick sur nouveau et puis racourssi14:44
xxxaxgimmi the german ubuntu channel please14:44
somsip!de | xxxax14:45
ubottuxxxax: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!14:45
xxxaxthkx bot14:45
ikoniarezno: just ask a question if you need help with ubuntu14:50
lifexerror reporting window keep popup even if click cancel to send report, but it gone if choose the option to send, i'm not understand this..14.04.114:58
ikoniait normally tells you what package is causing the error14:59
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lifexthink the system force user to send error report or it will repeatedly show Error Report Dialog15:03
dingqiangyuanis there anybody?15:07
gcl5cptotem's big icon is persistent http://askubuntu.com/questions/453145/ubuntu-14-04-totem-video-player-show-big-play-pause-icon-on-screen15:08
gcl5cpit appears in second video on playlist15:09
ZteamHi all15:12
noadobeflashhow can i download this video http://www.atresplayer.com/television/programas/en-el-aire/temporada-2/capitulo-1-22-09-14-santiago-segura_2014092600199.html# if i neither have adobe flash nor a paid subscription to the atresmedia service?15:12
ZteamI'm trying to change owner of all content in my home folder (which I'm backed up from my old account)15:13
Zteamis there any reason why this isn't working as expected? sudo chmod -rwx /home/joel/*15:14
Zteamit is supposed to change owner of all my files in home to joel, but it only seems to touch my desktop folder?15:15
daftykinsZteam: are you doing it whilst that path is in use?15:16
daftykinsZteam: also i'm not sure on that being appropriate, -r for recursion maybe, but not just having -wx15:16
Zteamdaftykins, yes the path is in use (since that the account I'm running the command from)15:17
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Zteamdaftykins, oups, you are right about that one, I pasted the wrong line15:18
daftykinsZteam: :) indeed you want "sudo chown -R joel: /home/joel/" for example15:19
Zteamdaftykins, exactly that was what I was trying in the first place15:19
Zteamdaftykins, with this line sudo chown -Rv /home/joel/* | grep .mozilla/15:20
Zteamdaftykins, that command touches my Desktop folder, but not the .mozilla folder for example, and I really don't get what I'm doing wrong?15:21
daftykinsZteam: you're typing chown but not specifying what user to set15:23
daftykinsi don't think it's wise to be doing that on a logged in system15:24
scriptpunkkcan i ask question on RE here15:24
bekksWhats "RE"?15:25
Zteamdaftykins, true.... but I tried sudo chown -Rv /home/joel/* | grep .mozilla/ too, why wouldn't that work?15:26
bekksZteam: That will entirely break permissions15:26
daftykinsZteam: i don't really see what that command all as one thing is trying to achieve.15:26
HappyNewYear13when are going to get kernel 3.17?15:27
WulfWill there be any updates ec2 images for trusty on http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/locator/ec2/ ? When?15:27
bekksHappyNewYear13: With Ubuntu 15.0415:27
daftykinsHappyNewYear13: only newer versions tend to get newer kernels15:27
HappyNewYear13bekks, wow! gonna have to wait so much15:27
bekksHappyNewYear13: Yeah, because Ubuntu isnt a rolling release distro :)15:27
bekksHappyNewYear13: Why do you need 3.17?15:27
Zteamdaftykins, sorry, pasted the same line again lol here is the other one I tried sudo chown -Rv joel:joel /home/joel/* | grep .mozilla15:28
OerHeksHappyNewYear13, vivid will have 3.16 .. so 15.10 ?15:28
Zteambekks, sorry pasted the wrong line15:28
HappyNewYear13bekks, want to improve my wifi, new driver might be better there or in 3.1815:28
bekksHappyNewYear13: "might"?15:28
bekksHappyNewYear13: Which issue do you have in particular?15:28
OerHeksoh 3.18 will be 16.04 maybe?15:29
daftykinsZteam: haha, delete the rest after * and you'll see that it *is* applying to all folders, just piping then grep'ing to .mozilla would only show the result for .mozilla i should think.15:29
daftykinsZteam: tell you what give us a "ls -al /home/joel/" in pastebin15:29
bekksOerHeks: Or 3.19, 3.20, I guess it 'll be 3.19/3.2015:29
HappyNewYear13bekks, yep. read some info in a forum. nothing, wifi works good but some stats are worrying me. but nothing serious. i like everyting to work perfect15:30
bekksHappyNewYear13: "some stats"?15:30
bekksHappyNewYear13: Could you be more detailed? :)15:30
HappyNewYear13bekks, dont worry friend15:30
Zteamdaftykins, thank you , you were absolutely right, it was that * which made it behave that strange :p15:31
Zteamdaftykins, I had done this succesfully multiple times before, but sometimes then I'm really tired my brain just segfaults :p15:33
daftykinsZteam: i know the feeling, the best is staring at samba configs and not noticing a typo. i love 'testparm' in those situations 8D15:34
Zteamdaftykins, okey, u work as a sysadmin or something? :-)15:35
daftykinsZteam: yeah :)15:35
Zteamdaftykins, okey nice job :-)15:36
daftykinsromero: yep that's us, can we help?15:37
Zteamdoes anybody here know if there is a linux alternative to hdd regenerator?15:39
chris27chi@all i've got a question about .crash-files. there are warnings not to send them because some could contain sensitive information like unames and passwd. but where can i check if a crash-file contains such information?15:40
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daftykinsZteam: what does that do?15:41
sacarlsonchris27c: you could grep for your passwords in the group of files to see if it might contain such things15:41
sacarlsonchris27c: I've done that with projects I release to sometimes find my passwords in config files that are a part of the group15:42
Zteamdaftykins, it repairs physically damaged sectors on a harddrive, by try to re-magnetize them again, I know it sounds like a total scam, but I hinted a friend with a bad hard-drive about it, and according to him it did work15:43
daftykinsZteam: that's definitely a complete scam. likely all this program did is force a hard disk to finish reallocating bad sectors. have you had a recent disk failure?15:43
cfhowlettZteam, ehhh, scientifically I think that ranks with resetting your iphone by putting it in the freezer for 10 minutes15:44
chris27cif i open a crash-file with a editor there are sections which are readable and others not. so they are just in the readable part?15:44
sacarlsoncfhowlett: hay that worked for me when I put my laptop in the frig it started working ha ha15:44
cfhowlettsacarlson, ... there's always one ...15:44
sacarlsoncfhowlett: well it only worked for the day of for a few hours util it heated up again15:45
bkuberekrunnin 13.10 and I want to upgrade to 14.10. Should I do an upgrade or install from scratch?15:45
sacarlsonbkuberek: in most cases I prefer from scratch but it depends on what software you might have on it15:46
daftykinsbkuberek: backup either way then go nuts.15:46
Zteamdaftykins, yes, I had, anyway I know it worked for a friend who used it, and yes, I'm very vell know that it could just had reallocted these sectors to the spare ones,15:46
Frank_Jamesobkuberek I like recommending a reinstall since it sort of forces people to back up their data somewhere, heh.15:47
chris27csacarlson: if i go on a website with chromium und use my uname and passwd .... and the chromium crashes. so could it be that the login data from the website is in the chromium crash file?15:47
daftykinsZteam: have you checked the SMART data on said disk?15:47
Zteamdaftykins, nope, he doesn't have that disk anymore, this was years ago15:48
sacarlsonchromium does seem to keep my passwords in it someplace.  I'm not sure what format it keeps them in15:48
daftykinsZteam: i mean for yours15:48
Zteamdaftykins, I also do know a freeware utility which claim to does the same thing, that's why I'm not really sure hdd regenerator actually is a scam15:49
Zteamdaftykins, yes, It has  326 pending sectors, and it didn't even pass the short self test15:50
chris27cok then i have to do something :D tanks 4 ur info15:50
daftykinsZteam: in that case i backup the data needed and zero fill the disk, to force the reallocations to complete. :)15:50
daftykinsZteam: for that many though, i wouldn't ever trust that disk again15:51
noadobeflashhow can i download this video http://www.atresplayer.com/television/programas/en-el-aire/temporada-2/capitulo-1-22-09-14-santiago-segura_2014092600199.html# if i neither have adobe flash nor a paid subscription to the atresmedia service?15:51
Zteamdaftykins, but I can still read (all?) of my data from the drive and it makes no strange noise whatsoever15:51
daftykinsZteam: that means nothing15:52
daftykinsshe's dead, Jim.15:52
Zteamdaftykins, yes, but I don't have any drive big enough to back it up right now15:52
daftykinsah, unplug it and stop using it then :)15:52
daftykinseven being on right now is a threat, but i'm sure you know this :)15:52
cfhowlettZteam, it's dead, cap'n!15:52
Zteamdaftykins, already did :-)15:53
imfreakingouthi, sorry i got disconnected15:53
sacarlsonif anyone is interested I did find that one of my passwords is plain text is saved in Binary file ~/.config/google-chrome/Default/Login Data15:55
sacarlsonand one other file in goog-chrome15:55
imfreakingoutafter shutting down with apt-get upgrade running on my ubuntu with xubuntu, it now gets stuck at splashscreen no keys like esc cntrl-alt-f1 or 2 or 3 work now! ca anyone help me please?15:56
sacarlsonimfreakingout: must be the kernel so can't you get the old kernel to boot before upgrade15:57
imfreakingoutsacarlson: :O what i should do now? sorry im a total noob15:57
sacarlsonimfreakingout: it should still be in grub15:57
Zteamdaftykins,here is that link incase you wanna read about that software http://hddregenerator.net/hdd-regenerator-works/15:57
daftykinsimfreakingout: are you not the one i told to chroot earlier?15:57
imfreakingoutdaftykins: hmm, i couldn't figure out what to do with it, :| sorry15:58
imfreakingoutdaftykins: also i coulnd't understand why you told me to do it!15:58
daftykinsimfreakingout: boot into a live session and come back on here from it :)15:59
imfreakingoutsacarlson: what do you mean? i can chose anything i want in grub but not in xubuntu loading screen15:59
imfreakingoutdaftykins: ok ! sorry:D im making a usb bootable right now, i found out my old one was 32-bit xubuntu15:59
ramborocksi just installed ubuntu yay!16:00
Frank_Jamesoyou did it!16:00
sacarlsonimfreakingout: so you can get to grub menu?  I would think  you might be able to try boot the older smaller number kernel to see if it will at least boot ok16:00
ubottuGlad you made it! :-)16:00
ramborockssounds like your xubuntu isnt on the root drive16:01
imfreakingoutsacarlson: yes i can easily get to grub , thats how i booted to wiindows :) what should i do  from there?16:01
ramborocksi had same problem when i installed it just ignored mine. I had to say mount /16:01
daftykinssacarlson: why faff around when a chroot and completion of the package installs would be far wiser16:01
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ramborocksi think it puts it on the mbr which then will allow grub to see it.16:01
imfreakingoutsacarlson: oh you mean the recovery menu?16:02
imfreakingoutbtw can't get the installer to download :(16:02
ramborocksi had a clean install of open susu .. it kept not allowing me into the os just kept loading windows16:02
sacarlsonimfreakingout: daftykins so is that what he did force it to shutdown before it finished?  I would still try it not knowing what state it's in16:03
ramborocksI did the install and choose 'another option' and then  used mount /16:03
daftykinssacarlson: roger that, i'm got to step away for a bit so you're welcome to take over :)16:04
ramborocksim no guru... just saying thats what i had to do so grub would recognize my install16:04
imfreakingoutsacarlson: i shuted down from power menu before installing is compelete it was at trigerring something, it gets to grub and windows just fine, it just gets stuck at splash when booting to ubuntu16:04
sacarlsonimfreakingout: well there should be the recovery and also maybe an older version of the kernel if it was upgraded with such.  it's worth a wack should only take moments to try16:05
imfreakingoutsacarlson: lol this chat got so messy :D16:05
imfreakingoutsacarlson: ok than, how should i do that?16:06
FaThaLuh.. guys can someone help me?16:06
imfreakingoutsacarlson: oh woops i read it wrong16:06
tewardFaThaL: how about you ask your actual question.  like what the problem is, what you expect to happen, etc.16:06
sacarlsonimfreakingout: if you continue to have problems at that point then you might try what daftykins suggested that I assume would require a livecd boot then chroot16:07
FaThaLthank you16:07
imfreakingoutsacarlson: i tried booting the older number (i guess 24 instead of 32) and it still got stuck16:07
FaThaLwell, i'm a new user of ubuntu16:07
daftykinsFaThaL: please ask a question on *one* line if possible.16:07
FaThaLi'm enjoying alot! but now, i'm just searching for a list of a FULL editions of ubuntu servers16:07
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imfreakingoutsacarlson: ok,when i got chroot what should i do after that? and if it fixed it, the chroot should be there forever? as i read it makes apps not able to run during boot16:08
FaThaLi mean, i need the minimum specs, and a list of the best 5 releases16:08
daftykins"best 5" ? what are you talking about16:08
bekksFaThaL: What are "fulll editions of servers"?16:08
bekksFaThaL: that doesnt make sense.16:08
daftykinsFaThaL: there are only two long term support editions of ubuntu server currently supported, 12.04.5 and 14.04.1 - install one of those.16:09
imfreakingoutlol i got ubuntu on my usb flash now16:09
cordycepsAnybody here used memtester to diagnose RAM faults?16:09
FaThaLthank you16:09
FaThaLi love you :D16:09
bekksFaThaL: Every Ubuntu release is released as "Ubuntu server" as well, and there are two LTS releases currently.16:09
NikThdaftykins: +116:09
bekkscordyceps: What if?16:09
cfhowlettdaftykins, you made friends!16:09
sacarlsonimfreakingout: something like this http://www.webupd8.org/2014/01/how-to-fix-non-bootable-ubuntu-system.html16:10
cordycepsexplain output  to me16:10
daftykinscfhowlett: first time ever ;_; wait... you're my friend too - right?!16:10
bekkscordyceps: Which output do you get?16:10
imfreakingoutsacarlson: thanks :) i will come here from livecd if i had anyproblems :P16:10
sacarlsonimfreakingout: good luck16:10
cordycepsNothing, says 'starting mlock' dot dot dot then bumps back to the prompt16:10
cfhowlettdaftykins, yeah ... but I can't honestly claim to love you.   sorry.16:11
trijntje_cordyceps: it should look like this http://www.playtool.com/pages/memtest/memtest86.jpg16:11
daftykinscfhowlett: :D16:11
NikThI have a problem , a sting in my .... for days now. I'm helping a friend of mine to "find his road" through nouveau, but 3D support doesn't work. (Ubuntu 14.04 - Unity)  - Nvidia 9600GT.16:13
cordycepstrijntje_: nope, not even close used $sudo memtester 1G 116:14
NikThNvidia closed source drivers, result in black screen (4 different versions, all the same)16:14
sacarlsonNikTh: I guess you will have to try the nvidia propriatary drivers.  but I see some others haveing some problems with those also so good luck16:15
trijntje_cordyceps: you should probably reboot and run memtest from the grub menu, I dont know about the program memtester you mention16:15
bekkscordyceps: use memtest86++ , instead of memtest16:15
sacarlsonNikTh: oh black screen might be fixed with nomodeset16:15
daftykinsNikTh: have you been advising downloaded drivers or the packaged ones in the ubuntu repos?16:15
NikThNouveau boots up with correct resolution only with "nomodeset"  , but no 3D support.16:16
daftykinssacarlson: that's paradoxical, nomodeset on prevents nvidia load :)16:16
cordycepsthis is way more convenient - if it would work ;(16:16
imfreakingouthey, weirdest thing, now i said let me try the lower version one more time now i got into low-graphics mod of ubuntu, its also very slow :| what should i do now?16:16
daftykinsNikTh: nouveau isn't in use with nomodeset on.16:16
NikThI don't know what is going on, I know nouveau support this Nvidia model very well.16:16
imfreakingoutnot becasue its slow to get my ubuntu back :D16:16
NikThdaftykins: without nomodeset , the same black screen occurs16:17
daftykinsNikTh: is your friend having to install from a liveCD that was booted with nomodeset on?16:17
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NikThdaftykins: Yes16:17
sacarlsondaftykins: so you saying that with nomodeset you can't run propriatary nvidiea software?16:17
daftykinsNikTh: that means the installed version then has it set permanently, you'd need to install an nvidia driver package then take nomodeset out of the kernel command line - were you doing that already?16:17
imfreakingoutsacarlson: weirdest thing, now i said let me try the lower version one more time now i got into low-graphics mod of ubuntu, its also very slow :| what should i do now? to get my Ubuntu back to normal! should i run upgrade again?16:17
daftykinssacarlson: correct, it's a kind of 'fallback' driver in a way16:18
daftykinssort of like vesa but not, i think16:18
NikThYes, we tried that way. Removed the "nomodeset" option from /etc/default/grub, but to no avail. Same black screen always.16:18
NikThI thought "nomodeset" just matters for the TTYs and plymouth screens16:19
NikThIt disables the kernel modesetting , not nouveau altogether16:19
sacarlsondaftykins: I'm not sure I'll have to look that up but it seems I recall an old laptop I had that was only bootable with nomodeset and I was later able to upgrade to propriatary16:20
kokoye2007hi who can help https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/apps/16:20
daftykinsNikTh: you ran update-grub after yeah? no point setting permanently for a one-time try. just edit it in GRUB at boot once to test :>16:20
NikThBut I always see the message "[KMS] is not enabled" in his logs.16:20
sacarlsonimfreakingout: maybe you could try sudo apt-get install -f16:20
weblibertyUnity with latest updates zoom text in !menus when Ctrl+"=" was pressed (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS) Who else has this problem?16:20
daftykinsNikTh: /var/log/Xorg.0.log begs to differ, in my experience16:20
cfhowlettkokonoula, ??? help what?16:21
imfreakingoutsacarlson: ok, i ran an update before it :D let it finish than i do that16:21
sacarlsonimfreakingout: perfect16:21
daftykinsimfreakingout: that's what i would've suggested to do via my method :)16:21
imfreakingoutdaftykins: xD16:21
NikThdaftykins: Yes, update-grub always, after every modification in /etc/default/grub16:21
imfreakingoutdaftykins: W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/apt-fast/stable/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found  W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/apt-fast/stable/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found  E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead. let me use -f now16:22
imfreakingoutlet me pastebin16:22
NikThI'm really stuck here. He cannot use Unity with Nvidia, either nouveau or closed source.16:22
daftykinsNikTh: sooo, can you answer regarding *which* nvidia drivers you were trying?16:22
imfreakingoutdaftykins: sacarlson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9045102/16:23
artisanIndiaI have a ubuntu 14.04 on one laptop and ubuntu 13.04 on another on 14.04 when I plug in my data card I can access it under top right going into connections but on 13.04 it doesn't show anything like that16:23
NikTh173 and all the newer available drivers from Ubuntu repository. One by one. Then "sudo apt-get purge nvidia-*" , then install the other driver, reboot again.. etc.16:24
NikThThe only thing we didn't try is the installation from Nvidia site.16:24
daftykinsartisanIndia: 13.04 is EOL, dead and unsupported. even if it can be fixed, there's no point. you should update to a supported release.16:24
imfreakingoutdaftykins: sacarlson: this is what it gives when i do upgrade : http://paste.ubuntu.com/9045123/16:25
weblibertyno one has problems with Ctrl+"+"?16:25
artisanIndiaon terminal I did apt-get upgrade it says it is the latest version on my server I have 12.04 and every time I login through ssh it shows a prompt that a newer version is availblabel to be downloaded run apt-get upgrade16:25
daftykinsNikTh: good good. get your friend to pastebin /var/log/Xorg.0.log when 1) no nvidia, nouveau only 2) same, but with nomodeset off 3) nvidia-current package with nomodeset removed16:25
tewardartisanIndia: 13.04 gets no updates, nor security updates - if you're still using 13.04 you should upgrade to a newer release.16:26
artisanIndiateward on terminal I did apt-get upgrade it says it is the latest version on my server I have 12.04 and every time I login through ssh it shows a prompt that a newer version is availblabel to be downloaded run apt-get upgrade16:26
artisanIndiacan I do same with 13.04 ?16:26
artisanIndiahow to upgrade from 13.04 to 14.04 ?16:26
NikThdaftykins: Hah, that's my "desire" too :P16:26
anjo-aladiahthere is no 64 bits ubuntu Skype so i installed 32 bits version on lubuntu 14.10 64 bits. Some problem with this ?16:27
imfreakingoutdamn it i hate this problems :( took my whole day i could have studied :|16:27
NikThHe cannot post any results, any logs, because of this "black screen" problem. Either TTYs don't work. None of them (TTY1,2,3,4..)16:27
daftykinsimfreakingout: Windows was available for study ;)16:27
artisanIndiacan I upgrade from 13.04 to 14.04 over terminal without any external media ?16:28
imfreakingoutdaftykins: lol no i mean i spend the day trying to fix it :D16:28
NikThHe do a "hard/button" reboot. He cannot interact with the PC when this black screen occurs.16:28
imfreakingoutdaftykins: anyway did you look at paste bin? why do i get that?16:28
k1l_artisanIndia: you need to upgrade to 13.10 and then 14.0416:29
anjo-aladiahhuum seems it works. I didnt know lubuntu 64 bits runs 32 bits apps !16:29
k1l_!eolupgrades | artisanIndia16:29
ubottuartisanIndia: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades16:29
daftykinsimfreakingout: you were using a PPA for some software you added that's non-ubuntu, the link's dead because it's been renamed16:29
cfhowlett!eolupgrade | artisanIndia,16:29
ubottuartisanIndia,: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades16:29
sacarlsonimfreakingout: looks like that ppa will have to be removed and then run apt-get install -f again unless it worked without it: http://ppa.launchpad.net/apt-fast/stable/ubuntu/dists16:30
imfreakingoutdaftykins: :O sacarlson ok, i chagned my server the day before the problem16:30
daftykinssacarlson: imfreakingout - i'd recommand a dist-upgrade prior to rebooting16:30
k1l_artisanIndia: updates over the internet, that is. so no external media needed16:30
daftykinsanjo-aladiah: ubuntu is multi-arch now.16:31
imfreakingoutdaftykins: ok im running that16:31
artisanIndiaand for that I have to add sources in my sources.list file ?16:31
daftykinsNikTh: get your friend to enable SSH, then see if they can SSH in upon each boot attempt. if so, they can copy the log file somewhere appropriate.16:32
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daftykinsNikTh: otherwise, booting to a blank screen failure followed by booting the liveCD and grabbing the log from disk would also work :) tedious, but necessary16:32
sacarlsonNikTh: so did you also try the nomodeset when you had the propriatary drivers installed?  from what I read it seems nomodeset just tries to prevent both drivers loading that cause conflict between each other16:33
imfreakingoutdaftykins: with my net thats gonna take some time :D will tell you when its done, thanks a lot till here :D16:33
NikThdaftykins: Yes, another guy suggested this as well. We tried this (from live CD) but he couldn't grab the correct logs.16:33
daftykinsNikTh: can you elaborate on 'couldn't' ?16:33
NikThdaftykins: Newbie I think :)16:34
daftykinsNikTh: make a script for them to run16:34
daftykinsboot, mount disk, copy /var/log/Xorg.0.log -> /home/user/blahblah16:35
daftykinsif they really want success they'll make it work.16:35
NikThsacarlson: We tried with nomodest and without nomodest , when closed source drivers were installed.16:35
daftykinsNikTh: this card isn't in a system with on-die intel graphics is it?16:35
daftykinsNikTh: or other onboard graphics present16:36
NikThdaftykins: I don't think so. lspci gives only the Nvidia as a result.16:36
daftykinsanything quirky about the system? standard desktop branded build, or a custom build?16:36
NikThdaftykins: I can give you some logs, but they are with "nomodest" enabled.16:37
daftykinssure, label them up with what scenario they're from and i'll take a glance16:37
daftykinsbut i warn you, i've been up so long i'm running on fumes.16:37
NikThdaftykins: Here is the screen were it stuck when "nomodeset" is not enabled : http://imagebin.ubuntu-gr.org/1415648952.jpg16:38
NikThdaftykins: Xorg.0.log and other logs with "nomodeset" enabled , here: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=5BQQD6Kh16:39
daftykinswait what, AGP!?16:40
daftykinsand VIA chipset, damn this thing belongs in a museum16:40
imfreakingout57% god thats like super slow16:41
leolrrjhey gurus can anyone help-me? I`ve installed vmware workstation on my ubuntu server... and I have a machine with windows server... I want access this machine externally with remote desktop but it`s not working... I tried my ip, the nat ip or something like that but nothing... any idea or guide?16:41
daftykinsleolrrj: is your VM using bridged networking or NAT?16:42
NikThdaftykins: Hmm, maybe we could try an older nvidia driver ? older even from 173 ?16:42
leolrrjdaftykins: it`s using NAT... but I can change because it`s my initial setup...16:42
daftykinsNikTh: sincerely doubt it'd make a difference. what's the motherboard? an AGP 9600 seems quaint 0o16:43
NikThdaftykins: but nvidia-73 is no longer available in Ubuntu repositories ... :-16:43
imfreakingoutsacarlson: should i change my server to main? its taking so long, will that make it start all over again, or it will save the downloaded data?16:43
daftykinsleolrrj: when you say 'server' i take it that system does have X?16:44
daftykins(the ubuntu host)16:44
NikThdaftykins: So you say is the card model ? too old ?16:44
daftykinsNikTh: nvidia-173? :) "apt-cache search nvidia-"16:44
leolrrjdaftykins: yes... I installed ubuntu-desktop and configured tightvnc... so I can handle it via vnc...16:44
NikThdaftykins: no nvidia-173, sorry I meant nvidia-9616:44
leolrrjbut I want to access my windows server machine via default remote desktop access from microsoft16:44
daftykinsleolrrj: ok, so if you want to RDP from the internet side you'll definitely want it bridged and not NAT'd16:45
NikThdaftykins: we already tried nvidia-173.16:45
daftykinsNikTh: can you check the motherboard for BIOS updates?16:45
leolrrjdaftykins: I`ve installed OpenVPN on my ubuntu server too... so I think that I will use vpn for all accesses to my windows server machine...16:45
leolrrjmaybe I should install vpn on windows server machine directly instead of ubuntu server... what do you think?16:46
NikThdaftykins: BIOS updates ? Kind of difficult I guess. He will need a DOS system or Win 2000 (not even XP).16:46
NikThdaftykins: but I will inform him.16:46
daftykinsNikTh: just check if there are any available. it's trivial to make a DOS bootable USB with an updater, if you even get that far :>16:46
NikThThe system is old, I know, but I thought this card supported from nouveau driver according : http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/CodeNames/16:47
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daftykinsNikTh: do you know the RAM count on the card?16:48
NikThdaftykins: of the card no. Of the system is 3GB.16:48
newb_Hi! quick question. Does my wireless adapter have any effect on my other OS system? Lately, my wirless adapter keeps disconecting in my windows 7. However, the wirless adapter works perfectly fine in ubuntu. Can anyone help me fix this problem??16:49
NikThI bet on 128 or 256MB , not larget.16:49
reisionewb_: probably the software for utilizing the adapter, in Windows, is imperfect16:50
solsTiCethe driver16:50
NikThdaftykins: maybe you have right and the card is too old. AGP port.. hmm..16:50
daftykinsnewb_: sounds like Windows support to me. hop in ##windows and ask for help updating the driver.16:50
daftykinsNikTh: have you been trying non-unity 'buntus too?16:51
ph88_im using ubuntu gnome 14.04  it ask me to upgrade .. i would like to keep using gnome, will it switch to unity ?16:51
NikThdaftykins: No. I told him, the system is good for Unity, because of the RAM and the Card , I thought it was supported good from nouveau driver, but maybe is my fault.16:52
daftykinsNikTh: nah you made a good call, probably just something quirky. i'd pop xubuntu on a flash drive as another attempt to diagnose16:52
bekksnewb_: "No, no effects on other OS."16:53
NikThdaftykins: you say Xubuntu just to take the logs ? good idea.16:53
daftykinsNikTh: i'd try it in every way too, install and test16:53
NikThdaftykins: Thanks for the ideas :)16:55
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wontonAnyone notice chromium hanging on fresh 14.04 install?16:55
daftykinsNikTh: no problem!16:56
bekkswonton: Me doesnt.16:56
wontonbekks, Ah. Apparently the bug lords are out for my head.16:56
leolrrjdaftykins: could you help-me a lil bit?16:56
wontonChromium crashes,, light locker funked,, acpiHEADZZZ EXPLODEZZ16:57
leolrrjHow can I set bridge16:57
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bekkswonton: So search the bugtrackewr for existing bugs for your specific issue, and comment on them, or file a new bug if there no existing ones covering your issues.16:57
wontonI'm sorry bug lords. Whatever I did.. Please stop giving me ur bugz..16:57
wontonEND: rant16:58
GuyThatNeedsHelpHello i setup apache from this site (https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-linux-apache-mysql-php-lamp-stack-on-ubuntu-14-04) and on accident i changed the permissions on the directories like i can do cd /var/www/html but i made i directory inside of html called ns and when i try to cd into it it says "bash: cd: ns: Permission denied" tried sudo cd ns and got "sudo: cd: command not found"16:58
wontonbekks, I did.16:58
daftykinsleolrrj: gotta stop the VM (probably) and edit its' settings16:58
bekkswonton: So which bug did you comment on / created?16:58
wontonA probable working,, workaround is uninstalling light locker16:58
wontonoops that references chrome, not chromium16:59
newb_windows suck.16:59
wontonLinux sucks too.16:59
newb_no one wanted to help me16:59
suniMy apologies since this is probably the wrong channel, but does freenode have a new members channel?16:59
wontonAny one that has used Linux long enough will not admit to their use of the operating system as being smooth and care free.17:00
reisiosuni: for technical questions, #freenode17:00
reisiosuni: otherwise no not really17:00
newb_##windows ignored my question.17:00
reisiosuni: although the whole network started at #linux17:00
suniOk, thanks17:00
GuyThatNeedsHelpHello i setup apache from this site (https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-linux-apache-mysql-php-lamp-stack-on-ubuntu-14-04) and on accident i changed the permissions on the directories like i can do cd /var/www/html but i made i directory inside of html called ns and when i try to cd into it it says "bash: cd: ns: Permission denied" tried sudo cd ns and got "sudo: cd: command not found"17:00
rubiksmomonewb_: You need to wait. People don't stare the channel all day long. They'll reply when someone who know the answer checks the channel.17:01
newb_I don't think anyone in ##windows knows the answer.17:02
ph88_is it safe to upgrade ?17:02
wontonHey, ubuntu/xubuntu. Regress to xscreensaver. On no planet, in any uni or multiverse is light-locker ready for LTS!17:02
daftykinsGuyThatNeedsHelp: change the permissions.17:02
GuyThatNeedsHelpph88_ what do you mean?17:03
rubiksmomonewb_: then do your own research17:03
GuyThatNeedsHelpdaftykins: how?17:03
newb_i did. Nothing i can find17:03
ph88_GuyThatNeedsHelp: keep the same desktop, my configuration and files17:03
daftykinsph88_: it's never truly guaranteed, backup regardless.17:03
cfhowlettwonton, don't want lightlocker?  disable.17:03
k1l_ph88_: upgrade are automatic tested. if you dont have fancy 3rd party packages or setups that should work, yes. but backups are handy for murphys law17:03
newb_Same BS answer. Reinstall drivers. I did that 8 times.17:03
rubiksmomonewb_: anyway, you won't get the help in wrong channel, that's for sure17:04
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newb_i know. any good windows channel?17:04
GuyThatNeedsHelpdaftykins: how would i be able to change the permissions?17:05
ph88_is the home folder all i need to backup ?17:05
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions17:05
daftykinsGuyThatNeedsHelp: ^17:05
imfreakingoutnewb_: thats the exact reason i hate windows17:05
daftykinsph88_: that won't have what software you have installed, but that's the best way to get the importnat stuff yes.17:05
GuyThatNeedsHelpdaftykins: thanks17:05
imfreakingoutnewb_: haven't successfully installed a driver ever :D ,  on ubuntu, plug *beep* recogonized :D17:05
daftykinsimfreakingout: please don't encourage offtopic conversation17:06
imfreakingoutwoops sorry :(17:06
ph88_daftykins: can i use cp  to copy to afp://   ?17:06
daftykinshe's gone anyway17:06
imfreakingoutlol ! sorry i was just bored :D17:06
daftykinsph88_: i've no experience with whether you can even mount via AFP on Linux17:06
daftykinsi think it's experimental17:07
daftykinsor deprecated17:07
ph88_i dont know what it is17:07
ph88_i just noticed it while opening network drive17:07
daftykinsph88_: it's a way to connect to a mac.17:08
ph88_its not a mac, its a NAS17:09
ph88_maybe i can have it use NFS17:09
imfreakingoutyay ! finally run, rebooting and will tell you the results :|17:09
imfreakingoutfinally done*17:09
daftykinsph88_: SMB would be the main one :)17:09
daftykinsimfreakingout: \o/ good luck!17:09
Lunariois it safe to delete one's /var/cache folder or can it cause problems?17:10
Frank_Jamesois there a good guide to getting things that should be services themselves that you have installed in ubuntu to run properly with the sudo service * start command?17:10
smacktalkanyone know how to edit the weather location in conky themes?17:10
bekksLunario: It can cause problems.17:10
Lunariobekks: thx.17:10
Lunariowhat should I do if I want to remove unneeded cache files?17:11
zykotick9Lunario: for the apt downloads you can remove them with "sudo apt-get clean" i believe17:11
ph88_daftykins: why do you advice samba? doesnt linux have its own network protocol ?17:11
GuyThatNeedsHelpdaftykins: should have just done sudo bash then go into the directory thanks for that wiki on file permissions17:12
daftykinsph88_: sure. just saying what's likely to 'just work'17:12
daftykinsGuyThatNeedsHelp: nooooo don't ever do that17:12
scellow_damn these irc client on linux are all designed with foots ......17:12
zykotick9GuyThatNeedsHelp: don't use "sudo bash" you "sudo -i" if you need a root terminal17:12
scellow_this is driving me crazy17:12
DrManhattanI am trying to allow my user account write access to a single folder on my host. I have created a symlink to the directory in my home folder but I am unable to write to it. What steps (assuming chmod?) do I need to take in order to allow my user account access to the folder?17:12
daftykinsGuyThatNeedsHelp: what zykotick9 just said ^17:13
GuyThatNeedsHelpdaftykins why?17:13
scellow_i understand why people avoid linux, everything is non-userfriendly17:13
daftykinsGuyThatNeedsHelp: it's bad practice. Here be dragons, just trust me on this17:13
zykotick9scellow_: linux is user friendly, it's just picky who it's friends are ;)17:13
ph88_daftykins: i have NFS enabled on my NAS but i only see Windows Network at nautilus browser network17:13
DrManhattanplease keep in mind, I only want my one user account to have access to this folder, otherwise I would like the permissions to stay the same.17:13
daftykinsscellow_: which did you install?17:13
scellow_daftykins, all of them and all of them are non-userfriendly17:14
daftykinsDrManhattan: can you give us an "ls -al" pastebin'd at paste.ubuntu.com first ? this is of that folder17:14
scellow_the best one was Quassel17:14
daftykinsscellow_: i find that distinctly hard to believe.17:14
GuyThatNeedsHelpdaftykins atm im workin on a project so i cant really read into file permissions right now thats why i came in here so i could get a quick fix on that file17:14
imfreakingoutdamn it it dind't work :( i went back to old one and it got stuck but after a little i got to old version's low graphics mod, my mouse leaves a black trace :| what should i do:( this is killing me17:14
scellow_I'm just waiting for trillian to release their linux version17:15
daftykinsscellow_: was hexchat part of your list of attempts?17:15
reisiowhat's wrong with pidgin?17:15
reisioyou're probably confusing trivial changes that your eyes aren't used to with 'non-user-friendly'17:16
daftykinsGuyThatNeedsHelp: ok, if you're going to start running a web server you're going to need to understand it thoroughly else when something goes wrong you won't know what to do :)17:16
scellow_daftykins, i just rested and removed it, the ui is disgusting17:16
reisiofind a theme for the app you're using, to make it look like the app you used to use, then you'll be happy17:16
DrManhattandaftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9045686/17:16
daftykinsDrManhattan: ok so that's an entirely different disk currently owned by root. you're going to want to run "sudo chown -R ishai: /media/video/" to start with, then repeat the ls -al and pastebin again please17:17
imfreakingoutdaftykins: that didn't work :( i get something as fail and all other are sucssed when i press esc when booting :|17:17
GuyThatNeedsHelpdaftykins still kinda new to linux but appreciate your help17:17
daftykinsimfreakingout: erk, does picking a different kernel get you anywhere different this time?17:18
DrManhattandaftykins, but when I want to use PLex server to serve videos out of that folder, will the chown hurt my ability to do that?17:18
imfreakingoutdaftykins; :(((( i remember new kernel had some awesome feature :(((17:18
imfreakingoutwhy is it like that17:19
scellow_how can you distingish messages from log message, really ... http://i.imgur.com/76wXaUM.png17:19
scellow_designed with foots i told you17:19
daftykinsDrManhattan: this box is going to be running the plex server component?17:19
daftykinsscellow_: turn off joins and parts.17:19
DrManhattandaftykins, that is correct sir. I want to be able to upload videos to the folder via a symlink folder in my home dir17:19
imfreakingoutdaftykins: i also don't want to lose my stuff, anyway also this old version doesn't work perfectly, its slow and weird and low graphics mod !17:19
reisioscellow_: oh I see, it's just that you've never used a real IRC client before :)17:20
scellow_daftykins, i dont want to, i just want them to be leeeeeessss intrusive, why this default choice ? by default user, you'll have to get a non-userfriendly interface17:20
reisiochange the theme, then17:20
daftykinsscellow_: sorry but your inexperience with IRC isn't something i can help with.17:20
reisioby default, it's useful to know whether a person is present or not on IRC17:20
daftykinsDrManhattan: hmm, well for plex i can't guarantee that right now but i'm sure it'd only be another step or two along the line... step #1 is definitely letting you write to that disk :)17:21
scellow_having to do x-y-z thing for each component, for each app, really linux devs should build intuitive apps instead of do it yourself fucking shit user17:21
DrManhattandaftykins, ok lets give it a shot17:21
imfreakingoutdaftykins: i want to hit my head to wall :||| let me try something, thanks a lot ! maybe i will wait in ubuntu forums, 99 review no reply :|17:21
daftykinsscellow_: your bad attitude and bad language are not welcome here. please be polite.17:21
scellow_i miss linquinus ..17:21
zykotick9scellow_: you opinion may not be shared by everyone17:22
reisioscellow_: it's nothing to do with GNU/Linux17:22
scellow_daftykins, i understand , sorry, i'm just frustrated for wasting xxx hours trying to setup properly something17:22
reisioscellow_: change is change17:22
daftykinsimfreakingout: are any of the older versions booting though?17:22
reisioscellow_: you can't change your software and have everything be 100% the same, that is impossible17:22
scellow_reisio, it is, most of the linux apps are badly designed17:22
reisioscellow_: nah17:22
bekksscellow_: It is not.17:23
daftykinsDrManhattan: are you happy to run the above mentioned command and re-pastebin?17:23
reisioscellow_: you're just shocked because it's not what you're used to, it's perfectly normal17:23
reisioyou'll get over it17:23
scellow_it's not perfectly normal, re-look this screen http://i.imgur.com/76wXaUM.png17:23
DrManhattandaftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9045801/17:23
reisioin this particular case, though, you appear to be quite used to using _IM_ clients for IRC17:23
scellow_where is the messages17:23
reisioif you want to use an _IM_ client for IRC, you can, even on GNU/Linux17:23
DrManhattandaftykins, thank you for helping with this.17:23
reisioscellow_: if you want to alter XChat/HexChat text appearance, you can do that, too17:24
reisioif you want to complain about the same thing endlessly and ignore advice, you can only manage that for so long, I promise you :D17:24
DrManhattandaftykins, I am able to write to the folder now. I will need to figure out how to get access to it through the samba share. It doesn't seem to want to let me in.17:24
daftykinsDrManhattan: how did you set up the share?17:25
scellow_reisio, you don't understand what i'm trying to say, i just wanted to point the fact that apps have bad default design choice, that's all, i understand i can change things, but the default one are really bad, and it's not userfriendly to do these change17:25
scellow_i know you can do it that's not the problem17:25
reisioscellow_: you can say it all you like, but it won't make it true17:25
ikoniascellow_: there is nothing wrong with xchat - lots of people are happy with it, if you don't like it either a.) change it b.) don't use it and use one you do like17:26
DrManhattandaftykins, I can pastebin the relevant part of the smb.conf if you 'd like. It lets me log into my home folder but I cannot enter the videolibrary folder which is a symlink dir to /media/video17:26
ikoniacompaining about it in this channel is pointless, so lets stop17:26
scellow_again, do you feel it's a good design choice, this -> http://i.imgur.com/76wXaUM.png ?17:26
reisioscellow_: it's an irrelevant design choice17:26
bekksscellow_: How is "bad code design" related to the issues of "i dont want to configure my xchat but I want to change settings" you are having with xchat?17:26
reisioimfreakingout: pass17:26
daftykinsDrManhattan: mmm, that is possibly permissions too but also possibly samba not following symlinks, you might want to share /media/video directly :)17:26
ikoniascellow_: yes, it's a good design17:27
DrManhattanaha that's it daftykins I think I forgot the option to follow symlinks17:27
ikoniascellow_: now drop it please17:27
imfreakingoutreisio: lol i was just testing my net sorry!17:27
obideucescellow_: for someone who can't find the messages, you sure seem to be quit proficient is posting garbage in here. can you please stop filling the chat with your hate and ask an actual support question.17:27
ramborocksim getting this error http://www.microsoft.com/typography/fontpack/eula.htm17:27
ramborocksE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)17:27
DrManhattanor maybe not17:27
ramborocksthe second error17:27
bekksramborocks: Thats no error.17:27
reisioimfreakingout: :p17:27
ikoniathat's just a url17:27
imfreakingoutnobody else is able to help me with not being able to  get past ubuntu splash screen problem ?:D17:27
reisioimfreakingout: what happens?17:28
imfreakingoutit gets stuck at slashscreen, im able to get to grub, no key works, the circle in xubuntu splash just stops spining and esc or ctrl+alt+f1 doesn't work17:29
scellow_it sent me to that channel by default, i just installed xchat, and i needed to say all my frustration somewhere if i dont wanted to break my screen, sorry for being rude, but yeah 5 hour of frustration doesn't help at all, it's not only a "IRC client" problem, i face with this each time i try something17:29
ikoniascellow_: not here17:29
ikoniascellow_: this isn't the place to complain17:29
reisioscellow_: yes, as I said, when you _try something new_, you experience CHANGE17:29
imfreakingoutreisio: the day before i shutdown pc while the upgrade was running17:29
ramborockshave you tried just reinstalling?17:30
SuperTeeceThat's where I would go, reinstall from fresh17:30
imfreakingoutreisio: let me tell like that: i shutdown my pc in middle if upgrade and now it gets stuck at splash screen but i can get into old generic low graphics17:30
bekksramborocks: Reinstalling things does not help most likely, this isnt Windows.17:30
imfreakingoutramborocks: me?17:30
ikonia...in the middle of an upgrade17:30
ramborocksyeah - well im new to linux17:30
reisioimfreakingout: so you want "high" graphics?17:30
imfreakingoutikonia: yes :( im so stupid, i just woke up 6 am spleepy17:31
imfreakingoutreisio: no im just saying thats the only way i can get it too boot17:31
ramborocksimfreakingout yeah have you tried to just download the updates again and manually add them?17:31
imfreakingoutikonia: still can't understand why i done that17:31
reisioimfreakingout: sounds like you just need "high" graphics, then17:31
bekksimfreakingout: Did you try nomodeset?17:31
imfreakingoutramborock: i get error17:31
imfreakingouti need normal ubuntu17:31
imfreakingoutbekks: i odn't know what that is17:31
imfreakingoutlet me run upgrade again to post errors17:32
bekks!nomodeset | imfreakingout17:32
ubottuimfreakingout: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:32
imfreakingoutno error reisio17:32
imfreakingoutubottu : ok thanks :)17:32
ubottuimfreakingout: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:32
scellow_reisio, change what ? my eyes ? you haven't answered to my question, can you clearly distingish the message from the log messages ? http://i.imgur.com/76wXaUM.png17:32
imfreakingoutlol xD17:32
SuperTeeceimfreakingout: if you can get to a terminal and have a network connection then try "sudo do-release-upgrade –d"17:33
ikoniado not run that command17:33
reisioscellow_: it's irrelevant17:33
SuperTeecewhy, it'll just check for an upgrade and give an option to continue17:34
imfreakingoutsuperteece: my net is slower than a turtle but let me try it17:34
reisioscellow_: when you've never used XChat before, or possibly even any dedicated IRC client, using it or any one is bound to be a new experience for you and your eyes17:34
SuperTeecewait, don't17:34
ikoniano it won't17:34
reisioscellow_: now go outside and take a walk ;)17:34
imfreakingoutoh god17:34
imfreakingoutim confused17:34
SuperTeeceif there's a valid reason that I'm unaware of17:34
imfreakingoutsudo do-release-upgrade –d or reboot nomodest or17:34
imfreakingoutwhat should i do than?17:34
ikoniaimfreakingout: what version did you install and what version are you trying to upgrade to ?17:35
imfreakingouti had 14.04 with out running upgrade for long17:35
imfreakingouti just ran upgrade17:35
ikoniaupgrade or update17:35
ikoniajust to be clear17:35
ikoniawhere you trying to move to 14.1017:35
imfreakingoutsudo apt-get -y upgrade17:35
imfreakingouti ran this17:35
imfreakingoutand let it be there till 6am17:36
ikoniaso you're not trying to change versions then17:36
imfreakingouti slept during that17:36
imfreakingoutbut i would like to get 14.10 :)17:36
imfreakingoutafter fixing this17:36
SuperTeeceahh! ok then don't do mine. I misunderstood your goal.17:36
imfreakingoutso what now?17:36
ikoniaimfreakingout: if you want to end up on 14.10 I suggest you download 14.10, back up your data and then just clean install17:36
ikoniarather than trying to fix a machine in the middle of failed updates17:36
imfreakingoutikonia: i can't backup sudo apt-get installs17:37
ikoniawhile this is technically possible, you'll find it quicker and easier to move to your end goal17:37
imfreakingouti spent many money on downloading them17:37
ikoniaimfreakingout: you'll need to redownload them if you upgrade to 14.10 anywy17:37
bekksimfreakingout: Why cant you backup your system?17:37
ikoniathere is no way around that17:37
imfreakingout:O really?17:37
ikonia14.10 packages are different than 14.0417:37
imfreakingoutbekks: can i backup installed apt-s?17:37
ikoniaso they will need to be re-downloaded17:37
imfreakingoutok than17:37
imfreakingoutthankks alot x1017:37
imfreakingoutok, let me reinstall thanks a lot guys17:38
imfreakingoutgtg dinner17:38
imfreakingoutcya have nice time17:38
bekksimfreakingout: BAckup your entire system, or just your data. You applications will be reinstalled, with 14.10 packages anyway.17:38
imfreakingoutbekks: reinstalled from net or hdd?17:38
imfreakingouti don't have anything to backup :D just apps17:38
bekksimfreakingout: Depends on the installation method you choose for 14.1017:38
imfreakingoutbekks:O wat should i hcose?17:39
imfreakingouti gtg dinner :D17:39
bekksimfreakingout: Just download the Ubuntu 14.10 installation medium you want, and install it.17:39
imfreakingoutbekks : ok thanks a lot17:39
5EXABKCW2how do i do a you tube video of some things I do on my computer? I know I have to get a microphone17:43
daftykins5EXABKCW2: 'simple screen recorder'17:44
eric__hi  everyone,,, I have a win7 and ubuntu dualboot .. is there a possibility to install elementary on a diff ext hdd?  thanks17:49
ikoniayes there is17:49
ikoniathe guys in the elementary support channel can help you17:49
eric__@ikonia thanks again! :)17:49
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e^0i silly question, when security updates are there do the machine reboots after the updates are applied ?17:51
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ikoniae^0: depends on if that's required17:51
ikoniabut it won't auto reboot unless you tell it to17:51
e^0ok :)17:51
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jhutchinse^0: Reboots are only needed if the kernel is updated, and that's not mandatory (but the new kernel won't be used until you reboot).17:54
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jhutchinsThere have been experiments with updating the kernel "live" without rebooting, but they didn't catch on.17:55
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e^0hope one day updating the kernel "live" would be possible17:56
e^0but that can be difficult to achieve17:56
SchrodingersScatthought it was called ksplice17:56
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SchrodingersScat!info ksplice17:56
ubottuksplice (source: ksplice): Patching live kernel without having to reboot. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-5 (utopic), package size 527 kB, installed size 3525 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; arm; armel; armhf)17:56
k1l_e^0: there is something in the works. but give it some time17:56
reisioksplice, yes, and kexec also17:57
reisioalthough my understanding is ksplice is a better approach17:57
reisiobut if you want real redundancy, you have to have more than one install/box anyways17:58
reisioat which point rebooting is also not any type of issue17:58
reisioclever solutions for problems nobody really has :)17:58
mbs_Can someone help i think i just ballsed my home folder, i was doing a tutoral on btrfs and did  snapshot of my /home, did a set-default to the snapshot now my home folders read only and arrrrrgggggggg????17:58
reisiombs_: 'mount' says it's ro?17:59
krakelhi , would it be possible to install steam and play a game from liveusb without any restrictions? i just want to try out my free driver before i install17:59
GuyThatNeedsHelpDid sudo chmod -g ns on my directory in /var/www/html and still i get "bash: cd: ns: Permission denied" when i try to cd into my directory17:59
DrManhattandaftykins, no matter what I do I cannot get the symlinked dir ~/myusername/videos to link to /media/videos and access it through samba. Any clues where I should go?17:59
reisiokrakel: before what?17:59
krakelreisio: well before installing, sorry18:00
mbs_when i gfx log in, the thing just bounces back to the log in screen, if i log in on the f1 terminal i get /home is read only18:00
reisiokrakel: installing what?18:00
daftykinsDrManhattan: as mentioned i'd just make it a direct share of /media/videos18:00
bekksGuyThatNeedsHelp: apache is not run as root, so that command will not help you.18:00
krakelreisio: ubuntu, i want to try performance of the open source gpu drivers in live mode before installing ubuntu. can that be done without restriction, ie performance is not on par with an actual installation?18:00
bekksGuyThatNeedsHelp: Which permissions does that folder have, currently?18:01
XeHow do I get the ATI drivers working for an AMD FirePro d500?18:01
reisiokrakel: ah18:01
Xethere are two of them in factory forced crossfire18:01
reisiokrakel: you might want to do a full install to a device to get the full effect, as a live OS the OS will compete with other things for RAM18:02
GuyThatNeedsHelpbekks: only root when i installed apache i accidently set it as root18:02
reisiokrakel: you _can_ install to a USB stick, though18:02
reisiokrakel: a full install18:02
reisiokrakel: although I'm not sure it'd save you any time over an internal HD install :)18:02
bekksGuyThatNeedsHelp: "root" is a user or group. "root" is not "permissions".18:02
bekksGuyThatNeedsHelp: ls -lha ns  -- whats the output please?18:02
krakelreisio: nah, but im running live right now.. would it be less performance than a "real" enviorment you think?18:02
GuyThatNeedsHelpbekks: ls: cannot open directory ns: Permission denied18:03
krakelreisio: sorry just saw your reply from earlier18:03
reisiokrakel: well in some ways it'll be more performant, since everything is running from RAM18:03
reisiokrakel: but if you don't have much RAM, and run too much... you'll run out of RAM to share :p18:03
zykotick9GuyThatNeedsHelp: "ls -ld ns"18:03
DrManhattandaftykins, I got it!18:04
* DrManhattan does the cabbage patch18:04
reisiokrakel: if you have loads and loads of RAM, it might just be more performant :p18:04
krakelreisio: nah just 8gb18:04
krakelreisio: its running snappy as ever thou.. never felt my pc this snappy18:04
GuyThatNeedsHelpzykotick9: d--------- 2 www-data www-data 4096 Nov 16 09:16 ns18:04
reisiokrakel: well 'just 8' is actually quite a lot :p18:04
GuyThatNeedsHelpbekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9046341/18:04
reisiokrakel: so you may well get a realistic experience out of it18:05
daftykinsDrManhattan: was there a trick?18:05
zykotick9GuyThatNeedsHelp: that directory has NO permission at all!18:05
krakelwell lets try a steam install then :)18:05
DrManhattandaftykins, I needed to put the allow symlinks lines into the global sections18:05
GuyThatNeedsHelpzykotick9 LOL how would i set them?18:05
daftykinsDrManhattan: ah :)18:05
reisiokrakel: what graphics device is it?18:06
zykotick9GuyThatNeedsHelp: (this could be done in one step, but can't be bothered to think octal format right now) "chmod ug+rwx ns" and "chmod o+rx ns"18:07
ShapeShifter499can anyone here help me with this  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/26960080/compress-and-encrypt-multiple-files-individually-while-preserving-the-file-struc   ?18:08
GuyThatNeedsHelpzykotick9: THANK YOU but when i make another directory in /var/www/html will i have to do the same thing?18:08
Lunariohow can I make the unity sidebar disappear when i open e.g. vlc in full screen?18:08
zykotick9GuyThatNeedsHelp: depends?18:08
mbs_anyone know how to set btrfs back to the root18:08
GuyThatNeedsHelpzykotick9: nvm i tried it out and it worked thank you18:09
ShapeShifter499I don't need the folders encrypted or compressed but the individual files should be encrypted and compressed18:09
zykotick9GuyThatNeedsHelp: your welcome.18:09
DrManhattanI notice in 14.04 the discard option is applied to the software raid device to enable trim - I don't even see the underlying block devices in /etc/fstab. Is there a file where the block devices (sda and sdb) are configured?18:09
DrManhattanIm not going to change it from the defaults, I wanted to make sure TRIM is properly enabled18:10
reisioLunario: why?18:10
SchrodingersScatShapeShifter499: http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide/TestsAndConditionals#Conditional_Loops_.28while.2C_until_and_for.2918:10
zykotick9DrManhattan: using discard on SSDs might not be the best solution.  manually running fstrim will give you better performance.  just sayin'18:11
reisioShapeShifter499: can use openssl or 7z18:11
Lunarioreisio: because it's a nuisance when watching a movie, for example18:11
XeAre messages I am sending visible to the channel?18:14
reisioLunario: it's over the video?18:14
zykotick9Xe: yes18:14
reisioXe: that one was18:14
krakelreisio: its radeon 795018:14
SchrodingersScatShapeShifter499: find could probably run whatever command you want on each file as well, but loops are an option and you could just use find to populate your file list, like i in $(find . -type f) ; do echo "$i" ; done18:14
XeHow do I get the ATI drivers working for an AMD FirePro d500? There are two of them in forced crossfire.18:14
krakelreisio: im thinking about replacing windows 818:14
Lunarioreisio: no, it just limits the "full screen" to where the unity sidebar begins18:15
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ShapeShifter499SchrodingersScat, I understand what I should run to get the compressed files but I'm lost on how to automatically have the directories created18:16
reisioLunario: that sounds like it's merely maximized, and not full screen18:17
reisioLunario: I'm pretty sure you can have the bar hide until you hover over the left side, though18:17
ShapeShifter499SchrodingersScat, for example if I were to try to encrypt my home directory18:17
Lunarioreisio: no, it's in full screen. but yeah, I will check tweak tool for such an option18:18
genezizi was wondering if you can help me with problem18:18
geneziz<geneziz> The program 'apt-get' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:18:18
geneziz<geneziz> sudo apt-get install apt-get18:18
bekksgeneziz: What did you do for not having apt-get?18:19
genezizi dont know18:19
bekksgeneziz: Whats the output of "lsb_release -d"?18:19
krakelgeneziz: lol that is a funny error message18:19
genezizDescription:Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS18:20
krakelgeneziz: what happens if you actually run the command it says? same error message?18:20
genezizThe program 'sudo' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:18:20
genezizsudo apt-get install sudo18:20
RustinCohleHello, is it normal after enabling "PasswordAuthentication yes" in sshd_config on my Ubuntu I keep failing to connect to it from other machine saying that "Host Key validation failed"?18:20
krakelgeneziz: what have you done? ll18:21
genezizRustinCohle: dont forget to service reload18:21
bekksgeneziz: Erm, why did you uninstall important patches like sudo and apt-get?18:21
genezizi didnt18:21
WulfRustinCohle: "host key validation" means the client fails to verify the server's identity18:21
SchrodingersScatShapeShifter499: well, something like this does that, i used /tmp/test and /tmp/test2 to test, for i in $(find /tmp/test/ -type d) ; do mkdir -p "/tmp/test2/${i##/tmp/test/}" ; done  #not sure if something like 7zip can do this as a feature or not.18:21
RustinCohlegeneziz: "sudo service ssh restart" right?18:22
bekksgeneziz: you did, because those packages are part of the base install.18:22
OerHeksgeneziz, hard to believe you don't know, as your 'error' is wrong :-D18:22
OerHeks!find apt-get18:22
ubottuFile apt-get found in apt, auto-apt, bash-completion, debian-handbook, fish, haskell-debian-utils, ltsp-server, policycoreutils, python-apt-doc, python-diskimage-builder (and 2 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=apt-get&mode=&suite=utopic&arch=any18:22
genezizyum still works18:23
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bekksgeneziz: So you are not using Ubuntu.18:24
bekksYum isnt provided by Ubuntu.18:24
geneziz<geneziz> Description: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS18:24
bekks!find yum18:24
ubottuFound: yum, yum-utils18:24
RustinCohlewhats command to restart ssh?18:24
genezizRustinCohle> geneziz: "sudo service ssh restart" right?18:25
OerHeksservice sshd restart18:25
geneziz<Wulf> RustinCohle: "host key validation" means the client fails to verify the server's identity18:25
ShapeShifter499SchrodingersScat, ok give me a sec18:25
RustinCohleOerHeks are you sure?18:26
genezizRustinCohle: sudo service --status-all18:26
anonymous_hi all18:27
genezizomg its anonymous hes gonna hack us18:27
anonymous_hahaha funny...18:27
RustinCohlegeneziz: you need the results?18:27
genezizlook for something containing ssh18:28
genezizthats the service you need to reload/restart18:28
zykotick9RustinCohle: fyi, you can TAB autocomple service names, so "sudo service ss<TAB>" should autocomplete to sshd or ssh, whichever it is.18:29
anonymous_i need some help18:30
SchrodingersScat!ask | anonymous_18:30
ubottuanonymous_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:30
anonymous_i cant insall nothin on anon os it says i need root permession,,,18:32
_unreal_anonymous_, um DUH... you have to have root permissions ether by being root or sudo permissions, sudo=semi root18:33
rubiksmomoanonymous_: Are you using a command or GUI?18:33
_unreal_heck, anonymous_ are you using a live distro or installed?18:34
_unreal_ok what are you trying to install?18:34
anonymous_skype ;V18:35
_unreal_ok. so you need to download the skype DEB package for starters18:35
bubbasauresanonymous_, can you run this command and post the answer. lsb_release -a18:35
anonymous_i have it allready18:35
OerHekson anon os?18:36
anonymous_but it asks for a pass18:36
_unreal_so enter your user password18:36
OerHeksonly ubuntu is supported here, anonymous_18:36
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anonymous_it doesnt worck18:36
OerHeksfind the right channel for your anon os18:37
RustinCohleit works!18:37
RustinCohlethank you guys, awesome support here18:37
BluesKajanon os isn't supported here , anonymous_18:37
XeI am willing to pay money to someone who can help fix my problem18:47
k1lXe: if its an ubuntu issue we can try to solve that in here without needing to pay.18:48
zykotick9Xe: why not post your question, and see if you can fix it for free with someones help?18:48
XeHow do I get the ATI drivers working for an AMD FirePro d500? There are two of them in forced crossfire. The fglrx drivers in the repos do not work. I get a black screen and have to log in via the console.18:48
Xethis is a mac pro (the desktop cylinder one), not a macbook18:49
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XeI have asked this question 5 times in here and gotten no reply, so I am offering money to the person who can get a working fix18:50
k1lXe: hmm, crossfire. did you try nomodeset as boot option, yet?18:50
Xestill black screen18:51
XeI have it booted with the FOSS drivers at the moment18:51
cryptodanXe how old is that video card?18:52
XeI would prefer to be able to game18:52
Xecryptodan: This is a literally brand new mac pro18:52
Xelspci identifies it as a Radeon HD 787018:52
Xebut the drivers that are known to work with a Radeon HD 7870 die because it cannot verify the "VGA Bios" of the card18:53
OerHeksXe, this is an old ati crossfire howto, but not sure this applies to your mac too http://askubuntu.com/a/33080718:54
OerHeksdo this check first : aticonfig --lscs18:54
Xereinstalling catalyst18:54
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michele993show me your desktop19:01
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k1l!ot | michele99319:01
ubottumichele993: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:01
Guest66063can anyone help me with a problem with my wifi?19:02
Guest66063altho wifi is working on my netbook19:03
Guest66063no networks are showen in the wickd manager19:03
Guest66063nick john19:04
Guest66063nick/ john19:04
Guest66063\nick john19:04
k1l/nick newnick19:05
michele993are there the widgets for ubuntu 14.04?19:05
michele993as windows19:05
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SchrodingersScatmichele993: i think there's a few, conky? screenlets? not sure what people use, I don't.19:06
s2013anyone here uses ubuntu on vmware ? how can i use dual monitor with it19:07
s2013im on windows as my native os19:07
michele993like this http://www.tomshw.it/forum/attachments/linux-e-altri-sistemi-operativi/28967d1342791289-le-foto-del-vostro-desktop-topic-ufficiale-os-alternativi-schermata-del-2012-07-19-16-33-46.png19:07
s2013but using ubuntu on vmwareforwork19:07
John7654so ...bodhi linux is installed,and wirelles networks aren't been showen in the manager...19:07
XeI'm about ready to give up and just deal with apple's retaded OS design19:07
OerHeksJohn7654, bodhi linux has its own issues, find the proper bodhi channel please, as we support ubuntu only19:08
cgozzardjust testing19:12
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Xetest failed19:13
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ashvaHi, I've bought a Lenovo X1 carbon and installed ubuntu 14.04 on it. Is there any way to make it's finger print sensor to work?19:19
bts-The instructions for installing ubuntu on a macbook air suggest to use 12.04. I presume this is out-of-date?19:20
vince__Ashva, I'm curious how are the other things for the laptop? Working with no problems?19:20
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ashvavince__: Actually every thing is working fine and without any problem except it's finger print sensor!!19:21
ashvaAny idea?!19:24
ashvaNo idea how I can make my finger print sensor to work?19:26
shamuraiDoes it show up in lspci or lsusb?19:27
e^0how is that coreos never reboots ? than how it manages to apply the security update or new kernel release ?19:27
e^0sorry wrong post19:27
OerHeksashva, check this ppa, and check if your device is supported https://launchpad.net/~fingerprint/+archive/ubuntu/fingerprint-gui19:28
ashvashamurai: thanks for reply, honestly there are some devices that I don't know what are they. does it have any specific name or something?!19:29
bts-Is there any reason not to install 14.10 on a macbook air? I'm trying to figure out why the mac docs point to 12.0419:33
shamuraiNo theres no reason not to. Its just outdated, what model macbook do you have?19:33
bts-shamurai: Ah okay. A MacBookAir4,2 -- mid 201119:34
Amnasiafingerprint-gui is your friend19:34
JavaJoshanyone have any luck using Samba with ubuntu? I have tons of shared folders, but only one can actually be opened by other computers. the rest throw permission errors19:36
shamuraiWhat are the permissions on the other shares?19:37
JavaJoshi've set them to the same as the one that works, but they don't seem to stay that way19:38
shamuraiDoes everything look ok in /etc/samba/smb.conf? Or did you make the shares through the gui?19:39
bts-shamurai: Do you know why there seems to be amd64+mac links for 14.04 but not 14.10?19:39
JavaJoshi tired the GUI, when that didn't work I added the share in the smb.conf. still doesn't work. Interestingly, the folder that works doesn't even show up in smb.conf19:39
ShapeShifter499SchrodingersScat, still around?   I'm still making my script but my test script isn't working, any ideas?   https://pastee.org/yra7619:39
seronishow can i force reload the touchpad driver ?19:39
OerHeksashva open terminal: lspci # and look for your device, the 8 digit hex number is what you need19:39
shamuraiSee if there are any smb.conf in your home dir.19:40
ShapeShifter499SchrodingersScat, it fails at line 819:41
JavaJoshshamurai: i dont see a smb.conf in the home dir19:42
ashvaOerHeks: Thanks for reply, nut the problem is when I ran lscpi I can not find any device with a related name to finger print sensor19:42
SchrodingersScatShapeShifter499: http://www.shellcheck.net/ missing a do, also the find -type d shows directories, -type f is files19:42
SchrodingersScatalso missing done19:43
__john__doe__hey guys19:43
__john__doe__can anyone give me a good guide for seting uefi partitions manually19:43
OerHeksashva, paste the whole output on paste.ubuntu.com so we can look with you19:43
daftykins__john__doe__: why manual?19:43
SchrodingersScat!uefi | __john__doe__19:43
ubottu__john__doe__: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI19:43
__john__doe__daftykins: I dont want it to take all space19:44
ashvaOerHeks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9047532/plain/19:45
__john__doe__ubottu: I still cant see the layout19:45
ubottu__john__doe__: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:45
Amnasiacoreboot vs UEFI19:45
ashvaOerHeks: thanks for your time19:45
__john__doe__ubottu: lol19:45
Amnasiaubottu: is smart ass bot19:45
ubottuAmnasia: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:45
ashvaOerHeks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9047532/19:46
SchrodingersScat!language | Amnasia19:46
ubottuAmnasia: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList19:46
XCVBhow do I install kde without the bloatware19:46
OerHeksashva, i do not see it there too, try now: lsusb # to see if it is an internal usb device, which is rare.19:47
bubbasauresXCVB, Do a mini install and build what you want.19:47
Amnasiainstall KDE plasma19:47
seronisnvm.. figured out how to restart my touchpad    "sudo modprobe -r psmouse" then  "sudo modprobe psmouse"19:48
Amnasiathe bloatware is still a work in progress19:48
ashvaOerHeks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9047565/19:48
XCVBI want to install kde without all the programs that come with it19:49
OerHeksashva, there it is, line 7 :-)19:49
k1lXCVB: dont install kubuntu-desktop but only the kde package19:49
ashvaOerHeks: you mean: Bus 002 Device 002: ID 138a:0017 Validity Sensors, Inc.19:49
ashvaOerHeks: ?19:49
shamuraixcvb sent you a msg19:49
bubbasauresXCVB, Desktops are meta packages, you have to know what is there and the dependencies.19:49
OerHeksashva, 138a:0017 ... not supported (yet) :-(19:50
OerHeksashva, best thing to do, is to add your name with laptop model to this launchpad request. https://bugs.launchpad.net/fingerprint-gui/+bug/134132919:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1341329 in Fingerprint GUI "Support for Validity VFS5011 (138a:0017)" [Undecided,New]19:51
ashvaOerHeks: Thank you very much for your time and help. I will do that. ;)19:53
EriC^^__john__doe__: boot a live usb19:53
aguitelwhere are the temp files from google chrome?19:53
EriC^^aguitel: somewhere in your home dir19:54
aguitelEriC^^: i know but in what forder19:54
ninjaecHope this works - I need help finding a specific folder for the software Mumble to change its skin19:55
OerHeksaguitel, that was easy to find in google like you didn't even searched :-D Google Chrome Config path: ~/.config/google-chrome Cache: ~/.cache/google-chrome19:55
EriC^^aguitel: try cd ~/.cache19:56
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Guest37761good evening19:57
EriC^^evening Guest3776119:57
bubbasauresninjaec, Might be in ~/.config in a mumble folder19:58
__john__doe__EriC: I did19:59
turtle8120has anyobdy tried the nvidia gtx 750 ti in ubuntu? will it and the nvidia drivers work in ubuntu 1404?19:59
EriC^^__john__doe__: ok type sudo parted -l19:59
kikimeterI want to drop Proxmox. What is the best virtualization solution should I be looking?19:59
EriC^^__john__doe__: paste it in paste.ubuntu.com19:59
ninjaec@bubbasaures how do I find the folder using the file explorer? I can find it using the terminal though19:59
EriC^^ninjaec: press ctrl+h20:00
bubbasauresninjaec, This ubuntu or windows?20:00
ninjaec@bubbasaures Ubuntu20:00
streulmaMy computer is not well supported under Ubuntu :( It's HP Pavilion 17 f060nb20:00
bubbasauresninjaec, Cool, we just call it home. You can tab complete the nicks no @ used.20:01
bekksstreulma: What exactly isnt well supported?20:01
streulmaproblems with thermal, mouse, and thermal error 90D before boot20:01
bekksstreulma: "thermal error before boot" hast nothing to do with Ubuntu.20:01
streulmaI have Nvidia card and it moves in stripes if I move windows20:02
turtle8120i think 90d is a hp error20:02
streulmayes, but it comes if I run Ubuntu, not with Windows20:02
bekksstreulma: So install the proper nvidia driver.20:02
bubbasauresninjaec, As suggeted go to home hit ctrl-h to see files with '.' starting the folder name "hidden files" look for .config20:02
bekksstreulma: And before booting, it is not an OS issue.20:02
streulmayes and then I have the error too20:02
__john__doe__EriC: need to login to another box20:02
streulmabekks: it sees an unnormal shutdown20:03
streulmaprovided by ACPI20:03
ninjaecbubbasaures: I actually didn't need to put these specific files inside the Mumble folder. I found the foulder though - but at the same time found another solution. thanks for the help though :)20:03
bekksstreulma: errors before boot arent IS errors.20:03
daftykinsstreulma: apparently you need to open this thing and clean it from dust, as thermal error 90D is overheating20:03
streulmathat occurs the thermal error, bekks...20:03
bubbasauresninjaec, Cool, good job, enjoy. ;)20:03
streulmabekks, then Linux is not good20:03
streulmaon this computer20:04
bekksstreulma: Linux has nothing to do with it.20:04
streulmawith Windows all is running fine20:04
bekksstreulma: You have a thermal error before boot.20:04
streulmaI see other users who runs Linux who have it20:04
streulmaand with running Windows only it is solved :)20:04
bekksstreulma: Other users are irrelevant, since YOUR computer has a thermal issue.20:04
streulmaby them20:04
daftykinsstreulma: your temperatures are probably unsafe. you need to get this thing serviced20:04
streulmano, he is new20:04
streulmaonly few weeks old20:05
EriC^^streulma: linux runs cooler than windows20:05
bekksstreulma: It has a thermal error. It even tells you it has.20:05
k1lstreulma: to make this a short one: are you even interested in solving an technical issue or are you here for ranting and flaming? if b), please leave20:05
streulmano, to solve Ubuntu problems20:05
streulmaalso Beats Audio runs like a bokal20:06
daftykinsstreulma: did you not look up whether this system was Linux compatible before buying?20:06
streulmano :(20:06
k1lstreulma: then start giving infos, explanations and errormessages and stop the ranting stuff. we dont need drama in here20:06
bekksstreulma: Fix the thermal issue. After booting into Ubuntu, you can fix the Ubuntu issues.20:06
turtle8120i googled the 90d problem, and many others seem to get the error when running linux.20:06
streulmathe only Linux computer I found good was a Macbook Air20:07
streulmaturtle8120 true !20:07
bekksBEfore booting, it isnt an OS issue.20:07
=== Yukinotteru is now known as Yukitteru
streulmathermal checked always and always it has 30 or 40 degrees Celcius20:09
turtle8120streulma have you tried contacting hp support?20:09
streulmayes :D20:10
turtle8120and what do they say?20:10
daftykinsi doubt HP will help at the mention of Linux.20:10
streulmathey say you lose warranty if you install Linux :D turtle812020:10
bekksstreulma: So it didnt came with linux, as you stated above.20:10
streulmatrue ! they say on phone !20:10
OerHeksstreulma, to do a "Restore Bios Settings to System Defaults". By pressing F10 and reseting the bios settings,checking the "Keep Fan On" menu option20:10
streulmaturn fan off or on ?20:11
daftykinsjust seen the same stuff as OerHeks via google, i'd also check for BIOS updates.20:11
streulmaI have latest20:11
daftykinsbut if more things are a problem, it's probably best you just get a refund20:11
bekksstreulma: "overheating" means it gets too hot. A fan helps you to cool it down. Choose your weapom :)20:11
daftykinsthen research something that works properly and buy that20:12
OerHeksstreulma, yes, first turn it off ( sounds silly) reboot, then do it again and turn it on they say20:12
OerHeksHP should know this20:12
streulmaand the nvidia problems ?20:12
streulmaI know nvidia have this20:13
squintyseems that hp actually supports linux   http://www8.hp.com/us/en/business-services/it-services.html?compURI=1078888#.VCnQ9JV0zwp&jumpid=hpr_r1002_usen_link120:13
OerHeksstreulma, see then if the nvidia problems still exist20:13
bekksstreulma: Which driver do you use?20:13
streulmayeah in stripes20:13
streulmanvidia-340 from xorg edgers on 14.0420:13
OerHeksstreulma you don't know yet, do you?20:13
bekksstreulma: Why do you use the 340?20:13
streulmait's not available on 14.04 and 14.1020:13
streulmaI have 840m20:14
bekksstreulma: And it isnt supported by 331?20:14
streulmanot available, no20:14
streulmaonly by 34020:14
streulmaand 34320:14
streulmait's too new20:14
prote /msg nickserv register prote Craxxy479ZoNdI20:15
theperfectpunktrouble with Ralink RT3290 again20:15
streulmaprote, thanks for the password :)20:15
theperfectpunkeverytime the kernel recieved a major makeover20:15
theperfectpunkthe driver stops compiling20:15
OerHeksstreulma, xorg-edgers has 346 too20:15
streulmais xorg edgers save ?20:15
loai found it unstable.20:16
bekksstreulma: As safe/unsafe as all other PPA.20:16
streulmathen I have NO supported driver?20:16
theperfectpunkcan anybody have a look here http://pastebin.com/n878JeGb20:16
theperfectpunkError Makefile:380: recipe for target 'LINUX' failed20:16
squintyand if you follow the links here one should see they also support Ubuntu  http://h17007.www1.hp.com/us/en/enterprise/servers/supportmatrix/exceptions/ubuntu_exceptions.aspx?jumpid=reg_r1002_usen_c-001_title_r000120:16
OerHeksi stop here, streulma20:17
streulmathanks for the support #not20:17
turtle8120hp pavilion laptops are on the "certified hardware" list20:17
bekksstreulma: PPA arent supported in here.20:17
streulmabekks ok20:18
daftykinsstreulma: congrats on the product research ;) *cough*20:18
bekksdaftykins: We all told him to get an Macbook Air before :)20:18
kazdaxanyone want to help me setup a webserver ?20:18
bekkskazdax: sudo apt-get install apache220:18
streulmawhat I have to do then? Run the Run file ?20:18
daftykinsbekks: that's even more horrifying20:18
daftykinsfriends don't let friends buy Apple20:19
streulmaI HAD an Air, but running at 90°C20:19
bekksdaftykins: They do. Apple products just work, thats what's so horrifying in the opensource community.20:19
bekkskazdax: You can take a look at this, too: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP20:19
bwkdaftykins, i actually want to buy a macbook pro20:20
turtle8120why not build a custom tower pc?20:20
* EriC^^ gives gun to daftykins , you know what to do if i ever say i'm getting Apple20:20
bekksturtle8120: Too heavy to carry it around.20:20
daftykinsEriC^^: :D20:20
bwkEriC^^, lol.20:20
daftykinsalright i'm off for the night, g'night my fellow volunteers \o20:20
bekksEriC^^: Ok, I'l be a witness for shooting you if you dont follow that advice :P20:21
bubbasaurestake your meds guys20:21
OerHekstheperfectpunk, see this howto, follow 'the official guide' and see #4 #5 how to edit the config,mk http://askubuntu.com/a/25366020:21
bwkthat was so off topic. I'm suprised no one bitched.20:22
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theperfectpunkOerHerk: did that20:22
EriC^^bubbasaures: i'm j/k dude i actually have an iphone20:22
theperfectpunkit was working previously in older kernel20:22
bubbasaures;) an OS is an OS here, started on open source, it's a brave new world take the soma20:23
theperfectpunkOerHerk: do i need to modit LINUX_SRC in Makefile?20:24
ActionParsnipHi prote20:24
theperfectpunkthe error kinda hints that20:24
OerHekstheperfectpunk, i don't know, this howto is all i have and used before20:25
Lunariois it possible to remotely control a shell window initiated via CTRL+Alt+F1/2/3/... without screen`20:25
EriC^^Lunario: yes20:26
OerHeksLunario, sure, ssh into the machine20:26
Lunarioi don't mean sshing into it, i would like to remotely control a particular window (and see the output on both the remote machine and the host terminal window that is open via Ctrl Alt F220:27
theperfectpunkOerHerk: thanks anyways20:27
bekksLunario: That implies "using ssh".20:27
Jordan4ibanezWhen I upgrade to ubuntu 14.10 I get this error: Error authenticating some packages It was not possible to authenticate some packages. This may be a transient network problem. You may want to try again later. See below for a list of unauthenticated packages.20:27
Lunariowhen i ssh into it i get a new terminal window, but i would like to control a specific one20:27
Jordan4ibanezGoogle does not have anything to offer on this20:27
protewhy would anyone registrar when your password is not private ... is it just to keep a specific nickname ... is there any other reason20:27
bekksprote: Why isnt your password private?20:28
EriC^^Lunario: you can use ttylog to attach to the tty20:28
bubbasauresJordan4ibanez, This on a upgrade attempt or after an upgrade?20:28
OerHeksLunario, ah, you want to take over an running window, not sure that can be don20:28
Jordan4ibanezOn an upgrade attempt20:28
LunarioOerHeks: exactly :)20:28
EriC^^prote: it is private, you added a space before "/"20:28
EriC^^/nickserv register <password> <email>20:29
bubbasauresJordan4ibanez, 3rd party repos and packages installed are a common problem, missing keys...etc.20:29
EriC^^that's what you should type ( it wont be outputted here, i used a special char before "/" )20:29
LunarioEriC^^: thanks, I am checking it out20:30
Jordan4ibanezOh damn, I didn't even think about that! Thank you20:30
bubbasauresJordan4ibanez, I assume your aware that 14.04 has 5 years support, 14.10 is shorter.20:30
bubbasauresJordan4ibanez, If the issues are ppa's are you familiar with ppa-purge?20:31
protealso i closed hexchat and restarted it & i didn't need to enter a PW20:31
egrebHi! I have installed ubuntu on my desktop computer. After i open firefox it shutdowns after aprox 1 min. Does anyone have any clue on why this is happening and how i can fix it?20:32
bekksprote: Are you identified to freenode services?20:32
Jordan4ibanezNah I'm just unchecking the boxes in the gui so I can be sure I get all my ppas back20:32
kazdaxwhen i try installing apache20:33
bubbasauresJordan4ibanez, Not all PPA's may be supporting 14.10, and you may have packages from them that will conflict is all.20:34
Jordan4ibanezIs there a way to ppa purge the entire system?20:34
bubbasaures!ppa-purge | Jordan4ibanez No one at a time20:34
ubottuJordan4ibanez No one at a time: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html20:34
bekkskazdax: Close your software center.20:35
kazdaxit wanst opened bekks20:36
protewhy is my ip openly available ... can i hide it20:36
EriC^^prote: you can get a cloak from #freenode20:36
seronisyou can go into   #freenode and ask for a cloak20:36
ActionParsnipegreb: try running it from Terminal, it may give clues20:36
bubbasauresprote, You can register and wait a short time and ask for a cloak at #freenode20:36
seroniscloaks dont hide you from channel ops though. they can still ban you if you misbehave20:37
ActionParsnip!fixapt | kazdax20:37
ubottukazdax: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »20:37
EriC^^prote: yeah, that's what bnc's and vhosts are for20:37
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egrebActionParsnip: what kinda clues? will i have time to see them before the systems shut down?20:38
kazdaxshould i kill all processes ?20:39
kazdaxohh it says kill a particular process20:39
kazdaxnot the number of them running20:39
ActionParsnipegreb: oh a system shutdown. Test RAM from Grub. There is Memtest86 in a default install20:39
ActionParsnipkazdax: yes kill the process20:39
coredumpanyone here intimate with launchpad build process? I want to upload a backported package using backportpackage but it depends on other stuff that needs to be backported. Do you know if I can upload the dependencies first and then the builder will use it to build other packageS?20:41
trismcoredump: yes it will use other packages in the same ppa as deps20:41
coredumpuhu, thanks!20:42
egrebActionParsnip: ok ty, will try that now20:42
trismcoredump: also if you click on edit ppa deps, you can add addition ppas to the list checked20:42
coredumptrism this is also awesome. Thanks. Apache 2.2 bite me in the arse today :|20:43
ur5usis anybody using `htmldoc` to convert html to pdf? I'm migrating from Ubuntu 12.04 to 14.04 and nothing about the html changes but under 14.04 no links are working and embedded images (PNG in my case) are broken. I slowly start to suspect that the htmldoc binary or one of its linked libs are broken20:45
ActionParsnipur5us: why not use a PDF printer? You can print from your web browser and make a PDF....20:47
ActionParsnip!info cups-pdf20:48
ubottucups-pdf (source: cups-pdf): PDF writer backend for CUPS (dummy transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6.1-13 (utopic), package size 0 kB, installed size 21 kB20:48
ActionParsnipur5us: or are you doing lots of files?20:49
ur5usActionParsnip: because it's used as part of a web app and the document needs a table of contents20:49
=== dengar81 is now known as d3ngar
ActionParsnip!info wkhtmltopdf20:52
ubottuwkhtmltopdf (source: wkhtmltopdf): Command line utilities to convert html to pdf or image using WebKit. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.12.0-2 (utopic), package size 186 kB, installed size 902 kB20:52
ActionParsnipUr5us: maybe that?20:52
ur5usyes, I know about some alternatives though for now I was just asking whether it's just me or is htmldoc really broken20:54
ur5uswkhtmltopdf is my next go to place but it'll require to make changes to the app code which I try to avoid at the moment20:55
ActionParsnipur5us: if you see an issue I suggest you report a bug20:55
ur5usI haven't filed a bug report for Ubuntu yet, any tips?20:56
effzee07can someone help with an instlal of ubuntu on a brand new built pc that has no OS currently?20:56
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basil1xeffzee07, USB or CD/DVD?20:57
effzee07ive tried doing the iso on a usb stick and on a dvd.....when i go to boot either one it just says boot failure insert disk20:57
basil1xHave you turned off the rather annoying SecureBoot nonsense?20:58
effzee07doesnt ring a bell? is that in the bios somewhere?20:58
Bashing-omeffzee07: New system, is this an EFI system booting ?20:58
basil1xIt would be, yes.20:58
effzee07is it pretty self explanitory to find in the bios?20:59
basil1xthere'll be instruxions on the boot splash screen.20:59
basil1xUsually press F2, F10, F12 or Del as the initial boot is happening.21:00
effzee07ill go check it out real quick and see if i can find it21:00
MindSparkhi, is there a way to generate a private key from a public key?21:04
effzee07basil1x i went into bios and dont see anything pertaining to a secure boot thing21:04
ActionParsnipMindSpark: no, or it would be massively unsecure21:04
ActionParsnipMindSpark: anyone can read the public key on the system21:04
DarkLinkXXXXWhen installing icedtea-netx, I get an update-altnernatives error.21:05
ActionParsnipMindSpark: you'll need to generate a new keypair and put the new public key on the server21:05
MindSparkActionParsnip: then how does a client send encrypted data using the public key which can be decrypted using the private key?21:05
OerHeksMindSpark, do you realise what you are asking?21:05
ActionParsnipMindSpark: the client has the private key.....21:06
MindSparkOerHeks: not really, haven't studied that in depth21:06
basil1xeffzee07, If it's an EFI computer, there will be a setting somewhere.21:06
MindSparkoh, ok, I have an ec2 instance, so what I've downloaded from aws is the private key, not the public...?21:06
ActionParsnipUr5us: you can run: ubuntu-bug htmldoc21:06
effzee07is the EFI regarding the 2.2 or greater hdd? if so i only have 500gb21:07
basil1xeffzee07, HDD size is not important.21:07
ActionParsnipMindSpark: what is the filename you have?21:07
OerHeksMindSpark, you sign with the private, and the public key is to decrypt, we have a nice howto https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto21:08
Bashing-om!uefi | effzee0721:08
ubottueffzee07: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI21:08
MindSparkOerHeks: alright, thanks!21:08
ur5usActionParsnip: thanks21:09
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ActionParsnipMindSpark: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8193768/trying-to-ssh-into-an-amazon-ec2-instance-permission-error21:09
basil1xThanks, om.  I never remember about those.21:09
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OerHeksMindSpark,  ec2, you want this too https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EC2StartersGuide#Types_of_credentials21:10
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MindSparkOerHeks and ActionParsnip you guys seem to know more about this, would it be ok if I ask about ec2?21:12
* OerHeks has almost 0 experience with EC221:13
RexterI could really use some help with the wget command.21:13
_ryandoes anyone see issues mounting zfs shares at boot with 14.04 LTS / generic kernel 3.3.0-39?  it is crashing me every time21:14
MindSparkI just created a public key using the private key I downloaded, and put it in authorized_keys. SSH works fine. But I am afraid the authorized_keys file might be rewritten on reboot. Does that happen?21:14
OerHeksMindSpark, there is a ##aws channel here on #freenode too :-) no, keys are not rewritten on reboot.21:14
effzee07i found EFI setting to turn on or off. Tried it both ways with same error21:15
MindSparkOerHeks: perfect, thanks a lot!21:15
OerHekshave fun21:15
RexterI'm trying to download a folder and all it's contents using wget. Is there a wget expert here today?21:15
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=== Yukitteru is now known as Dhs92
ActionParsnipMindSpark: not used it.  I run my own servers. I don't need hosting21:20
RexterI just want a specific folder, but it downloads the entire server. I need some help with wget.21:20
gr33n7007hRexter, wget -r -l1 --no-parent <url>21:22
OerHeksRexter wget --level=1 <url>21:22
OerHeksgr33n7007h, +1  indeed, or  -l121:22
ActionParsnipRexter: man wget21:22
Rextergr33n7007h; thank you. When I say I just want the one folder, I mean 100% of it's contents. Won't the -l1 prevent this?21:23
gr33n7007hRexter, will get the whole contents of the directory specified21:24
RexterActionParsnip, thank you for the RTFM, but that's a but one. I think one could make a wget certification course out of that one! ;)21:24
effzee07why the crap cant i put ubuntu on this new pc? tried everything i can think of. always says boot failure21:25
Rextergr33n7007h; help me understand the -l1 option, what does that do?21:25
EriC^^effzee07: efi?21:25
effzee07EriC^^ ive tried with efi on and off21:26
teaearlgraycoldeffzee07, you disable secureboot?21:26
EriC^^did you checksum the iso?21:26
effzee07cant figure that out in my bios....dont see anything relating to secureboot21:26
ActionParsnipeffzee07: does the install complete?21:27
effzee07i cant even get it to do anything....alway says boot failure insert disk21:27
teaearlgraycoldIf the machine came with Win8 you need to disable secure boot21:27
teaearlgraycoldThat's why you can't boot Ubuntu I'm 90% sure21:27
gr33n7007hRexter, man wget | grep level :)21:27
ActionParsnipeffzee07: how did you put the data on the USB (or CD)21:27
effzee07there is no OS on the PC at all. i put it on the dvd using disk burn image option, and on usb i did it thru pendrivelinux thing21:29
teaearlgraycoldSome flash drives have issues being made bootable21:29
teaearlgraycoldCould just be that21:29
EriC^^effzee07: yeah so the usb doesn't boot?21:30
ActionParsnipeffzee07: so you never extracted the ISO?21:30
ActionParsnipeffzee07: try Unetbootin , may help21:31
ActionParsnipeffzee07: because you don't want to extract the file.21:31
effzee07the usb nor dvd will do anything. What do you mean extract it? i plug it in the new pc and select boot from dvd or usb and it says error. sorry for the lack of knowledge...this is my first pc build and first attempt at linux21:32
EriC^^effzee07: did you checksum the iso?21:32
gr33n7007heffzee07, `md5sum /path/to/ubuntu.iso` then check it at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes21:34
effzee07EriC^^: not sure what that is21:34
EriC^^effzee07: download a program that gets the md5sum21:35
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EriC^^effzee07: it lets you know that the iso is ok and nothing is missing or anything21:35
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hellpeI'm having trouble formatting a SD card with Disks21:36
EriC^^effzee07: http://www.nullriver.com/downloads/Install-winMd5Sum.exe21:36
og01during the installation, I want to use block devices without partition tables, how can i do this?21:36
ActionParsnipeffzee07: you don't extract the file, that's my point :-)21:36
hellpehere how it looks like: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/capturedcran-16112014-223358.php21:37
og01ie i have one device i want to use as /boot, another as / and another as /var21:37
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og01I dont want to have to partition these block devices first21:37
hellpeand when I try formatting the whole card, I get this error message: "Error synchronizing after initial wipe: Timed out waiting for object (udisks-error-quark, 0)"21:37
EriC^^og01: why not?21:38
EriC^^( might a dare ask )21:38
og01EriC^^: they are block devices from a virtual host which I want to grow from the host side without having to resize the partiontable21:38
og01(lvm on host, presented to guest as virtio)21:39
ActionParsniphellpe: try using dd or dban to wipe the disk, or do you want the other partition?21:39
MagicSpudhello I am using a Y-BN52 logitech keyboard...it was working fine untill now...all the extras stopped working I can t use calculator, nor favourites nor record player controls now how do I configure keyboard model in ubuntu??21:39
og01it should be as simple as using any normal partition, so I would be surprised if this were not possible...21:40
hellpeActionParsnip, didn't tried dd, and I don't mind wiping the other partition21:40
hellpemy goal is to have a 16 Go partition, so I can use that SD card in a camera21:40
ActionParsniphellpe: if you zero the storage it may help21:40
hellpeActionParsnip, already tried that within Disks, got the same issue21:41
ActionParsniphellpe: try dd or dban then21:41
squinty hellpe  or  gparted for gui app21:42
og01any way i can manually set the root/boot partitions without using the ui?21:42
og01(during installation)21:42
og01i google manual installation and all i find is using the console based UI21:44
Amnasiaubuntu the inmates OS21:44
ActionParsnipOg01: once installed you can chroot to the installed OS and  add bootoptions as normal21:44
effzee07EriC^^: i'm trying it now21:44
ActionParsnipAmnasia: how do you mean?21:45
Amnasiawhat do i mean?21:45
bekksAmnasia: Do you have a specific ubuntu support question?21:45
og01ActionParsnip: hmm, i guess I could always do that, seems a lot of work to do somehing simple though...21:45
ActionParsnipAmnasia: yes, that is what I asked.....21:45
Amnasiahow do you mean doesnt compute21:45
ActionParsnipog01: on first boot, you can hold SHIFT amd edit the boot in grub itself21:46
ActionParsnipAmnasia: what do you mean whan you say 'inmates OS'?21:46
ActionParsnipAmnasia: what does it mean?21:46
Amnasiait means just tyhat521:46
bekksAmnasia: Do you have a specific ubuntu support question?21:47
og01ActionParsnip: im not sure how that helps, I would like to format what is essentially a raw block device, and then install ubuntu to that (those)21:47
ActionParsnipAmnasia: its too abstract, so I am asking for you to expand on the idea with details21:47
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AmnasiaActionParsnip: do you have a ubuntu support question?21:47
ActionParsnipog01: what does that have to do with boot options?21:48
EriC^^galup: bonsoir21:48
EriC^^galup: /join #ubuntu-fr21:48
og01Some people have too much time, perhaps Amnasia is one of those inmates?21:48
galuperic comment?21:48
Amnasialol i found myself talking on some other channel thinking i was at #ubuntu21:49
ActionParsnipog01: if the storage is problematic then zeroing it off should help21:49
k1l_guys, lets focus on support in here. thanks21:49
Amnasiayou cant kick someone out off prison21:49
k1l_Amnasia: stick to the guidelines the bot just linked to you or stay out of this channel. thanks21:49
og01ActionParsnip: Im not sure I'm following now21:49
EriC^^galup: /join #ubuntu-fr pour parler en francais21:50
effzee07EriC^^: I have the SUM from that program, but the website to compare to doesn't seem to be working. Any other link or idea?21:50
EriC^^galup: ou parler en englais21:50
galupj y suis mais personne ne repond21:50
k1l_!fr | galup21:50
ubottugalup: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.21:50
EriC^^tu parle englais?21:50
og01ActionParsnip: During the installation of ubuntu server, I chose the manual option for configuring disk, I simply want select /dev/vba as /boot and /dev/vbb as / and /dev/vbc as /var21:51
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og01ActionParsnip: and then proceed with the installation21:51
EriC^^effzee07: hold on21:51
EriC^^effzee07: which version of ubuntu do you have21:51
EriC^^and arch21:51
og01ActionParsnip: I could do this in distro's which have a more manual aproach to installation, its simple and no more complex than using a partitioned device, its just a matter of procedure21:52
og01bah ActionParsnip has gone21:53
EriC^^effzee07: amd64?21:53
og01if anyone else can help, I would like to use raw block devices as /boot, /, and /var during ubuntu server installation21:54
pasta_soulHello ubuntu-ers..21:54
EriC^^effzee07: 119cb63b48c9a18f31f417f09655efbd21:54
Amnasiaactionparsnip is a prison guard21:54
pasta_soulcan anyone help me with this -->   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=225303021:54
effzee07EriC^^: it matches that21:54
EriC^^Amnasia: ah, inmates OS, now i get it21:54
hellpeI've fixed my issue, thanks a lot21:55
EriC^^... and :D21:55
EriC^^gj k1l_21:55
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EriC^^effzee07: ok21:56
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Bashing-omog01: While installing grub to a partition is discouraged, it can be done: see: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB#Install_to_partition_or_partitionless_disk . Does this help ? (middle of the turorial)21:58
nwpOK, so which package do I file a bug against... setting a startup app to not start in "Startup Applications" prefs in utopic is now ignored and it starts anyway, it seems. App in question is the gnome ssh agent.21:58
nwpI'm guessing the "Startup Applications" pref is a Gnome thing and now that upstart is starting the user session, it is completely ignored.21:59
julia1968unusual problem: my network conn disconnects almost immediately after connecting to github.. either via the web or git clone. could it be something ssl related? I'm on 14.04 and rtl8187l22:00
WASH_JONESHi all, I'm having some trouble getting Enigmail/GPG to work with Thunderbird on Ubuntu 14.10. Why I try to import the GnuPG .asc files in the Enigmail setup wizard, it gives me this error:22:00
WASH_JONESgpg: failed to create temporary file `/home/user/.gnupg/.#lk0xcf1080.chrubuntu.5788': Permission denied22:00
WASH_JONESgpg: keyblock resource `/home/user/.gnupg/secring.gpg': general error22:00
WASH_JONESgpg: failed to create temporary file `/home/user/.gnupg/.#lk0xcf1080.chrubuntu.5788': Permission denied22:00
WASH_JONESgpg: keyblock resource `/home/user/.gnupg/pubring.gpg': general error22:00
WASH_JONESgpg: no writable keyring found: eof22:00
unopasteWASH_JONES you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted22:00
julia1968other connections seem to be fine.. just github causing issues22:01
og01Bashing-om: admitadly I hadnt considered the bootsector, but i can work around that, I dont mind having a partitioned /boot mount, its more  / and /var that i want to dynamicly resize from a vm host22:01
WASH_JONESHi all, I'm having some trouble getting Enigmail/GPG to work with Thunderbird on Ubuntu 14.10. Why I try to import the GnuPG .asc files in the Enigmail setup wizard, it gives me this error:22:01
WASH_JONESgpg: failed to create temporary file `/home/user/.gnupg/.#lk0xcf1080.chrubuntu.5788': Permission denied22:02
og01Bashing-om: in anycase is the only solution to install ubuntu and then rejigg everything afterwards?22:02
k1l_WASH_JONES: use a pastebin please22:02
GerowenI have a question.22:02
ryaxnbhey i have to use i8042.reset to make suspend work on my Acer travelmate22:03
dabadieHi, how can i enable an vnc connection to my KDE desktop from boot?22:03
ryaxnbthe problem is when i use that, some part of GNOME/XFCE stops working with the touchpad22:03
ryaxnbit's only a thing that loads when GNOME does (maybe a touchpad driver?)22:03
ryaxnbbecause IceWM works fine as does the lightdm22:03
ryaxnbbut as soon as GNOME/XFCE loads, the touchpad stops working22:04
GerowenLet's say I have an audio feed coming into a line-in jack, and I want to broadcast that audio feed in a way so that other people could click a link to a file and listen to it, what would be the best software for that?22:04
Bashing-omog01: Working a Virtual Machine is far from my sphere of knowledge, I have not had ocassion to learn .22:04
kazdaxokay i got apache installed and i did and there is a page22:04
kazdaxnow how do i make my page accessible to the public22:04
kazdaxi have a router and it uses an ip number22:04
ryaxnbwhat software does GNOME load, but not IceWM, that might interfere with touchpads?22:04
ryaxnbso i can just stop it from loading22:04
kazdaxmy computer connects threw the router22:04
kazdaxso i have to tell the router to allow people to access port 8022:05
ryaxnbor is there some other magic option that fixes this22:05
og01Bashing-om: its as simple as I have LVM on the host and I am giving access of those block devices to a vm, the vm sees devices such as /vda /vdb /vdc etc and i can resize them from the host('s lvm)22:05
og01Bashing-om: doing so would effectivly resize the block devices in the guest, resizing a partition table is a bit of a pain, and it would be easier without having to partition each block device I present to the guest22:06
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og01Bashing-om: I'm continuing anyway, I have an alternate solution, I am adding two block devices, one will be partitioned (im acutally using the auto feature with LVM enabled), the second will be added to the vg raw22:07
og01I can then resize the second one easily22:07
og01and reallocate within the guest at a whim22:08
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EL3Hi I got a pcduino3. If I want to install a LAMP server, what distro would you suggest I use for this?22:12
og01EL3: ubuntu?22:13
og01EL3: no i mean I suggest ubuntu22:13
buck11what channel to ask about ubuntu patchsets?  in specific: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/precise/python2.7/precise-security/view/head:/debian/patches/distutils-install-layout.diff#L28222:14
ryaxnbanyone know why GNOME is causing my keyboard and touchpad to fail on the i804222:14
ryaxnbbut not icewm or non-GNOME22:14
EL3Okey, well I got one img from http://www.pcduino.com/images-pcduino3/ but can I use one of this http://www.ubuntu.com/download/server/arm instead?22:15
og01EL3: ultimatly you probably can use any arm based distro including the ubuntu officals, but I would imagine that using the packaged version provided by pcDuino would be the easiest bet22:16
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og01EL3: any reason you dont want to use their image?22:16
og01EL3: they're probably using their own specific kernel patches, and possibly other modifications22:17
EL3I couldnt get add-apt-repository to work, and someone suggestet that Lianaro was not mainstream enough :)22:17
og01EL3: why wouldnt add-apt-repository work?22:18
EL3og01: Well the problem started with, that I want to upgrade the php version.22:18
EL3link to my question http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26962319/python-error-could-not-find-a-distribution-template-when-add-apt-repository22:19
og01EL3: hmm that is strange, im not sure why they need to use a different ID, the images page advertises Ubuntu, but the output of lsb-release looks like a fork22:21
og01EL3: anyway there is a workaround for thsi22:21
og01EL3: you dont have to use add-apt-repository22:21
og01EL3: You can add the repo to your /etc/apt/sources.list file manually22:22
EL3og01: okey. Can you guide me maybe?22:22
EL3og01: so if I wanted to add this add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php5 What should I add to the file?22:23
og01EL3: one sec22:24
og01EL3: this is the ppa page: https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php522:24
og01EL3: on this page there is a Technical details about this PPA link22:25
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og01click that and it'll show you the lines you need to add to your /etc/apt/sources.list file22:25
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EL3og01: okey thank you very much22:25
og01where is says YOUR_UBUNTU_VERSION_HERE you need to use the one that your distro is based on22:26
og01EL3: err... i think it said Trusty somewhere... one sec let me check22:26
og01EL3: sorry precise22:27
EL3is it based on precise?22:27
og01EL3: so in this case add, deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ondrej/php5/ubuntu precise main22:27
bekksThat repo does not provide packages for ARM.22:27
og01bekks: ah well spotted22:28
bekksIt will be useless for your pcduino.22:28
og01must admit i forgot to consider that22:28
EL3Okey so would it be easier to reinstall the lampserver maybe?22:30
squintyor take it to a relevant channel like #ubuntu-arm22:30
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EL3ahh thank you, squinty, did not no about that.22:31
igoryonyawhen I try to CONNECT on squid, I get the following error: URL; The administrator may not allow this cache to make direct connections to origin servers. This only happens, when trying to CONNECT to ip addresses, when using domains, it works fine.22:33
ReScOhey people22:36
ReScOwhat do i need to be able to send and recieve mail from my server?22:36
CastanedaGreetings! How can I creat a .dat file on ubuntu server?22:37
bekksCastaneda: Easiest way: "touch myfile.dat". File extensions are totally irrelevant, actually.22:37
k1l_Castaneda: touch file.dat22:37
Castanedai need to work with gnuplot22:38
k1l_Castaneda: but what do you want to do at all?22:38
Castanedabasically i want to create a file which will contain a 2 column table with numbers22:39
Castanedaand then take this file and use it on gnuplot22:39
k1l_Castaneda: well. just use a regular text file, put the data in there and then name it to file.dat22:39
squintyReScO:  there is a specific ubuntu server channel   #ubuntu-server22:40
igoryonyawhen I try to CONNECT on squid, I get the following error: URL; The administrator may not allow this cache to make direct connections to origin servers. This only happens, when trying to CONNECT to ip addresses, when using domains, it works fine.22:40
igoryonyai am using cache_peer22:40
RexterHi, would you be willing to help me better understand wget? The man pages are quite complex, and I have questions.22:41
igoryonyaRexter ,what's exactly the question22:42
GerowenRexter: wget downloads a given URL to the folder you are currently located in when you run it.  So if you want to download the file to a folder named "Downloads", it would look like:22:43
Gerowencd /home/me/Downloads22:43
Gerowenwget someURL22:43
k1l_Rexter: what is the issue?22:44
Rexterigoryonya; the -l options. I'm not sure I can ask an intelligent question about it. Which way in the directory tree does it apply too?22:44
bekksGerowen: More easy: wget -O Downloads/target.file URL-of-source-file22:44
Rexterkil; please give me an example of why one might use the -m options as opposed to the -r option.22:46
Rexterk1l_; please give me an example of why one might use the -m options as opposed to the -r option.22:47
Ben64Rexter: -m       --mirror  \\\          Turn on options suitable for mirroring.  This option turns on           recursion and time-stamping, sets infinite recursion depth and           keeps FTP directory listings.  It is currently equivalent to -r -N -l inf --no-remove-listing.22:47
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RexterBen64, so if I wanted to download a folder, all contents, and all child folders, would the -m option be appropriate?22:48
Ben64Rexter: yep22:49
igoryonyaRexter, I think it talks about an FTP depth, but I don't know if it works the same way with an HTTP protocol, if it does, I guess, it recursively download the a href links until the specified depth. But to be true, I've never done such downloads, usually, just download single files.22:50
igoryonyaGerowen, Rexter, someURL should be 'someURL', enclosed in quotes, otherwise some urls will not work, because the shell might parse some characters22:51
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oscarhbpactive hdmi22:55
Rexterokay, I have a specific that I'm trying to do at the moment, but I don't just want a copy, and past answer. I really want to understand the options, so that next time, I'm better able to ask intelligent questions.: There is a folder I need to download with a complete set folders, and files. I need the entire thing, all folders inside, and all contents , just like if I did a copy, and past of a folder. Would I use -l1 --no-parrent, or wou22:55
Rexterld -m do just as well? Why?22:55
oscarhbpen ubuntu 14.1022:55
htovktjanei am new to ubuntu its fantastic22:55
htovktjanefantastic 14.1022:57
RexterBen64 igoryonya k1l_ Gerowen; did you see my question?23:00
GerowenWhat's a good option for streaming audio coming in from a "Line In" jack to an internet feed that other people could listen to in their browser regardless of their OS?23:00
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Ben64Rexter: the man page really does explain it better than i could. if you're transferring from a folder you own, wget is not the best though23:02
RexterBen64, ah you cut yourself short. the reason I'm here is because the man page provides no examples.23:05
Ben64Rexter: it does23:05
RexterBen64 ok, so I want all these files: http://getdrunkonmovies.com/files/gungame/  how would you do it, and more importantly, why?23:06
Ben64wget -m -np23:07
anurizmok so I'm following this tutorial to dual boot my macbook with ubuntu- http://www.howtogeek.com/187410/how-to-install-and-dual-boot-linux-on-a-mac/23:07
squintyRexter:  and a lot of participants here try things for themselves to see the optimum proceedure that meets their needs.   simple enough to do... try both settings and then compare.  disregard the one that doesn't work for you ;-)23:07
anurizmi got to the ubuntu installation process. but ubuntu says "there is no other OS detected on this computer"23:07
anurizmits supposed to say "install ubuntu alongside"23:07
squintyanurizm:  might want to check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI   to see if anything is relevant to your particular setup23:09
RexterHow would you choose to do it squinty?23:09
Ben64Rexter: would you just try something already23:09
squintyRexter:  immaterial23:10
Rextersquinty, not for you to decide what in immaterial to me, however it is your prerogative to refuse to share, if it satisfies your ego.23:12
k1l_Rexter: could you please try not  to make a drama in here?23:13
Ben64Rexter: try talking less here, and reading the man page and trying what it says more, i've already given you a solution to this, you're just wasting time now23:13
k1l_Rexter: i think people in here answered you and you should have a working solution. what is the issue now?23:13
RexterThank you Ben64 for the info.23:14
squintyRexter:  you asked me a question, I gave you an answer...if you don't like it you know what to do23:15
toothewhat's the difference between LTS?23:16
tootheand non-LTS, such as 13.03?23:16
Rextertoothe, there is no 13.0323:16
Ben64toothe: LTS is Long Term Support, they are supported for 5 years. other releases are supported for 9 months.23:16
k1l_toothe: lts (12.04 and 14.04) have 5 years support time. the other ones only last 9 month, then you need to upgrade23:17
tootheRexter: Pardon.23:17
tootheas a regular workstation, does it matter for me?23:17
tootheI suppose not...23:17
Ben64it should23:17
toothelet me ask a more focused question23:17
Rextertoothe, there is however a 13.04 - 2013 fourth month23:18
toothewhat are your experiences with non-LTS? I've only used LTS for my work machine.23:18
bekkstoothe: Yes. If you dont want to upgrade every 9 months.23:18
k1l_toothe: do you want to upgrade all 6 months?23:18
toothedepnds what upgrading entails.23:18
hecataeanyone built firefox developer edition for ubuntu?23:18
Rextertoothe, you can think of a non-LTS as a preview of what's to come.23:18
k1l_toothe: going from 14.10 to 15.04.23:18
bekkstoothe: Upgrading the entire release from lets say 13.04 to 13.1023:18
k1l_Rexter: that is plain not true.23:18
tootheLets suppose I don't upgrade. what are the downsides?23:18
k1l_toothe: no bug and security upgrades. like the shellshock stuff etc will still be vulnerable23:19
Rextertoothe, k1l_ is actually right, it's more like things that might come.23:19
tootheso, silly question then...won't normal apt-get's fix such issues?23:20
joe1hecatae, try  http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/11/mozilla-releases-firefox-developer-edition23:20
Ben64toothe: the repositories get shut down, hence "End Of Life"23:20
k1l_toothe: no, because ubuntu doesnt provide updates that apt-get can "just download" after its out of support time23:20
tootheoh wow...23:20
toothethat's pretty bad23:20
tootheyeha, LTS then23:20
hecataejoe1, trying the firefox-aurora ppa first23:21
toothewow, just 6 months...?23:21
k1l_toothe: so it comes down to: use a lts or upgrade all 6 months.23:21
tootheyeah, LTS...23:21
Ben64or upgrade every 6 months, whichever you prefer23:21
tootheno, i don't think i'd want to upgrade every 6 months23:21
toothethat's pretty horrible.23:21
k1l_toothe: so stay with lts then23:21
Ben64some people like the newest of everything23:21
tootheyeah. I think ill get kubuntu23:21
basil1xbutbutbutbutbut... it's soooo much fun, never knowing what'll come out the other side!  Like auntie's cooking. ;)23:22
tootheout of all the distro's i've tried, I feel like Ubuntu does it the best23:22
tootheIts "business-like", while not being like Redhat.23:22
hecataejoe1,  the ppa has it, completely overwrote the default23:23
Rextertoothe, yea Ubuntu is great, many distros use it as their base.23:23
tootheand UBuntu itself uses debian.23:24
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Rextertoothe, yes, but there are modifications to such a point that there are many incompatibilities  there. Most of the distros down-stream are more compatible with Ubuntu than Ubuntu is with Debian.23:26
tootheRexter: ahh..23:27
tootheas silly as this sounds, to me LInux is Linux23:28
toothewhether you're using Slackware or Yellowdog (Do they still make that?)23:28
toothebut, I think when you get to the core of the OS, its not all the same.23:28
Rextertoothe, Linux is a kernel, not an OS. I'm sure I'll get flamed for this, but calling Redhat, or Ubuntu Linux is kinds like calling a desktop towed a hard drive. Yes th hard drive is a key part of any tower, but there is much more to a desktop tower than the hard drive.23:30
Rextertower, not towed23:30
tootheRexter: yeah, I get that technical difference23:31
tootheLinux = Kernel23:31
toothebut in regular speech, I don't call it "Ubuntu"23:31
tootheI cal it Linux.23:31
bekkstoothe: Which is wrong and leads to misunderstandings.23:32
Rextertoothe, challenge, go to the Ubuntu web-site. Find the word Linux.23:33
FlannelGuys, take this conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.23:34
toothelol, really?23:36
toothetheir search feature made it easy for me.23:36
BlasterThe word linux is on the homepage. It's in the HTML. What do I win?23:37
fttt5im trying to install wine and having problems23:38
Rextertoothe; lol you got me,  that's not what I meant.23:39
fttt5its says there are package dependancies that cannot b resolved23:39
tootheRexter: I get you...23:39
tootheRexter: They don't see themselves as "Linux" but as an full-fledged OS.23:39
FlannelRexter, toothe, Blaster: Please take it to #ubuntu-offtopic23:39
k1l_fttt5: please show that error in a pastebin23:39
tootheFlannel: This is quite on-topic...23:39
Flanneltoothe: No it's not.  It's not related to technical support in the slightest.23:40
toothethis is only a support channel, nothing more?23:40
Wayward_VagabondCould somebody recomend a peice of software to split up about 40 PDFs into individual file? (one image per page)23:40
k1l_toothe: Rexter that is unfair for the users who come here to solve their support issues. we have a nother channel for the chitchat. so please stick to the rules that are for all users23:40
Flanneltoothe: correct.  Chat, discussions "About" ubuntu, etc, all belong in #ubuntu-offtopic.23:40
tootheokay, fair.23:40
toothei remember years ago on efnet there was #FreeBSD and #FreeBSDhelp23:41
tootheerr, that's off-topic too23:41
k1l_toothe: you were asked 3 times now to change that to #ubuntu-offtopic. there will be no 4th time.23:41
k1l_fttt5: is there a PPA active?23:42
Flannelfttt5: What version of Ubuntu are you on?23:42
toothek1l_: Pardon.23:43
k1l_fttt5: please show in a pastebin "apt-cache policy wine1.4"23:43
fttt5whats ppa?23:43
fttt5what the apt cache policy?23:44
Ben64fttt5: looks like you're mixing repositories or something else bad23:44
Cream222Hi all23:44
Ben64fttt5: pastebin the output of the command  "apt-cache policy wine1.4"23:44
fttt5ive only just booted it from dvd23:44
k1l_fttt5: it will show where the package is coming from. that info will help us see the reason for the issue23:44
kandinskiwe're getting this "HWE no longer supported" error on a server at work http://imgur.com/FC2zyBH, the server is in a VMWare hypervisor. What does this mean?23:45
Cream222need some help with a RIAD 5 leo.org23:45
k1l_fttt5: well, 13.10 is end of life already. you need to upgrade to 14.04 anyway. maybe the issue is gone then anyway23:45
bruceleesysctl -w, and -p whats the difference between those options?23:45
k1l_kandinski: it uses a backports kernel that is  end of life23:45
RexterCream222, what is leo.org?23:46
Ben64kandinski: LTS versions have hardware enablement, where it can get later kernels and stuff from releases in between LTS versions. the one you're currently using is from and EOL version and is not supported nor updated23:46
bruceleedoes -w require a reboot for changes to occur? also are they persistent? I'm guessing not because the man page doesnt say so, but i want to confirm. Also does this change the default settings once I reboot or what? does this change the settings in a particular file?23:46
Cream222== Rexter Sorry leo.org is to translate23:47
kandinskiBen64: thanks, great explanatioN!23:47
k1l_fttt5: this is a live system?23:48
kandinskiBen64, so, since we have certified our software for 12.04 userland, we should probably update to the Trusty kernel and graphics everywhere through installing the Trusty HWE?23:48
fttt5how do i find out?23:48
RexterCream222, what's up with the RAID 5?23:48
k1l_fttt5: you said you use a dvd?23:48
Ben64kandinski: yeah, that should work23:48
fttt5i just boot it23:49
fttt5to try23:49
kandinskithanks, Ben6423:49
fttt5never had any problems with anything else ive used it for23:49
Cream222I need some help with a RAID 5 from my QNAP i have to restor the data from this RAID maybe somebody can help me becuse i new in ubuntu23:49
k1l_fttt5: ok, then use a 14.04 dvd since the 13.10 is already outdated.23:49
kandinskiBen64 << 123:49
fttt5no dvds till morning23:49
RexterCream222, did the RAID 5 fail?23:50
Bashing-omkandinski: More specific: -> sudo apt-get install --install-recommends linux-generic-lts-trusty libgl1-mesa-glx-lts-trusty xserver-xorg-lts-trusty linux-image-generic-lts-trusty < -.23:51
Cream222now but i have to restore the Firmware how was an a SSD drive. and the Firmware now see not the RAID anymore.23:51
linuxubuntu will no longer lode on my chromebook i need help i typed the cmd cgpt add -i 6 -P 0 -T 1 -S 0 /dev/sda23:52
Cream222And now i have the the RAID 5 on Ubuntu and looks like this http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/420588/23:52
kandinskiBashing-om: thanks as well23:52
linuxand it turned off and chrome os booted up and thts what im stuck with no more ubuntu for me it wont install23:53
bubbasaureslinux, Whay did you do that?23:53
linuxi did it by accadent how do i get it back23:54
linuxit wont install anymore and im pissed23:54
fttt5i would boot ubuntu off a sd card but i dont think my bios supports it23:55
Rexterlinux, that's a hell of a command to type be accident.23:55
bubbasaureslinux, sda is the mbr...er HD is it showing from a live, you would need to boot to one to fix if fixable.23:55
HelenaKittyI currently have my system doing automatic backups per night. It backs up the entire home dir. I wanted to know that when Unity 8 comes out will the backups break the system or will the configuration files within the backups for Unity 7 be compatible with Unity 8?23:55
albertanyone played spores on zorin?23:55
RexterCream222, this may be above my pay-grade, but can you give me some history?23:55
bubbasaureslinux, If it is wiped make a new partition table.23:56
linuxneed help23:56
fttt5can i boot ubunto off an sd card with a lenovo g575?23:56
HelenaKittyfttt5, Read the fuckin manual23:56
fttt5it never came with a manual fuck face23:56
Ben64HelenaKitty: not helpful, and watch the language, you too fttt523:56
bubbasaureslinux, We just need more info to really help, what is there, and what you want, you being on a live boiot would help.23:57
albertanyone know how to get my wireless internet adapter working?23:57
Cream222Rexrer the thing is i only whant to backup or recover the Fail from may RAID but i don't now how... :(23:57
bubbasauresalbert, If this is a usb find it in the terminal by running lsusb and include that info23:58
albertbubbasaures, it is a pci card23:59
bubbasauresalbert, Ah, I assume it has a hardware identity, that is the key.23:59
ronsorHelenakitty told me what happened hehe23:59

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