
larsumoin Sweet5hark!06:36
seb128good morning desktopers07:20
didrocksgood morning07:33
darkxstseb128, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/totem/+bug/1393067/comments/8?07:41
ubot5Launchpad bug 1393067 in totem (Ubuntu) "totem 3.14" [Wishlist,Confirmed]07:41
didrockshey larsu07:42
larsudidrocks: happy monday! How are you?07:42
didrockslarsu: I'm great, thanks! Yourself?07:44
seb128hey didrocks mlankhorst darkxst07:44
larsudidrocks: awesome, thanks!07:44
didrocksbon lundi seb128 :)07:44
seb128darkxst, no strong opinion, I guess things like open still make sense there, but having no menu in the browser view would work as well07:45
seb128didrocks, 'ci, toi aussi ;-)07:45
didrocksmerci ;)07:45
darkxstseb128, open/open-location are about the only things that do make sense there and they are available via the "plus" button07:51
darkxstI could probably make the menu only show in player07:51
darkxstseb128, ok, will sort something along those lines07:54
Sweet5hark"cpu 7 hanging for 22sec" is not a message I want to read again today ...08:17
mlankhorstyou borked it08:37
willcookemorning all08:49
mlankhorst morning!08:49
willcookehi mlankhorst, how's it going?08:50
didrockshey willcooke, mlankhorst08:50
didrockswillcooke: got better?08:50
willcookedidrocks, nearly :)  Still coughing08:50
mlankhorstaw too bad08:51
ogra_smoke more, the tar will cover it ;)08:52
willcookeogra_, ha!  I switched to electronic ones, perhaps that's part of the problem08:52
willcookeello Laney09:06
willcookeLaney, properly cold today, got below zero for the first time last night09:06
Laneywhat's up09:06
willcookenot the temperature09:06
Laneyseems to have been a real frost09:06
seb128hey Laney, had a good w.e?09:06
seb128hey willcooke09:08
willcookemorning seb12809:08
seb128willcooke, why was the tpm workitems deleted?09:08
willcookeseb128, https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-1504-full-disk-encryption-with-tpm09:08
willcookereplaced by that ^^09:08
willcookeand made a dependancy09:08
Laneynot bad thanks, been preparing stuff at $newhouse09:09
Laney(also climbing)09:09
seb128willcooke, great, thanks09:09
willcookeseb128, thank robert_ancell :)09:09
seb128Laney, oh, you get the $newhouse keys?09:09
seb128Laney, good w.e, shopping, swimming, relaxing ;-)09:09
Laneyso many holes09:09
Laneythey really liked screwing things into the wall09:10
darkxsthey laney09:12
Laneyyo darkxst09:12
darkxstLaney, can something happen with bug 137944609:13
ubot5bug 1379446 in deja-dup (Ubuntu) "gnome-control-center.real crashed with SIGSEGV in gtk_lock_button_set_permission()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/137944609:13
darkxstI might drop external panel patches for V, but that needs to be fixed in U09:14
Laneypatch piloting this afternoon, will look then09:16
darkxstLaney, ok thanks09:16
darkxsthmm why is there no Utopic in "nominate series"?09:19
Laneyprobably because it's already nominated09:21
Sweet5hark1ricotz: btw are you planning to backport the 4.3.4~rc1 (=final build) in the ppa for trusty/precise?09:46
ricotzSweet5hark1, uploaded just this moment09:46
Sweet5hark1ricotz: oh, heh. awesome!09:46
ricotzSweet5hark1, was about to say, please inform me about new uploads09:47
Sweet5hark1ricotz: yes, this one was out of the usual row for https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=85614 ...09:48
ubot5Freedesktop bug 85614 in Spreadsheet "Accelerate 4.3.4 release to resolve sorting issue with 4.2.7 and 4.3.3" [Critical,Resolved: fixed]09:48
ricotzSweet5hark1, i know, i actually meant if you push a new build to some ppa which is worth my attention09:49
ricotze.g. 4.4.0~beta209:50
GunnarHjHi seb128!09:50
seb128hey GunnarHj09:51
GunnarHjseb128: Thinking of having the equivalent of "sudo apt-get install $(check-language-support)" be run without opening the language-selector UI, either in update-manager or as autostart. Any spontaneous thoughts?09:51
ricotzSweet5hark1, 4.4.0~beta1 even ;)09:51
seb128GunnarHj, downloading/installing thing without asking the user is poor taste ... or do you mean having update-manager prompting about that on first run? don't we have a such prompt on first login after installation?09:52
Sweet5hark1ricotz: still in the works ;)09:52
GunnarHjseb128: Only on first run, and only if you install without internet. The issue is that some language packs (e.g. firefox) are silently uninstalled sometimes. So the idea is to ensure that everything is there.09:54
GunnarHjseb128: I agree that prompting would be nicer, and in that case update-manager would be the place, I suppose.09:55
seb128GunnarHj, the cases where they are uninstalled shouldn't happen if you use the graphical tools, it should rather hold on some package updates than uninstall09:56
GunnarHjseb128: Wasn't aware of that distinction. OTOH, how do you prevent users from installing from terminal?09:57
seb128GunnarHj, no we don't, but those who are technical enough to do that are responsible for what they are doing09:58
GunnarHjseb128: You have to admin that uninstalling is nonintuitive behavior. I for one don't understand why it happens.10:01
seb128GunnarHj, well, don't use dist-upgrade, just use "upgrade", it does the safe thing10:01
seb128those issues also only happen in dev series10:02
seb128non technical users run stable series10:02
seb128so you have a biased view on who is impacted10:02
GunnarHjseb128: Are you absolutely sure it only happens in dev series?10:03
seb128GunnarHj, why would it happen on stable series?10:03
seb128and how?10:03
GunnarHjseb128: Don't know. Don't know. I have still seen it happen (I think). So have others.10:07
ubot5Launchpad bug 1395273 in Ubuntu Translations "Scottish Gaelic gone after update" [High,Triaged]10:07
mitya57Laney: thanks for testing, I see that sphinx built on ppc64el, I'll now comment on debian bug report.10:08
mitya57powerpc ftbfs seems to be a different issue10:09
Laneyok cool, I'll merge again once it's fixed there10:10
Laneydid you save the buildlog?10:10
* Laney will free the ppa10:10
mitya57let me save it10:10
Laneybtw I think you would have had the powers to do this yourself10:12
Laneyfor reference10:12
didrockslarsu: do you have a minute to peer-review some patches before I sent them systemd upstream? (More on checking the C side of things)10:16
larsudidrocks: sure10:16
didrockslarsu: http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/tmp/systemd/10:18
didrocksthanks :)10:18
larsudidrocks: keep in mind that I don't know systemd internals at all...10:19
didrockslarsu: yeah, it's more to see if you can spot any big hurdle on the way10:20
Sweet5hark1seb128: are you still going to upload 4.3.3/vivid? by now we have a 4.3.4 in the ppa for utopic (and ricotz actually already did a forward port to vivid) ...10:20
seb128Sweet5hark1, I did on friday10:20
seb128Sweet5hark1, you should start paying attention ;-)10:20
seb128you should have receiving emails for the uploads?10:21
seb128I also wrote you on this channel to say I uploaded...10:21
larsudidrocks: do they use 'bool' in other places? That's a C99ism.10:22
ricotzSweet5hark1, i remember saying just put 4.3.4rc1 into vivid back then too ;)10:23
didrockslarsu: there is some in udev, vconsole10:23
didrockslarsu: should I switch to int?10:24
larsuyou should use what surrounding functions ise10:24
larsuafaik they use c99 quite a bit, so it's probably not a technical issue, just a coding convention one10:24
didrockslarsu: sure, there is no bool on that file, so I will just turn that to an int10:25
willcookeSweet5hark1, are you free to talk about the spreadsheet / reference issue right now?10:26
seb128Sweet5hark1, ricotz, well, we can do another upload, it's not like builders couldn't handle it10:26
larsudidrocks: in 0002 line 53: path_kill_slashes modifies the string you pass it? In that case, you can't pass it a literal...10:28
larsudidrocks: casting a (const char*) to a (char*) is almost always a bad sign of something like this happening10:29
larsu(in line 56)10:29
didrockslarsu: it's an exact copy of what Lennart is doing some lines below (the function we discussed on Friday), I didn't dear changing the approach10:30
didrocks                etc_machine_id = strappenda(root, "/etc/machine-id");10:30
didrocks                path_kill_slashes((char*) etc_machine_id);10:30
larsuright, strappenda makes you a stack-allocated version of the string, you can modify it10:30
larsubut you assign a constant in line 5310:31
larsudidrocks: forget everything I just said10:31
ricotzSweet5hark1, seb128, i guess it isn't that imported while 4.4.0~beta1 is out and in preparation10:31
* larsu gets some glasses :(10:31
* didrocks uses MIB device10:32
larsudidrocks: line 61, *independent (a -> e)10:32
larsudidrocks: lol10:32
didrockslarsu: argh, always doing that one, thanks! :)10:33
larsudidrocks: you pass %m into log_error() a couple of times but there's no arg to match that - does log_error() put something into that?10:33
didrockslarsu: yeah, it's taking the last errno and convert it to a sensible string10:34
didrocksyeah ;)10:35
Sweet5hark1seb128: hmmm, didnt get an email from builders about the upload -- strange. And https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libreoffice didnt show any news ...10:38
seb128Sweet5hark1, you mean "show any news"?10:38
Sweet5hark1seb128: urgh, indeed. *facepalm*10:39
Sweet5hark1seb128: /me started the day at 7am and apparently didnt adjust the caffeine intake for that. sorry for the noise. :/10:40
seb128Sweet5hark1, no worry, 4.3.3 is in, we can do another upload whenever there is an update/something you want to get in10:40
larsudidrocks: looks good to me otherwise (but like I said, don't know much about systemd)10:40
didrockslarsu: thanks a lot, fixing the typo and having the bool -> int are nice recommendations, doing that and proposing :)10:41
didrockslarsu: was fun to play with mount ns :)10:41
larsudidrocks: good luck ;)10:41
Sweet5hark1seb128: 4.3.3 was security relevant, I dont care _too_ much for other 4.3 bugfixes in vivid, when we ship with 4.4 anyway.10:41
larsudidrocks: yeah I can imagine10:41
Sweet5hark1seb128: thx for the upload.10:41
Sweet5hark1seb128, willcooke: hangout now would work for me ...10:58
willcookeSweet5hark1, I think seb128 is about to go out for lunch10:58
GunnarHjseb128: To conclude what we were talking about a few minutes ago: You don't encourage me to proceed with the idea to guard against absent language support packages along those lines. Is that so?10:58
Sweet5hark1seb128, willcooke: fine for me, actually I originally planned to start pinging you guys about this at 1300CET (in ~one hour) ...10:59
mitya57Trevinho: hi, are you going to make a new upstream release of libwnck?11:04
mitya57Some upstream patches are important for us — see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libwnck3/+bug/1293252/comments/1411:06
ubot5Launchpad bug 1293252 in libwnck3 (Ubuntu) "gnome-panel crashed with signal 5 in _XReply()" [Medium,Confirmed]11:06
didrockslarsu: polished latest contents + tested and sent! Thanks very much for your review :)11:37
larsudidrocks: thumbs up!11:40
ochosihey folks, quick question, where is the code for the light themes at? https://launchpad.net/light-themes seems awfully unconfigured and messy11:58
larsuochosi: over here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-themes11:59
ochosithanks larsu11:59
larsuochosi: be aware that I'm doing some extensive changes to the gtk3 theme at the moment :)11:59
ochosiok, good to know, i just wanted to check some code cause i got a bugreport about indicator-menus in unity-panel not having properly styled checkboxes12:00
larsuwith 3.14?12:00
ochosioh, are you pulling in suru icons for 15.04?12:00
ochosinot sure, the guy didn't specify, so i thought i'd check your code for unity-panel12:00
ochosioh, i misinterpreted a commit msg there, that repo holds more than just light-themes...12:01
* ochosi <- silly12:01
ochosii considered starting a port12:01
ochosibut otoh it makes no sense to port suru icons when they're not used in uniyt12:01
ochosiso are you porting ambiance to sass or what's the "extensive change"?12:02
larsuno, I don't care about that... just moving stuff from -assets.css and -borders.css into the main css file and removing unnecessary stuff12:03
larsuthere's lots of unneeded and duplicated rules12:03
ochosimm, yeah, noticed that :)12:03
ochosieasier to cope with less files12:03
larsualso lots of hacks that were added for previous versions of applications, but aren't needed anymore12:04
larsusadly I need to wade through blame to find those out12:04
* larsu wishes people had put comments12:04
larsuochosi: yes, and also stuff is breaking with the new gtk the way we did it before12:04
ochosiyeah, maintaining themes for gtk3 has become a lot more laborious than gtk2 ever was12:04
ochosiwell, as always :)12:05
ochosii mean with every major gtk3 release i had to adapt my theme12:05
larsuwell, you get a lot of cool additional stuff though12:05
larsuright, that's a bit annoying12:05
Trevinhomitya57: yes that was planned12:05
ochosiagreed again :)12:05
mitya57Trevinho: thanks. If you do it soon, then I'll wait for it instead of adding more patches.12:11
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
Trevinhomitya57: done12:38
seb128GunnarHj, I don't think it's an important issue or hit lot of users, you could try to add some ui to e.g update-manager but then you might hit the reverse problem and annoy users who uninstalled language support for e.g firefox because they prefer english12:38
Sweet5hark1seb128, willcooke: hangout now?12:40
seb128Sweet5hark1, willcooke sent an invitation for 5pm utc our time, but now would work as well12:41
willcookeseb128, Sweet5hark1 -  if you don't mind me eating in the background , let's do it now :)12:41
mitya57Trevinho: that was super fast, thanks a lot!12:41
Sweet5hark1willcooke: fine with me ;)12:42
seb128willcooke, wfm12:42
Sweet5hark1willcooke: do you invite?12:42
willcookeSweet5hark1, seb128 https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/canonical.com/talk-about-the?authuser=012:42
Laneyabout-the what!12:43
Laneythe suspense12:43
Sweet5hark1willcooke: gah, cant join, was hanging until "this party is over" ...12:44
Sweet5hark1willcooke, seb128: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/gvhnpsedywp4ab2ult6q6jgq2ua?authuser=012:45
* Sweet5hark1 feels a bit guilty now ...12:57
* Sweet5hark1 has 8 builders churning away on LibreOffice ... and sees '4 pending builds' in the LibreOffice ppa for backports ...12:58
Sweet5hark1doing my part for global warming.12:58
willcookeSweet5hark1, if you want something of less power set up on Canonistack let me know.12:59
willcookenot a very appealing offer I know12:59
didrocksthat's why was 21°C instead of 5 last year yesterday13:01
Sweet5hark1willcooke: I dont mind the build times too much, Im used to them. As long as I dont get lynched by an angry mob of 'greedy Bjoern is eating all the cycles on the ppa builders!!1!', Im fine ..13:01
willcookeSweet5hark1, if you start running in to people with pitchforks let me know13:02
* ogra_ checks lats winters heating bill and hugs Sweet5hark1 for contributing to global warming13:02
Sweet5hark1willcooke: willdo.13:02
Laneythe ppa farm has enough capacity13:03
Sweet5hark1Laney: is that a challenge?13:04
Laneydo your worst!13:07
Laneyalso, nautilus 3.14.1 is uploaded to the desktop ppa, try it out13:07
seb128Laney, does it require the new gtk? do you expect any issue with it/any known bug that you want to see resolved before archive upload?13:15
Laneyyes and not that I know of atm13:16
seb128larsu, how is the gtk update going? it might be good to update the pad with some references to vcs/merge requests as you go maybe, so we can keep track of progresses13:18
larsuseb128: a bit lost in the details...13:18
seb128larsu, we start having a stack of updates blocked, I wonder if we should upload the new gtk dispite the issues13:20
seb128and deal with theming then13:20
GunnarHjseb128: I understand what you are saying. I might investigate a little more. Anyway, thanks for your thoughts!13:20
seb128GunnarHj, yw!13:20
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
larsuseb128: hm, I understand. Let me reshuffle a bit and apply the patches I have before eod13:21
larsuseb128: that way the biggest problems will be gone and I might stop shaving yaks13:21
seb128larsu, well, we are not in hurry either, how much work do you think your yaks shaving is going to take?13:22
seb128larsu, I would like the gtk to be ready by the end of the week if we can13:23
seb128larsu, so maybe just shuffle things around as you see fit for that goal?13:23
seb128or let me know if it's a bit too early and you think we need a bit more work before the upload13:23
seb128it's just that once we enter decembre end of year holidays are getting close and some people are on and off13:24
* Laney is off next week13:24
seb128so it might be nice to have the GTK before that, so things can settle down and if e.g the Ubuntu GNOME wants to do work during holidays they can13:24
Laneybut I'm pushing / PPAing stuff13:24
seb128see :p13:24
seb128Laney, until eoy or just next week?13:24
Laneyjust the week13:25
Laneythen back for two i think before xmas13:25
larsuseb128: I definitely wanted to finish the theme work this week. Let me see what I have today at eod13:25
seb128larsu, k13:25
larsuLaney: for settling into the new place?13:25
seb128larsu, I guess the icons issue is likely a gtk one and not a theme one?13:26
seb128larsu, it's funny to try to open the "open with" menu from nautilus or a text file if you have gvim installed :p13:26
larsuyes, haven't looked into that one yet13:26
seb128I tried that this w.e and went "wth" ;-)13:26
larsuya, same in the dash13:26
seb128should we maybe ask desrt or robert_ancell if they can help on that?13:26
Laneylarsu: yep13:26
seb128so you can focus on the theme?13:27
larsuit's fine unless you consider it super urgent13:27
Laney& buying all of the other things13:27
seb128nothing super urgent13:27
seb128larsu, thanks for the update, don't worry/stress about the update, let's just do a status update on thursday13:27
LaneyI saw something in NEWS maybe about icon themes and sizes or something13:27
seb128see what we get by then13:27
ubot5Debian bug 765069 in nautilus "nautilus: Displays svg pixmaps as giant icons" [Normal,Open]13:33
Laneyerrands + lunch, biab13:35
willcookeSweet5hark1, I bring great news....14:46
Sweet5hark1willcooke: yes?14:47
willcookeSweet5hark1, your name is being fixed in the HR system14:47
Sweet5hark1willcooke: ... and there was great rejoincing!14:47
Sweet5hark1willcooke: I getting all excited about filing my expenses next time! Usually that doesnt happen. ;)14:48
* willcooke is burning down the "TO DO" post-it-notes at long lsat14:49
LaneyNM doesn't have an option to automatically connect to a VPN?15:31
larsuLaney: pretty sure I did that at some point...15:39
larsubut can't find it either now :/15:39
larsuLaney: NMActiveConnection has a 'default' property (and NMVPNConnection inherits from that) - so it should be doable15:41
larsumaybe there's just no UI for it?15:41
Laneycan you put it in some config file?15:42
davmor2Laney: larsu: it does if you add network-manager-openvpn-gnome I think16:21
Laneydavmor2: Isn't that what lets me use a VPN at all?16:22
Laneywhere's the option? ;)16:22
mitya57The -gnome contains the GUI I think16:23
davmor2Laney: there are 2 network-manager-openvpn which does the backend stuff and -gnome which gives the bells and whistles I think16:23
LaneyI have a UI, just doesn't have this option16:23
mitya57That package should add some option to "Add connection" dialog in nm-connection-editor16:24
LaneyPlenty of options, but none that let me automatically connect to a VPN16:25
mitya57Hm, right, for wlan networks I do have "Connect automatically" checkbox in the first tab, but for VPN I don't...16:26
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
* Laney goes away18:17
* willcooke goes away too - back to speak to robert_ancell later on18:18
robert_ancellwillcooke, damn, dst confuses me again. Upside, ready when you are!18:55
willcookerobert_ancell, hey :)  You're up early?19:01
robert_ancellwillcooke, I keep forgetting the meeting time has moved19:01
robert_ancelland children = up early anyway19:01
willcookecan you give me 10 mins?19:01
=== l3on_ is now known as l3on
GunnarHjHi robert_ancell!19:24
robert_ancellGunnarHj, otp19:26
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: ok19:27
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Posting my question in the meantime:19:30
GunnarHjAre you waiting for pittis review?19:30
robert_ancellGunnarHj, it's been sitting in my queue but I'll have a look now19:37
robert_ancellGunnarHj, but yes, I'm just deferring to pitti on this19:38
* willcooke -> EOD. ttfn19:38
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Ok. Think he is on vacation ATM. He blessed the sh -> bash idea.19:39
robert_ancellOh, I thought people were generally pro just sh. Or is that Debians policy19:39
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: Don't know. To be honest I was a little surprised too. But both pitti and seb128 have stated that it's ok, and that the affect on performance is minimal.19:41
robert_ancellGunnarHj, reviewed19:41
kenvandinepopey, what are your thoughts about btrfs these days?20:54
kenvandinei'm thinking about wiping my laptop for a clean install... debating btrfs or my trusty favorite ext420:55
mzanettihey, in vivd my screen backlight buttons aren't working. anyone got a hint where to look at?20:57
popeykenvandine: i went back on my laptop from btrfs to ext421:08
popeykenvandine: btrfs felt too slow.21:08
popeykenvandine: i also had on more than one occasion where my laptop would hang (for other unrelated reasons) or shutdown ungracefully and when I boot back up I'd have data loss in chrome/chromium21:08
popeylike my entire profile vanished, or lock files or something odd was messed up21:09
kenvandinethat's not cool21:09
kenvandinethx for the feedback21:09
lifelesskenvandine: ext4 definitely21:09
lifelesskenvandine: btrfs is very clever but its still way too raw IME21:09
kenvandinelifeless, that's what i was worried about21:10
kenvandineok, thanks guys21:11
popeyhowever, that said21:11
popeymy home server which has 12x2TB disks as one bit btrfs array has had unspeakable things done to it21:11
popeyand survived21:11
popeyI have yanked the sata cables out and pulled the power multiple times.21:11
popeybtrfs has recovered fine21:11
popeycontrary to what most people say about it ☻21:11
kenvandinepopey, is that why your click mirror went down? because of btrfs :)21:13
popeyhad to buy new esata cables which dont fall out when people slam the fridge door21:14
kenvandinebtw, is that back up?21:14
popey(the server and array are on top of the fridge)21:14
kenvandinecrazy data center you have there21:14
popeyi made a graph with gnuplot21:14
kenvandinenice to see the steady climb there :)21:15
popeythe blip down a couple of days ago I think was the removal of all the fake paid apps21:16
kenvandineand the spike in june, contest?21:16
popeyi need to put some lines on it21:17
popeyfor milestones so we can make educated guesses why21:17
popeyprobably a better tool than gnuplot i could use, like some js graphing library21:18
popeywhen i can be bothered21:18
=== greyback__ is now known as greyback
robert_ancellattente_, how goes the GTK+ work?21:58
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: I think you hit a new record this time. ;) Are you about to stop the pending SRUs?23:06
robert_ancellGunnarHj, I don't think we need to stop the SRUs do we? It will just come in the following one23:07
GunnarHjrobert_ancell: No, I don't think so either.23:08
=== johnlage is now known as johnlage_partyha

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