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rxhows the kde-unstable-weekly ppa? worth checking out? ;-)02:54
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soeegood morning07:13
lordievaderGood morning.07:40
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RiddellScottK: sddm with cmake licences now inline as I'd intended08:09
Riddelloh dear much unhappyness in debian land today08:39
Riddellfrom reading lwn headlines08:39
soeewhat happend ?08:39
Riddellthree high profile people stepping down from positions08:46
Riddelland bruce perens adding lots of grumpy comments08:47
lordievaderChoosing a new init system that everybody seems to hate ain't easy :(08:49
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kfunkis there a meta package to get all of the libkf5-*-dev packages?10:25
Riddellkfunk: sudo apt-get build-dep kdelibs4support :)11:21
kfunktells me that I don't have source pkgs11:21
kfunkanyway, I've used my mighty regex skills with apt-get11:21
Riddelladd them?  nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/k<tab>11:21
Riddellkfunk: meta packages will need to be sorted out at some point this cycle for various use cases11:21
Riddellinfact I'll add a todo item11:21
Riddellwe have a blue systems meeting today so I might not be online all day11:23
ScottKRiddell: Accepted.11:56
alleekubotu: newversion digikam 4.5.012:13
RiddellScottK: awooga!12:20
Riddellallee: your favourite :)12:20
BluesKajHowdy folks12:29
soeehey BluesKaj12:31
BluesKajhi soee, sgclark13:02
_Groo_anyone having an issue with latest kf5 unstable-daily?13:24
_Groo_i cant log anymore, after lightdm, kde shows up and freezes in the login progress (actually freezes while doing the animation)13:25
sgclarkI have not enabled ci since I upgraded to vivid, sorry. and it sounds like I don't want to haha13:26
lordievader_Groo_: I was just updating, I'll check once it finishes.13:26
soeesgclark: on vivid already 13:26
_Groo_lordievader: i hope you have a backup DM :D13:27
sgclarkyeah I made the jump over the weekend13:27
soeesgclark: hows it working ?13:28
sgclarksoee: kinda buggy, but so far nothing I can't live with13:28
lordievader_Groo_: I have backup pc's for that :P And I just logged out and in again, no problems.13:29
lordievadersgclark: Here the experience has been quite smooth.13:29
_Groo_lordievader: do you have hybrid graphics?13:30
lordievader_Groo_: Nope, its an old laptop with an Intel chip.13:31
_Groo_lordievader: really strange, with latest build, the kde login freezes at the animation. no xorg error, no kernel crash, nothing. and it works in unity, so its not an opengl/compositing bug13:35
_Groo_kscreen is missing from the latest build, but i dont know if its related13:37
_Groo_failed to copy 13:37
soeehttp://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/10/kubuntu-15-04-vivid-plasma-5-desktop-default#comment-1664342278 :P13:38
lordievader_Groo_: Kscreen is installed here...13:39
_Groo_lordievader: are you sure we are talking about the same ppa?13:39
_Groo_kscreen                                                     2.0.0~git20140827-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.10~ppa113:40
_Groo_and its crashing in kdeinit, i got the trace in /var/crash13:40
lordievaderAh, I have the unstable, not the unstable-daily.13:41
_Groo_its crashing in the unstable-daily13:41
_Groo_the one with 98% less problems, lololol13:41
sgclarkhmm 827 that is quite old..13:42
_Groo_it reminds me of a goblin quest i did in wow13:42
lordievaderGonna install i3 and then I'll add the daily ;)13:42
_Groo_the goblin asked me to jump on a rocket he built, and told me it was 99% safe13:42
_Groo_once i get on it, it explodes in mid air, and i hear him saying on the ground.. oh, he was customer number 100!!!! trolololol13:43
* _Groo_ loves goblins :D13:43
_Groo_sgclark: the newest kscreen is failing to copy to unstable daily, see the pastebin above13:43
_Groo_oh well, gonna switch to unstable again13:44
_Groo_flip flop ppa :D13:44
lordievaderOhh no wait, my ppa is unstabler: "Direct landing PPA - very unstable" Never mind...13:44
_Groo_yeah, just switch to taht one again13:44
lordievaderSo if I understand correctly: unstable -> unstable-daily -> unstable-weekly13:44
_Groo_until its fixed in daily13:44
_Groo_yeah but the daily isnt exactly daily13:45
_Groo_it didnt had any package for 4 days13:45
_Groo_and now its broken13:45
sgclarksomething is definately up with kscreen13:45
lordievaderHmm, the date the launchapd shows is 2014-09-29, while the rest is a lot newer...13:47
_Groo_sgclark: the unstable daily is missing kscreen and kwin/kwin-data13:47
lordievaderThe builds for kscreen failed...13:48
lordievaderqmake: could not exec '/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt4/bin/qmake': No such file or directory13:48
lordievaderAlso: Found unsuitable Qt version "" from NOTFOUND, this code requires Qt 4.x13:50
lordievaderThere are a few other packages that failed to build.14:18
sgclarkRiddell: I still only see kolf in applications. Any more apps gonna migrate over for me to package?14:25
sgclarklordievader: kwin just had a successful build, guess they just need to copy that one over. kscreen is not even in git which I suspect is a problem. alas I am not on ci team so I can't help much except research.14:27
lordievadersgclark: I'm not even a Kubuntu member, just reporting what I see ;)14:31
sgclarkahh, seems they are all at a meeting today, back to my sok project14:45
bukaisgclark: What is your SoK project?14:47
sgclarkI am working on the KDE Continuous Integration system.14:48
bukaisgclark: Wow! Btw apart from my sok project are there any thing that I can contribute to?14:49
sgclarkbukai: always stuff to contibute to! just a matter of finding stuff you like to do14:50
sgclarkbukai: I started with documentation, but have since moved on to packaging and much more.14:51
bukaisgclark: Can  I start with the same ?14:52
sgclarkbukai: pretty sure our wiki could use a good cleanup, alot has changed since we put it up14:52
sgclarkbukai: of course!14:52
bukaisgclark: So how do I start with it?14:53
sgclarkbukai: https://userbase.kde.org/Kubuntu think you need to create a KDE identity if you haven;t already14:53
sgclarkbukai: just verify that the docs apply still and update if it does not. Also some new docs in regards to plasma5 would be great.14:56
bukaisgclark: I have a KDE identity.15:02
sgclarkbukai: cool, then it is just a matter of comparing the docs to a kubuntu installation and updating/edit the wiki. If possible also make an install of plasma5 to write about.15:04
sgclarkand of course feel free to ask questions here15:05
bukaisgclark: Ok, I will start with it but sadly I can't start with it right now as I am having my semester exams going on. Though I am trying my best to find some time to work on the site.15:07
sgclarkbukai: yes please focus on school :) work on it whenever you have free time, no pressure!15:07
bukaiThanks :)15:08
_Groo_can someone confirm that sddm is MIA in both kubuntu-ci unstable and daily unstable?15:30
shadeslayerMissing in Action15:38
shadeslayer_Groo_: yes15:38
shadeslayer_Groo_: SDDM isn't integrated yet15:38
lordievaderAh, check.15:39
_Groo_but it was there before15:41
_Groo_it was even integrated (more or less) with systemd-login015:41
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_Groo_i dont know who can fix this, maybe shadeslayer or Riddell 17:03
_Groo_but with our kf5 + 14.10 we have a very nasty bug that simply creates GBs of .xsession-error.log 17:04
_Groo_the famous _xgeWireToEvent: Unknown extension 148, this should never happen bug17:05
_Groo_i just tested it, and its fixed in libXext 1.3.317:05
_Groo_unfortunately 14.10 is still on 1.3.217:05
_Groo_so whoever is brave enough to install kf5 will get a big .xsession-error file every time till this is fixed upstream17:06
shadeslayer_Groo_: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-ci/+archive/ubuntu/unstable/+packages?field.name_filter=sddm&field.status_filter=superseded&field.series_filter=17:15
shadeslayer_Groo_: no SDDM from CI, ever17:16
shadeslayerit was only ever shipped from the next PPA17:16
_Groo_shadeslayer: ah, that explains it, i started with the next ppa17:16
_Groo_shadeslayer: it worked fine actually, but i had a lot of systemd-login0 problems17:17
shadeslayerI think that's because we were building without systemd support17:17
shadeslayerbecause systemd isn't supported on Ubuntu yet17:17
shadeslayerfully supported anyway17:17
* shadeslayer is hungry17:18
lordievaderIt does work fine though :)17:21
Riddellsgclark: well if you package them then they'll be packaged17:27
Riddellsgclark: instructions are on https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas "the plan"17:27
sgclarkRiddell: well uh yeah I know if I package them they will be packaged, I meant git repos, but I now see the instructions. I am busy now but will package some when I can. thanks..17:34
Riddellafter we've done a few we can just automate it more with bash loops and then next time we'll go back to using kubuntu-automation17:35
sgclark ok17:36
soeelordievader: you are on vivid?18:19
lordievadersoee: Yes, I have the full package :) (Well one box does)18:22
soeelordievader: forks fine ? anu problems during upgrade ?18:27
lordievaderDuring what upgrade? And yes it works fine here.18:28
lordievadersoee: By the by, I installed it fresh through a debootstrap.18:29
soeei wonder how will upgrade work18:30
lordievaderTry it ;)18:30
soeethers plasma 5 by defautl already ?18:34
sgclarknot that I could find. I ended up with kde418:35
lordievadersoee: Add the ci ppa ;)18:36
sgclarkyeah the one I did upgrade went mostly ok, except sddm was not in archive yet18:37
_Groo_anyone having problems logging in kf5 today? like freezing in the breeze login animation?19:40
tewardis there a list of the packages in the kubuntu seed19:59
Noskcajteward, Somewhere on people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/ , i'm not sure exactly what you want 20:04
tewardNoskcaj: for some reason, the sponsorship queue shows nginx listed as `ubuntu-server, kubuntu bugs`20:05
tewardMOTU suggested it might be in the seeds, but IDK why it would be.20:05
tewardtryin to figure out why it's listed as such, and whether it's listed in the seeds or not20:05
tewardand i found out the answer - it's in the kubuntu packageset20:06
tewardnow i'm curious why20:06
NoskcajThere should be a changelog somewhere20:06
tewardNoskcaj: if you find one let me know, i'm curious when, and why, it was added...20:08
NoskcajPerhaps download http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/kubuntu.vivid and grep for nginx, that will let you know where it is20:10
tewardwould be wonderful if it werent a 40420:10
NoskcajSince it's in all+extra it is seeded somewhere20:10
yofelnginx                                                       | nginx                                  | Kubuntu.Vivid supported-misc-servers seed         | Ubuntu Developers <ubuntu-devel-discuss@lists.ubuntu.com>      |            3596 |              4720:11
tewardstill kinda curious why it's considered part of the kubuntu seed20:12
tewardless 'where is it considered part of the seed' and more 'why is it considered part of the seed`20:12
* teward shrugs20:12
yofelI wonder what's supported-misc-servers20:13
tewardsame.  I would udnerstand if it were in the ubuntu server seeds somewhere, but...20:13
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soeelordievader: ci ppa probably is to much unstable20:24
lordievadersoee: You should read the description, their pretty funny ;)20:25
lordievaderBut the weekly is probably quite stable, seeing that I've yet to experience trouble with the landing ppa.20:26
tewardyofel: if you're still around, how would we figure out what a specific seed is for?  (in this case, the Kubuntu.Vivid supported-misc-servers seed)  Who do we bother?22:07
yofelteward: for seed questions I would try asking cjwatson, he'll usually know whats up22:08
tewardoh goody i have to bother him about the LP api so I guess I'll bother him about that22:08
shadeslayerScottK: what's with ktorrent not building on Vivid?22:21
shadeslayerhave logs?22:21
alleeargl.  bzr bd-do is exiting immediately because one of the quilt patches does not longer apply.  What the trick to  bd-do  stay in unpacked sources?23:59

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