
skellat.wx 4400404:23
jenniCover: Overcast, Temp: 19.9°F (-6.7°C), Dew Point: 14.6°F (-9.6°C), Humidity: 80%, Apparent Temp: 4.1°F (-15.5°C), Pressure: 29.83in (1010.19mb), Condition: Cloudy, Wind: Fresh breeze 19.8mph (31.8kmh) (↙) - Ashtabula, Ohio, United States (Powered by Forecast, forecast.io)04:23
skellat.nws 4400404:23
jenniLake Effect Snow !WARNING! issued November 17 at 3:27PM EST until November 17 at 3:00PM EST by NWS04:23
jenniComplete weather watches, warnings, and advisories for Ashtabula, OH, available here: http://alerts.weather.gov/cap/wwaatmget.php?x=OHC007 -- You may also PM the bot to get the full list.04:23
Unit193Heh, how'd that happen?  We have -3F windchill.04:26
skellatUnit193: The reporting sensor(s) are the Ashtabula County Airport in the middle of the county and information isn't collected elsewhere04:28
Unit193Good for it?04:28
skellatAshtabula County measures over 700 square miles in area04:28
skellat.wx KHZY04:28
jenniCover: Clear, Temp: 53.5°F (11.9°C), Dew Point: 30.6°F (-0.8°C), Humidity: 41%, Apparent Temp: 53.5°F (11.9°C), Pressure: 30.21in (1022.97mb), Condition: Clear Day, Wind: Light air 1.4mph (2.3kmh) (↑) - Lat: 35.029472, Long: 63.176245 (Powered by Forecast, forecast.io)04:28
skellatWell, KHZY *is* the ICAO airport code for the county airport04:29
skellatBut there have been fairly hefty wind gusts here at home about 10+ miles north of the airport04:29
skellatAnd 1.5 miles south of the shoreline04:29
skellatUnit193: I'm still trying to figure out what to do with this bit and the comments from the cantankerous folks in Vancouver -- http://randall.executiv.es/we-are-NOT-loco04:31
jenni[ We Are Not Loco: Ubuntu Vancouver Loco's Last Day | Amplify the Signal ] - https://j.mp/1xKorBR04:31
skellatI already knocked their LP team out of ~locoteams as that appeared to be their expressed wish04:32
skellatThe team itself is a member of ~ubuntu-ca so they're still members of a LoCo even if they've not figured that out04:32
skellatI find the whole thing kinda funny considering that Randall Ross is now a Canonical employee too04:33
dzhojenni: .help15:44
dzhoso slow15:44
jenniHep what?15:44
dzhojenni: help15:45
jennidzho: Hi, I'm a bot. Say ".commands" to me in private for a list of my commands, or see https://github.com/myano/jenni/wiki for more general details. My owner is yano@freenode/staff/yano.15:45
dzhoah, so it's probably yano's forecast.io api key that's being used for this instance.15:45
dzhoyano: and you use it for wxbot too?15:47
yanobut the ##weather-us-oh stuffs are NOAA15:47
yanowhich requires no API, it is just ATOM scraping15:47
dzhoI might try the noaa stuff then15:48
yanoi'm looking at wunderground next15:48
dzhoas it is, I'm not having much luck getting my instance to respond to admin commands15:48
yanowunderground updates more quickly than forecast.io/noaa15:48
dzhoso, I have to kill the process, which is unsatisfying15:48
yanojust run jenni in screen/tmux15:49
dzhooh, I am15:49
dzhoso, a ^c suffices, there, but still.15:49
dzhoI ought to be able to just tell it to quit, right?15:49
yanomake sure the admin line in the config is using your nick@vhost15:49
yanoyea, you can do a .quit in PM only15:49
dzhooh, not just the nick.15:49
yanoer wait15:50
yanoi mean owner15:50
yanoowner = 'yano@freenode/staff/yano'15:50
skellat.addpoint dzho15:50
jennidzho: +1/-0, 115:50
dzhoahahah, ok, it worked15:50
skellat.addpoint yano15:50
yanoand make sure owner is at least:15:50
yanoadmins = [owner,]15:50
dzhoit was the pm part that I was missing.15:50
dzhoyano: thanks!15:50
yanodzho: you're welcome! :)15:50
dzhoyano: if I get deeper into using this, is there another channel that would be more suitable?15:51
yanodzho: yes, i have #jenni, #jenni-playground, and #jenni-testing15:51
dzhoa cornucopia!15:51
yanoyup! :)15:51
jenniHow about, Level Dining Lounge?15:52
dzhook, will do.  Spent enough time on this today, so I think I'll call it good for now.15:52
yanocool, let me know how it goes :)15:52
skellatWell, that didn't go well: http://lococouncil.ubuntu.com/2014/11/18/regular-loco-council-meeting-for-november-2014/20:48
jenni[ Loco Council | Regular LoCo Council Meeting for November 2014 ] - https://j.mp/1xAJwRF20:48
dzhooh, lack of quorum21:01

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