
tedgmterry, bringing in charles00:10
* charles clicks00:10
tedgcharles, ^ seems that mterry wants the desktop_greeter for ipower instead of phone00:10
charlesmterry, so switching from /phone to /desktop_greeter in i-power avoids the crash you backtraced @ https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/greeter-profiles/+merge/237155/comments/595770 ?00:13
charlesmterry, if so, any idea what's actually causing the crash? What prompted you to try changing the i-power profile to work around it?00:14
mterrycharles, tedg: I think you have it backwards (or I typed backwards)00:26
mterrycharles, tedg: currently, power uses "/desktop_greeter" when set to phone_greeter profile00:26
mterrycharles, tedg: switching that to use /phone instead fixes the problem00:26
charlesmterry, ok, that sounds better at least :)00:26
charlesmterry, still, I'm curious what the crash is00:27
mterrycharles, tedg: the reason I was digging in that area was I was updating my profile-switching unity8 branch to merge from trunk00:27
mterrycharles, tedg: I noticed this hang problem (not a crash) and determined that it only happened if I used phone_greeter profile00:27
mterrycharles, tedg: so I started going through the indicators to see which indicator's phone_greeter profile was the problem00:27
mterrycharles, tedg: I'm not sure who's at fault (certainly at least a little bit unity8, we probably shouldn't let an indicator DOS us)00:28
mterrycharles, tedg: but I'm curious why desktop_greeter would cause such a difference?  (seems that u8 is just forever trying to render an icon)00:28
mterryUnfortunately, jenkins hasn't made deb files for my branch yet00:30
mterryOtherwise you could test and see it yourself00:30
charlesmterry, yeah, that's very strange. even if unity8 gets a little of the blame this is likely the power indiator's bug...00:30
charlesmterry, is jenkins queued to build?00:30
mterrycharles, yeah I could *imagine* maybe if it were making a bunch of icon change requests...?  But I looked and didn't see spam on dbus-monitor00:30
charlesmterry, I'm EOD soon but can check back later and give it a test drive00:31
mterrycharles, yeah it should automatically generate some debs from my last commit00:31
charlesso I don't have to do anything special to trigger the crash, just use00:31
charlesmterry, so I don't have to do anything special to trigger the crash, just use 'desktop_greeter' instead of 'phone' for the profile on the phone?00:32
mterrycharles, yeah.  Sometimes booting is enough.  Other times I play with indicators a little bit.  Open them and just bounce the drag-reveal bar up and down in the middle of hte screen, side to side to switch indicators00:32
mterryEventually u8 freezes00:32
mterrycharles, well the profile is already desktop_greeter in the indicator file00:33
mterrycharles, switching to phone fixes it00:33
mterrycharles, but as is, desktop_greeter will cause a freeze with my branch00:33
mterrycharles, but you usually see the freeze within a minute of boot/play00:33
mterrycharles, so reproduction steps are: flash, install debs from that MP, and then just play with indicator bar00:34
charlesmterry, ack00:38
kenvandineogra_, ok, i'll need a hand doing that in the morning :)00:54
SoledgeHi is there anyone here who can help me? im trying to install the Ubuntu Touch OS on my Google nexus 7 (2013) and im having difficulties near the ned of installation02:51
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ahoneybunhello as;;04:20
ahoneybunanyone getting failed to enter recovery when flashing ubuntu over android?05:07
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bzoltanmvo: ping06:59
mvobzoltan: pomg07:00
bzoltanmvo: the chroot.py in the lp:click lists the intltool as part of the frameworks07:00
bzoltanmvo: still it is the intltool-debian package what gets installed when the click chroot is created07:00
bzoltanmvo:  and the cmake looks for the /usr/bin/intltool-merge07:00
bzoltanmvo:  when the intltool-debian installes to the /usr/share/intltool-debian/intltool-merge07:01
mvobzoltan: right, let me check that07:01
bzoltanmvo:  why the click chroot does not install the explicit package?07:01
bzoltanmvo:  it is  this bug -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/click/+bug/138472407:01
ubot5Launchpad bug 1384724 in click (Ubuntu) "click chroots do not have intltool" [Critical,New]07:02
bzoltanmvo:  here is the logs from my click chroot creation -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9067294/07:05
bzoltanmvo:  I am on utopic07:05
mvobzoltan: chroot creation is running so that I can check why its missing, it should be there07:05
mvobzoltan: whats your click version?07:08
bzoltanmvo: 0.4.3307:14
mvobzoltan: aha, I think that explains it, it got added as part of https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/click/ - see the   [ David Planella ]part. I guess it needs to be updated in your sdk ppa07:17
bzoltanmvo:  hm... and that is archeologic07:17
bzoltanmvo:  the silly thing is that teh sdk ppa has the super latest click :) but I was dogfooding on the dev tools PPA ... sorry, my bad07:18
mvobzoltan: no worries07:19
bzoltanmvo:  once I caught you :) we will soon have a new fw package for vivid target.. the qt5-qmake-cross-armhf package. That should be installed in the vivid chroots in order to support qmake crossbuild07:20
mvobzoltan: just seed it as part of the ubuntu-sdk-libs and it will be there07:21
mvobzoltan: the chroot is now build entirely from the ubuntu-sdk-libs-dev package, no need to modify click anymore :)07:21
bzoltanmvo: hmmm... it is something what should exist exclusively on click chroots .. it was made for that. I do not think it is harmful on any other env thou07:21
bzoltanmvo:  and that package is built only for x86 targets not for armhf07:22
mvobzoltan: oh, in this case I need to look at the code and scratch my head a bit, it seems to be a bit of a special snowflake07:23
mvobzoltan: would you mind to file a bug so that its not forgoten? another project is keeping me super busy right now07:24
bzoltanmvo:  but wait a sec ...  how those packages will be installed to the chroot what are now listed for utopic fw and not part of the sdk-libs-dev?07:25
bzoltanmvo: was anybody testing the 15.05 chroots if they are actually functional with the SDK?07:26
mvobzoltan: I don't think so, I tested that the chroot itself works, but did not do a intergration test with the sdk07:27
bzoltanmvo:  it is not to simplify and clean up the click project... but we have an SDK to run in the meantime :)07:27
mvobzoltan: you mean the new structure of the chroot creation using ubuntu-sdk-libs-dev? I did check that all the packages are there :)07:28
bzoltanmvo: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.vivid/view/head:/sdk-libs and http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.vivid/view/head:/sdk-libs-dev07:30
bzoltanmvo:  so for example how the intltool gets installed?07:30
mvobzoltan: it dosn't which is a bug . shows once more the importance to keep chroot.py and the seeds in sync (and also that its better to have this only in a single place :)07:33
mvobzoltan: let me add it to the seeds07:33
bzoltanmvo: super, thank you. I agree that it is safer and better to have a single place for the SDK definition07:34
bzoltanmvo:  I will take care of the SDK integration tests and turn back to you if I find any problem.07:35
mvobzoltan: thanks for noticing the problem! its added to bzr now and I will upload the package in some minutes07:37
bzoltanmvo: nice ... for the qt5-qmake-cross-armhf:i386 dependency I think we need to have a separate metapackage .. like for tools/toolkchains and stuff07:38
mvobzoltan: cool, if you have a plan, please include it in the bugreport07:41
bzoltanmvo:  I am still thinking ... you install the sdk-libs-dev:target ... that metapackage pulls the cmake and intltool07:42
bzoltanmvo:  will it install the cmake:armhf?07:43
mvobzoltan: cmake is marked multi-arch: foreign so apt knows it can install the :amd64 version instead of the :armhf version07:44
mvo(so is intltool)07:44
bzoltanmvo: so this http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.vivid/view/head:/sdk-libs-dev has both tools what should be native i386 and target dev what should be armhf07:44
bzoltanmvo:  OK, I see.. but my qt5-qmake-cross-armhf is not a multiarch package07:45
bzoltanmvo:  as it is not possible to build it for armhf ...07:45
bzoltanmvo: precisely this is how it is done -> https://code.launchpad.net/~bzoltan/kubuntu-packaging/qt5-qmake-cross-armhf/+merge/24156807:46
dholbachgood morning07:57
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mvobzoltan: ubuntu-touch-meta with the updated libs is uploaded once its available in the archive a full test can be done08:02
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bzoltanmvo: thank you. For the qmake project support I will need that qt5-qmake-cross-armhf:i386 installed in the click chroot. The new qtabse to provide that package is on its way to the archive. So what do you suggest?08:10
mvobzoltan: please file a bug and I will look at it once its in the archive08:11
bzoltanmvo:  zbenjamin had a problem with creating 15.04 click chroot -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9068140/08:19
mvobzoltan: right, this is also addressed with the ubuntu-touch-meta upload, the two packages in the log got renamed08:21
bzoltanzbenjamin: ^ you have heard the man08:22
bzoltanmvo:  thank you08:22
bzoltanmvo: and here is the bug -> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/click/+bug/1393698 For the time being I cold live with a workaround to add that package to the list in the chroot.py08:23
ubot5Launchpad bug 1393698 in click (Ubuntu) "Cross qmake to the chroots" [High,New]08:23
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ycheng--revision is not accepted by ubuntu-device-flash, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/goget-ubuntu-touch/+bug/139369908:34
ubot5Launchpad bug 1393699 in goget-ubuntu-touch (Ubuntu) "not accept --revision parameter" [Undecided,New]08:34
ychenghelp help08:34
dholbachpete-woods, jdstrand: are fields like "Unknown fields in 'flickr/com.canonical.scopes.flickr_flickr.ini': description[bg], description[ca], description[cs], description[da], description[de], description[el], description[es], description[eu], description[fi], description[fr], description[gl], description[hu], description[it], description[nl], description[pl], description[pt], description[pt_br], description[ru], description[sk], description[08:43
dholbachsl], description[sv], searchhint[bg], searchhint[ca], searchhint[cs], searchhint[da], searchhint[de], searchhint[el], searchhint[es], searchhint[eu], searchhint[fi], searchhint[fr], searchhint[gl], searchhint[hu], searchhint[it], searchhint[nl], searchhint[pl], searchhint[pt], searchhint[pt_br], searchhint[ru], searchhint[sk], searchhint[sl], searchhint[sv]" in a scopes .ini file something that is working and which click-reviewers-tools sho08:43
dholbachuldn't complain about?08:43
pete-woodsdholbach: yes. those are the translations08:43
dholbachpete-woods, so that's stuff which is actually working?08:44
pete-woodsit needs to accept any of the known keys with [XX] on the end08:44
pete-woodsmy mistake when putting in those rules08:44
dholbachfor description, searchhint - anything else?08:44
pete-woodshmm, I think displayname too?08:47
pete-woodsmaybe author?08:48
pete-woodsdholbach: ^08:48
pete-woodsI see there was probably originally support for this08:48
pete-woodsmaybe I broke it08:48
dholbachI filed 139370608:49
pete-woodsif so, apologies08:49
dholbachpete-woods, nevermind - the PPA was not updated to tip of trunk yet :)08:55
mardythostr_: hi! Why do you think that bug 1393470 is a critical one?09:28
ubot5bug 1393470 in libaccounts-glib (Ubuntu) "Service cache doesn't update as services change" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139347009:29
thostr_mardy: as it seems to be able to corrupt the database09:29
thostr_mardy: or rather, with a broken service file you can corrupt the db/cache09:30
thostr_mardy: which would be pretty bad... how would you recover on a consumer device from that?09:31
mardythostr_: it's more correct to say that if the developer changes the provider or type in a .service file after it has being deployed, the info is not updated; which is pretty bad, I agree, but the situation shouldn't happen in the first place09:32
mardythostr_: we see it happening in developers' environments, while they play with the .service files09:32
mardythostr_: IOW, it's an annoying bug which hurts developers, but I don't think that it has a big impact on users09:33
thostr_mardy: right. but that also means by installing a super strange service file with a long list of existing names I could potentially pre-populate the db without any chance for the users to be cleaned up again, no?09:34
mardythostr_: no, that cannot happen. The service file is only relevant for the application, it doesn't add providers or other user-visible stuff09:35
mardythostr_: it cannot create conflicts with other services, even; the only thing which it can break is the application itself09:36
thostr_mardy: so, it will be only the one app - service relation that would break?09:37
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Entrepreneurship Day! :-D09:38
mardythostr_: yes09:38
mardythostr_: which is not to say that it's not an important bug, we can even tag it as OTA, but I wouldn't say it's that critical09:38
thostr_mardy: yes, agree. will mark it as high, because it's still a pita for devs09:39
mardythostr_: +109:39
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mOrteCideHi guys...I just want to know how is the functionaltiy of the Ubuntu-Touch-i9300_build3...10:14
mOrteCideCan I use it as a phone or is most of the functions still not working10:15
mOrteCideAnybody their?10:17
mOrteCideNevermind...jesus this site sucks10:18
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bzoltanmvo: zbenjamin: the qt5-qmake-cross-armhf is now available in Vivid10:52
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bzoltanmvo:  sorry to be pushy :) but the click fix is the last blocker of the qmake support. Do you think you can add that line to the chroot.py shortly. We can figure out the long term solution later on.11:26
bemkHi, I'm trying to figure out how the boot process works on the Tegra K1, DTB stuff and kernel. Can you help me, or do you know of a better channel to ask?11:30
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brendandmardy, actually they aren't online-accounts tests, but they are using some test plugin for it12:04
brendandmardy, trying to create an account with 'com.ubuntu.reminders_evernote-account-plugin-sandbox'12:05
brendandmardy, but the account returned is blank12:05
mardybrendand: you mean that a blank screen pops up?12:06
brendandmardy, let me find the code12:06
brendandfrom gi.repository import Accounts12:07
brendandself._manager = Accounts.Manager.new()12:08
brendandaccount = self._manager.create_account('com.ubuntu.reminders_evernote-account-plugin-sandbox')12:08
brendandthen account.get_settings_dict() is empty12:09
brendandmardy, do those gi bindings belong to OA?12:09
mardybrendand: yes they do12:12
brendandmardy, so what's going on back there that the call would return a blank account?12:13
mardybrendand: can you find a .provider file for com.ubuntu.reminders_evernote-account-plugin-sandbox in /usr/share/accounts/providers/ or ~/.local/share/accounts/providers/? Maybe that's missing12:13
brendandmardy, it's in .local12:14
brendandmardy, wait - not the sandbox one12:14
brendandmardy, ok i see now this is clearly not installed. i'll go find out why12:16
mardybrendand: cool :-)12:16
pittiogra_: eek, no -- unless you apparmor that properly it would mean that every process can crash your device :/12:22
ogra_hmm, k12:22
ogra_i dont really get why it can reboot with the same code path12:23
ogra_apparently via capset12:25
ogra_cap[CAP_TO_INDEX(CAP_SYS_BOOT)].effective |= CAP_TO_MASK(CAP_SYS_BOOT);12:26
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mvobzoltan: on the phone, really bad timing currently as there is another project of very high priority going12:58
bzoltanmvo:  I could do  the single line change and release a "fork" in the SDK PPA.12:59
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kenvandineogra_, how do i get a chroot from recovery?13:40
ogra_you need to mount the rootfs ... then just chroot into the mountpoint13:40
ogra_on krillin yu can just do: mount /system IIRC13:41
jdstranddholbach, pete-woods: that is bug #1392133. I fixed that yesterday and asked beuno to get that into the store (I think pindonga may be working on that this morning)13:42
ubot5bug 1392133 in Canonical Click Reviewers tools "Click review complains about internationalized ini files for scopes" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139213313:42
pindongajdstrand, yes, we're waiting for the deploy to happen13:42
dholbachjdstrand, yep, pinged pindonga about it too13:42
* jdstrand nods13:43
cwayne1too bad for me i uploaded most of my scopes already, sorry for all the manual reviewing guys :)13:44
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mterrycharles, I assume you're sleeping now, but the greeter-profiles branch has its jenkins-built debs ready13:50
kenvandinepitti, pmcgowan: confirmed, updating upower to 0.99 in rtm fixes the issue :-D14:00
seb128kenvandine, trivial change for rtm right? ;-)14:01
kenvandineseb128, only 4 packages :)14:02
seb128kenvandine, yeah, and only a few line changed in upower, right? :p14:02
kenvandinedoubtful :)14:02
pittilet's say only a few lines changed in the three others :)14:02
pindongajdstrand, dholbach r294 on prod now14:03
dholbachpindonga, yeehaw!14:03
dholbachcwayne1, pete-woods: ^14:03
pittiseb128: for upower itself, well, it's *cough* *mumble* *cough* plus 4 lines14:03
kenvandinepitti, dbus-daemon even goes idle while suspended :)14:03
jdstrandpindonga: thanks!14:03
dholbachthanks a lot everyone14:03
kenvandinethis would have to help a ton with power usage14:03
kenvandineat least while plugged in :)14:04
kenvandineseriously... dbus-daemon isn't even always on the page in top :)14:05
seb128pitti, hehe14:06
kenvandinepitti, and on wake up (with system-settings focused) dbus-daemon tops out at 0.314:06
seb128kenvandine, pitti, I'm not arguing we shouldn't update, it's just not a trivial one14:06
kenvandineunlike sometimes hitting 80 with the screen off14:06
kenvandineseb128, indeed... which is why i really tried avoiding this14:06
kenvandinewhat a huge improvement though!14:07
seb128in real world use as well?14:07
seb128or just in the special case of "suspend while on setting's battery page"?14:07
kenvandinei don't have data with it unplugged14:07
kenvandineseb128, not even on settings battery page14:07
seb128I never had such issues that I could see on my device14:07
kenvandinein fact... not only with settings running14:07
kenvandineseb128, on rtm, if you watch top and turn the screen off while plugged in14:08
kenvandineupower causes dbus-daemon to keep spinning14:08
kenvandinebouncing up and down, i saw it go over 80 while the screen was off without system-settings running14:08
seb128kenvandine, weird14:09
kenvandineseb128, it was just very noticable in system-settings on resume14:09
kenvandinebecause dbus-daemon was busy14:09
seb128kenvandine, I've 39 min of cpu use for dbus-daemon in top14:09
kenvandinewe have sync calls14:09
seb128but that's over days14:09
seb128so it's not hitting the cpu all the time for me14:09
seb128or that number would be hours14:09
ogra_it does if it is constantly plugged in14:09
kenvandineseb128, i think it's fine when it's not plugged in14:10
seb128I don't plug my phone a lot14:10
seb128like once every second night to charge14:10
ogra_if you actually use the phone and remove the chord it isnt that bad14:10
seb128so it's not a "real world usecase"14:10
kenvandineit aweful while plugged in14:10
ogra_it definitely taints our smoke tests ...14:10
seb128I mean who cares about wakeups when plugged14:10
ogra_and is very krillin specific14:10
kenvandineogra_, we've seen it on mako too14:10
kenvandinemaybe not as bad14:10
ogra_(we have a test that checks if the system goes above 95% idle before and after a test run)14:10
seb128seems like not a rtm blocked to me14:11
seb128we could fix it for ota114:11
seb128I mean it doesn't eat battery when unplugged14:11
kenvandineyeah, i wouldn't want to rush14:11
seb128and when plugged you don't care that much14:11
kenvandineif you try to use your phone plugged in though14:11
kenvandineit sucks :)14:11
seb128most users don't I expect14:11
seb128or not often14:11
kenvandinewhy not?14:11
kenvandinei always plug mine in while driving14:12
seb128beacause you use your phone when you are not home14:12
seb128or in the couch14:12
kenvandineand listening to music14:12
seb128not especially sitting next to the plug14:12
kenvandinemusic-app stutters often14:12
seb128oh right, car people :p14:12
seb128no plug in public transportion or while walking14:12
seb128anyway that's not something worth arguing over14:12
seb128I was just trying to give some perspective to say that ota is probably fine14:13
seb128but just my opinion14:13
kenvandinei'd like to look at this for ota-114:13
kenvandinei don't want to block on it14:13
ogra_well, it will definitely hit some OTA at some point :)14:13
beunopete-woods, cwayne1, new scripts deployed14:13
ogra_we're rolling :)14:13
kenvandinepmcgowan, ^^^ what do you think?14:13
kenvandineroll baby roll!14:13
kenvandinerolling rick?14:13
cwayne1beuno: :D thanks14:14
kenvandineso silo 16 has a sync of indicator-power, upower and powerd from vivid14:14
kenvandineand a backport of just the upower fixes for settings14:14
ogra_didnt you alsso need the new dbus ?14:14
kenvandinewe need to look at the indicator-power sync to see if it includes more changes than we want14:15
kenvandineogra_, nope14:15
kenvandinethis is with rtm's dbus14:15
ogra_oh, cool14:15
kenvandinealso... the dash fills super snappy while plugged in14:16
kenvandineit used to feel more stuttery to me while plugged in, maybe that was related14:16
jgdxkenvandine, hey, there has not been any review activity on [1] so I've made some updates to it, mainly drawing the whole carrier story near the spec. [1] https://code.launchpad.net/~jonas-drange/ubuntu-system-settings/cellular-manual-carrier-persist-fix-1388044/+merge/24154114:20
jgdxit's most def ready for review now14:21
kenvandinejgdx, sorry, i've been focused on things we wanted to get into rtm soon and this upower issue14:22
kenvandinejgdx, i'll review it today14:22
jgdxkenvandine, no matter, it's ota1 :) I am just concerned that I'm spending time on something that will be rejected as too non-trivial for ota1 or some such.14:23
kenvandinejgdx, is there an ofono API to handle bug 137985014:23
ubot5bug 1379850 in Ubuntu UX "[system-settings] should allow switching 2nd SIM to 3G data" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137985014:23
jgdxkenvandine, per the bug, yes, bug 137338814:24
ubot5bug 1373388 in ofono (Ubuntu) "Allow user to change SIM slot technologies ( ex. 2G vs. 3G )" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137338814:24
kenvandinejgdx, ok, so that's being worked on, cool14:26
kenvandinejgdx, i wonder when we'll see successful CI tests... in your MP the tests pass but jenkins reports it as a failure because of a 500 internal server error :(14:28
kenvandinei feel like lately, passing CI is the exception... not the norm14:29
jgdxkenvandine, I've pinged cihelp, which awaits FGInthers coming.14:29
kenvandineand the failures never seem to be test failures14:29
kenvandinejgdx, thx14:29
jgdxkenvandine, it seemed he fixed *something* yesterday, but that may not have been the full story.14:30
kenvandinei've started to not expect passing tests... which is a bad state of mind :)14:30
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jgdxI keep banging my head against the wall (restarting ci runs), which is insane: "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."14:32
jgdxuh oh14:32
kenvandinejgdx, indeed... i feel the same way14:32
kenvandinewell, worse... i no longer think restarting will fix it... i just assume they won't pass so we should ignore it14:33
kenvandineterrible feeling...14:33
ogra_jdstrand, i could need some security person advice ... to fix a possible file corruption adbd does an "echo u >/proc/sysrq-rtigger" before rebooting if you call adb reboot ... with the dropping of privs we have, the daemon cant write to sysrq-trigger, the node is group owned by the system group though ... now i set up adbd to start with setgid pointing to the system group ...14:34
kenvandinejgdx, it is nice to see all the tests did actually pass for your branch though14:34
kenvandinebut sad i had to dig through the logs to see it14:34
ogra_jdstrand, ... and i want to drop that group membership if adb shell is called ... for that i call initgroups() before the adb shell call execs sudo ... but i seem to not be able to get rid of the system group ... "id" still shows it in the logged in adb shell session14:35
jgdxkenvandine, yeah—let's hope it's fixed today. I'll stay on it.14:35
kenvandinejgdx, thx :)14:37
jdstrandogra_: I'm going to let mdeslaur comment on your approach, but the order to drop privs should be setgroups() then drop the gid (and then if dropping uid, do that after both, but you're not, so don't worry)14:43
ogra_so would i call setgroups(); with no args to actually unset all groups ?14:44
jdstrandogra_: not necessarily with no groups, just to what you want it to have14:45
ogra_well, i'm fine to have all groups the phablet user is in ... i just want to get rid of the system group from the list ...14:45
* ogra_ is missing an usetgroup() :P14:45
jdstrandright, so pass setgroups the list without that gid14:46
ogra_geez, what an effort !14:46
jdstrandyeah, dropping privs is tricky and annoying14:46
ogra_yeah, would be easier to just make /proc/sysrq-trigger owned by phablet14:47
* ogra_ grins14:47
* mdeslaur hits ogra_ over the head14:48
* ogra_ grins crosseyed14:48
tbrgratuitous IRC violence?14:51
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pmcgowankenvandine, which?15:14
kenvandinepmcgowan, upower transition?15:16
kenvandinedid you see the scrollback?15:16
mandelbarry, I've got news for you => https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-download-manager/adapt-network-changes/+merge/24208315:32
mandelbarry, once the CI bot has complited the check and build, can you please do some tests in your side. I have been testing this all morning and works as expected, you remove the wifi connection and it pauses etc..15:33
mandelonce if is recovered (the waln or ethernet connection) the download is resumed15:33
mandelbarry, also, that evil dependency was removed, so we can do the MIR, cyphermox_ mentioned that he could give us a hand with that15:33
barrymandel: i can try, although others were affected by this, not me (i don't have 3g on my device, though i can kill the wifi)15:34
cyphermox_evil dependency?15:34
mandelbarry, oh, you have a tablet, fair enough hehe15:34
barrymandel: i have a phone too, but it doesn't work because USA15:34
barrywell, data doesn't work because USA15:35
mandelbarry, oh, but for the tests is valid, will detect is not connected and will pause, then you reconnect and should resume correctly15:35
barrycyphermox_: from the mp, it looks like qt5-qmake and qtsystem5-dev are dropped15:36
cyphermox_aren't those already in main?15:36
barrymandel: will this land before, after, or with the unconstrained fix?15:36
mandelbarry, that is why I commented in the unconstrain bug last nigh, we could land both at the same time15:37
mandelcyphermox_, the qtsystem5-dev is not, and is not longer needed15:37
mandelcyphermox_, qmake probably is there, but we moved to cmake15:37
cyphermox_after that it's just paperwork15:38
barrymandel, cyphermox_ it looks to me like qtsystems-opensource-src would still need MIR15:38
mandelbarry, I removed qtsystems as a dep, right? qtsystem5-dev15:38
cyphermox_barry: give me a second to recover from the huge svg.15:39
barrymandel: probably so:15:40
barry% apt-cache show qtsystems5-dev | grep -i source15:40
barrySource: qtsystems-opensource-src15:40
cyphermox_yeah, but that's what got dropped no?15:40
mandelexactly, that is one of the reasons I removed it15:41
barryin the mp, yes.  as long as no other binary packages provided by that source package are still being used15:41
barrymandel: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=qtsystems-opensource-src&searchon=sourcenames&suite=all&section=all15:41
barrymandel: ping me when there are arm binaries i can install and i'll do some testing15:42
mandelbarry, ok, will keep an eye15:46
barrymandel: thanks.  re-ask: did the unconstrained fix land yet?15:47
mandelbarry, I though I made sense when I said it (must be my broken englsih :) ) it has not been landed, I'd like to land both fixes at the same time15:48
barrymandel: awesome, thanks!15:48
mandelbarry, I asked about it in the bug report15:48
=== cyphermox_ is now known as cyphermox
dobeymandel: hey. any idea how to determine why exactly sending an MMS keeps failing?15:50
mandeldobey, I just know about the upload, and it usually returns a 200 even on a failure (**** telcos), sergiusens_ can help you debug15:51
dobeymandel: well, i am not seeing an u-d-m log when i hit send.15:52
mandeldobey, is in the upload one, right?15:53
mandeldobey, yes, I hate it too15:53
dobeywhat upload one?15:53
dobeyhmm. i guess i can't receive MMS.15:58
matv1new music app is awsum! many thnx guys16:00
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
sergiusens_dobey: can you tcpdump the connection for me?16:06
dobeysergiusens_: well it seems to work for sending now, but i can't seem to receive an MMS (not sure why that would be)16:08
dobeyand now i need to go get lunch16:11
mandelbarry, you have a deb here for the udm fix => https://code.launchpad.net/~mandel/ubuntu-download-manager/adapt-network-changes/+merge/24208316:37
barrymandel: thanks.  will test16:37
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
brendandmardy, so i found the package for the sandbox provider and installed it16:56
taiebotNew music app does not seem to show songs in album view properly. I do not know why but there is one song which is showing in the wrong album. And all the various artists albums do not have any song in them. Does anyone notice the same.17:42
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
elopioping charles: can you please read http://pad.ubuntu.com/test-indicator-messages when you have some time?18:20
elopiocharles: we will likely change the format of the document, but I would like to know if it makes sense to you, or you have any suggestions of what you'd like to see there.18:21
elopiohello bill__.18:21
bill__hello elopio, i am newby, is this about ubuntu phone install?18:22
elopiobill__: welcome. this channel is about ubuntu phone - everything.18:22
bill__thanks, where can I download phone OS and is there a install wiki/manual for how to put on an older phone?18:23
elopiobill__: you can start here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/18:24
bill__Thanks verry much18:24
elopionot all phones are supported. If it's old, it's likely it won't work.18:24
elopiobill__: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices18:25
charleselopio, sure, reading it now18:25
elopiocharles: thanks. Feel free to put comments there if you want, or ping me afterwards.18:26
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
taiebotHow can i backup my data of my UT. i would like to give lollipop a try but do not want to lose all my data.19:34
ogra_we dont really have any supported way to do that yet19:34
ogra_you can indeed pull photos and music via mtp19:34
taiebotIts not really photos and music i want i would prefer contacts and text messages.19:36
taiebotcould i just not copy the /home?19:37
ogra_you could try (i wouldnt)19:38
taiebotOk. Does that mean i am locked in to UT ;-)19:40
dobeytaiebot: you can make a tarball of /home/phablet i guess19:40
dobeyor just make an empty directory on your PC and do "adb pull /home/phablet/" inside that empty directory to copy everything in the home folder over19:41
ogra_dont blame UT if that breaks after unpacking though :)19:41
ogra_uh, no19:41
dobeythere are a LOT of logs, cache, and other junk, though19:42
ogra_if you want too do it, create the tarball on the devcice and use the --numeric-owner option to tar19:42
ogra_dobey, right, thats why i think it is wrong :)19:42
ogra_we need a script that picks out all personal data19:42
dobeywell, it's not wrong19:42
dobeyit's the only real option at the moment19:43
ogra_and a framework thhat allows apps to define data to be backed up19:43
mhall119Sometimes on my phone the edge gestures stop working, left and right, the indicator pull-down works but I can't swipe up to dismiss it, and i have an app focused so I can't get to the dash, how can I get some debugging info about why this is happening before I restart?19:43
ogra_mhall119, there is a bug for that19:43
ogra_bug 139114919:43
ubot5bug 1391149 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "greeter not reacting to swipes" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139114919:43
mhall119ogra_: this might be different, my greeter responds fine19:45
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ogra_mhall119, there are other bugs linked from that one19:45
ogra_i would assume they are all the same just in different manifestations ... but yeah, if you think it is different, file a new one19:47
ogra_mhall119, does your launcher still work ?19:47
mhall119I think it's the same as one of the linked bugs19:47
mhall119ogra_: dunno, can't get it all the way out19:48
ogra_then you can actually still navigate fine ...19:48
mhall119it'll do the hint thing from the greeter screen19:48
mhall119but it won't come out enough I can tap it19:48
ogra_wow, thats spethial19:48
mhall119touch events on the app work, and like i said swiping the indicators (which are still visible) reveals their menu, but swiping up can't dismiss it19:49
mhall119it's almost like the app is getting edge-swipe inputs rather than the shell19:49
mhall119unfortunately facebook is the focused app I'm stuck on, so I can't test bottom-edge swipe for the app itself19:49
mterrycharles, heyo!  Did you ever get a chance to try out the greeter-profiles MP debs?19:49
mhall119is there any useful dump I can take of Unity8 or Mir to determine if it's a stacking issue?19:50
charlesmterry, oop, no I got wrapped up in something else. Let me give that MP a try now19:50
mhall119also, the volume change notifications show up fine19:50
ahoneybunmhall119: ping19:58
mhall119ahoneybun: pong19:58
ahoneybunI'm getting19:58
ahoneybun"Failed to enter Recovery"19:59
ahoneybunwhen flashing Ubuntu over android19:59
mhall119did you (A) enable USB debugging and (B) use the --boot flag on ubuntu-device-flash?19:59
* ahoneybun thinks it might be something to do with lollipo20:00
ahoneybunI have --bootstrap20:00
ahoneybunand usb debugging20:00
mhall119can you adb reboot recovery?20:01
ahoneybunyea thats how I started ubuntu-device-flash20:01
=== ajalkane_ is now known as ajalkane
ahoneybunweird not adb devices is not showing my n420:02
ahoneybundeveloper mode was on20:03
ahoneybunbut not usb deb20:03
* ahoneybun things20:03
mhall119heh, that might do it :)20:03
* ahoneybun tests again20:03
ahoneybunmhall119: did they fix that reboot after fresh install?20:04
charlesmterry, FWIW, I'm seeing the exact same behavior -- same freeze & your workaround WfM too20:04
mterrycharles, good -- glad it's not just me  :)20:04
charlesmterry, I'm going to dig into the desktop_greeter profile and see what unity8 doesn't like about it20:04
mterrycharles, thanks!20:04
mterrycharles, when I originally made that branch, I didn't see this problem.  But power might not have used a different profile then20:05
ahoneybunstill broke mhall11920:06
ahoneybunchecking usb debug again20:06
ahoneybunI'm thinking it has to do with Android 5.020:07
emanuelethe ubuntu touch to s3, not continued?20:12
dobey!devices | emanuele20:12
ubot5emanuele: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices20:12
emanuelein the site, there is wrote work in progress but there aren't  a new buil at 6 months20:15
popeyemanuele: thats a community build, you'd need to contact the person who made it20:17
emanueleok thanks20:17
emanuelewhere can i download the project for developer?20:18
popeysorry, the what?20:18
emanuelethe project of i930020:18
popeyYou'd have to contact the person who made it.20:19
emanueleok thanks :)20:20
popeysorry i cant help further20:21
mhall119ahoneybun: maybe ogra_ or someone else here can help you, that's out of my depth20:26
popeysomoene else round here fiddled with android 5.0 recently20:27
dobeymhall119, ahoneybun: the --bootstrap option is for when you are flashing from the bootloader. if you ar flashing from recovery or booted into android/ubuntu, don't use --bootstrap20:32
dobeypopey: afaik, everyone with that is using MultiROM20:32
dobeyi don't know if anyone's successfully replaced android 5.0 on a device yet, by flashing ubuntu on top of it, though20:33
ahoneybundobey: I am in the bootloader20:35
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ahoneybunI might need to flash 4.4.4 over then Ubuntu20:37
dobeyahoneybun: could be usb cable or driver too. i once had a similar problem, and switching cables and all kinds of things didn't work for me. plugged into my laptop instead of my workstation, did the flash, and it worked perfectly. :-/20:38
barrymandel: ping20:53
ahoneybuni tried both 2.0 and 3.0 ports same result20:55
ahoneybunI think it comes down to 5.0 dobey20:56
dobey    property int keyboardSize: Qt.inputMethod.visible ? Qt.inputMethod.keyboardRectangle.height : 021:07
alecursalveti: hi! are you still able to reproduce #1393901?21:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 1392744 in unity-scope-click (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1393901 mako/vivid does not show install progress" [High,Triaged]21:37
cpt-oblivioushow well does ubuntu touch run on the nexus 5?21:37
rsalvetialecu: I just opened that one with latest vivid image :-)21:42
rsalvetilet me try it again21:43
alecursalveti: you've not flashed again, right? may I ask to take a look at your downloads.db?21:43
rsalvetialecu: yeah, just got it again21:44
alecursalveti: I flashed latest vivid on mako, and I no longer can reproduce21:44
alecuso, I suspect that file might be corrupted21:44
rsalvetialecu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-click/+bug/1392744/comments/721:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 1392744 in unity-scope-click (Ubuntu) "mako/vivid does not show install progress" [High,Triaged]21:45
alecursalveti: great, thanks.21:45
mterrykenvandine, in the current wizard, we are able to refresh all current strings by changing i18n.language.  Is there something special we do to make that work?  (didn't work when I tried in unity8, but maybe that's my fault)21:49
dobeyalecu: but the download and install still succeeds. you don't see the problem on a fresh flash?21:50
alecudobey: I saw the problem earlier; but now I can't reproduce.21:51
dobeyalecu: weird21:51
alecuLooking at that db, it seems to be ok. And I've tried putting it into my device, and it works just fine.21:52
dobeyalecu: you are testing it with the unity-scope-click that's already in vivid, or the one from the silo?21:52
alecudobey: doh, I'm using the one from the silo.21:53
dobeyalecu: well, bonus fix then! :)21:53
kenvandinemterry, i don't think so21:53
alecudobey: I'll try removing the silo21:53
dobeyalecu: well i am seeing the problem here with what's in vivid21:54
dobeyi wonder what changed since the last unity-scope-click upload to vivid21:54
* genii makes more coffee and slides keithzg a mug22:01
* ahoneybun downloads 4.4.4 factory image to try22:01
keithzgmmmm, coffee22:01
mandelbarry, have you been able to test udm?22:03
barrymandel: please see my comment on the mp22:09
mandelbarry, missed it, let me check22:11
mandelbarry, hm.. interesting, I'll double check, at least 3g is working :)22:12
mandelbarry, maybe the header is not correctly set22:13
mandelstep by step22:14
barrymandel: yep!  ping me when you have something else to test22:15
mhall119mzanetti: dude!22:22
mhall119this is awesome!22:22
mzanettiwhat up?22:22
mhall119the Unity 8 desktop-mode windows video22:22
mzanettiyeah :)22:22
mhall119this is a huge step! I can't believe it's happened already22:23
mdeslaurmhall119: oh! where is that?22:24
mzanettiwell, I started today :D22:24
mzanettiQML ftw22:24
mzanettiand it seems to prove our plans work out as expected22:24
mhall119mzanetti: this was one day's worth of work?22:25
mzanettihalf a day, yeah22:25
* mhall119 's mind is blown22:25
mzanettistarting from what we have with tablet/phone22:25
mzanettijust replacing the right edge spread with some draggable windows22:26
mzanettiobviously we've been working towards that flexibility for a while already22:26
mzanettibut this can't do parent/child relations of windows yet etc22:26
mhall119yeah, I just didn't expect to see it happen just yet22:26
mhall119this is great news22:26
mzanettime neither tbh :D22:26
mhall119it's great though, to finally be able to show people a difference between tablet and desktop modes22:27
mhall119mzanetti: can it switch at runtime yet?22:27
mzanettiyeah, have it running here at ctrl+alt+f822:27
mhall119mzanetti: you've made my whole week, and it's only Tuesday :)22:30
mzanettihaha. yw22:30
mhall119http://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/2mpkmb/video_showing_unity_8_desktopmode_windows_on_mir/ upvote to let everyone see22:34
mzanettimhall119: and unlike my previous videos, this one has actually been taken with an Ubuntu phone :D22:37
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kenvandinemzanetti, nice work!22:44
mhall119+1 Ubuntu inception22:44
dobeynow fix the SDK so apps can have proper window titles :)22:45
mzanettikenvandine: thanks, although it should go to everyone working on the phone stuff.22:45
kenvandineof course :)22:45
mzanettias I really just replaced the right edge spread with some windows22:45
taiebotmzanetti do you mean its the phone running on desktop mode? or you took the video with your phone.22:47
mzanettiboth :D22:47
mzanettiits the phone code running in desktop mode on my laptop, and I took the video with the ubuntu phone22:48
mhall119mzanetti: so are the changes you made for this all in QML, or a mix of QML and C++?22:50
mzanettimhall119: so far only QML22:51
mzanettimhall119: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/desktop-stage/+merge/24214022:52
mzanettilo. 230 lines of code total22:53
mzanettias I said, still quite some way to go22:54
mhall119yeah but still.....desktop-style windows!22:55
=== clopez_ is now known as clopez
taiebotWaouh someone has been busy writting some scopes. Looking for scopes on the store gives now lots of choices. Should they not be separated from apps though?23:02
mhall119taiebot: I would hope they're busy: http://developer.ubuntu.com/showdown/23:06
taiebotmhall. Well most of the ones showing up are canonical property. :) but i am sure with time it will change very soon23:08
mhall119taiebot: yeah, there are a number of them being developed for the contest that may not have started being published yet23:10
dobeytaiebot: they are shown separately from apps.23:10
taiebotdobey: in the store?23:10
mhall119dobey: not when you search, only when browsing by category23:11
taiebotdobey mhall119: I query scope in the search bar in the ubuntu store hoping that they appear in here.23:12
dobeymhall119: true i suppose23:12
dobeyfeel free to file a bug that they are not listed as separate result sets23:13
dobeytaiebot: yes. cancel the search and go to the "Travel & Local" department for example23:13
taiebotdobey: yeah was just trying and only discover it now. I have to say i do not find the categories very useful to me. So never tried it on the ubuntu store. Search is so much easier23:15
mhall119nearby wikipedia articles is an interesting one23:16
mhall119"Points of Interest" shows me only 1 result, a church23:16
mhall119I think it's saying I don't live somewhere interesting23:17
dobeyis that like, standing next to a wikipedia data center that only has some articles in it?23:17
cwayne1mhall119: all i've got is a graveyard23:17
dobeyah well, time to go do something else23:17
taiebotmhall119: flickr scope might give me a new background for my UT \o/23:17
mhall119lol, I suppose I'm a step ahead of you then23:17
taiebotmhall119:  Yeah it worked \o/. So much progress made. I have to say on my first attempt it failed as the picture i randomly selected was a .gif. But using the flickr scope to select a picture > opening the web app> downloading the picture > opening the system setting to import the new photo to set as a background is really impressive.23:28
cwayne1taiebot: glad you like it :)23:34
taiebotcwayne1 are photos on flickr are .gif. it looks like they are successfully saved images but they do not show on the gallery app. I did manage to find only one jpeg picture to download and open properly on the gallery app .All the other one are  always called spaceball.gif23:39
cwayne1huh, it didn't even occur to me that flickr had gifs23:41
taiebotcwayne1: it must be the website itself i successfully managed to get the kingfisher photo and the top corner butterfly but the rest is not allowed you get in the content hub a spaceball.gif downloaded for most of them23:45

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