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pittiGood morning05:53
larsugood morning!06:01
pittihey larsu, wie gehts?06:05
larsupitti: sehr gut. Hatte ein entspanntes Wochendende. Und dir?06:06
pittilarsu: wir auch, sehr gut06:07
larsuschön :)06:09
dufluYou know what would be helpful to users? If they didn't have to know the trick to tick the box that mostly talks about MP3 support in order to get a Broadcom wireless driver installed (during Ubuntu installation)07:24
seb128good morning desktopers07:40
didrockshey seb12807:41
seb128duflu, hey, it wouldn't be practical to list all the things included under that option, but we could perhaps improve the description ... I guess suggestions in bug reports are welcome ;-)07:41
seb128lut didrocks07:41
dufluseb128: Yeah I know. Was actually wondering if anyone had plans already07:42
seb128I don't think so07:45
dufluseb128: What's the installer project name?07:47
seb128duflu, ubiquity07:47
dufluseb128: Thanks07:47
darkxstseb128, pitti, didrocks hey07:48
dufluHmm, last I did hacking in the realm of broadcom wireless they were putting their latest drivers in-kernel. Or is that only for newer chips?07:48
didrockshey darkxst07:49
darkxstseb128, I attacked nautilus, if you want to upload it to -desktop ppa, bug 139325207:49
ubot5bug 1393252 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "nautilus 3.14 update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139325207:49
pittibonojur didrocks et seb128, hey darkxst07:49
didrocksmorning pitti07:49
seb128hey pitti07:57
seb128darkxst, k, I'm adding to my review list07:57
seb128was there anything tricky/special.?07:57
seb128or just the headerbar?07:57
seb128pitti, wie gehts? had a good w.e?07:58
pittiseb128: yeah, very relaxing; we went to the cinema, badminton, sauna, and had some nice long walk yesterday07:59
pittiseb128: comment était ton w.e. ?07:59
seb128c'était bien ! though took it easy, trying to get over the cold I have since wednesday, already feeling much better so that's good, only the "annoyances" remaining08:01
seb128went to buy for some sport shoes on saturday (on a shop that film your steps and look at the feet position/defaults and recommend adapted shoes), dinner with friends in the evening and swimming on sunday, otherwise mostly spent time indoor relaxing08:02
seb128it rained most of the w.e08:03
dufluseb128: Heh, yeah the bug exists... has done for 3 years :)08:03
seb128duflu, no action on it/waiting on design input  I guess?08:05
dufluseb128: No design was involved, but also waiting on some developer keen enough to propose a fix (and translations?)08:06
dufluDesign _was_ involved.08:07
seb128translations are not an issue if we change it in vivid08:07
darkxstseb128, menu patch was the worst, mostly otherwise ok08:13
desrthi hi eurotypes08:32
didrockshey desrt, in Europe again?08:35
desrtnope.  vegas.08:35
didrocksquite late then08:35
desrtonly midnight.508:35
desrtjust got back to hotel room08:35
didrockswhich kind of sprint are you at?08:36
desrtuh.... family sprint?08:36
didrocksah, vegas family sprint ;)08:37
seb128hey desrt, having fun there? ;-)08:49
Laneyhey hey09:03
pittihey desrt09:04
pittihey Laney, good morning09:04
seb128hey Laney, how are you? good w.e?09:06
didrocksmorning Laney09:07
Laneyhey pitti seb128 didrocks09:07
Laneyvery good weekend, lots of family visits!09:08
Laney(= eating out)09:08
Laneyhope you all did too ;-)09:08
seb128yeah, w.e was good ;-)09:09
czajkowskiseb128: didrocks any idea where to best promote an event in Paris aimed at Mobile Dev? Free workshop10:45
seb128czajkowski, hey, no idea, sorry10:45
didrocksczajkowski: not really sure either, if it's free software, there is linuxfr.org10:46
didrocksand you can use ubuntu-party.org/ubuntu-fr (I can help for that one) if it's related to ubuntu of course :)10:46
czajkowskinot for Ubuntu this time :) it's android atm10:47
czajkowskithanks for the tips folks10:47
didrocksyeah, you can try linuxfr.org I guess10:47
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mdeslaurseb128: mind if I split the xchat-indicator package into xchat-gnome-indicator and xchat-indicator?16:19
mdeslaurI can't maintain compatibility for both gtk2 and gtk3 in the same code16:19
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mdeslaurseb128: actually, scratch that, I can probably do it in the same package16:42
seb128mdeslaur, hey, ok, your call16:42
mdeslaurwell, if you don't mind, it's a lot easier to split it16:42
seb128mdeslaur, oh btw, did you notice that xchat-gnome lost translations, did you change the domain? or is that a code bug? (the translations are still installed from langpacks/on disk)16:43
seb128mdeslaur, do whatever is easier16:43
mdeslaurseb128: hrm, good question, I'll take a look16:44
seb128mdeslaur, thanks, I can also have a look if you want, wanted to check if it's known first though16:44
mdeslaurseb128: oh, if you could check, that would be great16:45
seb128mdeslaur, ok, let it to me then ;-)16:45
seb128larsu, hey, what's the status of the new gtk? I know you got sidetracked working on other things, but back to gtk this week? do you need help with the update?17:30
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tkamppeterDoes someone know about the Python3 support of pyqt4? There is a python-qt4-dbus but no python3-qt4-dbus for example.17:57
seb128tkamppeter, Mirv might know, or maybe ask on #ubuntu-devel rather18:00
tkamppeterMirv, ^^18:01
tkamppeterseb128, thanks, I have also posted on ubuntu-devel now.18:01
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tedg`larsu, Looking at the service log here, should this be a cups bug? bug 139346918:11
ubot5bug 1393469 in indicator-printers (Ubuntu) "indicator-printers does not show up when printing" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139346918:11
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* didrocks waves goodbye18:11
Steve_Jobsanyone have any issues with compiz on MATE?18:21
Steve_JobsI can't launch ccsm18:21
Steve_Jobsgetting connection refused when launching ccsm18:22
Steve_Jobsfailed to connect to socket18:22
ogra_did you install compiz and told mate to use it (is that even possible) ?18:37
ogra_it definitely doesnt use it by default18:38
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robert_ancellRAOF, did you get your Inbox invite?22:41
RAOFrobert_ancell: I did indeed.23:23

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