
rwwhowdy. how can we help?01:38
rwwah, just saw your comment in #ubuntu01:38
storrgieyeah, was asked to come here, not sure what else I can do. My question is answered01:39
k1l_storrgie: the user left on its own now. we will have an eye on it if that happens again01:39
storrgieoh yeah, no problem. I'm a long time irc/linux user01:39
storrgieI just wanted an ops person to know01:39
chuThanks mate.01:39
k1l_yeah, that is what this channel is for, thanks :)01:39
rwwObrienDave: What's up?01:40
ObrienDavenada, just being nosy ;p01:40
rwwObrienDave: no nosy-ing, please :P01:40
storrgiehonestly, I've been migrating towards fedora for a while now (thats likely a swear word in here) but some of it has to do with the kind of kiddies who have decided to adopt the ubuntu realm as their own. Community goes a long way to adoption and continued deployment outside of the commercially supported distros01:40
chuWe ask for a no-idle policy in here, sorry ObrienDave.01:40
storrgieIt's best to prune folks like that, I'm surprised how quickly he /pm me01:41
rwwUnfortunately, being the biggest IRC channel on freenode comes with its downsides. Random trolls are one of those downsides.01:42
rwwThankfully, this one is gone. We give them the boot when we see them.01:42
storrgieawesome, you guys do good community management. Keep it up!01:42
k1l_Bean: i removed the user from #ubuntu. if you get more abusive pms from that one please report it to #freenode because there is nothing we can do about it.02:30
Beanthank you02:30
k1l_Bean: if that is sorted please part this channel according to our topic. thanks02:35
ubotturww called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-team ()05:56
bazhang@random kk thx11:09
ubottuIn ubottu, ToBeFree said: !bar is <reply> what18:13
ToBeFreeoh. :D Sorry for the factoid editing test ^.^18:13
ubottuIn ubottu, ToBeFree said: !bar is <reply> sorry, I'm curious :D18:14
ToBeFreeah ok18:14
ubottufoo is [baz|bar|wibble]18:16
tewardI believe there is a troll in the channel who should be watched for further disruption... [14/11/18 15:22:29] <MagicSpud> Mint is ubuntu in the end... and for support, drivers, applications and so on it will be the best comfortable choice...20:26
teward(in #ubuntu)20:26
k1llooking into BT sambagirl seems like bad news. asking for seveas might have some agenda.23:22
IdleOneI recall seeing seveas helping her out once or twice in #ubuntu, probably why she asked for him specifically23:42

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