
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 23 building (started: 20141117 02:05) ===02:03
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 23 DONE (finished: 20141117 03:25) ===03:23
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/23.changes ===03:23
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robruMirv: good god qtbase takes forever to build. remind me never to use that for testing citrain changes ever again ;-)06:35
Mirvrobru: it might be just the worst possible choice, yes :)06:36
Mirvrobru: oxide-qt might be slightly worse still, try that next time ;)06:36
Mirvrobru: armhf build of qtbase will take around 4.5 hours06:37
robruMirv: oh god06:37
robruok, cancelling ;-)06:37
Mirvexcellent choice!06:38
robruMirv: so I didn't deploy anything to production yet, but when my shift starts monday morning I'm gonna deploy a ton of fun new stuff ;-06:39
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Mirvrobru: exciting times! ;)06:48
sil2100ogra_: hey! The landing gates are still closed?08:07
Mirvsil2100: o/08:08
Mirvsil2100: yes08:08
sil2100Mirv: o/08:08
Mirvsil2100: just catch up with emails, no hurry :)08:08
Mirvthe gates are even tighter closed now!08:09
* sil2100 is worried about this e-mail catch-up08:09
sil2100Need to wait for all the filters to do their magic08:09
Mirvsil2100: well you know, once you catch up with the most important lists, you've the big picture anyhow08:09
Mirvwell that too08:09
Mirvsil2100: refreshed?08:10
Mirvsil2100: ogra_ can offer you some landing tea he started brewing last week08:10
sil2100Mirv: a little bit, yes :) Although I just recently understood that 2-months of vacation when one was a student was the perfect length for holidays!08:11
Mirvsil2100: yes, exactly :) although most of those I spent doing summer work to have some experience + money.. so it never quite works "optimally" :)08:12
Mirvthere was this one summer though, no work, just play, 3-4 months... phew08:12
sil2100Mirv, robru: any news of the spreadsheet replacement?08:13
MirvI haven't heard. robru keeps on cleaning CI Train code though (next big deployment when he wakes up in 9h)08:14
sil2100Thunderbird is slow with it's filters, for now it's 3k of unfiltered e-mail08:17
* popey hands sil2100 some procmail rules08:20
popeywelcome back08:20
sil2100popey: o/08:20
Mirvtvoss: o/08:41
sil2100The filters still didn't do their job, but I see news of a second image promotion last week08:46
sil2100Good job everyone!08:46
sil2100ogra_: so the MilestoneSchedule has been +1'ed by olli and the product team?08:49
sil2100That would be great08:49
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ogra_sil2100, well, we are running by it  ... not sure it needs additional +1 ing :)08:55
sil2100As long as people were properly informed, I guess it's ok - and we're anyway concentrating on a limited list of top-blockers anyway08:55
ogra_right, 3 or 4 this week, the remaining of the 6 next week08:56
brendandogra_, sil2100 - i'm off today btw, so won't attend the landing meeting08:56
sil2100Actually I see this plan got a +1 from Pat so that's all I wanted ;)08:57
sil2100brendand: ok! Do you know who will be available from QA today for EU? Since Dave is on holidays too, right?08:57
ogra_brendand, yeah, i know08:57
ogra_sil2100, jibel takes over08:57
brendandsil2100, not a lot of people :)08:59
brendandsil2100, jibel, vrruiz08:59
sil2100brendand, ogra_: thanks ;)08:59
brendandsil2100, om26er later08:59
sil2100Well, we only target topblockers, so I suppose there won't be too many silos09:00
ogra_and we are only letting 4 of them in anyway09:00
ogra_(and the fs corruption one will actually be a *lot* of fun to test :P (not sure how to test it at all))09:01
sil2100ogra_: but does it have a fix already?09:02
sil2100I didn't see any merges associated with it, but on the other hand not sure if it has any bzr-controllable projects related09:03
ogra_sil2100, most of the bits are in place, it is in android (recovery), initramfs-tools ... and adbd09:12
ogra_as i said, fun to test :)09:13
jibelsil2100, and rhuddie09:16
rhuddiejibel, hey. just catching up on what09:16
rhuddieI am doing this week :)09:16
Mirvsil2100: meeting :)09:31
Mirvsil2100: there you are..09:31
Mirvjibel: rhuddie does either of you want to join follow https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/landing-meeting ?09:34
jibelMirv, joining09:34
Mirvexcellent. ogra_ is currently just summing up latest things to sil210009:34
sil2100ogra_, Mirv: btw. do you guys know if all the CPU-hogger bugs have been fixed? i.e. the location-service spinning 100% CPU etc.?10:11
Mirv sil2100: in theory yes, unless something yet uncovered lurks somewhere10:15
sil2100tvoss: ping!10:16
tvosssil2100, hey there10:16
tvosssil2100, for the cpu hogging: we still haven't identified the root cause for dbus-daemon spinning.10:17
sil2100tvoss: ok, so this one thing still remains - but it's not happening too frequently, right?10:17
sil2100tvoss: since I don't see it as a topblocker right now10:17
tvosssil2100, nope, that's part of the problem in tracking it down :)10:17
sil2100tvoss: ok, thanks o/10:18
tvosssil2100, o/10:18
seb128speaking of cpu hogging, I had a few weird issues this w.e on the phone (running current rtm image)10:22
seb128like it wouldn't turn out of suspend10:22
seb128I hammered a bit the power button and got the reboot dialog but the buttons were not reacting to click10:22
seb128and the screen would turn off again after like 10 seconds10:22
seb128it sort of acted like it was busy and slooow to react to action10:23
seb128waiting some 30 seconds I managed to get the unlock/reboot10:23
seb128did that like 2 or 3 time over the w.e, first time I've such issues10:23
seb128did anyone experience/report issues like that before?10:24
Mirvjibel: so, it'd be useful to start testing networking in general for bug #1357321 using the rtm-022 silo that fixes 3G usage for at least scopes image loading.10:27
ubot5bug 1357321 in qtbase-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "[TOPBLOCKER] QNetworkAccessManager doesn't support roaming on Ubuntu" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135732110:27
Mirvjibel: I've just added a new section "Testing networking code in Qt Base" to the test plan, summarizing some of the tips discussed in the bug report10:28
MirvI should have a new build also by EOD, since Lorn was still awake pushing fixes and they may again fix remaining unit tests issues10:28
Mirvand if not all unit tests are fixed, I'll disable them again and build a newer to-be-tested build10:29
MirvI had forgotten I already had a test silo from last week, I don't need three silos..10:35
jibelMirv, rvr will start testing silo 22.11:37
ogra_seb128, well, you might have hit exactly the bug sil2100 was mentioning11:38
ogra_there is another one where the UI stops taking input completely11:38
Mirvjibel: rvr: ok. I just pushed the next build and explaining in the bug report.11:49
Mirvcihelp jenkins is trying to erronously fetch upstream sources with wrong url. it should first check whether the sources are available in the archives like they now already are https://code.launchpad.net/~bzoltan/kubuntu-packaging/qt5-qmake-cross-armhf/+merge/24156811:54
Mirvand the url is wrong because the orig tarball has dfsg changes11:54
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Mirvnote that the Qt jenkins runs are mostly done to get code coverage numbers from what I've understood, since all the unit tests are run at the build time anyway11:56
bzoltanMirv:  geez, what is that ^12:10
Mirvbzoltan: you being too hasty :) I was going to run the watch_only build at the right moment. you're not supposed to run "real" build over there.12:20
bzoltanMirv:  ahh... I am sorry dude12:21
Mirvbzoltan: no problem. CI Train does the correct thing now even with you commanding it to build it "normally" - it actually just watches it, and now it's watchable as it's Published instead of Pending12:22
sil2100Phew, almost up-to-date with e-mail12:27
sil2100Time for lunch o/12:27
rvrMirv: Hi. I'm trying to reproduce "video scope fails when using only 3G" without installing silo packages: only 3G connection activated, cache directory deleted, go to video scope and pull to refresh. Result: it loads the images.12:35
Mirvrvr: hmm, maybe that is not completely enough to see the problem. can you try rebooting with wifi disabled while I try to reproduce the problem again?12:42
rvrMirv: I rebooted the phone with wifi disabled, and removed the cache before rebooting and after too.12:43
ogra_oh, damn12:44
* ogra_ forgot to start an image build ... 12:45
ogra_let me do that now then :P12:45
imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 162 building (started: 20141117 12:50) ===12:48
Mirvrvr: I did not initially manage to reproduce the problem after downgrading, but now again I managed. the test case needs more exact steps and I'm not sure yet of the steps.12:53
Mirvrvr: try 1. boot with 3g + wifi enabled, 2. disable wifi 3. rm -rf .cache/unity8-dash 4. go to video scope and refresh12:53
rvrMirv: Checking12:54
MirvI'd really like know something _else_ than the scopes that misbehave. messing with the scopes' cache and updating them seems always a bit hit and miss13:08
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Mirvupdated the test plan, it seemed I could reproduct this procedure and then see it fixed after updating.13:17
rvrI could reproduce it once13:24
rvrProblem that I have is data connection seems to be flaky here13:25
Mirvrvr: flaky scopes + flaky data connection makes for hard testing :)13:28
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rvrMeh, the images load almost all the times13:29
Saviqtrainguards ↑ please :)13:34
MirvSaviq: done.13:44
SaviqMirv, thank you13:45
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rvrMirv: I tested in another room with better data connection, and haven't been able to reproduce the problem :(14:00
rvrMirv: I'll begin testing the silo, anyway14:01
imgbot=== trainguards: RTM IMAGE 162 DONE (finished: 20141117 14:05) ===14:03
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/162.changes ===14:03
jibelsilo 3 contains also a fix for bug 1389767. I thought it was clearly said only topblockers? did some one accepted this fix?14:11
ubot5bug 1389767 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu RTM) "Differentiate titles from normal text" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138976714:11
seb128jibel, pat said it was ok to land the other day iirc14:12
Mirvrvr: ok :( note vrtm~4 will be there to update to now in around 1h14:12
seb128jibel, http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/11/12/%23ubuntu-touch.html#t15:4414:13
Mirvom26er: do you have any tips to rvr on how to best reproduce the original problem in bug #1357321?14:13
ubot5bug 1357321 in qtbase-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "[TOPBLOCKER] QNetworkAccessManager doesn't support roaming on Ubuntu" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135732114:13
rvrMirv: So, do silo packages will be updated soon? Then better to wait to test those, right?14:14
ogra_jibel, nothing but the provided list lands ... but things should go into silos and be signed off14:15
jibelogra_, it's in the same silo than topblocker bug 1336715. So we either land both or none14:16
ubot5bug 1336715 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu RTM) "[TOPBLOCKER] switch-items in indicators sometimes get out of sync with system-settings" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133671514:16
ogra_none then ... it needs to be split in two14:16
plarsdid something ugly happen with the mako image recently? all our makos in the lab are unresponsive right now, and even having trouble coming back with the relays14:16
jibelseb128, ^^14:16
ogra_plars, we noticed that in todays landing meeting ...14:17
ogra_psivaa, wanted to inspect that ... but if he didnt tell you anything i guess he didnt find anything either14:17
seb128jibel, ogra_, shrugh, I've nothing to do with that, Pat said it was ok to land if it's not talk to him not me14:17
ogra_theoretically there should be nothing wrong with the images14:17
seb128or land none14:17
ogra_seb128, not pats decision (nor mine)14:17
seb128ogra_, not mine either14:18
ogra_i'm just the messenger14:18
seb128why is Pat saying ok to things if he's not allowed to?14:18
seb128anyway, politics14:18
seb128as far as I'm concerned feel free to not land any of the fixes or do whatever suits the rules-of-the-day best14:19
ogra_i'll bring it up at the bug review meeting14:19
psivaaogra_: plars: image 23 was not flashed on the devices that are being offline. and image 22 was fine. i dont *think we have any issue with the images14:19
plarspsivaa: I'm almost wondering if something that drained the power completely14:20
seb128kenvandine, hey14:21
seb128kenvandine, seems like you need to redo silo 3 without the title fix, jibel and ogra_ don't like having 2 bugs fixed in one landing14:22
kenvandinebummer... pat told me to include it14:22
kenvandinei can remove it14:22
ogra_not my choice, really14:22
jibelseb128, it is not a matter of me liking or not liking. The rule is only topblockers14:22
ogra_kenvandine, when did he tell you ...14:22
seb128jibel, why is Pat approving things then?.14:22
kenvandinejibel, last tuesday14:22
ogra_the plans of all of us were changed friday late afternoon14:23
kenvandineit's been tehre a week14:23
jibelseb128, I don't know. I don't see any comment from him on the bug report, his only action is to downgreade the priority from critical to medium14:23
kenvandinehe said to go ahead and land that too14:23
ogra_lets wait for pat  and olli and see what we can do here ... before you invest huge amounts of work into splitting that14:23
kenvandinejibel, it was on the wish list for rtm and they approved it14:24
kenvandinehe told me to go ahead and land it too14:24
seb128jibel, shrug, I pointed the IRC log, no it was not on the bug comment14:24
seb128jibel, http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/11/12/%23ubuntu-touch.html#t15:44 in case you didn't see it before14:24
kenvandinejibel, someone from QA verified it with pat as well14:24
ogra_the rules changed :/14:25
sil2100ogra_, seb128: well, I just know that Pat mentioned in his e-mail that we only can land topblocker fixes14:25
sil2100kenvandine: when did that happen?14:25
kenvandinesil2100, ogra_: yeah, this was expected to land before the last image14:25
kenvandinesil2100, that was tuesday i think14:25
sil2100Ok, then we need to split it out... there were some top-management decisions made14:25
kenvandineit just took ages for qa verification14:25
jibelseb128, I saw the link. But I think you all received the list of 7 bugs to accept this week too14:26
popeybfiller: I flash my phone clean last week and added google accounts to it, I'm seeing no contacts synced in the contacts all at all...14:26
popeybfiller: i have the tickbox ticked in my google accounts14:26
seb128jibel, I'm unsure what do think when top managers give different instructions via IRC and emails, but whatever14:26
ogra_kenvandine, seb128, we'll have a bug review meeting later today with pat and olli, lets see what they say ... worst case you need to unbundle it tomorrow ...14:27
kenvandinejibel, this was meant to land in last thursdays image14:27
bfillerpopey: are you on wifi?14:28
jibelkenvandine, and it missed the window. as other apps / fixes did. This is something to discuss with the management. If they tell us to accept this fix, I'm happy to continue with silo 3 as it is now.14:28
popeybfiller: yes14:28
popeybfiller: want me to file a bug and get logs?14:28
bfillerpopey: yeah, specifically .cache/upstart/sync-monitor.log14:29
kenvandinejibel, lets see what it says14:29
bfillerrenatu: ^^^^14:29
ogra_jibel, right, we need input from olli and pat here14:29
popeybfiller: what do you want the bug filed against?14:29
bfillerpopey: were you prompted when you started address-book app to create a google account?14:29
bfillerpopey: sync-monitor14:29
popeybfiller: i think i had already setup my google account before I opened address-book14:30
renatupopey, does the sync button appear on the address-book-app header?14:31
popeyrenatu: http://popey.mooo.com/screenshots/device-2014-11-17-143151.png that button next to search?14:32
renatupopey, yes, whats happen if you hit it?14:32
renatupopey, please send me you sync-monitor log file14:32
popeyit greys out14:32
Mirvrvr: yes, maybe better at this point to wait. I14:33
popeydo you want all of the zipped ones renatu14:33
popeybecause the latest one is pretty short14:33
renatucould you paste the last one14:33
Mirvrvr: 'd estimate the armhf packages would be published to the PPA archive in around 40mins or so. but indeed the packages still aren't final since we're waiting/hoping for more unit test fixes, but it'd be good to start getting idea that at least there wouldn't be regressions.14:33
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renatupopey, yes this looks ok, you should get your contacts now14:34
renatupopey, yeah I will need to old ones14:34
popeyi hit refresh 30 mins ago14:34
popeyhah, now they appear!14:35
* popey suspects renatu has root on my phone14:35
popeydo you still need the logs? seems to be okay now I pressed the damm button14:35
renatupopey, yes please report a bug, we need to investigate why this does not sync when you create the account14:36
renatupopey, btw did you create the account after flashing it?14:36
renatupopey, or the account was already there14:36
popeyrenatu: it was a --wipe flash, so there were no accounts, I had to create them14:37
rvrMirv: I cannot reproduce the bug with current silo, either ;)14:37
renatupopey, did you created the account on wifi or 3g?14:37
Mirvrvr: so, you agree that the PPA may definitely do something. great! :)14:38
popeyprobably wifi, i rarely leave the house ☻14:38
rvrMirv: As I haven't been able to reproduce it without the silo, right now I agree that the PPA at least doesn't break that :PP14:40
renatupopey, ok I will need to investigate it to understand whats happen, please report a bug and if possible send me your log files14:41
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popeyrenatu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sync-monitor/+bug/1393433 has the full log attached14:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 1393433 in sync-monitor (Ubuntu) "Sync-monitor didn't sync contacts" [Undecided,New]14:42
renatupopey, thanks14:42
kgunnMirv: sil2100 so what is the current thinking, that we are going to have QA test the Qnam patchset and potentially land ? or no landing until we fix the unit tests ?14:42
ogra_sil2100, FYI https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/camera-app/fix-ap-tests/+merge/24196514:42
Mirvrvr: yeah. if you read the bug origins, you'll notice that people haven't ever had a very specific test case other than "unoptimal behavior". then the first fix proposals broke more things and there were messaging about that, and now the latest fixes bring it back to that now the original problem would be testable, as soon as a proper test ase would be there.14:43
sil2100kgunn: so, currently we asked QA to start the testing now, but I would prefer not to land it before the unit tests are fixed - but if we don't make it in time, I would let it pass through the gates anyway14:43
Mirvkgunn: well first of all we'd need a good test case that actually shows the problem. rvr for example has problems reproducing the original problem, partially because the scopes themelves are flaky.14:43
kgunnok, sil2100 i agree, i would rather withhold landing until the unit tests pass...seems there are so many in qt, does anyone really know if it's even safe to14:45
kgunnlet it pass at all?14:45
rvrMirv: Ack14:45
kgunn(e.g. if we run out of time)14:45
sil2100kgunn: all seems to work ok from the user POV and from what Mirv mentioned the unit tests didn't really test much before in the past because things were anyway b0rken, so it's not such a big deal... but the very thought of releasing something with disabled unit tests sounds a bit juvenile14:46
kgunndid anyone double check what lorn said about them passing locally ?14:47
Mirvkgunn: sil2100: even with unit tests passing, we'd need a better test case for the problem. I've done my best at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlans/Qt#Testing_networking_code_in_Qt_Base but rvr still doesn't succeed in reliably reproducing the actual problem without the PPA so he could validate the PPA fixes the issue14:47
kgunnMirv: sil2100 i know om26er was able to repro quite easily14:48
kgunnas he was kind enough to test maybe the 2nd or 3rd ppa we had14:48
kgunn...again, did anyone build/run unit tests locally ? i see lorn said they were passing on his phone14:49
Mirvkgunn: note that there was intermediate problem with the earlier version of the fix, and on the bug report he mostly reports he was reliably able to reproduce the regression in the earlier fix, not that he could reliably reproduce the originally reported bug.14:49
om26ersil2100, yes, I faced the disconnect issue14:49
Mirvom26er: ^ the disconnect issue was the regression, not the original problem14:49
rvrom26er: Do you remember the steps required to reproduce the problem?14:49
kgunnMirv: ah, i see...right...regression vs original roaming issue14:49
om26erMirv, yes and the original bug where I don't have thumbnails in remote scopes over 3G14:49
om26erI have seen that forever.14:49
Mirvkgunn: no I haven't tried locally, I guess it'd need a full build on a phone. it's understandable though, since the remaining unit test failures are likely because network-manager is tried to be used from Qt while builders don't have network-manager installed. earlier there was the generic plugin in use by unit test that didn't interact with network manager.14:50
rvrom26er: I'm not able to reproduce it with the test case in the wiki14:50
Mirvom26er: can you then guide rvr better to reproduce the original problem, and maybe update the test case https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Process/Merges/TestPlans/Qt#Testing_networking_code_in_Qt_Base to be something that is really step-by-step?14:51
kgunnom26er: or...even test the latest ppa :) associated with solving that bug14:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 1336715 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu RTM) "[TOPBLOCKER] switch-items in indicators sometimes get out of sync with system-settings" [Critical,In progress]14:52
kgunnoops not that one14:52
* Mirv launches one build in the experimental PPA with network-manager in build dependencies... that might get better unit test results14:52
ogra_we want that fixed too though :)14:52
ubot5Launchpad bug 1357321 in qtbase-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "[TOPBLOCKER] QNetworkAccessManager doesn't support roaming on Ubuntu" [Critical,In progress]14:52
kgunnMirv: ta14:52
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rvrMirv, kgunn: om26er is not able to reproduce the bug anymore in 16115:13
om26ercould be the network status fix, fixed this issue as well.15:15
Saviqsil2100, hmm, no descriptions in citrain dashboard?15:16
sil2100Saviq: uh oh!15:16
om26ercitrain says: /usr/bin/citrain: 45: .: Can't open /usr/share/phabletutils/shell-adb-common.sh15:16
om26erhelp ?15:16
sil2100SOmething must have broken it15:16
Saviqom26er, apt-cache policy phablet-tools15:16
ogra_looks a lot cleaner at least :P15:16
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om26erSaviq, not installed15:17
Saviqom26er, sounds like phablet-tools-citrain's missing a runtime dep on phablet-tools15:17
ogra_file a bug please15:17
* Saviq clicked /usr/share/... from om26er... firefox landed me in http://www.usr.com/share/phabletutils/shell-adb-common.sh15:17
sil2100Saviq: checking if your big description b0rk it (just in case)15:17
SaviqBIG? that's a big description?15:18
sil2100But it still seems missing...15:18
* sil2100 investigates15:18
sil2100Damn, there's a lot of errors on this page, but not sure if those aren't some old ones15:19
Mirvrvr: om26er: :/ which network status fix?15:22
om26erMirv, bug 1386109 but I might be wrong, its a guess.15:26
ubot5bug 1386109 in network-manager (Ubuntu RTM) "[TOPBLOCKER] com.ubuntu.connectivity1.NetworkingStatus.Status is always online" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138610915:26
rvrMirv: What do you think?15:31
Mirvrvr: I don't know. I jumped in only when there was a supposed fix, and then battled with getting the regression going away. I thought from the start that the scopes are a bit hard way to reproducing the original problem, and again today thought that I was able to see the problem (with the now updated test case in the wiki) - I rebooted twice with the old version, with wifi on, did the test and it failed. then updated to the PPA and it didn't fail 15:32
jhodappsil2100, can you please reconfigure vivid silo 115:32
sil2100jhodapp: sure, what changed?15:33
jhodappsil2100, added the qtubuntu-media MR to it15:33
jhodappsil2100, but go ahead and rebuild everything15:33
Mirvrvr: I'll let QA decide what to do with the original bug an supposed fix, while I try concentrate on getting the unit tests situation clear for the possibility of landing the new network manager backend that actually works unlike the current one.15:33
Mirvif nothing else, Qt 5.4 will have super improved network manager bearer backend thanks to Lorn's work :)15:33
sil2100jhodapp: reconfigured15:35
jhodappsil2100, thanks15:35
Mirvmzanetti: if there's a possibility the current 3G connection scopes problem is somehow gone/workarounded already, can you give kgunn/om26er/rvr some sort of idea what _other_ problems we may be currently facing with the broken network manager bearer plugin that we're currently using, or can we just do without it?15:36
Mirvs/without it/without the new fixed backend/15:37
MirvI never really understood how the problem lead to the images not loading but web otherwise working, so the bug description would enjoy more accurate wording too15:38
mzanettiMirv: I couldn't reproduce the roaming issue any more with your ppa15:39
mzanettiMirv: on details about other issues I'd have to redirect you to lpotter15:39
Mirvmzanetti: the thing is that om26er and rvr now claim they can't reproduce it anymore without the PPA either15:39
rvrmzanetti: And without the silo?15:39
mzanettineed to test again to be sure15:40
rvrmzanetti: om26er and me can't reproduce it in 16115:40
om26ermzanetti, yes, I am not able to reproduce that issue today with 3G.15:41
Mirvkgunn: om26er rvr: I finished one more build and updated https://bugs.launchpad.net/savilerow/+bug/1357321/comments/87 - feel free to find ways to help with a) test case, b) validating what om26er/rvr are seeing without the PPA, c) bug description about what was the original problem exactly and how it related to us needing the fixed Network Manager backend... phew..15:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 1357321 in qtbase-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "[TOPBLOCKER] QNetworkAccessManager doesn't support roaming on Ubuntu" [Critical,In progress]15:42
ogra_Mirv, with or without silo ... we are sure the fix is the right thing to do in general ... no ?15:42
Mirvogra_: well I guess a working NM backend in Qt sounds good, so that Qt's network status information would reflect what's actually happening in network manager. so in general yes it's the correct thing to fix, but I don't know what are the problems we're actually facing with staying with the current broken backend, if even this problem is gone.15:44
sil2100Saviq: the dashboard is acting strange, it seems to have problems fetching info from the SS15:44
ogra_Mirv, right15:45
pmcgowanogra_, I thought we decided to land silo 3 as it was to avoid make work15:49
ogra_pmcgowan, well, i dont know what was decided after the bug meeting on friday15:50
pmcgowanwe discussed here in the channel with brendan15:50
ogra_all i know is that it was decided that nothing but topblockers can land from now on15:50
ogra_if we are fine with the bundled silo (which IMHO we should) that needs to be said so :)15:51
pmcgowanthat silo was already tested and just missed the previous deadline15:51
pmcgowanI am fine to land it15:51
ogra_me too15:51
ogra_olli, ?15:51
pmcgowanhe also +1 on fri15:51
ogra_land it then :)15:51
kenvandinewe need QA to mark it as verified :)15:51
ogra_sil2100, silo3 can go in once verified15:51
ogra_seb128, ^^15:52
rvrrhuddie stopped testing silo 3 until its status was clear15:52
kenvandinerhuddie, ^^^15:52
pmcgowanMirv, if we cannot reproduce that qnetwork issue with the latest NM fixes, we should probably defer that landing15:53
ogra_we shoulldnt throw it away though15:53
ogra_since we are sure it is the right thing to do15:54
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rvrpmcgowan: ogra_: So do we block silo 22 for now?15:54
pmcgowanrvr, I would if the symptoms no longer reproduce15:55
ogra_rvr, well, unless om26er finds a way to repro the issue i guess we have to15:55
* olli waves goodbye15:55
om26erogra_, the issue is: the problem was never difficult to reproduce. The bug was just there, for example opening the Ubuntu Store would not show icons of the apps but today its working just fine.15:56
om26ermaybe lets ask victorp if its fixed for him as well ?15:57
rhuddiervr, kenvandine, jibel, yes. testing on silo 3 was stopped until we had a clear direction.15:57
rvrrhuddie: Ok, we can test it now "safely" :)15:58
kenvandineit was stopped for several times last week, never really knew why...15:58
kenvandinerhuddie, rvr:  thanks15:58
pmcgowanom26er, iit does seem to be working15:59
rhuddiekenvandine, rvr, jibel, Ok, I'll start with silo3 again16:00
rhuddiekenvandine, on silo 3 I am seeing incorrect sync on flight mode state between u-s-s and network indicator. This wasn't mentioned in http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8967576/16:26
rhuddiekenvandine, is this still expected?16:26
kenvandinewhat do you mean by incorrect?16:26
kenvandineit still looks a little wonky imo16:27
kenvandinebut the state stays consistent for me16:27
rhuddiekenvandine, well, u-s-s says flight mode is enabled, but the indicator says it is disabled16:27
kenvandinethat stayed in sync for me when i tested it16:29
rhuddiekenvandine, it started doing that after a couple of attempts of switching flight mode on/off and unlocking the sim16:29
kenvandinei didn't do anything with unlocking the sim16:30
kenvandineso maybe that triggered a problem in the indicator16:30
kenvandinenow i can't install from the silo!16:30
kenvandinei flashed this morning, so lost the silo16:30
kenvandineW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ci-train-ppa-service/landing-003/ubuntu-rtm/dists/devel/main/binary-armhf/Packages  403  Forbidden16:30
ogra_i think there was a comment in the bug about the fliht mode switch16:31
ogra_(and that it is speacial and slower)16:31
cwayne1ogra_: btw spanish image should now be setup as gated16:31
kenvandineogra_, any idea why i'm getting 403 errors from the ppa?16:32
* ogra_ hugs cwayne1 16:32
ogra_kenvandine, s/devel/14.09/16:32
kenvandineoh, is the citrain tool broken?16:32
ogra_kenvandine, LP drawback ... if you use the correct channel and add-apt-repo does the right thing and use the channel name ... LP cant resolve that to 14.0916:33
kenvandinei shouldn't have flashed :)16:33
ogra_iirc cjwatson had opened a bug for that16:33
sil2100ogra_, pmcgowan: ACK16:34
sil2100Let me mention that in the landing16:34
sil2100Although the dashboard seems to be a bit mean today16:34
kenvandinerhuddie, i toggled it twice, each time it took at least 5 seconds but they stayed in sync16:34
* kenvandine tries a few more times16:35
rhuddiekenvandine, hmm, it didn't take long for me to see the problem.16:35
kenvandinerhuddie, i think the switch in the indicator is a little buggy16:35
kenvandineit moves then moves back16:35
kenvandineand moves again when the state really changes16:35
rhuddieyeah I saw that too16:35
cjwatsonogra_,kenvandine: it's not that it can't resolve it - it shouldn't need to16:35
kenvandinei'm waiting long enough for the state to really change.. maybe if i rush it :)16:36
cjwatsonogra_,kenvandine: the problem is that there's a wrong .htaccess somewhere on the server side that's incorrectly denying access16:36
cjwatsonand I keep forgetting to track that down at some point when the right people are around16:36
sil2100robru: the dashboard seems to have now completely stopped showing silo descriptions16:37
kenvandinerhuddie, ok, i reproduced that16:37
cjwatsonI didn't file a bug, though I did ask Ted to file one16:37
sil2100robru: you have any idea what's up? I didn't have time to investigate that properly16:37
kenvandinerhuddie, but the state is right and staying in sync with what's in settings16:38
kenvandinethe indicator isn't always staying in sync16:38
kenvandinerhuddie,  but you're right, i didn't hit it until i changed it a few times16:38
kenvandinei doubt that's a regression, the flight mode switch in indicator-network has been buggy16:39
kenvandinerhuddie, it's worse without silo 3 :)16:42
kenvandineso not a regression16:42
kenvandinegot out of sync on the first try for me without the silo16:42
rhuddiekenvandine, yes. agreed. do we have a bug for the network indicator issue?16:43
kenvandinerhuddie, not sure, there have been a number of bugs filed related to this16:46
kenvandinerhuddie, i just tried it in vivid and i can't reproduce it in vivid16:46
kenvandineso maybe indicator-network or urfkill has a fix in vivid that hasn't been backported yet?16:46
kenvandinedon't know16:46
rhuddiekenvandine, could you update your testing notes http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8967576/ to reference the issue?16:47
rhuddieat least then it is logged with all the other issues16:47
kenvandinei need to head out for an appointment, lets just reopen the indicato-network rtm task for bug 133671516:48
ubot5bug 1336715 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu RTM) "[TOPBLOCKER] switch-items in indicators sometimes get out of sync with system-settings" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133671516:48
kenvandineor ask dednick to weigh in16:48
kenvandinedednick, please read the scrollback there16:48
kenvandinedednick, basically we can still get flight mode out of sync in indicator-network in rtm16:49
kenvandinebut it's only the indicator getting out of sync, settings is staying in sync with the actual state16:49
kenvandineand i can't reproduce it in vivid16:49
kenvandinedednick, so maybe indicator-network bug?  do you know if we already have a bug for that?16:49
* kenvandine heads out, bbiab16:50
rsalveticjwatson: hey, quick question for you, tried to update the android package, but got stuck in proposed with 'android-emulator/amd64 unsatisfiable Depends: ubuntu-emulator-images'16:50
rsalveticjwatson: android-emulator is 'all'16:50
rsalvetiand nothing changed from the previous upload I had16:51
rsalvetiubuntu-emulator-images is indeed i386 only16:51
rsalvetiwhich explains the message, but why is that an issue now?16:51
rsalvetiandroid-emulator is an old transitional package, and can probably be removed if needed16:53
cjwatsonrsalveti: give me a few minutes to investigate16:53
rsalveticjwatson: sure, thanks16:53
cjwatsonit might have been forced in before16:53
cjwatsonrsalveti: oh, it would have worked before because architecture-all packages previously only had dependencies checked on i386; now they only have dependencies checked on amd64, to match the nominatedarchindep changes16:55
rsalveticjwatson: oh, right then16:56
=== plars is now known as plars-sprint
rsalvetishould I just drop this package then for now? or is there anything else that can be done?16:57
cjwatsonrsalveti: I have told proposed-migration a suitable lie which should make this problem go away16:57
cjwatsonrsalveti: specifically http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/britney/britney1-ubuntu/revision/27016:57
rsalvetioh, cool then16:57
rsalveticjwatson: got it, thanks so much16:57
cjwatsonno problem16:58
plars-sprintogra_: sil2100: at a sprint this week so I don't know if I'll easily be able to make it to hangouts, but I'll be around on irc mostly so if you need anything please ping me here. We have those makos in a better state now, so I'll have them back up and running jobs soon17:01
sil2100plars-sprint: ok, so are all those devices up now?17:02
dednickkenvandine: is this not related to the the battery using libnm directly maybe?17:03
dednickkenvandine: it's possibly a indicator-network bug. i hanvent seen it out of sync with the wifi settings in uss.17:05
dednicknot since the uss updates anyway17:05
ogra_popey, soooo ... you can land the music app ... but please well coordinated with QA and the smoke testing guys ;)17:09
* ogra_ just came out of a meeting :)17:10
plars-sprintsil2100: no, but they will be soon, it's mostly just mako and flo that were affected I think. Krillin seems ok17:10
om26erjdstrand, Hi! regarding silo-002 is any anything using the newly added functionality ?17:15
jdstrandom26er: no. the stuff to use it is for ota-1, but we want these changes now to avoid a policy recompile as part of ota-117:15
plars-sprintpsivaa: sil2100: ogra_: to me, it looks like starting with image 132 on mako, it started being uninstallable17:18
bzoltansil2100: may i ask for quick silo? I could build a release candidate for the Chinese fellows for early morning tests17:18
plars-sprintI think I just killed two more devices with the latest, so I'm trying vivid now17:18
plars-sprintsil2100: wasn't 132 promoted also? that could explain why the latest stable image we flash is also broken17:19
ogra_plars-sprint, the promoted image was definitely sanity tested on mako17:20
plars-sprintogra_: with --bootstrap?17:20
ogra_plars-sprint, that you would have to ask davmor2 :)17:20
plars-sprintogra_: look at 132 in the ci runs, for 3 devices, none of them even booted17:21
plars-sprintand 134 looks to have the same problem17:22
* ogra_ taps foot waiting for the dashboard 17:23
jdstrandwin 1417:24
ogra_plars-sprint, well, no android changes and http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/160.changes (132) and http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/161.changes (133) ...17:27
ogra_plars-sprint, i dont see how anything could have broken it17:27
plars-sprintogra_: if not, then we just had a LOT of devices simultaneously fail17:27
plars-sprintogra_: what about something that could have broken adbd?17:27
plars-sprintogra_: the image is booting from the sounds of it, but we don't see it17:28
ogra_notihing than the above changed last week17:28
ogra_we were hard frozen from wed. early monring on17:28
plars-sprintogra_: I'm flashing vivid on one that just failed twice in a row with the latest rtm, so we'll see what happens17:28
ogra_there is really nothing that could have broken it on the image side17:29
plars-sprintogra_: yep, confirmed... mako-14 just failed 2 times in a row, (more if you count the previous failures), but with vivid it works fine17:33
ogra_well, not sure what to say17:33
ogra_nothing in the image changed that could even remotely cause this17:34
plars-sprintogra_: well I know 132 failed, I know the stable image 8 fails, and I know the latest image 134 fails, but vivid works fine. So until it's sorted, we can either test on rtm and watch it kill all the makos, or we can turn that off17:35
ogra_and i know that davmor2 definitely tested 13317:35
bzoltantrainguards: could any of you help me out with a vivid silo what would release in 12 hours?17:35
ogra_plars-sprint, did ubuntu-device-flash get updated on the server or some such ?17:36
plars-sprintogra_: not since early last week17:36
plars-sprintwell before this I believe17:36
ogra_i see there was a landing for it in vivid on thu17:36
ogra_but that should not even touch touch17:36
ogra_(was for ubuntu-core)17:37
ogra_but that would be my only explanation17:37
plars-sprintwell, on the 13th, but I would think there were tests between that and the one on friday that failed. iirc that one wasn't there early in the day when I looked17:38
robrubzoltan: what kind of help do you need?17:38
bzoltanrobru: I could use a silo :)17:39
robrubzoltan: sure, what spreadsheet row?17:39
bzoltanrobru:  5617:39
ogra_well, it landed in vivid at Thu, 13 Nov 2014 19:1017:39
plars-sprintdavmor2: do you have a working mako at home you could try this with? (flashing latest rtm with --bootstrap)17:39
ogra_plars-sprint, he is off this week17:39
plars-sprintsadly, my mako has a busted battery17:39
plars-sprintah, someone else in qa then maybe?17:39
ogra_(half of QA is)17:39
robrubzoltan: ok you get to be my guinea pig for some changes I just landed in citrain production ;-) https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-022-1-build/23/console building with DEBUG enabled!17:41
bzoltanrobru:  wow :) it is a privilege17:41
plars-sprintsergiusens_: any chance this could be the same issue we saw with krillin last week and the latest ubuntu-device-flash?17:42
* ogra_ feeds bzoltan some carrots and seeds17:42
* bzoltan knows that in some cultures the guinea pig is considered as food17:43
ogra_yup, we used to have peruvian colleagues :)17:43
bzoltanbut you are German, right? So I am safe..17:44
ogra_haha, yeah17:44
* bzoltan lets the bratwursts to be scared17:44
sergiusens_plars-sprint: which one, sorry, missing context17:45
rhuddiekenvandine, I will be leaving shortly, but om26er will continue testing on silo 317:46
plars-sprintsergiusens_: on mako latest rtm images boot, but can't be seen from adb on mako and flo with the latest ubuntu-device-flash17:46
plars-sprintsergiusens_: (with --bootstrap)17:46
bzoltanogra_:  where do I find the u-s-c logs?17:47
ogra_bzoltan, i guess in some lightdm log ...17:47
ogra_bzoltan, best to ask mterry, he knows that bpart of the system in and out17:47
sergiusens_plars-sprint: hmmm, I didn't change anything... but, rsalveti did the e2fsck stuff get in? plars-sprint can we check it's not stuck on broken fs?17:47
ogra_sergiusens_, no, it didnt17:48
ogra_sergiusens_, this is rtm only17:48
* rsalveti reading17:48
bzoltanogra_:  there is a unity-system-compositor.log under /var/log/lightdm17:48
rsalvetioh, yeah, the fsck stuff is vivid only17:48
ogra_sergiusens_, mvo changed something for ubuntu-core though17:48
rsalvetinot yet fully landed17:48
sergiusens_rsalveti: did the "bug" fix for recovery make it to rtm?17:48
ogra_but that also looks unrelated17:48
rsalvetisergiusens_: not yet17:48
sergiusens_ogra_: that's harmless17:48
plars-sprintsergiusens_: I can't physically see the device, but I was told it was sitting at the  "Hi! Welcome to Ubuntu." screen, but we couldn't see them with adb17:48
ogra_sergiusens_, nope, there were no android uploads to rtm in quite some time17:48
sergiusens_ogra_: then it's missing the recovery fix; plars-sprint you said you didn't update u-d-f since, right?17:49
ogra_nor were there any changes to adb or adbd17:49
sergiusens_plars-sprint: rsalveti I'm referring to the emails we exchanged a while back17:49
plars-sprintsergiusens_: I'm talking about the s/set_adb_onlock/adb_onlock thing17:49
plars-sprintsergiusens_: it did get updated the day before, not sure if there was anything that happened in between17:50
ogra_thats not used yet17:50
sergiusens_plars-sprint: yes; but you said you rolled back?17:50
ogra_and wont be til ota-117:50
sergiusens_plars-sprint: keep it rolled back until the rtm adb fix makes it to rtm if someone released a device tarball that doesn't really work...17:50
rsalvetisergiusens_: but I believe that also didn't land on rtm17:50
sergiusens_rsalveti: ogra_ oh, if nothing landed in rtm it is not that17:51
ogra_rsalveti, but perhaps in the phablet-tools ppa17:51
ogra_sergiusens_, right, i was more looking for possible server side issues plars-sprint could have here17:51
sergiusens_ogra_: no, I'm talking about recovery.img here17:51
ogra_since there were no actual changes to the image either when the devices started failing17:51
robruogra_: where do we find the records for LP rejecting PPA uploads? do we know where the ps-jenkins mail goes?17:51
sergiusens_ogra_: if none of the adb work entered there, then it's fine; if something slipped in, the all is wrong and the adb fix needs to either go in or rolled out from rtm from recovery.img17:52
ogra_robru, uh, no, i dont know ... usually it should go to the MP approver, no ?17:52
ogra_sergiusens_, nothing changed in the images ... we were hard frozen when mako started failing17:53
robruogra_: no, not related to MPs.17:53
ogra_http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/160.changes and http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/rtm/161.changes17:53
ogra_it started failing with the first one ...17:53
sergiusens_ogra_: mako on rtm?17:53
ogra_sergiusens_, lol17:53
sergiusens_ogra_: so krillin is fine and mako isn't?17:53
ogra_on mako rtm17:53
sergiusens_ogra_: this is what happens with $name ^^17:54
plars-sprintsergiusens_: correct, and I believe flo is broken also17:54
sergiusens_nothing is clear a that point ;-)17:54
plars-sprintbut I haven't checked that one specifically17:54
ogra_obviously davmor2 was also able to install and test the image before promotion17:54
ogra_(on mako)17:54
ogra_and i belive he uses --bootstrap17:55
sergiusens_plars-sprint: ogra_ so ubuntu-device-flash touch --channel ubuntu-touch/ubuntu-rtm --bootstrap --password 0000 --developer-mode and it doesn't work?17:55
sergiusens_on mako17:55
ogra_for plars-sprint it doesnt, right17:55
plars-sprintsergiusens_: correct, that's producing something to me that I can't adb into17:56
sergiusens_ogra_: and the e2fsck stuff not the adb work (none of it) has landed in rtm?17:56
=== balloons_ is now known as balloons
sergiusens_ogra_: adb in the android package17:56
ogra_sergiusens_, neither has landed17:56
robrufginther: https://launchpad.net/~ps-jenkins do you have access to ps-jenkins bot mail? can you check for a PPA upload rejection mail?17:57
=== balloons is now known as Guest26895
ogra_thats all rtm landings17:57
=== Guest26895 is now known as balloons_
ogra_for this month17:57
fgintherrobru, chcking17:57
robrufginther: thanks17:57
sergiusens_ogra_: yeah, for rtm, I don't really trust the tools anymore given all the issues we'd had ;-)17:57
ogra_last android landing was nov 6th ... for new hybris ... no changes17:57
fgintherrobru, can you narrow it down to a package?17:58
ogra_sergiusens_, thats why i use the rtm-changes ml as master ;)17:58
robrufginther: qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu from the last few minutes17:58
ogra_old tools are still most reliable ;)17:58
fgintherrobru, I see no upload rejections17:59
robrufginther: thanks for looking. figures I'd test this all weekend and then the first production deployment would just explode.18:00
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cjwatsonrobru: What package name?18:02
cjwatsonOh you said18:03
sergiusens_ogra_: rsalveti plars-sprint https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/+source/android/20141104-2240-0ubuntu2 I just check the orig tarball there and it has the broken adb logic18:03
cjwatsonrobru: 2014-11-17 17:44:33 INFO    Failed to parse changes file '/srv/launchpad.net/ppa-queue/incoming/upload-ftp-20141117-174412-014889/~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/landing-022/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu_3.1.1+15.04.20141117-0ubuntu1_source.changes': GPG verification of /srv18:03
sergiusens_ogra_: so the changelog is indeed wrong ;-)18:03
cjwatson/launchpad.net/ppa-queue/incoming/upload-ftp-20141117-174412-014889/~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/landing-022/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu_3.1.1+15.04.20141117-0ubuntu1_source.changes failed: Verification failed 3 times: ["(7, 9, u'No public key')", "(7, 9, u'No public ke18:03
cjwatsony')", "(7, 9, u'No public key')"]18:03
cjwatsonrobru: i.e. looks like it was unsigned18:03
sergiusens_ogra_: and you would need this https://code-review.phablet.ubuntu.com/gitweb?p=CyanogenMod/android_bootable_recovery.git;a=commit;h=ab1d4747d5581cdbbf233eaedbf3e38cf324efef18:04
ogra_sergiusens_, well, but that landed on the 6th ... images stopped working on the 13th18:04
robrucjwatson: can this be some kind of temporary glitch? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-022-1-build/23/console shows it being signed and the signature being good18:04
plars-sprintsergiusens_: ogra_: so I could revert the ubuntu-device-flash again, or we can fix it there.18:04
cjwatsonrobru: It's possible.  There have been acceptances since then18:04
cjwatsonThe keyserver is occasionally flaky18:04
ogra_plars-sprint, try it ...18:04
cjwatsonrobru: Is it reasonably straightforward for you to retry?18:04
robrucjwatson: yeah18:04
sergiusens_ogra_: well I don't know, the code doesn't lie; the broken adb landed in source on Oct 3018:04
ogra_sergiusens_, right and in binary on nov 6th18:05
ogra_but images failed only on the 13th+18:05
sergiusens_ogra_: oh, because plars-sprint told me he'd keep the old u-d-f until further notice18:05
ogra_sergiusens_, hmm, you held back u-d-f from the PPA ... i wonder if mvo tried to be a good citizen and copied it over after his stuff landed18:06
ogra_without knowing that he shouldnt18:06
sergiusens_ogra_: plars-sprint I can disable this with one line removal from u-d-f18:06
sergiusens_ogra_: I did it; as plars-sprint told me they manually updated u-d-f18:06
ogra_or plars-sprint can just roll back18:06
plars-sprintsergiusens_: no, until that fix went in, which it did. I tested it on krillin and thought it had already been tested on mako. So we will revert again. At some point we need the update though because of some further changes you have planned right?18:06
plars-sprintI'm rolling it back right now18:07
plars-sprintto 0.4+14.10.20140929-0ubuntu118:07
ogra_plars-sprint, right, that requires full coordination actross all images and all devices :)18:07
ogra_that will be a lot of fun to land :P18:07
sergiusens_plars-sprint: ogra_ I'll do a revert on u-d-f of the one line rule; it sucks that such a dumb fix can't land in rtm18:07
=== tedg` is now known as tedg
robrucjwatson: retried and it worked. thanks for checking18:14
robrubzoltan: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/190564701/buildlog_ubuntu-vivid-amd64.qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu_3.1.1%2B15.04.20141117-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz Error looks like a missing dependency. Did you add a new dependency without adding it to debian/control?18:15
cjwatsonrobru: good, sorry for the inconvenience18:15
bzoltanrobru:  No, I do not think so... but let me check what zbenjamin has done ...18:16
bzoltanzbenjamin:  robru: libudev118:17
rsalvetisergiusens_: changelog is fine18:17
rsalvetisergiusens_: so it's a combination of latest u-d-f and the broken adb logic18:18
rsalvetithat would explain18:18
sergiusens_rsalveti: yes; and broken telephone (the game) :-)18:19
rsalvetisergiusens_: yeah, easier to use the older u-d-f until we update android for RTM18:19
rsalvetiindeed annoying18:20
mterrybzoltan, ogra_: sorry, was afk for gym.  There's a question about usc?18:21
ogra_mterry, bzoltan was looking for explicit usc logs18:21
bzoltanmterry:  working out is healthy :)18:21
bzoltanmterry: since than i figured out the problem18:22
mterrybzoltan, awesome.  Glad I could help  ;)18:22
bzoltanmterry:  you guru :)18:22
ogra_and he doesnt even have long hair and a beard !18:23
ogra_sil2100, FYI ... i found the ML archive shows the landing mail within minutes *if* you sort by date (there is a selection at the top of the page to sort by thread or date)18:24
sil2100ogra_: ok, thanks!18:24
ogra_by default you indeed get "by thread" ...18:24
sil2100Yaay, no more waiting for hours \o/18:25
ogra_worked fine for me last week18:25
bzoltanrobru:  something must have changed in vivid ...18:25
robrubzoltan: vivid does that ;-)18:26
bzoltanrobru:  it said that "Project ERROR: libudev development package not found" when we do depend on libudev-dev18:26
sil2100grrr, and now I'm having problems with sending e-mails, wth18:27
robrubzoltan: maybe the structure of libudev packages changed in vivid? not sure, I'm unfamiliar with udev18:27
bzoltanrobru:  me too18:27
* bzoltan goes and makes a vivid cowbuilder18:28
rsalvetiogra_: will trigger another vivid image18:35
robrusil2100: yeah I don't have a clue what's wrong with the dashboard. the spreadsheet doesn't seem to be missing info (the usual cause of missing dashboard info). also the fact that just some work and some don't is bizarre.18:35
ogra_rsalveti, go wild18:36
rsalvetiogra_: done :-)18:36
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 24 building (started: 20141117 18:40) ===18:38
robrusil2100: all my troubleshooting skills say "look at the couple silos that do work and compare them to the rest" and I don't see any difference.18:39
sil2100robru: at first I thought that some description might have caused the issue by having some strange malformed syntax in it, but I think it's not the case18:39
sil2100robru: my original culprit was the unity8 silo, but all looks ok there18:40
ogra_minutes :)18:40
Saviqtrainguards, I can has silo 14 published, please (/me hates the dashboard for not reading the status out of the SS)18:41
robruSaviq: please direct your hatred at the spreadsheet. I'm pretty sure it caused WW2 and has been plotting evil schemes ever since.18:41
Saviqrobru, ok /me hates SS then...18:42
SaviqI think that should be built into my polish self anyway18:42
ogra_robru, did you just invoke godwins law here ?18:42
Saviq</bad nazi joke>18:42
robruogra_: well I didn't mention anybody by name...18:43
bzoltanrobru:  that error just does not make sense to me ... the libudev-dev package is available in Vivid and according to the logs it is installed to the builder too18:49
sil2100bzoltan: did you try in a cowbuilder/pbuilder ?18:50
robrubzoltan: yeah I dunno. hang on I'll hit retry, maybe today is a day for transient issues18:51
bzoltanrobru: it faild on vivid cowbuilder too ...18:56
robrubzoltan: yeah the retry failed in the ppa as well, same failure18:57
robrubzoltan: great news, if you reproduced it locally you're one step closer to fixing it ;-)18:57
kenvandinervr, any word on silo 3?18:58
kenvandineah, he said om26er_18:58
kenvandineom26er_, any word?18:58
om26er_kenvandine, I am working on silo2, will work on 3 afterwards. rhuddie was working on it, he went away.18:59
kenvandineom26er_, ok, thx18:59
bzoltanrobru:  we have this PKGCONFIG += libudev glib-2.019:00
robrubzoltan: try libudev1 maybe? that's the binary package name19:01
bzoltanrobru:  hmmm... wait a second... this is the first time we try to land somethinga since qt5.3.219:01
robrubzoltan: looks like pitti was the last person to touch systemd in vivid, worst case maybe ask him if anything about libudev changed since utopic19:03
bzoltanrobru:  I am afraid that it is not about libudev ... but about Qt and the pkgconfig of the qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu project19:04
robrubzoltan: something you can fix? i'm not familiar with any of that stuff ;-)19:05
robrubzoltan: i'm just glad this issue isn't caused by my new citrain code ;-)19:05
bzoltanrobru:  I will need Mirv for that19:05
bzoltanrobru:  your CI train code is safe here :)19:05
robrubzoltan: hehe thanks19:06
pmcgowanogra_, popey how does music app get silod/tested19:19
ogra_pmcgowan, i imagine popey gives the click to QA19:20
popeypmcgowan: I have created a set of manual tests to perform, we have candidate click.19:20
popeyI am happy to throw at QA, but who? some people are on vacation?19:20
pmcgowanwas just trying to figure that out19:20
popeyI want to do a load more testing before giving to QA19:21
popeyintended to hand to QA tomorrow morning, but if someone in US TZ can test on my overnight then that would be preferable.19:21
ogra_popey, talk to jibel, he should be able to point you at someone19:22
popeyjibel: yo!19:22
pmcgowanpopey, lets get a trello card for it so its queued up19:23
popeypmcgowan: got a link to the trello board? I don't seem to be subscribed to it.19:26
ogra_ https://trello.com/b/AE3swczu/silo-testing19:26
pmcgowanpopey, need QA to update it I suspect https://trello.com/b/AE3swczu/silo-testing19:27
pmcgowanogra_, you so fast19:29
popeyjfunk: are you able to add a trello card to the QA board for testing the music app for me?19:31
jdstrandolli, pmcgowan: fyi, the apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu changes (rtm silo 002) is awaiting qa signoff. I'm just waiting on that to then coordinate with cwayne to push to rtm19:33
robruSaviq: well, dashboard seems to be back. I didn't fix anything. I guess it's just a transient issue with google or something. no idea19:34
pmcgowanjdstrand, looks like om26er_ is testing now19:34
om26er_pmcgowan, yes, tests are running, taking a long time19:35
jdstrandok, cool19:35
jdstrandthe apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu image tests takes a while19:35
bzoltanrobru:  The qtc plugin MR got a quick facelift ... somehow the vivid builders have different packages .. .like pkg-config and libglib2.0-dev was missing19:39
bzoltanrobru:  I triggered a new build with debug info19:39
robrubzoltan: cool thx19:39
jfunkpopey: is it not going to be tested as part of silo?19:50
ogra_jfunk, clicks are never siloed19:51
ogra_there were plans at the sprint to make that possible ... but not implemented yet afaik19:51
ogra_for some of the apps we have desktop packages (i.e. gallery9 there we can have debs in silos for testing ... but not for click only ones19:52
jfunkpopey: sure we can do that, when do you need it by?19:52
ogra_for this milestone would be good19:52
ogra_(before wed. evening EU TZ)19:53
ogra_so it gets a week of testing before the golden milestone19:53
ogra_(like ... enduser testing ... for the weird guy that has 15632 albums of only one artist etc :) )19:53
ogra_kenvandine, you broke it :P19:59
ogra_heh, funny seems they all built on all arches ...20:00
ogra_so the bot lies ...20:01
kenvandine2014-11-17 19:57:21,296 ERROR Expected {'indicator-power': set(['12.10.6+15.04.20141103~rtm-0ubuntu1']), 'powerd': set(['0.16+15.04.20141031.2~rtm-0ubuntu1']), 'ubuntu-system-settings': set(['0.3+15.04.20141112.1~rtm-0ubuntu1']), 'upower': set(['0.99.1~rtm-3'])}+[u'upower', u'powerd', u'indicator-power', u'ubuntu-system-settings'] in PPA but found {u'indicator-power': set([u'12.10.6+15.04.20141103~rtm-0ubuntu1']), u'ubuntu-system-settings20:06
kenvandine': set([u'0.3+15.04.20141113.1~rtm-0ubuntu1']), u'upower': set([u'0.99.1~rtm-3']), u'powerd': set([u'0.16+15.04.20141031.2~rtm-0ubuntu1'])}. Perhaps uploads failed?20:06
ogra_the ppa looks fine20:08
kenvandineyeah, it does lie :)20:08
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 24 DONE (finished: 20141117 20:10) ===20:08
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/24.changes ===20:08
ogra_rsalveti, ^^^ yours20:09
rsalvetiogra_: thanks20:09
robrukenvandine: looks like unexpected version of u-s-s in the ppa...20:12
robrukenvandine: yeah, your sync attempted to upload 1112.1 but 1113.1 was already in the PPA. I guess you'll need to bump the version manually20:13
robrukenvandine: easiest thing I guess would be to free the silo and start over in a different silo. then the 1112.1 upload would succeed20:14
robrukenvandine: either that or change it from a sync silo to a manual source silo and then just do all the uploads yourself with copypackage20:14
robrukenvandine: ogra_: bot doesnt lie, it's reporting what the build job tells it to. build job failed because the version in the PPA is not the version that the build job uploaded20:16
robrukenvandine: apologies that raw data structure dump is totally unreadable, I should fix that20:16
kenvandinerobru, i can fix it :)20:19
=== robru changed the topic of #ubuntu-ci-eng to: Need a silo? ping trainguards | Need help with something else? ping cihelp | Train Dashboard: http://bit.ly/1mDv1FS | QA Signoffs: http://bit.ly/1qMAKYd | Known Issues: RTM Archive semi frozen (only pre-selected fixes) ! RTM cron builds disabled. robru landed a major overhaul of citrain today, please ping him with ALL jenkins job failures you encounter.
robruI gotta grab lunch, please ping me if anything explodes.20:23
popeyjfunk: sorry, was afk20:28
popeyjfunk: ask ogra_ says, asap really. We haven't used silos before for the community click apps. We'd ordinarily just push the click under test to the phone and go through the usual manual tests20:29
popeyjfunk: left a comment on the trello card with the link to the click which needs testing20:30
pmcgowanpopey, seems nuclearbob waslooking for you on that20:30
jfunkpopey: ack thx20:31
nuclearbobpopey: do you have the test plan handy?20:32
popeykinda, working on it right now.20:32
popeythis is a bit new to me ☻20:32
=== balloons_ is now known as balloons
=== balloons is now known as Guest23152
=== Guest23152 is now known as balloons_
=== iahmad_ is now known as iahmad
iahmadpopey, is there some design doc/functional spec for new music app?20:46
popeyiahmad: yup20:46
iahmadpopey, would you please point me to that20:47
popeyiahmad: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/presentation/d/1L3eGhOe-0eEmKtUurthpUEaweFradSFb3t6W-KiIZMU/edit#slide=id.g4d67bb613_1120:47
popeydoes that link work for you?20:47
iahmadpopey, it did, thanks20:48
popeyno problem20:48
robrukenvandine: ah sorry this time it's my fault. I'm working on a fix for that bug already. WATCH_ONLY might be able to workaround that for now20:59
iahmadpopey, what is the lp project for new music app?20:59
kenvandinerobru, ok21:08
robru*phew* ;-)21:21
kenvandinenow if i can figure out how to install powerd from that ppa :)21:24
kenvandineogra_, ideas?21:25
kenvandine unable to make backup link of `./usr/share/powerd/device_configs/config-default.xml' before installing new version: Invalid cross-device link21:25
robrukenvandine: oh I saw instructions for that once forever ago. you have to like, copy the files into the rootfs while in recovery mode or something.21:34
om26erkenvandine, I had a system-settings crash, not sure if its related to the change in the silo.21:35
kenvandineom26er, doubtful, what were you doing when it crashed?21:36
kenvandinelike what panel?21:36
om26erkenvandine, after toggling many settings, I came to the main screen and tapped on 'Brightness'  panel and app freezed and eventually crashed.21:37
kenvandinerobru, but how do you actually update the package?21:37
kenvandineok, that isn't different21:38
kenvandineknown issue :)21:38
robrukenvandine: can't remember, sorry.21:41
kenvandinerobru, thx anyway21:42
robrukenvandine: there should be a wiki for it somewhere. does it not mention installation instructions in the test plan?21:42
robrukenvandine: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8224550/ here you go21:43
=== balloons_ is now known as balloons
jdstrandcwayne1: can you ping me when you are ready for me to push apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu?22:00
cwayne1jdstrand: will do22:09
jdstrandcwayne1: also, if I go eod, feel free to ask trainguards to do it without me22:09
robrujdstrand: do what now?22:09
jdstrandrobru: we like to coordinate the apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu publication with the custom tarball22:10
robrujdstrand: you got a silo ready to be published?22:10
jdstrandrobru: since, apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu is ready and signed off, I was just saying that if I wasn't around, cwayne1 didn't have to wait on me22:11
jdstrandrobru: and could ask one of you to press the publish botton22:11
jdstrandrobru: yes, rtm silo 00222:11
robrujdstrand: ah ok. thought you might need me to upload something into a silo, which I'm not prepared for. but I can publish silos when needed ;-)22:11
jdstrandhehe, no, silo is completely ready :)22:11
=== greyback__ is now known as greyback
nuclearbobtrainguards: com.ubuntu.music-2.0.744.all should be ready to land, there's no silo associated since it's a click package22:38
popeynuclearbob: balloons can upload to store22:44
popey(if he's around)22:44
nuclearboblet's see if he is22:44
* balloons floats22:45
* popey hugs balloons 22:45
balloonsyay! music!22:46
nuclearbobwoo music!22:46
popeyballoons: the click is linked from the trello card for it22:46
=== plars-sprint is now known as plars
balloonspushed, popey, review time22:48
popeyballoons: i dont see it22:56
popeyassume it passed22:56
popeyoh, now i do22:57
popeyuh, we need to speak to martin tomorrow, there's some inconsistencies in the store.22:57
popeyThanks nuclearbob balloons ☻22:58
nuclearboband now, eod23:00
ogra_is it in ?23:01
balloonspopey, ack23:04
ogra_hmm, my phone doesnt think so23:05
popeybet i busted the store by rolling back23:08
popeyyeah, i think i broke the store23:09
popeyballoons: you still about?23:09
popeyi think i need to file a bug for this...23:11
balloonspopey, awesome23:23
popeyyeah, not ☻23:23
balloonspopey, what would you like me to do?23:23
popeyballoons: my theory was that we should apporove the broken 2.0.738 then try and upload 2.0.744, but I fully expect that to fail23:24
popeybecause you already uploaded 2.0.74423:24
popeyso rather than that I'm gonna file a bug and send a mail to phablet about it23:24
popeybecause the store is basically broken23:24
popeyso nothing required for you to do23:24
balloonspopey, ah that does make sense23:27
balloonsno bueno bueno23:27
balloonsbah, I failed23:27
popeybug 139360623:33
ubot5bug 1393606 in Software Center Agent "Store inconsistent after rolling back an app" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139360623:33
* popey emails phablet23:33
om26ertrainguards please rebuild ubuntu-rtm/landing-00623:47
robruom26er: done23:49
om26errobru, thanks.23:50
robruom26er: you're welcome23:50
ogra_robru, for rtm 2 there is a coordinated landing with a custom tarball needed (for which we do not yet have QA) ... so dont land it :)23:51
robruogra_: yeah was waiting for a ping from cwayne1 on that one23:51
ogra_we will need to coordinate that with an image build too23:52
ogra_(stop the importer, wait for rootfs, start importer with rootfs and custom tarball in place)23:52

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