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newb-2014Does anyone know why the Plasma 5 variant of the 14.10 live image crashes on startup on my Yoga Pro 2?01:52
znc-in my homedirectory logged in as user of I dont need permissions right02:06
znc-sorry my fault have made something wrong02:07
tootheHi, I JUST installed Ubuntu on this brand new laptop. How do I verify or install the video card drivers?02:34
tootheI've done it before on a work laptop, but I forgot what happened - a popup just appeared before me.02:34
strukturedtoothe: http://www.themukt.com/2014/09/17/10-things-installing-kubuntu/03:33
toothestruktured: I on't see additional drivers when I hit alt-F203:48
tootheI noticed that Kubuntu's search feature searches online....is there a way to disable that?03:50
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jamesbdevHi, could someone please let me know if Kubuntu 14.10 Plasma 5 is stable enough for use on my work desktop?04:40
jamesbdevIt would be safer for me to use 14.10 Plasma 4 but I think plasma 5 is pretty :)04:41
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soeegood morning07:13
lordievaderGood morning.07:40
YukinotteruOyasumi lordievader \o07:53
lordievaderYukinotteru: Ohaiyou o/07:55
YukinotteruEr, sorry07:55
YukinotteruKonbanawa* \o07:55
lordievaderI should install ibus on this box...07:56
hadiwhat is this !08:21
lordievaderhadi: What is what?08:22
znc-can me still run an older kubuntu with working repisotories09:15
znc-got "Unable to Download the following  packages:" could paste it09:16
lordievaderznc-: What version of Kubuntu are you running?09:18
lordievaderznc-: That has been EOL since May 9 2013...09:19
lordievaderYou should upgrade.09:19
znc-ahhh ok09:19
znc-the EOL says what the max of support right09:19
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades09:20
znc-oki got it09:21
znc-lordievader hateball thanks09:21
znc-can I fake an older system, are there links09:22
lordievaderFake an older system? What do you mean?09:23
znc-its rather simple try to compile something old and got always issues because version to new the most time now I wanted to make it in an easy way and just installed kubuntu 11.1009:24
znc-I would like to install just old stuff, like, as if we got the date from before09:24
hateballznc-: Run old stuff in a VM09:24
znc-I hope you understand how I mean it09:25
znc-now just trying to install git but getting some dependancies problems http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Git09:53
znc-sorry http://wiki.ubuntuusers.de/Git09:53
hateballMy german is rusty. But why would you download debian packages if you run *ubuntu?09:55
znc-is that wrong09:55
lordievaderznc-: Yes, you should use Ubuntu packages ;)09:56
znc-oki, do you got a site to search for09:56
lordievaderznc-: old-releases.ubuntu.com is for EOL stuff.09:58
znc-very cool thx09:58
lordievaderElse packages.ubuntu.com09:58
znc-old-releases.ubuntu.com can me use this as reposotory10:00
znc-in order to get use of apt-get10:00
lordievaderDon't know, perhaps.10:00
PigiHi all10:00
znc-ok I try10:00
PigiAnyone use compiz/fusion on kubuntu 14.10 ?10:06
lordievaderPigi: We have Kwin, no need for Compiz.10:07
PigiMore or less. :) There's a bunch of fun widget missing, aren't they ?10:08
PigiFire, water, snow ( as example ;)10:09
PigiOr I'm missing something ?10:09
lordievaderOne could classify them as missing, or not.10:10
PigiYou're right :)10:11
PigiBut what if someone classify those as missing ? Any chance to get it back ?10:11
hateballOne could write such an effect and upload to kde-look.org for instance :)10:13
hateballFor Kwin, that is10:14
Pigihateball: that would be fine, but isn't it redundant ?10:30
hateballPigi: What is redundant?10:30
hateballIf anything Compiz is redundant10:31
Pigito write something that has already been written, I suspect ;)10:31
lordievaderAccording to that argument a lot in the Linux world is redundant...10:33
PigiI agree !10:33
lordievaderPros and cons. As allways.10:34
znc-https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades seems to work so10:41
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znc-hey, in vi the cursors arent changing the cursorposition I got AB.. and backspace just moves the cursor to the left10:59
lordievaderznc-: Try vim ;)10:59
znc-oh yo are here too :(10:59
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BluesKajHowdy folks12:28
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BluesKajhi yv14:42
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Junioralgum brasileiro porai?15:58
dcorbinI attempt "apt-get remove -f <package>" It fails: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/85056ce109a40c4fb134  How do I get this remove?16:02
DJ-Exciteyahoo app fails16:12
BernhardSis there an additional package I need to install to view tga images with gwenview?16:21
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DJ-Excitei need help on someing16:32
DJ-Exciteneed a app for launcher for NJ16:34
WalexBernhardS: probably not...16:44
kavacolordievader: the amd radeon is working now!!!17:16
lordievaderkavaco: Good to hear :)17:17
kavacoi downloaded the kubuntu 14.04 and install17:17
kavacoi think, the problem is on the kubuntu 14.1017:17
kavacolordievader: but, i have a new problem :D17:19
lordievaderkavaco: Shoot ;)17:21
kavacowhen i updating the kubuntu 14.04 on the first exec...17:23
kavacoan error ocurred17:23
kavacomy english is bad, sorry :D17:23
kavacoand, the plasma option there is not on lightdm17:24
kavacoi installed the, xfce to use de system17:25
DJ-Excitewear do i fine Kubuntu for phone17:25
kavaconow, i run the apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, and it is installed...17:29
lordievaderkavaco: How did you install the system?17:31
kavacobut a cant use the muon and another softwares, they do not ask for password then do not work17:32
kavacolordievader: normally17:33
kavacousing a pendrive17:33
lordievaderHmm, now that is hard to believe. Did you check the md5 sum?17:34
lordievaderOr did you use a mini iso or the server iso?17:35
lordievaderkavaco: No on the md5 or no on the alternate iso?17:45
lordievaderHmm, that should be allright... Odd though that the kubuntu-desktop package ain't installed.17:46
kavacolordievader: this error occurred after (or during) the first update. Before that, it worked normally kubuntu17:49
lordievaderkavaco: Going back to your first description, on the first exec an error orccured. What error?17:50
kavacoyes, on first exec, i updated it...17:52
kavacoinstall just some packages, i dont understand17:52
kavacoand i restart the computer17:52
lordievaderkavaco: But what error did you get?17:52
kavacoand the kde dont start anymore17:53
kavaco=> the muon does not ask for password17:53
lordievaderkavaco: Can you still get to a shell, a tty or something?17:54
lordievaderkavaco: What happens when you reinstall kubuntu-desktop?17:55
kavacothe apt-get install just the kubuntu-desktop package, normally17:58
kavacoi think17:58
lordievaderkavaco: It is a meta-package it should ensure you have most stuff that you need.17:58
kavacowhat should be the problem of the muon?17:59
lordievaderNo idea, I never use muon.18:00
kavacoi cant install a program from muon before the kubuntu-desktop problem.18:01
kavacobut then we forget this18:01
lordievaderkavaco: Now I'm uncertain. Did you have a working KDE?18:03
lordievaderkavaco: Ah, I was under the impression that you didn't/18:04
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lordievaderSo the problem is Muon?18:05
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kavacoyou think best reinstall?18:11
lordievaderkavaco: What do you get when you launch it from the Konsole?18:11
kavacothe kubuntu18:11
lordievaderLets not get drastic straight away ;)18:11
kavacousin SUDO, it work18:12
lordievaderkavaco: Course it does, but that ain't the point.18:13
lordievaderkavaco: What you are trying to figure out is why it doesn't prompt you for those rights.18:14
kavacowait a minute, please...18:19
kavacolordievader: the restart, shutdown and logout button on kde menu dont working too18:24
lordievaderkavaco: One issue at a time...18:24
lordievaderkavaco: So do you notice anything interesting when you launch muon from the konsole?18:28
kavacojust this: QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.18:29
kavacoon output18:29
lordievaderOnly that?18:29
kavaconow this: found error while replying QDBusError("org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.InvalidArgs", "")18:31
lordievaderIs that when you try to install something?18:31
lordievaderkavaco: Is dbus running?18:33
kavacofrom "sudo service --status-all"18:34
kavaco[ - ]  dbus18:34
lordievaderkavaco: "sudo service dbus status" is easier, and yes it should be running. However I'm not sure if it should run as root or as the user. What do you get when you run 'qdbus'?18:36
kavacodbus start/running, process 73418:37
lordievaderkavaco: Err, what command gave that output?18:38
kavacodbus start/running, process 734 ----- this?18:38
kavacosudo service dbus status18:39
lordievaderHmm, so it is running.18:40
kavacoI do not want to bother. let's leave it at that.18:42
lordievaderReading a very old bugreport it states that polkit-kde-1 should be installed. Not sure if that is still needed.18:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 833058 in qapt (Ubuntu) "Muon-updater doesn't ask for password" [Undecided,Fix released]18:43
kavacoit is installed18:44
lordievaderkavaco: Read the last few comments and also https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33111418:45
ubottuKDE bug 331114 in updater "muon-updater never works, always need to kill qaptworker" [Normal,Resolved: invalid]18:45
kavacoi dont understand18:47
kavacobut it is working now18:47
kavacoi do restart to test it18:48
kavacoi come back18:48
lordievaderkavaco: What did you do in the meantime?18:48
kavacojust ran the commands you asked18:49
kavacois that the system is unstable?18:50
lordievaderNah, don't think so.18:50
kavacothe restart button is workin now18:50
kavacoi come back18:52
kavacothe restart, shutdown and logout dont working, again. lordievader18:56
kavacolordievader: and the muon dont asked the password, again18:57
lordievaderkavaco: What's the output of 'ps aux|grep dbus'?18:57
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:57
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kavacolordievader: hi19:13
kavacothanks for attention19:14
lordievaderkavaco: I have a dbus-launch among them, not sure if that is related to systemd, but I get the feeling you should have it too...19:17
lordievaderThough you do have the deamon running.. Gues qdbus also output a whole lot?19:18
kavacoyou wonder if that output is complete?19:21
lordievaderkavaco: I don't know. However does 'qdbus' output a lot of text?19:21
lordievaderYeah, then likely it ain't dbus.19:23
kavacoi come back...19:24
starnikhi guys19:59
tertuKSnapshot doesn't actually let me save pictures20:06
tertuit takes a snapshot as you choose to save so i can't actually save the snapshot i wanted to save20:06
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mokushis there a way I can install konqueror with plasma 5 on 14.10?I'm getting an 'unmet dependencies:' error when trying to install22:04
barrapontowhat is the recommended way to try out plasma5 in 14.04?22:06
barrapontoor is it only recommended for 14.10?22:06
lordievaderbarraponto: Either 14.10 or 15.04 if you are really daring.22:07
barrapontomeh, I need it to be compatible with my colleagues :P22:11
barrapontolordievader: thanks22:11
barrapontoI'll go with kde422:11
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MobilRoeymy system's gone geborked.22:46
MobilRoeyI tried do-dist-upgrade -d yesterday22:46
MobilRoeynow KDe won't start.  I see a mouse cursor, the Nvidia splash logo... and then just black (with a cursor)22:46
MobilRoeyI tried fvwm and xfce--same result.22:46
MobilRoeyalso, my console is EXTREMELY slow to draw.. it's not on 80x25 mode (something wider like 135xsomething)22:47
keithzgMobilRoey: Personally I'd try purging all the NVIDIA packages and then reinstalling them.22:48
MobilRoeykeithzg:  well I tried re-installing the NVidia drivers, but I got the same result.  Is it NVidia that's the issue though?  I do see the NVidia logo on X startup, after all22:52
keithzgMibilRoey: Well, if you're having slow drawing and such, it does sound like it would be.22:53
keithzgTo be clear here, I don't just mean uninstall.22:54
keithzgI mean outright purge.22:54
keithzgI've had issues in the past where old NVIDIA configs and libraries were left around and screwed me upon upgrading.22:54
keithzg(Had the same thing recently with AMD graphics, to be fair.)22:54
MobilRoeyI wonder if the NVidia installer has a purge option22:55
keithzgI wouldn't use the NVIDIA installer if I was you!22:55
keithzgThe packages that ship with *buntu are far safer.22:55
keithzgAlso it could be worth purging the NVIDIA graphics and then seeing, upon reboot, if the fallback drivers (likely it'll default down to noveau) have the same issues. If they don't, then you do know it's the drivers at fault.22:56
MobilRoeyoh my toe22:56
MobilRoeyoh my go22:56
MobilRoeyno purge on nvidia binw22:56
MobilRoeyI'll bbaib22:56
unopasteMobilRoey you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted22:56
soeeMobilRoey: what version of Kubuntu are you running?22:59
MobilRoeyanyone still here?23:27
MobilRoeykeithzg:  also I think I have the nouveau drivers blacklisted as they caused issues for me23:28
keithzgMobilRoey: Might be worth un-blacklisting them for the time being.23:31
keithzgSo have you purged the NVIDIA drivers now, or?23:31
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MobilRoeykeithzg:  ah23:57
MobilRoeykeithzg:  I have not purged them23:57
MobilRoeydon't know how to purge it manually23:57
MobilRoeyI mean, maybe purging the nouveau packages will do that23:57
MobilRoeyapt-get --purge23:57
keithzgIf you've installed via the NVIDIA installer, yeah, it may not be easy to purge.23:58
keithzgBut you can certainly search your PC for what it has left behind.23:58

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