
pittiGood morning04:49
Mirvtkamppeter: I don't know, although I think Qt 4 itself will be end of support next year04:59
Mirvand it will be also dropped from jessie + 104:59
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larsutedg: according to that warning it looks like cups is not running06:58
larsugood morning!06:58
didrocksgood morning07:28
larsuhi didrocks!07:30
didrockshey larsu07:30
=== mlankhor1t is now known as mlankhorst
seb128lut didrocks07:33
seb128hey larsu07:33
seb128good morning desktopers07:33
didrockssalut seb12807:34
mlankhorstca va?07:34
didrockshi mlankhorst, ça va, et toi ?07:34
seb128hey mlankhorst07:37
mlankhorstI exhausted my french quotum for today07:37
mlankhorstbut it goes well07:38
seb128how is the work on xmir going? ;-)07:39
* pitti waves to the desktop crowd -- finally some life here!07:41
seb128lut pitti07:43
seb128pitti, depuis quand est-ce que tu es réveillé ?07:43
pittiseb128: depuis 5:30 aujourd'hui07:43
seb128pitti, c'est tôt !07:44
pittic'est le temps normal à nouveau, apres les examinations d'Annett :)07:44
didrocksmorning pitti07:46
seb128pitti, c'est dur de se lever aussi tôt, surtout en hiver quand il fait nuit et froid!07:48
pittiseb128: en effet :/ mais quand je me sense éveillé je me leve avec ma femme07:49
seb128pitti, je comprends, dit à Annett de se lever plus tard !07:56
pittiseb128: je luit dis ça tous les jours :)07:58
tkamppeterMirv, thank you very much, I already got answers for my questions yesterday onb #ubvuntu-devel.08:00
mlankhorstseb128: steadily, I have a working prototype that uses mir sw rendering. Glamor is going to be a bit of a pain, as will DRI2 accel be. :P08:00
mlankhorstwon't be as featureful as xorg-mir, because mir itself is lacking some features..08:01
didrocksseb128: did you feel that thunderbird is less responsive for you? I keep having it freezing multiple times a day08:07
didrocksor clicking on messages doesn't display content, have to go to other folder to force a refresh…08:08
mlankhorstdri2 accel might end up being faster because Xorg-mir requires a copy, I can override the dri2 module in XMir to prevent copying when compositing is active. :x08:13
seb128didrocks, no issue here, I run it all day with the 3 imap accounts, including the canonical one08:16
larsudidrocks: maybe these are the starting signs of its end? It is hardly maintained these days, is it?08:17
didrockslarsu: I don't know if it's thunderbird itself or a consequence of a vivid change TBH08:18
didrockslarsu: it doesn't seem we are using cpu cgroups share in systemd for instance, so I can't blame that one08:18
darkxsthey seb128 didrocks pitti08:18
didrocksmorning darkxst08:18
didrocksor rather evening :)08:19
darkxstdidrocks, yeh that is more accurate!08:19
duflumlankhorst: Windowed or fullscreen? In the latter the Mir server will at least use bypass (no compositing required)08:20
darkxstseb128, did you see bug 1393067?08:20
ubot5bug 1393067 in totem (Ubuntu) "totem 3.14" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139306708:20
duflu... but only if you keep the DRI drivers active ("hardware" buffer instead of software)08:21
seb128hey darkxst08:21
seb128no, didn't08:21
darkxsttotem has a completely new UI which is very GNOME308:21
seb128which is why we didn't update it08:21
mlankhorstduflu: supporting both, but the copy is done in Xorg :P08:21
seb128or one of the reasons08:21
duflumlankhorst: I always thought glamour sounded like a good option. What's stopping that?08:21
dufluDoesn't that just make the X server a GL client?08:22
darkxstseb128, so would it be reasonable to fork the packaging for that? have say a totem3 package that replace old totem packages?08:24
mlankhorstyes :P08:24
mlankhorstduflu: rootless is going to be a bit harder, but ought to work08:24
seb128darkxst, I guess so08:24
seb128darkxst, btw commented on it, the screenshot you posted seems fine (assuming it's the start screen/recently used), not sure what the player looks like ... do you have that version in a ppa or something?08:24
darkxstseb128, 3.12 is on gnome3 and 3.14 in gnome3-staging08:26
seb128darkxst, let me try that08:26
seb128is there a big difference between those in UI?08:26
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darkxstseb128, I think the UI change was mostly in 3.1208:32
seb128cool, I'm looking over the UI for a minute and I've nfc how to play a video08:35
seb128the grid is empty08:35
seb128there is no menu item "open"08:35
seb128the headerbar icons have no tooltips to indicate what they do08:35
seb128and there is no control in the UI08:35
seb128come on GNOME designers08:35
* seb128 closes totem and goes to click in nautilus08:36
willcookemorning all08:44
willcookeFJKong, happyaron  - if you can make the weekly meeting today please email me a quick status report08:45
FJKongwillcooke: I will be on meeting tonight08:46
willcookethx FJKong08:46
seb128darkxst, I would be fine with the new totem if it have a classic menubar still and decorations+headerbar as a toolbar08:51
seb128hey willcooke FJKong08:52
FJKongseb128: hey seb08:52
willcookegmornin seb128 - how goes?  Anything catch on fire yesterday?08:53
seb128willcooke, things are good, no fire no08:53
willcookeHad a good meeting with $oem08:53
seb128willcooke, btw I'm unsure your strategy of "must assign all workitems" is the right one08:53
seb128though I can understand the tentation of doing that08:53
willcookeseb128, ok - if you are confident that they will get attention, I'll happily remove the names - but ya know - just not sure how much managing that list needs, so playing it safe08:54
seb128willcooke, I usually recommend not doing that on purpose, the same way that I think you should assign a bug to somebody who doesn't plan to work on it in a reasonable timeframe08:54
willcookeseb128, ok, happy with that - but I will keep asking you how they are progressing ;)  (s/you/$dev)08:55
seb128willcooke, the issue by doing that is that you give the impression that somebody is on the item and it locks contributors out of claiming it/helping08:55
seb128which works against us08:56
seb128we usually say "if it's unassigned, feel free to grab it if you want to help"08:56
seb128that can't happen if you assign everything08:56
seb128willcooke, cool ;-)08:56
seb128willcooke, sorry for being nitpicking08:56
willcookeseb128, no worries - I agree with your reasoning.08:57
seb128but yeah, we should make sure we are under trend08:58
willcookeI'll take some convincing that people won't say "Oh, I didn't know I was supposed to care about $gnome_app because my name wasnt against it" :)08:58
seb128which means that people go through their assigned w.i and grabs new ones as they go08:58
seb128yeah, that's fair enough08:58
willcookeLet's go with your plan, it's solid08:58
willcookeand then if things look like they aren't moving in the right direction by, say, end of Jan, we can reasses08:59
willcookeattente_, read up a few mins from here ^^^^^^09:00
seb128willcooke, yeah, we are still sort of blocked on getting mir and the gtk backend to do some of the initial lifting I think09:03
seb128we don't want to have 5 people hitting the same basic bugs and spending efforts on the same things09:04
seb128we need somebody to more ahead enough that gtk-demo or something runs fine09:04
willcookeseb128, yes, that is very true.  But we know Mir are working on unblocking some of that stuff right now, so when it lands in Mir we need to be ready to pounce on it in Gtk backend, and then have it flow through to the apps09:04
seb128then we can look at apps and specific issues09:04
willcookeIn my mind, all of that Gtk apps work is "get ready to work on it in some months"09:05
willcookerather than "do it now"09:05
willcookeperhaps I should have been much clearer about that09:05
willcookeactually, no eg :)09:05
willcookeMy theory with assigning those apps was09:06
willcookeAs soon as it's ready upstream we can land a whole load of G apps in to desktop next - taadaa!09:06
willcookeSo between now and then it's business as usual09:07
willcookeand then in, say, Jan we can roll with the Gtk stuff - have it all assigned, everyone knows who is doing what, etc09:07
willcookebut perhaps we need to worry about that nearer the time09:08
willcookerather than try and plan for the unknown09:08
willcooke(can't hurt to think about it a bit though)09:08
seb128yeah, that makes sense09:08
seb128well, we can't test a lot until we get the basis in place09:08
seb128so people are going to wait anyway09:08
darkxstseb128, ok, I will look into reverting classic menu09:09
seb128darkxst, thanks!09:09
willcookeseb128, I'd like to see something new and interesting in the Desktop Next image before EOY - I'm still hopeful that it will be Chromium.09:09
seb128that would be nice09:11
willcookeI'll speak to qengo09:11
willcookeoh  - that reminds me09:11
willcookechrisccoulson, hey, sorry I didnt get that VM built yet - hoping to get it done today09:11
happyaronwillcooke: just mailed you, :)09:32
willcookehappyaron, excellent, thanks man.  Have a good evening :)09:36
* didrocks goes for a run before next rain drop09:42
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didrocksbasic rules respected: got 80% of the rain drops in the last 20% of the exercising time11:07
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pittididrocks: heh, better than getting all soaked right at the beginning -- half of showering done already :)11:31
didrocksheh, indeed :)11:33
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willcookewoot!  I have successfully created a server instance in our cloud \o/12:04
willcookenow for some lunch12:04
Sweet5harkwillcooke: So you are looking like this right now? http://wordofgame.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/mario-kart-final-lap-costume-7lkoqdvf.jpg12:06
willcookeI AM L33T.  GIVE ME WAREZ12:08
xnoxLaney: i ponder why am i a gdebi developer....12:14
LaneyYou collect(ed) team memberships :P12:15
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* Laney just typed apt-get install gnome-twerk-tool14:42
mlankhorstwillcooke: I have glamor'd XMir sort of working, that will be my status report for the past week. :P14:45
willcookemlankhorst, ack14:46
willcookemlankhorst, and nice job :) Thanks14:46
mlankhorstsome issue pops up when I force XMir to reload and open a new window, but I'm 90% sure I've hit the same issue before when debugging nested mir. Just have to figure out why..14:46
mlankhorstif i comment out a destructor it works, so probably something lifetime related14:47
pittimeh, that Pango test regression is fairly stable, i. e. 1.36.8 broke its tests14:51
Laneybut it got into the release pocket14:53
pittiyeah, apparently it got overridden or so14:53
LaneyI hope nobody's overriding real failures14:53
Laneypitti: fixed, missing test-dep15:16
pittiLaney: oh, wow -- a missing test dep causes strings to be split differently?!15:17
Laneyit's a font :P15:17
pittiLaney: thanks! I suppose this affects Debian's package, too?15:17
LaneyYeah, I'll upload it to unstable15:17
chrisccoulsonlol (@ gnome-twerk-tool)15:18
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cyphermox_didrocks: in case you haven't noticed; I uploaded bluez to the bluez5 transition PPA yesterday. I've tested it a bit, but we'll need more updates (pulse, gnome-bluetooth, etc.) before we can do lots more testing. I only had my headset with me, and without the bits that know of the new API, it's not as easy to verify that it works ;)15:26
didrockscyphermox_: oh excellent! did you ping diwic as well?15:26
seb128oh, it's meeting time!15:30
willcookejust getting the roll call together15:30
Laneyoh bum15:30
willcooke#startmeeting Desktop weekly meeting 2014-11-1815:32
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Nov 18 15:32:38 2014 UTC.  The chair is willcooke. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.15:32
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick15:32
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Desktop weekly meeting 2014-11-18 | Current topic:
willcooke#chair willcooke15:32
meetingologyCurrent chairs: willcooke15:32
willcookeRoll call: attente_, didrocks, fjkong, laney, larsu, mlankhorst, qengho, seb128, sweet5hark, tkamppeter(maybe),15:32
seb128"roll call"?15:33
* seb128 google15:33
willcookewho is here15:33
qenghohey hey15:33
willcookeattente_ might not be here right now, so shall we start with didrocks15:34
willcooke#topic didrocks15:34
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Desktop weekly meeting 2014-11-18 | Current topic: didrocks
didrockshey, /me opens his notes, one sec15:34
* Sweet5hark does a barrel roll for roll call15:35
didrocksUbuntu Developer Tools Center:15:35
didrocks * UOS session + blueprint management15:35
didrocks * Contacted both appmenu + font fixes contributors. Only got some feedback from the latter and we won't turn it on by default as it created issues in the past15:35
didrocks * Preparing next release and minor fixes15:35
didrocksBluez 5: UOS session + blueprint management15:35
didrocksSome systemd-transition fixes:15:35
didrocks * ifup* doesn't fail if networking is disabled15:35
didrocks * whoopsie won't start and won't be reenable after package upgrade if disabled15:35
didrocks * pending reviews in debian for 2 patches so that our upstart jobs, once they got a systemd one, aren't started unconditionally as they don't have an init script (invoke-rc.d and deb-systemd-invoke)15:35
didrocks * inspecting and starting upstream discussion on (/usr)/lib vs /etc for default service enablement15:35
didrocks * A bunch of documentation reading15:35
willcookethanks didrocks15:35
willcooke#topic FJKong15:35
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Desktop weekly meeting 2014-11-18 | Current topic: FJKong
FJKong* Spend some time find way to convert Chinese character to unicode, there are some opensource projects but I should write code15:36
FJKongto do this because these projects are not suit for my request15:36
FJKong* follow bug 1389978, fixed already15:36
ubot5bug 1389978 in Ubuntu Kylin "Unable to find Open layouts folder in Onboard Preferences." [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138997815:36
FJKong* Discuss and Plan for next release of sogou input method15:36
FJKong* some feed back from users for sogou input method15:36
willcookeFJKong, so you're going to have to write something from scratch for the pinyin search?15:36
FJKongwillcooke: yes15:37
FJKongstart from zero15:37
willcookeoh well15:37
willcookeit'll be a handy library to have15:37
FJKongI don't think it will too much work15:37
qenghoFJKong: ping me if you want reviewer.15:37
willcookethanks FJKong  and qengho15:38
FJKongqengho: hey thanks15:38
willcooke#topic Laney15:38
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Desktop weekly meeting 2014-11-18 | Current topic: Laney
LaneySome of this might be for the previous week too, I got confused since we skipped :)15:38
Laney• Port most of the remaining gir1.2-vte-2.90 rdeps to 2.91 & all vte rdeps in main (ubiquity, remmina, aptdaemon, other things), all forwarded upstream, still one or two to go15:38
Laney∘ freerdp transition for new remmina15:39
Laney• Package gstreamer 1.4.415:39
Laney∘ Test a split that touch guys want (ugly → ugly-amr), fwd to Debian, some discussions there15:39
Laney• Merge gnome-terminal 3.14, some fixes (working with larsu, thanks for help!) needed in vte, fwded upstream15:39
Laney• Merge empathy, gnome-disk-utility15:39
Laney• vUDS, release session: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervet/ReleaseSchedule15:39
Laney• poppler transition15:39
Laney• DMB: welcome mitya57 to core-dev, some discussions about lightweight PPU for DMs, some email applications, input-methods packageset-fu from happyaron15:39
Laney• just now: fixing pango1.0 autopkgtest failure15:39
willcookeexcellent, thanks Laney15:39
willcooke#topic larsu15:39
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Desktop weekly meeting 2014-11-18 | Current topic: larsu
willcooke(hmm, sure it never did that before ^^^ )15:40
larsuhey. Got distracted by lots of small random stuff this week15:40
larsulike that gnome-terminal thing, some outstanding unity8 status icon things (I'm really annoyed at this point btw)15:40
seb128what's the issue with the unity8 work?15:41
seb128or what's the annoyance?15:41
larsuactual work: fixing our theme. I've updated the todo pad (thanks seb128 for reminding me) to mark blockers and concentrate on those now15:41
larsuas usual, our css is unwieldy so it takes a bit longer :/15:41
larsuseb128: it was supposed to be a s/StatusIcon/Icon, but it simply doesn't get merged for stupid reasons15:42
larsulike: too long to review has conflicts, bzr messing up a resolve, new StatusIcon things get added, etc15:42
larsuit's not taking much time, it's simply annoying15:42
seb128let me know if I can help15:42
seb128or nudge those guys or something15:42
larsuthanks! But should be fine15:43
* larsu <- end15:43
willcookethanks larsu15:43
willcooke#topic mlankhorst15:43
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Desktop weekly meeting 2014-11-18 | Current topic: mlankhorst
willcookemlankhorst> willcooke: I have glamor'd XMir sort of working, that will be my status report for the past week15:44
willcooke#topic qengho15:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Desktop weekly meeting 2014-11-18 | Current topic: qengho
willcookeqengho, how goes?15:45
qengho* a few UOS meetings and Cr update and such.15:46
qengho* ugh: broken X. Using "safe mode" for last two weeks.15:46
qengho* in-progress: Cr GPU blacklist hell. Part of testing new Flash player.15:46
qengho* in-progress: Google-search accounting for Cr doesn't make sense.15:46
qengho* to-do: eventually get back to implementing Mir.15:46
willcookethanks qengho15:47
willcooke#topic seb12815:47
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Desktop weekly meeting 2014-11-18 | Current topic: seb128
seb128(4 days week, 11 nov was a VAC in France)15:47
seb128• UOS, participated in some sessions (unity8 desktop testing, some phone apps roadmap ones), listened to some other ones15:47
seb128• debugged/fixed translations not working with the new xchat-gnome15:47
seb128• SRUed some desktop fixes (libappindicator)15:47
seb128• debian merges and syncs15:47
seb128• looked at some translations issues on the current touch/rtm image (fb posting UI, "enable locatiion data" dash option not translatable)15:47
seb128• ubuntu-system-settings for touch15:47
seb128∘ some code reviews15:47
seb128• some sponsoring15:47
seb128• usual share of bugs triaging and desktop discussions15:47
willcookethanks seb12815:48
willcooke#topic Sweet5hark15:48
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Desktop weekly meeting 2014-11-18 | Current topic: Sweet5hark
Sweet5hark- testbuild 4.3.3/vivid, should have told seb128 about it15:48
Sweet5hark#action seb128 upload packages from http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/vivid/4.3.3/15:48
Sweet5hark- updated 4.3.4~rc1/utopic in ppa15:48
Sweet5hark-- added vendor patch for .desktop file issue again -- bug 138617015:48
Sweet5hark- updated 4.2.7/trusty build in ppa with additional upsteam patches15:48
meetingologyACTION: seb128 upload packages from http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/vivid/4.3.3/15:48
Sweet5hark-- still waiting for feeback on bug 138985815:48
Sweet5hark- Toulouse Hackfest (btw uploading three LibreOffice source packages from a hotel wifi -- no fun)15:48
Sweet5hark- bits and pieces: got a personal mention at the UOS!15:48
ubot5bug 1386170 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Libreoffice startup center shorcut broken" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138617015:48
ubot5bug 1389858 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Libreoffice calc 4.2.7-0ubuntu1 not updating references after sort" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/138985815:48
willcookefancy :)15:48
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willcookethanks Sweet5hark15:49
willcooke#topic tkamppeter15:49
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Desktop weekly meeting 2014-11-18 | Current topic: tkamppeter
willcooke- hplip: Got 3.14.10 beta from HP to test its compatibility with15:49
willcookePython3. Made a Debian/Ubuntu package which builds it so that it uses15:49
willcookePython3 exclusively. Works as before, so the porting of HPLIP to Python15:49
willcooke3 was successful.15:49
willcooke- OpenPrinting web server: Investigated problems with automatic driver15:49
willcookedownload which occured recently. Performance of the server is OK now.15:49
willcooke- Bugs.15:49
willcooke#topic happyaron15:49
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Desktop weekly meeting 2014-11-18 | Current topic: happyaron
willcooke1. fcitx libraries split15:49
willcooke2. fcitx-qt5 libraries split15:49
willcooke3. youker-assistant update15:49
willcooke4. ubuntukylin-sso-client update15:49
willcooke5. duplicate apt sources.list issue for Ubuntu Kylin15:49
willcooke6. sogoupinyin 1.2 plan15:49
willcooke7. plan discussion of Chinese version of ubuntu.com15:49
willcooke8. Ubuntu Kylin redistribution channel in China related discussion with ISV.15:49
willcooke#topic TheMuso15:49
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Desktop weekly meeting 2014-11-18 | Current topic: TheMuso
willcooke* Almost completed the merging of Ubuntu and Debian pulseaudio packaging. Debian is based on Pulse 5, but we will likely move to pulse 6 when it is out and when we have the bluez stuff updated.15:49
willcooke* Worked on package merges/syncs, and some sponsoring.15:49
willcooke#topic robert_ancell15:49
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Desktop weekly meeting 2014-11-18 | Current topic: robert_ancell
willcookeWorked on:15:50
willcooke- Released 1.13.0, 1.12.2, 1.10.4, 1.2.915:50
willcooke- Continuing to get LightDM 1.10.3 SRU complete15:50
willcooke- Updated GTK+ Mir patch with changes from GNOME git15:50
willcooke- Bug triage, fixing, merge reviews15:50
willcookeCurrently working on:15:50
willcooke- FIxing Unity Greeter not always responding to clicks on usernames15:50
willcooke(bug 1374778)15:50
ubot5bug 1374778 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu Vivid) "Can't click at every item with greeter-show-manual-login" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137477815:50
willcooke- LightDM improvements15:50
willcooke- TPM key support - awaiting handover information15:50
willcooke#topic willcooke15:50
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Desktop weekly meeting 2014-11-18 | Current topic: willcooke
willcookeAchievement unlocked: Be a track lead15:50
LaneyWas it everything you hoped for and more?15:50
willcookeSpent yesterday out of the office in a meeting.  Was good.15:50
willcookeLaney, so much more.15:51
willcookeCurrently doing battle with our cloud to try and make it let chrisccoulson log in15:51
willcookethats about it15:52
willcooke#topic Any other business15:52
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu | Desktop weekly meeting 2014-11-18 | Current topic: Any other business
willcookenot much else I don't think15:53
willcookeany one got anything?15:53
seb128(where are those actions item coming from, special syntax?)15:54
Laneydo you want everyone to mail you about carry over days or not bothered?15:54
* seb128 wonders why he got ACTIONs from Sweet5hark in the meeting coming out of the blue15:54
willcookeyeah, meetingology picked them up from hash action15:54
seb128Sweet5hark, please ping me directly when you have sponsoring request, not in the middle of meeting past through a bot15:54
Sweet5harkseb128: k15:55
willcookeok, I've got to jump on to something else, so...15:56
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Welcome to the Desktop Team | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For support please join #ubuntu
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Nov 18 15:56:24 2014 UTC.15:56
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2014/ubuntu-desktop.2014-11-18-15.32.moin.txt15:56
willcookethanks all.15:56
seb128Sweet5hark, btw ping me again if you need something, I'm not even sure I understood the action items from the bot15:59
Sweet5harkseb128: just forgot about it earlier and thought the meetology logs might profit from having something else than "The discussion about $foo started at $bar." Will not do it again, if there is objection.16:00
seb128Sweet5hark, well, using meetology to record activity is fine, just make the activity happen before logging it ;-)16:01
seb128like ping me before the meeting to ask me to review $things16:01
seb128then you can add items about you asking me to do that16:01
Sweet5harkseb128: http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/vivid/4.3.3/libreoffice_4.3.3-0ubuntu1_source.changes and http://people.canonical.com/~bjoern/vivid/4.3.3/libreoffice-l10n_4.3.3-0ubuntu1_source.changes need to be uploaded to vivid. They have already been uploaded to utopic before.16:02
seb128Sweet5hark, ok, thanks ... did you ping about that before and I forgot about it, or...?16:03
Sweet5harkseb128: nope, I didnt -- as it says in the log: "testbuild 4.3.3/vivid, should have told seb128 about it". So no blame at all from my side, I just forgot about telling you and just realized when wrilting the notes16:05
seb128Sweet5hark, ok, no worry, all clear now ;-)16:05
Sweet5harkseb128: sorry, didnt want to cause confusion. :)16:07
seb128no worry!16:08
ricotzSweet5hark, seb128, hi doesnt sound like a good idea to upload to the extact same libreoffice package version to vivid as they will conflict?16:25
seb128ricotz, you can't upload the exact same version to 2 differents series, in what serie did those got uploaded?16:26
ricotzthat is what i am saying since 1:4.3.3-0ubuntu1 is in utopic/updates already16:27
ricotzso vivid needs at least 1:4.3.3-0ubuntu2 i guess16:27
ricotzSweet5hark, it wouldn't be too bad to just push 4.3.4~rc1 to vivid?16:28
seb128ricotz, Sweet5hark, we can pocket copy 4.3.3-0ubuntu1 from utopic to vivid, but yeah having a 0ubuntu2 and rebuilding with the vivid toolchain might make sense16:29
ricotzseb128, pocket copy wouldn't work due the poppler transition16:29
seb128ricotz, source copy would no?16:30
ricotzseb128, the poppler include a soname bump and the old lib is already gone16:30
Laneyno, different binaries same version16:30
seb128Laney, that works no?16:31
Laneythere's only one pool in the archive16:31
seb128I've seen launchpad pages with several binary lines16:31
seb128like on for trusty and one for utopic16:31
LaneyIf it didn't get a build in the earlier series then it can build in a later one16:31
seb128but maybe that was just to add binaries in archs where it failed to build in previous serie16:31
seb128k, makes sense16:31
seb128Sweet5hark, ^ need to bump version then I guess16:32
Laneyhappens for new arches, for example16:32
seb128xnox, hey, do you plan to do your Debian merges? e.g gnome-keyring ;-)17:20
xnoxseb128: yes17:21
xnoxseb128: quickly - possibly not.17:21
seb128xnox, thanks17:21
seb128no hurry ;-)17:21
xnoxseb128: also gnome-keyring needs fixing in it's jobs....17:21
ogra_unity-panel-service seems to be in some weird crash loop for me17:52
ogra_my desktop is all jumpy17:52
ogra_wow, now it stopped ... that went on for like 30min ...17:53
ogra_utopic is one of the least stable releases for me17:53
seb128ogra_, did you get a bt?18:02
ogra_seb128, no, it just stopped18:02
seb128ogra_, no apport report?18:02
ogra_seb128, https://errors.ubuntu.com/oops/2e246328-6f4a-11e4-b9ff-fa163e707a7218:04
chrisccoulsonseb128, is it fixed yet?18:04
seb128chrisccoulson, hey ;-)18:04
chrisccoulsonhi :)18:04
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
ogra_chrisccoulson, oh, was it you who broke it ?18:05
seb128ogra_, without debug symbols not easy to say, could be the messaging menu issue where a contact with a "|" send you a message18:05
chrisccoulsonogra_, it was seb12818:05
seb128like in xchat-gnome if you have it integrated with the messaging menu18:05
ogra_hmm,  i just deleted some spam that got through ... might indeed have hhad a pipe in the name or some such18:05
* ogra_ doesnt use xchat-gnome ... 18:06
seb128ogra_, that's fixed in vivid and being srued to old releases18:06
ogra_i'm waiting til mdeslaur has ported xchat18:06
ogra_(to gtk3 ... and then to mir)18:06
mdeslaurogra_: haha, no.18:07
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away

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