
thetoxicarcadeballoons, if this is helpful, here's 10 minutes of torture: http://youtu.be/-rZ4zooGLGo00:04
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elopioveebers: sorry, there's something crazy with my quassel. It won't connect again to the canonical server.05:12
elopiooh, it connected now.05:12
elopioveebers: anyway, if you are around and have some time, please take a look at http://pad.ubuntu.com/test-indicator-messages and let me know if it makes sense or is too complex/weird.05:13
veeberselopio: looks good with a quick glance, this is what I have so far (quick draft: https://docs.google.com/a/canonical.com/document/d/1pBy7CoQU6p5Yr3UT_iZmP6e_1IyOhaAMJAoV9CmjTMI/edit#)05:14
veeberselopio: I think the API code can be represented by python code with sphinx docstrings05:15
elopioveebers: cool. We are not too far.05:15
veebersI mean you already have the sphinx docstrings there anyway :-)05:15
elopioveebers: tomorrow we can agree on a format.05:16
veeberselopio: yeah, it's pretty close. Thomi has made some comments on that doc too that you might find useful to apply to yours05:16
veeberselopio: sounds good to me05:16
veeberselopio: right, I'm off for the night, see you tomorrow05:22
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elopioalesage: are you working today?15:32
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alesageelopio hi, a bit under the weather but yes :)16:39
elopioalesage: sorry about that.16:40
elopioalesage: If you feel better and have some time, I would like to get some comments about http://pad.ubuntu.com/test-indicator-messages16:40
alesageelopio, I'll certainly get to, yes16:42
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elfyballoons: https://code.launchpad.net/~elfy/ubuntu-manual-tests/1132847/+merge/23706517:13
balloonselfy, on it17:13
elfyta :)17:14
balloonselfy, perfect, except the indentation is a bit off on "<dt>Check for existence of previously created file</dt>, at least in lp17:18
balloonsI will approve17:18
elfywell don't if you really don't want to :)17:19
balloonselfy, I trust you'll fix the indentation and them merge yea17:22
elfyif it's busted yea I'll fix, merge and sync it yep17:24
elfyballoons: okey doke all done17:33
elfyballoons: bug 1347670 - I left a question there a while back for you - forgot all about it till now - if you could look at some point17:38
ubot5bug 1347670 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "ISO testing: cannot select "Upgrade Ubuntu" as per the testcase instructions" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134767017:38
balloonselfy, that is a bit odd for a testcase18:08
balloonselfy, I assume it "upgrades" because it wants to re-use the cd. I'm thinking it should just be tweaked to re-install not upgrade18:08
elfyballoons: that was my thinking when I went and looked properly, I'll get on a do that now there's consensus :)18:09
elfyballoons: ok - mp is there now for that https://code.launchpad.net/~elfy/ubuntu-manual-tests/1347670/+merge/24210218:22
alesageelopio I'm reviewing this pad and I see charles here too :) , have you introduced him to our task or is he snooping ;) ?18:27
elopioalesage: I also asked him for early feedback.18:28
charlesalesage, I'm stalking you18:28
alesageI heard footsteps18:28
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alesageelopio you might want to compare the ofono work in messaging-app with a helper that Antti made for indicator-network, which is in lp:indicator-network http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-network/trunk.15.04/view/head:/tests/autopilot/indicator_network/helpers/phonesim_manager.py18:47
elopioalesage: cool. That seem to have the enable/disable I was requesting.18:57
balloonselfy, hmm, that's a huge chunk of the testcase removed. I guess that makes sense. The upgrade tests are better checks for upgrades19:05
elfyballoons: ok - you want me to merge etc?19:11
elfydoing it19:13
thetoxicarcadeQuestion, if I'm running the cinnamon PPA and it makes me unlock twice from suspend, how do I report that?19:24
elfymanually at the 'package' you want to report it against19:26
elfythe auto reporting tool(s) don't like PPAs19:27
balloonsright if you have a ppa, you aren't running software from the archive, so it's up to the ppa owner19:30
thetoxicarcadecool. How do I grab the running information if it's a login though?19:33
Letozaf_balloons, hi19:41
balloonsLetozaf_, howdy19:45
Letozaf_balloons, I managed to fix the mess I made yesterday, but I do not succeed launching filemanager app in phone mode on my Desktop, it launches in normal mode19:46
Letozaf_ Launching process: ['/home/letozaf/autopilot-tests/ubuntu-filemanager-app/src/app/filemanager', '-testability', '-p ', '-q', '/home/letozaf/autopilot-tests/ubuntu-filemanager-app/src/app/qml/filemanager.qml']19:47
Letozaf_balloons, is the -p in the right place ?19:47
Letozaf_balloons, cannot put it before the -testability19:47
balloonsLetozaf_, v19:48
balloonswow, sorry bout that19:48
balloonsthat works for me19:48
Letozaf_balloons, that's exactly what I did, how come it does not work :( have you got vivid ?19:49
balloonsLetozaf_, yes19:49
Letozaf_balloons, aahh!! :O19:49
balloonsLetozaf_, you also need to merge from trunk. There are qml changes required, and you have to rebuild after it19:50
balloonsso it's in the binary19:50
Letozaf_balloons, aahh!! I thought lp:~carla-sella/junk/filemanager-try was alrady ok19:50
Letozaf_balloons, so that's why :-P19:50
Letozaf_balloons, ok so lets try again :)19:50
Letozaf_balloons, thanks19:51
balloonsLetozaf_, lol yea. mege trunk, it should bring qml changes, then rebuild19:51
balloonsLetozaf_, so everything works now though yes?19:51
Letozaf_balloons, yes a part that test :-P19:51
balloonsI'm ready to merge what works, so I would update the branch on the mp19:52
Letozaf_balloons, ok19:52
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elopioveebers: to confirm if I got it straight, I should add to my draft things like def, class and docstrings?20:02
veeberselopio: yeah, I would stub out what you have as python code with the docstrings etc.20:03
elopiook, that will look good.20:03
elopiopython is pretty.20:03
elopiothomi: alesage: veebers: and what about the testing strategy for the test helpers? Currently I just explained it. Should I also make a skeleton of the tests that the helpers should have?20:04
veebershmm, not sure, perhaps at this stage just note the scenarios needed for testing? i.e. this function needs a test for when x happens, for when y happens etc.20:05
veebersif needed we can expand that into a more cohesive skeleton20:05
elopioveebers: yes, I would prefer not to do the skeleton for that. Maybe only if it is not clear to devs.20:07
veeberselopio: ack, agreed20:07
elopiook, I got to pick my bike from the mechanic. So long lunch, I'll bbl.20:11
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balloonsLetozaf_, so how do we look?20:24
Letozaf_balloons I am rebuilding ...20:26
Letozaf_balloons, this is weired, it fails on my PC, now the app starts correclty in phone mode but I get this failure:http://paste.ubuntu.com/9078285/20:53
Letozaf_balloons, the same one as before merging20:54
Letozaf_balloons, ok so now I fixed that error, but got a new one :(21:09
Letozaf_balloons, ok it's fixed, lets see if it passes on Jenkins now21:16
Nothing_Muchquick question, are there some differences between Virtualbox in the repos in 14.10 and the Virtualbox from Oracle?21:25
Nothing_Muchif so, then which version would be best for testing out the i386 version of unity 8?21:26
knomeNothing_Much, running the repository version gives you an easier and faster way to make sure whether you are having problems with virtualbox or the ISO you are testing, since several people can quickly confirm that21:29
Nothing_Muchknome: alright cool, thanks21:30
knomeas usually, if you don't have a very good reason to run an application version that is not in the official repositories, you shouldn't21:30
alesageveebers, tell me about this "get_properties" function, is it a standard thing to have for a fixture, e.g., are are we just mimicking the d-bus behavior?21:35
veebersalesage: sorry?21:36
alesageveebers, looking at yr sample code for the battery fixture21:36
veebersalesage: oh as mentioned in my code example? that was just a thought and is all changing now :-) The reason I had it there for the draft was because there was a dbus query example there to get those details out, not needed though21:37
alesageveebers, I see21:37
veebersI thought at the time, perhaps we'll need that. We don't. I'm just in the process of changing some of the docs I'm writing as we'll be using upower mock (python-dbusmock) now it appears. (code doesn't really change though)21:38
thetoxicarcaderegarding reporting a bug in a PPA, there doesn't seem to be a guide on that in launchpad itself21:49
balloonsthetoxicarcade, as we said, bugs in ppa's aren't intended to be reported in general22:03
thetoxicarcadeat all, even to the owner of the ppa?22:04
balloonsas in; it's up to the developer of the ppa22:04
balloonslaunchpad itself holds bugs for projects, so likely that's the place to report the bug22:04
thetoxicarcadeyeah, just wish there was a button for some of these ppas, only half of them have one22:04
balloonsyou shouldn't report the bug against the ubuntu version of the package, if there is one22:04
thetoxicarcadeoh, alright, we cool *playin it kool* hey I'm reporting a bug for the lxc container with my hardware am I doing this right?22:05
balloonsppa's are the wild west, more or less, lol.. It's a personal package archive22:05
balloonsthetoxicarcade, are you playing with the unity8 ppa?22:05
thetoxicarcade:{D I knew that22:05
thetoxicarcadeI am playing with the unity8 ppa and a really old and buggy cinnamon ppa22:05
balloonsthe unity8 ppa can be filed against unity822:06
balloonscinnamon I've no idea22:06
thetoxicarcadehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8-lxc/+bug/1393960 how was this22:07
ubot5Launchpad bug 1393960 in unity8-lxc (Ubuntu) "Unable to start session at login" [Undecided,New]22:07
balloonsthetoxicarcade, I would also point you @ #ubuntu-unity. But I suspect that might work22:11
alesageveebers, elopio, thomi, maybe we should have a master page wherein we ask for 'page-object-model'-type helpers, as much of this will be shared?  or treat separately?  thoughts?  e.g. "get_indicator_icon"22:18
alesagealso veebers elopio thomi fwiw this is how the emulators/helpers stand atm http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/trunk/view/head:/tests/autopilot/unity8/shell/emulators/main_window.py#L6522:19
veebersalesage: can you elaborate on your first comment?22:20
thomialesage: if there's common content then I have no problem linking to a common page. If it's in another sphinx bundle (like the autopilot docs) then we can use the intersphinx plugin to link to them22:20
alesageveebers, I see that elopio makes some requests for helper methods of Unity UI, e.g.22:22
alesageveebers, these might take the form of 'custom proxy objects' for indicator pages and menu items, e.g.22:23
thetoxicarcadeAWESOME stuff22:23
alesageveebers, elopio if we do want to request these things then maybe make a page of limited suggestions?22:23
alesageveebers, is that clearer?  need elopio's feedback22:23
elopioalesage: do you mean, something to explain wshat the page object is, or to put all our helpers in the same place?22:24
balloonsthetoxicarcade, afaict your bug report is in the proper place. The unity8 guys should have a look at it soon enough and if more info is needed I'm sure they will ask.22:24
alesageelopio, you might need to explain what it is, e.g., don't know if we want to put all the helpers in the same place (although that'd probably be best)--just want to put the documentation in the same place so as not to repeat22:25
thetoxicarcademany thanks.22:25
balloonsthetoxicarcade, it might be useful to debug it a bit more; unable to start session doesn't tell us too much22:25
alesageelopio, wanting to see how you'll treat that request in your doc as you're the most experienced in this22:25
balloonsthetoxicarcade, btw, I didn't get a chance to watch your video yet, but that's awesome you put one together!22:26
thetoxicarcadeit basically cheats off your 55min for 10 min22:26
thetoxicarcadeI contributed nothing, yet!22:26
* balloons looks and sees a bug report22:27
elopioalesage: the explanation is here: http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/platform/guides/acceptance-testing-using-the-page-object-model/22:27
alesageelopio, I'm aware ;) , wanting to know how to address in our docs22:27
elopioelopio: but as we are going to request them just to fill the methods from the API, what we need to take care is only to be requesting the right objects and methods.22:28
elopioheh, I pinged myself22:28
* balloons snaps a screenshot22:28
knomeelopio, congrats!22:28
alesageelopio careful!22:28
elopioalesage: ^ I think that it's enough just to name the class, method, and the return value we expect.22:29
elopiothen the devs will make an MP that we will review. Maybe at that point we will have to tell them to make a method internal, or adjust a little the thing they are returning.22:29
elopioalesage: on the example for example, 'get_indicator_icon'22:30
elopiothat doesn't follow the page object pattern. _get_indicator_icon should be an internal method, wrapped by a public method called something like:22:30
thetoxicarcade"alright everyone and welcome to the manual uos 1411 testing meeting"22:30
elopioor is_alarm_set()22:31
elopioor is_wifi_connected()22:31
thetoxicarcadebye (I love the tidbits I catch here, wish I knew about this sooner) ((watching uos since I missed it (darn) )) (((BACON)))22:31
alesageelopio, to be clear, do we want to specify all of those functions now?  or ask for just the hardware/mocking/items and expect to go over the rest during code reviews22:33
elopioalesage: as I understood it, we want to specify all those functions now and make python skeletons for them.22:34
elopionot implementation details, but specify clearly what's the API signature that we expect from these testability python modules22:35
* alesage just wants all to agree as veebers' draft has only hardware-ey mocks at this point22:36
elopioveebers: was it that I specified in too much detail, or that yours is work in progress?22:39
veebersmine is definiately a WIP, I didn't specify any helpers specific for the UI yet (trying to concentrate on the missing testability parts). i.e. there should be helpers for the notifications etc.22:41
thetoxicarcadewhere is the mockup for the ui for the bug tracker?22:45
balloonslook at the notes in summit from the session22:54
thetoxicarcadeokay, so at the summit not in the youtube video aaaaahhh (makes sense, come to think of it)22:56
alesageprojects-team needing a review especially for specifying UI helpers--elopio you exspecially pls :) https://code.launchpad.net/~allanlesage/ueqa-code-proposals/indicator-datetime/+merge/24214823:42
thetoxicarcadeI had this absolutely cool idea for the bug tracker then I realized we already have it, just not all mushed together into a wonderful visual dashboard of cases/builds/bug statusesezezez (who builds the errors.ubuntu.com page?)23:46

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