waykool99 | Building my own custom version of Ubuntu Studio. To create an Image .iso file, should i use Brasero, CD/DVD burn -or- a different program? Thank you for suggestions. | 10:06 |
studio-user973 | Greetings! | 10:23 |
studio-user973 | I'm Installing UbuntuStudio and I need help with a question. | 10:24 |
studio-user973 | Is there someboy to help me? | 10:24 |
studio-user973 | Hello? | 10:26 |
delt | Hello | 20:59 |
delt | how do i install sdl 1.2 32bit on my 64bit system? i have an old binary that needs it | 20:59 |
delt | "apt-get install libsdl1.2:i386" gives me Package libsdl1.2:i386 is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 21:05 |
delt | i could just copy the files, but i want to know how to do it properly | 21:05 |
holstein | delt: is sdl in the repos? | 21:05 |
holstein | delt: you can always ask generally how to install 32bit apps in the #ubuntu or #xubuntu channel | 21:06 |
holstein | its *very* likely no one would be here.. | 21:06 |
delt | yeah, just asked in #ubuntu | 21:06 |
holstein | delt: where is teh package? in teh default repos? | 21:06 |
delt | how do i tell? apt-cache search sdl | grep 1.2 gives me a bunch of packages | 21:07 |
holstein | delt: did you add a source for it? where did you get the package? | 21:07 |
holstein | !info libsdl1.2 | 21:07 |
ubottu | Package libsdl1.2 does not exist in utopic | 21:07 |
holstein | !info libsdl1.2:i386 | 21:07 |
ubottu | Package libsdl1.2i386 does not exist in utopic | 21:07 |
holstein | delt: how about this.. what are you trying to do? | 21:08 |
delt | run an old 32 bit binary | 21:08 |
holstein | delt: why? what are you tryihng to accomplish? | 21:08 |
delt | ldd shows it's only missing that one lib | 21:08 |
delt | play freespace 2 open =) | 21:09 |
delt | i can run the game directly, but the launcher i want to use is only available as a 32bit binary | 21:09 |
holstein | delt: i would just run the game then | 21:09 |
delt | :( but then i have to go hunting down all my command line options and i don't remember them :( | 21:10 |
holstein | delt: i think you are having unlrealistic expecations for what all you are trying to force to work together | 21:10 |
holstein | delt: you can make shortcuts to those commands | 21:10 |
holstein | you can create a launcher that literally opens the terminal and runs whatever command | 21:10 |
delt | *sigh* looks like it's shell scripting time :D | 21:11 |
holstein | why? | 21:11 |
delt | cos i'm much more comfortable with shell scripts than GUI launchers or whatever stuff | 21:12 |
holstein | yeah? | 21:13 |
holstein | then just do that.. | 21:13 |
delt | except in this particular case, where the launcher doesn't run :/ | 21:13 |
holstein | you should be thankful the thing works on any level | 21:13 |
delt | anyway, not a big problem. sorry i bothered you with it | 21:13 |
holstein | its not intended to run on anything you are using ;) | 21:13 |
delt | was just wondering, in case i need to install other 32bit stuff | 21:14 |
holstein | i am far from bothered.. theres nothing i can do about it | 21:14 |
holstein | delt: multiarch will "Just work" typically | 21:14 |
delt | yeah, that's been pretty much my experience -) except with binary-only stuff | 21:14 |
holstein | http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-install-a-32bit-program-in-64bit-ubuntu | 21:14 |
delt | btw my parents are quite impressed with ubuntu studio. they really like using it. | 21:15 |
holstein | cool.. they are doing audio production? | 21:16 |
delt | nah, just regular desktop stuff | 21:16 |
holstein | i would get them a regular desktop operating system, then | 21:16 |
delt | i would have installed xubuntu, but i've found it has more bugs generally.... | 21:16 |
holstein | i can imagine dear ol mom clicking on ardour, and the jack server starting incorrectly, and killing all audio.. and her running through some things that just removes things from the desktop or wahtever | 21:17 |
holstein | delt: it doenst | 21:17 |
holstein | delt: xubuntu and ubuntustudio *are* ubuntu.. and we actually use the same xfce and mostly desktop configs | 21:17 |
delt | but you can still install/run stuff that uses jack on xubuntu, right? | 21:18 |
holstein | jack is in the repos.. its the same jack | 21:18 |
delt | but yeah you do have a point about jackd starting & causing problems... | 21:20 |
holstein | my mom would get ubuntu mate edition.. the latest "unofficial" lts 14.04 version supported for 5 years | 21:21 |
delt | mate any good compared to xfce? | 21:21 |
holstein | good is always a matter of opinion and use case | 21:22 |
delt | i think i had tried it out in virtualbox and found it not as easy to use, or some problem with it.... | 21:23 |
delt | or was that cinnamon.... | 21:23 |
delt | iirc i tested both and found xfce would be best for them. | 21:25 |
holstein | its not for you | 21:25 |
delt | kde is more similar to windows, but that laptop has 3 gb ram, and kde is kind of memory hungry | 21:25 |
holstein | its for your parents.. and im just saying, for my mom, she would be getting mate right now, if i were setting it up for her | 21:25 |
holstein | the mate edition is 5 years support.. | 21:26 |
holstein | mate is easy for me to configure to look like what she needs it to look like | 21:26 |
delt | what about linux mint? | 21:27 |
holstein | what about it? | 21:27 |
holstein | if my mom needed what linux mint provided, id give it to her.. if i wanted it, i would use it | 21:27 |
holstein | currently, i dont.. | 21:27 |
delt | kubuntu would have probably been my first choice, if the machine had more memory | 21:29 |
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