
mrgoodcatjrwren: not sure what you're talking about, my c720 has a super key06:34
brouschwerd up u-dawgs13:17
rick_h_ummm, woof13:17
brouschrick_h_: Very nice 3 year blog post13:29
rick_h_brousch: ty13:29
jrwrenmrgoodcat: in what position is the super?13:33
cmaloneyGood morning14:29
cmaloneyAlso where is F11 and F12 on a Chromebook. :)14:31
brousch10 Fs is enough for most people15:05
jrwreni honestly only use f11, f12 for volume up and down :)15:21
rick_h_f11 is my vim :set paste toggle15:21
rick_h_required stuff :)15:22
jrwrenI type :set paste every time.15:22
cmaloneyjrwren: same15:42
mrgoodcatjrwren: its the "search" key15:50
* jrwren looks15:51
mrgoodcatjrwren: where caps lock is on a normal keyboard15:51
cmaloneyWow, I'm not sure what would drive me more nuts: caps-lock or super. :)15:51
jrwrenmrgoodcat: ah, probably fine for a 1-off laptop, but for real work that key is ctrl as the ADM-3A teaches us.15:51
mrgoodcatyea i used to map that key to ctrl15:52
mrgoodcatnow i obviously need it to be super15:52
mrgoodcati mapped right-alt to ctrl15:52
jrwreni believe chome books spec it that way just so they aren't useful for power users.15:52
mrgoodcateasily reachable with thumb15:52
cmaloneyAll hail the ADM-3A, keyboard layout that we should all aspire to be15:52
jrwrencmaloney: because there is no way we have learned more about keybaords in the last 40 years :)15:53
cmaloneyI think most folks who did keyboard science / ergonomics back in the day would say we've horribly regressed15:56
cmaloneyMuch the same as the phone comfort research15:57
mrgoodcatare there any KBs available today with tht layout?15:57
rick_h_maybe :P15:57
rick_h_cmaloney: especially with the folks going tablet crappy keyboard15:57
cmaloneyrick_h_: Yep15:57
* rick_h_ says as he checks if the damn folio keyboard cover is out YET!15:57
cmaloneyBut there's little chance of the "Road Warrior"-set carrying around a 20lb keyboard with mech. switches.15:58
rick_h_and it's more like 3 or 4 :P15:58
rick_h_but mainly won't fit in carry on well15:58
cmaloneyrick_h_: Yeah, no doubt.16:00
cmaloneyEven 10keyless.16:00
mrgoodcatget thought control16:00
mrgoodcaton a more serious note, have you seen that guy that codes using voice control?16:01
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Yeah, that'll work16:01
cmaloneyI saw something like that around 200716:01
cmaloneyMaybe 200916:01
cmaloneyat the time I was doing Perl and thought it was going to be my own version of hell. :)16:01
mrgoodcattheres a talk about it floating around somewhere16:02
cmaloneyThing is I type faster than I can talk, at least when it comes to symbols16:02
cmaloneyvs. Bang At-sign, pound-sign, etc.16:03
mrgoodcathe used a made up language16:03
cmaloneyOh great16:03
cmaloneySo it's the same as Palm Graffiti16:03
mrgoodcathe was super fast actually16:03
mrgoodcatfor voice anyways16:03
cmaloneyI don't doubt it16:04
mrgoodcathe claims to be as fast with voice as he is with kb16:04
cmaloneyWill have to look at that later.16:06
cmaloneyUntil then I'm stuck typing. :)16:06
cmaloneyI think a mind-controlled computer would both be awesome and suck at the same time16:07
cmaloneyawesome because I could think out what I want to have happen16:07
cmaloneyand suck because half-way through my mind would wander and the computer would dutifully comply16:07
cmaloney(taking notes, taking notes, I wonder about... Dammit)16:08
mrgoodcatyea it would take either some epic self control or something like palm-rejection on trackpads16:41
mrgoodcatbut for wandering thoughts16:41
* mrgoodcat begins to wonder how he would detect on-topic thoughts...16:41
cmaloneyUm, no Squeezebox, we're not doing Mozart's Mass in C minor this morning16:44
jrwreni miss graffiti. I still print incorrectly due to learning graffiti17:04
mrgoodcathow can you learn graffiti? isnt the whole point that its unique?17:45
jrwrenmrgoodcat: grafiti was the name of the palm pilot hand writing recognition syste.18:02
brouschjrwren: No. You now print correctly because of graffiti. everyone else is wrong18:09
jrwrenbrousch: given how rarely I print, I don't think it matters much. I could probably correct myself with some drills and a day or two of training.18:25
cmaloneyMy handwriting suffered a bit from learning graffiti18:31
mrgoodcatanybody know how long a pi can reasonably be expected to last on a 3700mah battery21:37
cmaloneynot sure21:43
brouschDepends on what is running and usb peripherals and wifi ...21:43
jrwrenmrgoodcat: such a good question!21:57
jrwrendoes the ARM on a pi have cpu power saving features like an intel? might it also depend on cpu load?21:57
cmaloneyI think the best way would be to experiment21:58

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