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storrgieI've got a 13.04 box, when I do an update it's getting 404s... are updates not available for 13.04?01:29
teward!crosspost > storrgie01:32
ubottustorrgie, please see my private message01:32
Patrickdkstorrgie, defently not01:46
Patrickdk13.04 expired awhile ago01:46
Patrickdkoh actually, a long time ago01:46
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linociscohi all07:08
linociscoI have installed ubuntu 14.0401 amd64 on HP Elite 8200 CMT with 8GB RAM. after installation, I found the fonts are so small07:09
linociscolike big resolution07:09
linociscohow could we fix that?07:09
linocisco"sudo apt-get remove libpam-smbpass" fixed my problem. thanks anyway . thanks google07:19
linociscosmall fonts on ubuntu server CLI? why always? it didn't happen with CentOS or other non-debian linux. Is ubuntu server NOT ok with good resolution graphic cards?07:22
lordievaderGood morning.07:40
linociscogood afternoon here07:40
linociscosmall fonts on ubuntu server CLI? why always? it didn't happen with CentOS or other non-debian linux. Is ubuntu server NOT ok with good resolution graphic cards?07:45
lordievaderHey linocisco, how are you?07:49
linociscolordievader, busy07:50
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linociscosmall fonts on ubuntu server CLI? why always? it didn't happen with CentOS or other non-debian linux. Is ubuntu server NOT ok with good resolution graphic cards?08:38
linociscowget http://downloads.asterisk.org/pub/telephony/dahdi-linux-complete/dahdi-linux-complete-current.tar.gz does NOT work. but apt-get WHATever wrok08:41
linociscowget never works08:41
linociscoapt-get always ok08:41
Tm_Thow wget does not work?08:41
Tm_Tdoes "wget http://www.google.com/" work?08:42
linociscoTm_T, no08:42
lordievaderlinocisco: Do you get errors?08:42
Tm_Tlinocisco: for font size, you can change it atleast with "sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup"08:43
linociscolordievader, no error. just small fonts08:43
Tm_Tlinocisco: you say wget doesn't work, so how it doesn't work?08:44
linociscoTm_T, Encoding to use on the console: currently selected UTF-8. what should I choose?08:44
Tm_TUTF-8 is perfect choice08:45
lordievaderlinocisco: I was talking about the wget issue.08:46
linociscoTm_T, character set =?, currently #Latin1 and Latin5 -western Europe and Turkic languages08:47
linociscolordievader, wget said network failed08:47
Tm_Tlinocisco: if you want to change only font size then the choices are fine it has already08:47
linociscoTm_T, Font for the console,(Fixed, Terminus, TerminusBold, TerminusBoldVGA, VGA, Do not change the boot/kernel font) what to choose ?08:49
Tm_Tlinocisco: whatever you want, I think I usually go with Terminus myself08:50
linociscoTm_T, currently default selected 16, i will try to choose 20x1008:51
Tm_Tlinocisco: interesting issue you have there, I usually have to go to smaller than default08:51
linociscoTm_T, how about font type like (Arial, Ms-Sansif or something we can choose?) i found none08:54
Tm_Tlinocisco: tty console doesn't work like that08:55
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linociscoTm_T, u made my life easier . thanks08:57
lordievaderlinocisco: About the wget issue, can you ping 'www.google.com'?08:58
linociscolordievader, no09:04
ObrienDaveyou have internet access and can't ping anything?09:08
lordievaderlinocisco: What is the output of 'ip r' and 'cat /etc/resolv.conf'?09:11
lordievader!paste | linocisco09:11
ubottulinocisco: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:11
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delinquentme$ nc -v -z salt.master.ip 4505 im supposed to be able to run this and have salt.master.ip resolve as a var for my salt master ... I was told to edit the /etc/resolv.conf ... however the internals of that file say NOT to edit by hand ... so where should I be editing this?09:42
lordievaderdelinquentme: If you just want to add one host /etc/hosts is the way to go.09:47
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maxbdelinquentme: You need to supply more context, we don't know enough about your environment to make useful suggestions on what you've said so far09:52
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White_CatCan anyone help me resolve this tiny problem? I am trying to redirect port 80 to port 8069. Which I can do but it is overwritten on reboot.10:48
White_CatI use iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i venet0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8069 for this10:48
White_CatI have ufw installed - if that matters10:48
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lordievaderWhite_Cat: Did you forget to save the rules?10:51
lordievaderWhite_Cat: Iptable rules are not saved automatically. You need to manually save them to a file and load them again on bootup.10:53
White_Catno I save them10:54
White_Catand they work10:54
White_Catuntil I reboot the server10:54
White_CatI use sudo iptables-save10:54
lordievaderWhite_Cat: Do you save the output of that command somewhere?10:57
White_Catlordievader as in?10:58
White_CatI dont save it anywhere beyond iptables-save10:59
lordievaderWhat I usually do is save them to /etc/firewall/$HOSTNAME.fw with "iptables-save > /etc/firewall/$HOSTNAME.fw" and load them by adding " iptables-restore < /etc/firewall/$HOSTNAME.fw" to /etc/rc.local10:59
lordievaderWhite_Cat: So you don't save the rules ;)10:59
White_Catthis is in /lib/ufw/user.rules10:59
White_Catlordievader seems like that way... :D11:00
White_Catshoud I add it into it?11:00
lordievaderWhite_Cat: What? To /lib/ufw/user.rules? No.11:00
White_Catokay so... where else? /etc/iptables.rules ?11:01
lordievaderLikely you want to grab only the part about the port forward and load that at boot.11:01
White_Catwell, yes11:01
lordievaderWhite_Cat: I've already told you how I do it.11:01
White_CatI forward port 80 and 44311:01
White_CatI am very hesitant to touch this as I am uncomfortable messing with the firewall11:02
White_Catcan you specify the filename for me?11:02
White_CatI dont want to break something because I am relly new to this and I have been reading through documentation since friday11:03
lordievaderWhat I usually do is save them to /etc/firewall/$HOSTNAME.fw with "iptables-save > /etc/firewall/$HOSTNAME.fw" and load them by adding " iptables-restore < /etc/firewall/$HOSTNAME.fw" to /etc/rc.local11:04
White_Catyes I read that11:05
White_Catis $hostname.fw the name of the file?11:05
White_CatI never seen $ in filename before11:05
White_Catsounds rich :p11:05
lordievaderWhite_Cat: No, it is a variable... Multiple hosts ;)11:07
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White_Catlordievader okay11:59
White_Catso I did sudo iptables-save > /etc/iptables.rules becuase -bash: /etc/firewall/vps109053.fw: No such file or directory11:59
White_Catwhere should I put iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.rules ?12:00
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lordievaderWhite_Cat: Err, you can also simply create the dir /etc/firewall ;) Anyhow I stick it in /etc/rc.local, but better would be to write an upstart script for it.12:26
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Thumpxr_is it possibly to notify me via mail when my server restarts/goes down/boots/has peaks in cpu/ram/etc?13:14
lordievaderThumpxr_: Yes, that is called monitoring. (Zabbix, nagios, etc)13:18
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Thumpxr_lordievader: thanks. was on the tip of my thounge13:31
Thumpxr_lordievader: do i need another server therefore? that wasn't my plan..13:36
lordievaderThumpxr_: Not necessarily.13:36
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DenBeirenlordievader: are you here? i've got some new info on my samba problem15:15
lordievaderDenBeiren: Sure ;)15:19
DenBeirendo you remember my situation or do i need to sum things up real quick?15:20
lordievaderDenBeiren: Please do.15:20
DenBeireni have two shares,.. test 1 and test 215:21
DenBeirentest 1 should be acc. for group "gebruikers" and group "directie"15:21
DenBeirentest 2 should be acc. for group "directie15:22
DenBeirenthe usergroups make, change and store files in these dirs15:22
DenBeirenstrange thing is that when user a from usergroup "gebruikers" puts an existing file there, they all can make changes and use it as they would need to use it15:23
DenBeirenbut when they make a new file,.. only the user that made it can open it15:23
DenBeirenthe other users can change the name of the file, but they can't open it15:24
DenBeirenis this making any sense to you?15:24
lordievaderDenBeiren: Yes, I remember asking what the user and group was of newly created files.15:25
DenBeirennewly created files seem to be username:username15:25
DenBeireni changed ownership of existing files to user:groupname,.. and they are fine15:26
DenBeirennew ones are username:username15:26
lordievaderAs I figured, did I hint at acl's?15:26
DenBeirenyes, but tbh i don't nderstand :s15:27
lordievaderDenBeiren: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Access_Control_Lists15:27
lordievaderI've never dabled with it myself, but I do understand that the acces control goes further than the standard unix file permissions.15:27
DenBeirenseems like when a puts a file, and b changes the name, it changes ownership to the usergroup15:35
lordievaderDenBeiren: http://www.calculate-linux.org/main/en/setting_filesystem_acl15:38
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caribouutlemming: question regarding sosreport on cloud images16:06
caribouutlemming: how could I correctly identify that I'm on a cloud image ?16:07
caribouutlemming: any package that is specific to a c-i16:07
rbasakcaribou: /etc/cloud/build.info et al?16:08
caribouutlemming: rbasak just mentionned /etc/cloud/build.info16:09
rbasakcaribou: looks like other files in /etc/cloud/ come from cloud-init, but build.info doesn't belong to a packge.16:09
rbasakNot sure if that's "official" though, and will be maintained.16:09
tafa2can anyone advise on how best to secure sysctl.conf and fstab? I've got this so far: http://pastebin.com/E6ESQNdh16:09
caribourbasak: sosreport already collects cloud-init.log & cloud-init-output.log16:09
rbasakcaribou: sosreport should probably collect build.info anyway actually, so you know which cloud image was in use16:10
caribourbasak: yeah, the idea is to build a cloud-image specific plugin & I'm looking for things to collect16:10
caribourbasak: so I'll start with that & bring an example of the plugin results here for you people to review16:12
xcyclistSo, I'm looking for a general reference on configuration and reporting for open files.  I am only familiar with lsof, and it appears ulimit won't work on some typical sudo access configurations.16:16
xcyclistAsking also on #linux.16:17
caribourbasak: looks like the output of ec2metadata could be useful16:29
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mfischzul: are you guys going to start packaging python-openstackclient?17:38
kyle__Is there something special with how ubuntu-server does ulimits?  I've tried setting them like I have on other systems, but it doesn't seem to be taking.18:03
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