
ypwongarges, hi07:25
ypwongarges, when you have time, could you help to review the trusty SRU of systemd for bug 1339998? we need it for OEM projects, thanks.07:27
ubot2bug 1339998 in HWE Next trusty "[Dell Latitude 12 Rugged Extreme 7204] Microphone mute key does not work" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133999807:27
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=== doko_ is now known as doko
=== Ursinha_ is now known as Guest58037
ypwongarges, and also ubuntukylin-theme for bug 1329262, thanks09:09
ubot2bug 1329262 in Ubuntu Kylin trusty "plymouth message --text doesn't work with ubuntukylin-theme" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132926209:09
=== Guest58037 is now known as Ursinha
=== Trevinho_ is now known as Trevinho
=== plars is now known as plars-sprint
argesypwong: sure. will review this today15:07
chilukRAOF, arges, infinity can one of you do my sru?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/139166215:09
ubot2Launchpad bug 1391662 in nfs-utils (Ubuntu) "mount.nfs does not downgrade NFS version when connecting to dual-stack NFS server" [Medium,In progress]15:09
argeschiluk: i'm sitting next to you, you could have asked me in person15:11
ypwongarges, thanks a lot!15:11
chilukI was giving infinity and RAOF the opportunity to show you up.15:11
argesypwong: i see the ubuntukylin-theme was accepted into trusty/proposed; have you tested this package already?15:31
ypwongarges, already testing by shijing, in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntukylin/+bug/1329262/comments/6. Her comment was not very clear on that but she tested with the proposed package on trusty15:48
ubot2Launchpad bug 1329262 in Ubuntu Kylin trusty "plymouth message --text doesn't work with ubuntukylin-theme" [Critical,Triaged]15:48
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argesypwong: ok15:50
ogra_i turned the system-image importer temporary off ... since we need to do a coordinaterd landing for some custom tarball changes in the phone ...18:08
ogra_system-image importer is back on19:03
rbasakCan somebody review/accept juju-core binNEW in trusty-proposed please?22:41

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