Azelphur | daftykins: was it you that wanted to know about the Zalman? | 00:42 |
daftykins | yes sir! | 00:44 |
Azelphur | well there you go :) | 00:44 |
daftykins | it's oo-boon-too sir ;) | 00:45 |
* daftykins ducks | 00:45 | |
Azelphur | meh :p | 00:45 |
Azelphur | daftykins: I'm also guilty of continually saying "LUA" | 00:46 |
daftykins | what's that one? | 00:46 |
Azelphur | it's not an abbreviation, so it's Lua. | 00:46 |
daftykins | how was boot speed? | 00:47 |
Azelphur | daftykins: seems perfectly fine, I'm doing it over USB 3 | 00:52 |
daftykins | ah-har | 00:52 |
daftykins | be neat with an SSD in :> | 00:52 |
Azelphur | indeed, I was tempted | 00:53 |
popey | yeah, i put an ssd in mine | 00:58 |
popey | feels like an internal disk | 00:58 |
popey | over usb3 | 00:58 |
shauno | Azelphur: the vid with the multicoloured uplighter, and the TV that sounds like it's in pain? what light are you using for that? | 01:58 |
Azelphur | shauno: | 01:58 |
Azelphur | shauno: the tl;dr on them is they are brighter than the hues, the Android app isn't perfect, however they have one hell of a well documented API with everything from Excel Macros to Python examples | 02:01 |
Azelphur | also, you can't get the on/off status of the lights, and you can only on/off groups of lights, and you can only have 4 groups per wifi box. | 02:01 |
shauno | yeah, I have the hues. but I've noticed you can't run through settings that fast | 02:02 |
Azelphur | shauno: oh yea, these things are ridiculously fast | 02:02 |
shauno | if you send the same bulb commands faster than ~2sec apart, it just junks them | 02:02 |
Azelphur | shauno: heck, you could probably flood these things with 100 req/second and they'd be ok | 02:03 |
Azelphur | In fact, I'm going to test this, for science. | 02:03 |
shauno | it's not really a huge issue, it just cropped up as an odd edge case when I was writing a script to link them to xbmc | 02:08 |
shauno | I had them dimming when you hit play and reverting when you hit pause (or playback ended). but if you hit pause again before you were 'allowed' to send the bulb another command, it wouldn't un-dim | 02:09 |
Azelphur | shauno: yea I seem to get 3 changes a second pretty easy | 02:11 |
shauno | (also mild annoyance that you can only send one command in each call. you can send it to multiple bulbs, but only if you're sending them the same values) | 02:11 |
shauno | which was my attempt at 'cheating' reverting settings. ask for their status, store the whole json blob, and just send it back to revert. doesn't work - I have to slice it up and send each bulb back seperately. | 02:13 |
Azelphur | lame | 02:13 |
Azelphur | shauno: I really like these though as I say, they give the hue a run for its money for sure, and they are around a quarter of the price | 02:14 |
shauno | and they appear to actually ship bayonet fittings, which is a nice touch | 02:14 |
Azelphur | indeed | 02:15 |
shauno | (hue have no options for fitting, just edison screw) | 02:15 |
Azelphur | they actually seem to have a really good selection of fittings | 02:15 |
Azelphur | they had my friends tiny edison screw for a lamp shade (E11 or something iirc) | 02:15 |
Azelphur | E14, that's the one | 02:15 |
shauno | I think these are e22. (which is a silly name, but ..) | 02:16 |
shauno | pretty standard metric fail. 1" edison is 22mm :) | 02:17 |
Azelphur | hehe | 02:17 |
shauno | the api is quite friendly at least though, it's just json over http | 02:21 |
shauno | unlike the belkin one, which I just gave up on | 02:22 |
shauno | (it appears to be upnp that's been implemented so badly that you can't use upnp libs, they won't respond to well-formed requests. so you have to try to emulate their brain damage) | 02:24 |
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi | ||
map | hi a;ll | 03:51 |
zmoylan-pi | greetings | 04:01 |
map | usual characters awake | 04:01 |
map | is daftykins up eh | 04:01 |
Myrtti | morning | 07:35 |
MooDoo | morning all | 07:42 |
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte | ||
MooDoo | everyone ok today? | 09:17 |
Myrtti | trying to think of ways how to make a stinky fan oven less stinky | 09:18 |
MooDoo | ewww | 09:19 |
Myrtti | it was a good purchase, too bad it just... stinks. | 09:19 |
bigcalm | Myrtti: new stink or old stink? | 09:20 |
Myrtti | old stink... previous owner didn't use it much so it looks brand new inside... too bad he was a smoker too... | 09:21 |
bigcalm | :( | 09:21 |
MooDoo | oh i think you'll really struggle to get rid of old smoke smell | 09:22 |
czajkowski | Gooooodo morning! | 09:23 |
BigRedS | goood morning! | 09:23 |
foobarry | Myrtti: make a new stink :P | 09:25 |
bigcalm | directhex: playing Sunburn and turned the volume up on my soundbar. It actually scared me and I couldn't bring myself to max out the volume | 09:25 |
foobarry | you could probably rub the interior down with a lemon too | 09:25 |
foobarry | | 09:29 |
czajkowski | Ubuntu Community Appreciation Day! Hug an Ubuntu Community member today and let them know you like their work! | 09:30 |
Myrtti | two first ones we already tried. Instead of vanilla we used vanilla coffee. | 09:30 |
Myrtti | will try baking soda tonight | 09:30 |
bigcalm | Baking a can of coke? | 09:31 |
* bigcalm takes things literally for comic effect | 09:31 | |
foobarry | my friend put some micro-chips in the microwave for $LONGTIME and left the house and forgot them | 09:32 |
foobarry | opened the mwave to find burnt out remains, a la timebandits (PURE EVIIIL) | 09:32 |
foobarry | tooks me forever to get rid of burnt smell | 09:32 |
BigRedS | I once used the oven for some injection moulding. That smell lingered | 09:34 |
foobarry | lol | 09:34 |
foobarry | plastic? | 09:34 |
Myrtti | foobarry: I'd rather have that smell than this | 09:34 |
foobarry | DIY airfix? | 09:34 |
JamesTait | Good morning all; happy Use Less Stuff Day! :D | 09:36 |
czajkowski | JamesTait: no no no | 09:39 |
czajkowski | it's hapy Ubuntu appreciate day | 09:39 |
czajkowski | go give someone a hug | 09:39 |
* JamesTait hugs czajkowski | 09:39 | |
czajkowski | JamesTait: | 09:39 |
* czajkowski hugs JamesTait | 09:39 | |
foobarry | 2 colleagues had D+V this week, so might not hug anyone | 09:40 |
JamesTait | czajkowski, it concerns me that I'm only learning about this now. | 09:41 |
czajkowski | JamesTait: for shame | 09:42 |
czajkowski | go hang your head and sit on the naughty step with davmor2 | 09:42 |
* MooDoo hugs everyone. | 09:42 | |
popey | i only know because its in my company calendar | 09:43 |
MooDoo | join #naughtystep | 09:43 |
MooDoo | oops lol | 09:43 |
MooDoo | yeah he's still there | 09:44 |
MooDoo | i forgot that channel was still active :D all thanks to czajkowski :D | 09:44 |
czajkowski | lol | 09:44 |
* czajkowski hugs popey thanks for the intro | 09:44 | |
MooDoo | JamesTait: come join us :D | 09:44 |
JamesTait | popey, you have a company calendar? | 09:45 |
foobarry | whats the best approach for storing files on a network drive in encrypted form, but easy to read/write | 09:45 |
Laney | haha | 09:45 |
Laney | JamesTait has everything written on the back of his never washed hand | 09:45 |
JamesTait | Laney, sounds legit. | 09:45 |
* MooDoo makes a mental note never to shake the hand of JamesTait | 09:45 | |
BigRedS | foobarry: yeah, but the first few were trial runs with a glue gun... | 09:46 |
popey | JamesTait: ☻ | 09:47 |
JamesTait | popey, is this one of those things you get when you visit the office? | 09:47 |
popey | Technically it's in Daniel Holbach's calendar | 09:47 |
* popey can't tell if JamesTait is being sarcastic or obtuse... | 09:47 | |
Laney | why isn't this on the ubuntu fridge calendar? | 09:48 |
JamesTait | YOU STOLE HIS CALENDAR? | 09:48 |
JamesTait | Laney, well it strikes me that it really should be in a calendar that I'm subscribed to somewhere. | 09:49 |
popey | indeed | 09:49 |
Laney | Fo shiz | 09:49 |
Laney | so I would have thought it would be here | 09:50 |
* Laney joins #ubuntu-news-team(????) | 09:50 | |
Laney | s/-team// | 09:50 |
czajkowski | I think dholbach can add to the fridge | 09:53 |
czajkowski | give him a hug and see :) | 09:53 |
Laney | I'm sure news guys will give me a news shaped hug and I'll feel all newsy again | 09:56 |
* czajkowski hugs Laney | 09:59 | |
czajkowski | it's all about the hugging, forget that base it's the huggin! | 09:59 |
brobostigon | morning boys and girls. | 10:00 |
czajkowski | ah blue jeans how you munch thorugh my cpu chomp chomp chomp | 10:00 |
foobarry | always unfortunate when using ctrl-R to search through mount command, then you press ctrl-C | 10:04 |
foobarry | no need to swear | 10:05 |
popey | never noticed that | 10:05 |
popey | | 10:05 |
popey | route number two | 10:06 |
ujjain | how do I install my public key on a server without opening the authorized_keys file? | 10:11 |
foobarry | you want to add your key to authrized_keys without opening the file? | 10:12 |
ujjain | Yes. | 10:12 |
foobarry | you want to open a box without opening it... | 10:13 |
popey | you want to put something in the box without opening it | 10:14 |
foobarry | there are ways around it that involve editign the sshd_config file, but you have to ask the question, .....why ? | 10:14 |
ujjain | because I do it too much | 10:16 |
ujjain | I think ssh-copy-id was the command, right? | 10:17 |
foobarry | oh i see. | 10:17 |
popey | | 10:17 |
=== roht is now known as wadzi | ||
foobarry | you just want a process to do it. | 10:18 |
foobarry | yes, ssh-copy-id [-i [identity_file]] [user@]machine | 10:18 |
ujjain | ah ok, yeah, that seems a good hting to memorize | 10:18 |
foobarry | since turning 30-something i started sitting down to pee | 10:20 |
MooDoo | i used | 10:21 |
foobarry | if need=wee then if toilet then sit, else if urinal then stand | 10:23 |
DJones | foobarry: Get a commode, that'll save the walk to the bathroom as well | 10:32 |
foobarry | someone has to empty it | 10:33 |
foobarry | maybe get a spacesuit | 10:33 |
foobarry | soon all of london will travel to work wearing bio hazard suits anyway | 10:34 |
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away | ||
foobarry | bought ribena diet version by mistake :( | 12:39 |
foobarry | AKA more chemicals | 12:39 |
feisar | can anyone explain what the isw_system entries are in /dev/mapper? I have a strange issue where a failed disk on an on board hardware raid card causes Ubuntu to complain about a missing /boot partition | 13:08 |
popey | is it a real hardware raid card (like expensive one in a server) or is it a desktop-class one? | 13:10 |
feisar | desktop class | 13:10 |
daftykins | intel chipset? | 13:10 |
feisar | yeah | 13:11 |
popey | not hardware raid then. | 13:11 |
daftykins | !fakeraid | 13:11 |
lubotu3 | Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on and - For software RAID, see | 13:11 |
popey | i wonder if maybe your /boot was only on one of the disks? | 13:11 |
daftykins | when you combine booting from the same volume as a RAID config, here be dragons. | 13:11 |
daftykins | feisar: what are you running? two disks in RAID 1? | 13:12 |
feisar | what seems odd though is that I created the raid 1 in the BIOS then installed Ubuntu on what it saw as 1 disk | 13:12 |
feisar | I then removed a disk to test things and Ubuntu complained about missing /boot | 13:12 |
feisar | which makes no sense to me | 13:13 |
daftykins | i'm surprised it saw a single volume | 13:13 |
daftykins | normally that requires extra packages i thought | 13:13 |
feisar | well if I just hit 'S' for skip, the system then booted fine | 13:13 |
popey | dmraid is built in these days I think. | 13:14 |
daftykins | ah | 13:14 |
feisar | I did check /proc/mdstat and that shows nothing so as far as I was concerned the raid was being handled by the BIOS | 13:14 |
popey | that won | 13:14 |
popey | *wont | 13:14 |
popey | mdstat is when you use linux kernel based md raid | 13:15 |
popey | not fakeraid | 13:15 |
popey | confusingly called dmraid | 13:15 |
feisar | ah ok | 13:15 |
popey | personally if I were you I'd be inclined to use mdraid (or if you're brave/foolhardy btrfs) | 13:15 |
popey | fakeraid just isn't worth using | 13:15 |
feisar | yeah, I like Linux software RAID | 13:15 |
feisar | It's not entirely my decision though and I still don't really understand what's gone wrong! | 13:16 |
foobarry | so it loads grub? | 13:17 |
feisar | yum, the whole OS loads with just one disk, I just get an error during boot about /boot being missing | 13:17 |
feisar | *yup sorry | 13:17 |
popey | ahhh | 13:17 |
popey | thats different ☻ | 13:17 |
daftykins | must be lunch time ;) | 13:17 |
daftykins | feisar: have you poked around on each disk from a live session, if it's a RAID 1 on two disks? | 13:18 |
feisar | I haven't no | 13:19 |
Azelphur | popey: you have a G1W dashcam right? | 13:19 |
foobarry | also, since you're in the OS, can you paste the exact error? | 13:19 |
feisar | sorry I'm not in it currently and the error comes up on boot | 13:20 |
foobarry | and then it loads? | 13:20 |
foobarry | succesfully | 13:20 |
feisar | yes, I just have to press s to skip the attempt to mount /boot | 13:21 |
foobarry | it must mount /boot somewhere though | 13:21 |
feisar | I know it's very confusing, thanks for the info. I'm going to look in to it in a bit more detail.... | 13:22 |
foobarry | check fstab | 13:22 |
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte | ||
foobarry | might have something to do with UUID | 13:24 |
feisar | fstab has an entry to mount boot from /dev/mapper/isw_cedifhahai_system1 | 13:24 |
feisar | (which I don't understand either) | 13:25 |
foobarry | did you install from scratch? | 13:25 |
feisar | yes | 13:25 |
feisar | that entry in /dev/mapper only exists when the drive I took out, is back in | 13:26 |
feisar | I have never seen an entry like that before | 13:26 |
foobarry | something to do with multipathing perharps | 13:27 |
foobarry | you could eliminate it by specifying the UUID, but be careful | 13:27 |
foobarry | i would find some docs on teh web about it first | 13:28 |
feisar | thanks | 13:28 |
popey | Azelphur: yes | 13:32 |
Azelphur | popey: good? thinking of getting my dad one for christmas :) | 13:33 |
Azelphur | to expand, is it good | 13:33 |
popey | yeah, works okay. | 13:33 |
Azelphur | cool | 13:33 |
popey | i just leave it in the car | 13:33 |
Azelphur | popey: where'd you get it from? I hear there are a lot of fake ones floating about now days | 13:33 |
popey | i can't recall the last time I got the memory card out of it | 13:33 |
popey | | 13:34 |
popey | thats the link from my previous orders page | 13:34 |
Azelphur | col | 13:34 |
Azelphur | cool* | 13:34 |
Azelphur | dunno if my dad could leave it in the car, already had one of their cars broken into | 13:34 |
Azelphur | popey: does it unclip easy from the mount? | 13:35 |
popey | yes, bit stiff though | 13:35 |
Azelphur | sounds good :) | 13:36 |
popey | check out the review on techmoan youtube channel | 13:36 |
popey | | 13:36 |
Azelphur | tis between the G1W and the Zalman thing for my dads christmas present :p | 13:36 |
Azelphur | thanks :) | 13:37 |
Azelphur | Specifieatons hahaha | 13:37 |
popey | ☻ | 13:40 |
daftykins | ;] | 13:40 |
popey | might go and get the sd card out from it later, no idea how much video is on it | 13:41 |
daftykins | you don't live in Russia for the most amusing of dash cam vids ;) | 13:42 |
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away | ||
popey | indeed | 13:52 |
popey | dammit, date is wrong on all of them | 13:53 |
daftykins | doh! | 13:56 |
foobarry | just had to walk across campus to restart iptables because i did a flush without checking the default policy. :( | 14:02 |
foobarry | all because i lost about 4hrs sleep last night | 14:02 |
daftykins | whoops. | 14:03 |
daftykins | what ruined your sleep? | 14:03 |
foobarry | baby | 14:03 |
foobarry | wouldn't sleep | 14:03 |
foobarry | crying and stuff | 14:03 |
foobarry | not really a baby anymore at 20 months but meh | 14:04 |
daftykins | >_< | 14:04 |
daftykins | close enough ;) | 14:04 |
foobarry | yeah, doing baby things | 14:04 |
map | hi alll= | 14:30 |
daftykins | heya | 14:31 |
map | laptop arrived | 14:31 |
map | in Malaga atm | 14:31 |
map | and 2 other parcels arrived:D but of course i missed both | 14:31 |
map | gotta go to post office & dhl..opposite directins of course | 14:32 |
daftykins | hah | 14:32 |
daftykins | if the boss ever gets me to visit his pad in the south of spain, i'll fly through Malaga | 14:32 |
daftykins | my Spanish is non-existant though | 14:32 |
map | ;] | 14:33 |
map | si | 14:33 |
map | doz cerveza por favor | 14:33 |
map | :D | 14:33 |
daftykins | ^_^ | 14:33 |
daftykins | yeah i remember that much | 14:34 |
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte | ||
foobarry | having fun with bacula | 14:44 |
daftykins | that just makes me think of the Quantum Leap guy | 14:46 |
daftykins | Scott | 14:46 |
foobarry | heh | 14:47 |
zmoylan-pi | and enterprise | 14:47 |
foobarry | i just have the OSS version | 14:48 |
zmoylan-pi | there's lots to dislike in enterprise but there are some good ideas rattling around in there | 14:48 |
foobarry | never seen any of them | 14:49 |
foobarry | only when my wife watches it i am aware of its presence | 14:49 |
zmoylan-pi | and since there's little else good scifi on i'll watch it | 14:49 |
zmoylan-pi | pretty much how i got into voyager | 14:50 |
feisar | popey: I think I've hit this: | 14:54 |
lubotu3 | Launchpad bug 1318351 in mdadm (Ubuntu) "mdadm doesn't assemble imsm raids during normal boot" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 14:54 |
daftykins | sounds about right | 14:55 |
daftykins | intel matrix storage manager | 14:55 |
foobarry | glitch in the matrix? | 14:55 |
daftykins | it happens when they change something | 14:56 |
bigcalm | Whomever was wondering if they should get a soundbar, they should. My goodness I'm wubbing the bass from this thing | 15:13 |
bigcalm | I have no idea why it should be allowed to have the volume so high though. I know I'm getting old and grouchy, but this could seriously damage my health | 15:13 |
Myrtti | I just hooked up a mini AVR to my sister's TV yesterday | 15:13 |
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away | ||
popey | i have two of those soundbars on my wishlist | 15:36 |
popey | one for my desk and one for the lounge | 15:36 |
popey | could happily have 3 though | 15:36 |
zmoylan-pi | 4 would be an extravagance :-p | 15:36 |
bigcalm | popey: 3rd for the bedroom? | 15:37 |
popey | 3rd for the TV in the den | 15:37 |
* bigcalm scratches his head | 15:37 | |
bigcalm | Isn't your desk in the den? | 15:37 |
popey | yes | 15:39 |
popey | but i want a soundbar attached to pc | 15:40 |
popey | and one attached to tv | 15:40 |
popey | it only has one connector, right? | 15:41 |
foobarry | does soundbar have wireless power? | 15:41 |
popey | it has bluetooth | 15:41 |
* popey googles optical multiplexor | 15:41 | |
foobarry | i mean, does it have mains power | 15:42 |
popey | hmmmm | 15:42 |
bigcalm | popey: if it's the same soundbar that I have bought, then it has 1 of each: USB, 3pin 3mm jack, optical | 15:42 |
bigcalm | popey: it comes with 2 phono to 1 3pin 3mm jack lead. Does not come with an optical lead | 15:43 |
popey | so i could use optical from pc and 3mm from telly | 15:43 |
bigcalm | Yes | 15:43 |
popey | sweet! | 15:43 |
popey | would have to move it though | 15:43 |
bigcalm | And IR remote controll to switch inputs | 15:43 |
popey | <- pc tv -> | 15:43 |
zmoylan-pi | and how does it decide which is played? | 15:43 |
zmoylan-pi | dynf :-) | 15:43 |
bigcalm | zmoylan-pi: see above | 15:43 |
map | HM | 16:24 |
Myrtti | hm indeed | 16:24 |
map | someone i know in UK asked if i can lend them £500 for their rent for a 'few weeks' ....hate being asked | 16:25 |
map | ive lent money once before for rent and never got it back | 16:25 |
map | so im inclined to think its a bad idea:) | 16:25 |
daftykins | indeed, that's never good :/ | 16:25 |
map | yea | 16:25 |
daftykins | or just match payday loans rates ;) | 16:25 |
map | she said she was off sick for a week so no pau | 16:26 |
map | and her car broke down too | 16:26 |
daftykins | ah the classic tales of woe | 16:26 |
foobarry | mr wonga | 16:26 |
map | thing is she's got a partner..surelky between them they can get an overdraft or a loan? | 16:26 |
map | or friends or family or something? | 16:26 |
foobarry | are you the guy from the detectorists? | 16:26 |
foobarry | his ex-wife always asking for cash | 16:26 |
map | and failing that do what everyone else does and go to wonga or the like..if you havent got the money | 16:26 |
map | haha no | 16:26 |
map | when she said the car story too i was less inclined to believe her tbh | 16:27 |
map | ive lent money countless times and rarely get it back tbh | 16:27 |
map | the whole sob stories | 16:27 |
foobarry | compassion runs out after it is abused | 16:27 |
map | 'i cant feed my kid; then she phoned someone to buy cannabis after begging me for £50 | 16:27 |
map | girl at uni begged for 250 for rent..then ignored every time i asked for it back | 16:28 |
map | i personally think it's rude to ask tbh | 16:28 |
map | i barely know her | 16:28 |
map | and isn't that what Wonga/QuickQuid are for? people who havent got the money/blew it/whatever | 16:28 |
christel | i don't think i'd want to see anyone i know get shafted by payday companies, i'd much sooner help them out myself i think | 16:30 |
map | but then what about the risk of not getting the money back | 16:31 |
map | people promise anything to get it..but later paying it back isnt so fun | 16:31 |
map | i just dont believe all the sob stories! | 16:32 |
christel | well, i tend to view it more like never lending anything unless i can afford to give it away | 16:32 |
map | yea | 16:32 |
map | i can afford to..but why should i:P its like when ive been out in town with girls ive met before and suddenly 'oh ive got no money on me can i borrow some' why come out without any money|? | 16:33 |
map | i prefer not to borrow:) | 16:33 |
zmoylan-pi | ask for collateral... :-) | 16:33 |
daftykins | map: the worst is when they keep their optional habits going, whilst saying money is tight | 16:34 |
map | exactly | 16:34 |
daftykins | like - if you're not making enough to get by, you have to make personal sacrifices | 16:35 |
christel | yeah, claiming to be unable to feed your child and then feeding your drug habit instead is a bit shite | 16:35 |
map | i can afford it because i got my SLC refund / won a few grand last week / get good pay | 16:35 |
daftykins | i visited some friends in the US who were asking for money once i'd gone, wasn't good at all :( | 16:35 |
map | BUT that's my money ive earnt | 16:35 |
map | thing is realistically speaking if its only 500 she should be able to get an overdraft or a loan from HSBC or someone UNLESS they have awful credit | 16:36 |
map | in which case thats their own doing..and id never get money back myself:) | 16:36 |
map | and i agree christel wonga etc are awful..but then it's for people that cant be trusted to pay money back | 16:36 |
daftykins | *nod* | 16:37 |
daftykins | i think UK law has capped thosen ow? | 16:38 |
map | watch this chan5 show 'cant pay we'll take it away' everyone on there claims to have no idea aboiut the situation / getting a writ even though they havent paid rent for 12months+ they all pretend its not their fault | 16:38 |
map | yea but still higher than a normal bank | 16:38 |
map | but the reason they cant go to a bank is because they dont pay and mess people about;p | 16:38 |
christel | mmm -- mind, from what you are saying it doesn't sound so much as a close friend asking for you to help them get out of a transient cashflow period as a string of people attempting to take advantage of you because they perceive you to have enough money to "share" | 16:38 |
christel | and that's pretty uncool and doesn't make them come across as very nice people | 16:38 |
map | lol yea ive had that before | 16:38 |
map | 'you earn more than me you can pay' when we got like a 50 quid taxi from Uttoxeter racecourse | 16:39 |
map | pretty fair | 16:39 |
map | id have gotten it on my own had i known that stunt would be pulled:) | 16:39 |
map | good day all in all went to post my myprotein my iphone cales:D ..went to DHL got my sportsdirect order | 16:40 |
map | now just need my laptop | 16:40 |
map | gotta wait till mate comes to work with it | 16:40 |
map | people suck basically;p | 16:41 |
daftykins | i must tackle a large hill for the first time cycling again to head to my olds tonight | 16:42 |
map | my 'mate' went to canada with his girlfriend and wanted to borrow £1000 else he'd be i it back..but then he cant ever be bothered to go round and check on my house (lives like 3mins walk away) | 16:42 |
map | that irritates me beyond belief:)( | 16:42 |
bashrc | the lending industry - particularly the payday loans - are a scam | 16:42 |
map | yea | 16:42 |
bashrc | the companies don't have the money to lend. They just create it from nothing. | 16:42 |
map | i pay on credit card for everything..but i get cashback :D | 16:42 |
map | and m&s vouchers:D | 16:43 |
bashrc | when you examine how the money system works in detail it's all very suspect | 16:44 |
map | isnt there some odd thing like they can lend 10* what they have | 16:45 |
daftykins | map: this topic reminds me of being in Barcelona and a mate having his card robbed because he didn't take enough care with his clothing choices + wallet placement | 16:47 |
daftykins | i was nominated to pay for all his things after that but didn't even get a comment of thanks :P | 16:48 |
daftykins | ho-hum, i suppose none of us were going to exactly make him go hungry :D | 16:48 |
map | question how is the casino wifi so good? i can pick it up say 100ft away? | 16:48 |
map | across the marina | 16:48 |
map | and yet at the gym i can only get the wifi if i stand in one place | 16:48 |
daftykins | probably a very different class of hardware | 16:49 |
diplo | Proper AP's at casino, £50 ones at the gym probablty | 16:49 |
diplo | We must be right daftykins :D | 16:50 |
daftykins | :D | 16:50 |
daftykins | clearly we have great minds, sir | 16:50 |
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte | ||
shauno | saw that 'imitation game' movie on a whim - was surprised I hadn't heard of it. wasn't half bad | 17:16 |
daftykins | recent, or old? | 17:17 |
daftykins | can't say i've heard that name | 17:17 |
bashrc | it was average | 17:17 |
shauno | quite recent, I think it came out in the last week or two | 17:17 |
popey | | 17:17 |
popey | read that review, was interesting to hear from someone involved in Bletchley | 17:18 |
bashrc | it was much better than the 2001 film "Enigma" | 17:18 |
shauno | yeah, that's pretty much it. it misses bits, gets a few bits wrong, but is the best attempt I've seen yet | 17:23 |
bashrc | "Breaking the code" was also quite good. You can see it on the youtube | 17:27 |
diddledan | | 17:48 |
diddledan | this is why we tell people viruses aren't an issue on linux :-p | 17:48 |
diddledan | also | 17:49 |
zmoylan-pi | people who think their computer has a virus do strange things to their pcs so obliquely the computer problem is 'caused' by a virus :-) | 17:51 |
diddledan | the general "media" used to blame viruses and malware for everything. now they're blaming the group known as "hackers(TM)" | 17:54 |
zmoylan-pi | i especially love the pics they run of the hooded hacker using laptop in the dark they all seem to favour | 17:54 |
diddledan | yup | 17:54 |
zmoylan-pi | yet none of the laptops is covered in stickers or food :-p | 17:55 |
bashrc | I always wear a black belaclava while using a laptop | 17:55 |
diddledan | usually he has a mask on. because obviously he needs to keep his appearance hidden while he's toiling away in a darkened bedroom with the curtains closed where nobody can see him | 17:55 |
zmoylan-pi | i just put a band aid on my webcam for privacy :-) | 17:55 |
diddledan | bashrc, +1 | 17:55 |
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD | ||
zmoylan-pi | ooo er, bashrc was just raided ;-) | 18:00 |
diddledan | I hope he still had his balaclava on | 18:01 |
zmoylan-pi | he's switched to the bobble hat his gran knitted to look less hackery... | 18:01 |
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away | ||
Dmon | I'm trying to reset my password through grub but when I type passwd <username> it comes up with a list of options. I'm new to ubuntu. What do I do to reset my password? | 19:15 |
popey | Dmon: are you following this guide? | 19:30 |
popey | (you should, it's pretty good) | 19:30 |
popey | Dmon: it details how you get into recovery mode and how to change the password, it sounds like you're typing "passwd" at the wrong prompt, maybe too early in the process. | 19:31 |
popey | Dmon: Also, once you are fixed it would be super interesting to me to find out how you discovered this little chatroom on the internet. Did you follow a link from somewhere or did you know this place already? | 19:32 |
Azelphur | can anyone confirm that the libjack-dev package is broken on 14.10? | 19:33 |
popey | libjack-dev is already the newest version. | 19:34 |
popey | broken how? | 19:34 |
popey | just re-installed it and it seems okay | 19:34 |
Azelphur | popey: libjack-dev depends libjack0 (=1:0.124.1+20140122git5013bed0-3) but it is not going to be installed | 19:34 |
popey | you trying to install 32-bit version on 64-bit? | 19:35 |
Azelphur | popey: nope | 19:36 |
popey | what happens if you apt-get install both together - sudo apt-get install libjack-dev libjack0" | 19:36 |
Azelphur | popey: well, it looks happier, it also wants to remove libasound and skype. | 19:37 |
* Azelphur facedesks | 19:37 | |
popey | which libasound package? | 19:37 |
popey | i also have libasound2 packages installed, and skype | 19:38 |
popey | so sounds like some funky breakage on your machine | 19:38 |
Azelphur | popey: | 19:38 |
Azelphur | that's both problems :) | 19:38 |
popey | yes, you have skype:i386 | 19:39 |
popey | so my initial assessment was right | 19:39 |
Azelphur | ah | 19:39 |
popey | 32-bit packages on 64-bit | 19:39 |
Azelphur | is there a 64bit version of Skype? | 19:39 |
popey | yes | 19:39 |
popey | its probably wrapping 32-bit binary | 19:39 |
popey | | 19:39 |
popey | i got mine there | 19:39 |
popey | | 19:40 |
Azelphur | ah | 19:40 |
popey | 127 alan@deep-thought:~⟫ file `which skype` | 19:40 |
popey | /usr/bin/skype: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, Intel 80386, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.24, BuildID[sha1]=03f288a8ffc80a736102ae33db2951a957186eb7, stripped | 19:40 |
popey | yup | 19:40 |
popey | 32-bit binary in a 64-bit package, to work around this nonsense | 19:40 |
Azelphur | popey: where's the package in here? :) | 19:41 |
popey | deb utopic partner | 19:42 |
Azelphur | ah | 19:42 |
popey | stick that in sources.list, apt-get update then install it | 19:42 |
popey | it will probably be better to "sudo apt-get remove skype:i386" first though | 19:42 |
Azelphur | yea already done that :) | 19:42 |
popey | heh | 19:42 |
Azelphur | yup, seems to have solved it | 19:44 |
popey | \o/ | 19:44 |
popey | good stuff | 19:44 |
* popey goes to get a beer to celebrate | 19:44 | |
Azelphur | hehe | 19:44 |
popey | Helping people install proprietary software since 2004. | 19:44 |
Azelphur | popey: amusingly this is all so I can get the PS3 controllers to work | 19:44 |
Azelphur | I wish bluez would hurry up and support them properly | 19:44 |
zmoylan-pi | next thing you'll want printers to be easy and to work :-p | 19:46 |
Azelphur | I know, madness | 19:46 |
popey | Year of the Linux Desktop | 19:49 |
DJones | zmoylan-pi: HP printer, plug in, connect, job done | 19:53 |
DJones | I've yet to find a HP printer that doesn't work out of the box | 19:53 |
foobarry | i found one once | 19:54 |
foobarry | there was a bug on 9.04 | 19:54 |
foobarry | laserjet 4+ was being detected as PS when it was pcl | 19:54 |
foobarry | thought the printer was broken for about a year | 19:54 |
* zmoylan-pi has stories about printers since 1988 or so of them not just working. | 19:57 | |
* SuperEngineer has heard rumours that they work better if you turn them on! | 19:59 | |
diddledan | network printers have improved the compatibility of printing on linbux | 20:31 |
diddledan | my samsung laser "just worked" | 20:31 |
diddledan | as far as tethered systems tho, I guess only HP units can be almost guaranteed | 20:32 |
diddledan | and that's because HP actually make drivers under an open source project (HPLIP?) | 20:32 |
zmoylan-pi | i've had to deal with a few epsons over the years and once they're working they're grand but can sometimes be tempermental | 20:33 |
Azelphur | I remember seeing some tool that you could set which processes should always run under primus, anyone remember what that is? | 20:41 |
* m0nkey_ prods diddledan | 20:50 | |
* diddledan giggles like the pilsbury dough boy | 20:50 | |
m0nkey_ | you got a samsung too? heh.. we're far too alike. | 20:50 |
map | samsung ftw | 20:51 |
diddledan | yeah, I got it a couple years ago | 20:51 |
map | samsung tv/netbook/laptop | 20:51 |
map | :D | 20:51 |
diddledan | it's amazing | 20:51 |
m0nkey_ | time to play samsung printer top trumps! | 20:51 |
diddledan | laser is so much better than ink | 20:51 |
map | so im off friday | 20:51 |
map | try and find a strip club part 2 | 20:51 |
map | ;] | 20:51 |
map | dont wanna go to the boring casino | 20:51 |
m0nkey_ | SCX-4828FN, 30ppm print/copy | 20:52 |
diddledan | I got a cheapo CLP-365W | 20:52 |
m0nkey_ | I WIN! | 20:52 |
diddledan | it was on special at currys | 20:52 |
m0nkey_ | I lose :( | 20:52 |
m0nkey_ | you're is colour | 20:53 |
diddledan | yeah, colour was a requisite for me | 20:53 |
diddledan | I don't have scanning tho | 20:53 |
Dmon | I googled chat with ubuntu experts. and followed the link on this page | 20:57 |
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map | new ep of babylon hm | 22:04 |
diddledan | wow, 1mil already: | 22:39 |
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet | ||
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte |
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