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ahoneybunhello all04:20
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dholbachgood morning07:57
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mihiranybody need Inbox invite let me know i got few :)08:16
mzanettidpm: is there a reason we're using only "com.ubuntu.reminders" and not "com.ubuntu.reminders_reminders" as appid?08:42
dpmhi mzanetti, not particularly, no. I think it had the _reminders at some point, and it was removed to work around some issue I can't quite remember. I think it should be ok to re-add it now08:44
mzanettidpm: probably something with the multiple apps in our click08:45
dpmyeah, I can't quite remember08:46
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Entrepreneurship Day! :-D09:38
kalikianahmmm lately system settings keeps freezing and not responding anymore09:42
kalikianait seems related to updates09:42
kalikiana(just thinking out loud here since I don't really know what is happening there)09:43
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mivoligomzanetti: hi11:27
mzanettihi mivoligo11:28
mivoligomzanetti: as I'm doing underwater backgrounds now I was thinking about giving up on another 5 levels in some different theme and instead do one more for each theme we have11:30
mzanettimivoligo: I liked the fact that we had one row per level set in the level selector11:31
mzanettimivoligo: but I can't force you to paint yet another theme11:31
mivoligomzanetti: I was thinking about that and we may do 6 levels on one page in level selection11:31
mivoligomzanetti: 2 rows with 3 bigger icons than we have now11:33
mzanettioh, I see11:33
mzanettiso each page would have another theme11:33
mzanettisounds good11:33
mzanettiwe'd have 5 pages with 6 levels each11:33
mzanettiyeah, works for me I guess11:33
mivoligogreat :)11:34
popeyyou guys gonna make this a paid game? ☻11:34
popeyyou're putting quite a bit of work into it!11:34
mzanettihmm... might be worth considering :D11:35
mivoligopopey: mzanetti is my hero, so I'm doing that mostly for him ;)11:35
popeyyou guys11:35
popey(get a room)11:35
mivoligoseriously though, it really takes a ton of time11:36
mzanettiI guess I've only spend more time on xbmcremote so far11:37
mzanettioh well, reminders is pretty time consuming too11:37
mzanettithe others are pretty much in the range of 5 evenings11:38
mivoligomzanetti: I'd tell you how much time I spent on the game but you wouldn't believe me :D11:39
mzanettiI do11:39
mzanettiIf I imagine I would have to paint all this...11:39
mzanettimivoligo: but we're really close now11:39
mivoligolet me check zeegaree11:39
* mzanetti is not sure he wants to know :D11:40
mzanettiwe can try to monetize it somehow11:40
mzanettibut if I think about ads popping up between levels I start feeling sick11:40
mivoligoabout 150 work units documented :D11:41
mzanettiand a work unit is between 1 hour ad 6 hours I guess11:41
mivoligofortunately not as much, about 25 minutes11:41
mzanettiah ok11:41
mzanettithat makes ~80 hours11:42
mzanettiI guess I've spent a bit more on it by now11:42
mivoligogood to hear that :)11:42
* kalikiana would be curious what the first monetized game looks like11:43
kalikianamaybe system76 ads? :-D11:43
mivoligomzanetti: I was afraid you magically produce the game code in no time :D11:44
mzanettikalikiana: lol11:44
mzanettimivoligo: I wish. It wasn't too much in the beginning, but then you came up with all those cool ideas about the different shots, animations, behaviors and everything11:45
mzanettiand suddenly it turned into real work :D11:45
mivoligomzanetti: hehe11:45
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mzanettistill enjoy it though. although I've been really busy with reminders the last weeks11:46
mivoligomzanetti: I think underground theme will be nicest so far but svg will be few MB each :P11:47
mzanettimivoligo: underground or underwater?11:48
mivoligomzanetti: sorry, underwater11:48
mzanettiI'm soo looking forward to that one :)11:49
mivoligomzanetti: one more idea before I go shopping11:49
mzanettimy gf asked me about it a few days ago, when I showed her the city levels (which I really love btw)11:49
mivoligomzanetti: can we do zoom animation at the level start. From the whole board view to playable area?11:50
mzanettimivoligo: yep, great idea11:50
mivoligomzanetti: that way a user will have some imagination what it is what she's looking at11:51
mzanettiyeah, definitely +1 from me11:51
mivoligomzanetti: ok, I'm afk now. Hope to finish the levels in this week11:52
mzanettiawesome :)11:52
mivoligomzanetti: :) see you arround11:53
nik90_dpm: hey, tsdgeos provided a possible solution to yesterday's MP. However we need to test if it works by first merging to trunk. Shall we merge https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/fix-translation-string/+merge/241980 ?12:33
mzanettikalikiana: heh, I bet that was because of Jussi's mail12:35
kalikianamzanetti: love at first sight ;-)12:37
popeynik90_: possible clock bug. have no alarms, set one for every day in a few mins time, wait for it to go of, then go back to clock and it says "No active alarms" yet there's clearly a repeating one when you swipe up...12:43
popeynik90_: so should say "Next alarm in 1d" or somesuch.12:43
nik90_popey: yeah, the issue there is that the clock app needs to refresh the alarm model when an alarm goes of..but there isn't a method to call in the alarms api12:44
nik90_so it is still looking at the old data12:44
popeynik90_: do we have a bug for it?12:45
popeypmcgowan: ^12:45
nik90_popey: yeah I reported the bug but it wasn't considered critical12:46
nik90_let me find the bug12:46
nik90_popey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/138055912:46
ubot5Launchpad bug 1380559 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "[API Request] Alarms API should expose a slot Update() to allow app devs to manually refresh the model" [High,In progress]12:46
popeypmcgowan: seems bzoltan set in progress a month back..12:48
popeythanks nik90_12:48
dpmnik90_, reviewed and commented, thanks!12:49
nik90_dpm: let's see if launchpad recognizes that gettext comment12:49
nik90_thnx for the review12:50
nik90_dpm: tsdgeos approved it. Shall I top-approve?12:57
bzoltanpopey: nik90_: pmcgowan: I have my eyes on that bug, but sadly it does not have the tags on it what could pull it up on the top of the higher priority bugs.12:57
pmcgowanbzoltan, it does now :)12:58
pmcgowanor will soon12:58
bzoltanpmcgowan: thank you :)12:59
nik90_popey: this will require a fix to land in the clock app as well, to make use of the refresh() function when an alarm has gone off.13:00
bzoltanpmcgowan: popey: nik90_: note that this bug actually has a fix what consists of two seprate MRs, these MRs need to be reviewed and integrated.13:02
nik90_bzoltan: 2 MRs?13:02
bzoltannik90_: https://code.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/expose-alarmmodel-reset/+merge/23880213:03
bzoltannik90_: https://code.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/alarm-data-adaptation/+merge/23761113:03
nik90_bzoltan: hmm, the 2nd MP is a massive code change though13:04
bzoltannik90_: yes,  it is not a light one13:04
bzoltannik90_:  but I just agreed with zsombi that this issue is th enext in queue13:11
nik90_bzoltan: cool,13:12
zsombinik90_: so, I'll bother you allot for testing :)13:12
zsombinik90_: perhaps we'll have to touch teh app :/13:12
nik90_zsombi: touch the app? I realise this would require some subtle code changes in the clock app13:13
zsombinik90_: yes... the async update might suffer updates, but I'll let U know if we have to13:14
nik90_zsombi: ok13:15
zsombikalikiana: no API change!!... seems the API checker doesn't see it13:19
kalikianazsombi: there is. you no longer have the signal in the subclass13:21
zsombikalikiana: make check passed teh API check...13:21
kalikianazsombi: !?13:21
kalikianaI saw it fail13:21
zsombikalikiana: so where would I have it then?13:21
kalikianazsombi: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-sdk-team-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-staging-utopic-armhf-ci/1060/console13:22
zsombikalikiana: I see it... wth??!13:23
zsombikalikiana: then why make check pass????13:23
kalikianawell, you see that it fails there. not sure why it would pass for you13:24
zsombizbenjamin: kalikiana: t1mp: did anyone of you change the make check recently?13:26
zsombithe API check used to be executed before the tst_alarm...13:26
kalikianazsombi: in my clean-up branch I moved it up into the tests.pro because it was wrongly executed twice before13:28
kalikianaso it was actually run for unit and again for unit_x11 before13:29
zsombikalikiana: do we have a way to execute that script separately?13:29
kalikianazsombi: sure. just do ./tests/qmlapicheck.sh .13:30
zsombikalikiana: like tests/qmlapicheck.sh used to work previously13:30
kalikiana(the argument is new, so cmake can use a different build folder)13:30
zsombikalikiana: but it got broken at some point...13:30
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kalikianaI guess we could add a default of some sort for the build folder if the argument is too annoying13:31
kalikianajust for cmake it can be any folder13:31
zsombikalikiana: ah, right! thx!!13:31
kalikiana(come to think of it… zbenjamin, what's with the cmake branch? :-P)13:31
zsombiI can see the signals missing now... but tbh, why there were two signals there??13:32
zsombikalikiana: the branch is up to date13:34
kalikianathat I don't know… ask the qt type system :-P13:34
kalikianacool, checking13:34
zsombinik90_: bzoltan: now, Alarm MRs!13:34
kalikianazsombi: niiice13:35
kalikianaalso, I'll have a present for you in a minute. I'm sure you'll like it13:37
zbenjaminkalikiana: the cmake branch is sitting around atm... i need to sync with trunk again13:40
kalikianazbenjamin: I see it every time I make a merge request, teasing me :-P13:42
kalikianazsombi: check this out https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/runUnitTestsWithLauncher/+merge/24207313:42
kalikianaidea taken from unity813:42
zsombikalikiana: ok... I am a bit tired but I don't see the point...13:44
kalikianazsombi: try running qmlscene tst_dialer.qml :-)13:45
kalikianayou'll notice it doesn't work13:45
zsombikalikiana: ah!13:45
kalikianaI was looking for a way around this to figure out the failures in the cursor branch13:46
zsombioh, super cool!!!!!13:46
zsombikalikiana: U made my day!!!13:46
kalikianaso now I can see the same things the test can see13:46
kalikianazsombi: :-D13:46
zsombikalikiana: I woke up @4am...13:46
kalikianaI see why you're tired13:46
kalikianayou feel like leo when he used to attend out meetings I bet :-D13:47
zsombiyeah... Iand I'll have an app rotation meeting in 10 mins...13:48
zsombiwhich reminds me to get a cup of tee13:49
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zsombikalikiana: this MR is a super cool one!!! dude, I just love it!!!!13:54
kalikianazsombi: I found one little thing to add there, don't h it yet, please13:56
kalikianait doesn't handle windowShown13:56
zsombikalikiana: ouh, just did13:56
kalikianaso it can give an annoying warning message13:56
kalikianaoh well, if it goes on I'll make another one :-P13:56
zsombikalikiana: just rolled back13:56
zsombikalikiana: anyway autolanding will take it only after CI ends its job13:57
kalikianazsombi: rolled back like this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ13:57
kalikianahmmm I wonder if I could actually have some kind of test case for this new feature13:58
kalikianamaybe a simple ap test that aborts if it warns13:58
dpmdavidcalle, mhall119, could we add a tutorials section to http://developer.ubuntu.com/web/, so that we can publish http://developer.ubuntu.com/web/web-app-tutorial/ under it?14:08
dpmI just realized that the tutorial is not linked to anywhere on the site14:08
davidcalledpm, it is, in the left menu :p But sure, doing that in a moment.14:11
dpmdavidcalle, oh, I see it now, I was just trying to find the tutorials tab14:12
beunojdstrand, dholbach, review scripts rolled out14:13
dholbachbeuno, rock on14:13
jdstrandbeuno: thanks!14:16
mhall119dpm: that's fine by me14:28
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zsombinik90_: dude16:21
zsombinik90_: can you run the clock app locally?16:21
zsombinik90_: on desktop I mean?16:21
nik90_zsombi: 14.10?16:22
zsombinik90_: yes16:22
nik90_zsombi: yeah16:23
zsombiThe crashed program seems to use third-party or local libraries:16:23
zsombinik90_: I get this:16:23
nik90_zsombi: how did you run it?16:23
zsombinik90_: from QtC16:23
nik90_you need to pass the libraries while running qmlscene16:23
zsombinik90_: ehh...16:24
zsombinik90_: how you run it from QtC?16:24
nik90_zsombi: hmm, I am running 14.10 on lxc, and I can open it via Qtc by just pressing the green button16:24
zsombinik90_: same did here, opened the cmake project, built, and tried running it...16:25
nik90_zsombi: let me update my system and try it16:26
zsombinik90_: do you remember what was the issue with the branch? I cannot find any logs in the branch, but remember you saw an issue with...16:27
nik90_zsombi: I vaguely remember that I wasn't able to disable alarms.16:28
zsombinik90_: yeah... and for that I need to get your app running on desktop :(16:29
nik90_zsombi: can you run via qmlscene16:30
* t1mp break, bbl16:31
nik90_bzr branch lp:ubuntu-clock-app16:31
nik90_cd ubuntu-clock-app16:31
nik90_mkdir builddir && cd builddir16:31
nik90_cmake .. && make16:31
nik90_qmlscene ../app/ubuntu-clock-app.qml -I backend/16:31
t1mpwrong channel :)16:31
zsombinik90_: uhh...16:32
zsombinik90_: QtC places all the crap in an upper folder...16:32
zsombinik90_: ok, did it like that, core dumped, cannot find module configuration file16:35
zsombinik90_: huh? Ubuntu Platform API sais that to me!16:37
nik90_QGeoclueMaster error creating GeoclueMasterClient.16:38
nik90_Geoclue error: The name org.freedesktop.Geoclue.Master was not provided by any .service files16:38
nik90_That's the only warning message that I get16:38
nik90_for some reason my lxc container broke :/ I don't have 14.10 for now.16:38
* nik90_ brb16:41
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mihirhey popey17:19
mihirhey nik90_ you got some time for testing MPs ?17:22
taiebotHi guys i am hitting bugs with the new music app. New music app does not seem to show songs in album view properly. I do not know why but there is one song which is showing in the wrong album. And all the various artists albums do not have any song in them. Does anyone notice the same?18:26
ahayzentaiebot, sounds possible the way various artists/albums works with mediascanner2 is a bit fuggerly at the moment18:27
ahayzentaiebot, what happens if you go Artist->Album->Song does that have the same result? (just so i can compare)18:28
taiebotDo you want a bug for this?18:28
taiebotIt is the same zero songs. while they are displayed in songs18:28
ahayzentaiebot, maybe let me check there isn't something already18:28
ahayzentaiebot, bug 1377510 ?18:30
ubot5bug 1377510 in Ubuntu Music App "[music] Soundtracks and other "Various Artists" album types are not well supported in the Albums tab" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137751018:30
ahayzen...but i thought we tweaked this18:30
taiebotMmmh its not really the same. Now various artists albums have a different category with a "weird" icon. And if you go to the album view it says 0 songs. In the artist view you can though launch the music while not in the album view as there is 0 songs18:33
ahayzenugh :/ taiebot are you able to take some screenshots so i can see what has happened?18:33
taiebotNo probs.18:34
taiebotOk various artist view http://tinyurl.com/oqqtlgc here i can launch music and here the view inside the albums http://tinyurl.com/olwoj4u the three albums in the various artist view do not have songs in them so i suppose its related to this.18:36
taiebotNew bug?18:38
taiebotSomeone should confirm though..18:38
ahayzentaiebot, probably if you could attach your database file, screenshots18:38
taiebotwhats the path of the database location?18:39
ahayzentaiebot, the database file is at .... ~/.local/share/com.ubuntu.music/Databases/18:39
ahayzentaiebot, you'll probably just want to zip up that folder as there can be multiple18:40
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ahayzentaiebot, also the files affected would you be able to detail what the album/artist is from nautilus/something on the desktop as well (just to check)18:41
taiebotSorry would like the path of the albums which are affected?18:43
ahayzentaiebot, no i was just thinking if the actual files which *should* be appearing if knowing what nautilus thinks the artist/album of them is would help18:44
ahayzentaiebot, ah damn even the database file won't give you much as nothing is in there anymore :/18:44
taiebotThey do appear in songs so they are correctly recognised.18:44
ahayzenyeah but it is the filtering that is failing18:44
ahayzentaiebot, maybe attaching one of the actual music files which should be appearing to the bug may help18:47
taiebotNo problem18:47
ahayzentaiebot, as then we can put it on our device :)18:47
taiebotWill give you some nice jazz then..18:48
ahayzentaiebot, victor thinks that bug 1377510 could be related but you can do a separate bug for now and we'll merge them if needed18:48
ubot5bug 1377510 in Ubuntu Music App "[music] Soundtracks and other "Various Artists" album types are not well supported in the Albums tab" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137751018:48
taiebotYeah the tittle look quite the same18:49
taiebotI could maybe add a file on the bug18:49
ahayzentaiebot, which ever you feel is more appropriate18:50
ahayzentaiebot, separate bug or extending the current is fine by me...a separate bug may be slightly better as we aren't sure if it is the same issue18:51
taiebotWould still one file show as various artist?18:51
ahayzenshould do18:51
ahayzenas it is the actual artist metadata that says "various artist" IIRC18:52
ahayzenunless ms2 is being cleaver..18:52
ubot5Launchpad bug 1393907 in Ubuntu Music App "No songs displayed in the album view of albums corresponding to the various artist group" [Undecided,New]19:01
ahayzentaiebot, thanks i'll let you know if we need another file from the same album...19:02
ahayzentaiebot, or maybe you should just attach one anyway19:02
ahayzentaiebot, i'll check it out tonight or victor will get to it before me lol19:02
taiebotShould that kind of bug be private as there is Copyrighted material on it ?19:03
ahayzentaiebot, eh we've done it before... but maybe? popey ^^ what should we do about attaching copyrighted material to lp bugs?19:04
popeywe don't, generally19:05
ahayzenheh a few of our bugs have a few mp3s etc on them19:06
ahayzenpopey, should we just remove the attachments once the bug is confirmed or something? or should we not do it in the first place?19:06
popeyideally not do it in the first place.19:07
ahayzenok :/19:07
popeyit puts us at risk of lawyers being all lawyery19:07
popeyI can't stop people privately sharing files though19:07
ahayzengood point19:07
ahayzentaiebot, maybe it is best if you email me and victor with 2 of the files from the album19:08
ahayzentaiebot, and then remove them from the bug19:08
taiebotThey are on the bug i can live them for an hour and delete them19:08
ahayzentaiebot, cool i'll download them and delete them after :)19:09
taiebotsorry leave them19:09
ahayzentaiebot, i've got them ... i'm not sure if i can delete someone elses attachments so you may have todo that19:10
ahayzentaiebot, oh no i've found it19:10
ahayzentaiebot, done thanks :) one of us will get round to that tonight hopefully19:12
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