
dum84will deja dupe enable me to 1:1 so as to repair system disasters (although unlikely to happen)?00:01
dum84I need this because system will lie on a SSD disk which might fail sooner than expected00:02
* dum84 is startpaging00:06
Unit193I don't think it does, but another name I know of (but not much about), is bacula.  It may or may not be worth checking out (fwiw, I use rsync container and only what I want)00:09
dum84but do you backup the system itself?00:10
dum84I think I understood that all these software backup folders rather than entire disks00:11
dum84Clonezilla still convinces me..00:14
dum84and deja dup would be perfect for backing up personal folders00:15
dum84mmm... hard to have others boot from CD and follow the wizard of CloneZilla Live... I'll have to think of something else00:24
dum84can one clone their system drive while using it?00:25
dum84thanks for your help00:34
dum84good night00:34
kyfamiMoving back to xubuntu from openSUSE and currently installing, I was wondering... Would you recommend btfrs over ext4? Or is btfrs too new still to be regarded as a reliable filesystem?00:35
xubuntu38wCan someone please pass along advice for getting a new xubuntu wifi account set up? I am wired in to be here04:05
xubuntu38wCan someone please pass along advice for getting a new xubuntu wifi account set up? I am wired in to be here04:05
Unit193"wifi account"?  If your wireless card isn't working, perhaps you need the driver for it.04:08
cfhowlettxubuntu38w, this ^^^04:09
cfhowlett!details | xubuntu38w04:10
ubottuxubuntu38w: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)04:10
xubuntu38wwas just running regular ubuntu for 3 years, my harddrive crashed, got a new one and sold on installing xubuntu, and today is day one of opening and seeing whats working and not04:11
xubuntu38wi have my att router up that my ubuntu was able to work off just fine04:12
cfhowlettxubuntu38w, I'd bet you didn't install the required drivers04:12
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:12
ubuntuaddictedwhere would I set my x server to start with the -bs option? lightdm.conf.d/10-xubuntu.conf just says user-session=xubuntu  so i'm not sure where the actual command is for starting X05:19
Poisoned_Dragonunless you don't have a desktop manager installed, the dm is what starts the x session.05:20
Poisoned_Dragonthe user session just sets what desktop environment the user will use, when signing in.05:21
Unit193Not supposed to edit things in /usr/share as much, so copy that to the etc dir and edit that (else upgrades will overwrite without asking.  If you upgrade, diff them for a manual "merge".)05:23
ubuntuaddictedUnit193, i don't follow sorry.  lightdm is just booting xubuntu session. i'm asking what conf file actually starts X for xubuntu?05:26
ubuntuaddictedPoisoned_Dragon, i'm using whatever comes in Xubuntu05:30
Poisoned_Dragonwhat is the -bs argument for?05:32
ubuntuaddictedPoisoned_Dragon, disabling backing store without disabling composite. it's mentioned here and about the bug in X where setting the option in xorg.conf doesn't actually disable it  https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/679688/linux/tearing-in-sdl-1-2-apps-unless-composite-extension-is-completely-disabled-/05:34
Poisoned_DragonI don't know what backing store is. :(05:36
Poisoned_DragonAny tearing issues I had with xfce, I attributed to the built-in compositor. So, I disabled it and installed compton.05:38
Poisoned_DragonWorks like a dream.05:38
ubuntuaddictedPoisoned_Dragon, yes, i've done that already05:38
ubuntuaddictedPoisoned_Dragon, so i see in lightdm log file it starts X using Launching process 3565: /usr/bin/X -core :0 -seat seat0 -auth /var/run/lightdm/root/:0 -nolisten tcp vt7 -novtswitch  so i just need to find the file that adding those options on the end05:39
Poisoned_Dragonthen I got a compton conf file that has the settings I need.05:39
ubuntuaddictedPoisoned_Dragon, sure, if you care to link me to a pastebin that would be great but i'm betting i'm already using it05:39
Poisoned_DragonHmm... I never had that issue on an nvidia card.05:39
ubuntuaddictedPoisoned_Dragon, do you use dual monitors?  can you watch this video without any screen tearing on your gaming monitor? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5xkNy9gfKOg05:40
Poisoned_DragonNo, I just stick to single monitors. Also, I'm not on my pc with the nvidia card. This laptop has an old intel 945 chipset.05:41
Poisoned_DragonI used the conf from here... http://duncanlock.net/blog/2013/06/07/how-to-switch-to-compton-for-beautiful-tear-free-compositing-in-xfce/05:41
Poisoned_DragonSo, it's probably the same.05:41
ubuntuaddictedPoisoned_Dragon, yeap, i use those settings. :)05:41
ubuntuaddictedPoisoned_Dragon, so....... back to my original question. where is the conf file that tells X what options to launch with05:42
Poisoned_DragonI thought Unit193 mentioned that, already.05:42
ubuntuaddictedPoisoned_Dragon, that's only X -core05:43
Poisoned_DragonOh... hmmm.05:44
ubuntuaddictedPoisoned_Dragon, plus he mentioned something about moving it to /etc/, not sure what he means.05:44
Poisoned_DragonThen, I'm not sure. never fiddled that hard with lightdm conf files.05:44
ubuntuaddictedPoisoned_Dragon, ok, i found out just editing the 50-xserver-command.conf is suggested here so i'll just do that instead of copying it to /etc/. http://askubuntu.com/questions/450593/how-do-i-eliminate-screen-tearing-on-14-04-and-xbmc-with-nvidia-33105:48
ubuntuaddictedPoisoned_Dragon, i just don't know what he meant by copying it to /etc/ ortherwise i'd do that. probabyl because if the lightdm package is updated my changes will be lost05:49
Poisoned_Dragonthere are lightdm conf files in the /etc directory.05:51
Poisoned_DragonIf I am interpreting that correctly.05:51
ubuntuaddictedPoisoned_Dragon, i know, i've opened everyone and not one of them starts X05:53
Poisoned_DragonHmm... I don't know then.05:54
ubuntuaddictedubuntu has so many conf's that load conf's that launch conf's its pretty silly.05:55
Poisoned_DragonWelcome to linux.05:55
Poisoned_DragonThat probably won't change in our lifetime.05:56
ubuntuaddictedPoisoned_Dragon, ah but thats not all linux. I don't have this issue in Arch05:56
Poisoned_DragonArch is a whole other beast.05:57
ubuntuaddictedArch is linux. :)05:57
Poisoned_DragonThey pride themselves on streamlining.05:57
ubuntuaddictedim just making an observation is all05:57
ubuntuaddictedubuntu may be end user friendly but when you need to dig into something it's really difficult to get to the root cause05:57
Poisoned_DragonThe hope is that you won't have to dig. But, I see your concern.05:58
ubuntuaddictedPoisoned_Dragon, like in arch and I use kde. i would simply edit /usr/share/config/kdm/kdmrc05:58
Poisoned_DragonThe only problem with that is updates overriding your changes.06:01
ubuntuaddictedPoisoned_Dragon, right, i just don't know if I would copy that 50-xserver-command.conf file to /etc/lightdm.conf.d/50-xserver-command.conf  OR just /etc/?06:03
Poisoned_Dragonit's actually /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/06:04
ubuntuaddictedso that's where i would put the file?06:04
Poisoned_DragonAnd I believe that's where you would copy the conf file.06:05
ubuntuaddictedPoisoned_Dragon, ok, i'll give that a try. thanks06:05
Poisoned_Dragonthen, edit at your leisure.06:05
Poisoned_Dragonas root, of course.06:05
Poisoned_Dragonusing sudo06:05
ubuntuaddictedyeap, already done. going to reboot and see if lightdm log reports the -bs switch being used to start X .    brb06:08
=== _ben_lowery|afk is now known as _ben_lowery
QuixxMiddle click + mouse left/right doesn't seem to adjust window transparency with my desktop like it does on my laptop.14:54
QuixxThis might have something to do with how the thinkpad's middle button is mapped?14:54
QuixxMiddle clicking seems to drop windows behind others.14:55
knomeQuixx, alt+scroll on titlebar15:02
Quixxalt+scroll zooms the screen15:03
knomewhich xubuntu version are you running?15:03
Quixx14.10, should be up to date15:04
knomei guess i have non-default configuration regarding that then15:04
knomethis had some changes in 14.10 when the zoom was introduced15:04
QuixxAgain, on my laptop running the same version, alt+moving the cursor left or right did this15:04
Quixxbut middle clicking the titlebar drops the window on my desktop15:04
Quixx(Also I'd like my forward/back buttons on my mouse to work, but that's another issue?)15:05
knomemost likely15:06
tyrogHas anyone tried to use ibus-mozc in 14.10?16:25
=== baizon_ is now known as baizon
voidvoid im trying to read a dvdrom but it says "my disc" not authorized to perform operation17:18
voidvoidand the icon on the desktop looks disable ... some help plz17:18
holsteinvoidvoid: what operation are you trying to perform? watch a movie on DVD?17:19
voidvoidi just put a cd ... and i cant access to it .. it icon for my cd/dvdrom is disable17:20
voidvoidnot authorized to perfom operations17:20
holsteinvoidvoid: what are you trying to do? play a music cd?17:21
geniiProbably not in plugdev17:24
dede_my xubuntu 14.10 cannot recognize any wireless connection17:54
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:54
dede_frustrating, i am now using other computer17:54
holsteindid the device ever work in linux? does it work in any supported operating systems? ie, is the device functioning properly? and enabled in the bios? etc..17:55
dede_yes it worked17:57
dede_5 months ago, last time I was in college17:57
dede_at home I am wired17:57
dede_laptop should have automatically recognized the wifi at college, but it does not cycle17:57
holsteinso, you could have broken hardware since then, or, the kernel isnt supported by the hardware. or, you have a chip that requires proprietary software.. such as17:57
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx17:58
dede_have to use another computer18:01
dede_who helped me 4 minutea go?18:09
holsteindede_: i was communicating with you about a wifi issue.. whats up?18:16
dede_holstein: did you paste 2 urls?18:17
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx18:19
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:19
holstein^ those 2..18:19
voidvoidit got a microsoft project i want to intall it on playonlinux if i mount it manually it works but i want it have the right permissions that way i dont want to do a "mount" manually18:34
holsteinvoidvoid: i would go with whatever "mount it manually" means, since, it can be challenging running applicatition where they are not intended to be ran18:36
voidvoidwhen i load a cd/dvdrom only can the the direct access to it "my disc" disable if i want to access by doing double clikc i cant ... it says "not authorized to perform operation"18:39
holsteinvoidvoid: if this is related to a game on the disc that is created for windows, i would just copy the data off the disc, if possible..18:43
holsteinvoidvoid: if you can run it manually, just do that.. you can create a shortcut to the manual command..18:43
voidvoidyes it works but i want every time i load a cd/dvd i can read it automatically18:48
holsteinvoidvoid: but, its not a CD/DVD, friend. you are talking about windows software18:49
holsteinvoidvoid: it depends on what is on the optical disk..18:49
voidvoidit not what is on the optial disk its about permissions18:54
=== Chaser__ is now known as Chaser
dedehi there again19:28
dedemy lapotp19:28
dedeBIOS screen:19:28
dedeERROR 0271: check date and time settings19:28
dedewarning 0251 system CMOS checksum bad - Default configuration used19:28
dedepress f1 to resume, f2 to setup19:28
dedeits always that, no matter how many times i setup the damned machine, it always shows that thing, together with a loud and annoying beep19:29
deshipulooks like your cmos battery is dead19:31
deshipuis that an old computer?19:31
deshipualso, this is in no way related to linux19:32
dededeshipu: i ask where I think I can get any help, if you know of any other chanel, plese point that out to me19:32
dedethe computer is 5 years old19:33
deshipu##hardware comes to mind19:33
deshipujust replace the cmos battery19:33
deshipuit's probably a 3V button battery19:33
dededeshipu: how much does a new cmos battery cost?19:33
deshipudede: http://www.amazon.com/Energizer-Lithium-Button-Battery-Retail/dp/B0002DSVTC/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1416339244&sr=8-2&keywords=3v+button+cell+battery19:34
deshipudede: you can get it cheaper in a local store19:34
deshipujust make sure you get the right size19:34
deshipucheck what battery is used in yours and buy same one19:34
dededeshipu: i assume asking in hardware is now redundant...19:35
deshiputhey may have better ideas19:35
dededeshipu: is 4 years time enough to empty the cmos battery?19:36
deshipudede: maybe, or maybe it just got old and lost its charge19:37
dededeshipu: somehow i cannot send to hardware, am I banned?19:37
deshipudede: it may also be something else broken, but I would start with the battery19:37
deshipudede: you need to have your nick registered on freenode to send to some channels19:37
deshipudede: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#plusr19:38
dededeshipu: cmos batteries are not reachargeable, are they?19:40
deshipuno, usually not19:40
dedegreat, tomorrow i have to work19:40
deshipubut I'm not 100% laptops have them19:40
deshipusince they have their own battery19:41
dedeim confused,19:41
deshipuyou have to check if yours have it19:41
dedelaptops have a battery, and regardeless of that, the cmos has its own battery, <<?19:41
deshipuyeah, it's for the internal clock and bios settings19:42
dedeok, this problem is not related to the inability of my laptop to detect wireless connections.19:43
dedeIm not at a library and everyone connects without problems but me19:43
dedeim now*19:43
dedeis that right?19:44
deshipuprobably not, although it may be something else broken19:44
dedewhat could be broken?19:46
deshipuI don't know19:51
dedethx deshipu19:51
dedeill go eat something now19:51
dedeand arrange a moving out19:51
ztxgpsmangood evening (it is here in the uk), I want to move my swap partition (xub 14.10) please can you sanity check me ? >swapoff /dev/old    >mkswap /dev/new >swapon /dev/new     is this sequence correct please? Assuming /dev/new is formatted as Linux-swap. tia!!20:37
neorangersomeone to speak spanish?21:22
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:46
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam

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