
CyLHi, in Xubuntu 14.04 I have the package python-tk installed, but trying to import tkinter from the interactive interpreter, yelds me an error saying python could'nt find any module named tkinter00:20
drcCyL: With little to no knowledge of python-tk, tkinter or interactive interpreter, I'd say that that it's trying to find find tkinter in a place where it is not.00:25
fscktheworld /clear00:36
fscktheworlddamn copy and p00:36
fscktheworldhalf copy and paste at that00:37
fscktheworldback to being away00:37
xubuntu875glib-critical g_slice_set_config : assertion 'syst_page_size == 0' failed09:32
xubuntu875Installation stop09:32
xubuntu875i'm french sorry i dont write english well09:33
cfhowlett!fr | xubuntu87509:34
ubottuxubuntu875: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.09:34
xubuntu875ii use ubnutu since 2004 i never seen that !!!!09:34
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chris87lhi@all. does anyone know how i can look up my previous bug reports unter xubuntu. in ubuntu there is a button for the previous reports ...11:02
chris87lthe link should be like https://errors.ubuntu.com/user/"some numers and letters"        i'm serching for this button or a method how i can find out the numerbs and letters for my system11:03
Alexfrenchhello all12:37
Ary_MainartI put Xubuntu on my kids desktop. Afrter intalling it was everything ok. But the video hardware is a Sis760., so I put a video card FX5500, but the mouse cursor just desapeared. The mouse is there, just the cursor dont. How do I fix this thing???13:19
brainwashAry_Mainart: it's gone even after a reboot?13:20
Ary_Mainarteven after reboot13:21
cfhowlettAry_Mainart, settings > mouse & touchpad > theme          choose something more visible13:21
Ary_MainartI have tried that13:22
Ary_Mainartif I tok off the video card the mouse apeari13:22
brainwashcfhowlett: something less invisible? :D13:22
cfhowlettbrainwash, worth a try.  the blood red theme works for me ...13:22
brainwashAry_Mainart: so the cursor is missing on the login screen too, right?13:23
brainwashsounds like a driver issue then13:23
brainwashmaybe it's a known issue. did you search the internet already?13:24
Ary_MainartI search but all the thing there talk about a xorg.conf13:25
Ary_Mainarti try to locate this file but doesnt find13:25
brainwashlike http://askubuntu.com/questions/502871/invisible-mouse-on-14-04-with-nvidia-geforce4-ti-420013:25
Ary_Mainart/etc/x11/xorg.conf doesn't exist on my13:26
brainwashit does not exist by default13:26
Ary_Mainarti tried that site. Lets see if works13:33
Ary_MainartThanks Guys13:35
Ary_MainartIs there any other thing i must to do???13:35
Ary_MainartI must to create a xorg.conf now??13:35
brainwashAry_Mainart: do you need a custom xorg configuration file?13:40
brainwashif everything is working fine, then no I'd guess13:40
Ary_MainartI undertand. But, if the video start to presents some issues, I will need a xorg.conf, rigth?13:45
brainwashnot a question which can be easily answered13:47
Ary_MainartThanks once again13:48
brainwashyou're welcome :)13:49
xubuntu49whi there14:53
xubuntu49whow light is xubuntu as compared to unity14:53
xubuntu49wand you guys don't even have forums14:54
xubuntu49wi want to try it but i just want to confirm is it properly supported14:54
knomexubuntu49w, xubuntu uses the same forums as ubuntu, ubuntuforums.org14:56
knomexubuntu49w, you can boot up the live DVD and see if your hardware works with it, that's the best way to test that14:56
knomexubuntu49w, and if you are asking about release support length, it's 3 years for LTS releases.14:56
brainwashsee http://xubuntu.org/help/14:57
xubuntu81wbeing a windows jockey, i am having a hard time converting to xubuntu... main issue is that i cant get anything to install, am i doomed to ms forever?15:06
knomexubuntu81w, define "anything", what are you trying to install?15:06
xubuntu81wvlc player15:06
knomexubuntu81w, how are you trying to get it installed?15:07
xubuntu81wflash plug in for firefox15:07
xubuntu81wtried ubuntu software center and command line15:07
xubuntu81wfailed this failed that... freezes up for long periods before erroring out15:08
knomeok, so what kind of error messages did you get or what kind of problems did you have?15:08
xubuntu81wFailed to download repository” error?15:09
knomexubuntu81w, please pastebin us the error15:09
knome!pastebin | xubuntu81w15:09
ubottuxubuntu81w: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:10
xubuntu81wFailed to download package files” error?15:10
knome(probably easiest to do that when you run apt-get from the command line)15:10
knomeplease pastebin the full error15:10
xubuntu81w404 errors from command line15:10
xubuntu81wwill do15:10
vrkalakreboot, and then ... re-install15:12
knomevrkalak, please stop giving advice if you don't know what the problem is15:13
knomevrkalak, this is the second time i see you give potentially bad advice without getting into the problem15:13
knomevrkalak, for example, if it's a new installation, and somehow ended up in this situation automatically, reinstalling is not going to solve the problem15:14
xubuntu81wnew install!! yes it is15:14
knomexubuntu81w, i'm still waiting for the pastebin URL so we can debug your error15:15
knomewithout that, it's just guessing in the dark15:15
knomexubuntu81w, you are running an unsupported version15:16
knomexubuntu81w, if it's a new installation, then i'd advise simply getting the 14.04 image and reinstall with that15:17
xubuntu81woh really... well it has been 6 months since i downloaded this one15:17
cfhowlettxubuntu49w, Long term support is supported for 3 years on the desktop.  non-LTS is supported for 9 months.  plan ahead.15:18
knomexubuntu81w, raring ringtail has been unsupported since january 201415:19
xubuntu81wwow, i am behind then... thanks for your help, i will download the new version and start over15:20
cfhowlettxubuntu81w, 14.04.1 is the current LTS15:20
knomexubuntu81w, good luck, and enjoy :)15:22
xubuntu81wthanks!!!   i am out15:22
Luyinhi maijin16:50
Luyinhi maira16:50
mairai have two computers in my house connected by wifi network. One computer is with ubuntu 14.04 and the otherone with ubuntu 14.04. The same smb.conf is on both computers except that I change on xubuntu the netbios name and the share directories. Ubuntu sees the xubuntus share folders, but Xubuntu doesen't sees ubuntus share folder. What i need to do to solve this problem?????16:52
Alexfrenchhave you thunar on your xubuntu ,16:57
mairashould i try another file manager?16:59
Alexfrenchi am looking on google17:00
Alexfrenchxubuntu side it talk about thunar and ubuntu side about gigolo17:01
mairainstall nautilus and have same problem17:01
Alexfrenchah !17:01
Alexfrenchon xubuntu most greffons are installed17:03
Alexfrenchnot on ubuntu it seems17:03
mairahow i solve my problem??17:04
mairai am shure there is a config problem. just dont know what.17:05
Alexfrenchi am doing research lol sorry17:05
GridCubemaira, why are you using samba for two linux machines?17:05
mairathere is another way??17:06
mairait is already installed that way17:06
mairahow do i fix?17:06
mairauninstaling samba on both?17:07
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)17:07
Alexfrenchmaybe this page will help you but you have to get it in english17:07
GridCubethere are many ways that don't involve samba17:08
GridCubesamba is to share with windows computers17:08
shamuraiAnyone have experience with xubuntu on the new baytrails?19:11
Alexfrenchbaytrails ?19:12
ali1234sounds like some intel cpu architecture19:13
shamuraiYeah its a low power soc. Was thinking about a fanless system.19:14
ali1234should be fine.19:14
ali1234Xfce doesn't use any fancy graphics stuff19:15
shamuraiYeah I don't know if you remember me from Friday but I completely turned of the compositor after adding tear free option.19:16
ali1234that was you?19:19
ali1234who was the guy with a broken nvidia card?19:19
shamuraiI don't know he never came back on.19:20
shamuraiLooked like a UEFI issue though. Which is probably why 32bit image worked19:20
zacariasHi. Does someone here have a Macbook? I'm having trouble doing the "at" sign (I tryed different layouts).20:05
ali1234oh, i know this one20:06
ali1234something like that, i can't remember20:07
ali1234i just remember it was really difficult20:07
GridCubei shouldnt be20:07
zacariasno, didn't work. f i could see the keyboard layout I would find it, maybe20:07
GridCubezacarias, open onboard20:07
GridCubeand look at the layout dynamicaly20:08
GridCubewhen you press keys it shows you the combinations and so20:08
zacariasGridCube: Thanks. I'm going to try that (I first have to install it)20:09
GridCubeits already installed20:09
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zacariasAnother question: my window borders have always the same awful aspect: always blue, with very ugly maximize, close and minimize buttons, no matter what I chose in the appearance->style settings (which curently is the "Greybird" theme). Any help?20:39
=== Jack is now known as Guest83910
holsteinzacarias: http://xfce-look.org/ ..try and ask for specifics..20:45
knomezacarias, you can change your window manager theme under settings -> window manager as described in the documentation21:10
GTB3NWis there a known issue with software center randomly uninstalling recently? -.-23:14
=== Silver is now known as Guest18024

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