
gggif I am installing lubuntu on T61 Lenovo 2 GB ram is it better to install 32 bit version?00:48
gggor 6200:48
gggwhich one is faster?00:48
wxlyou playing games or doing video editing ggg ?00:49
wxlthen it doesn't really matter00:49
wxlhowever, i would argue that 64bit is a little more "common"00:49
gggalso it seems screen refresh rate is lower in ubuntu or something00:50
Unit193If you have a fair amount of RAM and your computer supports it, 64bit.00:50
gggeyes get tired :D00:50
gggin win its ok00:50
wxlUnit193: although, that's really not often achieved outside of computationally intensive programs00:50
wxlggg: you can change that of course00:50
wxlthere's been talk in the ubuntu community about getting rid of 32 bit images00:50
wxlfrom what i can tell this is not ready to happen, but it may be a harbinger of what's to come00:50
wxlexcellent :)00:51
gggwx1 lol I wonder what in lubuntu makes screen to harsh on eyes00:52
gggdiff drivers?00:52
wxldepends on whether or not your chip has an open source driver00:52
wxlif so, it's probably the same00:52
gggi dont think it have00:52
gggscreen looks  a bit like robotron lol00:53
gggoki time to sleep00:56
gggscreen really mad00:56
acecipherHey, how does one move the control bar thing down on screen?01:48
ianorlinacecipher you can drag window with alt +mouse02:53
ianorlindid you move panel?02:54
acecipherElyssa needs it02:57
ianorlinthe panel?03:54
=== LarrySteeze is now known as LarrySteeze|Away
anjo-aladiahThere is any way to personalize the Keybord under Lubuntu or ubuntu ? My keyboard is Spanish and i use to right in Portuguese, so i not able to put the ~ up on the A or the O !Some tip to help me ?There is any way to personalize the Keybord under Lubuntu or ubuntu ? My keyboard is Spanish and i use to right in Portuguese, so i not able to put the ~ up on the A or the O !Some tip to help me ?06:32
anjo-aladiahThere is some way to run a website that need Microsfot Silverlight to run under ubuntu or lubuntu ?06:34
anjo-aladiahlike this one http://irisonline.pt/06:34
wxlok, here's the question for the advanced support: how do you set your own compose sequences? having import "%L" plus definitions in ~/.XCompose does not seem to be enough06:53
hateballanjo-aladiah: I don't think there's any other way than using WINE these days06:54
wxlsilverlight? i think the mono guys made something along those lines.06:55
wxlbut afaik silverlight's on its way out06:55
anjo-aladiahi am no able to install moonlight on console06:55
anjo-aladiahWhy i cant install linux microsoft silver light alternativa ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/9067112/06:55
anjo-aladiahThere is some Lubuntu or ubuntu alternative to Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator 1.406:55
anjo-aladiahi need to personalizes my Spanish Keyboard because iam Portuguese.In the Key i have ¨ and ' and { , i need ~, but this one iam not able to put it up on the A or the O letter .06:56
wxlyou mean you want à and Õ06:57
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.06:57
hateballafaik moonlight is dead and buried06:58
hateballrunning Firefox or IE in wine is probably a less painful solution06:58
wxlrmadison moonlight-plugin-mozilla is sure taking its sweet time :)06:58
wxloh ic why06:59
wxlavailable only for lucid06:59
wxlthat's why anjo-aladiah -- development died06:59
wxl!info moonlight-plugin-mozilla lucid06:59
ubottumoonlight-plugin-mozilla (source: moon): Free Software clone of Silverlight 2.0 - Xulrunner 1.9 plugin. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2-0ubuntu1.1 (lucid), package size 59 kB, installed size 220 kB06:59
wxlso there it is06:59
wxland if we look at the current lts version:06:59
wxl!info moonlight-plugin-mozilla trusty06:59
ubottuPackage moonlight-plugin-mozilla does not exist in trusty06:59
wxlit's not there06:59
wxlthere's no repos on mono's git hub07:01
wxli think we can call it dead07:01
wxloh nope it exists07:01
anjo-aladiahThere is an alternative to open this website07:01
anjo-aladiahirisonline.pt ?07:02
wxllatest commit over a year ago07:02
wxlyou could built it yourself https://github.com/mono/moon07:02
wxlanjo-aladiah: it may be easier to help you in portugese. try #ubuntu-br or #ubuntu-pt07:02
hateballWhy not just use Wine, that way the silverlight stain is contained even more07:03
anjo-aladiahI prefere English room, its more internationalized and better help07:04
anjo-aladiahmore people07:04
anjo-aladiahmore ideas07:04
wxlanjo-aladiah: well, in that case, either use firefox in wine or compile moon yourself.07:05
wxlanjo-aladiah: although i bet you the guys that speak your language probably have more direct experience with dealing with the keyboard.07:05
anjo-aladiahno they dont.07:06
wxlwell more than i do :)07:06
anjo-aladiahPortuguese people use to buy portuguese  laptops with portuguese keyboard07:06
anjo-aladiahI went to Spain buy one with 17 inchs that they dont sell for a faire price in Portugal at all or they dont sell at all07:07
anjo-aladiahthats why07:07
anjo-aladiahIts easy to find a South american Brazilian with a south american Spanish with this problem07:08
hateballI don't understand the issue, is it that you can't change layout?07:09
hateballEven if the physical keyboard is spanish you should be able to change the layout to portugese07:09
hateballThat's me07:16
anjo-aladiahhateball: i need to personalizes my Spanish Keyboard because iam Portuguese.In the Key i have ¨ and ' and { , i need ~, but this one iam not able to put it up on the A or the O letter .07:16
wxllike Ã07:16
wxltechnically compose will take care of it07:16
anjo-aladiahThere is some Lubuntu or ubuntu alternative to Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator 1.4  ? Someone in Ubuntu room toold me the LXDEkeytool is able to do it07:17
anjo-aladiahthanks any way07:17
anjo-aladiahyes wxl07:17
anjo-aladiahthas it07:17
anjo-aladiahiam only able to Ä07:17
anjo-aladiahits different doesnit ?07:17
wxlhard to tell at the font size i'm using :)07:18
wxlwith the compose key i just alt A ~07:18
wxli have alt set to the compose key07:18
anjo-aladiahiam able to tyoe ~07:18
anjo-aladiahbut not able to put it up on the consoant07:18
wxlif you add the following to ~/.config/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart it will work for you:07:19
wxl@setxkbmap -option compose:ralt07:19
wxlnote that will make it work for the RIGHT alt07:19
anjo-aladiahthat to much hacking for me .07:20
anjo-aladiahif i put that sentence any where inside that file, ¨ ' {   key will i give ~' {    for sure ?=07:21
wxli can't understand what you're asking07:23
anjo-aladiahbecause ~  doesn exist in this keyboard, i read on internet that if i did Alt gr + 4  key combination( note this key show me 4$ charaters), it will gave me ~, and it did but not the way i want up on the consoants !07:24
wxlhow are you able to type it then?07:24
anjo-aladiahdoing Alt gr + 4 key combination( note this key show me 4$ charaters)07:25
anjo-aladiahbut this ~ is under line07:25
anjo-aladiahwhen i do the combination it appear even before i type any letter!07:25
anjo-aladiahits hilariant07:25
wxl<compose key> <A> <~> = Ã07:25
wxljust like <compose> <.> <.> = …07:26
wxland <compose> <C> <|> = ¢07:26
wxland <compose> <e> <=> = €07:26
anjo-aladiahho my friend if i was close to you , i will pay you to do it for me .07:27
anjo-aladiahbelieve me07:27
* wxl shrugs07:27
anjo-aladiahiam not well prepared to do it07:27
wxltry using setxkbmap -option compose:ralt in a run window or a terminal07:27
anjo-aladiahi will do it now07:28
anjo-aladiahok Ç?07:28
anjo-aladiahyou help me07:28
wxlif you put it with the @ in that autostart file it will be done automatically from here on out07:28
anjo-aladiahfirst of all i put @setxkbmap -option compose:ralt  on terminal right ?07:28
anjo-aladiahor first i have to open the file07:29
wxlif you already have that running, then you're good for this session07:30
wxlif you add that to the autostart file, then it will work next time and there on out07:30
anjo-aladiahi need to open and modify the file first doesn it07:32
hateball"echo @setxkbmap -option compose:ralt > ~/.config/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart"07:33
hateballjust paste that, done07:33
wxlmisplaced echo?07:33
anjo-aladiahthere is a way to revert if something went wrong ?07:33
anjo-aladiahso i will type in console :   echo @setxkbmap -option compose:ralt > ~/.config/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart07:34
anjo-aladiahwxl there is a way to revert if something go wrong ?07:34
wxlanjo-aladiah: quite easy to fix. but you should type the following EXACTLY:07:34
wxlecho "@setxkbmap -option compose:ralt" >> ~/.config/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart07:35
anjo-aladiahok i did it07:35
anjo-aladiahthe console dont answear me nothing . it s normal ?07:35
wxlyep that's usually a good sign07:35
hateballwxl: Yes, bit too fast on the trigger. Not enough coffee :)07:35
wxlhateball: aye yae yae07:36
anjo-aladiahäÄ~aæ´wxl  +07:36
wxlhahaha someone's having fun over there XD07:36
anjo-aladiahthis did nothing07:36
wxlright alt letter tilde07:37
wxlthat's alt a e07:38
wxla then ~07:38
anjo-aladiahi dont have ~ on my keyboard remember ?07:38
wxlthen how can you type it??? :)07:39
anjo-aladiahAlt Gr + 407:39
wxloh sheesh07:39
anjo-aladiahand it appear imediatly07:39
anjo-aladiaheven before a type a or o or anything07:40
hateballalt gr is "right alt", if anyone is confused here07:40
anjo-aladiahwxl what i should type now to revert the process07:40
wxlthat may be the problem07:40
wxljust edit the file and change ralt to lalt07:40
wxlthen run the command in terminal07:40
wxlwith any file editor you like including leafpad07:41
anjo-aladiahtell me07:41
anjo-aladiahthe command07:41
wxlopen leafpad07:41
wxldo file open07:41
wxlnavigate to the file07:41
wxlopen it07:41
wxlchange the r to and l07:41
wxlsave the file07:41
anjo-aladiahwhere it is =07:41
wxlyour home directory /.config/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart07:42
anjo-aladiahok i did it07:43
anjo-aladiahand save07:43
anjo-aladiahnow reboot need ?07:43
wxlgood now actually run the command in terminal07:43
anjo-aladiahwhat command ?¿07:43
anjo-aladiahecho @setxkbmap -option compose:ralt > ~/.config/lxsession/Lubuntu/autostart07:43
wxlsetxkbmap -option compose:lalt07:43
anjo-aladiah ?07:43
wxlthen do the following:07:43
wxl<left alt> <A> <altgr + 4>07:44
anjo-aladiahnothing happens07:45
anjo-aladiahdont work at all07:45
wxltry restarting07:45
anjo-aladiahreboot ?07:45
anjo-aladiahwxl: iam back . After reboot it doesn t work . Please how can i put things as they were prior to our interventation ?09:55
anjo-aladiahwxl: do you remember what we did http://paste.ubuntu.com/9069492/09:59
anjo-aladiahthen i chenge RALT TO LALT as you said10:04
NyanCatphillw, are you around by chance?17:53
NyanCatSince there's a chance that person might be: I was in here two days ago. I've got an Acer Aspire One 725-0826 and I reported that waking up from suspension was not working properly (blank screen). I was experimenting and tried `sudo pm-suspend` and... Well, that worked17:56
NyanCatBut closing the lid or suspending from shutdown screen still doesn't work17:56
holsteinyeah.. it can be challenging.. on hardware that doesnt support linux well, i usually come up with a workaround. in some cases, just not using or expecting suspend support17:56
NyanCatThough I know it's possible on this unit because suspend/resume works fine using regular Ubuntu with Unity17:57
holsteinsure.. just make sure you are comparing the same versions.. like 14.04 ubuntu vs 14.04 lubuntu.. and not, different kernels17:59
NyanCatholstein, hmm, nice one18:01
NyanCatNow that you mention it...18:01
NyanCatI'm not sure that I'm running the same version18:02
holsteinNyanCat: you can probably test with the live iso's.. if you dont need proprietary graphics drivers..18:02
NyanCatThough actually that right there might be the issue18:03
NyanCatJust noticed that i'm using stock for everything18:03
NyanCatand apparently the os is reporting that my wireless isn't working even though... i'm connected through wireless18:03
holsteinits a matter of just isolating, and keeping an open mind.. since, you are not promised linux support. it can be challenging, for sure18:03
NyanCatwell heck holstein if you hadn't have mentioned the word proprietary i wouldn't have checked18:03
NyanCatSo it's certainly more help than anything (:18:04
NyanCatholstein, going to reboot and try again18:07
NyanCatlooks promising so far18:07
holsteinNyanCat: i wish i could say "it wont hurt" ;)18:08
NyanCatholstein, hah18:14
NyanCatwell, if it does hurt, i'm punching you first18:14
NyanCatIT WORKED18:15
NyanCati resumed to lock screen18:15
holsteinNyanCat: cheers.. that was easy18:15
NyanCatnow i can use an OS that goes easier on my battery!18:16
phillwNyanCat: I am, but seems problem solved :)18:22
NyanCatheck yeah18:22
NyanCatholstein, just playing with it here19:20
NyanCatit's a bit touchy, but it works to my liking19:20
NyanCatsometimes i have to close the lid again and then reopen it19:21
aarondabombHey fellas, is anyone here very familiar with lxle? I just switched from lubuntu to lxle, and I think some configuration settings are left over in my home partition and I'm trying to change them act more like lxle does in a live boot19:27
testdraarondabomb: create a new user (maybe with admin-rights) and check this default clean empty one -- then you can compare to all those configurations in your old-home-directory in   .config  .local .gconf and so on19:30
aarondabombtestdr: thanks that's a good idea!19:31
Hertzany ideas how I can get proper video driver for t61 laptop?23:50
Hertzthere is some funny stuff goes on23:51
Hertzeyes get tired fast23:51
Hertzlike some barely noticeable flickering23:51
ianorlinHertz what kind of graphics on the laptop?23:57

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