
cmaloneyGood morning13:21
brouschNever give up!13:26
brouschYou have like 60 territory to my 3013:27
cmaloneybrousch: You've taken around 30 of my stones. This ceased being fun a while ago. :)14:00
cmaloneyAnd acc to my calculations you'll win by 18 points14:00
brouschI think you're too pessimistic, but I accept your surrender14:01
cmaloneyLet's play again. :)14:09
cmaloney13x13. I don't think I'm ready for 19x1914:09
brousch_Could this distro have a less-appealing name? http://www.staples.com/ACER-AMERICA-NOTEBOOKS-TravelMate-Celeron-Linpus-Linux-Notebook/product_IM1VN867914:44
cmaloneyLooks like another company trying to make a chromebook OS14:47
cmaloneyAnd of course online only14:48
cmaloney(on Staples, so I can't go over to the store to play with one)14:48
brousch_cmaloney: I invited you to a 13x1314:52
cmaloneybrousch_: Awesome. Will accept in a bit.14:52
jrwrenvery interesting. they are an ex-meego vendor14:52
cmaloneyNot seeing the invite14:52
cmaloney"Linpus is the only Linux vendor with research and development facilities in both Taipei and Shanghai, strategically positioned next to the main hardware manufacturers. "14:53
brousch_hm, it's not in my sent either14:53
jrwrenits too bad that thing is $349 instead of $199. we know it alreayd runs linux, could wipe it and maybe use distro of choice :)14:53
cmaloneyjrwren: You read my mind14:53
cmaloneyThat was the nice thing about the Asus Eee14:53
cmaloneyUntil the distros expanded larger than 4GB14:54
jrwreni just bought http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00MNOPS1C/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=114:54
jrwrenI haven't tried linux on it, yet. someone told me it doesn't work well.14:54
jrwrenbroadcom wifi fail and stuff. We shall see.14:54
cmaloney2GB isn't going to be happy either14:54
brousch_Ah, found the problem. I had rated game checked but you have no rating14:55
brousch_jrwren: El cheapo!14:56
jrwrenbrousch_: yup.14:56
jrwren2GB ram? that is plenty for my use cases.14:56
brousch_Speed and RAM are similar to the Win8 tablets I tried. normal things ran fine, but dev became painful14:56
jrwreni wouldn't dev on it.14:57
cmaloneybrousch_: Yeah, I should just bite the bullet and rate myself 29yu14:57
jrwrenat least not more than basic python and go.14:57
brousch_Python with vim would be OK14:57
brousch_Although with a small Linux DE like LXDE you might be able to run a real IDE14:58
jrwreni haven't used a real IDE in 3+yrs.14:58
jrwrenwait... does XCode count. ok 2.5 yrs. 3yrs ago I was using XCode.14:58
* brousch_ casts his lure and turns on the electric motor14:59
* DrDaemonEye wanders down memory lane to when he actually used an IDE to work on a project.16:40
DrDaemonEye4 or 5 years?16:40
cmaloneyI haven't used a real IDE since I tried bashing Eclipse to do what the Radional Rose folks at Chrysler were doing automatically to build J2EE application18:29
cmaloneyAnd I haven't missed it one iota.18:29
cmaloneyvim is my IDE18:30
cmaloneyall hail the vim18:30
* rick_h_ hails18:30
cmaloney(controversial statement: IDEs are generally useful when folks don't know how to make proper makefiles for their buld process. ;) )18:31
cmaloney(and when you need 500 lines of template code to write "hello world")18:31
rick_h_well that's because IDEs are 12 tools in one18:32
rick_h_build tool, code reading tool, task tracking tool, workspace management tool, file template generation tool18:32
brousch_mmmm, all in one18:34
rick_h_'OMG! they moved the button. I don't know how to build my software without the button! Crap!'18:34
cmaloneyrick_h_: ++18:35
rick_h_or better yet, "there's a problem on production, let's install the IDE On there and rerun the build" :P18:35
jrwrensomeone told me vim is an idea, becuse they prefer nano. I eyerolled.18:35
cmaloneyidea or ide18:35
jrwrenjust because an editor has nice features doesn't make it an IDE18:35
jrwrensorry, bad typo.  IDE.18:35
cmaloneyvim can be made into an IDE18:35
jrwrenwhat makes it an IDE?18:35
rick_h_right, it's about the integration of all the various tasks a developer must do18:35
jrwrenGDB isn't INTEGRATED into VIM. its a vim plugin talking to GDB18:36
cmaloneyjrwren: jedi, fugitive, rick's .vimrc18:36
jrwrenthat isn't an IDE.18:36
jrwrennothing is "INTEGRATED"18:36
rick_h_lol my vimrc is far from any big ide18:36
brousch_What's the equivalent of a makefile on Windows?18:36
jrwrenbrousch_: a Makefile.18:36
cmaloneyRight, IDE is too limited a term. More like a missile silo dashboard. :)18:36
rick_h_brousch_: vagrant :P18:36
jrwrenbrousch_: windows dev tools ship with NMAKE.EXE18:36
brousch_Hm, so I can use make on windows if I install visual Studio?18:37
cmaloneyYou can use something they call make with VS18:37
jrwrenbrousch_: you can use nmake, which is NOT bsd or gnu make compatible.18:37
jrwrencmaloney: hi 5 !18:37
jrwrenbrousch_: this is why autotools and cmake exist. :)18:37
jrwrenautotools does target nmake too, right?18:37
cmaloneyAnd why it's a pain in the butt to get anything with UNIX roots working under Windows18:38
cmaloneyjrwren: likely, but haven't looked18:38
cmaloneyI'd be surprised if it didn't.18:38
jrwrenwhy indeed.18:38
jrwrenits because MSFT love to artificially put up boundaries.18:38
cmaloneyWell, it's philosophies18:39
jrwrendon't force your philosophies on me. that is like your opinion, man.18:39
cmaloneyUNIX has a philosophy, and Microsoft likes to dress up in pretty berets and soupt nonsense. :)18:39
cmaloneyspout rather18:39
jrwrencmaloney: so true.18:39
jrwreni honestly beleive the IT industry as a whole is 10-15 yrs behind where it could be if MSFT would have just shipped POSIX userspace OOTB on all windows versions.18:40
jrwrenthey had the api, they had the tools, they just wouldn't ship it!18:40
* jrwren grumble grumble18:40
cmaloneyYeah, but POSIX took a while for anyone to take seriously18:40
cmaloneyIt had the "Standards body" sheen that nobody cares for18:40
jrwrenit was plenty serious by 2000 when windows 2000 shipped.18:40
cmaloneylike CORBA, or ANSI18:41
cmaloneyiirc wasn't Windows one of the first major OSes that shipped POSIX complete / compliant / whatever it was?18:41
jrwrenknow why easy_install and setup tools exist? because no make on windows.18:41
jrwrenknow why rake exists? because no make on windows.18:41
jrwrenknow why npm exists? because no make on windows.18:42
jrwrenknow why grunt exists? because no make on windows18:42
cmaloneyI also blame Windows for not shipping a C compiler18:42
cmaloneythough that was also the norm for decades for regular UNIX as well18:42
jrwrenat least they fixed that.18:42
jrwrenthey did finally make a free compiler always available for download.18:43
cmaloneyknr C compiler that doesn't compile anything but kernel modules.18:43
jrwreni don't blame 'em for not including it OOTB18:43
jrwrencmaloney: really? which unix did that?  most I know didn't. they included a linker and kernel binaries and only linked.18:43
cmaloneyUltrix also had some weird shit in there as well18:44
jrwrenyeah, it was weird. OSF, ultrix, digital unix, tru64 only ever shipped on dec alpha, so they shipped kernel binaries and you would rebuild your kernel only by relinking. no source needed.18:44
jrwrenor did ultrix target mips too?18:45
cmaloneyNot sure18:45
cmaloneyI think it was MIPS only18:45
cmaloneynot sure if it ever was on dec Alpha18:45
cmaloneyat least I never saw Ultrix on a DEC alpha18:45
jrwrenpretty sure we had ultrix on alpha, but I may remember wrong.18:45
cmaloneybut we only had one alpha machine18:45
cmaloneyHeh, it was on VAX18:46
cmaloneyand PDP-1118:46
jrwrenah, replaced with osf/1 for alpha.18:46
cmaloneyOSF/1 was nice18:46
cmaloneyI really liked it18:46
cmaloneyCould also be that I had root on the machine18:46
rick_h_finally! a keyboard I actually have no interest in! http://atreus.technomancy.us/19:34
cmaloneyThe German side also has Accept and Yello19:47

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