
MutantTurkeylegal implications of jumping a car while drunk or03:12
MutantTurkeyshould the turkey wait until his roommate comes home to start drinking03:12
MutantTurkeyeither are... morally reprehensable03:12
MutantTurkeybut after your car doesn't start, you can't go to ikea to get those delicious meatballs and you missed garrison keillor because you thought it came on at 8 instead of 6 on saturdays... there is little choice03:13
penth"Those delicious meatballs"?? I tried them once. Took less than three minutes for me to get reflux.03:41
pleia2also, they have pork in them :'(03:44
MutantTurkeyall h8ers04:13
MutantTurkeyplus pork is delicious as long as you're not halal04:13
MutantTurkeythen it's delicious and forbidden (humans love that combination)04:13
pleia2my husband is jewish04:15
pleia2I try to be gastronomically sympathtic04:15
waltmanI love the little meatballs you can get at the Ikea cafeteria04:38
MutantTurkeythats what i am talkin about!04:38
waltmanBacon is proof that God loves Christians more than Jews or Muslims.04:38
waltmanUgh. Spent all day at philcon.04:39
waltmanmmm, turkey bacon04:43
MutantTurkeyin this day you can never be too careful05:07
MutantTurkeythe pre-thanksgivin season is known as 'hell week' for us turkeys05:08

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