
canthus13Anyone know of a good volume control applet in 14.10 that I can use in Awesome?04:14
canthus13gnome-volume-applet no longer exists.  pavucontrol is nice, but clunky and not really useful for that sort of thing.04:18
skellatcanthus13: pavucontrol is the best one I can think of for general DE-agnostic use04:43
canthus13the problem is it doesn't minimize to the tasktray.04:44
skellatI know04:44
canthus13I could add an icon, I suppose..but it's annoying. And I'm not above DE use. I just prefer to pick and choose.04:44
* canthus13 was happy with the gnome applets. :P04:45
canthus13they've disappeared or become so integrated into stuff that they're not worth the trouble.04:45
skellatxfce4-mixer then?04:45
canthus13Hmm.. never heard of it. I'll check into it.04:46
lucky43113evening all04:52
lucky43113whos getting snow04:52
Unit193lucky43113: We had snow. :P06:06
Unit193skellat: I presume/hope you got everything you wanted off the site?06:06
dzhowe're getting snow now13:57
dzhobig ol' fluffy stuff13:57
belkinsaIt's been snowing here all morning13:57
=== Guest49681 is now known as jrgifford
jrgiffordyeah, it's doing the snow thing.14:27
jrgifforddowntown is clear14:27
dzhojenni: are you a bot?15:16
belkinsaIt's falling down hard now15:16
jennino, you are.15:17
dzhojenni: .commands15:17
jenniI don't understand15:17
dzhomust have had a self-destruct, I didn't hit it that hard15:19
jennidzho: For a list of all of my commands, please visit: https://is.gd/CPStvK15:19
dzho.rss #ubuntu-us-oh add ohioteamwiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OhioTeam?action=rss_rc15:22
jennidzho: You must be an admin to start up the RSS feeds.15:22
jenni[ Ubuntu Wiki ] - https://j.mp/11dy0h715:22
* dzho nods15:22
=== paultag_ is now known as paultag
skellatUnit193: I took care of the downloads over the weekend myself in concert with jacob18:18
skellatjenni: .scores18:26
jennii play darkmagicin.18:26
skellatjenni: .cs KC8BFI18:27
jenniChannel, #ubuntu-us-oh, has no users with scores.18:27
jenniti piace18:27
yanoyou don't prefix it with "jenni: "18:27
yano.cs KC8BFI18:27
jenni(KC8BFI) Name: STEPHEN M KELLAT, Address: Ashtabula, OH 44004, United States. Previous Callsign: N/A. Grant Date: 08/08/2014. Expire Date: 10/06/2015. Codes: HAI - Ham Radio - Individual. More information is available at: http://www.qth.com/callsign.php?cs=KC8BFI18:27
skellat.addpoint yano18:28
jenniyano: +1/-0, 118:28
skellat.addpoint yano18:30
* skellat is listening to yet another commercial about Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Center and am wondering if it is just a complicated form of waterboarding with O2 if you're not being treated for the bends...18:32
jenni[ Instapundit » Blog Archive » DR. MARTIN SALIA dies of Ebola in Nebraska hospital.Related: Colleagues hugged him after Ebola … ] - https://j.mp/1vkRuNM18:37
skellat.nws 4400420:40
jenniLake Effect Snow !WARNING! issued November 17 at 3:27PM EST until November 17 at 3:00PM EST by NWS20:40
jenniComplete weather watches, warnings, and advisories for Ashtabula, OH, available here: http://alerts.weather.gov/cap/wwaatmget.php?x=OHC007 -- You may also PM the bot to get the full list.20:40
yanoyou guys should totally -c the channel20:41
skellatUnit193: How do we go about doing that?22:08
skellatThank you comrade22:09
Unit193Then, you can just pop it back in if there's problems.22:10
Unit193Temp: 18 F (-8 C) ~ light snow ~ Windchill: 3 F (-16 C) ~ Humidity: 78% ~ Observed: Mon 17, 16:5222:10
yano.forecast 4321022:28
jenniSpecial Weather Statement for Franklin, OH Expires at: 2014-11-18 04:00:0022:28
jenni[Columbus, Ohio, United States] MON: 33.0F (0.6C) / 15.7F (-9.1C), Dew: 23.4F (-4.8C), Wind: 7.0mph (11.3kmh), Snow until afternoon. | TUE: 17.3F (-8.2C) / 9.9F (-12.3C), Dew: 8.6F (-13.0C), Wind: 16.1mph (25.8kmh), Mostly cloudy throughout the day.22:28
jenni[Columbus, Ohio, United States] WED: 33.7F (0.9C) / 12.3F (-11.0C), Dew: 20.0F (-6.7C), Wind: 14.7mph (23.6kmh), Flurries starting in the evening. | THU: 29.2F (-1.5C) / 16.5F (-8.6C), Dew: 17.4F (-8.1C), Wind: 13.6mph (21.9kmh), Light snow until afternoon. (Powered by Forecast, forecast.io)22:28
belkinsa.forecast 4506922:29
jenniSpecial Weather Statement for Butler, OH Expires at: 2014-11-18 04:00:0022:29
paultag.forecast 2000222:29
jenni[West Chester, Ohio, United States] MON: 33.0F (0.6C) / 15.8F (-9.0C), Dew: 22.3F (-5.4C), Wind: 6.9mph (11.0kmh), Snow until afternoon. | TUE: 18.9F (-7.3C) / 9.7F (-12.4C), Dew: 9.2F (-12.7C), Wind: 13.7mph (22.1kmh), Mostly cloudy throughout the day.22:29
jenni[West Chester, Ohio, United States] WED: 34.5F (1.4C) / 12.7F (-10.7C), Dew: 21.0F (-6.1C), Wind: 14.2mph (22.8kmh), Breezy until evening and flurries starting in the evening. | THU: 29.1F (-1.6C) / 17.4F (-8.1C), Dew: 18.3F (-7.6C), Wind: 11.3mph (18.2kmh), Partly cloudy throughout the day. (Powered by Forecast, forecast.io)22:29
jenni[Washington, Washington, D.C., United States] MON: 48.7F (9.3C) / 38.2F (3.4C), Dew: 39.9F (4.4C), Wind: 3.9mph (6.2kmh), Rain until evening. | TUE: 35.6F (2.0C) / 24.5F (-4.2C), Dew: 12.6F (-10.8C), Wind: 14.6mph (23.5kmh), Clear throughout the day.22:29
jenni[Washington, Washington, D.C., United States] WED: 34.6F (1.4C) / 21.0F (-6.1C), Dew: 13.6F (-10.2C), Wind: 8.6mph (13.8kmh), Mostly cloudy starting in the evening. | THU: 44.5F (6.9C) / 29.7F (-1.3C), Dew: 22.4F (-5.3C), Wind: 10.3mph (16.7kmh), Partly cloudy until afternoon. (Powered by Forecast, forecast.io)22:29
skellatAnd if we really want something freaky...22:32
skellat.nws 4400422:32
jenniLake Effect Snow !WARNING! issued November 17 at 3:27PM EST until November 17 at 3:00PM EST by NWS22:32
jenniComplete weather watches, warnings, and advisories for Ashtabula, OH, available here: http://alerts.weather.gov/cap/wwaatmget.php?x=OHC007 -- You may also PM the bot to get the full list.22:32
skellat.addpoint yano22:32
jenniyano: +2/-0, 222:32
jenniTop 10 (for #ubuntu-us-oh): yano: +2/-0, 222:32
yanoalso, don't forget about ##weather-us-oh22:32
skellatI know22:32
skellatI'm just having a hard time grasping the notion on the news that we're going to swing back to 50 degree Fahrenheit weather by next week Tuesday22:33
Unit193I'm not, it's Ohio...22:34
Unit193Also was in Indiana yesterday, snow was worse, drivers were better. :P22:34
skellatThis looks horrifying: http://daringfireball.net/linked/2014/11/16/wholesale-phone-company22:46
jenni[ Daring Fireball: Wholesale Phone Company ] - https://j.mp/1HbQjUS22:46
skellatTypo of the Day: "Mother Nature's furry will be unleashed Tuesday"23:02

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