
popeywill poke him tomorrow00:00
ahayzenpopey, but we all seem to agree jumping to the queue or now playing is the right thing for the bottom edge00:00
ahayzenits just with which animation/action etc00:00
popeyi think I'd rather see the queue00:00
popeyi.e. what's coming up next00:01
popeyso i can skip it00:01
ahayzenand tapping takes you to the now playing? or something00:01
popeyneed to think a bit more about that00:01
popeynot sure which feels more natural00:01
popeytap for queue or tap for now00:01
ahayzenyeah its tricky00:02
popeyswipe for que makes more sense to me00:02
popeyas it's more consistent with other app swipe actions00:02
popeyswipe up to see previous callers in phone app00:02
ahayzenyeah exactly00:02
popeyswipe up to see list of alarms00:02
popeyhello n ik90 (who probably has alarm on highlight00:02
ahayzendon't say music ;) otherwise i appear00:02
popeymarmite, phablet and irregardless are the ones that trigger most for me00:03
popeyso I think tap for now playing, swipe up for queue00:03
popeyseems to feel right00:03
ahayzenyeah thats what i'm starting to think00:03
ahayzeni'll see what victor thinks..00:03
popeyhave a chat with vi...00:03
popeya quick way to get to the play queue is what I think I have been missing actually.00:04
popeyand having play controls on the queue screen as you have, makes it super useful and much like the primary view I use in spotify00:04
ahayzenyeah if you had a quick way to the queue and now playing00:04
* nik90_ reads backlog to see if he was summoned00:04
ahayzennik90_, o/00:05
popeyyou weren't, but I said a magic word which may have triggered your wake up ☻00:05
nik90_Actually "alarm" and not "alarms" is the magic word...but u wrote nik90_00:05
popeyi didnt ☻00:05
ahayzenpopey, Victor> hm, swipe for queue and tap for now playing is confusing to me... they should do the same00:06
ahayzeni agree with you though swipe for queue and tap for now playing could be cool00:06
popeyahayzen: i would say swipe up for queue, and having the current track highlighted and scrolled to would be valuable00:07
popeyhow else would you get to the now playing screen?00:07
ahayzenpopey, it jumps to the current track already :) so we could do that...if victor would like todo the swipe to queue00:07
popeyoh, it didnt here00:08
popeyor I pressed the button wrong or something00:08
ahayzenit should......00:08
popeywill play more00:08
vthompsonpopey, ahayzen, hey guys! :)00:09
ahayzenvthompson, o/00:09
vthompsonpopey, what I wanted to say is that having the animation, while *not* a true bottom edge gesture, mirrors the way most other music apps I know of work like00:10
ahayzenvthompson, we were just discussing that it would be useful for having a way to directly jump to the queue and where you are in the queue00:10
ahayzen...in one action00:10
vthompsonSince our set of views are fairly complicated, it's good to show the user that they are entering a set of views (queue and now playing) that they are now limited to00:11
vthompsonYea, "queue" and "now playing", while they are pages, they really are 2 different states that view can be in00:12
popeyi find myself wanting fast access to the queue...00:13
vthompsonHaving a way of going directly to the queue might be nice, but I don't know how we'd do that. I think tapping and swiping should produce the same behavior.00:13
popey"What's coming next?" "Do I like the next few tracks?"00:13
ahayzeni agree with popey whats the point of having the bottom edge do the same as the tap though?00:13
vthompsonpopey, right, I think ahayzen and I debated keeping track of remember if the user was last in "queue" or "now playing" state00:13
popeyand the bottom edge on other apps reveals a list of "things" usually - recent calls, alarms, contacts.. stuff you want fast access to00:14
vthompsonahayzen, because the animation vastly helps the user know they are in a new area of the app00:14
ahayzenwell it probably used to.... until create started creating the object on the fly00:14
vthompsonThis isn't bottom edge, really.00:14
vthompsonIt's an animation for dragging the toolbar, which is consistent with other music apps00:15
ahayzenhmm vthompson but we haven't decided if we are going the route of keeping the toolbar at the top instead of the header...i think that has both advantages and disadvantages00:16
vthompsonahayzen, agreed. I think it has positive effects on the app and mirrors other apps00:17
vthompson*other music apps00:17
popeysounds like one to discuss with jouni ☻00:17
ahayzenbut i feel that makes us inconsistent with other ubuntu apps00:17
vthompsonahayzen, yea, but we have boldly done just that with 2.000:18
ahayzenno i mean not using the header and then creating custom back buttons etc00:18
vthompsonDo you have spotify on your phone?00:18
ahayzeni don't have spotify...00:18
* ahayzen ducks00:18
vthompsonIt would make the now playing/queue page more of a single headerless view. We'd probably fake something like a header00:19
ahayzenyeah i know what your thinking i'm just not sure how 'native' it will fee;00:19
vthompsonBut this is all something jouni will need to figure out00:20
vthompsonThe main thing I think is that the animation helps portray that this is not just a "page" on the stack and that the user is in a different state. As such, both tapping and swiping should do the same thing00:22
ahayzenyeah i agree that helps00:22
popeyi think we may need more clues that queue and now playing are the same thing though.00:23
popeyactually the animation may be sufficient00:23
vthompsonpopey, having the toolbar at the top (with maybe a back button) instead of different titles would help00:23
ahayzenvthompson, so if we did your plan of the top toolbar thing...but also remember whether you were on the queue || now playing .. would that cover all the above ?00:26
vthompsonahayzen, hm, I think so00:26
ahayzenpopey, would that cover your use cases ^^ ?00:26
vthompsonahayzen, it might be complicated to invent our own overflow component though00:27
ahayzenvthompson, i think the hard bit will be the header actions the other bits would be ok00:27
vthompsonahayzen, well in general they are just icons, so we could fit them in fairly easily, but the overflow might be hard00:28
vthompsonahayzen, maybe we can get jouni to agree to simply put all 3 actions in there00:29
ahayzenvthompson, he probably has some other master plan00:29
vthompsonahayzen, I know he wanted that to be the end state anyways (he has a request to the SDK ppl)00:29
ahayzenyeah he did00:29
popeyso basically swipe up, get to now playing, toggle to queue, swipe away. come back later and I'm back in the queue?00:31
popeyHmm, maybe00:32
vthompsonahayzen, popey, one thing this would do is shrink the available size for the queue... unless we show/hide the "fake header" in a similar fashion00:40
ahayzenvthompson, yeah i sense alot of custom stuff to maintain though :/00:41
ahayzenvthompson, that is one of the major downsides of the 'fake header'00:41
ahayzenvthompson, i still don't see what the issue is with just keeping the current header as is?00:41
vthompsonI don't look at it as much as a fake header, as a different toolbar00:41
ahayzenbut then remember if u were on the queue || now playing00:41
ahayzenyeah but still alot of code to maintain00:41
vthompsonWell, for one, the animation from the page being shown is a bit silly if we just show a header. It would be cleaner if the toolbar stayed at the top00:42
vthompsonIn my mind what the user is doing when he pulls the toolbar up is pulling up a different view that is just a full view with the toolbar staying at the top00:43
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dholbachgood morning08:20
mihirnik90_: Ping09:15
* mihir nik90_: Whenever you get time could you just review the that MP i have started doing testing for the same.09:15
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday, and happy Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day! :-D09:48
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brendand_nik90_, hey, when i run the clock tests on my device here, i can see that it tries to swipe up to create an alarm but is not grabbing the tab properly. did you see that?13:43
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om26er_oSoMoN, Hi!14:08
oSoMoNhey om26er_14:08
om26er_oSoMoN, there is a very annoying behavior with the address bar, my text gets replaced.14:08
om26er_bug 139573214:08
ubot5bug 1395732 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "URL bar text gets replaced on redirect" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139573214:08
oSoMoNom26er_, looking into it, I believe this is something I fixed in vivid already, will confirm in a moment14:15
oSoMoNom26er_, I can confirm, this was fixed with http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/webbrowser-app/trunk/revision/795, that would require backporting for ota114:21
om26er_oSoMoN, I would assume we only need to backport that specific fix ?14:22
oSoMoNom26er_, unfortunately it’s not that easy, that revision refactors the AddressBar component in depth, just cherry-picking this specific fix isn’t guaranteed to work14:22
oSoMoN(it can be attempted of course)14:23
mzanettidpm_: did you just release a new reminders version?14:41
dpm_mzanetti, I didn't14:42
mzanettiah meh... sorry... wrong click in LP here14:42
dpm_ah, phew....14:42
* dpm_ panicked for a sec14:42
davidcallevictorp, what do you mean by : "14.04 APIs for scope dont even work" ? The 14.04-papi framework is not suited at all for scopes?14:42
mzanettidpm_: I just thought all my reminders assigned bugs disappeared14:42
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victorpdavidcalle,  nope, for scope development you use the scopefw not papi15:01
davidcallevictorp, ok, I assumed it was using papi (since it's not explicit in the manifest and using C++). Nevertheless, the question is the same :)15:03
victorpbasically you need to use the 14.10 framework15:05
davidcallevictorp, ok15:06
nik90_brendand_: no I haven't seen that..15:22
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brendand_nik90_, do you have a mako to test on?16:29
jdstrandbzoltan: hey, wondering why you marked 1372011 as incomplete for ubuntu-ui-toolkit? it seems to have everything needed, or at least, needs design input16:38
jdstrandso, it should be marked 'Confirmed' IME, then triaged once ux comes back16:39
bzoltanjdstrand: Sorry for the confusing flag. Incomplete I mean that we do not have the design input what usually we need for visual changes. But note, that the brand new listitem is about to land in few days.16:41
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jdstrandbzoltan: sure, but I'm thinking it might auto expire in the current state is all16:55
bzoltanjdstrand:  once the new listitem lands I will mark "won'tfix" all old listitem bugs what are going to be fixed by the new listitem16:56
mihirpopey: balloons ping18:24
mihirpopey: have you pushed any updates to calendar ?18:24
balloonsmihir, you scared me.. I open https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/bottomEdge/+merge/241590 and you ping!18:24
mihirballoons: what a coincident :D18:25
balloonsmihir, popey is traveling at the moment, so you won't get a response ;-)18:25
balloonshowever, I can check18:25
mihirballoons: ohh  yeah i forogot , i saw his post.18:25
balloonsNov 19th was the last upload, using rev 54918:25
mihirballoons: okay we have 555 rev current.18:27
rpadovanidpm_, mzanetti what' s going on with reminders bugs?  I have a lot of mails about a vivid branch linked...18:28
mihirrpadovani: get VM for the same ;)18:28
mihirjust kidding out of the blue18:28
mzanettirpadovani: no clue... got the mails too18:29
dpm_rpadovani, mzanetti, I'm not sure. I know sil2100 uploaded the reminders-app source package in the RTM archive, as they needed the sandbox account .deb for running the tests (the Jenkins PPA that has the reminders-app debs does not know about RTM), perhaps it's related18:30
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uglyandstupidhello everybody20:21
akiva-thinkpaduglyandstupid, anyways; state your issue again a bit more clearly...20:22
akiva-thinkpadI can not figure out what exactly you are trying to achieve...20:22
uglyandstupidakiva-thinkpad, give me few sec, will be easier to understand with a picture20:22
* akiva-thinkpad recommends using shutter :)20:22
akiva-thinkpaduglyandstupid, btw do you use ubuntu? The Ubuntu SDK is great for developing qml on, even if you arent using it for ubuntu20:24
akiva-thinkpadWe are trying to get all developers, ubuntu devs or not to use the platform20:24
uglyandstupidakiva-thinkpad, i'm reading it since yesterday, a huge job has already been done20:25
akiva-thinkpadreading it?20:25
uglyandstupidakiva-thinkpad, reading the doc i meant20:33
uglyandstupidakiva-thinkpad, http://postimg.org/image/6ms0bdlb9/20:33
uglyandstupidakiva-thinkpad, so its like old phones, i jave a listModel containing text string20:33
akiva-thinkpaduglyandstupid, btw; for screenshots; download "Shutter" ; is a reall yexcellent tool.20:34
akiva-thinkpaduglyandstupid, so are you trying to create a rotary dial?20:34
akiva-thinkpadbecause I know how you can do that20:35
akiva-thinkpaduglyandstupid, like this: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b6/New_Zealand_Rotary_Telephone.jpg20:35
uglyandstupidakiva-thinkpad, yes a rotatory dial where the list does not move but the selected item (a circle arroune the character + the change of text size)20:36
uglyandstupidakiva-thinkpad, yes20:36
akiva-thinkpaduglyandstupid, yah; in fact in ubuntu, we have something that suits that perfectly20:36
akiva-thinkpaduglyandstupid, are you on ubuntu btw?20:36
uglyandstupidakiva-thinkpad, yes20:36
akiva-thinkpaddo you have the sdk installed?20:36
uglyandstupidakiva-thinkpad, yes also20:36
akiva-thinkpadokay great20:36
akiva-thinkpadopen up the hud20:37
akiva-thinkpadand type "showcase"20:37
uglyandstupidakiva-thinkpad, sorry what do you mean by hud ?20:38
akiva-thinkpaduglyandstupid, :D20:38
akiva-thinkpaduglyandstupid, press the left alt button20:38
uglyandstupidakiva-thinkpad, using fallback mode of gnome not unity20:38
akiva-thinkpaduglyandstupid, oh D:20:39
uglyandstupidsec switching to unity20:39
akiva-thinkpadtools > ubuntu > showcase gallery20:40
uglyandstupidajalkane, yes its her20:41
uglyandstupidakiva-thinkpad, its shown20:41
uglyandstupidajalkane, sorry a mistake20:41
akiva-thinkpadalright, is the showcase running?20:41
akiva-thinkpadclick on "Pickers" and flick down; you should find a purple circle that should give you a good template to work with.20:42
uglyandstupidakiva-thinkpad, saw it, great20:42
akiva-thinkpadlet me know if that helps20:42
akiva-thinkpadI'm not sure how far you were in the project20:42
uglyandstupidakiva-thinkpad, it helps a lot, thank you20:43
ubot5Cookies are delicious delicacies.20:43
uglyandstupidit's just a huge job that has been made to provide ubuntu sdk20:45
akiva-thinkpaduglyandstupid, cool; I think that means you said your huge job was just made easier with the ubuntu sdk20:46
uglyandstupidakiva-thinkpad, i'm quite new to qml but have been using Qt since 3.x, i was saying thanks you all guys working on ubuntu sdk, i believe that a huge effort was put on it to bring it to life20:47
akiva-thinkpaduglyandstupid, \O/20:48
akiva-thinkpadwow; since 3.x !20:48
akiva-thinkpadthat is pretty remarkeable. Are you an old kde dev?20:48
akiva-thinkpaduglyandstupid, oh and make sure you stick around! The more the merrier~20:49
uglyandstupidakiva-thinkpad, not really, by i have a big gap to catch with QML and i'm so excited20:49
akiva-thinkpaduglyandstupid, very cool. You might be interested in a project then being spearheaded by nik90_20:49
akiva-thinkpadits a component store, where we upload components we make for qml, so people can access them easily20:50
uglyandstupidakiva-thinkpad, yes please !20:50
akiva-thinkpad(although you probably know this, component in qml just refers to things like "Item {} " )20:51
akiva-thinkpadnik90_, ping20:51
akiva-thinkpaduglyandstupid, It is in beta stages. I am just getting ready to upload my first component.20:52
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, hey20:52
akiva-thinkpadhow goes it?20:52
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, Hello!20:52
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, Good thanks, and you?20:52
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, good; I adjusted the flair; it should be... somewhat better :P20:52
uglyandstupidakiva-thinkpad, i'm really thirst to catch the gap as i said, even beta are more than welcome20:53
akiva-thinkpaduglyandstupid, stick around then; when nik90_ pongs, he can fill us in.20:54
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, Ah yes, that is much nicer! Speaking of /r/UbuntuAppDev , I am starting work on a dark CSS theme for it. Since my code is going to be pushed back up to /r/Ubuntu and /r/Ubuntufr I thought it would be a good idea :)20:54
uglyandstupidakiva-thinkpad, ok thanks again20:54
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, oh very nice20:54
akiva-thinkpaduglyandstupid, np. If you are a redditor btw, come and subscribe to  /r/UbuntuAppDev20:55
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire and I moderate it20:55
* DS-McGuire ears are burning20:56
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, heh; okay I don't do that much moderation20:57
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DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, Well, to be honest there isn't a lot to moderate right now haha!20:58
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, its actually more busy than I expected20:58
DS-McGuireDo you think?20:59
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, ping*20:59
akiva-thinkpadyah for a new subreddit? definitely21:00
akiva-thinkpadI'm actually excited to check it.21:00
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, and our css has less bugs than r/ubuntu :)21:02
DS-McGuireI haven't started on the CSS yet :L akiva-thinkpad21:03
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, I think that's a great thing :D21:03
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, I'm just happy I learned how to edit css21:03
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, That's awesome :) On your way to building a HTML5 app ;)21:06
akiva-thinkpadbleh no21:06
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, hahah!21:07
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, I made some adjustments; try selecting a flair now21:30
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, On it21:31
akiva-thinkpadI'm checking for css bugs so let me know if you see any21:31
akiva-thinkpadah so a few adjustments there21:32
DS-McGuireIs there a way we can make these flairs smaller? I love them and I think they are great but they are a little too big, the overlap text.21:32
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, yah I know; I am trying to adjust them so they don't overlap.21:33
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, Awesome :D21:34
akiva-thinkpadI don't want to make it too small because then, no one can read that I use APL :O21:34
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, Is there a different flair that could be used?21:36
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, I'm open to ideas.21:37
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, It's your call, I don't even know what APL is :L21:37
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, oh, you and me got to program in apl some time :D21:37
akiva-thinkpadhere i'll show you21:37
* DS-McGuire is stumped21:38
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DTpQ4Kk2wA21:38
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, OH I see!21:39
akiva-thinkpadah I just love apl; logical proposition21:39
akiva-thinkpad0 because 4 does not equal 521:40
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, It is great haha!21:45
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, check out the reddit now.21:46
akiva-thinkpadI adjusted the list line height21:46
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akiva-thinkpadI might have to target it better21:46
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, Yeah, that padding is way off and makes the sidebar massive... :/21:47
akiva-thinkpadah yah that won't work21:47
* akiva-thinkpad readjust21:47
DS-McGuireAwesome :D21:48
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, okay try again21:49
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, Better! Hold on a sec, there is something off in that sidevbar21:50
nik90_akiva-thinkpad: pong21:50
nik90_sry I was away21:50
akiva-thinkpadnik90_, oh hey; I have a component I want to upload21:51
nik90_ooh cool21:51
akiva-thinkpadalso uglyandstupid is interested in the component store21:51
* akiva-thinkpad did not choose that name21:51
uglyandstupidyes please21:51
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, There is a problem in the sidebar in chromium, I am fixing it now.21:51
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, are you using the enhancement suite?21:51
nik90_uglyandstupid: what would you like to know?21:51
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, yes21:51
nik90_uglyandstupid: The docs at http://ubuntu-component-store.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ explains it quite well21:52
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, But it doesn't do it under Firefox with the enhancment suite.21:52
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, I disabled mine; although I'm curious what your looks like21:52
nik90_imo (since I wrote it ;P)21:52
akiva-thinkpadnik90_, that is a full guide then?21:52
nik90_akiva-thinkpad: yeah21:52
akiva-thinkpadnik90_, I was thinking of writing a quick qml app for it;21:52
nik90_akiva-thinkpad: if something is missing, I can add it real quick21:52
nik90_akiva-thinkpad: qml app for what?21:52
uglyandstupidnik90_, thanks21:52
nik90_akiva-thinkpad: like a gallery?21:53
akiva-thinkpadnik90_, just a point and click sort of thing. It would just scrape the lp page, and whatever component you click on would initiate the command.21:53
akiva-thinkpadnik90_, you don't need sudo, right?21:53
nik90_akiva-thinkpad: no it doesn't need sudo since it installs the component to your app's folder21:53
akiva-thinkpadnik90_, right thats what I thought21:54
akiva-thinkpadyah should be easy then I would think.21:54
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, https://i.imgur.com/BpDWMP8.png21:55
nik90_akiva-thinkpad: you would need to use python + qml to run bzr commands21:55
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, thanks; yah take the enhancement suite off21:55
akiva-thinkpadjust to see the difference; I notice a lot of small errors21:55
akiva-thinkpadthat don't exist regularly21:55
nik90_bzoltan: omg...you just spammed my inbox with over 50 bug report emails :P21:56
nik90_bzoltan: https://imgur.com/nK8otUZ21:57
bzoltannik90_:  I am good at it :) I know ...21:58
bzoltannik90_:  I made a major change in the bug management today... I moved all project bugs to the source package and closed the project bug trackers21:58
nik90_yeah I noticed21:58
nik90_spam goes both ways :P. .. more reports created...more notifications to you21:59
bzoltannik90_:  the bonus is that my LP Karma just got boosted :) and all it took a nice python script with LP API22:00
DS-McGuireGuys, is there anything that I could do? I know a lot of CSS, HTML and a bit of programming, is there anything I can contribute to?22:04
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, yah core apps;22:06
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, Really? :O22:06
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, the way I do it, is I branch all the core apps, run them, and look for any improvements22:06
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, yah its a lot like improving the css style sheet; You see something small, and you work to correct it.22:07
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, here I'll give you a script that will grab all the core apps for your computer22:07
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, Do you think I could be able to do that?22:07
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, definitely. CSS is a lot like qml22:07
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, Awr, that would be sweet. Thanks!22:07
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, :D22:07
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, If that's the case I should love it :)22:07
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, its more intuitive so definitely22:08
* akiva-thinkpad grabs the script22:08
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, Amazing, I am super excited hahah!22:08
akiva-thinkpadhere that is actually my spreadsheet page22:09
akiva-thinkpadI use this whenever I reinstall22:09
akiva-thinkpadsome things need to be updated because the core apps have remakes22:09
* akiva-thinkpad goes through it22:09
DS-McGuireThat's a pretty sweet list you have there! akiva-thinkpad22:09
akiva-thinkpaddefinitely would recommend grabbing some of these22:10
akiva-thinkpadyou can edit, so lets refine this22:10
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, On it :)22:10
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, Do we still use ppa:ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/daily ?22:13
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, I don't think so22:13
akiva-thinkpadlast time I checked, the filemanager was way out of date22:13
akiva-thinkpadif this is the ppa I am thinking of22:13
akiva-thinkpadI remember on the UOS, someone mentioned that we should depricate it, because it was so out of date22:14
=== _salem is now known as salem_
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, It looks active to me: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/daily22:15
akiva-thinkpadi think its the clock, music app, and terminal that have new versions22:15
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, well that will install the software on your computer.22:16
akiva-thinkpaddo it, take a screenshot of the filemanager, and send it to me. brb, got to go pee22:16
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, I will use that then.22:16
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, After adding the ppa what do I do to install them all?22:18
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, well the PPA is basically the packaged version of the application. You can't edit them afaik22:18
akiva-thinkpadwe don't want the package; we want the source22:18
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, Ah, of course. :/22:19
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, don't worry; I didn't understand that aspect at first either22:19
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, Thanks :)22:20
akiva-thinkpadnik90_, is the clock app reboot now merged with trunk?22:21
akiva-thinkpadoh right... the calculator app is alwso being rewritten22:22
* DS-McGuire AFK22:23
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, okay i'll pm you when I got the script done22:24
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9221760/22:32
nik90_akiva-thinkpad: clock app reboot *is* trunk22:32
nik90_it is just a different name22:32
akiva-thinkpadnik90_, okay so then I don't need anything special22:33
akiva-thinkpadi can just go lp:ubuntu-clock-app22:33
akiva-thinkpadnik90_, thanks22:34
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, back. Thank you!22:43
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, np.22:43
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, an easy way to open them is to go into terminal, go to the parent folder22:44
akiva-thinkpadand type "ubuntu-sdk ubuntu-calendar-app"22:44
akiva-thinkpador if you are in the folder22:44
akiva-thinkpadtype ubuntu-sdk .22:44
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, I presume you already have an ssh key and launchpad account?22:45
akiva-thinkpadI can guide you through that as well22:45
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, I do, however it says "You have not informed bzr of your Launchpad ID, and you must do this to22:46
DS-McGuirewrite to Launchpad or access private data.  See "bzr help launchpad-login".22:46
akiva-thinkpadThe SSH key just verifies that if you upload say a branch to a project, that the person uploading is in fact you, and not someone pretending to be you22:46
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, oh yah22:46
akiva-thinkpadbzr launchpad-login username22:46
akiva-thinkpadreplace username with your launchpad name22:47
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, I don't have one registered: https://launchpad.net/~daniel-mcguire351Is this how you do it22:47
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, Messed up the first link22:48
akiva-thinkpadyah I corrected it22:48
akiva-thinkpadreally; there were already 351 daniel mcguires?22:48
* akiva-thinkpad lucked out with ~akiva22:48
akiva-thinkpadpays to have an uncommon name22:48
akiva-thinkpadso go bzr launchpad-login daniel-mcguire35122:49
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, ^22:49
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, Actually I don't think there was, I didn't think about the implications when I set it up, too late now hahah!22:50
akiva-thinkpadand then go bzr whoami "Daniel McGuire <email@email.com>"22:50
akiva-thinkpadthat is for when you upload branches; I think it credits you for the branch, so anyone else looking can see who to email22:51
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, I see, I will do it now.22:51
cwayneand you get launchpad karma22:51
akiva-thinkpadcwayne, TIL22:51
akiva-thinkpad!cookie | cwayne22:52
ubot5cwayne: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!22:52
cwaynewhich gets you absolutely nothing :D22:52
akiva-thinkpadcwayne, someday lp will be like stack exchange22:52
akiva-thinkpadyou'll get medals and stuff22:52
akiva-thinkpadhey wxl22:53
wxlyo akiva-thinkpad thanks for your persistence22:53
akiva-thinkpadheh np22:54
wxllet me know when you're free and we'll chat some more22:54
wxlheh ok22:54
wxldid you see my email about hack.hands?22:54
akiva-thinkpadbtw have you been to the app devel subreddit?22:54
akiva-thinkpadyah I just saw your email22:54
akiva-thinkpadhavn't had a chance to look22:54
wxlnaw i kind of avoid reddit for the most part22:54
akiva-thinkpada productivity hound :P22:55
wxlre: hack.hands i think it's kind of what you were looking for at uos. from what they say. don't know more about it, but it might be something to look into.22:55
akiva-thinkpadat least it isnt facebook22:55
wxlheheheh yeah well i live on irc so :)22:55
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, Done! :D22:55
akiva-thinkpadwxl, anyways DS-McGuire and I moderate http://www.reddit.com/r/UbuntuAppDev/22:55
akiva-thinkpadso drop by22:55
wxlakiva-thinkpad: cool i'll check it out22:55
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, cool; do you have the sdk set up?22:55
akiva-thinkpaderrm open?22:56
DS-McGuireI do now akiva-thinkpad22:56
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, the first thing you will be prompted when you open the SDK, is a kit wizard22:56
akiva-thinkpadasking you to create a kit; do you see that?22:56
akiva-thinkpadwxl, oh so lets get you set up too22:56
DS-McGuireI have created a kit :) I have an Ubuntu 14.04 one22:56
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, go ahead and create one for each architecture22:57
akiva-thinkpadafter that, it will stop bothering you22:57
wxlso tl;dr i help lubuntu in a variety of ways. i've been meaning to learn packaging for one thing and i've managed to set up a ppa for hello. i don't have a nexus so i'm kind of out as far as touch is concerned. perhaps someone will get back on the galaxy tab 2. anyways, i'd like to be using it, and so i want to get in there and start tinkering under the hood.22:57
akiva-thinkpadwxl, great tldr22:57
akiva-thinkpadshort: you don't need a nexus to create apps, and in fact22:57
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, What do you mean one for each architecture? Like i386, AMD64?22:58
akiva-thinkpadall the phone apps are also going to be the desktop apps; and so some actually already have desktop versions22:58
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, exactly22:58
wxlakiva-thinkpad: sounds good to me. so what do i need in a development environment?22:58
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, these are for (afaik) for packaging. So just like how .debs come in different architectures.22:58
akiva-thinkpadwxl, great question22:58
akiva-thinkpadone sec i'll link you to my cheat sheet22:59
wxlsounds good22:59
akiva-thinkpadwxl, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1czcrsqxse9BC3KgGT7dYK-iI1d7INHh5qpqHaB44EEU/edit#gid=022:59
DS-McGuireI see, shouldn't an i386 cover all of them though? akiva-thinkpad22:59
wxlyou got all this on the wiki yet akiva-thinkpad ?22:59
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, mmmmm not arm. Its not a big deal if you don't; its just that everytime you start, your sdk will ask you to create them23:00
akiva-thinkpadwxl, nope - on the todo list23:00
* akiva-thinkpad hates wiki formatting23:00
DS-McGuireIt doens't ask me anymore... Odd. I think I unselected it akiva-thinkpad23:00
wxlakiva-thinkpad: is there any markup language you like?23:00
akiva-thinkpadI would rather format in reddit than in wiki.23:00
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, okay23:00
wxlakiva-thinkpad: don't they use markdown?23:00
akiva-thinkpadwxl, good question. i actually don't mind google plus's23:01
wxlyeah it's markdown23:01
wxlthere's ways to parse markdown into moin moin23:01
akiva-thinkpadfun fact: launchpad has none, but that doesn't mean you can improvise with unicode23:02
akiva-thinkpadwxl, I feel embarrassed to ask this23:02
akiva-thinkpadso go easy on me23:02
akiva-thinkpadbut what is the difference between mark-up and mark-down?23:02
cwayneabout 180 degrees23:02
* akiva-thinkpad lols, but he doesn't know why23:03
wxlmarkup generally refers to all the various languages that deal with formatting text via text23:03
wxl(the difference between up and down is 180 degrees)23:03
akiva-thinkpadwxl, ah I see23:03
wxlmarkdown refers to a specific family of languages. github uses it, reddit uses it, coursera uses it, etc.23:03
wxlhere's some info on the markdown parser http://moinmo.in/ParserMarket/Markdown23:04
wxlnow let me see if i can find it on the ubuntu wiki23:04
akiva-thinkpadwxl, okay anyways on that spreadsheet, execute all the commands on the "Download Software" sheet. You can skip hexchat or synaptic of course.23:06
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, I appreciate all your help today and I would love to continue but I am soo tired. I will be on tomorrow. Thanks for all your help :D23:07
wxlakiva-thinkpad: so you end up developing for your host platform then eh?23:07
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, You missed this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/2mv9zo/ubuntu_community_appreciation_day/cm7x2cc23:08
akiva-thinkpadDS-McGuire, yah see you tomorrow maybe; I might be busy with family23:08
DS-McGuireakiva-thinkpad, Not a problem if you are :)23:08
wxlwell i lied. reST is installed but not markdown it seems akiva-thinkpad https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpOnParsers#reStructuredText23:08
wxlfrankly i hate moin moin too23:09
wxlbut moreso, i hate that there are 12,000 different markup languages23:09
wxlnone of them are intuitive, so once you learn one you're good23:09
wxluntil you face another23:09
akiva-thinkpadwxl, oh is hackhands like codebunk?23:09
* wxl remembers he had a blog post coming on this subject23:09
wxlakiva-thinkpad: i *THINK* so23:09
akiva-thinkpadnot free though unfortunately23:10
wxlyeah but code might be23:10
wxlthey're the sponsors of hack.summit()23:10
akiva-thinkpadrequest an expert seems interesting23:10
akiva-thinkpadah that is true23:10
akiva-thinkpadconsidering the api for gobby is down atm...23:10
wxlthere goes that idea :)23:11
wxlback to business23:11
wxlif i want to develop, then it might be best to set up a virtual machine, especially considering i use lubuntu and not ubuntu proper23:12
akiva-thinkpadwxl, mmmm maybe23:12
wxlk well i'll figure that out23:12
akiva-thinkpadwxl, any particular reason you don't use ubuntu?23:12
wxlakiva-thinkpad: cuz i like lubuntu :) unity etc. makes sense on a touch device, but is just extra cruft i don't want on my machine23:12
wxladmittedly lubuntu *IS* ubuntu as we like to say (just a different desktop environment)23:13
akiva-thinkpadtwo benefits to unity are better vertical screen realstate, (unless lubuntu also merged the toolbars) and the hud23:13
akiva-thinkpadwxl, true. -1 for me23:13
wxlno matter :)23:13
akiva-thinkpadlubuntu I have heard great things23:13
akiva-thinkpadyah exactly; no matter23:13
wxlso i got everything installed. where do i go next?23:13
akiva-thinkpadanyways let me know when you have the sdk installed;23:14
akiva-thinkpadnext go to the sheet that says core apps23:14
akiva-thinkpadthat is just a quick script I threw together that will toss all  the core apps into a programming folder23:14
wxlk that makes sense23:14
akiva-thinkpadthat is a good way to get started, and I recommend doing a bit of work with the core apps before you head on and do your own app23:15
akiva-thinkpadI found that my app that I created before I started contributing... I would do wayyyyyy differently now23:15
wxlis there a list of low hanging fruit to work on?23:15
akiva-thinkpadwxl, yah definitely23:15
akiva-thinkpadwxl, one of the best ways to do it, is to download the core apps, test them, and find a little detail that you think needs fixing23:16
wxlso no then? :)23:16
akiva-thinkpadsay for example; a font is too small, and would do better with being bold23:16
akiva-thinkpadwxl, yes... but that would be looking at bug reports; I don't have any handy23:17
akiva-thinkpadone sec23:17
wxltesting in the desktop interface will make that readily apparent? is there an emulator that might better replicate the mobile environment23:17
wxlyeah well i've seen lists of papercuts for desktop23:17
akiva-thinkpadwxl, yep; you can do the emulator as well23:17
akiva-thinkpadbut remember23:17
akiva-thinkpadthe application is for mobile, and desktop23:17
akiva-thinkpadwe arent creating two seperate applications23:17
wxli realize that23:18
wxli'm just saying something like font size might not be an issue on a big monitor23:18
akiva-thinkpadwxl, ah no generally that can be handled by just shrinking the size of your window the app is running in.23:18
wxlto what exactly though?23:19
akiva-thinkpadwxl, of course it is always good practice to test it once on the emulator23:19
akiva-thinkpadwxl, I don't have the exact dimensions, but you will see. I'll get you started with the emulator as well23:19
akiva-thinkpadthat has the exact dimensions23:19
wxlthat'll work23:20
akiva-thinkpadwxl, btw a good way to open up an application is to go to terminal23:20
akiva-thinkpadand type23:20
akiva-thinkpadubuntu-sdk nameoffoldertheappisin23:20
akiva-thinkpador if you cd into the folder23:21
akiva-thinkpadubuntu-sdk .23:21
wxlmakes sense23:21
akiva-thinkpadthis detects the project file23:21
=== johnlage is now known as johnlage_partyha
wxlso what is the whole development process like? same as everything else in the ubuntu world?23:21
akiva-thinkpadthere are generally 3 project files you will see. ".pro" with is a qt project. ".qmlproject", and "CMakeLists"23:21
akiva-thinkpadwxl, for ubuntu there are some standards that arent taken by others.23:22
akiva-thinkpadwxl, for example; tests23:22
akiva-thinkpadwxl, that is something I am learning how to do23:22
wxlakiva-thinkpad: well regardless of best practices, is the process the same? i.e. is everything handled through launchpad the same way?23:23
akiva-thinkpadso for example; a test would say, do a simple task, and make sure it executes properly23:23
akiva-thinkpadwxl, yah.23:23
wxlok well that's simple enouugh23:23
wxli can probably track down the emulator23:23
akiva-thinkpadbranch, edit, commit, push lp:~yourname/branchname/nameofyourcommit23:23
* wxl nods23:24
wxlsp ;et23:24
akiva-thinkpadand then go to lp and propose a merge, and then someone checks, and then merges.23:24
akiva-thinkpadwxl, the emulator is built into the sdk23:24
wxlso everything is either qml or html5?23:24
wxloh ok23:24
akiva-thinkpadwxl, yah basically. under the hood though you can use different languages23:25
akiva-thinkpadfor example; python is used for tests23:25
akiva-thinkpadC++ is usually used for advanced functionality23:25
akiva-thinkpadyou can also use Golang, which I have yet to try23:25
akiva-thinkpadand by c++, were talking mostly qt.23:25
wxlalright well that should be sufficient to get things going i think23:26
akiva-thinkpadlet me know when you have the sdk runnig. The first thing it should prompt you is to ask you if you want to create a kit23:26
akiva-thinkpadwxl, you seem pretty knowledgeable at this already23:26
akiva-thinkpadyou knew far more than me when I came stumbling in, figuratively groping in the dark.23:26
wxlwell i think i feel like a lot of folks in that many of the various aspects of ubuntu are not necessarily obvious23:26
wxlthere's a lot of talk on the community team about that exact subject23:27
wxlwhich is good23:27
wxlgive me a bit. i'm going to set up a vm23:29
akiva-thinkpadwxl, yah. I really want Ubuntu to be the one all destination for all developers.23:29
akiva-thinkpadwxl, btw you can't run an emulator in a virtual machine23:29
wxlyeah well there are a fair number of developers that will likely never bother :)23:29
* wxl shrugs23:29
akiva-thinkpadwxl, you have a launchpad account and ssh key set up?23:30
wxloh heck yes23:30
akiva-thinkpadokay good23:30
wxlcan't be an ubuntu member without one :)23:30
akiva-thinkpadoh wait; i don't think I sent you the bzr script23:31
akiva-thinkpadone sec23:31
akiva-thinkpadwxl, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/9221760/23:31
akiva-thinkpadthis will grab all the core apps23:31
akiva-thinkpaddownload them to a folder "Programming"23:31
wxloh that's on the 2nd page23:31
akiva-thinkpadsorry if you already had that23:32
akiva-thinkpadnik90_, do you know if the sdk allows you to run tests in from it?23:32
akiva-thinkpadi really hate having to drop down to a command line just to run autopilot23:33
nik90_akiva-thinkpad: not that I know of23:33
* akiva-thinkpad puts that on his todo list23:33
wxli'm going to move this channel over to my other window and i'll come back when i have everything set up. ping me if you need me23:35
akiva-thinkpadwxl, sure.23:35

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