=== doko_ is now known as doko === ara_ is now known as ara [10:36] how come there's no livefs build logs for vivid? http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/ [10:36] have they moved somewhere? [10:36] Riddell: They're stored in LP now [10:37] gosh, clever [10:37] We need a web index of +livefs pages, but you're probably looking for https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/vivid/kubuntu [10:37] (And some way to get at older build logs ... they're all there but you have to use the API at present to find them) [10:37] lovely, thanks [10:38] Riddell: Actually, the easiest way to find a given livefs build log is to follow the link from the top of the appropriate cd-build-logs file [10:38] e.g. http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/kubuntu/vivid/daily-live-20141119.log [10:38] ah clever [17:33] turning off the system-image importer for a coordinated ubuntu-touch milestone build [19:12] system-image importer re-enabled