
=== soee_ is now known as soee
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toothehow do I add another language to KDE?01:50
soeefrom system settings you can do it01:50
soeeReginal Settings or something the section is called01:51
toothefound it!01:51
soeenp, enjoy :)01:51
jdwwattshas anyone been using plasma502:35
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lordievaderGood morning.09:46
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macstar_hi anyone here has got experience with kexec?12:03
macstar_or kexec-tools ?12:03
BluesKaj_'Morning all13:10
madetiwhat do i need to install on kubuntu to make this error go away:13:19
madetiCould not find a package configuration file provided by "Qt5Declarative"13:19
lordievadermadeti: Make error?13:20
lordievadermadeti: Could you pastebin the full make output?13:20
madetilordievader: http://paste.kde.org/peeu3rc9813:21
lordievadermadeti: According to apt-file the package 'qtquick1-5-dev' has it.13:24
madetilordievader: ty, it worked13:25
lordievadermadeti: apt-file is very usefull for those kind of things ;)13:25
madetilordievader: where to find that file? how to use it?13:26
lordievadermadeti: sudo apt-get install apt-file&&sudo apt-file update13:27
madetilol, and here I thought it was literally a file :D13:28
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Roeywhy is FIrefox taking 100%+ CPU time??15:08
RoeyI tried moving .mozilla/ out of the way and letting Fx generate a new .mozilla/.  Problem is still there.15:09
Roeythe more tabs I open, the more laggy Firefox becomes.15:09
RoeyThis happened after I upgraded from 14.04 -> 14.1015:09
Roey(Kubuntu 14.04 -> 14.10 that is)15:09
Roeywhat's up with this, anyone else seen this issue?15:09
RoeyBluesKaj_:  hola!15:09
BluesKaj_Roey, Hi, I gave up on FF , switched to google-chrome,15:11
Roeywhy did you give up on Fx?15:11
BluesKaj_too bloated and slow for my old desktop15:12
RoeyLooks like same here.  My desktop is from 200815:12
Roeyquad-core Q6600 with 8 GB RAM15:12
BluesKaj_increased RAM from 3 to 6G, but the cpu still carries the load, mostly15:13
BluesKaj_dual core here15:13
RoeyI am hoping to get  anew computer soon15:19
Roeynew motherboard/cpu/ram at least.15:19
BluesKaj_this old desktop works well for my needs ...not real fast, but as a media server it's great15:21
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pixhahhello , i m using tech preview and its crashing. by the way  i m new to kubuntu.18:03
soeecrashing how ?18:06
soeeyou are using daily iso ?18:06
lordievaderIs the Utopic plasma5 iso still getting a daily treatment?18:10
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soeeutopic ? im not sure18:13
lordievaderOr is techpreview nowadays 15.04?18:15
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MarcoPaufor some reason my chromium is not working in my own language althou I installed all packages (supposedly). do you guys know if there's maybe a distribution related issue? thanks18:25
bish0p_Hi, I'm currently running the latest version of Ubuntu, but I'm having issues with Unity, so I'm looking to switch to Kubuntu. Is it as simple as making a boot USB and letting it run? Do I need to back up my data?18:26
soeelordievader: are you familiar with live iso ^18:32
lordievaderbish0p_: Its even simpler, open a terminal. Run 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop'. Log out, login to KDE.18:33
bish0p_lordievader, oh sweet! Thank you!18:33
kubuntuplasma5hi to all21:02
Okitainthat is one informative message21:11
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ugly_catHey, how can I get mono audio output in alsa?22:10
Peace-ugly_cat: mm22:11
Peace-i can do that with jack22:11
Peace-so alsa==>jack ====> mono output22:12
ugly_catI know how to do it with jack, though it wasn't an optimal solution22:12
ugly_catxruns and such22:12
ugly_catAnytime I did something that took a bit of processor power the audio would garble22:12
ugly_catI've been reading about a way to do it with alsa, but I don't have a asoundconf thingy in my hom dir22:14
Peace-ugly_cat: but why do you need mono output from alsa ?22:14
Peace-i mean which program do you use and you needd22:14
ugly_catfor music22:15
Peace-mmm i guess it's hard to do maybe with some mixer22:16
ugly_catThis is a total stab in the dark, but could I do something with gstreamer?22:16
Peace-ugly_cat: maybe amixer22:17
ugly_catPeace-: you mean alsamixer?22:17
Peace-ugly_cat: wait a moment kubuntu and ubuntu uses pulse audio22:18
Peace-ugly_cat: do you have that in your machine?22:18
ugly_catUsing both22:19
Peace-so i guess you can achieve that with pulse22:19
ugly_catHmm, how?k22:19
=== Yukinotteru is now known as Yukitteru
Peace-ugly_cat: i found this maybe that will help you https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PulseAudio/Examples#Remap_stereo_to_mono22:21
Peace-ugly_cat: it's not for ubuntu but i found that the file you need to edit it's in kubuntu too22:22
Peace-so i guess you can try to edit22:22
ugly_catNeat! Thanks a lot.22:22
Peace-ugly_cat: you   are welcome22:25
Peace-i was around testin my new ssd with kubuntu :D22:26
ugly_catNeatt. How do you like it?22:27
Peace-my sony vaio it's faster and kubuntu recognizes everything , you have to think that windows 8.1 has a terrible hardware problem with this laptop22:27
Peace-no stability in wifi22:28
Peace-no bluetooth22:28
Peace-and windows 8 it's a complete mess22:28
Peace-kubuntu instead it's really really fast and the kernel recognizes everything  better than windows22:29
ugly_catI did a bit of tech support for my college, a lot of the students had wifi trouble on their windows 8 laptop.22:29
Peace-well i got my ssd and windows 8 it's the older hd22:29
Peace-:D tomorow i will get the cable sata => usb so if i need windows i iwll boot from usb22:30
ugly_catI used to have windows on this old hard drive I took out of my brothers netbook. I barely ever used it, it finally died earlier this year. Was not mad.22:31
ugly_catNeatt I think it worked!22:36
ugly_catWait think I spoke to soon22:38
ugly_catWait it did work22:38
ugly_catI just need to set it to the mono one22:38
ugly_catThat is slick, much a much nicer fix than I thought it would be!22:40
Peace-ugly_cat: :D22:46
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