
maumwhen I try to install xenserver on ubuntu 12.04 version. I got PXE-E53 No Boot Filename Received00:00
maumthrough vmplayer00:00
zerothisyes, I've pinned it, package manager complains about 17 packages, not all of them are "xorg"00:01
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ChogyDanzerothis: pastebin?00:03
ChogyDanzerothis: I don't know why, but it's not working for me00:07
zerothisChogyDan: http://www.pastebin.org/LThNpLJX00:08
jeff__hey any here with any knowledge of .sh files?00:09
ChogyDanzerothis: it's the same link.  It just goes straight to pastebin.com for me  :(00:10
zerothisjeff__: a sh file is a shell script. A set of command-line commands that run with the sh is run00:10
ChogyDanthat worked  :), silly me00:12
zerothissorry, my bad00:12
k1l_HappyNewYear13: no need for that in here00:13
ChogyDanzerothis: you can apt-get upgrade the individual packages, to see why they are being held back, so, sudo apt-get upgrade apparmor00:13
TimeVIrusis Jordan_U here? I cant see the list :-|00:13
tewardTimeVIrus: if you have an actual support question or something you need help with related to Ubuntu, it's probably better to address the entire channel rather than one user00:15
zerothisChogyDan: did that, they all complain about "xserver-xorg-video-trident" a few also complain about "xorg-video-abi-11" and some about "lightdm"00:15
ChogyDanwhy doesn't lightdm want to upgrade?00:15
TimeVIrusI did ask the entire channel my problem got not answer and he (Jordan) was on top of it a couple hours ago - just thought that if hes still here he'd be my best chance at a solution to said problem00:16
HappyNewYear13the only way is up!00:17
TimeVIrusunless youre going to crash and burn up is it00:17
zerothisChogyDan: lightdm complains about trident and abi00:17
ChogyDanzerothis: you might be as good as you can get, fwiw.  most of the packages are related to xorg.  apparmor wants a certain version of lightdm, and maybe xorg wants a conflicting version as well.  So, you might be as good as you can get00:18
TimeVIruswhy no HexChat in Kali PM?00:18
ChogyDanzerothis: and you should probably file a bug report with ubuntu-bug if you haven't done that00:19
TimeVIrusthe helpers were more abundant a couple hours ago :(00:20
zerothisChogyDan: i'm off to ubuntu-bug. thank you.00:21
TimeVIrusSTRIKE while the iron is hot I always say - and now its going to be months before it heats up again I spose00:21
k1l_TimeVIrus: i didnt see you asking a question last time, just chatter. no wonder no one can help you even he he knew the solution00:21
bubbasauresvampires go to ignore00:23
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teaearlgraycoldAs an AMD GPU user, what drivers should I be using?00:30
javnuthow can I mouse click in another workspace?00:30
teaearlgraycoldI see a few options in the proprietary drivers section00:31
javnutfrom the terminal00:31
k1l_teaearlgraycold: fglrx from the ubuntu repo00:32
teaearlgraycoldk1l_, I see fglrx and fglrk-updates00:32
teaearlgraycoldIs that like a beta channel?00:33
Bashing-omteaearlgraycold: X2 athlon, ATI graphics card; open source graphics driver works well for me .00:33
teaearlgraycoldBashing-om, yeah they're working fine for me, not sure if I'll get better performance with fglrx00:34
raoulcodeGoodevening all :)00:39
imastupidguestI'm getting an error that I don't know how to address. It is tied to a repository needed to download modules for xiphos, which I'm running on Ubuntu 14.04. The error is: "Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/pkgcrosswire/ppa/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found" Can anyone offer suggestions?00:45
ramborockshad same issue yesterday00:45
imastupidguestramborocks: you talkin to me?00:45
imastupidguestor someone else?00:45
ramborocksyeah i not sure how we worked it out00:45
k1l_imastupidguest: that PPA is not for trusty00:46
k1l_last update seems like 2011?00:46
OerHeks2012, latest for precise00:47
k1l_no, last update 04.201200:47
ramborocksim trying to get permissions for plex to run on my ubuntu machine00:47
ChogyDanramborocks: is this the plex media player?00:47
ramborocksit isnt getting permissions and im not exactly sure how to use chmod command to give my /media to work00:48
ramborocksanyone got tips00:48
imastupidguestk1l_: Any idea how to make things work? I tried to fire up xiphos for first time last night; and, on it's first run, it tells me I have to install at least one module (of course). Well I can't install anything in xiphos for some reason and I thinks this has something to do with it.00:48
imastupidguestdunno what to do or who to contact about it00:48
ChogyDanramborocks: check your fstab00:49
k1l_imastupidguest: i dont know xiphos and that software seems quite unmaintained. at least for crosswire.00:49
k1l_well. xiphos is not unmaintained.00:49
dysingerdoes anyone know the difference between /usr/share/keyrings/ubuntu-archive-keyring.gpg and /var/lib/apt-keryings/ubuntu-archvie-keyring.gpg?00:50
dysingergoogling around I find references to both00:50
imastupidguestk1l_: I'll look for a way to get ahold of someone through esword or something along those lines. Thanks00:50
k1l_imastupidguest: you need to load the modules form here: http://www.crosswire.org/sword/modules/ and put the stuff to /usr/share/sword/00:52
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teaearlgraycoldSo I just switched to fglrx and now Xubuntu won't get past the splash screen01:01
teaearlgraycoldShould I switch back? How do I do that?01:01
teaearlgraycoldCtrl+Alt+F2 won't bring me to the tty01:01
teaearlgraycoldI suppose it's frozen01:01
Bashing-omteaearlgraycold: From grub boot menu -> recovery mode -> root -> resume normal boot. Once to the desk top in Additional Drivers utility, choose an alternate driver.01:03
teaearlgraycoldBashing-om, I'm at the root prompt, how do I resume the normal boot?01:03
teaearlgraycoldShould I startx01:04
k1l_dont startx01:05
k1l_restart the lightdm01:05
teaearlgraycoldHow do I do that?01:05
k1l_sudo lightdm restart01:06
teaearlgraycold"Failed to open log file /var/log/lightdm/x-0.log: Read-only file system"01:07
teaearlgraycoldNow I'm told "Could not create lock file in /tmp/.tX0-lock"01:08
teaearlgraycoldI'm going to ^C01:08
k1l_is this recovery?01:08
teaearlgraycoldroot prompt01:08
teaearlgraycoldI did01:08
teaearlgraycoldGot the same error01:08
k1l_what? you cant run desktop in the recovery01:08
k1l_so make a regular boot01:09
teaearlgraycoldI can't regular boot01:09
k1l_why that?01:09
teaearlgraycoldAfter I switched to fglrx I get stuck at the splash screen01:09
Bashing-omteaearlgraycold: Sorry, at that root prompt -> mount -o remount rw /  <- to enable write to the file system. then 'exit' -> click next on " resume normal boot " .01:10
teaearlgraycoldCan't ^Alt+F201:10
k1l_did you try nomodeset already as a grub parameter?01:10
teaearlgraycoldBashing-om, that worked, thanks01:10
teaearlgraycoldBack to the free drivers!01:10
teaearlgraycoldGotta protect those freedoms01:11
teaearlgraycoldK, it boots without issue now01:12
Bashing-omteaearlgraycold: Great. What card are you running ? as the HD 2X/3X/4X cards are legacy and AMD no longer supports them .01:12
teaearlgraycoldBashing-om, Radeon HD 797001:12
k1l_!nomodeset | i bet its just this01:13
ubottui bet its just this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter01:13
Bashing-omteaearlgraycold: FGLRX should work ??01:13
teaearlgraycoldIt doesn't ??01:13
teaearlgraycoldAlso if I want certain partitions to mount when I log in should I just put a mount command in the startup section of the settings?01:14
k1l_or use fstab?01:14
samthewildoneHaving a little problem here, http://pastebin.com/QepkGKre01:15
chadi cant figure out how to change my permissions for my drives01:16
chadim having a problem and its really annoying01:16
k1l_samthewildone: install the engine murrine?01:16
samthewildoneapt-get ?01:17
k1l_!find murrine01:17
ubottuFound: gtk2-engines-murrine, murrine-themes01:17
samthewildonek1l_, http://pastebin.com/QepkGKre01:18
samthewildonek1l_, just installed it01:18
OerHeks2 solutions, one package, and :386 packages samthewildone  http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21007052/gtk-warning-unable-to-locate-theme-engine-in-module-path-murrine-error-whi01:19
samthewildonek1l_, mind you this is a fresh out the box install01:19
OerHeksVMware or adobeair?01:19
k1l_samthewildone: why not use kompzer from ubuntu?01:19
Bashing-omteaearlgraycold: From a year back, looks like OEM driver was the alternate option . Not known if that is still the case : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2175949 .01:20
teaearlgraycoldBashing-om, thanks. Not sure if I'm going to bother though as the OSS driver is working to my needs right now01:21
teaearlgraycoldBut I'll bookmark it01:21
Hardtailhi guys not sure if I can post this here but anyone know how to use terminal as an ftp/sftp?01:21
teaearlgraycoldWell, unless it's what's causeing Chrome to artifact temporarily when it gets resized01:22
teaearlgraycoldHardtail, there's a command01:22
Hardtailteaearlgraycold thanks!01:23
teaearlgraycoldNo problem01:23
gentry1greetings, I am installing a package from source and am wondering what an appropriate destination for the program is? It wants to default to /usr/local, is this ok? certain daemons that I expected to turn up in /etc/init.d did not make it there01:24
storrgieI've got a 13.04 box, when I do an update it's getting 404s... are updates not available for 13.04?01:30
k1l_storrgie: no, since some time you dont get any updates nor security patches. you need to upgrade to 13.10 and then 14.04 asap.01:31
k1l_!eolupgrades | storrgie01:31
ubottustorrgie: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades01:31
storrgieoof, didnt realize it went EoL so soon01:32
k1l_if yu dont want to upgrade all 6 months stay on LTS, which is 12.04 or 14.04 (and 16.04)01:32
storrgieyeah I have some LTS boxes too01:32
tewardstorrgie: if you don't want to always be upgrading, you should stick to the LTSes almost religiously, like k1l_ said.  Also, you can refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for a list of current releases and their approximate EOL times01:33
storrgieI get it, I have LTS boxes, I've never let a non LTS box stick around this long. first time EoL as bitten me01:34
maumwhen I try to install xenserver on ubuntu 12.04 version. I got PXE-E53 No Boot Filename Received01:34
storrgie'swabydeck' is pming me saying stuff like '<swabydeck> LTS nigger'01:34
tewardstorrgie: use /ignore01:35
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tewardstorrgie: alternatively: /umode +R01:36
k1l_!guidelines | swabydeck stop that behaviour!01:36
ubottuswabydeck stop that behaviour!: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines01:36
storrgieI know how to take care of him, wanted to report him here01:37
storrgiethat kind of behavior is cancer for the community01:37
OerHeksstorrgie, join #ubuntu-ops please01:37
an0nmat1rhow do i get rid of grub ? it has xp installed ( and ubuntu) i do not have recovery xp disk or admin01:37
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OerHeksan0nmat1r, UBcd can, it is freeware01:38
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Guest99359hi, i am trying to get lamp working on ubuntu 14 lts and for some reason it keeps using the default document root at /var/www/html/ instead of /srv/www/mydomain.com/public_html/01:39
Guest99359apache.conf is whitlisting /srv/www/ and commenting out /var/www/01:40
Kraveanyone here work with Cinnamon DE?01:42
Joe_knockWhen I try running this command (in /usr/bin ) to create a symbolic link: sudo ln -s /home/user/Docs/bin/exe1 .. it keeps returning a broken link like: sudo ln -s /home/Docs/bin/nim . Anybody know why it is doing this ?01:42
an0nmat1rand i dont have access to BIOS, first boot device is HDD01:43
somsipGuest99359: have you set up a virtual host or are you using the default conf?01:43
Guest99359the file /etc/apache2/sites-available/mydomain.com.conf points to /srv/www/mydomain.com/public_html01:43
mrcoolsetJoe_knock: You using sudo in front01:43
Guest99359virtual host01:43
somsipGuest99359: and it's enabled?01:43
Guest99359i a2dissite the default01:43
Guest99359enabled my conf01:44
Joe_knockyep mrcoolset . I used sudo01:44
somsipGuest99359: try a2ensite then01:44
somsipGuest99359: ok - gotcha01:44
Guest99359it says allready enabled01:44
somsipGuest99359: paste the conf to ubuntu.paste.com01:44
azizLIGHTcan aonyone tell me whats wrong here:01:48
azizLIGHTsudo apt-get --simulate dist-update01:48
azizLIGHTE: Command line option --simulate is not understood01:48
somsipGuest99359: you sure you dissite on default and not default-ssl as this conf looks like you copied it from default-ssl01:48
Guest99359it should be noted that i am using the ip address to access the server and not the actual domain01:48
k1l_azizLIGHT: dist-upgrade01:48
Guest99359sure. i also looked in sites-enabled and see only my domain01:48
azizLIGHTk1l_: that error message is misleading then01:49
somsipGuest99359: and you have an entry for domain.com in your /etc/hosts?01:49
Guest99359my.ip.address domain.com domain01:50
Guest99359right under "       localhost"01:51
azizLIGHTj qt01:51
somsipGuest99359: and what does the access log tell you?01:52
somsipGuest99359: you might need to look at the default access log in /var/log/apache2/access.log if it's redirecting to that somehow01:53
Guest99359that is where i am looking, seems fine01:54
chadi cant get plexto work because of permissions01:54
somsipGuest99359: what does 'fine' look like? Is it accessing the domain.com webroot?01:54
chadis anyone able to walk me through it.. i feel like im just missing one touch01:54
Guest99359no errors, only webkit mozilla and chrome and ip addresses01:54
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Guest99359i am not sure how to check that. it does not say where it is accessing, only ip addresses that make the requests.01:56
Guest99359that and the fact that it is accessing index.html file01:56
somsipGuest99359: where is the log that your looking at - which directory?01:57
Guest99359the one you recommended /var/log/apache2/access.log01:58
Guest99359and it is updating every time i make a new request from my browser01:59
somsipGuest99359: so the default conf is still being used. Your domain.conf should be creating log files in /srv/www/mydomain.com01:59
Guest99359i know, it is weird01:59
Guest99359what could be causing it?01:59
somsipGuest99359: I know what you've said, but it looks like you've not enabled the sites correctly02:00
Guest99359could it be the fact that i am using the ip address and not the FQDN as the url?02:00
somsipGuest99359: you are putting an IP as the URL in the browser bar?02:00
Guest99359sudo a2dissite 000-default.conf ------------------ Site 000-default already disabled02:01
somsipGuest99359: it doesn't reverse lookup from the /etc/hosts file so use domain.com so the virtual host matches the ServerName in the conf02:01
ramborocksany help for plex02:01
Guest99359sudo a2ensite mydomain.com.conf Site mydomain.com already enabled02:02
ramborocksplex isnt getting permissions02:02
somsipGuest99359: did you restart apache2 after enabling/disabling?02:02
Guest99359gonna try again02:02
somsipGuest99359: what URL now?02:03
Guest99359still the same url - my ip address02:03
somsipGuest99359: use domain.com02:03
Guest99359i should redirect the domain from namecheap and then try again02:04
Guest99359thank you for your help somsip02:04
somsipGuest99359: if you have an entry in /etc/hosts you can use the fqdn. If you want this as the default site, don't use a ServerName so it picks up all incoming requests so you can use the IP02:04
ilkGuest99359 does this help?  http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/32163/move-var-www-to-srv-www-on-fedora-1602:05
Phillies[    0.219454] acpi PNP0A08:00: _OSC failed (AE_ERROR); disabling ASPM     -- is this an issue?02:13
BeanHey does anyone know a program that lets me add music to my IPOD from ubuntu?02:16
EriC^^rhythmbox maybe02:17
Beantried it, it gives me an error02:17
EriC^^whats the error?02:17
BeanFailed to generate sqlite database: an error occurred during Locations.itdb.cbk generation02:18
Phillieshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/9064436/   -- anything i need to fix with this?02:19
EriC^^is it a nano 5g?02:19
Philliesgetting taint kernel from fglx02:20
Beanyeah, thats the one with the trackwheel and camera right?02:20
Beanthen yes it is02:23
Beanaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand mrcoolset is now harrassing me.02:24
somsipBean: please raise this in #ubuntu-ops if you are getting PMs02:24
Philliesme as well02:24
EriC^^Bean: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/ipod-nano-5th-generation-gtkpod-libgpod-problems-856668/02:25
* l0rdn1x will be back02:26
Beanthanks EriC^^02:29
tootheHi, I JUST installed Ubuntu on this brand new laptop. How do I verify or install the video card drivers?02:32
bubbasaurestoothe, Make sure it is updated and test it, you can look in the additional drivers. Here the hardware are details needed really.02:34
applepiHi all.  I've recently switched my arm board to ubuntu 14.04 and I'm having a little trouble getting wpa_supplicant to start on boot02:34
toothebubbasaures: Make sure what is updated and tested?02:35
applepipreviously in /etc/networkin/interfaces I just specified my wpa-conf, however this doesn't seem to be getting wpa_supplicant called anymore (I've moved this to an interfaces.d/wlan0 file.)02:35
bubbasaurestoothe, THe OS and the graphic system.02:36
tootheohhh, so apt-get upgrade and update?02:36
bubbasaurestoothe, update than upgrade02:36
an0nmat1rlilo did the trick02:37
an0nmat1rthanks guys02:37
an0nmat1rand gals02:38
bubbasaurestoothe, This is not an area I help in but I see the need of the graphic hardware as a key, run lspci in the terminal and find it.02:38
Phillieshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/9064436/   -- anyone give me a hand with these errors02:39
applepiauto wlan0 \n iface wlan0 inet dhcp \n wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf is my /etc/network/interfaces.d/wlan0 file02:39
vulchorHi all.  Would somebody want to help me with my Ubuntu 14.04 installation?  I have a home built machine, and I get the BUG: Soft lockup CPU#x for xx s issue when I try to either a live-cd session or an install.  It happens right after I choose an option from the CD boot menu.02:41
cfochdoes somebody write C ?02:41
cfochhow can I "colorize" my terminal when there are error when I compile with GCC ?02:42
cfochfor example "red" color for errors02:42
ilkBean: GTKpod supposed to, i heard,02:45
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HerroWorldsHey so i have a python script setup in upstart, if i change the contents of the script than kill the process does it restart the process with the new script?02:48
HerroWorldsand is there a better way to restart the process?02:49
tootheman, I freaking love Ubuntu02:49
toothe:-) :-) :-)02:49
HerroWorldsso i do not have to go into my process maneger to find it?02:49
reisioHerroWorlds: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/getting-started.html02:49
HerroWorldsreisio: <3, i am a dolt, so many hours on google yet still could only fine 12.04 and stack exchange02:51
reisioHerroWorlds: lot of jargon02:51
reisioHerroWorlds: what ubuntu version are you on?02:51
TimeVirusHello World indeed : print 'Hello World';n/02:52
HerroWorlds14.04, it is an aws e2 setup and yeah, it can be a pain to read some tech docs02:52
TimeVirusI've got this problem with my lubuntu install and booting it from the external hdd02:54
TimeVirusI've got USB as first boot in BIOS02:54
TimeVirusand it fails to boot lubuntu02:54
TimeViruswill boot from the internal02:54
TimeVirusany  ideas?02:54
ianorlinTimeVirus: where is grub?02:54
TimeVirusright now I'm running TahrPup from flash02:55
TimeVirusRAM actually02:55
TimeVirusthat boots from flash no problem and actually any flash boots without issue02:56
TimeVirusany linux that is02:56
k1l_TimeVirus: get your bios sorted to boot from that disk02:58
TimeVirushad to boot into puppy tahr to get here and be ready for any suggested commands to investigate whats going on with boot ext hdd02:58
vulchorMaybe I should clarify my question.  What should my next step be after receiving the BUG: Soft lockup CPU#x for xx s issue when I try to either a live-cd session or an install?  It happens right after I choose an option from the CD boot menu.  I have not been able to find anything that applies to my situation in the forums.  In those instances every seems to be able to at least get the OS installed.  Should I try a different distro,02:58
HerroWorldsomg sudo restart PythonServer works to restart it =D02:58
HerroWorldsso easy02:58
TimeVirusKil how can it be a BIOS issue if flash has no issues?02:58
TimeVirusnever has had02:59
k1l_did it run before? what did you do? what changed?02:59
applepiwhere in ubuntu 14.04 should wpa-conf be specified for a wireless connection (i.e. wlan0) such that it starts automatically?  in 12.04, in /etc/network/interfaces I could just add wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf to the wlan0 config03:00
TimeVirusit does run MOST of the time if I do a boot repair disk on it after every time I shut it down03:00
k1l_usb-pendrives and usb-hdds have different hardware modes.03:00
TimeVirusand especially if I take out the option to boot from internal03:00
applepiBut that isn't working, wpa_supplicant is never called, and I can't find anything saying where it *should* go now03:00
k1l_TimeVirus: so is the external hdd spin up and ready? that is a very common issue.03:01
k1l_TimeVirus: make it first in boot order.03:01
TimeVirusit is spun up yes03:01
TimeVirusI can make it the OLNY option to boot from03:01
k1l_can you select a manual bootdevice list on startup? what happens if you choose your external hdd?03:02
k1l_what else is installed on that system?03:02
k1l_is that a uefi setup?03:02
k1l_please draw the whole setup and situation since i am almost exhausted asking all that questions and i am multitasking anyways :)03:03
* ObrienDave searches for pencil and paper ;p03:04
toothedid anyone else have trouble with google hangouts on Chrome?03:06
toothethe webcamera comes out blank.03:06
tootheor rather, scrambled with lines -not sure how to describe it.03:07
reisiotoothe: chrome and not chromium?03:08
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TimeVIrusback sorry03:12
TimeVIrusand when that fails BIOS tells me it found no bootable media - There is no option to boot external hdd only USB as to where it should look03:12
TimeVIrusbut the esternal is on USB03:12
icedwaterI wasn't sure where to ask this, but I haven't been able to run Juniper's VPN client since I switched to 14.04. I'm using Java 1.7 64-bit provided by OpenJDK... anyone have a similar experience?03:12
BeanI got my ipod to work! thank you for all the help!03:13
TimeVIrusBIOS boot options are USB, DVD, Internal, or NIC no 'external hdd03:14
tootheokay, counter-strike seems to work03:14
k1l_TimeVIrus: so please pop up the manual booting menue and wait some time to let the disk get spinned up.03:14
toothehow do I check if STeam is using my graphics cards or my CPU ?03:14
k1l_TimeVIrus: but there are a lot of questions still unanswered03:14
TimeVIrusok I'll try it that way03:14
k1l_<k1l_> did it run before? what did you do? what changed?03:15
TimeVIruswhat other qs u got?03:15
k1l_<k1l_> what else is installed on that system?03:15
k1l_<k1l_> is that a uefi setup?03:15
TimeVIrusyes it runs if I do my dance around the moon type tricks03:15
TimeVIrusno its BIOS setup03:15
TimeVIrusif I use Ubuntu's "Boot-Repair-Disk" utility after each successfull boot then use and shut down03:17
TimeVIrusit usually works03:17
TimeVIrushardly ever fails if I take the internal out of the boot options in BIOS03:17
TimeVIrusjust a pain in the toosh to go through that every time03:18
tootheI LOVE UBUNTU!!!!!03:19
TimeVIrusBoot-Repair-Disk is also a live USB03:19
TimeVIrususing lubuntu kernel03:19
TimeVIruslol you give up Kil?03:20
k1l_TimeVIrus: sorry, but you make it really really hard to help you.03:21
k1l_i told you to get your bios and hardware sorted so its not only the dumbest issue, that the usb-drive is just not spinned up03:22
TimeVIrushow to 'sort' what hardware/03:23
TimeVIrusits a damn est hdd03:23
TimeVIrusand sort the BIOS?03:23
TimeVIrusreflash it?03:23
k1l_<k1l_> TimeVIrus: so please pop up the manual booting menue and wait some time to let the disk get spinned up.03:24
TimeVIrusbeen there03:24
TimeVIrusdone tha03:24
k1l_if the harddrive does not appear there at all it cant be an ubuntu issue since that is all hardware level where ubuntu doesnt affect anything.03:24
EriC^^TimeVirus> it does run MOST of the time if I do a boot repair disk on it after every time I shut it down03:29
EriC^^TimeVirus> and especially if I take out the option to boot from internal03:29
EriC^^TimeVirus> I can make it the OLNY option to boot from03:29
EriC^^TimeVIrus> and when that fails BIOS tells me it found no bootable media - There is no option to boot external hdd only USB as to where it should look03:29
EriC^^that's the most inconsistent problem ive ever seen03:30
k1l_i think its bios cant boot usb-hdds at all. so he does need to install a grub setup on some usb or intern hdd that launches the lubuntu on the external hdd.03:31
k1l_but he doesnt want to tell whats on the other hdds at all.03:31
tsunamicalHey, can anyone help me with net crap? My internet is so fucking terrible on Ubuntu now it's driving me insane.03:43
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tsunamicalIt's excellent on Windows, but on Ubuntu I have to take my dongle out and put it back in every 30 seconds since the net is only good for 40 seconds before it steeps off into 0 kb/s land.03:45
tsunamical30, 40, whatever.03:45
SchrodingersScat!language | tsunamical03:45
ubottutsunamical: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList03:45
tsunamicalI'm on 14.10 with kernel 3.18 RC4 if it matters.03:46
toothegha, I can't get Google hangouts working on Chrome03:46
tsunamicalAlright, then someone please help me with this cursed issue.03:46
metalliqazplease, anyone, i'm at my wits end.  I cannot get postfix to send mail using TLS.  It just won't do it.  I've tried everything. Can anyone help me?03:47
tsunamicalHow do I reset net settings?03:47
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:48
tsunamicalDear god I can't even load the pages03:50
SchrodingersScattsunamical: how are you talking to us now then?03:51
tsunamicalI'm still taking the dongle in and out03:52
tsunamicalIt's been getting pregressively worse and worse.03:53
tsunamicalWith repo03:53
tsunamicalBefore I was able to download ~30 GB of Android stuff.03:53
EriC^^tsunamical: if you type sudo service network-manager restart03:53
EriC^^what happens?03:53
tsunamicalBut now it stalls out in the first couple seconds03:53
tsunamicalI'll give it a shot03:54
jamesbdevHi, I need to backup an old Windows NTFS hard drive to an external USB HDD. Is it safe to do this with the dd facility? If so, is it safe to use the media devices in ubuntu (/media/username/8271028369274828273) to do this?03:54
tsunamicalIt works, naturally, but it pretty much does exactly what taking it in and out does. I can only assume within the next minute it's going to drop again03:55
SchrodingersScatjamesbdev: I would think you would want to do it either by the entire disk /dev/sdx x=pick the right one, please. or /dev/sdx1 to specify the partition.03:55
EriC^^jamesbdev: with the drive unmounted, dd if=/dev/sdx of=/dev/sdy conv=sync,notrunc,noerrors03:55
EriC^^sorry, thats noerror not noerrors03:56
tsunamicalOkay, I'm way too worn out to deal with it right now. Thanks anyway, I'll eventually be back. There's no official drivers for a TP-LINK WN725N (Hardware revision 2).03:58
SchrodingersScatjamesbdev: if you only need a copy of the files, something like rsync, etc. can work just fine.03:58
jamesbdevSchrodingersScat, EriC^^: Thanks both. I just discovered it's actually a partition. Will there be any issues with selecting the input file as /dev/sdxx (selecting a partion) and the output file being just a device (/dev/sdX)?03:58
EriC^^jamesbdev: make sure you get the if= and of= correct , "if" is the drive you are cloning, of is the output03:58
jamesbdevSchrodingersScat: Actually rsync might work better for my purposes03:58
jamesbdevI only need the files saved03:58
gr33n7007htsunamical, http://brilliantlyeasy.com/ubuntu-linux-tl-wn725n-tp-link-version-2-wifi-driver-install/03:59
tsunamicalWell I'll be darned. Thanks.03:59
EriC^^if that doesn't work you can do an ugly hack until you sort it out correctly ( run a loop that restarts the network every 30secs or so )04:01
tsunamicalThe dongle's a piece of crap anyway. Might as well just get a PCIe card eventually.04:02
junkanoohow do i change a directory from drwxrwsr-x to drwxrwxr-x04:09
junkanoochmod -G +x ?04:09
agent_whiteEvenin' folks04:14
junkanoois that a yes?04:15
junkanoohow do i change a directory from drwxrwsr-x to drwxrwxr-x04:15
awktionSchrodingersScat: you might wanna change that nic04:15
admiralakberHello, I'm trying to make a bridged device in Ubuntu 14.04.1 in KVM to no avail.04:15
jamesbdevDoes anyone else get gaps between terminal and other windows when using Compiz Grid in ubuntu 14.04?04:15
zykotick9junkanoo: i'm not familiar with see "s" in the list - so i checked "man chmod" and i find "set user or group ID on execution (s)" i still have NO idea what that is...  good luck.04:16
somsipjamesbdev: chmod g-s04:16
admiralakberjunkanoo: chmod 775 looks like what you want...04:16
somsipjunkanoo: chmod g-s04:16
awktionlearn permissions by the #'s04:17
junkanoosomsip, that looks right thx04:17
awktiong-s is bs04:17
awktion755 644 <- these matter04:17
junkanooawktion, the numbers don't change the s04:17
toothehaving trouble getting GOogle hangout's video chat working on Chromium. NOt sure why.04:17
awktionjunkanoo: perhaps not04:17
junkanooawktion,  :)04:17
awktion(actually they can)04:17
j4rh3rDhey guys i'm getting an error "env: -u no such file or directory" when trying to run sudo -u [username] is there something i'm missing?04:19
ChogyDantoothe: have you tried google-chrome?04:19
maumcan I install Xenserver on Ubuntu 12.04 whick is virtualized on parallels?04:19
admiralakberAfter following https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkConnectionBridge -- if up br0 doesn't work (doesn't seem to detect device)04:19
tootheChogyDan: Is that not the same thing?04:19
awktionjunkanoo: http://linuxg.net/how-to-set-the-setuid-and-setgid-bit-for-files-in-linux-and-unix/04:20
awktionbe amazed04:20
awktionapologize to room for spreading bad knowledge04:20
toothewhoa, i thought they were the same thing!!!04:20
tootheokay, I"m using GOogle Chrome, not Chromium.04:20
ChogyDantoothe: chromium is the open source version, google-chrome is the closed source build put out by google, and supported by google04:20
tootheyes, I"m using Googlechrome, I got it off their website.04:20
toothetbh, I"m fine with either-or. but, I'd like to get my web camera working with google hangouts.04:21
ChogyDantoothe: have you checked it within google settings?  I only know about getting at it through gmail04:21
toothewhich particular set of settings?04:22
admiralakbertoothe: Did you allow chrome to use your webcam? In the URL bar on the far right a video camera icon appears when the browser requests it.04:22
toothehm...lets suppose I didn'...how do I reallow it?04:22
tootheI might have quickly pressed no when I first used it - honestly not sure.04:22
admiralakbertoothe: Should just be able to click the icon and reselect it.. best do by example,  http://meet.jit.si  try it out, you'll see the icon on the far right of the URL bar04:23
toothefor the record, I f'ing love this system.!!!!!04:24
admiralakber(BTW http://meet.jit.si is a great alternative to Google hangouts, it's open source, fully encrypted)04:25
admiralakberit's also anonymous which is nice.04:26
tootheI see nothing that says I fi want to autothorize anything...04:26
admiralakbertoothe: On the URL bar, is there a video camera on the left of the star (bookmark) icon when you're at http://meet.jit.si ?04:26
admiralakbertoothe: Click that04:27
toothethere it goes04:28
tootheyou probably saw me for a few seconds, i assume?04:28
admiralakberGoogle hangouts should have a similar thing, you need to allow each individual website access to it. =)04:28
admiralakberNo, when you visit http://meet.jit.si it makes a random room. I wasn't in your room, if you want someone else to join you give them your URL. You can lock the room first with a password.04:28
SchrodingersScatadmiralakber: https://github.com/jitsi/jitsi-meet/ neat, you weren't kidding04:29
j4rh3rDI need help when I run sudo with any flag e.g. -u , -v it returns and error env: no such file04:30
toothewhy use chromium over chrome or vice versa/ diffrence?04:30
Michelle_1Hi Everyone. I'm new to Ubuntu and was hoping to be able to run it from a USB Flash drive and move it between both home and work computers04:32
admiralakberGoogle Chrome is Chromium after Google has done their dirty work on... Google Chrome has that Chromium doesn't: automatic updating (pointless in Linux thanks to package managers), "anonymous reporting" on by default, Latest Adobe Flash Player, + anything else Google did (we can't see the code)04:32
somsipj4rh3rD: Try this http://serverfault.com/questions/510888/sudo-u-fails-with-env-u-no-such-file-or-directory http://askubuntu.com/questions/183093/sudo-arguments-not-working04:32
l0rdn1xCan someone fix this .conkyrc file for me, I've been messing with it all day, it keeps either vanishing or causing problems with Unity, ubuntu 14.04.1LTS04:32
Michelle_1Does anyone have any suggestions?04:32
j4rh3rDthanks somsip will do04:32
somsipMichelle_1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent04:33
ChogyDanMichelle_1: I think there is a website as well called pendrivelinux04:33
Michelle_1Thank you somsip04:33
ubuntuaddictedhow would I make sure my x org starts with -bs option? is it launched from lightdm?04:33
Michelle_1ChogyDan, isn't that to create a bootable flash drive?04:34
j4rh3rDthanks somsip that worked :)04:34
ChogyDanMichelle_1: that's what you asked for, no?04:34
l0rdn1xhere is a link to the .conkyrc file http://sprunge.us/GSBK04:34
Pinkamena_Dwhere to change default screen resolution for new users?04:35
Michelle_1ChogyDan, I was able to create a bootable drive using the startup disk creator04:36
somsipl0rdn1x: what doesn't work? Have you run parts of this separately to see where it fails?04:36
Michelle_1I was looking for some "best practices"04:36
Michelle_1Once I do the first boot up, should I make a partition for my Home folders?04:37
ChogyDanMichelle_1: the startup disk creator is for creating an install medium.  pendrive, and what somesip linked are for persistent installations on the usb itself04:37
Michelle_1ChogyDan: great information. I didn't know there was a difference04:38
l0rdn1xsomsip, yeah I've been messing with it all day, when I set it to own_window_type desktop it works for a second then goes away, when i do it as own_window_type normal it stays but causes problems with unity's menu04:38
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ubuntuaddictedhow would I make sure my x org starts with -bs option? i've read in some forum posts that doing this helped fix screen tearing in video playback for xbmc so I want to set it.04:41
admiralakberubuntuaddicted: Not sure about the -bs option, but I might be able to help with screen tearing... What video card do you have, and what driver are you using?04:41
Michelle_1ChogyDan: is there a way to use the "toram" function to speed things up a bit?04:42
jamesbdevHi, could someone please let me know if Kubuntu 14.10 Plasma 5 is stable enough for use on my work desktop? It would be safer to use Kubuntu 14.10 Plasma 4 but I think plasma 5 is pretty :)04:42
admiralakberMichelle_1: Mounting partitions with tmpfs is probably better: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Tmpfs04:42
toothewhat exactly is plasma vs KDE?04:43
ianorlinhow do we know what is stable enough for someone else?04:43
admiralakberianorlin: Deep04:43
jamesbdevianorlin: true, I was just wondering for example, if it crashes often? Or is buggy as all hell? etc04:43
ubuntuaddictedadmiralakber, GTX 760 nvidia 346.1604:44
* ianorlin doesn't use plasma5 or plasma 4 personally but I don't know how to answer that question for someone else04:44
ubuntuaddictedadmiralakber, i have a dual monitor setup though.04:44
Michelle_1admiralakber: I saw that you could load Ubuntu into ram, but I read that you lose the last state when doing so04:44
admiralakberadmiralakber: Using Xinerama? Can you force enable vsync in nvidia-settings ?04:45
jamesbdevianorlin: what desktop environment do you use? I'm sick of the bugs i've experiend with unity04:45
admiralakberMichelle_1: That is correct, almost by definition of RAM.04:45
ubuntuaddictedadmiralakber, not using xinerama according to sudo nvidia-xconfig that was created. it's value is 004:46
admiralakberjamesbdev: Thought of trying a lightweight tiling window manager?04:46
l0rdn1xsomsip, I think i fixed it by setting it own_window_type panel04:46
jamesbdevadmiralakber: I have, and back in the day I used to run arch linux with i3. But I just found that I was fighting it more than I should have to - and at work I don't really have time to, for example, play around with config files04:46
admiralakberubuntuaddicted: try run "sudo nvidia-settings" it'll bring up a GUI to configure your video card. You need to enable wait for vertical refresh, or VSYNC.04:47
admiralakberjamesbdev: True, how about MATE?04:47
ubuntuaddictedadmiralakber, this isn't my first rodeo, i've already tried that.04:47
admiralakberubuntuaddicted: And it still tears? Is hardware acceleration on in XMBC?04:48
ubuntuaddictedadmiralakber, it still tears watching this video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xkNy9gfKOg  and in games04:48
admiralakberubuntuaddicted: Also, IIRC Xinerama either breaks or fixes vsync in dual screen.04:48
Michelle_1admiralakber: Yes, but using the persistent partition and home folders to keep from losing everything04:49
ChogyDanhas anyone used zram before?  How exactly does it get enabled?04:49
ubuntuaddictedadmiralakber, if i set powermizer to prefer max performance it solves all my problems however I don't want to run my card full throttle all the time. it's not good for heat/life of the card. not to mention the electricity draw increase04:49
jamesbdevadmiralakber: it doesn't seem to be that different than unity (at least from what I can see on https://ubuntu-mate.org/)?04:49
xanguasudo apt-get install zram04:49
xangua!info zram04:49
ubottuPackage zram does not exist in utopic04:49
ubuntuaddictedadmiralakber, i'm not using Xinerama04:49
xanguammm :/04:49
ianorlin!info zram-config04:50
ubottuzram-config (source: zram-config): Upstart job to enable zram support. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.2 (utopic), package size 3 kB, installed size 36 kB04:50
ubuntuaddictedadmiralakber, this is what xorg.conf has for that Option         "Xinerama" "0"04:50
admiralakberjamesbdev: It should be significantly different from unity.04:50
admiralakberubuntuaddicted: Then, I would try set it to 1. It shouldn't break your dual screen setup but you might need to reconfigure bars.04:51
jamesbdevadmiralakber: Could I ask you, if you were to choose from a non-unity variant of ubuntu, what would you choose (and why)? At this time I'm considering Kubuntu, Lubuntu and Ubuntu-Mate04:51
cfhowlettjamesbdev, sudo apt-get install kde lxde xfce4        logout/choose alternate DE/login       test and decide for yourself04:52
jamesbdevcfhowlett: That's definately an idea considering I will be removing my current install soon in the future!04:53
admiralakberjamesbdev: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Server, then I'd install i3. I actually use Arch + i3 on all my PC's. I found the defaults perfect for me, I haven't touched the config file for over a year.04:53
ChogyDanfwiw, the zram enabled after a reboot.  I don't know how it configures itself, but it seems to be plug-and-play04:54
admiralakberI approve of cfhowlett's solution.04:54
ubuntuaddictedadmiralakber, i don't really follow your thinking here, everything i've read in the nvidia driver documentation doesn't even have that option anymore. if it's going to be set it's actually nvidiaXineramaInfo  and that info is here: http://us.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/346.16/README/xconfigoptions.html04:54
admiralakberubuntuaddicted: Sorry, you're right. My Nvidia knowledge is old. So you're using TwinView then?04:57
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jamesbdevadmiralakber: One more question (you seem quite knowledgeable about ubuntu!) - if I choose an LTS version, am I able to upgrade select packages to their latest releases? What is the equivalent to debian "testing" (is it just ubuntu 14.04?)04:57
oraclePRISMCan someone tell me if this is true? http://tny.cz/9c8cedc004:58
ubuntuaddictedadmiralakber, i don't actually know to be honest. nvidia-xconfig just sets it up by itself. i don't have a twinview option set.  we're sort of getting off topic.  i'm only asking how to start X server with the -bs option. if you can't help with that than thanks anyway for trying.04:58
cfhowlettoraclePRISM, look on the oracle site for details.04:59
admiralakberjamesbdev: The only way you could update to the latest would be using 'backports' or a ppa. Otherwise you're stuck with the packages in the Ubuntu 14.04 LTS repo. I'm not sure what Debian release it's equivalent too.04:59
admiralakberubuntuaddicted: Okay, well - one last thing if you want to try this fix: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Nvidia#Vertical_sync_using_TwinView05:00
oraclePRISMi think IF ubuntu provides virtualbox, it should compile itself without the orcale ip connections05:00
jamesbdevadmiralakber: thanks for your advice. if Im just undecided on the desktop environment, would i be best to just install standard ubuntu and then install my select DE on top of that05:00
djunany obvious things i shud do for a wakeup froms suspend to work correctly on a dell xps 13? i'm on ubuntu 14.10... I've already disabled intel smart connect in the bios05:00
ubuntuaddictedadmiralakber, yeap, i've already done all those. :)05:00
admiralakberjamesbdev: That's the best part about GNU/Linux. =)05:00
ChogyDanoraclePRISM: I would be a bit skeptical.  Sometimes programs make connections just for networking reasons, like resolving dns servers and what not.  It can be complicated to sort out.  I know chrome makes dozens of such sketchy connections, but they are intended to run various services05:01
cfhowlett!ot | oraclePRISM, this is support channel.  ask in ##linux or off-topic05:01
ubottuoraclePRISM, this is support channel.  ask in ##linux or off-topic: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:01
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tootherecommendations for Torrent clients?05:10
=== totalre is now known as totalcurds
cfhowletttoothe, transmission05:10
xangua!torrent | toothe05:10
ubottutoothe: Some torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus/Vuse (Java), !Frostwire (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/help/faq - See also !P2P05:10
l0rdn1xIs anyone here good with bitpim ?05:11
toothecfhowlett: I was more asking for recommendations.05:11
tootheoh, you just said one, sory.05:11
totalcurdswhats bitpim?05:12
l0rdn1xI have a LG UN200, it's not detecting with bitpim, anyone know how I can get the pictures from it?05:14
cfhowlett!info bitpim05:15
ubottubitpim (source: bitpim): utility to communicate with many CDMA phones. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.0.7+dfsg1-3 (utopic), package size 4684 kB, installed size 16597 kB05:15
HerroWorldshey when i start monit with sudo i get the message:  monit daemon with PID 3995 awakened05:17
HerroWorldsthen when i type monit status i get05:17
HerroWorldsmonit: error connecting to the monit daemon05:17
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HerroWorldsis that just cause my config file is not set ?05:18
HerroWorldsni291187: /cry05:21
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:24
HerroWorldsgot morning05:25
HerroWorldsanyone know of a good  log observers05:25
HerroWorlds log observer*05:25
lotuspsychjeHerroWorlds: i like colortail05:25
lotuspsychjeHerroWorlds: so you can colortail -f /var/log/syslog in realtime example05:26
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HerroWorldsoops dc'd05:26
HerroWorldsanyone :-D05:26
lotuspsychjeHerroWorlds: scroll up05:27
HerroWorldslotuspsychje: dont see it, dc'd when you send it :(05:27
HerroWorldsi was dc'd when you send it*05:27
lotuspsychjeHerroWorlds: there is colortail to log your logs in realtime05:27
lotuspsychjeHerroWorlds: is this what you need?05:27
HerroWorldsi will look into it05:28
lotuspsychje!info colortail | HerroWorlds05:28
ubottuHerroWorlds: colortail (source: colortail): log colorizer that makes log checking easier. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3.3-1 (utopic), package size 24 kB, installed size 144 kB05:28
lotuspsychjeHerroWorlds: colortail -f /var/log/syslog in realtime, or any log you want05:28
EleanorEllisGoogle chrome crashes often on my Ubuntu 14.04 running Gnome flashback session. The whole session becomes unresponsive (not just Chrome). Sometimes it's just for a few seconds, the last time just now, I had to reboot the computer via the terminal. I could still switch to the terminal via CTRL ALT F1. I am in the process of pastebining /var/crash/_opt_google_chrome_chrome.1000.crash but it is a 78MB file so could take some05:33
leni1I have a machine with the following specifications: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9066329/05:33
leni1What Ubuntu can I install on it05:34
lotuspsychjeleni1: what kind of grafix card?05:34
EleanorEllisleni1: Is that a notebook?05:34
HerroWorldslotuspsychje: colortail looks amazing, is it possible to easlly use it in a web browser? also can i set to to say group certin things in the logs together and display them as stats?05:36
lotuspsychjeleni1: i would try ubuntu 14.04 LTS for sure, if that doesnt run smooth go lightweighter05:36
HerroWorldslike say if it recives the message [twisted.protocols.tls.TLSMemoryBIOFactory] clients are  [<__main__.UpdateServer instance at 0x7fe244ff1330>]05:36
leni1EleanorEllis: Yes05:36
ianorlinit is an atom from 201005:36
HerroWorldsit shows something like 1 client connected*05:36
lotuspsychjeHerroWorlds: i dont think its possible into a browser..unless someone knows a terminal/browser trick05:36
lotuspsychjeHerroWorlds: its also possible to log multiple logs, but forgot howto05:37
HerroWorldslotuspsychje so i almost need to write a custom program to deal with these logs and display the information about current connects?05:37
lotuspsychjeHerroWorlds: well if you mean netstat connections, not sure colortail can monitor those05:38
lotuspsychjeHerroWorlds: its more a logger for all inside /var/log/..05:38
HerroWorldslotuspsychje: i dont know what i mean lol i am trying to learn how this works but i can picture what i want in my head05:39
EleanorEllisleni1: Your paste doesn't show if the machine is 32 bit or 64 bit05:39
lotuspsychjeHerroWorlds: whats your end goal exactly?05:39
leni1lotuspsychje: Intel(R) Graphics Media Accelerator 315005:39
HerroWorldswell i have a custom client server app with the server part running in twisted writing logs05:39
EleanorEllisEveryone else: Is there still a netbook version of ubuntu or does one just install ubuntu desktop?05:39
lotuspsychjeleni1: i would try ubuntu desktop 14.04 LTS, see if it runs smooth..05:40
HerroWorldsand my end is to have my server app or server app logs display a nice page about the current connected clients05:40
HerroWorldslike say how many, what there ip's are and how much bandwidth they have used05:40
lotuspsychjeHerroWorlds: you need more a bandwith monitor then, check software centre05:40
admiralakberEleanorEllis: I think there's only the desktop edition now. I remember UNE, it was awesome. Unity is 'sort of' the same.05:40
EleanorEllisleni1: How old is the netbook?05:41
HerroWorldsmy twisted server can write the amount of bandwidth and ip's of each client into the log though05:41
lotuspsychjeHerroWorlds: you can experiment with colortail for sure05:41
HerroWorldsi just need it displayed so its more readable without a bunch of scrolling back and forth05:41
maumsomeone knows how to do ip multicasting05:42
leni1EleanorEllis: Owner doesn't know05:42
lotuspsychjemaum: maybe the ##networking guys might also help05:42
maumlotuspsychje, ok thanks05:43
lotuspsychjeleni1: what the Os on your laptop now?05:43
leni1Windows 7 Professional 32 bit05:43
lotuspsychjeleni1: then it will run ubuntu also05:43
lotuspsychjeleni1: try 14.0405:43
EleanorEllisleni1: How stable a version do you want? Ubuntu 14.04 is the most recent Long Term Support version, but 14.10 is more recent. The LTS versions are current for 4 years, whereas the in between versions are only current for 6 months so if you don't want to be upgrading every 6 months I would suggest 14.04, try the 32 bit desktop edition. If that doesn't work to your satisfaction, then try lubuntu 14.04 32 bit desktop, or xub05:44
lotuspsychjeHerroWorlds: you have no GUI on your server?05:45
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leni1lotuspsychje: Which version?05:53
leni1I know the architecture will be 32 bit05:53
lotuspsychjeleni1: 14.04 LTS05:54
leni1Hmmm...alright. Will download and give it a go. Thaks05:54
lotuspsychjeleni1: good luck!05:55
leni1lotuspsychje: thanks05:55
HerroWorldslotuspsychje: nothing built in05:56
lotuspsychjeHerroWorlds: conky is another nice monitor, but not sure if its for CLI also05:57
lotuspsychje!info conky | HerroWorlds05:57
ubottuHerroWorlds: conky (source: conky): highly configurable system monitor (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.0-4 (utopic), package size 3 kB, installed size 42 kB05:57
=== StinkyJedi_ is now known as AcidRain2012
lotuspsychjezhenccini: welcome06:05
zhencciniI am having a strange issue with newly ubuntu'd laptop ( Own 3 other machines @ work with ubuntu on them so i am not a complete n00b)06:05
lotuspsychjezhenccini: whats going on exactly?06:06
zhencciniis anyone willing to go down teh rabbit hole with me?06:06
zhenccinithanks! lotuspsychje06:06
zhenccinionce in a while (especially when I load google chrome)06:06
zhenccinithe screen on the latop will die completly06:06
zhenccinithe caplock button still works06:06
zhencciniand the wireless light seems to show tx/rx06:06
zhenccinibut i an't do anything since the screen is dead - so i am forced to reboot the machine06:07
lotuspsychjezhenccini: screen goes black?06:07
zhenccinii have the log dump from the reboot06:07
lotuspsychjezhenccini: ubuntu version?06:07
zhencciniyes just completely black/blank06:07
zhenccini14.04 :D06:07
lotuspsychjezhenccini: what kind of grafix card?06:07
zhenccinithanks for even trying to help :D06:07
zhenccinilet me find out06:07
zhenccinisome kind of integrated garbage06:07
zhencciniIntel® 965GM06:08
lotuspsychjezhenccini: did you install ubuntu with internet enabled and updates during setup?06:08
zhencciniyes sir06:08
lotuspsychjezhenccini: can you check lshw -C video for me, and see whats after driver=06:08
HerroWorldslotuspsychje: do you mind if i send you one private message?06:09
lotuspsychjeHerroWorlds: lets stick to main chat, others can also help you here mate06:09
zhenccinican i give you more info than that? or does that help06:10
lotuspsychjezhenccini: did any other ubuntu work nice on your machine?06:10
HerroWorldslotuspsychje: wanted to avoid posting this link to everyone but this type of log is more or less what i am after, im in the process of looking at conky06:10
zhenccininever tried anything else on this specific machine06:10
zhencciniit had win7 on it for a long time and it was just a extra machine06:10
lotuspsychjezhenccini: and you have only troubles with chrome?06:11
zhenccinibut never had an issue like that before06:11
zhenccinii think chrome seems to exacerbate it06:11
zhenccinibut i think it's had the same issue without chrome06:11
lotuspsychjezhenccini: can you try chromium browser if you have same issue?06:11
zhenccinii use firefox and i need chrome for a specific chrome function06:11
zhenccinichromium would be of little use to me :06:12
lotuspsychjezhenccini: maybe start chrome from terminal to see errors or in --debug mode or safe-mode06:12
zhencciniwould sharing the fail log after reboot help?06:12
lotuspsychjezhenccini: we need to findout what crashed at the chrome start06:12
xentity1xHi I'm getting this error when I try to run civ 5 on steam http://pastebin.com/FPVwkBeV06:12
xentity1xanyone know what might be causing it?06:12
zhencciniits definitely not at the start of chrome if thats what you mean06:13
zhencciniit happens while using it  / sitting in thebg06:13
zhenccinidefinitely feels like a graphic issue - maybe some kind of weird font incompatibility of something06:13
lotuspsychjezhenccini: thats weird issue indeed!06:13
HerroWorldslotuspsychje: Conky loookkss really nice!06:13
lotuspsychjezhenccini: try to gather as much info as you can to findout errors06:13
lotuspsychjeHerroWorlds: :p06:13
zhenccinilooking at the report it says its a kerneloops06:14
lotuspsychjezhenccini: tail -f /var/log/dmesg and start chrome from terminal06:14
lotuspsychjezhenccini: can you paste that line?06:14
zhenccininow how to start chrome from terminal06:14
zhencciniprobably googlechrome06:14
lotuspsychje!steam | xentity1x maybe this can help?06:15
ubottuxentity1x maybe this can help?: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.06:15
HerroWorldslotuspsychje: still not 100% that it can do what im looking for :S06:15
lotuspsychjeHerroWorlds: try to re-ask here in channel, what you want to do exactly..others might be able to help also06:15
zhenccinilotuspsychje: chrome is running06:16
lotuspsychjeHerroWorlds: you want to share stats online with friends?06:16
HerroWorldsi am trying to get a log that looks like the space between the brakets in this06:16
HerroWorldsfrom my twisted webserver06:16
HerroWorldshere is pastebin06:17
HerroWorldsif anyone has any ideas that can help me avoid writing an entire new program to read and display the information like that it would be greatly appreciated :-D06:17
lotuspsychjeHerroWorlds: is this a python script or so?06:18
HerroWorldsa python script prints to a log file06:18
lotuspsychjeHerroWorlds: and you want to share the log stats to others?06:18
elkyHerroWorlds: i don't know the answer. if nobody here knows, consider asking in #python06:18
HerroWorldsand i would like to be able to look at the log file and see whats going on and who is connected to my python script06:18
zhenccini_lotuspsychje: well chrome definietly did it06:19
zhenccini_lotuspsychje: as you can see i'm back after a reboot06:19
lotuspsychjezhenccini_: so any suspicious errors?06:20
zhenccini_seems like everhting is working except the monitor when chrome starts to work "hard"06:20
zhenccini_nothing just a hard  black screen06:20
lotuspsychjezhenccini_: sounds like grafix card gets a hard time06:20
zhenccini_yep  agreed06:20
zhenccini_have you ever heard of anything like this?06:20
lotuspsychjezhenccini_: try the same hard work with chromium06:21
lotuspsychjezhenccini_: no never seen such issue..06:21
zhenccini_hmm interesting idea06:21
zhenccini_is there a way to see if there are better drivers for my vixeo card?06:21
zhenccini_this is a completely vanilla install of ubuntu06:21
lotuspsychjezhenccini_: if you installed with internet/updates enabled, you have best driver06:21
zhenccini_ok cool06:22
zhenccini_and apt-get update would cover any thing old right?06:22
lotuspsychjezhenccini_: but check your /var/log/syslog also afterall..06:22
lotuspsychjezhenccini_: and dmesg06:22
HerroWorldselky: cool thanks, reposted in #python, im getting pretty close to just writing a new program to do it for me06:22
zhenccini_cool what am i looking for?06:23
lotuspsychjeHerroWorlds: i know there are also tricks to use notification area with python scripts showoff, not sure howto think it was with mosquito or something06:24
lotuspsychjezhenccini_: anything related to grafix06:24
lotuspsychjezhenccini_: driver loaded correctly, screen issues,etc06:24
zhenccini_think i found the log part of the crash06:27
zhenccini_lotuspsychje: link above :D06:28
lotuspsychjelets see06:28
zhenccini_trying to keep my machine name out of it :P06:29
lotuspsychjezhenccini_: hmm acpi, doublecheck bios for energy options/monitor or even bios flash updates for your machine06:29
zhenccini_noob q06:29
zhenccini_what would i be looking for?06:29
lotuspsychjezhenccini_: bios flash update can do miracles sometimes06:30
lotuspsychjezhenccini_: 14.04 is stable, so investigate anything that could cause this error on your machine06:31
zhenccini_got it ok - i'll keep trying06:31
zhenccini_is there a biod update command from terminal06:31
zhenccini_the only bios update seems to be available for win only mahcing06:31
anjo-aladiahThere is any way to personalize the Keybord under Lubuntu or ubuntu ? My keyboard is Spanish and i use to right in Portuguese, so i not able to put the ~ up on the  A or the O !Some tip to help me ?06:31
lotuspsychjezhenccini_: no, you need to visit the website of your machine brand06:31
lotuspsychjezhenccini_: then burn to cd as boot06:32
zhenccini_ah ok makes sense06:32
zhenccini_i think i will check what version of bios i have before i go through all that06:32
lotuspsychjezhenccini_: but first see if bios update, holds problems related to your issue06:32
zhenccini_is there anything in particular that you would look for in the bios settings that you would check?06:32
zhenccini_lotuspsychje: bios update seems like its just for wifi update06:33
lotuspsychjezhenccini_: acpi, fan monitor, cpu health, grafix card settings06:33
zhenccini_ok will do - thank for your help so far06:33
zhenccini_you are awesome :D06:33
zhenccini_really appreciate your patience with me :D06:33
lotuspsychjezhenccini_: best way would be sorting your logs, they might hold the key to your problem06:34
anjo-aladiahThere is some way to run a website that need Microsfot Silverlight to run  under ubuntu or lubuntu ?06:34
lotuspsychje!silverlight | anjo-aladiah06:34
ubottuanjo-aladiah: For Microsoft Silverlight support, install Moonlight with the following command: « sudo apt-get install moonlight-plugin-mozilla » in a terminal.06:34
anjo-aladiahthanks ubottu06:35
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest27744
zhenccini_lotuspsychje: last question06:35
anjo-aladiahubottu: " It was not possible to found the package06:36
ubottuanjo-aladiah: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:36
zhenccini_is there a keyboard command to hot restart the windo manager?06:36
lotuspsychjezhenccini_: think its lightdm restart or something06:36
zhenccini_but since i cant see anything06:36
zhenccini_is there like a cntr-alt-delete kind of thing?06:36
anjo-aladiahWhy iam not able to find moonlight-plugin-mozzil in console ?06:37
zhenccini_i've never had these kind of issues so i dont know how to do it :P06:37
reisioanjo-aladiah: can't imagine what you'd want it for06:38
reisioanjo-aladiah: look for pipelight instead, unless you just want Netflix, in which case use Chrome/ium for that06:38
lotuspsychjezhenccini_: ctrl alt T maybe06:39
zhenccini_ok thanks06:39
zhenccini_going to try chromium now and see :D06:40
zhenccini_thank you again06:40
lotuspsychjezhenccini_: np mate06:40
zhenccini_lotuspsychje: thanks again - looks liek this will be a weekend project and not something i can knock out tonight quickly06:41
zhenccini_lotuspsychje: i'll be back this weekend :P thank you again06:41
lotuspsychjezhenccini_: good luck sorting!06:41
anjo-aladiahWhy i cant install  linux microsoft silver light alternativa ?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/9067112/06:43
lotuspsychje!info moonlight-plugin-mozilla06:45
ubottuPackage moonlight-plugin-mozilla does not exist in utopic06:45
lotuspsychje!info moonlight-plugin-mozilla precise06:46
ubottuPackage moonlight-plugin-mozilla does not exist in precise06:46
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anjo-aladiahThere is some Lubuntu or ubuntu alternative to Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator 1.406:50
anjo-aladiahi need to personalizes my  Spanish Keyboard because iam Portuguese.In the Key i have ¨  and '  and { , i need ~, but this one iam not able to put it up on the A or the O letter .06:52
sacarlsonanjo-aladiah: they probly have a layout for spanish and or prtuguese already made06:53
anjo-aladiahreisio: is to open this websie  http://irisonline.pt06:54
sacarlsonanjo-aladiah: did you look at  LXKeymap for you keyboard layout?07:02
anjo-aladiahsacarlson: iam newby on linux . where i found that . Did you saw the windows app i showed here ? IT is able to create a personalize keyboard based on existence ones .07:03
anjo-aladiahwhere i can found LXKeymap07:03
=== guardianx is now known as aaaaa12
sacarlsonanjo-aladiah: sudo apt-get install lxkeymap07:04
sacarlsonanjo-aladiah: there are also gui tools to customize layouts if the 100's that already exist to suit you07:06
turdistni am trying to get apache running and it is hosting but when i try to restart or shutdown and start up the apachectl it gives runtime error07:07
mehdi_hey guys how can i select my sublime text editor from right click and select application menu?07:08
anjo-aladiahthanks sacarlson07:09
sacarlsonturdistn: can you pastebinit the errors seen07:09
anjo-aladiahi hope this tools is easy to work to a newby like me07:09
sacarlsonanjo-aladiah: the tools I use for keyboard are for gnome so I'm not sure they would suit you.  they must have similar of lubuntu also07:10
=== scott is now known as Guest1255
turdistnit just says "fail"07:11
sacarlsonturdistn: then maybe there are some logs at /var/log/apache we can see that make more sence07:11
anjo-aladiahsacarlson: we are able to personalize an existence keyboard with it07:11
sacarlsonanjo-aladiah: yes there are tools to do that,  the link I provided will just select from many already created maps07:12
turdistnthe error log mentions mix something..mix07:12
sacarlsonturdistn: well if you found something from the apache logs maybe shared we might get a clue07:13
sacarlsonturdistn: did you try apache after install before you made any changes to configs?07:14
turdistnits no biggy bcuz it runs but apache is buggy07:14
linociscohi all07:14
anjo-aladiahSacarlson: i cant see the link, only the app tha ti already  installed. iam preparing to learn how to use it07:14
linociscono talloc stackframe at ../source3/param/loadparm.c:4864, leaking memory07:15
sacarlsonturdistn: maybe you just saw warnings and is still working?07:15
turdistnsacarlson: yeah07:16
sacarlsonturdistn: apache has been running very well for many years07:16
sacarlsonturdistn: ok then if it's running you can ignore the warnings but they can also be corrected07:17
Schnabeltierchenhttp://nopaste.info/defcc74cd0.html <- ubuntu is confusing my power button with an gpio-key. any way to remap this?07:17
turdistngood software apache07:17
bluedogslimwill the net implode one day?07:18
sacarlsonbluedogslim: no it will explode not implode07:18
turdistne is e07:19
linocisco"sudo apt-get remove libpam-smbpass" fixed my problem. thanks anyway . thanks google07:20
bluedogslimLike everyones computer will be fried?07:20
linociscosmall fonts on ubuntu server CLI? why always? it didn't happen with CentOS or other non-debian linux. Is ubuntu server NOT ok with good resolution graphic cards?07:21
Schnabeltierchenhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1347776 <-- seems like someone encountered my problem, labeled it as fixed but it still exists... :(07:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1347776 in systemd "shutdown trigger on gpio_keys.X for armhf hardware" [Medium,Confirmed]07:24
linociscois somebody answering my question?07:25
sacarlsonSchnabeltierchen: so you running some arm device?07:27
Schnabeltierchenhardkernel odroid u307:27
GStoykis there a pgp encryptor for ubuntu with a visual interface?07:30
sacarlsonGStoyk: used to work in nautilus07:32
sacarlsonGStoyk: if it doesn't anymore I would assume you could add it as a custom script to ether nautilus or caja07:33
GStoykyeah it only works for the old school version07:33
sacarlsonGStoyk: bummers lots of stuf lost after moving to unity07:34
GStoyki thought some genious would have done this by now :/07:34
sacarlsonGStoyk: they probly have07:35
GStoyki tried this Pyrite thing with no luck07:35
sacarlsonGStoyk: did you try any of these seems to be many front ends https://www.gnupg.org/related_software/frontends.html07:36
sacarlsonGStoyk: I personaly use encrypted directories with cryptkeeper07:37
GStoykthe only one i see from the list that looks familiar is seahorse and ik know it no longer works07:38
linociscosmall fonts on ubuntu server CLI? why always? it didn't happen with CentOS or other non-debian linux. Is ubuntu server NOT ok with good resolution graphic cards?07:40
GStoykcan i import pgp keys with cryptkeeper?07:40
sacarlsonGStoyk: ya I recall using seahourse  and it still installs07:40
sacarlsonGStoyk: no I don't think so07:40
GStoyki need to import and encrypt07:41
GStoykdrop down menues would be lovely07:41
sacarlsonGStoyk: seahorse still runs in mint so let me give it a try07:42
GStoyki was under the impression it did not07:42
GStoykthis was months ago07:43
GStoykahh your saying to use linuc07:44
GStoykjesus lool07:44
mdogewhat is limux07:44
mdogeis it linux 2.0???07:44
GStoyksurely it must be better!?07:44
Ben64!linux | mdoge07:44
ubottumdoge: Linux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as a kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux07:44
mdogeBen64: I did not know that, thanks.07:45
GStoykif seahorse still works with Mint then ill just do that07:46
basichashAnyone familiar with gnuplot and if so why does "plot sin(x)" not display anything?07:46
linociscosmall fonts on ubuntu server CLI? why always? it didn't happen with CentOS or other non-debian linux. Is ubuntu server NOT ok with good resolution graphic cards?07:47
sacarlsonGStoyk: I'm not sure I tried to create a new key after creation I don't see it in the list07:47
sacarlsonGStoyk: I'm running from Linux Mint07:47
GStoyki wish https://gpgtools.org/ would work in ubuntu07:48
sacarlsonGStoyk: oh ok the key generation did work in seahorse it just takes time07:50
sacarlsonGStoyk: so now with a working key what should I attempt to encrypt?07:51
GStoykdunno just like a text document07:51
GStoykshould come out looking like a jumble of code07:52
sacarlsonGStoyk: ya but I don't see seahorse have that feature it seems to be just the key generator manager07:52
GStoykif you have gotten this far as to creating a key imsure the prog works though07:52
GStoykahh i see07:53
sacarlsonGStoyk: back in the day when I used it It seems I used it with nautilus so still not sure how you encrypt with it07:53
GStoykit should have like a keychain manager and stuff, however i think the older ones all were hand type code enttry07:54
GStoyklike command like stuff07:55
GStoykencrypt this file using this key and save the file as this..07:55
Ben64if you guys are going to be talking about mint, could you not do so in this channel07:55
basichashis there a graphing cli program i can use to render graphs in terminal itself?07:55
GStoykwhy are you hungry07:56
=== kenny is now known as kenny18
linociscoapt-get install = Ok, but wget doesn't work08:21
ej82anybosy completly new?08:35
Wulfej82: yeah, what's an "# ubuntu"? Does it taste good?08:35
ObrienDaveyour Ubuntu support question is?08:36
ej82laggy usb mouse08:36
linociscosmall fonts on ubuntu server CLI? why always? it didn't happen with CentOS or other non-debian linux. Is ubuntu server NOT ok with good resolution graphic cards?08:37
ej82my usb wireless mouse is laggy ..worked for abit.. then not..tryed all the basics..08:38
ObrienDaveej82, when did you change battery last?08:39
ej82just did..08:39
ObrienDaveoptical mouse?08:39
ObrienDavetry cleaning sensor area with Q-tip08:40
ej82worked fine...for a bit. then not..08:40
linociscosmall fonts on ubuntu server CLI? why always? it didn't happen with CentOS or other non-debian linux. Is ubuntu server NOT ok with good resolution graphic cards?08:40
ej82ok will do..ty08:40
ObrienDave!patience | linocisco08:40
ubottulinocisco: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/08:40
linociscoObrienDave, it is really old questions 3 years ago. ubuntu community has no answer08:42
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EriC^^ej82: try to unplug and plug back in08:48
ej82ya..ive tryed all the basic stuff...thxs eric.08:49
ej82i think its a prob.. with usb hub or something.08:49
ej82new to the command line..linux..what or were should i learn first?08:54
ej82is everybody private ? or?08:56
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sacarlsonej82: it's a very broad question but basics would be any command you don't know you can man  like man cp;  or man mv  ;  man rm  ;  man cd08:58
ej82ok..study basic commands..08:59
ej82is everbosy in a private chat or what ?09:00
EriC^^ej82: http://tldp.org/guides.html09:00
ej82first time..09:00
geirhaej82: If you want to learn the shell (bash), I recommend http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide09:00
ej82ty!! will do..09:01
ash`wrkalso: man man09:02
=== ash`wrk is now known as ash`
ej82is there any error messages i could look up in command line for usb mouse..09:02
geirhaej82: tldp.org contains some good guides, but the ones regarding bash are unfortunately bad, so best avoid those.09:02
ej82ok ash..09:02
ej82ty 4 the info..09:03
ej82my main ques.. usb wireless mouse is laggy.. tryed all the basics.. it worked for a min..reboooted and same prob.09:05
lotuspsychjeej82: check your logs for errors09:06
ej82lotus how pls?09:06
Schnabeltierchenanyone got some idea how to get a power button working with ubuntu?09:06
lotuspsychjeej82: browse to /var/log/syslog or start the logviewer icon09:06
ObrienDaveSchnabeltierchen, power settings09:07
ObrienDaveSchnabeltierchen, power manager, something like that09:07
ej82ok ty..09:07
SchnabeltierchenObrienDave ubuntu doesn´t recognize the button as an power/acpi button instead of an gpuo-button...09:07
mozzarelladoes the apple wireless keyboard work as expected on ubuntu?09:09
lotuspsychjemozzarella: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppleKeyboard09:10
Loopeth #sky09:11
ej82lotus .. what is gatt?09:15
ej82the usb mouse is ok but i have bluetooth errors09:16
lotuspsychje!details | ej8209:18
ubottuej82: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)09:18
ej82im sorry09:18
=== sins-_x is now known as sins-
* ObrienDave watches ikonia doing some mid-fall cleaning. ;P09:20
mozzarellalotuspsychje: yeah but what about the wireless one09:21
ej82ok i have the error cut.. its 3  lines long is that to much to paste?09:23
lotuspsychje!paste | ej8209:24
ubottuej82: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:24
ej82 logitech-djreceiver 0003:046D:C52B.0013: hiddev0,hidraw0: USB HID v1.11 Device [Logitech USB Receiver] on usb-0000:00:1d.0-1/input209:24
ej82Nov 18 00:46:14 ej-VGN-FJ170 mtp-probe: checking bus 2, device 4: "/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.0/usb2/2-1"09:24
ej82Nov 18 00:46:14 ej-VGN-FJ170 mtp-probe: bus: 2, device: 4 was not an MTP device09:24
ej82thanks for adivce.. learning xchat 209:26
=== erikj- is now known as erikj
bergelmirwhat's wrong with my server if "curl <host>" (~5s) is slow and "curl -4 <host>" (~0.1ms) is fast?09:35
mdogebergelmir: the former uses ipv609:35
mdogetry curl icanhazip.com09:35
mdogeso, ipv6 lookups are being slow probaby.09:36
bergelmirmdoge: i already read something about a problem with ipv6 but i don't know how to change this09:36
bergelmirmdoge: i get a ipv4 ip address from icanhazip.com09:37
AlexPortableSo, how can I install inssider on ubuntu?09:37
White_CatI am trying to figure out how to redicret port 80 on an ubuntu server09:38
mdogebergelmir: thats weird.09:38
delinquentme/etc/resolv.conf << the contents of this file say dont edit it by hand ... so how should I namespace new IP addresses?09:38
mdogei dont know then09:38
bergelmirmdoge: :(09:38
White_CatI am currently using "sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i venet0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8069" which gets the job done but isnt optimal I am told.09:38
mdogedelinquentme: yolo and edit it by hand09:38
delinquentmeIm using salt stack ( an automation tool for infrastructure ) and I want to type in salt.master.ip ... and have it refer to master09:38
bergelmirmdoge: someone at stackoverflow said, disabling ipv6 via sysctl could help but it does not.09:39
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: What are you told _is_ optimal?09:39
skyfall Any chat irc client for android??09:39
lotuspsychjeskyfall: join an android channel for that09:40
hellyeahwhat is the current release of ubuntu?09:40
mdogebergelmir: http://www.noobslab.com/2012/05/disable-ipv6-if-your-internet-is.html09:40
hellyeahdoes ubuntu include wanyard?09:40
White_Catagent_white network-manager I think09:40
DJoneshellyeah: 14.10, 14.04 (LTS) and 12.04 (LTS)09:40
hellyeahi dont want ubuntu unity09:41
hellyeahcan i exlclude ubuntu unity while installing09:41
White_Cathttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo has some instructions but I got list in it09:41
hellyeahold fashion ubuntu is cool09:41
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: Hrm. Well what is your use case? Why do you want to redirect port 80 traffic?09:41
White_Catbecause it is the standard odoo port09:41
White_CatI want users to simply type in the url without the port number09:42
cfhowlett!flavors | hellyeah, install a different flavor09:42
ubottuhellyeah, install a different flavor: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.09:42
ObrienDavehellyeah, after install, add your favorite DE09:42
White_Catyour typical user is clueless as to what a port is09:43
hellyeahi have ubuntu live on my usb is there a software i can upgrade the files on usb without downloading iso file?09:43
hellyeahi am in windows actually09:44
ObrienDaveport is strong wine ;p09:44
theptrhi, i have a good working ubuntu server 14.04 now i want to emigrate to a vsphere is it possible if yes what is the easy way to do it09:44
bergelmirmdoge: still not working (=slow)09:44
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: So your webserver is listening on something else besides 80,  and you want to redirect HTTP requests on port 80 to that other port?09:45
mdogebergelmir: im not sure, maybe your internet is just slow?!09:45
bergelmirmdoge: "curl -4" is fast so i don't think the internet connection is the problem09:47
sacarlsonWhite_Cat: if you could have apache running on port 80 you can have an index.html file or other that will redirect to another port running some other app09:47
mdogebergelmir: 'nano /etc/resolv.conf' and replace the nameserver with 'nameserver'09:47
White_Catagent_white precisely09:48
White_Catsacarlson I dont want port number to show up on the url ideally09:48
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: generally those settings are in your webserver config. Are you using nginx/apache?09:48
bergelmirmdoge: omg, this is fast09:48
mdogebergelmir: works now?09:48
White_Catagent_white I am unsure what odoo uses09:49
bergelmirmdoge: yep09:49
nayeemanyone good in jenkins?09:49
White_CatI'd rather not mess with it09:49
mdogebergelmir: great09:49
nayeemthe #jenkins room is dead09:49
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: I'm not familiar with it. But that is what you need to configure.09:49
bergelmirmdoge: so the pre-configured is slooowww09:49
White_CatI would prefer all communication to port 80 be just forwarded09:49
mdogebergelmir: the resolv.conf configuration gets pushed by your router09:49
White_Catthe line I mentioned gets the job done09:49
White_Cathowever it is overriten on each reboot09:49
mdogebergelmir: i usually override it with (googles dns servers)09:49
bergelmirmdoge: its a server, not my laptop ;)09:50
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: Did you save your iptables config after applying that?09:50
sacarlsonWhite_Cat: apache also has invisible proxy that would not display the port09:50
mdogebergelmir: doesnt matter09:50
White_Catagent_white well yes09:50
White_Catand thats how it works09:50
mdogeit still got an ip through dhcp09:50
mdogefmor a router09:50
White_Catit however is overriten duruing reboot09:50
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: It shouldn't reset the iptables rules on reboot though.09:50
White_Catsudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i venet0 -p tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-port 8069 | sudo iptables-save09:51
agent_whiteThat's... odd.09:51
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: Instead of rebooting, see what happens when you restart the iptables service... (see if those rules are still saved)09:51
White_Catokay I can try that09:51
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: I would look into using `sudo iptables-save > /etc/iptables/iptables.rules`09:53
agent_whiteinstead of `iptables-save` without the params09:54
k0nichiwaanyone used a video editor on a 4gig , 2 core 2.6 ghz machine hosting the ubuntu virtual machiine ?09:56
k0nichiwaim thinking of getting VM of ubuntu and running open shot on it09:56
k0nichiwais that likely to bue usable ?09:56
cfhowlettk0nichiwa, doable but it will be painfully slow.09:57
cfhowlettk0nichiwa, I've been known to take my live boot USB and files over to Walmart's computer department or the Bene Coffee shop.  reboot and edit away.09:58
sacarlsonk0nichiwa: cfhowlett agree it will be slow,  I also prefer kdenlive.  but haven't tried openshot in some time09:58
ej82is a usb wireless mouse a bluetooth or hid device>10:00
anjo-aladiahsomeone can help to put thing prior to help interventation from a lubuntu user http://paste.ubuntu.com/9069492/10:00
bergelmirmdoge: thanks for your help :)10:00
_alfalfacfhowlett, dont think id get away w/that10:01
cfhowlettej82, this is on a Mac, yes?10:01
_alfalfawell it will probably run ok on a VM10:01
cfhowlett_alfalfa, works in China ...10:01
ej82xp laptop..10:01
_alfalfaactualy i could do what i need just using mplayer i bet10:02
ej82laggy,jumping ,mouse.10:02
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AlexPortableSo, how can I install inssider on ubuntu?10:10
Danielss89_Hi. When i run 'which php' on my server i get one path, but when i run 'ssh root@xxxx "which php"' i get another10:10
Danielss89_even though i ssh as root into my server10:10
White_Catagent_white: -bash: /etc/iptables/iptables.rules: No such file or directory10:10
Danielss89_why is it using 2 different paths? and how can i make it the same?10:10
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: Hm. Where's your iptables config? /etc/sysconfig/iptables/iptables.rules?10:11
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: Just change that path to whereever your `iptables.rules` config file is.10:11
=== kenny is now known as kenny18
White_Catagent_white I dont know that10:13
White_CatI am fairly new to ubuntu10:13
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: Try10:14
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: `/etc/iptables.rules` instead... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo#Configuration_on_startup10:15
javnuthow can I click an area on workspace 2 without switching to workspace 2?10:15
White_Cat-bash: /etc/iptables.rules: Permission denied10:16
White_Catsudo is denied permission?10:16
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: What command are you running exactly?10:19
White_Catsudo iptables-save > /etc/iptables.rules10:21
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: `sudo su` then do `iptables-save > /etc/iptables.rules`10:21
nopfWhite_Cat: fyi > and | and such are set up by the shell before the command (sudo) is started10:22
White_Catokay did that10:23
=== spideyman is now known as Guest5338
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: Now restart iptables and see if the rules persisted.10:25
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: `iptables -L` before you restart the service... then again after to check.10:26
philip__hello everyone10:26
philip__am new here10:26
agent_whitephilip__: \o10:26
philip__really in need of technical support10:26
agent_whitephilip__: Ask your question!10:27
philip__having problems with asterisk and freepbx10:27
agent_whitephilip__: You may need to join #asterisk10:28
=== Joshua^Dunamis is now known as Joshua^Dunamis_i
SamurairmJOIN /UBUNTU-IT10:28
Samurairmwhere s change the channel please10:28
philip__pls how will i join #asterisk10:28
agent_whitephilip__: /join #asterisk10:28
somsip!it | Samurairm10:28
ubottuSamurairm: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:28
White_Catagent_white I redid everything to use iptables -L10:29
White_Catits a mess of text10:29
White_CatI just grepped 806910:30
philip__pls how will i jon the #asterisk10:30
White_Catagent_white how can I restart iptables service?10:31
agent_whiteWhite_Cat:     <h3><%= category.name.capitalize.pluralize %></h3>10:32
=== terencio is now known as mateNz
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: http://askubuntu.com/questions/58404/how-to-start-and-stop-a-service10:32
ej82phil its a channel in irq #asterisk searcg for it10:32
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: `sudo service iptables restart`10:32
philip__hello hello hello10:32
White_Catiptables: unrecognized service10:32
philip__how will i join the #asterisk pls10:32
White_Catufw possibly is the service10:32
White_Catis this correct?10:32
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: try it!10:32
White_Catagent_white and I know it is a valid service for the firewall10:33
k1l_philip__: /join #channel10:33
White_Catrestarting it may not necesairly do what you want me to10:33
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: Real quickly.10:33
philip__hi @kil am not getting it10:34
philip__am still on the #ubuntu10:34
ej82whats ppa?10:36
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: If you're using ufw, your rules _may_ be saved in /lib/ufw/user.rules10:36
philip__got it thanks10:36
White_CatI am using ufw indeed10:36
White_Catchecking that now10:36
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: Advanced Functionality10:37
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UncomplicatedFirewall#Advanced_Functionality10:37
White_Catyeah plenty of rules10:37
White_CatUncomplicated... right10:37
philip__technical support on adding additional harddisk on an exiting server10:37
White_Catagent_white so I think this is overwriting iptables10:38
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: Alrighty. Then try saving the rules to /lib/ufw/user.rules.10:38
White_CatI dont think that is a good idea10:38
White_CatI dont want to break this server10:38
White_Catie firewall denying me access10:38
philip__join /<#freepbx>10:38
ej82install ppa? hmm..10:39
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: That is why if you change firewall settings, never log out of the server.10:39
k1l_ej82: 3rd party repo hosted on launchpad.net10:39
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: Always have a terminal session open, then open a NEW session to test rules.10:40
k1l_!ppa | ej8210:40
ubottuej82: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge10:40
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: Also. look at https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-setup-a-firewall-with-ufw-on-an-ubuntu-and-debian-cloud-server10:41
White_Catagent_white the real test is rebooting.10:41
White_Catagent_white I have been reading documentation since friday on this issue alone10:41
White_CatI made no progress10:41
White_CatI already have a way to do exactly what i want, it just disappears on reboot10:41
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: If you would like to, try it! But I would suggest first just trying to restart the service.10:41
White_Catagent_white I do not believe restarting the firewall makes a difference10:42
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: Aye. Though I can _almost guarantee_ that if it works when you restart the service, it will on reboot.10:42
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: Try it and see :)10:42
White_Catit doesnt make a difference if I restart the firewall service10:42
White_CatI already tried10:42
agent_whiteAnd did it save your firewall rules?10:42
White_Catnormally restarting the firewall service should break the rules10:43
White_Catit doesnt10:43
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: You need to look into finding where ufw is reading your rules from.10:44
White_CatI dont have the slightest clue how to do that10:44
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: I thought we found the file was in lib/ufw/user.rules?10:44
javnuthow can I auto click an area on workspace 2 without switching to workspace 2?10:45
=== ARMEN_ is now known as EREVAN
ej82after changing settings in openGL do i need to restart?10:47
ej82or compiz?10:48
jnhghyHi, my box restarts all of a sudden once a day, can I check any logs to see why it does that? when it happen this time I had only libre writer and a terminal with a ssh connection, what can I do?10:48
eb0thave a look in /etc/iptables/rules.v410:48
White_Catagent_white I am unsure about that10:49
agent_whiteWhite_Cat: I cannot help you anymore, as I use iptables instead :)  But I would recommend either looking into the UFW pages more (I did see that _maybe_ rules are stored in /etc/ufw/...) or maybe installing Gufw since you are new to firewall config.10:51
White_Catlet me paste what I have10:51
agent_whitePersonally, I would add a rule to each suspect file, and restart ufw to see which file it ends up reading.10:52
jattjnhghy: you can check /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old to see whether the graphics card had something to do with your crash, other things you can check you can find here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DebuggingSystemCrash10:52
White_Catagent_white see: http://pastebin.com/FgiPJxSr10:53
White_Catdoes that look correct?10:53
jnhghyjatt: I don't understand anything from that file, sorry, here it's the output: http://pastebin.com/aMdkKQKK10:53
javnuthow can I auto click an area on workspace 2 without switching to workspace 2?10:55
ejlaggy usb mouse.. ant advice? tryed everything!11:00
ssherhello, i am trying to ssh to my new ubuntu 14 lts server and do stuff. i connected successfully yesterday however now it says "server unexpectedly closed connection" and kills my session after a few seconds of me sending command (like htop) and getting response11:01
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=== Allu is now known as Guest37543
ssheri looked around and saw that it may be solved by changing the "keepalive" of the server but that would make more sence if i had a grace period of at least a minute, and not 10 seconds, and also i am active during that time so it must be something else11:03
ssherhave an idea what i am missing?11:03
mikhael_k33hl_I just installed Ubuntu, this laptop has a previous arch installed on it. But when I rebooted the bootloader did not show up to let me select which one to select. I made sure to install it on a free partition11:03
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=== Allar is now known as Allur
ikoniamode -bbbbbb *!*@ip98-180-217-105.fv.ks.cox.net  *!*@  *!*@ *!*@
ikoniamode -bbbb *!*@ip98-180-217-105.fv.ks.cox.net  *!*@  *!*@ *!*@
=== EriC^^ is now known as eeee
pavancan any one let me know that backbox linux distro is only for servers11:07
philip__want technical support from ubuntu11:07
ikoniapavan: backbox isn't supported here11:08
dinnahhy...cn i run itunes on Ubuntu?11:08
ikoniadinnah: no11:08
philip__will want to add additional harddisk on a running server11:09
cfhowlett!server | philip__,11:09
ubottuphilip__,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/14.04/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server11:09
=== floown_ is now known as floown
exilarchIs there a resource comparison between Gnome and Unity Desktop?11:10
pavani mean to say that can i  install backbox on pc for general use..11:11
eeeeexilarch: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/desktop_environment#Comparison_of_desktop_environments11:11
exilarcheeee: TY11:11
cfhowlettpavan, we don't support backbox here.  stop asking about it.11:12
=== Xano_ is now known as Xano
AlexPortableSo, how can I install inssider on ubuntu?11:21
bemkHi, do you know where I need to go to ask for pointers on the Tegra K1 board? Trying to figure out how you've set up the boot process and dtb and stuff11:21
bazhang##hardware bemk11:22
bemkbazhang: thx11:22
bemkbazhang: is that a ubuntu specific channel?11:23
bazhangbemk, nope11:23
bemkbazhang: know anywhere I can ask this ubuntu specifically? Ubuntu comes preinstalled with the tegra, and it works pretty decently, so I'd like to figure out what they did11:25
bemkbazhang: development board11:25
bazhangno idea sorry bemk , what does this device do exactly11:26
bazhang#ubuntu-touch if it has a touchscreen etc11:27
kaskidstaffCan you help me?11:27
bazhangwith what11:27
cfhowlettAlexPortable, there is NO mention on www.inssider.com of linux support ...11:27
bemkbazhang: http://www.nvidia.com/object/tegra-k1-processor.html http://elinux.org/images/thumb/2/27/Nvidia-tegra124-jetson-tk1-labelled.jpg/800px-Nvidia-tegra124-jetson-tk1-labelled.jpg11:28
kaskidstaffhow to copy big file to flashdisk?11:28
bazhanghow big11:28
bazhangthat exceeds the fat limit11:28
eeeekaskidstaff: fat32 flashdisk?11:28
eeeekaskidstaff: split it into a multiple file archive11:30
kaskidstafferror: file to big to copy. my fd is FAT32 format11:30
bazhangso break into several .rar kaskidstaff11:31
mdogexmas is coming11:32
mdogetime for forgivness11:32
coldbreeze16hello, anyone have any experience setting up a dict server: dictd/dico etc?11:33
dinnahwhich online radio station app can i install on Ubuntu...new at dis11:35
=== FreeKick21 is now known as ORDI
bazhangapt-cache search radio dinnah11:36
bazhangor look in the software centre dinnah11:36
dinnahwil try dat11:36
coldbreeze16i guess no one has any idea bout my question :'(11:37
bazhangmore details are needed coldbreeze1611:37
coldbreeze16i asked about configuring a dict server11:37
coldbreeze16if anyone has any idea11:38
bazhangthats just repeating coldbreeze16 ; more details11:38
coldbreeze16ask away what details11:38
coldbreeze16it's an ubuntu 14.0411:38
mdogewho has an idea about answering coldbreeze16 question?11:38
bazhangprovide us with the details of what you seek exactly coldbreeze1611:38
mdogecan someone help me?11:38
bazhangmdoge, with what11:38
mdogebazhang: with answering coldbreeze16's question11:39
coldbreeze16I'm trying to run a dict server. I have tried dico, but its documentation is confusing. So I tried dictd11:39
mdogewhat is a dict server11:39
bazhangmdoge, is that your other nick/account?11:39
mdogebazhang: no it was a lame joke, nvm11:39
bazhang!find dict11:39
ubottuFound: aspell-en, dict, dict-foldoc, dict-gcide, dict-jargon, dict-moby-thesaurus, dict-vera, dictd, dictfmt, dictionaries-common (and 324 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=dict&searchon=names&suite=utopic&section=all11:39
coldbreeze16I've configured it right, but it is not detecting databases11:39
mdogecoldbreeze16: 1) what is a dict server 2) what have you tried so far11:40
mdogecoldbreeze16: okay. How is this related to ubuntu?11:40
coldbreeze16arrrrr.... a dict server is a server for running online dictionaries11:40
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eeeecoldbreeze16: this might be helpful http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man8/dictd.8.html11:40
coldbreeze16erm, it is not. just a general question11:40
bazhangcoldbreeze16, you need a walkthrough how to?11:40
agent_whitecoldbreeze16: What is a 'dict server'? Why do you need it/what are you trying to do?11:41
coldbreeze16nope. Just wondering what might be wrong. I've done everything that webpage requires me11:41
coldbreeze16dict server runs with a dictionary database and when queried with a dict client it return definition of a word11:42
coldbreeze16i've sort of gotten it working on windows :D but windows screws up unicode11:43
coldbreeze16i think my question is very specific... no help11:44
ikoniacoldbreeze16: what exactly is the problem you need help with11:44
ikoniacoldbreeze16: please state EXACTLY11:44
eeeecoldbreeze16: it's not specific11:44
agent_whitecoldbreeze16: "dict database" is not the way to phrase it. "Database" is.11:44
eeeecoldbreeze16: specific would be you stating what happens, and pasting the config file you made too11:44
coldbreeze16the config file is stock11:45
coldbreeze16as supplied11:45
eeeecoldbreeze16: so explain what you are running and what is happening11:45
coldbreeze16wait i'll try to fix it myself once more before coming back xD11:45
coldbreeze16thanks for trying to help though11:45
basichashWhich gvim should I install if i'm using the pantheon desktop?11:49
bazhangwhat difference would that make basichash11:49
bazhang!find pantheon11:50
ubottuFile pantheon found in crossfire-maps, crossfire-maps-small, lightdm-gtk-greeter, pysolfc-cardsets11:50
basichashbazhang: thanks11:50
ikonia#ubuntu /mode -qqq %*!*@d67-193-127-187.home3.cgocable.net %*!*@ %*!*@
=== Joshua^Dunamis is now known as Joshua^Dunamis_i
instigatorHi. Is there software available to encrypt an external hard drive without having to first format it?11:52
zetheroo1For a while I had Chromium and Chrome installed on my machine running 14.04 and it was all good. Then at some point I started experiencing some kind of system crash whenever using one of the browsers - my screen would just go black, like it had lost signal. I would end up hard resetting the computer.12:05
zetheroo1I then uninstalled both browsers and the problem went away ... until today (just now) ... when I visited the Chrome website in Firefox - BANG - black screen and hard reset needed ...12:05
zetheroo1What's going on here? :D12:05
Light__Hi. Need a quick reminder. A 32 bit systen has <= how much RAM again?12:06
Light__Is it 2, if I remember correctly?12:06
zetheroo1Light__: cannot utilize more than 3.8GB of memory12:06
Light__zetherool: Thanks :)12:07
daftykinsLight__: are you getting confused by the wording on the ubuntu download page?12:07
zetheroo14GB is more or less the max ... but usually won't see more than 3.8GB12:07
zetheroo1I am going to try to visit the Chrome website again and see if my screen goes black again ... :D12:08
KartagisI wonder who keeps highlighting me12:09
zetherooyep - black screen12:10
zetheroohad to hard reset12:10
zetheroovisiting the Chrome browser website through Firefox causes my screen to black out - NUM lock and CAPS lock remain responsive ...12:11
zetherooNow there is a "Sorry, Ubuntu 14.04 has experienced an internal error" window popping up ...12:11
zetheroosomething about "/usr/lib/vino/vino-server"12:12
zetheroowhat is that?12:12
Pricey!info vino-server12:13
ubottuPackage vino-server does not exist in utopic12:13
Pricey!info vino12:13
ubottuvino (source: vino): VNC server for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 3.8.1-0ubuntu2 (utopic), package size 142 kB, installed size 580 kB12:13
zetheroo"vino-server crashed with SIGABRT in__libc_message()12:13
k1lzetheroo: vino is some sort of remote desktop thingy12:13
zetheroohmm ...12:14
zetheroovery wierd12:14
zetherooanywhere else I can look to find out why Chrome/Chromium and the Chrome website are causing my machine to crash!?12:14
zetherooI am not finding much online about this ...12:17
eb0twhy not just uninstall and then reinstall12:18
k1lzetheroo: on any website or just one particular one? can you start chrome/chromium from a terminal and see the error output?12:18
zetherooonly on that website - no other website I go to does this.12:18
zetherooeb0t: already tried that12:19
eb0tah ok12:19
zetherook1l: chrome and chromium are both uninstalled since about 2 weeks12:19
zetheroothey were causing the same thing to happen when used - but it happened intermittently12:20
k1lzetheroo: so its a firefox issue?12:20
zetherooRight now I am accessing the Chrome (official) website via Firefox and it's doing the exact same thing that the Chrome and Chromium browsers did12:20
k1lzetheroo: which website is it then? do you get a more indicating errormessage?12:20
zetherook1l: screen blacks out before the page even finishes loading ...12:21
zetherooI won't go there again since it will just black out my screen again12:21
zetherook1l: could it be that the browsers and the Chrome website load something in the background that is causing the blackout?12:22
k1lwell, works here in firefox12:22
k1lmaybe some plugin/addon issue12:23
zetherook1l: sure, it works fine on my other machine at work as well ... ;)12:23
zetherook1l: on all 3 browsers?12:23
k1ljust have firefox here right now12:24
zetherooChrome and Chromium intermittently cause the issue - Firefox only does it when I visit the above link12:24
mikhael_k33hl_I'm having problems with my wireless connection.12:28
BluesKajHowdy folks12:29
Kartagiswhich one is better for exporting a env var? $HOME/.bashrc or $HOME/.profile?12:29
mikhael_k33hl_I already installed bcm-kernel-source from the software12:29
mikhael_k33hl_I already installed brcmsmac driver but it seems I am unable to connect to any wireless networks12:30
zetheroois syslog the best place to look for info on crashes?12:31
daftykinsmikhael_k33hl_: is this in an installation or a live session?12:31
mikhael_k33hl_daftykins: installation, fresh12:31
ikoniazetheroo: it depends what's crashing12:31
daftykinsmikhael_k33hl_: presumably this was the one offered via Additional Hardware/Drivers - and you rebooted after install?12:32
k1lzetheroo: or .xsession-errors12:32
zetherooikonia: hmm ... vino-server? :P12:32
ikoniazetheroo: depends where/how you've set it to log12:32
ikoniaI suspect the syslog won't be logging debug output for that12:32
mikhael_k33hl_daftykins: the one offered in additional hardware does not finish. I mean it just says download/installing but doesn't finish or anything12:32
zetheroo k1l: where is that located?12:32
zetherooikonia: I have not set anything to log anywhere.. so it's all defaults I guess12:33
daftykinsmikhael_k33hl_: this one then - did you get an interface appear ok?12:33
zetherook1l: ok12:33
mikhael_k33hl_daftykins: what do you mean?12:33
k1land what setup is this on your machine? plain ubuntu ??.?? as native install? or is it some remote desktop?12:33
daftykinsmikhael_k33hl_: did you get a 'wlan0' or similar with this driver?12:33
zetherook1l: simple Ubuntu Desktop 14.0412:34
jochzogodhllo everybody12:34
mikhael_k33hl_daftykins: ifconfig seems to be display two ethernet ports, eth0 and eth1 which is wrong since I only have one ethernet port, the other one is for wireless12:34
zetheroothat's all that is in the .xsessions-errors log file : http://paste.ubuntu.com/9071493/12:35
daftykinsmikhael_k33hl_: ok, did it actually show some networks then?12:35
mikhael_k33hl_daftykins: yeha it does12:35
mikhael_k33hl_yeah it does, it even asked me for its password12:35
daftykinsmikhael_k33hl_: ok, you can use the system logs to see what's happening when you try (and presumably fail) to connect. have you been referring to the broadcom guide page for all of this?12:36
k1lzetheroo: well, the logs would be interessting from the time while/after a crash12:36
mikhael_k33hl_daftykins: yeah12:36
mikhael_k33hl_daftykins: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx12:36
daftykinsgood stuff12:36
zetherook1l: you mean the logs in12:36
daftykinsi'd have linked it otherwise ;)12:36
zetheroo/var/log/ ?12:37
k1lzetheroo: yes, the recycled logs for xorg or syslog. .xsession-errors gets cleared on reboot (irrc)12:37
zetherooah ok12:38
* k1l will be afk now for some time. maybe other can help you there12:38
zetheroook thanks12:39
ubottucatullo898: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».12:39
ejfinally fixed bluetooth device..thanks for the help..12:43
zetheroook, I am going to visit the Chrome website again in Firefox and then immediately after the crash and hard reset will inspect the syslog ... :P12:45
Hardtailhey, does anyone know how to use shh and ftp?12:45
ejget too it!!12:45
ikoniaHardtail: do you mean sftp/scp ?12:46
Hardtailikonia, I guess so. I just want to learn how to use terminal instead of and sftp program12:46
ikoniazetheroo: you won't get a log in the syslog for firefox crashing12:46
ikoniaHardtail: man scp12:46
mdogescp user@host:/destination_path/ local_file12:47
mdogescp -r user@host:/destination_path/ local_dir12:47
zetheroo1ok, crashed as expected ...12:47
HardtailI was logged into my website with SSH. When that is done I use SCP?12:47
ikoniaHardtail: no12:48
ikoniaHardtail: you use it from your client to your target12:48
ikoniaHardtail: not when you are logged in12:48
ikoniaHardtail: man scp12:48
Hardtailah ok12:48
Hardtailthank you12:49
HardtailI iwll read up on that12:49
zetheroo1I got this pretty line in syslog ... right before the machine starts booting up again: "^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^@^$"12:49
mad_Can I abbort a do-release-upgrade? After updating the sources and stuff, at the point where it tells you how many packages are going to be upgraded, before upgrading ?12:49
ikoniazetheroo1: the syslog will not log firefox crashes12:49
Kartagiswhich one is more standard for exporting a env var? $HOME/.bashrc or $HOME/.profile?12:50
ikoniamad_: you shouldn't update the sources12:50
mad_ikonia: I only did do-release-upgrade12:50
ikoniaKartagis: there is not a standard12:50
ikoniaKartagis: it's down to how you want to set it up12:50
ikoniamad_: then whey did you say "after updating sources and stuff"12:50
zetheroo1This time I opened FF from the terminal and when I went to the Chrome website there was some output .. something about session being reset ....12:50
mad_But I am in the process at the point where it suggestes the new packages.12:50
mad_And I wonder, if I can revert from this point safely12:50
mad_ikonia: I assumed that are the first steps that do-release-upgrade does12:51
zetheroo1I am going to try that again ... and take a photo with my phone ... since screenshot didn't work .. :P12:51
vbnb66ok, wine doesnt work with ubunbtu12:51
ejzeth whats the deal?12:51
vbnb66if i load a program it just does nothing12:51
Ben64vbnb66: check the appdb to see if it even works with wine12:52
tewardvbnb66: also consider some applications need additional software installed to work with wine - if the software has a wine appdb entry it should state as such... https://appdb.winehq.org/12:53
tewards/installed to/installed within Wine to/12:53
SuperLaghttp://dl.dropbox.com/u/913175/Workspace%201_113.png <-- I took a screenshot for my question. What's the area called, where the icons are, on the "menu bar"?12:56
blan4Hello! Short fast question: why would I use a "--system" (-r) group in order to jail  my internal-sftp users inside their /home directories? Creation of a normal group wouldn't fit my needs?12:57
tewardSuperLag: those're indicators - I don't think there's a special name for them, just the 'indicators section of the top bar'...12:58
zetheroo1ikonia: here is the output of FF before my system goes down ...  http://tinypic.com/r/24z9kly/813:01
javnuthow can I auto click an area on workspace 2 without switching to workspace 2?13:03
sacarlsonjavnut: I think you would still have to change focus to click it.  there are command line tools that might do it13:05
javnutsacarlson: yeah, that's what I'm doing with xdotool right now13:05
javnutbut it's annoying to see while I'm working13:06
sacarlsonjavnut: IC13:06
sacarlsonjavnut: well what is the window app doing. there might be a way to access it's libs to do the task without xdotool13:07
javnutI don't know what the window app is13:07
sacarlsonjavnut: ok maybe another option is run it from a headless user so no real screen13:08
javnutwoah, what13:09
javnutlike have two users logged in?13:09
javnutand do it on another users computer?13:09
ilovebtcdo you guys know any pdf which describes every step to keep the system clean, safe and stable?13:09
javnutI mean, on another users account13:10
javnutthat's a really good idea actually13:10
SuperLagteward: question about those indicators. If assets that are provided with an application's source have a transparent background, why would they have a non-transparent background when they show up on the indicator section?13:10
SuperLagteward: namely, like the leftmost icon on this screenshot: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/913175/tomighty_icon.png13:12
sacarlsonjavnut: well I guess the same user can use multiple screens  You can use a display server like Xvfb for creating the virtual display and then run GNOME or another desktop13:12
ejis the terminal where  i would use /configure?13:12
tewardej: yes, after you `cd` to the path where the configure file is located13:13
SuperLagej: yes. In the same directory where you extracted your source code files. Keep in mind, that for most binaries, if you don't specify a prefix yourself the final product will go in /usr/local/bin/13:14
javnutnever used virtual displays13:14
ejgg!! ty guys...13:15
javnutI think the auto-clicker just running on another user's account is just simpler13:15
sacarlsonjavnut: everything a windows app can do you can do from the command line in most cases, so I would look at that first.  but there has been times I recall I did web screen scraping that required a real browser13:17
ejim soo new!!13:17
javnutsacarlson: that's good info to know, but the learning curve for the payoff is too small13:18
sacarlsonjavnut: in those cases it would have been nice to have it run in the background off the visible screen13:18
sacarlsonjavnut: ya other option is to run it on a virtual box that you don't have to look at13:18
javnutdoing it in another user's profile kind of does that13:19
ejok open terminal..where is /configure?13:19
sacarlsonjavnut: even in another users account it still comes up on one of the video displays on the system.  so if you don't have that user setup to point it's output to virtual you will still see it I think13:20
javnutsacarlson: see it how? I wouldn't see it unless I logged in I thought13:21
sacarlsonjavnut: well to run an app with that users acount you would have to login.  and the app will need to output it's window to something13:22
ejok open terminal..where is /configure?13:23
javnutthat's ok, as long as it's not stealing focus from what I'm currently viewing13:23
tewardSuperLag: might be a bug in the notifiers - I am not a dev so I do not know why indicators do/don't do something...13:23
sacarlsonjavnut: I'm not sure if it would or not steel focus13:23
javnutwell I'll test right now13:24
ejeyes on your own comp13:24
sacarlsonjavnut: cool tell me how it goes13:24
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zhousidaom26er zhou13:26
sacarlsonjavnut: this is what I should have know about when I was working with silenium to perform it headless http://www.installationpage.com/selenium/how-to-run-selenium-headless-firefox-in-ubuntu/13:27
daftykinszhousida: either ask a support question or go somewhere else13:28
sacarlsonjavnut: so it should be as easy as sudo Xvfb :10 -ac ; export DISPLAY=:10 ; run_your_gui_app ;   so another thing to try,  note I've never done this before13:31
zperteeIn need of some assistance, or at least a general pointing in the right direction...  I've installed 64-bit Ubuntu 15.04 from the daily build to my bay trail atom tablet.  However, system won't boot after install.  I need to install 32-bit efi bootloader from my installation media (live ubuntu usb).  Anyone know how to do this?13:34
sacarlsonzhousida: the answer is 4713:34
k1l!+1 | zpertee13:35
k1l!15.04 | zpertee13:35
ubottuzpertee: Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) will be the 22nd release of Ubuntu due for release in April 2015. Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1. For more info see the announcement at  http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/142513:35
ejso i just extract my downloaded driver pkgs and thats it?13:36
zperteepretend I said 14.04.  The main question is how to install 32-bit efi bootloader from usb stick?13:36
tewardzpertee: except we can't 'pretend' - use #ubuntu+113:37
sacarlsonzpertee: would the 32bit release not be an option?13:37
OerHekszpertee, not, uefi does not support 32 bit ubuntu13:38
ejfinally fixed bluetooth device..thanks for the help..// dang it!!13:38
OerHekssee the uefi manual13:38
zperteeI'll re-install with 14.04, but I'll have the same issue.  32-bit ubuntu is bios only.  64-bit is 64-bit uefi only.  what's a person to do if they need 32-bit uefi?  Use a different distro?13:38
ejin terminal where is /configure plz..13:39
OerHekszpertee, no, use 64 bit or go back to the OS your vendor gave you13:39
periklishello world...somebody here13:39
daftykinszpertee: no such thing as 32-bit EFI13:40
Fr0Znhello all13:40
OerHeksdaftykins, only for windows ;-)13:40
daftykinsreally 0o13:40
periklishello people...first time here so ...i m frm greece..13:40
daftykinsperiklis: that's nice. do you have a support question?13:41
periklis(i got peppermint 4 nd need help where should i go?_13:41
OerHeksperiklis, look at the peppermint site for the irc channel ?13:42
periklisi thing nobody is there...(i m new to holl this)13:42
OerHeksperiklis, another reason to use ubuntu, no?13:43
Fr0Znperiklis: yes we are there13:43
ejis there a configure gui?13:43
periklisok which chnel should i enter?13:43
javnutsacarlson: I'll see in aminute13:44
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javnutit took a bit of time to set up the new user13:44
vbnb66how do i set up a transparent proxy with tor and ubuntu?13:44
OerHeksej configure gui for what?13:44
ejmy audio drivers13:45
eji unzipped13:45
ejsaid i need to use /configure13:45
cfhowlettperiklis, for peppermint help, ask peppermint.  for ubuntu help, install ubuntu and ask.13:45
periklisok :P13:45
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)13:46
Fr0Znej: open your terminal and navigate to the folder and use the command13:46
OerHeksej you might need to install a few packages first13:46
Fr0Znej: use oerHeks recommendation13:46
OerHeksnot sure why you need to download audiodrivers anyway13:46
ejty..ty.. ive installed everything..13:46
Fr0Znej: np13:47
ejrealtek intergrated audio device13:47
javnutsacarlson: yeah, it works13:48
javnutsimply getting another user to do it is fine13:48
sacarlsonjavnut: cool case closed.13:48
sacarlsonjavnut: but don't you still see the other users screen then?13:49
zperteeOerHeks: Sorry I got a phone call and couldn't respond...  So, previously I did install 64-bit Ubuntu 14.04.  It would not boot.  My system only supports 32-bit uefi.  I don't want to run windows...  Is there anything that I can do to get ubuntu to work or is it IMPOSSIBLE?  Just need to make sure that I understand the bottom line...  Thanks.13:49
javnutsacarlson: no, I lock his/(my) screen13:49
javnutand their processes just run in the background13:49
zperteeOerHeks: I see a grub-efi-ia32 package out there.  what's this for?13:49
sacarlsonjavnut: oh ya I guess if you switch users that other users screens can still be running but you won't see them13:50
OerHeks!uefi | zpertee i guess no go, sorry to tell you, read the manual ..13:50
ubottuzpertee i guess no go, sorry to tell you, read the manual ..: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI13:50
javnutpretty much13:50
eju folks r great ..thanks for the info13:50
ejgood day!!13:50
OerHekshave fun ej13:50
zperteeOerHeks: Thanks.  I don't mind putting time into something, but if it is impossible then I don't want to waste time either...13:51
ejloving this!!13:51
sacarlsonzpertee: ya the processor mode in a UEFI environment can be either 32-bit (x86-32100, AArch32) or 64-bit (x86-64101, Itanium, and AArch64) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_Extensible_Firmware_Interface13:51
alexahi! Is it possible to use built-in bluetooth for catching signal from wireless keyboard?13:52
OerHeksalexa, wireless keyboard sometimes have their own receiver @ 2.4 khrz, others are bluetooth13:53
zperteeIn theory, if I can get a live USB drive with persistent share to work, then it seems like I could clone this drive to the internal hard drive and make a go of it.  No?13:54
li_leefind /home/li/ -ctime 0 |grep 'grub' >$name    is wrong,why13:54
alexaOerHeks: first I'll check what frequency this one uses13:54
OerHeksalexcheck if it is a bluetooth device, if not, no go13:54
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alexaOerHeks: it's 2.4GHz13:56
alexaOerHeks: I cannot tell if it is bluetooth or not. There is nothing about it in manuals13:59
OerHeksalexthere you go, you answered your Q yourself.13:59
OerHeksuse the dongle/reciever that comes with the keyboard14:00
alexaOerHeks: so, it's not bluetooth? :(14:00
alexaOerHeks: broken14:00
sacarlsonzpertee: seems I still see a bug in ubuntu for install from uefi so look how these guys did it http://www.rkblog.rk.edu.pl/w/p/how-cool-lenovo-flex-10-netbook-and-how-install-linux-32-bit-uefi-system/14:00
OerHekssacarlson, i read more of those attempts, the problem then is: drivers for some hardware ..14:01
sacarlsonOerHeks: bummer14:02
pyoorHi all.  Odd question - Trying to configure the moka icons for my system.  I set them within unity tweak (on Ubuntu 14.04) but they're not being applied.  Any idea where to look in order to troupleshoot?14:04
OerHekspyoor, did you try logout/login ?14:05
pyoorOerHeks: I did, yes.14:05
pyoorwhat's odd is that they worked for a period of time, then after an update disappeared14:06
pyoorI've made sure the repo is installed and the package as well but still no luck14:06
pyoorI'm new to unity so not entirely sure where I might check14:07
OerHekspyoor, odd, also on their site they claim "To fully experience Moka, it is recommended that you also install Faba Icon Theme." http://mokaproject.com/moka-icon-theme/download/14:07
zsocI'm on trusty and have a bunch of old custom stuff stuck from saucy chilling out - it all falls under the "mesa" meta package - but I can't use this package name to remove/purge via apt. Is there some other way I can remove all 30 packages associated with "mesa" without manually typing them all in? Also is there a simple way I can remove all of the stuck "candidates" so dkpg/apt doesn't get confused when I go to reinstall from trusty repos?14:09
asidohow to check if certain installed package is for arch x86 or x64?14:13
zsocasido, sudo apt-cache policy <package name> should show the arch of the repo it was installed from, i think.14:14
zsocasido, sorry - apt-cache doesn't require sudo14:14
OerHeksasido, install synaptic, that is a detailed softwarecenter.14:14
OerHekszsoc +114:15
asidozsoc, that worked14:15
zsocOerHeks, sorry - i just slipped in for a moment - i forgot about the non-CLI-centric approach to user help here xD14:16
asidoOerHeks, it's headless machine14:16
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vbnb66when i try to use transparent proxying i get this error.    Socks version 71 not recognized. (Tor is not an http proxy.)14:20
OerHeks!language | vbnb66 please14:21
ubottuvbnb66 please: The main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList14:21
zsocvbnb66, that isn't a question - try formulating your problem in a way that someone can help you. the first google result for your 'error' states "This is not of concern. This is a bug in arm." ~14:21
vbnb66i have googled it but none of it makes any sense14:23
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vbnb66i need help setting up transparent proxying14:23
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RustinCohleHi guys, Ubuntu MATE 14.04 LTS just released, do you think this is more stable and fast than Ubuntu 14.04 LTS with gnome-session-flashback?14:28
popeyRustinCohle: how do you define "stable"?14:28
RustinCohleno crash14:29
popeyRustinCohle: I'm sure they both crash a bit from time to time.14:30
popeyRustinCohle: i have no experience with gnome session flashback though, sorry14:30
mad_If I started an update with do-release-upgrade and the ssh session died, in a new sesson apt-get claims, that there is still a process running in the background. Can I somehow re-attach to the update process?14:44
dfcnvtHow do you make it a position at 1/4th or 1/3rd column to move a window via hot-key? I can only make it 1/2 column or whole column.   (Crtl + Alt + KeypadNum) KeypadNum can be 1, 3, 7, 9 or 8, 2, 4, 6 or 514:45
hateballmad_: check if there's a running screen process, iirc it do-release-upgrade launches one...14:45
frfrhi, my xubuntu 14.10 64 bits doesnt automatically cycle to the next available internet connection14:47
frfrim not using a different computer14:48
frfrand the BIOS keeps reseting itself to 01:00:00 every time I turn it on14:48
NoNamehow to install skype on ubuntu 14.04 64bit14:50
NoNamehelp me14:50
k1lNoName: activate partner repo, then update package list, then install skype package14:51
Tobias[L]Noname: keep calm, most people here need up to hours to answer and also do as k1l said14:51
OerHeksNoName go into softwarecenter > edit > sources, and enable 3th party repo, then you can install skype14:51
Danielss89_I've exported a var in my .bashrd and when i do 'echo $var' it works14:51
Danielss89_however, if i do ssh 'root@ "echo $var"' it's empty14:52
Danielss89_why is that?14:52
Tobias[L]Danielss89_: i think because ssh'ing opens up a new tty or something akin to this process14:53
PiciDanielss89_: because you are running that command instead of your login shell.14:53
Danielss89_Pici Tobias[L]  ok, can i set it so it works with my command too?14:54
NoNameskype : rely on: skype-bin14:54
Tobias[L]Danielss89_: write it into a file and read it from there XD i know no real workaround for this14:54
PiciDanielss89_: /3614:54
Tobias[L]!info skype-bin | Noname14:55
ubottuNoname: Package skype-bin does not exist in utopic14:55
Tobias[L]!info skype-bin:i386 | Noname14:56
ubottuNoname: Package skype-bini386 does not exist in utopic14:56
Tobias[L]well synaptic lists the right package for me ... install synaptic first nonamae14:57
Tobias[L]NoName: *14:57
Danielss89_Pici /36 =14:57
k1lNoName: ok. can you tell more info? which ubuntu, what error exactly? etc etc14:57
PiciDanielss89_: I pressed the wrong keys at the wrong time ;)14:57
Danielss89_ah :D14:57
NoName14.04 LTS 64bit14:57
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Tobias[L]k1l: the package skype-bin is i386 only, the app store likely doesnt find it, synaptic does14:58
Guest46760Hello?  o_o14:58
k1lNoName: please run a "sudo apt-get update &&sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" in terminal and put all into a pastebin and show the link here14:58
k1lNoName: then please do "sudo apt-get install skype" and show what here as pastebin14:58
NoNameok i try14:59
Tobias[L]k1l: why so much effort? NoName: install "synaptic"14:59
OerHeksTobias[L], for any errors i presume15:00
Tobias[L]OerHeks: come again? XD15:00
k1lTobias[L]: we cant know what PPAs etc interfer there. so looking at the rootcause will cost 2 minutes but doesnt waste 2hours looking in the wrong direction15:01
Tobias[L]k1l: i know what interferes: ubuntus app store not able to find the skype-bin:i386 package while synaptic forces it to be installed, 2 minutes and done15:01
OerHeks"Problem in skype-bin15:06
OerHeksThe problem cannot be reported:15:06
OerHeksThis is not an official Ubuntu package. Please remove any third party package and try again."15:06
RoryHey just a quick one. I often use the "^foo^bar" syntax in bash to replace the first occurence of foo with bar. How can I replace *all* occurences of foo with bar from the last command15:06
Tobias[L]OerHeks: skype is broken since microsoft took it, glad i switched a long time ago15:08
GStoykswitched to what?15:08
OerHeksTobias[L], it is not.15:10
ubottuPlease do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt15:10
Tobias[L]GStoyk: Irc, XMPP, Telegram for less knowing users and pgp-encrypted-email15:10
ToBeFreeTobias[L]: Skype still works perfectly15:10
PCatineanHello everyone, running ubuntu 13.10 and I open up a pdf and I get: To view the full contents of this document, you need a later version of the PDF viewer. You can upgrade15:11
PCatineanto the latest version of Adobe Reader from www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html15:11
Tobias[L]i didnt said it was "broken" in "it doesnt let you chat"15:11
ToBeFreeTobias[L]: also, if you think that privacy or whatever became *worse* by the acquisition, you seem to be pretty bad informed about the past of Skype15:11
PCatineanalso pdfinfo return this15:11
OerHeksTobias[L], wrong again.15:11
leeyaahow to find what modules nginx-extras and nginx-full provide ?15:12
leeyaai need nginx minifying module15:12
ToBeFreeleeyaa: try apt info nginx-extras15:12
GStoykTobias: I was unaware of a pgp gui that works with the current ubuntu15:12
Tobias[L]GStoyk: why gui?15:13
ToBeFreeI was sure it was "info". Give me a moment O.o^^15:13
Tobias[L]ToBeFree: did i say i ever thought it has privacy in the first place?15:13
ToBeFree"show". :D15:13
Picileeyaa, ToBeFree: apt-cache show nginx-extras15:13
GStoykbecause its pretty15:13
ToBeFreeyeah, I mixed it up with NickServ. :D15:13
Tobias[L]GStoyk: but the command line version works without a flaw XD15:13
GStoyki am not skilled enough15:13
ToBeFreeTobias[L]: "since microsoft took it," and "glad i switched a long time ago"15:14
ToBeFreeTobias[L]: that at least *seems* to imply you think it became worse15:14
leeyaahm no minify module15:14
ToBeFreeleeyaa: you can try to use the subs_filter stuff15:15
leeyaaToBeFree: no idea how to use it15:15
ToBeFreeleeyaa: you can use it to replace, e.g., newlines with something else or nothing15:15
ToBeFreeleeyaa: or you could look for HTML comments using regex matching, and remove them15:16
Tobias[L]ToBeFree: for me it did, the mobile version cleared my battery in minutes while the linux version began to had its features chopped right after (no video  calls, group chat problems and way more) while everything worked (mostly) flawlessly on  Windows. but as said i switched, every person important to me either did before or slowly changed too so... it doesnt matter to me anymore what happens with15:16
ToBeFreeTobias[L]: afaik, Video calls and group chats work fine under Linux too. But I'm happy that you found something that fits your needs.15:17
Tobias[L]ToBeFree: it does now15:17
k1lthe user with the skype issue doesnt answer since some time so please put that discussion into #ubuntu-offtopic. thanks. ToBeFree Tobias[L]15:18
NoNamei cant install skype15:18
k1lNoName: where are the pastebins?15:18
OerHeksNoname what error did you get?15:18
k1l!paste | NoName15:18
ubottuNoName: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:18
NoNameor libqtwebkit4:i38615:19
k1lNoName: did you understand what i asked you some minutes ago?15:19
Tobias[L]i still say just install synaptic and install skype via that but well have fun trying to fix15:19
NoNameno ,i am a chinese15:20
=== mixan is now known as Guest5033
Guest5033русские есть?15:20
k1l!cn | NoName15:20
ubottuNoName: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw15:20
OerHeksNoName, ah, that explains, China does not want you to use skype :-)15:20
k1l!ru | Guest503315:21
ubottuGuest5033: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.15:21
NoNameok  thank u15:21
PCatineananyone please?15:21
ToBeFreePCatinean: maybe re-ask if it got lost15:21
PCatineanHello everyone, running ubuntu 13.10 and I open up a pdf and I get: To view the full contents of this document, you need a later version of the PDF viewer. You can upgrade15:22
PCatineanto the latest version of Adobe Reader from www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html15:22
PCatineanalso pdfinfo return this:15:22
hudleeHow do I restart the networking in 14.04? Tried a few ways in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ifupdown/+bug/130101515:22
hudleebut couldn't get any of them to work15:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1301015 in ifupdown (Ubuntu) "Networking does not restart" [High,Confirmed]15:22
hudlee(without restarting)15:22
OerHeksPCatinean, 13.10 is EOL, upgrade please15:22
k1lPCatinean: 13.10 is end of life. please upgrade and see if that issue is still there15:22
PCatineanOerHeks, tried in it ubuntu 14.10 and still not working15:22
PCatineanfreshly ugraded and installed15:23
ToBeFreePCatinean: with which program?15:23
PCatineanwill update thix box soon15:23
PCatineanthe standard I guess15:23
Tobias[L]PCatinean: install an alternative program like evince15:23
ToBeFreePCatinean: try evince or okular15:23
PCatineantried it and still no luck15:23
ToBeFreeisn't the original Adobe Reader available for Linux somehow? I'd try using that, if possible, and maybe checking if there's actually something the other readers won't see. And then maybe file a feature request for the free readers15:24
ToBeFree(try Wine if it's not natively available)15:24
Tobias[L]ToBeFree: PCatinea: i fancy Foxit installed with wine15:24
NoNameno,#ubuntu-cn, nobody help me15:25
PCatineanI should give wine a spin, never tried it even since using ubuntu15:25
* ToBeFree suppresses a comment on that15:25
ToBeFreeafaik, someone can manually add such a message to a PDF file, with some kind of IF-condition; maybe it's just a wrong message15:25
k1lNoName: than show the logs i asked for in a pastebin so we can help you15:25
k1lcome on, using a pdf viewer in wine? m(15:25
ToBeFreek1l: for debugging purposes ^.^ at least if you're referring to my suggestion15:26
Tobias[L]ToBeFree: Foxit is the only program i can use to print PDF files as picture, my printer wont handle any kind of postscript15:26
ToBeFreeAdobe has that function too, I'm sometimes using it15:26
vbnb66so how do i use privoxy with tor?15:26
Tobias[L]ToBeFree: k1l: to watch i have pdf.js and evince15:26
periklissomeone with free time to give a  hand plz?15:27
ToBeFreevbnb66: you tell privoxy to use a SOCKS5 connection to your Tor instance at, port e.g. 905015:27
vbnb66i want to be able to use tor as a http proxy15:27
vbnb66how do i do that?15:27
ToBeFreevbnb66: yeah, you would then use privoxy as http proxy which uses Tor to anonymize the traffic. Note that Firefox and probably many others are well able to natively use Tor SOCKS5 instead of a HTTP proxy15:28
RoryHey just a quick one. I often use the "^foo^bar" syntax in bash to replace the first occurence of foo with bar. How can I replace *all* occurences of foo with bar from the last command15:28
roboteer_yo wassup homie g's15:28
vbnb66ok, what do i put into the config file15:29
ToBeFreevbnb66: also, you might want to use the Tor browser bundle or even Tails linux if this is for web surfing, as there are some issues that might weaken your anonymity else15:29
PCatineanokular failed me as well15:29
ToBeFreehttps://www.torproject.org/projects/torbrowser.html.en https://tails.boum.org/15:29
ToBeFreevbnb66: the config file should have comments that give an example; try searching for "port" in that file15:29
vbnb66i cant get the bundle to install on ubuntu15:29
ToBeFreevbnb66: well, then *that*'s your issue, not the privoxy thing15:29
vbnb66what about socks5?15:29
ToBeFreevbnb66: let's try to fix that :)15:29
vbnb66tor runs fine15:30
Tobias[L]PCatinean: could the pdf file be maliciously made to only run "properly" under a reader it can infect?15:30
vbnb66just not the gui15:30
ToBeFreevbnb66: would it be okay if we try to get your Tor browser bundle running? Because you seem to actually want that and asked for a kind of workaround :)15:30
Tobias[L]vbnb66: The old tor gui got replaced, vidalia doesnt really run anymore15:30
PCatineanTobias[L], not excluded, even though it's from the tax officials15:30
vbnb66yea, thats right15:31
ToBeFreevbnb66: you mean Vidalia? Hmm; could you try to explain what exactly happens when you start the bundle? Do you get any error messages? Are you starting the bundle from the command line?15:31
vbnb66its just cmd line i think15:31
vbnb66it runs fine15:31
Tobias[L]PCatinean: XD definitely malicious XDXDXD open it inside firefox (native pdf.js viewer), if it doesnt work there try a reader inside wine15:31
ToBeFreevbnb66: I'll download the newest bundle now and try to run it, give me a moment :) Been some time since I've been using it15:31
vbnb66then i get this error, when i try and use it as a http proxy.   Socks version 71 not recognized. (Tor is not an http proxy.)15:32
ToBeFreevbnb66: with which program exactly are you trying to use it as proxy?15:32
vbnb66wget and a few others15:32
ToBeFreevbnb66: try torify15:32
ToBeFreetorify wget http://whatever15:32
ToBeFree(might not be installed; try installing it using apt-get install torify tor)15:33
vbnb66torify is now just a wrapper around torsocks(1) for backwards compatibility. Usage: /usr/bin/torify [-hv] <command> [<options>...]15:33
vbnb66torsocks is installed15:33
ToBeFreewell then try torsocks :)15:33
ToBeFree(that might depend on the standalone Tor daemon to run without special configuration; if it fails to connect to Tor, try installing the system's tor package, using apt-get)15:34
vbnb66im trying to torsocks through wine15:37
vbnb66get this error15:37
vbnb66libtorsocks(8715): WARNING: The symbol res_send() was not found in any shared library with the reported error: Not Found!   Also, we failed to find the symbol __res_send() with the reported error: Not Found15:37
ToBeFreevbnb66: so wget works now, and wine is the next problem we're trying to fix? :)15:38
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ToBeFreevbnb66: which program in Wine is it, by the way?15:38
Sohail-AhmedI have a little problem. I have a network printer over a lan. now I have a wifi adapter connected to that lan and my laptop is connected to that wifi adapter through wifi. Can I send a print to that printer? ( the printer does not support wireless connection)15:39
radxabrickedrockthis is such a difficult version of lubuntu to have on a raxda rock i really wish i could figure out how to boot it with q4os maybe, or zorin lite, i cant click anything its all just fake click, and grey non options15:39
ToBeFreeSohail-Ahmed: theoretically, WiFi should behave (with IPs etc.) exactly like a normal wired LAN connection15:40
vbnb66theres a few i want to try15:40
unopasteroboteer_ you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted15:40
vbnb66can u torsocks through wine?15:40
radxabrickedrocki gotta set up wine on your own its good practice, i need some wine15:40
ToBeFreevbnb66: which program in Wine, and do you mean "wine through torsocks"? I'm unsure what exactly you're trying to do15:40
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree: Thanks for responding. Any resource? so that I can make it happen.15:41
vbnb66theres a few i want to try15:41
ToBeFreeSohail-Ahmed: I sadly have no resources in mind about this :D If there's something you'd do if the printer had a WiFi connection, it should simply work, I think - but I'm saying that as someone who failed to get a WiFi-enabled printer working :s15:42
ToBeFreevbnb66: which exactly did you try when you got the error15:42
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree: Sorry but printer is not wifi15:42
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree: is it still possible?15:42
Sohail-Ahmedprinter is connected over a lan.15:43
ToBeFreevbnb66: and which command exactly did you enter15:43
ToBeFreeSohail-Ahmed, sorry, I thought you managed to wifi-enable a printer which normally has no WiFi but just a wired LAN connection. If you managed to do that, it should work as if there was a LAN connection, I would think without having tried it or knowing the exact situation15:43
ToBeFreeSohail-Ahmed: it *does* work via wired LAN, you've tried that?15:43
tafa2could someone tell me what this actually does? :)15:43
tafa2echo "tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs defaults,noexec,nosuid 0 0" >> /etc/fstab15:43
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree: yes its working on the lan.15:43
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree: I tried to search for a network printer over my wifi connection, but it failed to bring it up.15:44
RoryI found the answer in another channel:   !!:gs/foo/bar/15:44
ToBeFreetafa2: I'm not an expert. To me it looks like it adds a partition which is going to be available by default, a temporary partition (tmpfs) at /dev/shm ... but waiting for someone with more knowledge about fstab should be a good thing :D15:44
tafa2thanks ToBeFree15:45
ToBeFreetafa2: do you expect it to do something specific?15:45
ToBeFreeno problem^^15:45
carifdo debs record where programs will log to if the configuration file is unchanged? my guess is "no"15:45
zykotick9tafa2: ToBeFree is correct15:45
tafa2No im reading through a security tutorial/blogpost and someone mentioned that is a good step by not sure what it did...15:45
ToBeFreeSohail-Ahmed: is the WiFi allowing peer communication? I know some routers that allow the admin to disable WiFi clients talking to each other15:46
ToBeFreeSohail-Ahmed: that'd be the only thing I could think of here; again, I am completely unexperienced with that stuff and can just guess :/15:46
tafa2zykotick9 any point to it?15:46
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree: would you plz elaborate peer communication over wifi?15:47
zykotick9tafa2: that i'm not sure of.  my /dev/shm is empty...  no idea what that actually does, other then putting a tmpfs there?  i've never run across /dev/shm before?!?15:47
ToBeFreeSohail-Ahmed: you'd need to be able to connect to your printer's IP in your LAN via WiFi. Some routers can forbid that, if they are configured to forbid that15:48
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree:  But how can I get the ip of my network printer when its dhcp configured?15:48
ToBeFreetafa2: zykotick9: I haven't yet read through it, but maybe this http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/what-is-devshm-and-its-practical-usage.html helps15:49
ToBeFreeSohail-Ahmed: I'd really just check if it responds to pings: fping -g  (for example) to ping all clients in that range15:50
ToBeFreeSohail-Ahmed: what's your computer's  LAN IP?15:50
tafa2thank ToBeFree ill check it out15:50
ToBeFreeSohail-Ahmed: try the "ifconfig" command, maybe pastebin the output15:50
ToBeFreeyou're welcome :)15:50
ToBeFreehi Carolina, can we help you somehow^^15:50
radmattcan anyone english lend me 5 minutes? Trying to pen this ubuntu box15:51
zykotick9ToBeFree: thanks.  TIL.  tafa2 so you might want to check with "mount" if that is already setup tmpfs (mine was).15:51
ToBeFreeCarolina: if you're just looking for a nice place to chat, try #ubuntu-offtopic or ##chat or whatever :) Else, feel free to specify your question ^.^15:51
PCatineanaparently this pdf works only in acrobat reader in windows15:51
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree: installing the program fping15:51
ToBeFreeah right, it's not shipped by default15:52
ToBeFreealso install nmap while you're at it15:52
ToBeFreewe might need to do portscanning to find that thing. lol15:52
Carolinabyeee :)15:52
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree: nmap and fping installed15:53
ToBeFreeSohail-Ahmed: ah, now I saw the line with your computer's IP :D Do you know the IP of another computer too? Maybe of your router, e.g., or of someone else having a computer in your network?15:53
ToBeFreegreat :)15:53
ToBeFreeSohail-Ahmed: or maybe you even know what range IPs in your LAN can be in, that would be what I'm looking for15:53
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ToBeFreeSohail-Ahmed: also, are you the person who set up the router? The router admin might have a way to show all WiFi clients attached to them, with their IPs and MACs15:54
OerHeksToBeFree, that is a good start indeed15:55
ToBeFreereferring to what line, sorry? :D15:55
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree: 4 are alive. 1, 3, 7, 2515:55
ToBeFreeSohail-Ahmed: all at 192.168.9.x?15:55
ToBeFreeone moment15:56
lacrymologyI'm running an ubuntu server 12.04, and python-virtualenv seems not to be available15:56
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree: np, you are already very helpful15:56
OerHeksto get into the router and find attached networkdevices , also this might be a help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu15:56
ToBeFreeSohail-Ahmed: okay, then let's try15:56
ToBeFreefping -g | grep alive15:56
ToBeFreeah, I'll add that page to my bookmarks, that will be a nice page to link to in many cases - thanks! :D15:57
ToBeFree(maybe it even helps me to get mine working one day. lol)15:57
lacrymologyif I try to run virtualenv I get `you can install it by typing apt-get install python-virtualenv`, but if I try to install it I get package 'python-virtualenv' has no installation candidate15:57
OerHekslacrymology, should be > http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/python-virtualenv15:57
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree: same but one addition, 19 is also alive15:58
lacrymologyOerHeks: what "should be"?15:58
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree: so now 1, 3, 7, 25, 1915:58
ToBeFreeOh, I see, fping uses the error output for the unreachable lines. That's inconvenient and breaks my grep command a bit... at least it won't *only* show the ones which are alive. But if it works anyway, nice :)15:58
OerHekslacrymology, come on, what url did i post?15:58
ToBeFreeSohail-Ahmed: I guess 19 might be either your mobile phone or your printer. :D15:58
ToBeFreeSohail-Ahmed: we could try to find out:15:59
ToBeFreesudo nmap -sS -A
ToBeFree(might take some time to run)15:59
lacrymologyOerHeks: I understand what you typed, but WHAT should be that? should I wget that? should I apt-add-repository that?15:59
ToBeFreeI just got used to -sS for whatever reason, it might be unneeded. It should work like that, but maybe -sS is not needed. It just specified the kind of portscanning done. The -A is the important thing16:00
ToBeFreemaybe even try both, with -sS and without16:00
lacrymologyOerHeks: should I navigate into that from my cell phone and then copy it through ftp to the server?16:00
OerHekslacrymology, it should be available without doing something special, can you pastebin the output of the complete error?16:00
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree: wait plz. it has runned instantly. I need to show you output in paste bin16:01
lacrymologyOerHeks: sure, give me 2 minutes, I'm giving apt-get update a second chance16:01
ToBeFreeSohail-Ahmed: ok sure :)16:01
ToBeFreeI'm unsure what this is about, but apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade can't be wrong16:01
ToBeFreeespecially the latter tends to fix some problems sometimes16:01
lacrymologyhmpf.. is there a way to somewhat automatically re-select the apt sources? it's pointing to us.archive.ubuntu and I'm in freaking malaysia16:03
daftykinsdesktop ubuntu? yes go to settings and software and sources16:04
danileigh79How do I find a duplicate PPA and delete it?16:04
lacrymologydaftykins: no, server16:04
daftykinsdanileigh79: check /etc/apt/sources.list + /etc/apt/sources.list.d/16:04
danileigh79daftykins: thanks16:04
ObrienDavelacrymology, you can search for the nearest/best server near you16:04
ObrienDavesource, other. performs a search of servers16:05
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree: sorry for the delay, I have to shift to my laptop, since I was on my desktop initially. http://pastebin.com/ZA3rkXDD16:05
ToBeFreeSohail-Ahmed: hey, no problem :)16:05
* ToBeFree looks at that one, also did you know http://paste.ubuntu.com exists? :)16:06
baxosHello guys, I've tried to add text tag to grub so when booting into ubuntu i will be booted into tty1 instead of tty7. And it works fine. But when i after that do startx it starts login screen but then just hangs.. Any ideas?16:06
PurityLakeHey, would anyone be able to help me with problems I'm having with kernel modules16:07
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree: I think its my tablet. runing the scan over 716:07
ToBeFreeSohail-Ahmed: ok :)16:07
daftykinsObrienDave: that's not available in server, though :)16:07
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree: for 7 http://pastebin.com/XL0bKQeq16:08
ToBeFreeif all scanned ports are closed, there are two possibilities: 1) The printer listens on a port we didn't scan for; to be entirely sure we'd need to add -p1-65535 to the nmap line, and -T4 or even -T5 to survive waiting for that... or it's simply not the printer and it would be wasted time anyway. It would be surprising me if it didn't listen on one of the checked 1000 ports16:09
* ToBeFree looks16:09
ObrienDavedaftykins, i'll have to study server. i got one last week :)16:09
ToBeFreeSohail-Ahmed: there's a SSH daemon running on that device O.o16:09
ToBeFreeSohail-Ahmed: is that a server / your linux machine with a SSH server you manually added?16:10
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree: wait16:10
daftykinslacrymology: did you find a solution yet?16:10
daftykinslacrymology: make a backup of your /etc/apt/sources.list then use this - http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/16:10
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree: its my laptop.16:10
ToBeFreeSohail-Ahmed: ah ok^^16:11
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree: 25 is taking too much time16:11
zykotick9baxos: i wouldn't expect startx to start a login screen (DM), it should be starting a DE or WM.  Look into creating a ~/.xinitrc or better a ~/.xsession with your DE/WM specified like "exec FOO_DE".  good luck.16:11
ToBeFreeSohail-Ahmed: I'm afraid the connection might simply be not working if we don't even see the printer, but there is also the other possibility that the printer doesn't respond to pings16:11
ToBeFreeWe could now check - instead of pinging - who has their printer ports listening16:11
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree: and printer is responding while scaning the ip 25 from my laptop16:11
ToBeFreehey really? Did it do something?16:12
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree: I think we have found the ip16:12
daftykinsbaxos: never use startx, it's sudo service lightdm start16:12
ToBeFreeSohail-Ahmed: in any case, I'd wait for the scan to complete, even if it takes some time :)16:12
zykotick9daftykins: is there any reason ubuntu has gone anti-startx?16:12
daftykinszykotick9: nothing official i know about, i've just seen it said - and seen people break things with it :)16:13
baxosdaftykins alright i'll check it out =)16:13
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree: this is my printer. see for yourself http://pastebin.com/T1UV2U4n16:13
ToBeFree515/tcp  open  printer?  <--- try using that one maybe :D, port 51516:14
ToBeFree(now nobody can say nmap hasn't got its legitimate not-even-pentesting use cases. =P)16:14
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree: I am sorry for being noob, but at this point I don't know what to write in the host box of network search for printers apart from
OerHeksSohail-Ahmed, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu#Printing_from_Ubuntu and use ?16:16
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree: OerHeks: May latop has found the printer and has also installed the driver itself. But now the problem is that printer is dhcp configured. How can I make/add this printer permentaly. Do I need to make printer static?16:18
OerHeksSohail-Ahmed, yes, static is preferable, i think your router can do this.16:19
ToBeFreeOerHeks: theoretically I guess your router already even does this16:20
ToBeFreesorry, I meant Sohail-Ahmed16:20
applepiHi all, I'm working on an ARMHF ubuntu image..  I'm starting with the .img from the website, but is there a way I can chroot into it and apt-get/update some things so I don't have to do it on-boot on every board?16:20
OerHeksapplepi, you might want to ask this in #ubuntu-arm16:20
ToBeFreeSohail-Ahmed: at least until you reboot it (the router, not the printer) - but yeah, try using the router's configuration interface (I think at to set that up. Should be possible somehow16:21
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree: I am sorry, what does that mean. my printer is configured to be a dhcp. Does my router keep it static????16:21
applepiOerHeks: okay, thanks.16:21
ToBeFreeSohail-Ahmed: it normally should, a bit. I'd expect it to do so, but explicitly telling your router to use a static IP for that MAC address will be better16:21
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree: to make my printer static, I have to use the printer's lcd. I know that.16:21
hotelcaliforniahey guys16:21
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree: oh great for that mac address thing16:22
daftykinsToBeFree: DHCP reservation is terribly unreliable :P unless you enjoy rebooting everything regularly16:22
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree: to bind the mac adress with the ip16:22
hotelcalifornianeed some ubuntu assistance over here!16:22
daftykinshotelcalifornia: can't help you until you ask a question16:23
hotelcaliforniahow come i keeo getting *error your not a channel operator* on my irc client..16:24
vbnb66trying polipo, but that doesnt work either16:24
OerHekshotelcalifornia, what command did you do to get that?16:25
Sohail-AhmedToBeFree: Thanks for solving my problem. God bless you!!!!16:25
hotelcalifornianothing i just chat and it does it ... odd16:25
OerHekshotelcalifornia, then you 'just chat operator actions'16:26
lacrymologyOerHeks: it simply says "E: Unable to locate package python-virtualenv"16:28
hotelcaliforniawhat do you mean16:30
tempI need some hlp please. When trying to install some apps via Software center (that have a "buy" button) I get the error message: "Failure to purchase app" despite them being free (!?). How do I fix this?16:30
daftykinshotelcalifornia: do you have an actual ubuntu question?16:30
hotelcaliforniayeah im just trying to figure this out first gimme a sec16:31
daftykinshotelcalifornia: ok, feel free to ask general IRC questions in #freenode16:31
tempI need some hlp please. When trying to install some apps via Software center (that have a "buy" button) I get the error message: "Failure to purchase app" despite them being free (!?). How do I fix this?16:33
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acerI have an Acer Aspire 5000 with the Briadcin BCN4318 WiFi adapter.  Should I say more?16:36
pbxacer, if you have a question you should ask it16:36
pbxtemp, does it offer any detail?16:36
tempNo one who can help me with my problem? :(16:36
acerpbx: How do I get the Broadcom BCM4318 to work?16:36
temppbx:  all I get is: "Failure in the purchase process. Sorry, something went wrong. Your payment has been cancelled". Despite it being free and all...16:37
pbxacer, ask the room, not me.  say more about what doesn't work, what you've tried, what ubuntu version, any thing additional you've installed, whether you know the hardware is good...16:37
hutchHi I have a problem. Software & Updates entries have blank check boxes which I can't change, so I don't think they are activated. I have checked /etc/apt/sources-list and save. All looks ok16:37
pbxtemp, if you can install it via apt on the command line i'd try that next16:38
acer How do I get the Broadcom BCM4318 to work?16:38
daftykins!broadcom | acer16:38
ubottuacer: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx16:38
hutchI'm using 14.1016:38
temppbx: I don't really know how to do that though :) But I'll try16:38
hutchI tried to load irssi from software centre but no entry appeared. It should have as I have universe16:40
acerI have installed the open-source firmware-b43-installer package and I still get "no wireless extensions".16:43
hateballacer: Did you reboot after doing so?16:44
l0rdn1xI need to file a bug report against Unity,  The menu's keep dissapearing16:44
acerhateball: Yes16:44
* NeoGeo64 dislikes Unity. That's why NeoGeo64 uses Mint and still enjoys the software repos.16:44
l0rdn1xconky & unity do not play together.16:44
daftykinsNeoGeo64: that's nice, but this channel isn't for Mint16:45
daftykins!mint | NeoGeo6416:45
ubottuNeoGeo64: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:45
NeoGeo64l0rdn1x: That's because Unity is a bastardization of what a desktop UI should be.  IMO.16:45
=== MeltedDed is now known as MeltedLux
* NeoGeo64 also uses Ubuntu but without Unity16:45
daftykinsNeoGeo64: this is a support channel. you can take your opinions to #ubuntu-offtopic if you'd like to share them16:46
NeoGeo64Unity is for folks who are computer n00bs, no offense.. it is nice but it gets in the way for me.16:46
NeoGeo64daftykins: Ok, sorry16:46
acerI have installed b43-fwcutter and firmware-b43-installer16:46
squirtle_51I'm currently running Ubuntu Mate. It uses lightdm-gtk-greeter. How can I add network-manager to the greeter?16:46
* NeoGeo64 will field any questions he knows answers to16:47
Naphatul_what's ubuntu doing to my core dumps?16:48
hydeDoes uck work with Ubuntu 14.04? Just trying it out, just asking to save some time, if it is an excercise in futility...16:48
Naphatul_where does it put them?16:48
hyderunning on 14.04, using 14.04 Ubuntu desktop iso imag as base16:48
l0rdn1xIt's been giving me nothing but problems all day yesterday now again today,  here is a screenshot,  the name of the program keeps disspearing..http://i.imgur.com/LoMGOd4.png16:49
acerI read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx & https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#b43_driver_.28Open-source.29 and find that there is some conflict between the Boradcom driver modules but it is not clear to me exactly what conflicts with what and which package needs to be installed and which needs to be un-instaled to make the BCM4318 work.  And then there is the firmware issue, (what firmware needs to be installed, if 16:50
Naphatul_where does ubuntu put my coredumps?16:51
acerIf there is another set of instructions I should look at for the BCM4318, please direct me.16:51
hydeNaphatul_: have you tried ulimit -c ?16:51
Naphatul_hyde: no, why would i need to do that?16:52
hydeNaphatul_: to get core dumps16:53
hydeI mean, to get the actual core files16:53
hydeby default they are probably disabled (they usually are, so every crashing progam does not fill your HD with core files...)16:53
tgm4883Naphatul_: are they not in /var/crash/ ?16:53
Naphatul_untill now they've been in the working directory, with previous versions of ubuntu and other distros16:54
Naphatul_so ulimit -c will set it to the previous behaviour permanently?16:55
hydeNaphatul_: no, only in current shell16:55
hydeand, just noting, that's generic unix/bash thing, so maybe you are talking about something else16:56
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Naphatul_hyde: this is default behaviour on other distros aswell? it used to be that it dumped the core in the working directory17:01
Naphatul_anyway i can't find my coredump in /var/crash17:01
ravi_need help regarding linux17:02
Naphatul_even man 5 core says it's created in the current directory by default17:02
l0rdn1xravi_, go for it17:04
ravi_I am not able to see my files and folders in download folder17:04
zykotick9Naphatul_: you might and to see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1494590 they use "ulimit -c unlimited".  good luck.17:04
zykotick9s/and to see/want to see/17:05
l0rdn1xravi_, Can you explain in more detail?17:05
l0rdn1xravi_, is it saying permission denied?17:05
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apb1963W: Failed to fetch http://apt.fuzebox.com/apt/dists/trusty/Release  Unable to find expected entry 'main/binary-amd64/Packages' in Release file (Wrong sources.list entry or malformed file)   ../sources.list: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9074852/17:07
ravi_i used esikalt dc++ to download files from lan sharing but when i used linux dcpp and downloaded file the download folder showed only the latest file downloaded17:07
vertakI have a noob question on partitions.17:07
vertakI recently tried to move a a roughly 1TB tar.gz file from a backup drive to my 14.04 machine.17:08
vertakMy 14.04 machine has 4 hard drives, sda, sdb, sdc, and sdd. The sda disk has my Windows 8 data, and sdb has my Ubuntu OS and some other data on it.17:08
vertakall the disks are roughly 500GB large.17:08
vertakI'm using LVM, so I assumed that when I tried to move the 1TB over Ubuntu would be able to splay the data over the multiple disks, specifically sdc and sdd.17:09
vertakHowever the write failed, and then I realized that sdc and sdd weren't even mounted. I realized this by typing "mount" and seeing that only /dev/sdb1 showed up.17:10
l0rdn1xFrom my understanding if you have a 1TB file, you need a drive that is 1TB in size or greater to hold that file.17:11
vertakalong with a bunch of other stuff in /sys/ and /run. So my question is, how do I get these drives to mount automatically, and is there a way for me to say "send my 1TB tar.gz file over to my 14.04 machine, but have it splay that data over multiple disks"?17:11
zykotick9vertak: sidenote, a compressed .gz 1TB is kinda dangerous, if any part of that gets corrupted, you'll loose the whole thing.  just sayin'17:11
vertakzykotick9: that makes a lot of sense, I didn't know I hsould be worried about it being corrupted.17:12
vertakSo then I should unpack it on the backup server, and then send it piecemeal from there to the different disks.17:12
zykotick9vertak: justmoreinfo, with just a tar, you can safe some of the data sometimes, with gz no hope...17:12
=== apsey is now known as vuash
vertakSo I try to do the following command:17:15
vertaksudo mount /dev/sdc5 secondhd/ -t auto17:15
vertakand it says:17:15
vertakmount: you must specify the filesystem type17:15
vertakdf -T17:17
acervertak: What filesystem is on sdc5?17:18
squintyvertak:  might want to take a look in your menu for Disks.   you can see what you are mounting and mount from there17:18
acervertak: sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc17:18
zykotick9vertak: try putting the full path to secondhd/ like /foo/secondhd17:18
vertaksquinty: I'm running 14.04 server edition, so I don't have access to any GUI applications17:18
zykotick9vertak: oops, also try taking the "-t auto" out17:19
vertakacer: here's the output of your command17:19
vertakDisk /dev/sdc: 640.1 GB, 640135028736 bytes17:19
vertak255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 77825 cylinders, total 1250263728 sectors17:19
vertakUnits = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes17:19
vertakSector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes17:19
vertakI/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes17:19
unopastevertak you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted17:19
zykotick9!paste | vertak17:20
ubottuvertak: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:20
acervertak: While you are waiting to be un-muted, look at the output of fdisk for yourself.  And as suggested by zykotick9, leave off the "-t auto"17:20
vertakI'm sorry I did not know it would paste it as multiple messages.17:20
acervertak: pastebinit17:20
acervertak: Do NOT paste as multiple messages, use pastebin17:21
vertakHere's the output of "sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdc17:21
AndorinIs ath9k_htc a reliable driver? I'm looking for a wifi usb dongle that will work OOTB with Linux and I'm considering one that uses ath9k_htc17:22
acervertak: Are we to assume sdc is a USB drive?17:22
vertakacer: no, it's an internal hard drive.17:24
acervertak: Is it formatted17:24
vertakthough I'm not sure what the standard bus is for internal harddrives17:24
hydeok, uck is a bit... let's say it could use some serious love.17:24
vertakI'm not sure what "formatted" specifically is. How do I check that/what does that exactly mean?17:25
acervertak: Did you try as zykotick9 suggested?17:26
acervertak:  "try taking the "-t auto" out"17:27
vertakacer: yes, when I do "sudo mount /dev/sdc5 /mnt/secondhd/" I get that I must specify a filesystem type17:28
karab44how to enable SLI in ubuntu 14.04 ?17:29
karab44and later - How to check is SLI enabled?17:29
acervertak: You do know then that "auto" is not a filesystem type.  Right?17:30
vertakacer: yes, I assumed it was an option that tells mount to try to guess what the filesysem is based on data within the block device.17:31
acervertak: it's not17:31
geniiIt looks at partition info and tries to deduce from there the filesystem17:31
vertakgenii: OK, so by the fact that it can't detect the filesystem from the partition info, that suggests that the drive is formatted correctly.17:32
vertakI meant isn't* formatted correctly.17:32
acervertak: Correct.  But did you try the mount command without "-t auto"?17:33
geniivertak: The problem is you can have szay a partition which says it's something like NTFS or FAT32 LBA but it's actually formatted some other thing like ext4 , in that case it can't be automounted17:33
vertakacer: yes, the output of running "sudo mount /dev/sdc5 /mnt/secondhd/" was "mount: you must specify the filesystem type"17:34
geniilunch, afk17:34
acervertak: Try ext3 or 417:34
hydevertak: your /dev/sdc5 is LVM volume. read up on LVM... you need to hande it with LVM tools to expose the actual parititions, I think (don't ask me more, never played with it manually myself)17:34
acervertak: But it should auto-detect and mount it.17:34
acervertak: Are you sure it's not alreday mounted and in use?17:35
vertakacer: I run it with "-t ext4", and it says "mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdc5" and then I look in syslog because it suggests to look there, and in syslog it says "can't find a valid FAT filesystem, can't find ext4 filesystem"17:36
vertakit's definitely not mounted, because I type "mount" and nothing related to sdc or sdd shows up.17:37
acervertak: sudo apt-get install lvm217:37
hydevertak: google for "lvm howto" or "lvm tutorial"17:38
acervertak: lvdisplay /dev/Vol  #And hit the tab key couple times17:40
acervertak: Or:  pvs17:40
vertakacer: will do. Just for more info. when I do "sudo lshw" and I look at the info for sdc and sdd, it says they're NTFS volumes.17:42
albertits cool17:42
vertakwhich is strange because "sudo fdisk -l" seemed to suggests they were Linux under the System column of the info.17:43
albertsudo fdisk -l17:43
zykotick9vertak: you really can't rely on sda sdb sdc staying the same.  i believe often, what you are booting from will become sda, and everything else will shift (thus reason for using UUIDs/Labels)17:44
He4dShOthey guys17:45
He4dShOtI just noticed that I don't have multi desktop anymore...is it normal?17:45
vertakWhere can i find the labels?17:45
zykotick9vertak: blkid, but labels aren't used by default, you need to specify when creating the partition17:47
acervertak: lvdisplay /dev/Vol  #And hit the tab key couple times17:47
acervertak: sudo blkid17:47
vertakacer: sudo blkid doesn't display any data about sdc or sdd disks17:48
vertakacer: also, "lvdisplay /dev/sdc5" and "lvdisplay /dev/sda1" returns "Volume group ___ not found"17:49
He4dShOtI don't use multi desktop that often so I don't know if it's gone in 14.10 or if it's not working for me17:49
acervertak: lvdisplay /dev/Vol  #And hit the tab key couple times17:50
squintyHe4dShOt: in unity > system settings > appearance > enable workspaces (optional > add show desktop.....)17:50
eb0they does anyone know what kb means17:50
squintyHe4dShOt: 14.04 but would imagine similar in 14.1017:51
eb0ti was going to install a package and someone said it was really made for kb17:51
eb0twhatever that means17:51
OerHeksab0, ask that someone?17:51
eb0ti asked and they didnt reply17:51
He4dShOtsquinty, thank you17:51
He4dShOtI wonder when it was disabled17:52
acervertak: (The Tab key is your friend.)17:52
vertakacer: nothing happens. I type "sudo lvdisplay /dev/Vol" and then hit tab multiple times and nothing happens.17:52
OerHekseb0t, how do we tell?17:52
vertakacer: lol.17:52
eb0ti was thinking of trying xmonad and they said it was made for kb17:52
karab44How to enable SLI on Ubuntu?17:52
eb0ti said kb waht is that ...and they didnt respond17:52
squintyHe4dShOt:  I had to toggle on in 14.04 not sure about previous versions to be honest17:52
vertakI don't know what to say, lvdisplay doesn't do anything for me. it can't find ANY of the logical volumes on my machine, even the sda and sdb disks which are mounted.17:53
acervertak: http://linux.die.net/man/8/lvdisplay17:54
zykotick9vertak: are you sure it's LVM?17:54
acervertak: -a  ?17:54
OerHekseb0t, don't know, xnomad is just another window manager17:55
acerzykotick9: fdisk tells him it is, http://paste.ubuntu.com/9075144/17:55
eb0tys it is OerHeks17:55
zykotick9acer: ok, thanks.  i was just checkin'17:55
He4dShOtsquinty, now I'd like to add some workspaces, but I can't find the setting in compizconfig...I'm sure it was there..17:56
eb0ti found out what kb means.......keyboard17:56
David1965did you guys receive a pastebin for me a few seconds ago17:56
pochecheHi there can't start ubuntu, it does start on text line and when K login I get (sh: /var/run/motd.new: not a directory) and when trh to startx get also errors (xauth: /home/myusername/.Xauthority not …17:56
zykotick9David1965: you need to share the link.17:56
vertakacer: "no volume groups found"17:56
pocheche…writable, changes will be ignored) and (xinit: unable to conect to X server: no such file or directory)  Im a bit crazy with this can anyone help me?17:56
acerzykotick9: But we really don't know that for sure.  A partition can be labled with any filesystem type and not actually be formatted17:56
vertakzykotick9: when you say "are you sure it's LVM" what are you referring to by "it"?17:56
danielalbornozhey everyone, I installed java 7 via the webupd8 ppa but now I can't got it working on opera or chromium, it works on firefox. I'm on 12.0417:57
David1965no I labeled it public17:57
acervertak: sudo fdisk -l |pastebinit17:57
acervertak: .... and send URL17:57
EriC^^pocheche: please type ls -l ~/.Xauthority and paste here17:58
OerHeksdanielalbornoz,  is doesn't work on chromium . >> For Chrome v.35 (Aura) forward, if/until the Google Chrome dev-team and/or the Oracle Java Plugin dev-team decide to develop and support a new PPAPI-based Java plugin, the user community's only recourse is to use Firefox for any and all online applications and/or web-access which requires that Java plugin.17:58
karab44How to enable SLI on Ubuntu?17:59
vertakacer: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9075653/17:59
karab44Is this a bug my system can't detect SLI mode?17:59
mbpHello World :D18:00
Tobias[L]karab44: usually it detects it after a few reboots or, if optimus works install bumblebee (only if optimus definitely is enabled)18:00
karab44I use prime18:01
Tobias[L]karab44: desktop pc? sli cable connected? what model?18:01
karab44Tobias[L]: I use desktop PC and I have prime18:01
karab442x GTX 780Ti18:02
Tobias[L]karab44: Sli cable connected?18:02
karab44yes, naturally18:02
karab44They are both visible in the system but only one is assigned to display18:02
Tobias[L]karab44: that is normal18:02
karab44also both CUDA works18:02
Tobias[L]karab44: the display is connected to one, both render tough18:03
karab44Tobias screenshots says different18:03
Tobias[L]karab44: that is no error thats how it is supposed to be18:03
ToBeFreeif there's a graphics driver issue, jockey-gtk might be useful18:03
Tobias[L]karab44: link to that screenshot?18:04
karab44I checked some screens for nvidia-settings and there is explicit information that SLI works18:04
=== mahdi is now known as mdibaiee
mdibaieeHi, a friend of mine is looking for "pangu" or something like that to jailbreak iOS8, does anybody know any way of running it on Linux?18:04
karab44Tobias[L]: just google SLI ubuntu and there are many18:04
karab44Tobias[L]: http://i.imgur.com/FkuiBl.png18:05
Tobias[L]karab44: i have sli myself and it shows directly that both displays are connected but to GPU0 while rendering dually works perfectly18:05
karab44GPUs: there are both cards there.18:05
karab44In my case I have only one18:05
Tobias[L]karab44: me aswell but it still utilizes both18:06
karab44Tobias[L]: Are you sure about that? Unigine Heaven shows only one card18:06
Tobias[L]ubuntu enable sli18:06
Tobias[L]it usually should be ...18:07
karab44http://cdn.overclock.net/5/5b/5b06971c_s5ivpu.png look there18:07
Tobias[L]karab44: i use it for blender mostly but games run on both aswell18:07
karab44There are 4 TITAN on the screen18:07
karab44When I do benchmarking there is only one card18:08
karab44Tobias[L]: yeah blender works fine but it doesn't require SLI18:08
acervertak: mount | pastebinit  #And send URL18:09
karab44squinty: I tried 'auto' and 'on' already18:09
acervertak: pastebinit /etc/fstab   #And send URL18:09
acervertak: sudo blkid #And send URL18:10
vertakoutput of "mount":18:10
vertakoutput of "cat /etc/fstab":18:11
vertakoutput of "sudo blkid":18:12
daftykinsvertak: nice spam18:12
acerdaftykins: what spam?18:14
daftykinswould've been nice on one line is all.18:14
neurotusagrees :)18:14
Tobias[L]karab44: i'm out, if xconfig doesnt work after a restart i cant help much18:15
acervertak: daftykins is correct. It is a busy channel so..18:15
karab44Tobias[L]: It doesn't18:16
karab44thank you anyway :)18:16
matrixa1Hello! After upgrading 14.04->14.10 my battery charges to "full" at ~92% and stops charging. But then it suddenly charges again, then stops, then charges. This didn't occur on 14.04. It is seriously damaging my battery! Help!18:16
daftykinsvertak: what was your initial question? are you looking for help mounting your second disk?18:16
daftykinsmatrixa1: best go back to 14.04 then18:16
matrixa1daftykins, is it possible to run 14.10 with 14.04 kernel? If so I'd like to start there first18:17
pochecheHi there can't start ubuntu, it does start on text line and when K login I get (sh: /var/run/motd.new: not a directory) and when trh to startx get also errors (xauth: /home/myusername/.Xauthority not …18:17
pocheche…writable, changes will be ignored) and (xinit: unable to conect to X server: no such file or directory)  Im a bit crazy with this can anyone help me?  ls -l ~/Xauthority shows -rw----- 1 root root 0 n…18:17
pocheche…ov 18 09:58 /home/myuser/.Xauthority18:17
daftykinsmatrixa1: that'd be a bad move i think18:17
acervertak: I'm not much of an authority on LVM volumes and how to manually mount them.  But again, just because they are designated as LVM does not mean that your system is configured to acess them.  Someone else may be better able to help you with LVM configuations.18:17
daftykinsmatrixa1: what benefit do you believe you're getting, from running 14.10 over the LTS?18:17
ikoniapocheche: remove that file and stop trying to run X applications as root18:17
matrixa1daftykins, time, I have a lot of development going on right now18:18
daftykinsmatrixa1: somehow running non-LTS saves you time?18:18
acervertak: But the way I understand it, you'd have to had to have installed via LVM configuration in order to utilize it.18:18
matrixa1daftykins, somehow fixing the issue and avoiding reinstall will save me time18:18
EriC^^pocheche: ok, please type sudo chown <your user>: /home/<your user>/.Xauthority18:19
vertakdaftykins: I'm trying to mount 2 internal hard drives that currently are not mounted. I originally was motivated to do this because I wanted to transfer a collection of files from a backup server that altogether were larger than any of the drives I have on my machine. Right now I have a 600G disk for Windows 8, a 600G disk for Ubuntu 14.04 and other files, and 2 600G disks for just straight files. Those 2 file disks are currently unmounted, bu18:19
vertakt when I run "sudo mount /dev/sdc5 /mnt/secondhd" it says I must specify a filesystem type. When I try adding the -t auto option it stills says I need to specify a filesystem, "-t ext4" and "-t ext3" also don't work.18:19
daftykinsmatrixa1: good luck with that18:19
ikoniamatrixa1: how do you know it's a kernel problem18:19
ikoniamatrixa1: you'll be wasting your time for something you don't know will have any impact18:19
ikoniaif time is your factor - reverting to a stable build would be the quickest way to get you working18:19
daftykinsvertak: "sudo parted -l | pastebinit" please18:20
djun /part18:20
karab44OK I'll reinstall the system and see what happenes18:20
djunhaha oops18:20
matrixa1ikonia, know any way to tell kernel to stop charging prematurely?18:21
ikoniamatrixa1: why do you think it's the kernel ?18:21
matrixa1ikonia, i know Thinkpads have the necessary kernel module to modify charging settings18:21
belgianguyYou don't want to tell the kernel anything unless you wrote it AFAIK18:21
ikoniamatrixa1: why do you think this problem is the kernel18:22
matrixa1ikonia, because identifying battery statistics is extremely non-portable code18:22
ikoniamatrixa1: what you just said makes no sense18:22
vertakoutput of "sudo parted -l": http://paste.ubuntu.com/9076012/18:22
ikoniamatrixa1: the kernel is very portable18:22
pochecheTried to delete the file startx throughs same error  (xauth: /home/myusername/.Xauthority not writable, changes will be ignored) and (xinit: unable to conect to X server: no such file or directory18:23
ubuntu_Is Ubuntu easy to use18:23
matrixa1ikonia, what I said is that battery statistics are read with the help of asm code, using a module, that resides in the kernel18:23
ikoniapocheche: ls -la /home/yourusername/.Xauthority18:23
ikoniamatrixa1: it's also managed and controlled via APM and APIC18:23
acermatrixa1: I'm also not sure it is a problem with the kernel but if 14.04 worked well, and 14.10 does not work well for you, my advise [also] would be just to re-install 14.04.  (Besides the fact that 14.04 is LTS and 14.10 is not.)18:23
belgianguymatrixa1: what is your issue? Fiddling with kernel params is usually at the bottom of things to try18:24
vertakdaftykins: output of "sudo parted -l": http://paste.ubuntu.com/9076012/18:24
pochecheSame as before but with my username18:24
ikoniapocheche: please show me exactly18:24
matrixa1belgianguy, OS can't stop charging battery, it goes into a charge/finish/charge/finish loop at ~92%18:25
belgianguywhat model?18:25
ikoniamatrixa1: that is expected behaviour in some thinkpads18:25
matrixa1belgianguy, NAPA battery model, this is a Fujitsu NH532 Ivy Bridge18:25
ikoniaeg: the T42 and T43 do it by design18:25
pocheche-rw------- pocheche pocheche 0 nov 18 19:20 /home/pocheche/.Xauthority18:25
matrixa1ikonia, trickle charge shouldn't be advertised as normal charging18:26
ikoniapocheche: and what is the command you are running18:26
matrixa1which in that case reduces the problem to false positives by bad GUI management ikonia18:26
ikoniamatrixa1: it doesn't differentiate in a dispay factor18:26
ikoniaeg: I have a battery at %97 plugged in and not charging18:26
daftykinsvertak: yeah because sdc and sdd are LVM, you can't mount them by the partition18:26
ikoniapocheche: as who18:26
ikoniapocheche: why is your desktop not starting automatically ?18:26
ikoniapocheche: there should be no need to run startx18:27
maldad HexChat: 2.10.0 ** OS: Linux 3.16.0-25-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Ubuntu "utopic" 14.10 ** CPU: 4 x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4200U CPU @ 1.60GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 1.60GHz ** RAM: Physical: 5.7GiB, 85.1% free ** Disk: Total: 1.9TiB, 89.6% free ** VGA: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel HDMI1: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel PCH ** Ethernet: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd.18:27
vertakok, but why are their filesystems "ntfs"?18:27
maldadRTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller ** Uptime: 1h 21m 6s **18:27
matrixa1ikonia, if i turn off, let it charge to 95%, turn on then it works as in 14.0418:27
vertakdaftykins: ok, but why are their filesystems "ntfs"?18:27
acervertak: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuDesktopLVM18:27
ikoniamatrixa1: yes, mine does that in windows also18:27
daftykinsvertak: you're only reading the primary partitions, likely you've used them with Windows before and have never properly removed their boot partitions18:28
pochecheI know but starts on text line and askme to login18:28
ToBeFreeubuntu_: yes, somehow18:28
OerHeksyou cabn see more battery info with acpi > sudo apt-get install acpi && acpi -i -b -a18:28
ikoniapocheche: why ?18:28
ToBeFreeubuntu_: what do you plan to use Ubuntu for? :) I could then tell you how easy or hard that is18:28
ikoniapocheche: when you install the ubuntu desktop release it will start X by default18:28
ToBeFreeubuntu_: also, are you used to some other OS's applications? Microsoft Word can be nicely replaced by OpenOffice/LibreOffice Writer, for example18:28
belgianguypocheche: did you fiddle with gfx drivers or some such?18:28
vertakdaftykins: does that I mean I should used parted to repartition them? I have nothing on them.18:29
acervertak: They are flagged as LVM 8e18:29
pochechewhen K login I get (sh: /var/run/motd.new: not a directory)18:29
pochecheI know18:29
matrixa1ikonia, in that case I want to confirm one more thing with you, since you experience a similar behaviour. Whenever tricke charging kicks in (on and off for some time) does the battery voltage drop with each "trickle"? Check battery stats18:29
pochecheIs an old installation18:29
ikoniapocheche: please answer the quetion18:29
daftykinsvertak: no, it's only 256MB so there's no point. just focus on learning to mount LVM18:29
ikoniapocheche: when you install ubuntu it starts the desktop by default - why is yours not18:29
acervertak: So we don't know they are formatted at all.  Look at the link I sent you above18:29
pochecheYes is an old installation and today thats happened18:30
ubuntu_I am using it for my Ubuntu class18:30
ToBeFreebtrfs is a nice file system that can be resized at runtime, while the partition is mounted - just if that's interesting here, I thought I should mention it18:30
belgianguypocheche: and how did this happen?18:30
belgianguyany particular thing you were doing or did you just start it and no screen?18:31
vertakacer: daftykins: I have to go, but thank you so much for the help, I will backup my data and learn LVM.18:32
daftykinsvertak: or avoid using it entirely ;)18:32
ToBeFreeubuntu_: for a class? Well, what are you going to do with that class? :)18:32
ToBeFreeubuntu_: I assume you're a teacher? Or a student?18:33
pochecheDon't know,  well sure something,  but I shutdown yesterday and today has that present18:33
vertakdaftykins: maybe. Really from this convo I've learned I need to learn more about partitions/disks in general.18:33
ToBeFreeubuntu_: also, if you prefix your answer with "ToBeFree:", I get a message about it, that would be useful :)18:33
David1965any of you guys looking for the source code for DES256.CPP well here it is <http://pastebin.com/u/gdk2008uk#_=_>18:34
ToBeFreeubuntu_: also others then know who you're talking to^^18:34
ubuntu_Had to save it on a USB and run it that way but wish I could download it to my computer but I don't really want to mess my computer up.18:34
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
zykotick9!tab | ubuntu_ this might help with ToBeFree's request18:34
ubottuubuntu_ this might help with ToBeFree's request: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:34
ToBeFreeubuntu_: also try entering "ToBe" and pressing the Tab key, that makes it easier - hah zykotick9 thanks18:34
ToBeFreeubuntu_: you saved an Ubuntu .iso on the stick?18:35
ToBeFreeor did you install Ubuntu on it? I'm unsure what you did :)18:35
ubuntu_ToBeFree, yes18:36
ToBeFreeubuntu_: also, copying an .iso file to your computer's harddrive won't mess anything up18:36
ToBeFreeubuntu_: you could then use that .iso to burn a DVD/CD from it18:36
ToBeFreeCD if it's less than 700MB afaik18:36
OerHeksToBeFree, he ran ubuntu from a stick, odd question you asked18:36
tuxtimowhat problem u have?18:36
ToBeFreeOerHeks: no, it's not odd imho. Especially if they ask if it's easy to use, I wonder if they even used it ever, and their "yes" reply to my first question also seems to imply that it's just an .iso :/18:37
OerHeksToBeFree, yes it is, as he ran it already. read carefull18:37
pochechePlease heelp18:38
zykotick9!ask | pocheche18:38
ubottupocheche: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:38
belgianguypocheche: what version are you running?18:38
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:38
ToBeFreeOerHeks: I seem to be blind though. Could you maybe point out to me where I overlooked that? :D18:39
ToBeFreeI might well have missed it between all the other chat, especially because of the missing prefix :D18:39
pochecheHi there can't start ubuntu, it does start on text line and when K login I get (sh: /var/run/motd.new: not a directory) and when trh to startx get also errors (xauth: /home/myusername/.Xauthority not …18:39
pocheche…writable, changes will be ignored) and (xinit: unable to conect to X server: no such file or directory)  Im a bit crazy with this can anyone help me?18:39
OerHeks<ubuntu_> Had to save it on a USB and run it that way ...18:39
usr13pocheche: Any events leading up to this issue?18:40
ToBeFreeOerHeks: thanks :)18:40
usr13pocheche: Is it a fresh install?18:40
ubuntu_ToBeFree,  I had to download the OS to my flash drive18:41
pochecheIts an old installation, never have problems18:41
OerHeksubuntu_, if you run into issues while installing, you can get advice from here18:41
belgianguypocheche: did you update the system maybe?18:41
usr13pocheche: How old?18:41
belgianguycan you try an older kernel?18:41
belgianguy(if there were more installed)18:41
usr13pocheche: 12.04?18:41
pochecheWell two years may be, yes 12.0418:42
EriC^^ubuntu_: that's how you install ubuntu, you download it to your flash drive, boot the live usb, and then install it from a live session18:42
usr13pocheche: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade18:42
ToBeFreeubuntu_: so you can boot from that stick and Ubuntu runs? That's nice. You can install Ubuntu next to your current OS using that stick. It should not mess anything up, but as with every such thing, it's always best to have a backup of everything you don't want to lose. That's not an Ubuntu-specific suggestion but something you might want to do regularly anyway.^^18:42
David1965pocheche why not get LM17 MATE (Qiana) 64bit and boot off the disc and let the desktop come and then double click the install OS icon which looks like a DVD showing on the desktop and follow the instructions to the letter then everything should fall into place18:43
EriC^^David1965: why dont you join irc.spotchat.net and join #linuxmint-chat and everything will fall into place18:44
OerHeksDavid1965, he could, but would not get support from us :-D18:44
ubuntu_ToBeFree, I already do that I have a lab I had to do and it said to ask a question on here to see if someone responds  but I know what I am doing so far but thanks for the help18:44
David1965EriC just trying to help someone get their of up and running18:45
belgianguypocheche: reinstall ubuntu-desktop maybe?18:45
pochechesudo apt-get update error stat under /var/lib/sudo: not such a directory  and missing list etc18:45
ravi_anthing i donload in linux mint doesnt show when i restart my computer but the free space remains the same18:46
pochecheCant do anything18:46
belgianguymaybe you can provide a pastebin of uname -a and lsb_release -a18:46
belgianguyperhaps check if you can drop to a shell from grub?18:46
usr13pocheche: May have filesystem errors.  You might reboot again and see if it does fsck for you.18:46
=== dejan is now known as Guest18107
bubbasaures!mint | ravi_18:46
ubotturavi_: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org18:46
David1965I prefer to use Quassel rather than the other package that was installed as it sooms to work better18:46
belgianguysudo apt-get install cinnamon would probably work, too18:47
belgianguy(just the DE, not the distro)18:47
ravi_its same as ubuntu18:47
pochecheTried to reboot several times18:47
pochecheThank u a lot any way18:47
belgianguyrebooting doesn't magically fix things,  people fix things :)18:47
zykotick9ravi_: mint is not the same as ubuntu.  just as ubuntu is not the same as debian.  get support from the proper channel/people.18:47
usr13ravi_: join irc.spotchat.net and join #linuxmint-chat18:48
belgianguyand repeating the same action and expecting different results... :)18:48
ravi_their support sucks :(18:48
bubbasauresravi_, Install ubuntu than.18:48
zykotick9ravi_: so, perhaps support should be a criteria for choose what distro you use18:48
usr13ravi_: Or, to say it more accurately, use irc.spotchat.net server and join #linuxmint-chat18:48
OerHeksmint has its own issues18:49
belgianguypocheche: can you get to a terminal?18:49
kat_Hi, guys, what channel should I go to to get help with Linux Lite?18:49
belgianguyWould installing a different DE overwrite his X settings?18:50
naptimepocheche: I'm not on Ubuntu but /etc/motd is the message of the day.  Some X config file is reading it as a directory.18:50
OerHekskat_, look at hte linux lite website ?18:50
pochecheI login on textline18:50
kat_ok thanks18:50
belgianguypocheche: ok18:50
belgianguypocheche:  maybe you can provide a pastebin of uname -a and lsb_release -a18:50
pochecheWell dont know how to do it without gui18:51
belgianguypocheche: ...18:52
zykotick9pocheche: what does "lsb_release -sc" report?18:52
pochecheOne sec18:52
belgianguypocheche: those are commands for the text line18:52
pochecheYes but how pastebin then18:52
pochecheUn sec I write down18:52
David1965irc.spotchat.org doesn't want to work in Quassel or I must be doing something wrong as there was only I operator plus me and no one els18:53
zykotick9pocheche: pastebinit is a terminal command for putting stuff on pastebin sites.  but the "lsb_release -sc" should be one word.18:53
David1965Must go now bye.18:53
naptimepocheche: Please do this and send me the URL: sudo grep -Hnr "$HOME" -e "/etc/motd" | pastebinit18:53
belgianguyhe might need to install pastebinit first through CLI, which he might not be accustomed to18:54
belgianguy"sudo apt-get install pastebinit"18:56
belgianguyon AZERTY, the pipe character is <Alt Gr> + <1>18:57
belgianguymeaning this: |18:57
usr13pocheche: lsb_release -sc | pastebinit18:58
vasanthI am having problems with ubuntu 14.04 which seems to be lagging on my laptop with 4gb ram and AMD radeon R2 processor, any help would be greatly appreciated18:58
zykotick9usr13: -sc should be one word, no need for pastebin18:58
usr13pocheche: But something like the above would be only one line18:58
usr13pocheche: (Was just giving an example to answer your question, how to use pastebin).18:59
=== prosper is now known as Guest80037
usr13vasanth: Try xfce19:00
vasanththank you usr13, will try that out now19:00
pochecheOk thanks. 5 minutes Im a person whith disabilitys19:01
usr13vasanth: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop19:02
vasanthusr13: thanks again running that19:02
* zykotick9 believe xfce4 is the package for just the DE, if you don't want to duplicate a lot of programs...19:02
zykotick9vasanth: my note above was intended for you, as an FYI19:03
vasanthzykotick9, so running sudo apt-get install xfce4 would be preferable ?19:04
usr13vasanth: zykotick9's suggestion will give you a more generic desktop, which may be more to your liking.19:04
zykotick9vasanth: it'll install "less" that's for sure, but if you want the full xubuntu experience, use the desktop metapackage as usr13 origionally suggested.19:05
usr13vasanth: Choice is yours, but xfce4 will install less19:05
usr13vasanth: You could try it and see....19:05
vasanthI will be going with xfce4 to try it out and maybe install the entire thing later, hope it fixes the lag, thank you19:05
usr13vasanth: Good idea.19:05
=== Chaser__ is now known as Chaser
belgianguyvasanth:  you might need to log out and log in and pick Xubuntu/XFCE rather then Ubuntu (the icon to the right of your name)19:07
belgianguythat will load the chosen interface19:08
vasanthbelgianguy, thanks its still downloading so once done, will do that19:08
Amy_Lu_Whois there a way to eliminate the option of logging into a guest session?  Can I only have admin and user accounts?19:10
belgianguyAmy_Lu_Who: http://askubuntu.com/questions/451526/removing-guest-session-at-login-in-ubuntu-14-0419:11
acerI'm the one that was asking about the BCM4318 on my Acer Aspire 5000 and found the solution at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2224920 > FYI19:12
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belgianguyAmy_Lu_Who: and scroll down some, mnstalemate's answer is better, but not selected as answer19:12
acerWe might want to work that into a factoid?19:13
zykotick9!broadcom | acer is it like this?19:13
ubottuacer is it like this?: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:13
pochecheI don't have pastebinit installeed and cant istall it19:13
bubbasaures!who | pocheche19:14
ubottupocheche: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:14
belgianguypocheche: A fresh GUI based install might be better suited maybe?19:14
belgianguypocheche: and why can't you install it? do you get an error?19:14
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:15
belgianguypocheche: and you could have typed it over manually...19:15
Amy_Lu_Whookay i entered the command in terminal, entered the password and now the screen that comes up I entered the second command, and myabe this is a stupid question, but how do I save and close?19:15
albertclick the close btn19:16
belgianguyAmy_Lu_Who: what command was the last you ran?19:16
naptimepocheche: `sudo apt-get install pastebinit` didn't work?19:16
belgianguyalbert: that doesn't save changes19:16
belgianguyshe might be in vi all we know19:16
acerzykotick9: My suggestion is a new factoid "BCM4318"19:16
Amy_Lu_WhoJust press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open Terminal. When it opens, run the command(s) below:19:16
Amy_Lu_Whosudo nano /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-ubuntu.conf19:16
bubbasauresalbert, Please orientate with the user and not just post answers randomly19:17
zykotick9acer: ahhh...19:17
zykotick9Amy_Lu_Who: doesn't nano have the commands at the bottom listed?  i seem to recall ctrl+n to save, but that might be way off.19:18
pochecheIm very sorry. Yes I get error cant open /var/lib/dpkg/lock open 20: it's not a directory19:18
belgianguyAmy_Lu_Who: Ctrl + O saves (look at the bottom)19:18
belgianguy^O = Ctrl + O19:18
zykotick9belgianguy: thanks.19:18
belgianguyand that's 'oh', not 'zero'19:18
Amy_Lu_Whobelgianguy, that is not listed as an option.   i would have seen that.19:19
belgianguyAmy_Lu_Who: Can you state what is at the bottom of your screen?19:19
belgianguyor upload a screenshot if possible19:19
Amy_Lu_Whobelgianguy, that worked, but the options did not include "save"19:20
astrI've done a full install custom encrypted / . so no swap just / and no lvm. it works but I mounted / and added some files and now when I boot it and correctly enter my pass it doesn't complete boot and offers the option of dropping to a  maintenance shell with the error of the checksum not matching for root fs. how do I regenerate this checksum?19:20
Amy_Lu_Whobelgianguy, i am going to reboot and see if it really worked.  thanks for the help19:21
pochecheWhat's the best way to reinstall without losing a lot of info19:21
bubbasaurespocheche, By being backed up.19:21
naptimepocheche: I think you can use the Live DVD to back up your data before the re-install.19:21
belgianguypocheche: as naptime says, boot from liveUSB and backup to an external disk19:22
belgianguypocheche: and then install 14.04 or 14.1019:22
pochecheYes i can do it but what follder i have to keep19:22
naptimepocheche: Which directories/files are important to you?19:23
belgianguypocheche: you can use another PC to create bootable USB sticks (UnetBootin works on everything AFAIK)19:23
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naptimepocheche: You probably don't need any system/config files since you're reinstalling.  Just save any user data you want.19:23
belgianguypocheche: work/school/private data, pictures, savegames and documents19:24
Amy_Lu_Whobelgianguy, i still have a guest session.19:24
belgianguyAmy_Lu_Who: Then you probably didn't save it :)19:24
belgianguyAmy_Lu_Who: can you reopen the file and check if the line is still there?19:24
belgianguy'nano' is the name of the text editor19:24
astrso the question is how to re-generate the checksum of a crypto install?19:24
pochecheWell im going to backup the entire home folder19:24
naptimeAmy_Lu_Who: I think you need to reboot for it to take effect, not just log out.19:25
pochecheBut what abot programs?19:25
naptimepocheche: Just reinstall them.19:25
belgianguypocheche: you'll have to reinstall them, but you can make a list of the ones you need19:25
DarkStar1Hi all has anyone tried installing ttf-mscorefonts-installer lately on 24.0419:26
pochecheOookk thank you very very much19:26
DarkStar1I get an error that it isn't available but reffered to by another package19:26
Amy_Lu_Whobelgianguy, "WriteOut" means save?19:27
naptimeAmy_Lu_Who: Yes19:27
belgianguyAmy_Lu_Who: Mine's in Dutch, so it probably adapts its shortcuts to its translations19:28
bubbasauresDarkStar1, Check software & updates 2nd tab that independent and canonical partners repos are ticked, if not do that and run a update.19:28
DarkStar1bubbasaures: I'm on  remote server19:28
DarkStar1bubbasaures: and I have ran the updates19:28
bubbasauresDarkStar1, That is your issue, I just gave you a path.19:29
Amy_Lu_Whook, it is saved, and I restarted the computer... but i moved the line "allow-guest=false" to below "[SetDefaults]" I think that might have been my mistake19:29
belgianguyAmy_Lu_Who: so did it disable it now?19:29
Amy_Lu_Whobelgianguy, i will log out again and see19:30
DarkStar1bubbasaures: that's a desktop solution but I will see if I can find something online as to which repository it exists in for trusty19:30
DarkStar1bubbasaures: but thanks19:30
bubbasauresDarkStar1, Those are the repos it would be in it is 3rd party.19:31
Amy_Lu_Whobelgianguy, that did it, thank you.19:32
=== Guest59063 is now known as jack
albert_its funny19:34
belgianguyAmy_Lu_Who: you're welcome!19:34
bubbasauresalbert___, No dual nicks here.19:34
DarkStar1bubbasaures: like this one : https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/msttcorefonts/3.4+nmu1ubuntu119:34
albert_im just boring19:34
Amy_Lu_Whothe next thing I want to do is to set permissions for a child's user account, like an admin password required for say anywebsite not on a list of what I approved.  is that possible?19:34
bubbasauresalbert___, You're abusing the channel.19:34
belgianguyAmy_Lu_Who: I'd say look into a browser extension, and that your child cannot bypass it19:35
belgianguyAmy_Lu_Who: as he or she might install another browser, or find out what a proxy is, or use Tor...19:35
asidowhat does '?' means in `service --status-all`19:36
Amy_Lu_Whobelgianguy, i don't think she is that smart, just yet. how do I "look into browser extention?19:36
belgianguyAmy_Lu_Who: this might be of interest to you: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ParentalControls19:37
Amy_Lu_Whobelgianguy, by seeing the name I think so!  thanks again.  I am sure i will be back.  I still have so much to learn.19:38
belgianguyAmy_Lu_Who: until next time then :)19:38
naptimebelgianguy: I child on Tor, SCARY!19:41
hankyddoes anyone here have experience with Pithos?19:41
belgianguynaptime: ?19:42
naptime"as he or she might install another browser, or find out what a proxy is, or use Tor..."  I thought the idea of a child finding out how to use Tor was unsettling.19:43
naptimebelgianguy: Oops, forgot to prefix with your name there.19:43
belgianguynaptime: it's an app as any other, accessible from the software center19:44
belgianguyTor is just a browser19:44
belgianguywhat you do with it is up to the person using it19:45
belgianguyeg SilkRoad, darknet are bad apples, but people can also at least experience some real internet in countries where there is government set censorship19:46
belgianguynaptime: but I understand your worry, but do think Tor is not on top on any kid's list to break out of the browser lockdown19:46
bubbasaureshankyd, Help here relies on your detailed description of the issue, including if this is a PPA version.19:47
naptimebelgianguy: True.  And I'm not saying it's a bad thing (the contrary, I'm glad it exists)... I just wouldn't let my kids use something like that.19:47
belgianguynaptime: and a regular browser?19:47
belgianguyThere's plenty on the internet that isn't suited for them, that's why I think tools and extensions are only a small thing in the whole experience, but getting them to understand the dangers and pitfalls is the most important one IMO19:48
naptimebelgianguy: A regular browser would be okay.  But the Tor tutorials all seem to mention the Hidden Wiki, which last I checked, had links to drugs, cp, hitmen, bombs, etc right on the front page O_O19:48
=== hankyd is now known as HankyD
belgianguynaptime: since when does Tor require a tutorial? It has SafeSearch as start page19:49
belgianguyand has all its filters turned on so no 'bad' pages should show up unless specifically asked19:50
altinHi there, I have my laptop on dualboot, windows 7 and ubuntu 14.0419:50
altinMy question is, I want to re-install windows 719:50
naptimebelgianguy: I didn't mean to get off-topic, sorry.19:50
altinand are there any known issues that my ubuntu would get corrupted or maybe grub will fail ?19:50
belgianguynaptime: nm then :)19:50
tim______hi, i am running a script (i wrote) using curl -L ... | bash -c ARGS now i realized, that the original output (buffer, interaction) isnt the same like i run the script on my own. whats the reason?19:51
zykotick9altin: grub is gonna be overwritten my MS.  You'll need to reinstall grub to MBR after.19:51
zykotick9altin: from the !mbr factoid, you might want to consult https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub19:52
bubbasauresaltin, How are you reinstalling W7?19:53
altinzykotick9: thanks19:53
altinbubbasaures: I plan to format the partition where my current windows 7 is, and then install it there...19:53
Amy_Lu_Whois there a help room for privoxy, or may I ask in here, this is really technical19:53
altinbubbasaures: is that what you were asking ?19:54
zykotick9!alis | Amy_Lu_Who19:54
bubbasauresaltin, Cool, just concerned you know the manual install in windows.19:54
ubottuAmy_Lu_Who: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*19:54
altinbubbasaures: Would any repartition of my windows 7 partition mess up the others? (just saying)19:55
ej_theres gotta be a up side 2 tor?19:55
belgianguyAmy_Lu_Who: feel free to msg me if you run into trouble (not in the main chat)19:56
bubbasauresaltin, I would just run the install manually and tell it to install in the partition there. You should be ready for any failure, not rely on "oh this is safe right"19:56
bubbasauresaltin, Anything can happen/fail be ready for it. ;)19:57
MagicSpudhello I am about to install linux mint but there are many options available...I am not testing them all which one would be the most comfortable and long term supported?19:57
zykotick9!mint | MagicSpud19:58
ubottuMagicSpud: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org19:58
bubbasauresmint | MagicSpud you are not new here19:58
bubbasaures!mint | MagicSpud you are not new here19:58
ubottuMagicSpud you are not new here: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org19:58
MonkeyDustwhat's this gnome DE called again?19:58
itsjustatestMagicSpud: forget mint.use kali.19:59
bubbasauresMonkeyDust, the shell? or the gnome 2 fallback19:59
ej_so if i dont have any sound.. pretty much the hardwhere?19:59
MagicSpudkali? the hackers distro?¿19:59
MonkeyDustbubbasaures  tnx20:00
itsjustatestMagicSpud: EN20:00
MonkeyDustbubbasaures  it's gnome-shell20:00
eric___Hello, I'm using intellij and deploying my app to a Tomcat instance. The deploy (through intellij) is working, yet I cannot reach localhost:808020:01
eric___Any ideas?20:01
MagicSpuditsjustatest,  ¿?20:01
eric___Or maybe another channel perhaps?20:01
bubbasauresMonkeyDust, Yep, been using it since about 12.04 or so.20:01
MonkeyDustbubbasaures  still using 12.04 here20:02
belgianguyeric___: that's a networking/webserver issue, best to find another channel IMO20:02
ej_linux terminal is owning me!!20:02
ej_im so new!!! grr...20:02
MagicSpudI wouldnt call kali comfortable20:03
bubbasaures!ot | MagicSpud20:03
ubottuMagicSpud: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:03
itsjustatestMagicSpud: u can try deepin20:04
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ej_tryed everything!! still no sound.. nor in windows..!!20:05
MonkeyDustej_  then it's not ubuntu related and not for this channel20:06
ej_ok ty..20:06
MagicSpudej_ wrong jack perhaps?20:07
ej_spud seriously?20:08
MagicSpudej_ it happened to me once... the monitor has three connections two rgb and one vdi... each connecion has its own sound input next to it...you need to use the input next to the connection youre using20:09
ej_im not gunna say anything..20:09
ej_but ty.20:09
bynarieanyone ever heard of installing linux in bios(legacy) mode and then booting it in efi mode?20:10
ej_somtimes i think i get the info runna round.!!20:11
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tewardbynarie: the BIOS can only handle one mode at a time - legacy, or EFI.  This is, unfortunately, the limiting factor.  However, you can still install Ubuntu in UEFI mode... it does support that20:16
solsTiCehi. I have installed ubuntu in one partition with a crypted home. I was thinking about spliiting that partition in 2 with a root and a home encrypted in LUKS/cryptsetup20:17
MagicSpudMint is ubuntu in the end... and for support, drivers, applications and so on it will be the best comfortable choice...20:22
lyscerI am currently running a primary web server (personal projects) and I want to have a secondary test server on the same ip. I just setup no-ip on a non-primary ubuntu server and I am hoping someone can help me know what it is called to make it so that x.x.x.x/server2 goes to my non-primary20:23
BlackEnergyIs there anyone in the community that can tell me if there is a console in FF that show the commands it is running while connecting to a site?20:28
BlackEnergySorry wrong channel20:28
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FleetflameBlackEnergy: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/Web_Console20:31
aman_dwivedihello....i m a fresher in the C language...please give me a small project to start with20:36
OerHeksaman_dwivedi, that is beyond the scope of this channel, try ##c or ##c++20:37
WaterGuten Abend20:37
Dr_ManhattanHi, I was wondering how I change the default desktop environment. I would like to switch from Unity to Fallback compiz20:37
Dr_ManhattanI realize I can do it on a per-login basis, but i would like to make it the default so I don't have to choose it every time20:37
bubbasauresDr_Manhattan, gnome fallback?20:38
Dr_Manhattanthat is correct sir20:38
zykotick9!notunity | Dr_Manhattan20:38
ubottuDr_Manhattan: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.20:38
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bubbasauresDr_Manhattan What ever desktop is used last will be where it defaults to.20:38
Dr_ManhattanI will test that.20:38
Dr_Manhattanbubbasaures: unless the machine loses power?20:39
yankHi folks, how do we disable local file browsing in Firefox?20:39
squintygnome-session-flashback did it here and after first logon, it will be the default logon20:39
bubbasauresDr_Manhattan, Glitches like a lightdm stop, logout may alter this is all.20:40
yankAll the resources on net are very old or obsolete..20:40
u5erjust a guess but what about making firefox its own user, then restricting that user from being able to look at the file system20:41
SkyLeachhey all.  I'm running an ubuntu dev server under virtual box on mac osx and the 'system settings' won't let me change basic things (like brightness and lock).  Any pointers?20:42
yanku5er, Firefox has to have the mechnism,simpler one,  to restrict users from accessing local files , but unable to figure that out.20:43
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squintyyank:  fwiw  firefox has it's own channel here on freenode  #firefox20:48
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yanksquinty, pinged already no response :P20:49
u5eryank, what about just removing read permissions from the user account that you don't what looking at the file system20:54
yanku5er, thats simpler...but most efficient option for my requirement would be to disable access from firefox20:58
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YellowberryI have a quick question about menu21:01
u5eryank, its an old post but it may help, http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/starting-firefox-under-a-different-user-867700/21:01
yanku5er, sure checkign21:02
Yellowberrywhenever I apt-get install stuff, it says "Processing triggers for menu ..."21:02
YellowberryI was wondering if I could get items that i've already installed on the menu as well?21:02
Yellowberrybecause this only appeared recently21:03
PCWorkerHello everyone, I just started getting an error on startup right after the Grub comes up and I choose to load Ubuntu 14.04. Down , close to the bottom of the screen, It says UUID:(a string of numbers), not ready or not present. And under that I can continue to wait, skip or manual recovery. I usually just wait a sec, but How would I go about fixing this issue?21:05
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bubbasauresPCWorker, Check sudo blkid and gksudo gedit /etc/fstab for corresponding UUID's21:07
bubbasauresgotta take off21:07
gregLPCWorker, Is that the only drive in your box?21:08
yanku5er, a problem can have so many solution eh!21:08
PCWorkergreg1: yes21:09
PCWorkergreg: yes it is21:09
gregL PCWorker  then you may need to start it up with a install disk and see if you can access it from there..21:10
Pinkamena_DMy thinkpad just froze completely (no magic SYSrq, restart X, swap to terminal, etc) two times in 1/2 hour of each other, and I have not had this happen before.21:11
Pinkamena_Dno new hardware was installed recently21:11
Pinkamena_Dany way to find what the crash may be?21:11
YellowberryPinkamena_D: how old is said Thinkpad?21:11
Pinkamena_Dabout 9 years, its a t60 ;)21:12
Pinkamena_D(hard drive is newer, though, its a saegate sshd)21:12
bwkhaha that thinkpad an Ibm or lenovo?21:12
Pinkamena_Dthis thinkpad has both brand stickers =P21:12
bwki have a thinkpad somewhere in my closet with slackware on it21:13
YellowberryHa! I wish I had that21:13
bwki'm debating if I spend 3 grand on a macbook pro21:13
PCWorkergregL: I am using the drive right now, it booted up. I was wondering if there is something I can do to fix this error from happening?21:13
Pinkamena_Dmacbook? I would generally recommend against21:14
guntbert!ot | Pinkamena_D21:14
ubottuPinkamena_D: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:14
gregLPCworker you can run the disk utility and perform the smart test..21:15
seboI am setting an new ubuntu server on a host with has 2GB ram and 128GB HDD. How much swap shuld I set?21:15
BlinkizHello. Can someone please help me figure out why my Intel ethernet card is not starting? http://paste.ubuntu.com/9078708/21:17
guntbertsebo: not under 512 MB21:17
PCWorkergregL: ok, Can I start that in terminal? and How do I do it?21:17
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PCWorkergregL: Wait a sec, Do I need to turn SMART off in the system BIOS?21:19
PCWorkergregL: or turn it on?21:20
gregLPCWorker, I never have.21:20
liquidspacehi.  i am backing up my installed apps and settings before a reinstall, following this method:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/9135/how-to-backup-settings-and-list-of-installed-packages     ...the only thing confusing me a bit is this like and the others like it:  rsync --progress /home/`whoami` /path/to/user/profile/backup/here   ...what do i substitute in the place of /path/to/user/profile/backup/here?21:20
PCWorkergregL: I will check that.21:20
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seboguntbert: Basically I would go with guided partitionning... But I would like to set a separated encrypted swap (with random passwd) from the encrypted root with the predefined passwd. And I don't know what size would the guided-partition tool advice.21:20
guntbertsebo: neither do I know - but if you are low on HDD space it might be too much21:22
gregLPCWorker, gnome-disks21:22
PCWorkergregL: is that better than gparted?21:22
gregLPCWorker,  you can run smart from that interface.. Just be careful and read all prompts..21:24
PCWorkergregL: you got it21:24
* SkyLeach just disabled x altogether, easier solution21:25
BlinkizHello. Can someone please help me figure out why my Intel ethernet card is not starting? http://paste.ubuntu.com/9078708/21:25
seboguntbert: And Could I ask you why your advice was to not set less then 512MB? I did set 512MB for /boot cause I have found that default (which is 256.* MB) seems to be problematic.21:25
compdocBlinkiz, its not defined21:26
compdocBlinkiz, it should become eth0, most likely21:27
Blinkizcompdoc, yeah.. and how can I do this?21:28
compdocBlinkiz, if you use network manager, you might need to just activate teh card. I dont use it, so I cant walk you through it. Try a search for network manager21:30
asidowhat does '?' means in `service --status-all`21:30
reisioit's supposed to make you ask that question, I dare say21:31
PCWorkergregL: Gparted check disk is greyed out. Is there a way around that or Would you use an alternate program?21:31
reisioPCWorker: what FS's UUID is it?21:32
Nothing_Muchhow do I install ubuntu with two hard drives as separate home partitions with btrfs???21:33
PCWorkerreisio: I have 2 UUID'S. 1st is ext4 and 2nd is the swap.21:34
compdocasido, "+" started "-" stopped  "?" unknown21:34
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Nothing_Muchhow do I install ubuntu with two hard drives as separate home partitions with btrfs??? do the bootloaders not support BTRFS at all yet?21:35
reisioNothing_Much: that's an awful lot of conditions21:35
Nothing_Muchum.. wait, only one /home partition with the root and boot partitions on the same ssd21:36
reisiomake me21:41
guntbertsebo: My advice was based on the fact that *if* you need swap (I don't know what you intend to do with the machine) then  having only (lets say) 300MB *might* prove too low. All in all I am not sure if you really need swap at all, but you probably don't want to find that out the hard way (with an OOM kill of some task)21:42
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MonkeyDustwhat's the factoid for cli again?21:50
bprompt!find cli21:52
ubottuFound: auth-client-config, bacula-client, cli-common, cli-common-dev, click, click-apparmor, click-dev, click-doc, cliff-tablib, cups-client (and 791 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=cli&searchon=names&suite=utopic&section=all21:52
geniiAnd yet it's references from !sudo21:53
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo21:53
genii"(also see !cli)"21:53
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PCWorkerHey yall, I have found the error and need some help22:02
PCWorkerHere goes22:02
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PCWorkerWhen I installed ubuntu 14.04 onto a 250 gb hard drive, I also had a 80 gb hard drive with ubuntu on in the system. After install was complete, I took the 80 gb drive out of the system. The 250 drive is now booting at the /dev/sda1 position. But during install it was at the sdb5 position. How do I fix the /etc/fstab so it will quit looking in the wrong place?22:09
PCWorkerKeep in mind I don't want to mess this up.22:10
k1lPCWorker: well, sda1 change to sdb5 doesnt make any sense. the number is the partition. and that is counted at every hdd for its own22:10
k1lso sdb5 should now be sda5.22:10
k1lPCWorker: well, please pastebin a "sudo fdisk -l" (small L at the end) and a the fstab so we can have a look22:12
JaySlavenhello, i need help with vbox22:12
thetoxicarcadeJaySlaven, what seems to be your problem22:13
JaySlavenwhen installing vbox extras22:13
PCWorkerk11: it coming, give me a sec22:14
thetoxicarcadepray for an expert to be on the line. is it the latest stable version?22:14
OerHeksJaySlaven, seems like a version mismatch, how do you obtain the vbox extras ?22:15
JaySlavenvbox websie22:15
OerHeksJaySlaven, why not use the ubuntu softwarecenter ?22:15
k1l!find vbox22:15
ubottuFound: isdnvbox, isdnvboxclient, isdnvboxserver22:15
k1l!find virtualbox22:15
ubottuFound: unity-scope-virtualbox, virtualbox, virtualbox-dbg, virtualbox-dkms, virtualbox-guest-additions-iso, virtualbox-guest-dkms, virtualbox-guest-source, virtualbox-guest-utils, virtualbox-guest-x11, virtualbox-qt (and 1 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=virtualbox&searchon=names&suite=utopic&section=all22:15
thetoxicarcademake sure to install dkms build-essential linux-headers-generic22:16
JaySlavenno extras22:16
JaySlavenit worked before but i need to use my usb 2.022:16
OerHeksJaySlaven, sure we have, sudo apt-get install virtualbox-guest-additions-iso22:16
JaySlavenFailed to open a session for the virtual machine Windows 7.  Implementation of the USB 2.0 controller not found!  Because the USB 2.0 controller state is part of the saved VM state, the VM cannot be started. To fix this problem, either install the 'Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack' or disable USB 2.0 support in the VM settings (VERR_NOT_FOUND).  Result Code: NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005) Component: Console Interface: IConsole {822:17
thetoxicarcadeonce you've installed the packages (virtualbox-foo) run sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup (probably, can I get a second to the motion?)22:17
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thetoxicarcadeooooouch >.<22:17
OerHeksJaySlaven, after installing, logout and login again and it should work22:19
JaySlavenok im installing windows 7 for my HD-PVR 222:19
JaySlaveni need it for that reason22:19
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Jay_now my virtual box is gone22:22
condordo i need to do anything to enable TRIM, Crucial M500 240GB SSD, Ubuntu 14.04LTS?  Partition was encrypted at fresh install, LUKS (not sure if that makes any difference as far as TRIM)22:22
PCWorkerk11: Check these out and see what you think can help me fix this error...    http://paste.ubuntu.com/9080007/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/9080011/22:22
k1lPCWorker: ok, please put a "sudo blkid" into a pastebin too, so we get the uuid names22:23
PCWorkerk11: coming right up22:24
PCWorkerk11: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9080097/22:25
k1lPCWorker: ok. since the 2nd swap partitoin from the other hdd is now missing, remove the lines 12 and 13 from the fstab22:27
Jay_Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pac22:27
retsejHey there, can I get some help on figuring out how to partition my system?22:27
retsejI'm about to install Ubuntu 14.10  but I have a bit of an unconventional setup.22:27
PCWorkerk11: I can do that.22:27
PCWorkerk11: be back after reboot.22:28
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bubbasauresretsej, Details for the channel please.22:29
retsejTyping them up!22:30
retsejand thanks!22:30
retsejI've got an Asus s400ca (not the computer I'm typing on at the moment), which has a 500GB tradtional laptop HDD, but a 24GB SSD drive that was used for caching22:30
Bashing-om!paste | retsej :please22:31
ubotturetsej :please: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:31
bubbasauresretsej, You should be here on that computer.22:31
retsejI have it in front of me22:31
bubbasauresretsej, Can you come to the channel using it, we will most likely need you to run commands...etc.22:32
bubbasauresa ubuntu live22:32
retsejbubbasaures: Lemme reboot it into livecd then,22:32
bubbasauresretsej, Yeah, that will take out a lot of extra work, and you may actually remember how and or get this done. ;)22:33
PCWorkerk11: You ROCK!!! I took those 2 lines out and re-booted in less than 3 seconds and "no errors"... Thank you22:34
k1lPCWorker: np22:34
retsejbubbasaures: Okay, I'm booted, gotta get IRC on running on the liveCD.  Reccomendations?22:36
bubbasauresretsej, Yeah, give us a description of the setup, you can pastebin sudo parted-l as well for partition info.22:37
retsejbubbasaures: Oh I meant for IRC22:37
webbumok.. so im new with linux.. have mint installed and so far it works great but i cant figure out how to use or install my usb wifi stick.. its comes with a cd and linux drivers but i have no idea what to do...22:38
bubbasauresretsej, Ah, not really firefox if you just search with freenode will probably bring up a web client.22:38
bubbasauresnot sure if the live has xchat still22:38
k1lwebbum: please ask the mint guys in the mint support channel since mint handles that stuff differently22:39
retsejbubbasaures: Hello again :D22:39
Bashing-om!mint | webbum22:39
ubottuwebbum: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org22:39
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k1l( webbum their channel should be set up in the irc clients anyway)22:40
webbumok.. thanks22:40
retsejI'm on the laptop with a terminal open22:40
bubbasauresretsej, So my main goal here was to get you setup for easiest help, others may be in on this is all. So follow the instructions I gave.22:40
Ary_MainartHi. I have Ubuntu instaled on my desktop. The OS came with LibreOffice, but it is presenting errors. I am trying to remove the packages to do a fresh instalation. But when I try to sudo apt-get remove --purge libreoffice, I get a message: libreoffice is not installed. But the app is there. Writer for example is normal and functional. How do I remove the software?22:40
Bashing-omwebbum: :) . Any linux is better than no linux, we do 'buntu .22:41
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k1lAry_Mainart: dont just blindly reinstall things. what is the error? maybe we can solve that without needing to reinstall22:42
trijntjeAry_Mainart: libreoffice is just a meta package, but you were probably wrong to try to reinstall anyway. Why don't you try to solve the problem you have with libreoffice?22:42
bubbasauresAry_Mainart, remove the libreoffice file in ~/.config22:42
retsejHere's the pastebin http://pastebin.com/TggxsfiW22:42
trijntjebubbasaures, Ary_Mainart: that wont work22:42
retsejThe file current partitions aren't something I care about.  THe system has Win8 currently, I don't plan on dual-booting22:43
bubbasaures!uefi | retsej not a particularly unusual set up22:43
ubotturetsej not a particularly unusual set up: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI22:43
bashfr3akAry_Mainart maybe it's just a typo ... or maybe you can try updating it instead22:43
bubbasaurestrijntje, Just guessing the config is there and is the issue is all.22:44
trijntjebubbasaures: no, libreoffice is just a meta package, so removing it has no effect.22:44
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trijntjeAry_Mainart: what problem do you have with libreoffice? I'm sure people here can help you solve it22:45
bubbasauresit's the config, not a package removal.22:45
Guest90801Hello every body, after greeting, I would like to install a Photshop on my ubuntu 14.10. Could anyone help me?22:46
Ary_Mainarti will send a link to a image22:47
thetoxicarcadeGuest90801, I do believe you'll have to have a disk of photoshop and wine22:47
reisioGuest90801: a photoshop equivalent, or Photoshop itself?22:47
Ary_Mainartjust a sec22:47
retsejbubbasaures:  What I'm not sure about is how to partition the ubuntu installation.  I want to put the system on the SSD (sdb), but from other articles I've read, I've seen that it's recommended for this hardware to put the / in sdb, /boot in a small partition in the 500GB hard drive, then allocate the rest of the larger one as free space.22:47
Guest90801thank you very much Ary22:47
thetoxicarcadeexactly, there are equivalents, but photoshop itself, eh,....22:47
k1l!wine | Guest9080122:47
ubottuGuest90801: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu22:47
retsejI've never had to do the process manually before is what I'm getting at22:47
OerHeksGuest90801, check the wine database if your version might work22:48
thetoxicarcade<.< what the bot said22:48
Guest90801yes I will22:48
k1lGuest90801: see their app database if your version of photoshop is supported and if it needs some special treatment22:48
Guest90801Thanks  a lot22:48
thetoxicarcadeping us if you need us ^.^22:48
bubbasauresretsej, Your only option is to do a uefi install on sdb the big partition, you have to resize the windows using it's partitioner to make a unallocated space for ubuntu.22:49
bubbasauresthe big HD*22:49
Ary_Mainartevery time a try to open libreoffice I get this error: http://imageshack.com/a/img661/1000/sUBeKK.png22:49
retsejbubbasaures:  I don't need the windows partition. I plan on overwriting it22:49
Ary_Mainartbut the most strange is that the libreoffice is not installed and still there22:49
bubbasauresretsej, You will still have a gpt partition table at the least, read that link carefully.22:50
k1lAry_Mainart: is it just libreoffice stuff? or other programs too?22:50
k1lAry_Mainart: its not only one package. dont mind the packages now please. concentrate on the issue to fix, which is the blurry window22:50
k1lAry_Mainart: which video card?which driver used? where was the driver from?22:51
Ary_Mainartfor now its just an libreoffice stuf22:51
Ary_Mainartthe videcard is a onboard nvidia630a22:52
bubbasauresretsej, This is not your mothers setup is all, however it is known. You want to be sure you understand is all, so anything you don't, don't assume.22:52
Ary_Mainartthe driver is Legacy Binaru Driver Version 304.123 de nvidia 304 open sourcer22:53
OerHeksAry_Mainart, C61 [GeForce 7025 / nForce 630a] ?22:54
OerHeksthat one needs the 173 driver AFAIK22:55
Ary_Mainartmy video is onboard Asus m2n68 am plus22:55
Ary_Mainartsorry. that was my MB22:55
k1li would suggest to try the "nvidia-173" which is the legacy driver22:55
OerHeks k1l +122:56
k1lah wait, you have 14.10 running?22:56
k1lthere might be no 173 anymore22:56
retsejbubbasaures: Thanks.  I'm doing some reading, I came on because I was trying to follow the instructions here: askubuntu.com/questions/234111/how-to-boot-ubuntu-from-ssd-drive-which-cannot-be-selected-as-boot-device22:56
seboHi! I have just set up a fresh Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS (server x64) from scratch and when trying to run first `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade` it raises the warning abot not being able to authenticate the packages. Is it OK?22:56
OerHeksk1l, yes, only for trusty :-(22:56
retsejbubbasaures: but I wasn't sure about some of the steps22:57
k1lAry_Mainart: try to turn off the hardware acceleration of libreoffice: Preferences/LibreOffice/View/Use Hardware Acceleration22:57
bubbasauresretsej, I think you keep mixing up the SSD 24 gigs HD with the 500 HD spinning. That computer should allow any HD as booting, I think your in the weeds there. ;)22:58
k1lAry_Mainart: if that doesnt help try to set the video memory to a higher volume in the bios menue22:59
Bashing-omsebo: Not normal; show, so we see in context -> pastebinit sudo apt-get update , pastebinit sudo apt-get upgrade <- .22:59
Ary_Mainarti trying to change the driver23:00
k1lAry_Mainart: no23:00
Ary_Mainartbut the video memory it is at max23:00
Ary_Mainartit is not to me to change the driver???23:01
gtrplayer Hi all, SSD question: do i need to do anything to enable TRIM, Crucial M500 240GB SSD, Ubuntu 14.04LTS?  Partition was encrypted at fresh install, LUKS (not sure if that makes any difference as far as TRIM)23:02
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k1lAry_Mainart: 304 is the lowest driver 14.10 offers. make sure its vram is set to maximum in bios and try to turn off the hardware acceleration in libreoffice23:03
seboBashing-om: I have found out that the host is now not online. I have set up the WiFi network by the installation but this configuration was not saved. I need to set up it once again. Is there any quick way to do so from the shell (bash) terminal?23:04
m00thAry_Mainart:install windows xp23:04
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Bashing-omsebo: VM's are not in my experience, wait here for others to advise.23:05
Sp00kygtrplayer: it should be enabled automatically by a cron job in /etc/cron.weekly, so there is nothing you have to do.23:07
seboBashing-om: I am not talking about the VM = VirtualMachine. I have got a phisical host (laptop) with a fresh Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS (server x64). I am setting the server system there cause it has the brocen screen and I would like to use it for training and some developement etc.23:08
gtrplayersounds good, thanks!23:08
Bashing-omsebo: OK, on the server, do you have a wired internet connection ?23:09
retsejbubbasaures:  Does this look kosher?  http://imgur.com/pgStIkP23:09
bubbasauresretsej, I have not done a uefi install so can't say with certainty is all.23:10
seboBashing-om: I do have the wired and wirless Network card... However it might not be so easy to get the wire from the router right now.23:11
retsejbubbasaures:  If I get it wrong, I just do it again, no?23:11
bubbasauresretsej, Problem I see is you have a gpt table still, and are putting grub in the mbr. Have you looked at the link about this, that looks like a msdos partitioning on top of a gpt table.23:12
Bashing-omsebo: Best results, wired internet connection, then sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get install, THEN look and see if there are any additionl drivers (WIFI, Vedeo ) required.23:13
bubbasauresretsej, Really you need other help.23:13
retsejbubbasaures:  Np, thanks for trying23:14
Ary_Mainartchange the drivers and get a problem23:14
Ary_Mainartmust to boot with nomodeset parameter and gnome-classic23:15
retsejcan anyone help me understand my mad partitioning problem :P23:15
Ary_Mainartthe problem persist23:15
Ary_Mainartchanging the driver back again23:15
seboBashing-om: But it was connected through the WiFi at the installation time. I suspect this needs to be just configured once again. Am I wrong?23:16
Ary_Mainartany solution for my case?23:16
Bashing-omretsej: I am in the same boat as bubbasaures ; You are doing proper, await others here whi do have the UEFI experience.23:16
Ary_Mainarti will reboot now. be back latter23:18
Bashing-omsebo: Maybe, not wrong. Could be a config issue but I have very limited experience trouble shooting WIFI .23:18
sambagirlhi does seveas still come around here?23:19
k1lsambagirl: "sometimes". but for chitchat we have the #ubuntu-offtopic channel23:20
seboBashing-om: OK... I have managet to move the laptop up so that it is now next to the router and connected by Ethernet cable... anyway the network interface is still down.23:21
Ary_Mainartthe problem persist. anny other solution for my case23:21
UncleJoeGeneral question ignoring all attempts made yesterday... (Hi! Bashing-om , bubbasaures !) Is there an easy way to reinstall (with bootloader) onto an existing install, preserving data but essentially using the reinstall to repair broken/borked install?23:22
UncleJoeHi, Everybody!23:22
Bashing-omsebo: OK, I can work with wired . Step 1, is the network card detected > -> sudo lshw -C network < - .23:23
k1lUncleJoe: if you have backups you can try the reinstall option on the installer23:23
sambagirlok thanks k1l23:24
UncleJoek1l: THat would be too easy and therefore impossible since I don't have a backup that is usable - backup is on VMWare disk that is also borked.23:25
sambagirli dont suppose i can get any support for wireless with hoary huh?23:26
k1lsambagirl: no. 5.04 is way way way out of support.23:26
UncleJoeThe problem I had so far was the issue with the disks on the installer- no root partition was defined or something similar?23:27
sambagirlI still have the cd;s though and it still works :).23:27
Bashing-omsambagirl: Correct, who remembers back that far ? and hoary is long End-Of-Life, and no longer has support.23:27
Ary_MainartJust to remind...23:28
Ary_MainartHi. I have Ubuntu instaled on my desktop. The OS came with LibreOffice, but it is presenting errors. I am trying to remove the packages to do a fresh instalation. But when I try to sudo apt-get remove --purge libreoffice, I get a message: libreoffice is not installed. But the app is there. Writer for example is normal and functional. How do I remove the software?23:28
Ary_MainartEvery time a try to open libreoffice I get this error: http://imageshack.com/a/img661/1000/sUBeKK.png23:28
Ary_MainartFor now its just an libreoffice stuf.23:28
Ary_MainartThe videcard is a onboard nvidia630a23:28
Ary_MainartThe driver is Legacy Binaru Driver Version 304.123 de nvidia 304 open sourcer23:28
unopasteAry_Mainart you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted23:28
Bashing-omsambagirl: Yeah, but no security fixes. lots of holes have been discovered, and many many improvements have been made to the operating system .23:28
daftykinsAry_Mainart: dpkg -l | grep libre23:28
k1lAry_Mainart: you can reinstall so often you want. that is not going to change23:29
k1lAry_Mainart: if you car got a puncture you can drive it in and out of the garage the often you want to. its not going help. same with your libreoffice issue23:30
Bashing-omUncleJoe: Even after "sleeping" on the issue, nothing new has occurred to me.23:30
Ary_Mainartyou are saying is not libreoffice problem. I belive in you. But the question is, how do I fix it23:30
seboBashing-om: It has detected my both cards: network:0 wlan0 & network:1 eth0 ... both are DISABLED23:30
UncleJoeBashing-om: :(23:30
k1lAry_Mainart: reduce the screen setting?23:30
UncleJoeI didn't sleep much at all- I think I need to sit back and do this when I'm more awake23:31
k1lAry_Mainart: libreoffice with hardware acceleration support demands too much from your old video card.23:31
=== UncleJoe is now known as UncleJoeAway
k1lUncleJoe: boot a live usb, collect the important data and save it. reinstall, done.23:31
UncleJoeAwayk1l: It's ubuntu minimal 12.04 and the data is mydql db, webserver, etc.23:32
Bashing-omsebo: Working with the eth0 interface, what is shown in the lshw output for a driver in the "configuration:oline ? Mine "configuration: autonegotiation=on broadcast=yes driver=8139too " .23:32
k1lUncleJoeAway: that does not make my plan not work.23:32
Ary_Mainartwith the windows minimized i was able to open the writer and uncheck acceleration23:33
Ary_Mainartlets see if it works23:33
Ary_Mainartjust a sec23:33
UncleJoeAwayk1l: It does if you're a n00b.  I required help to even set this up a year ago... just every once in a while /svn up'd it...23:33
Ary_Mainartsame problem mate23:34
Ary_Mainartthere is another software alternative23:34
maumI like to ask about ip multicasting23:34
bubbasauresI like to pet my cat23:35
daftykinsAry_Mainart: the problem with your first question is you said "it is presenting errors" which doesn't really give much detail23:35
retsejSo, are there any new advisors/victims to help me with my partitioning? http://askubuntu.com/questions/234111/how-to-boot-ubuntu-from-ssd-drive-which-cannot-be-selected-as-boot-device23:36
Ary_Mainartdaftykins, I put a link with a print23:36
seboBashing-om: configuration: autonegotiation=on broadcast=yes driver=8139too driverversion=0.9.28 duplex=full latency=64 link=no maxlatency=64 mingnt=32 multicast=yes port=MII speed=100Mbit/s23:36
daftykinsretsej: ubuntu 12.10 is dead, why are you installing that?23:36
Ary_Mainartdaftykins, http://imageshack.com/a/img661/1000/sUBeKK.png23:37
kossME EYES23:37
daftykinsAry_Mainart: and it only looks like that when you run Calc?23:39
EriC^^retsej: so boot a live usb23:39
EriC^^retsej: your bios won't see the ssd no matter what? is it an external ssd?23:39
Ary_Mainartdaftykins, calc, writer and other libreoffice apps23:39
Bashing-omsedoHumm, no IP .. so step 2 : ifconfig eth0 | pastebinit . To a pastie so we see in contect waht is .23:39
k1lthat is a known issue with older nvidia cards and libre (or other java stuff?)23:39
Ary_Mainartdaftykins, if all windows is minimized i get the same error.23:40
Bashing-omsebo: Humm, no IP .. so step 2 : ifconfig eth0 | pastebinit . To a pastie so we see in contect waht is .23:40
k1lAry_Mainart: try to turn down the resolution23:40
Ary_Mainartk1l, MAte, are you saying is a video memory problem? If was that i will buy a Video Card.23:41
k1lAry_Mainart: yes it is23:42
Ary_MainartOk mate23:42
k1lthat is why i said to make sure it gets maximum video ram in bios23:42
l0rdn1xUgh, silly unity keeps messing up if I click the desktop now23:42
Ary_MainartI have another issuie but i will google it first23:42
Ary_Mainartthanks again23:43
l0rdn1xWhy does the application name keep vanishing from the Unity menu this is so annoying.. http://i.imgur.com/b80tN3s.png23:44
=== Shaun__ is now known as Shaun
LaCrepeFraichesI had a boyfriend named "Ubuntu" once.  He would "play the bongos" on my ass.23:45
Bashing-omsebo: Maybe a lot easier on you to compare my output ( mine is eth1) and tell me the difference ?? http://paste.ubuntu.com/9081520/23:45
LaCrepeFraichesI had a boyfriend named "Ubuntu" once.  He would "play the bongos" on my ass!23:45
LaCrepeFraichesI had a boyfriend named "Ubuntu" once.  He would "play the bongos" on my ass!!23:45
LaCrepeFraichesI had a boyfriend named "Ubuntu" once.  He would "play the bongos" on my ass!!!23:45
LaCrepeFraichesI had a boyfriend named "Ubuntu" once.  He would "play the bongos" on my ass!!!!23:45
LaCrepeFraichesI had a boyfriend named "Ubuntu" once.  He would "play the bongos" on my ass!!!!!23:45
LaCrepeFraichesI had a boyfriend named "Ubuntu" once.  He would "play the bongos" on my ass!!!!!!23:45
unopasteLaCrepeFraiches you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted23:45
daftykinsl0rdn1x: it says xchat in two places...23:45
l0rdn1xdaftykins, it should say xchat where I have the arrow23:46
l0rdn1xdaftykins, on the screenshot23:46
daftykinsbut it's not full-screen?23:46
l0rdn1xI have global menus activated23:46
seboBashing-om: `ifconfig eth0` is same as on each not connected interface (like on the other pc which I am writing from and which is connected through wlan0) : http://paste.ubuntu.com/9081543/23:47
Bashing-omsebo: Looking at http://paste.ubuntu.com/9081543/ .23:47
l0rdn1xThis is how it should look all the time when I have the window open... http://i.imgur.com/okPgQOY.png23:49
dormacIḿ looking for help installing Ubuntu 14.04 from scratch, I cannot boot from USB stick using Ubuntu 1223:49
daftykinsdormac: step 1 - put 14.04 on the USB flash drive23:50
l0rdn1xdormac, if your computer does not support booting from a usb you can use PLOP and it will help you23:50
Bashing-omsebo: Not talking to your router, huh ? .. OK is your interface "static" or dhcp ? what is set -> cat /etc/network/interfaces <- ?23:51
l0rdn1xdaftykins, did you get that last screenshot of how it should look all the time?  This problem didn't happen until I started using conky23:51
seboBashing-om: it should be configured through dhcp.23:52
daftykinsl0rdn1x: yeah, still failing to see why you consider that such a problem23:52
l0rdn1xdaftykins, sometimes I can't click the menus23:52
dormac10rdn1x, how does PLOP run? do I install PLOP and reboot computer?23:52
l0rdn1xdormac, you burn PLOP to a CD boot from the CD then you insert your USB and it will boot the USB for you.. Let me get you the PLOP website.23:53
Bashing-omsebo: Verify then that my http://paste.ubuntu.com/9081646/ is the same as yours, except you show eth0 where I am eth1 .23:53
l0rdn1xdormac, http://www.plop.at/en/bootmanager/download.html23:53
dormac10rdn1x, thanks, appreciate it23:54
l0rdn1xdormac, yep np anytime ;)23:54
seboBashing-om: and the /etc/network/interfaces does not list neither eth0 nor wlan0 - there are just two lines there "auto lo" and "iface lo inet loopback"23:54
l0rdn1xI just wish I could get Unity to quit messing up so I don't have to switch DE's.23:54
seboBashing-om: of course except some comments.23:55
Bashing-omsebo: This is a server, yes? And you have no installed " Network Manager " ?23:56
Hertzhi folks23:56
HertzI got t61 laptop and when I use linux on it eyes start to feel mad23:57
l0rdn1xdaftykins, Do you know where in the Unity configuration there is code that recognizes a click to the desktop and I could perhaps disable that to prevent the issue?23:57
Hertzsimilar to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186125123:57
HertzI wonder whats the solution for it23:57
bLaCk`SouLI need someone who knows please refer to Turkish23:58
seboBashing-om: this is going to be 'a server' and i have a fresh ubuntu 14.04.1 with nothing except those packages which are preselected by the instalation system.23:58
bLaCk`SouLI need someone who knows please refer to Turkish23:58
bLaCk`SouLI need someone who knows please refer to Turkish23:58
bLaCk`SouLI need someone who knows please refer to Turkish23:58
bLaCk`SouLI need someone who knows please refer to Turkish23:58
DalekSec!tr | bLaCk`SouL23:59
ubottubLaCk`SouL: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için /join #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde.23:59
DalekSecbLaCk`SouL: Also please don't spam like that.23:59
k1lbLaCk`SouL: no need to be annoying23:59

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