
wxlhey folks just sent a mail out asking for people to show up tomorrow at noon at #ubuntu-meeting for us to get re-verified. i'm pretty certain it will happen18:13
* belkinsa knows that it will!18:13
wxlyeah i'm allowing for the slim chance, but it's pretty much in the bag18:13
shirgallI'll try to make it, although I am not the most active.18:26
* shirgall is on a job hunt.18:26
wxlshirgall: you don't have to be active. just come support us and bring all your friends :)18:26
* shirgall nods.18:26
wxlshirgall: i don't remember chatting with you before. where are you at?18:26
shirgallRidgefield, WA... worked at Canonical for 3.4 years. Recently worked at Collabora.18:27
wxlaw cool18:28
* wxl notes that wa != or :)18:28
shirgallI'm across the river from Portland, so I caucus with youse guys. :)18:28
wxlyou planning on going wherever the jobs are or are you tied to the pdx area?18:29
shirgallOtherwise I deal with a Seattle-dominated loco. :/18:29
shirgallI'm getting more open to relocating since I've been looking for about two months now.18:29
wxlwell if something comes up in eug, i'll let you know18:31
wxlwhat exact are you looking for?18:31
shirgallI'm an engineering manager or project manager, although my most recent experience is project18:32
shirgallBe doing the FOSS thing for a living 14 years, and longer on the side18:32
shirgallErm "been"18:32
wxlah management18:33
wxloddly those seem like the hardest jobs to find18:33
shirgallBeen doing some interviewing, but it's been tough.18:34
shirgallI might have to get back to coding. I'm rusty.18:34
wxlwhat languages you doo?18:34
shirgallI did most things in C and Perl. I was a systems programmer.18:34
shirgallBeen poking around Go lately.18:34
shirgallI did enough C++ to check the box, but the only thing I really did there was code reviews.18:35
wxlwell i'll put the word out there18:37
shirgallThanks, I appreciate it.18:37
wxlhm, that might be an interesting thing for the loco to do18:37
wxlhave a job board18:37
wxlare you an ubuntu member? i assume you are18:37
shirgallI'm not, I didn't actively maintain anything. I did OEM projects.18:38
shirgallAnd before Canonical I was at IBM.18:38
wxlwow rad18:38
wxlthere's got to be a job out there for you18:38
wxlwhat email is good for you? feel free to /msg18:38
shirgallLot of on the ground experience with SLES, RHEL, and Ubuntu, as you can imagine. Debian too, in the past year.18:39
wxlthat's punny18:39
wxli'll be in touch18:40
wxlhope to see you tuesday meanwhile :)18:40
shirgallSure, thanks18:41
shirgallOff to the treadmill for me now.18:41
bkerensashirgall: you can go back to Canonical? :)19:57
shirgallbkerensa: I didn't burn my bridges, but so far they haven't shown much interest20:10

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