
membrell_ali: can you name me some big chains or stores where you can buy this type of things? I can check their websites just i have no clue about the big herbal brands and pharmacy brands in the uk..00:00
ali1234i could but i've already checked them all00:02
ali1234which means boots and holland & barrett00:02
membrell_and they dont have any of these?00:05
membrell_hm, thank you for your search00:06
membrell_and this maybe: Swanson Ultra 100% Natural Eggshell Membrane ? or anything which contains only Natural Eggshell Membrane?00:06
membrell_i need 500mg/day dose00:07
ali1234no, nothing containing eggshell of any kind00:07
membrell_its strange00:10
membrell_i found many scientific research papers and it says its already in the canadian, usa and uk market00:11
membrell_but i see its  relatively new technology maybe thats why its difficult to find00:11
membrell_anyway ali1234 thank you for your help, at least you understood my issue, big thanks00:16
daftykinsit's not about understanding00:17
membrell_daftykins: so, its about not helping?00:18
daftykinstotally irrelevant for this channel yep00:18
daftykinsplus i'm not from England so don't know their shops anyway00:18
daftykinsit's just ridiculous that you would have such a plan to begin with, let alone to come on freenode and ask for help with it :P00:19
membrell_ok, do you have any better idea?:)00:20
ali1234go to hospital?00:21
daftykinsyes, go anywhere but here00:21
daftykinsgo to your doctor00:21
membrell_ali1234: I have been visiting doctors since august, MRI, ultrasound, xray, all happened...00:21
daftykinsdo something that's actually responsible, not looking for wonder cures00:22
membrell_its not wonder cures, its real science00:22
daftykinshaha, yeah whatever00:22
membrell_if you check the links you can see yourself00:22
daftykinsi don't care for your links00:22
membrell_so why are you questioning something without any base or knowledge just because its against of your taste?00:24
daftykinsnevermind, you're a waste of my time00:25
membrell_daftykins: sorry, i dont want to disturb you, im just looking for help to solve my issue00:25
membrell_ali1234:  and this one? http://www.jamiesonvitamins.com/NEM00:26
daftykins#ubuntu-uk is for the support of an *operating system*00:26
ali1234membrell_: just get some cod liver oil, it does the same thing00:27
membrell_ali1234:  no, its very different00:28
membrell_also its different then glucosamine sulfate and MSM and chroinditin, because its doing something else00:28
membrell_and this is very natural product00:28
ali1234cod liver oil is natural00:29
ali1234and glucosamine comes from shellfish00:29
membrell_its true00:30
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membrell_this is a clinical trial made in november, 201400:31
membrell_in germany00:31
membrell_they just accepted it a few weeks ago00:31
membrell_and maybe (maybe) this is the solution: http://www.reddremedies.com/Nerve-Shield.html or this: http://www.reddremedies.com/Joint-Health-Original-30.html I just have to find it where to buy in london, but it seems to be a mission impossible00:43
membrell_thank you for your help guys00:47
membrell_bye for now00:47
membrell_i wish you good health:) thanks ali1234  for your searches00:47
=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
AnastasiusIs it?04:48
mappsyou dont watch it?04:48
AnastasiusI actually haven't seen it. Heard it was good, though.04:49
mappsya tis dope04:49
MooDoomorning all08:06
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:48
brobostigonmorning MooDoo08:48
DJonesUgh, I hate seeing accidents on the way to work, even worse when its a child hit by a car08:53
MooDooDJones: omg :(08:57
MooDooDJones: poor thing :(08:58
DJonesYeah, didn't look good, I'm assuming it was a child, covered completely in coats, police & ambulance nowhere in sight yet and local hospital is only about 5 minutes away08:59
MooDoofingers crossed it wasn't too serious, as being hit by a car can be :L(08:59
DJonesVery much crossed, but the fact that they were completely covered including the face & head makes me think its more serious09:00
MooDooi'm going with the, to keep them warm on this very cold day approach!09:00
MooDoothinking nice thoughts09:00
DJonesMust have only happened a couple of minutes before I got there, I think the kids mother had just come running to the accident09:01
MooDoo:( it was bloomin icy this morning, had to scrape my car.09:02
DJonesNo ice here yet, but still cold enough to start the cars before going to work to warm them up09:02
MooDooit's warming up here slowely...just cold09:03
* popey did the dutiful husband thing and went out to start wifeys car09:03
popeythen quickly came back in09:03
DJonesIts always the same, the husband is the one that has to go out and start the cars, even when they're working from home & still dressed for bed09:04
popeyhope mine is defrosted by the time I use it this afternoon09:04
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
foobarryford heated windscreen ftw09:19
foobarryalthough wifey takes to kids to school on foot09:19
zmoylan-pibetter for them09:22
popeywould take us about 1 hour to walk to school.09:22
popeywith the amount they have to carry on a monday morning, not happening09:23
foobarryevernote was using 1.6gb in 2 tabs :S09:23
* zmoylan-pi remembers the school bag i carried that weighed a tonne. so much nicer when we got lockers in school to store the heavy books there and only carry them home when needed09:24
foobarryyeah, used to have a fear of ever forgetting the right book so i would take every textbook i had every day09:24
foobarryenough to give an 11yr old scoliosis09:25
zmoylan-piand while i like ereaders and ebooks i don't think that using them as reference works is as fast as using proper paper book09:25
foobarryare there good pdf annotators for android?09:25
zmoylan-piwas gaming on saturday and while we all have tablets and the books in pdfs we all carry the paper books to the game09:25
popeylike D&D? ☻09:26
zmoylan-piwell except me, my bag is full of nerf instead of books :-)09:26
foobarrywargaming, fantasy?09:27
zmoylan-piad&d, played first d&d 5 over the weekend.  first level character again... 12 hit points.  so fragile... :-) https://twitter.com/angryearthling/status/536325948665503744/photo/109:27
foobarryis it all book based or you have characters you move around too09:28
DJonesMooDoo: Looks like the crossed fingers worked, just seen a news report saying na teenager & nine year old girl weren't seriously hurt09:28
zmoylan-piclick the link and you'll see we use table top minatures too.  our dm has massive collection of minatures09:29
foobarryah, you need some terrain from http://www.amera.co.uk/product.php?range=f09:29
MooDooDJones: great news.09:29
zmoylan-piwe just draw on the grid map with white board markers.  have seen terrain used and we have a few bits that we sometimes use.  but markers is enough09:30
foobarry but less fun09:41
zmoylan-piwell the scenery would end up in the way when arguments over rules break out and the nerf comes into play so we got fun covered too :-)09:44
foobarryyou might probably enjoy reading achtung schweinehund09:45
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday, and happy Celebrate Your Unique Talent Day! :-D09:48
MooDoomorning JamesTait how are you this fine day!09:49
JamesTaitMooDoo, I'm feeling pretty rubbish this morning, tbh.09:50
foobarryJamesTait has a unique talent for commitment to the daily thing09:50
JamesTaitfoobarry, I'm uniquiely irritating. ;)09:51
foobarrymere mortals would have put a call on teh mailing list for maintainers long ago09:51
directhexfor the curious, 2 pieces of microsoft's MIT-licensed .net have been injected into mono now - the parallel LINQ implementation, and their RegEx implementation09:54
awilkinsIs Mono GPL or BSD-style?09:54
* awilkins answers own question09:56
foobarryis it easier at this point to relicence mono09:56
awilkinsTools - GPL ; Runtime - LGPL ; Class libraries - X1109:56
awilkinsAFAIK you still need Mono's tools and runtime09:57
awilkinsJust the class libraries won't run without them09:57
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awilkinsOnly really a concern if you intend to embed the runtime in something (from a commercial licensing perspective)10:01
awilkinsFor which Xamarin will happily flog you a commercial license10:01
foobarryis REST API have global standards, or is a per app implementation?10:22
davmor2czajkowski: I hope you aren't just sending random strangers to my naughtstep10:25
diplofoobarry, I don't believe they have standards, best practises. SOAP is more standardised as far as I can make out10:28
* foobarry is poking in the dark10:28
diploI've read a couple of posts like that, but all the suppliers we seem to interact with are using SOAP10:30
TwistedLuciditySOAP is evil10:31
* TwistedLucidity uses SOAP10:31
diploIt is :)10:31
TwistedLucidityIt's even more evil when clients and servers won't talk, despite them using the same libraries! Seems they can't correctly interpret their own WSDLs.10:32
diploBiggest issue I've had is with hosts blocking me access to the wsdl and the company supplying it not having it up to date10:35
diploIT works though, 95% of the time10:35
TwistedLucidityWe used to have issues like that, we now generate the WSDL and the proxies with each build. Makes life much easier.10:36
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davmor2JamesTait: \o/ I celebrate my ability to break stuff11:40
JamesTaitdavmor2, is that unique, though? :-P11:45
davmor2JamesTait: to the level that I break stuff :)11:46
zmoylan-pi most people aren't proud of it ;-)11:46
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=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
daftykinsaww yes got there just in the remaining minute11:59
AzelphurAnyone here smart with fonts? I've got a font in conky and I'm trying to draw the same font in gimp at the same size, but they seem to use completely different sizing, wonder if anyone can help me figure that out.12:02
AzelphurI found some documentation online that claims conky uses "size of the font in pixels" but gimp font size px 8 is more like conkys size 1512:03
davmor2zmoylan-pi: it's when you turn it into a plus like hmmm testing software for example :)12:10
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=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
ujjainis the kindle hdx 7,8 at 99pound worth it? http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00CYR6UTM/13:55
ujjainpeople here have it? how horrible is it not to have access to the google play store?13:55
foobarryi had no idea you couldn't access play store13:56
daftykinsmaybe you can mod it on there :D13:57
brobostigonyep it uses amazons app store insted.13:57
brobostigonthat is possible, yes daftykins13:58
zmoylan-piis amazons store lacking much?  i get half my apps on android tablet from f-droid these days but i'm an unusual case13:58
daftykinsujjain: probably quite limiting on app count13:58
ujjainI hear about getting Google things on Amazon tablets being very messy, I googled a bit.13:58
ujjaine.g. first search, cloudmagic e-mail, not in amazon store14:00
daftykinsujjain: just get a samsung galaxy tab 4 or something14:00
daftykinshere's the rule i live by for the most part... buy something for what it *is* capable of, not for what you think it might be able to do14:01
ujjainwell, I don't like the Samsung (bastardized) version of Android, but it'd probably be easier to install an own one yes.14:01
brobostigonget a nexus, problem solved.14:01
zmoylan-pidepends on what you want to use tablet for14:01
brobostigonyou can get cyanogenmod on many amazon tablets, and then throw gapps on it.14:02
zmoylan-pifor me a card slot AND 7 hour + battery life were 2 most important things14:02
brobostigoni agree, touchwiz sucks donkeys balls.14:02
ujjainSamsung specs seem less than impressive as well. Nexus seems old. Nexus 9 expensive.14:02
ujjainMaybe I'll wait until my Tesco points convert and get a Huddle2 like popey14:03
brobostigonget a samsung, stick CM on it, problem solved.14:03
zmoylan-pidoes seem like you can't go wrong with the hudl2.  at that price especially :-)14:03
brobostigoni still have my reservations about tesco lack of ability to update android.14:03
daftykinsi wonder, is cyanogenmod available for the hudl2? :D14:04
brobostigoni know it is, for the first hidl.14:04
directhexdaftykins: wise advice.14:04
* daftykins tips his hat14:05
awilkinsHow about those Asus transformerpads?14:07
awilkinsDoes the keyboard still work14:07
zmoylan-pii was really interested in those transformer pads till they changed the connector between version 1 and 2.  seems like they could have made a connector design that would last more than 1 generation14:16
brobostigonyes, microusb.14:17
foobarryujjain: hudl2 is intel processor14:22
foobarryif you mind about that kind of thing14:22
ujjainwhat is the difference between intel vs arm? less support in custom firmware or?14:24
foobarryi was thinking heat and battery life14:24
zmoylan-piand there's also the kickstarted campaign for the raspitab https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/2019641820/raspitab-the-first-tablet-with-raspberry-pi-inside14:25
zmoylan-pifor less locked down os14:25
daftykinsoh deary me.14:25
ujjainah ok, right. I never thought of that, I'll definitely read about that.14:25
foobarrywhen i played with androidx86 then some apps didn't work , but that must now be fixed noawadays14:25
zmoylan-pii think it requires the developer compile a version for x86 doesn't it?14:26
foobarryi think so14:30
foobarryi guess thats more common now14:31
zmoylan-piso if they didn't or can't be bothered too you're left stuck14:31
intrbizunless there was some binary translation layer14:31
zmoylan-picoz java is already a speedy beast...14:32
intrbiza JIT in theory can beat native, as it can make use of optimisation at runtime that a compiler might not be aware of14:32
zmoylan-pi'theory' :-)14:33
intrbizJava has a warm up time, due to it being a JIT14:33
intrbizbut it will easily out perform things like: Python, Perl, Ruby14:33
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intrbizand you get the advantages of a safe, GCed language over C / C++14:34
intrbizplus, Android doesn't use the Java byte code14:34
ujjainYeah, I hear Java is very very fast, which I do sometimes find hard to believe since all the desktop Java apps seem slowish even after a slow startup14:34
intrbizDalvik has a completely different byte code and a totally different virtual CPU arcitecture, Dalvik being a register machine and Java a stack machine14:35
daftykinsi see unity still has single pixel wide activation areas for window / sidebar resizes14:36
daftykinshow has this never been rectified O_O14:36
intrbizujjain: I mainly do server side Java stuff, Java's GUI stuff is frankly shit14:36
ujjainBut Java is still hard compared to scripting languages to program in, right?14:36
zmoylan-pithey petitioned for half pixel activation areas but couldn't sort the technical problems :-p14:36
ujjainare there even many Java frameworks that would offer you features like verifyEmailAddress?14:37
intrbizujjain: Swing is horrid both to look at and use14:37
daftykinsi believe android 5.0 moves to using ART as default anyway, which 'compiles' the app at install time and runs it from that form instead of the standard way14:37
intrbizujjain: depends what you call hard and what your problem domain is14:37
intrbizdaftykins: yes, ART uses Ahead Of Time compilation rather than Just In Time, interestingly the earlier Android (2.1 and 2.2) releases didn't have a JIT at all14:38
ujjainI have no idea, I sometimes want to spend free time at work to learn interesting stuff, but it gets a bit boring without a good goal.14:39
ujjainah Swing, never knew that was the name, very typical Java interface yeah. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/cc/Gui-widgets.png - Even without the logo.14:40
ujjainI haver some issues with Android L on my Nexus 5, battery life seems to have actually gotten even a little worse.14:40
ujjainI suspect having used a 2amps charger might have damaged my Nexus 5 battery14:41
intrbizyes, bizarely, the 'Metal' look and feel is intentional, they wanted Java apps to look consistent across platforms14:41
daftykinsdevices should only take what power they want, no more14:41
intrbizjust a shame they didn't hire a designer14:41
daftykinsdoing android device upgrades without a factory reset is pretty pointless anyway14:41
intrbizI've used SWT and QT before when I wanted a sane GUI14:41
daftykinsit's like upgrading OS on your computer ;)14:41
intrbizujjain: most phones these day use a 2A charger, my S4 certainly does14:42
awilkinsdaftykins, alt-middleclick-drag is an easier way to resize windows in Unity14:43
intrbizplus the LI-ion charge chip will charge the battery at the correct current regardless of the USB supply14:43
daftykinsawilkins: ah interesting - kind of defeats the purpose to ruin the standard methods of operation though14:44
awilkinsI did a wipe-and-factory-image of Android L on my Nexus 4 and 7 (2012) ; I'm quite pleased with the improvement in battery life14:44
awilkinsAnd the new OS is spiffy, of course14:44
daftykinslooks really ugly to me :(14:45
ujjainintrbiz, ah ok, then no worries on using a 2amp charger.14:45
awilkinsBeen using the 2A charger for my N7 on my N4 for ages14:45
ujjainspiffy hihi, I love English people using their language14:45
awilkinsNo damage that I've noticed14:45
ujjainI might have to consider doing a wipe-and-factory, might help.14:45
ujjainbut the screen is unresponsive for like 2 seconds in the new battery saver mode, it seems a bit strange.14:46
daftykinsit will do, unless you let Google keep backups14:46
daftykinsthat's kind of like restoring a bad /home to me14:46
awilkinsI keep /home on a separate partition14:46
awilkinsSo I tend to reinstall / move home folder / move things back that I need to keeo14:47
ujjainI let Google keep back-ups and store all my private data, but it feels these days there are so many custom configurations, then I guess I'll just postpone the formatting, next time will definitely get a phone with proper battery.14:47
awilkinsBut I've upgraded the last 2 releases14:47
daftykinsthat doesn't affect restoring it post upgrade potentially bringing in issues14:47
awilkinsNo 1 Unity thing that annoys me : when you select an app icon from the dash, wanting to see it's window14:50
awilkinsAnd a *tiny* sliver of it's Window is on this workspace14:50
awilkinsIt doesn't move14:50
awilkinsShould put the workspace with the centre of the window on, not the closest workspace with a teeny sliver of window on it14:51
popey\o/ hudl15:15
popeyI dont see any ports to the hudl215:16
Laneyblerg, double council taxing15:19
MooDooLaney: oh dear15:20
popey14:25:57 < foobarry> when i played with androidx86 then some apps didn't work , but that must now be fixed noawadays15:20
popeystill a problem15:20
popeythere was a brand new game out recently, crashed on start on hudl215:21
popeyi reported it as broken on Google play, gave it 1 star, they pushed out an update with two lines "* bug fixes" and "* Add x86 build"15:21
popeynow it works ☻15:21
ujjainCan you manage AWS instances with Puppet?15:26
ujjainI want to improve my skills, everywhere I read puppet and Amazon AWS15:26
foobarrypopey: which game?15:30
popeysome new thing from the angry birds people15:30
popeya plane thing15:30
popeyreally hard15:30
awilkinsAngry Planes?15:30
popey its called "RETRY"15:37
daftykinsBranston \o/ https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l9zroz8ijidgs5n/AADGYRD9OmFO4Bd7Ewn9zgg0a?dl=015:43
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zmoylan-pii'll stick with a crisp sammich thanks.  preferably tayto the inventor of the cheese and onion flavoured crisp :-)15:45
zmoylan-piactually might make some of those for tea...15:46
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foobarrysomebody in the cubicle next to me did a poo and didn't flush :@15:50
foobarryi wonder who these animals are, and what they do at home15:50
zmoylan-pithe smart ones just go in the corner, the not so smart ones...15:51
ali1234popey: does indicator-application work on unity 8?16:05
awilkinsWhy are people such grebs in office toilets?16:09
zmoylan-pibecause they don't have to clean it16:10
awilkinsIf I leave a streak I deploy the brush16:10
awilkinsWe had the guy who would pick his nose and stick the bogies to the wall at eyeline height above the urinals16:10
zmoylan-pii try to leave it as i found it, with extra computer mags for reading if anything :-)16:10
awilkinsHe didn't come in for a while, because it stopped16:10
awilkinsThen bogy service resumed16:11
foobarryhe went to work for us for a while16:15
foobarrybogey boy16:15
foobarryi also put up a lord kitchener poster "YOU! wash your hands!"16:15
foobarrybecause there was one jerk who never did16:15
zmoylan-pithough by now you'd think they'd have invented a decent door handle for the inside of bathrooms so that the last thing you touch with your clean hands on leaving is the door handle also used by non hand washing barbarians16:17
daftykinssure - the top and bottom half :D16:18
intrbizinterestingly hospitals used to use copper door knobs, copper is antimicrobial16:23
zmoylan-pithe silver and gold ones probably didn't last long :-)16:24
foobarrybacteria lives for shorter time on copper?16:25
zmoylan-pibut once polyester carpets were installed the copper door knobs would be horrible to use :-)16:25
intrbizits due to the oligodynamic effect16:26
intrbizsilver is also good16:26
intrbizaluminium and stainless less so16:26
foobarryanyone godo with xml and javascript?16:28
intrbizfoobarry: what are you attempting to do?16:29
foobarryi want to open blah.xml, read in 2 variables, and write one variable now, and one later on in the file. i can do it in one hit, but do variables get thrown away away you close the /script tag?16:29
foobarryworks for one section16:31
foobarrybut i want NODES output and CORES at different places.16:32
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)16:32
foobarryprobabyl completely simple to someone who has spent >1hr on javascript16:32
awilkinsDunno if variables get thrown away when you close the script tag16:35
awilkinsJavascript is full of dirty globalness16:35
ali1234variables don't get thrown away when you close the script tag but i am 99% sure you are doing it wrong16:35
foobarryopen to suggestions. i hacked down a script that had a loop in it16:36
foobarryi am also 99% sure too16:36
ali1234well first of all use jquery16:37
awilkinsFor this one thing?16:38
awilkinsUse jquery when you get to the THIRD thing that jquery makes easier16:38
foobarryall i wanna do is simply echo some stuff from xml file on screen at various places16:38
awilkinsAh, well.16:39
awilkinsWrite the stuff with CSS classes16:39
awilkinsUse CSS to put them various places16:39
ali1234yes, second of all, use bootstrap16:39
awilkinsFoolish notions like writing a document that looks like what you want to appear on the screen are OUTDATED and OBSOLETE16:40
ali1234thirdly, don't use document.write, ever, ever, ever16:40
ali1234write the static html with whatever layout you want, and then insert the data into the DOM at the end16:40
ali1234do this using jquery16:41
ali1234theme it up with bootstrap16:41
foobarrydo u have a simple example please?16:41
ali1234i have a really complicated one...16:42
intrbizfoobarry: do you have a sample of the XML ?16:45
intrbizyou can paste bin it16:46
intrbiznodes.xml is on a server right?16:47
ali1234that isn't a valid XML file you know16:47
ali1234the first one16:48
foobarrythat can be changed. the secodn one can't as its the output from rest api16:48
intrbizfoobarry: usually browsers don't let you do xmlhttprequests to files16:49
intrbizfoobarry: you might find using jquery makes your life easier16:49
foobarrycertainly, if i find some good docs i'll do it16:50
intrbizfoobarry: something like $(xmlresponse).find('free > nodes').text() should do the trick16:50
intrbizand for the second $(xmlresponse).find('issues').attr('total_count')16:52
foobarrythanks, i'll check that out16:52
ali1234smething like this16:52
foobarrywill take a look16:58
intrbizthis works for me: http://pastebin.com/Z2xR33FL17:00
foobarryi am complete noob with this stuff, obviously i'm finding there's no shortcut17:00
ali1234yeah that's pretty much what i've got17:00
intrbizor both of them together: http://pastebin.com/KxrtXfB017:03
intrbizfoobarry: obviously you can load the XML doc via AJAX or however you need to17:03
foobarrythanks, just trying that now17:04
foobarryreally appreciate the help guys17:06
foobarrythat will work nicely with the page i am making :D17:06
ali1234foobarry: is the nodes.xml on the same server? cos if not the next problem you will have is getting cross-domain requests to work17:17
ali1234if it is on the same server this should now work: http://jsbin.com/xipoduyomo/2/edit?html,js,output17:19
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daftykinsdamn, just missed the black friday deal on a Crucial MX100 256GB SSD for £6018:16
zmoylan-pii thought black friday was the coming friday?18:16
daftykinsyeah, been deals since before the weekend though18:17
daftykinsthis is amazon UK18:17
zmoylan-piah, 256gb.  make a chromebook almost useful if it can access those files easily18:17
daftykinsdon't think you can put standard SATA drives in chromebooks18:19
daftykinsbut yeah, this comes to my earlier statement that you shouldn't try to polish a turd of a device, just buy something right the first time ;)18:19
zmoylan-piwhoops read that as 256gb sd, not ssd18:19
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=== Hornet- is now known as Hornet
diddledanquiet in here tonight22:34
zmoylan-pitime to grab a shower and then to bed22:36
diddledanyeah. sleep sounds like a plan22:42
zmoylan-piyup 4 hours of sleep then lie awake till morning... :-/23:03

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