
cmaloneyThat good eh?01:03
brouschbuttloads of snow02:23
jrwrenyay for not having to leave teh house02:48
greg-gugh for colds :(03:23
rick_h_heh that good eh?13:40
brouschMaybe 713:41
brouschA lot of blowing snow last night and this morning making whiteout conditions13:41
rick_h_just dust here, but it sure seems early in the winter (is it winter yet technically?) for 11F13:42
brouschIt's lake effect snow, so you don't get much of it13:43
mrgoodcatWMU got a snow day this morning13:43
mrgoodcat6" of snow over there13:43
mrgoodcatsurprised they closed over 6 inches13:43
brouschYeah, it's really not that bad13:43
brouschSchools closed here too, but it's not nearly as bad as last year when they stayed open13:44
rick_h_well at one point they kind of had to13:47
rick_h_they used up all their snow days and it kept coming13:47
brouschWe didn't use them all13:47
rick_h_oh, over here they went long after the year to meet the min mandates and such13:48
brouschAnd colleges closing over 6" of snow? U-M never closed back in my day13:48
rick_h_I guess a lot of them were closed due to cold13:48
rick_h_it was so freaking cold last winter13:48
rick_h_well they were saying last year once the worst in 20 years so how long ago were you in school :P13:48
brouschIt's only 18F and 6" of snow and WMU, GVSU, etc are closed13:49
cmaloneyGood morning14:15
cmaloneyI'm representing MUG at work14:22
cmaloneyit's "Michigan / Detroit day" (spirit week) and I don't have many shirts that have Michigan on them14:22
cmaloneyI think I have 15 for Ohio between PyOhio, Ohio Linuxfest, and Cinciclassic.14:22
cmaloneyThis is unsustainable.14:23
mrgoodcati have like a hundred WMU shirts14:45
mrgoodcatbrousch: schools are closed because of union contracts. Snow came too early and fast.14:46
cmaloneyThe unions couldn't keep up? :)15:07
mrgoodcatpretty much15:15
mrgoodcatThe contracts stipulate things like number of days of notice before work and such. Can't break the rules15:15
_stink_my freshman year at WMU we had a snow day the day before thanksgiving15:31
_stink_which was a big surprise15:32
cmaloneyI'll bet.15:53
cmaloneyI'm surprised at the amount of folks commenting on my end of radio post.16:20
mrgoodcatdon't normally get comments?16:24
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Not generally16:25
cmaloneyUsually I get one or two depending if wolfger or one of my other friends is paying attention16:25
cmaloneythese are two folks that I don't know.16:25
cmaloneyAlthough one of them had kind of a spammish link which I removed.16:26
cmaloneyBut hey, if I'm getting spammers that are actually leaving reasonable comments I'll take it. :)16:27
cmaloneyMan, it looks like the Debian project is going through some major churn16:38
mrgoodcatin what way?16:52
mrgoodcatcode churn or people churn?16:52
rick_h_both :)16:52
cmaloneyPeople churn16:52
cmaloneyI think last count of folks stepping down is at 416:53
greg-g"Let's Encrypt", thoughts?  https://freedom-to-tinker.com/blog/jhalderm/announcing-lets-encrypt/16:53
cmaloneySo Let's Encrypt becomes a CA?17:02
cmaloneyam I reading that right?17:02
cmaloney1) I'm not sure I like the "create a piece of software" bit in order to make certificates easier.17:03
cmaloneysince I'm not sure what that software will be mucking with17:03
cmaloneythough getting https certificates installed properly is less than trivial17:03
cmaloney2) What's to keep bad-actors from bad-acting and getting this CA blacklisted?17:04
cmaloneyOn the surface I like it17:04
cmaloneyPart of the reason I'm not using https is because of cost / PITA.17:04
rick_h_greg-g: wish them luck. Dealing with cross domain warnings from browsers, https overhead (austrailia users get a 400ms hit every https domain they get on canonical services), and cert management is hard let's go shopping17:09
rick_h_greg-g: but as someone that pays out of pocket for SSL certs on hobby and even our QA sites at work I'm all +1 on https17:09
rick_h_and that's beyond the stuff that's just ip addresses or local dns and not real urls and the like17:11
jrwrenit is very sad what is happening in systemd world and debian land.17:15
jrwrenvery similar to the hate filled boycot novell that happened in mono land.17:15
jrwrenlet's encrypt - as long as its open source, because no other way do I trust "Web site operators simply install a small piece of software that takes care of the entire process."17:20
cmaloneyI wish there was better support for self-signed certificates17:26
cmaloneyBut I completely understand why I'm asking for something impossible.17:27
jrwrencmaloney: easier to run your own CA.17:29
jrwrencmaloney: and there is great support for that.17:29
cmaloneyi've not had any luck not getting a ton of warnings about that17:29
jrwrendid you import your CA root as a trusted cert?17:30
cmaloneyI thought I did17:30
cmaloneyThis was a while ago, so the specifics are lost in time17:30
* DrDaemonEye peers in17:44
cmaloneyDrDaemonEye: Howdy. :)17:47
DrDaemonEyehey hey cmaloney :)17:47
DrDaemonEyeI had forgotten that I should be here17:47
cmaloneyYeah, we need to have some sort of nagging mechanism. ;)17:52
DrDaemonEyeWe do... I think there is also a channel for the michigan users group?17:52
cmaloneyYep, #mugorg17:52
DrDaemonEyethere... I am in all the right local channels17:54
DrDaemonEyeHow's everyone doing?17:56
cmaloneyHanging in there.17:57
cmaloneyDoing the working thing17:57
cmaloneylistening to Metallica for the first time in forever.17:57
DrDaemonEyegood good.  :)  Working... fun stuff.17:57
DrDaemonEyeOh nice.  I am listening to Fleetwood Mac for the first time in a long time.17:57
cmaloneyYeah, there's a reason that Cliff-era Metallica was one of the big four17:59
DrDaemonEyeI saw a couple of their albums on vinyl record.17:59
cmaloneyI think they're reissuing them17:59
cmaloneyVinyl is pretty big in the metal world17:59
DrDaemonEyeYea.  It is becoming big again around town here, but I have a feeling I live in a hipsterish college town.18:00
DrDaemonEyeAnn Arbor18:00
cmaloneyyeah, that's a hipsterish college town. ;)18:00
cmaloneyThough there's a vinyl store in Royal Oak (UHF) that I adore.18:01
DrDaemonEyeIt really is.18:01
jrwrenyay Ann Arbor18:01
DrDaemonEyejrwren: you in A2?18:01
cmaloneyjrwren is the face of Ann Arbor18:01
DrDaemonEyeyou ever make it down to All Hands Active?18:01
jrwrenI've been there once or twice.18:01
DrDaemonEyeAh okay.  you should come by sometime... Just got membership there again18:02
jrwreni was trying to point it out to someone a couple weeks ago. it was 9pm on Monday night after a semjs meeting at Baracuda, and I couldn't find the door. We were just across the street18:02
DrDaemonEyeAnyway, I think it is about time to get vinyl record player18:03
DrDaemonEyeYea, Mondays the door tends to dark18:03
cmaloneyDrDaemonEye: Yea, i have one that I haven't hooked up18:03
cmaloneyat least in $newlocation18:03
DrDaemonEye:)  I also want to get a tube audio amp18:04
cmaloneyI'd love to find a good one that isn't over $40018:04
DrDaemonEyehehe.  :)18:04
cmaloneyand isn't a kit. ;)18:04
cmaloneyThat or a nice Class-T amp18:04
DrDaemonEyeI'd want a kit, so I can do custom cases18:04
cmaloneyI have one that I like but it's a little underpowered18:05
cmaloneyPyle 20watt/ch18:05
DrDaemonEyenice.  :)18:05
=== sharp1 is now known as akelling
jrwrenoh, I didn't realize let's encrypt is an eff project. https://www.eff.org/press/releases/new-free-certificate-authority-dramatically-increase-encrypted-internet-traffic20:47
jrwrenIt now has my trust.20:47
greg-grick_h_: does canonical use caching pops/some sort of cdn?22:45
greg-gwe put a cache/terminator in SF and it helped oceania a ton (main DC is in Ashburn, with another cache in Amsterdam)22:46
greg-gstill bad, without having something in Japan or so all of oceania is screwed22:46
rick_h_greg-g: not for all things23:00
* greg-g nods23:00
rick_h_greg-g: the packages stuff has some mirrors23:01
rick_h_and things like ubuntu images in the clouds and such23:01
rick_h_but for most just apps/etc no.23:01
rick_h_though we're looking at some of that in some upcoming work, but not like you guys do I'm sure23:01
greg-gwell, our use case is limited23:03
greg-g"text webpages and images" is pretty easy to cache23:03
rick_h_yea, true23:04
rick_h_the thing with ours is a lot of interactive apps that make caching alone hard enough much less really pushing it too hard out to the edges23:04
greg-g99% usecase for us is anonymous users being served a cached copy23:05
greg-gthe 1% (editors/logged in users) is harder, of course, but we can easily throw hardware at both problems23:05
rick_h_yea, I think our future is more on the idea of running multiple instances of the apps in diff geo regions and getting users to the closest instance23:06
greg-gI can't wait until we have our second DC up and running (in dallas) with full replication/etc23:06
rick_h_but we'll see23:06
rick_h_MOAR POWAR23:06
greg-gwe're still tiny compared to the other top 5 websites, but adding another 600+ servers is always fun :)23:07
rick_h_how'd you make out building your team?23:08
greg-gstill in-progress (one more RelEng hire open, interviews on-going), but going well. We just had a Team Health Check today:23:09
rick_h_"no colds allowed"23:09
greg-gstole the idea from Spotify I think23:10
greg-gbut yeah, a bunch of teams are doing it23:10
greg-gbut, today, we had ours, and we were pretty much all "awesome" for each one. We only had two "meh"s23:10
greg-gAlso got a lot of positive feedback in the "Fun" section about how I've held the team together. Basically, I thought to myself "they like me! They really really like me!"23:11
rick_h_always good to hear23:13
greg-gmeans I'm not enough of a hardass, apparently :P23:13
rick_h_I just hide it behind laughing so it sounds better :P23:15
rick_h_I can't seem to pull that off. I'm too into everything. It's something to figure out still23:16
greg-gwhat's it in that sentence?23:17
rick_h_"manage behind the scenes"23:17
rick_h_as in kind of hands off/invisible23:17
* rick_h_ needs to do some singing of "let it go! let it go!"23:18
greg-goh, I meant more "we're talking about our secrets here"23:18
greg-gbut yeah, that is tough23:18
rick_h_oh, gotcha. Heh yea gotta go into a private channel and confess how sometimes we don't actually know wtf we're doing :)23:19
rick_h_so everyone still thinks we do23:19
greg-g"I learned 95% of what I know about management from https://twitter.com/PicardTips"23:19
greg-gdo you follow that account? it's actually pretty great23:20
rick_h_I see it RT'd around often enough23:20
rick_h_I try to keep away from too much noise on twitter23:20
rick_h_I find enough of that stuff gets my way via people I do follow23:20
* greg-g nods23:20
greg-gI went on an unfollow or "turn off retweets" spree recently, helped a ton23:21
rick_h_yea, every time my count goes over 150 I start to look for stuff to cut23:21
rick_h_seems to be a magic number for me23:21
rick_h_of course I just crossed 200 ugh23:21
greg-ghuh, I follow 301....23:21
rick_h_I followed leankit today because that's where they announced a network issue today23:22
rick_h_150-160 is my happy place23:22
rick_h_there we go, cut out almost 2023:26
* greg-g wonders if he's still on the list :P23:26
greg-gI've really started leaning on the "turn off retweets" thing. Some people retweet way too much, but are pretty sensible with their own stuff23:26

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