
=== soren_ is now known as soren
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elfyochosi: not sure where we left the ind panel crash issue - but I've had it again16:34
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
Unit193libappindicator update doesn't look to be the problem.21:52
brainwashochosi: please add a comment to bug 139376721:54
ubottubug 1393767 in light-locker-settings (Ubuntu) "[trusty] light-locker-settings may prevent xfpm to apply power source dependent monitor power management" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139376721:54
brainwashI doubt that we will backport anything to trusty, but I am not sure.21:55
slickymasterdkessel, did you get to sort out if https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-tests/+bug/1393204 is/was due to some misconfiguration on your machine?21:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1393204 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "Blueman testcase (ID 1591) : wrong mouse button for context menu" [Undecided,New]21:56
slickymasterI'm inclined to mark it as 'Invalid'21:57
slickymaster23:02  slickymaster: knome, I've tested your rev. 277 and it works22:00
knomeslickymaster, ok, good22:00
slickymasterabout the artwork you're planning to add22:01
slickymasterdo you already have any drafts/ideas of what it will be?22:01
knomei'm planning to make it abstract, so we don't have to update any screenshots for the documentation22:01
knomeother than that, not really22:02
* slickymaster hopes knome will have Bauhaus school in mind22:02
dkesselslickymaster: i did not start any of my PC's the last two days, so no. I will try to get to it tomorrow.22:20
dkesselDoes any of you know which files I could check for wrote ng settings on my side?22:21
dkesselI never used left handed mouse mode or something22:22
dkesselwrong I meant22:22
dkesselgood night22:29
Unit193Hrm, think Ubuntu devs would go for a git snapshot, 0ubuntu1 if the package is 100% unusable as of a few days ago?23:26
knomedepends on the package i guess23:30
Unit193As of the 17th, the one in trusty, utopic, and vivid is broken.23:31
knomeof "the package" :P23:32
Unit193Yeah, I got that part.  Was adding more information.23:33
knomeso, what are we talking about?23:33
bluesabrehey all23:35
knomehello bluesabre 23:35
Unit193knome: Nothing much, gcalcli.23:37
Unit193bluesabre: Howdy!23:37
bluesabreI'll stop being a crappy dev-lead soon. Got training for the new job in the evenings this week, but should stabilize and return this weekend23:37
bluesabreor at least go back to the dev lead I was before, crappy or not :)23:37
Unit193bluesabre: I tricked someone to sync thunar-dropbox, if you wanted to "backport" to the PPA it mainly adds multiarch support, but up to you entirely.23:37
Unit193Hah, nice. :D23:38
bluesabreUnit193: cool, glad to hear23:38
bluesabrewill do just that (probably tonight)23:38
Logan_Unit193: "tricked"23:50
Unit193Logan_: Hoped you'd see that. :D23:52

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