
* mackie tries again, get the same result. Must be doing something wrong.00:00
k1lshow the command?00:00
k1lmackie: you can use the tab key to let files and folders autocomplete so you dont make that much typos. and keep in mind that its case sensetive00:01
mackieThe tab key does help, yeah. So far that hasn't made the difference.00:01
k1lyou got a point in front?00:02
mackieWell, when I try ./home/mack/games/foo/bar, it grouses at me. When I try /home/mack/games/foo/./bar, it tries and failed unless I'm cd'd into the proper directory.00:02
DrManhattanhow to I adjust the temp limits for lmsensors coretemp00:03
mackiebash: ./home/mackie/games/GearHead/arena: No such file or directory00:04
mackieEr. Blasted thing.00:04
mackieIt copied the line break.00:04
SchrodingersScatnot sure why you would have the ., thought that was shorthand for the current directory00:04
mackieWell, there. No more foo/bar, then.00:04
Maryanne23 There is no such thing as Free Porn http://bit.do/my_videos6900:04
SchrodingersScat!spam | Maryanne2300:05
ubottuMaryanne23: Please don't spam00:05
mackieWell, I'm a total n00b, so I've tried it every which way I know how.00:05
mackieThat was one example.00:05
=== IotaSpencer is now known as Crazy_Atheist
SchrodingersScatit should just be /home/mack/games/foo/executable -options00:06
mackie-options! What format?00:07
mackie'Cause that's probably what I'm missing!00:07
SchrodingersScatmackie: you haven't even divulged what program you're using00:07
SchrodingersScatmackie: you tell me00:07
mackieGearHead Arena.00:07
WyZeGuYdaftykins: usr13 suggested internet sharing. it has managed to connect, but no internet on it yet. any ideas?00:07
mackieSchrodingersScat: It's GearHead Arena, the graphical version.00:07
daftykinsWyZeGuY: sorry, i'm done for tonight. midnight here.00:07
SchrodingersScatmackie: then probably nothing00:08
mackieFair enough.00:08
WyZeGuYok, well thank you so much for your help daftykins00:08
mackieThe discrepancy so far is that I can run it properly if I'm already cd'd into its directory, but if I try that command from another directory, it gives me an error. EInOutError : File not found00:08
WyZeGuYdaftykins: i will try that update and build-essential you suggested when i can get internet00:09
mackieA bit more than that, too, but I don't want to flood.00:09
=== sjefskoder is now known as Guest53672
mackieAs stated, it doesn't do that if I'm running it from within its proper directory, but surely there's a general way to point the executable to your directory of choice?00:10
mackieThere's certainly a general way to point it to the wrong one, apparently.00:10
mackieI begin to suspect I'm being such an idiot that folks can't even understand my problem. :T00:12
k1lmackie: sorry, you dont need the ./ when giving fullpath. but what is the _exact_ error then?00:12
SchrodingersScat!pastebin | mackie00:12
ubottumackie: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:12
mackieOh thank goodness for Pastebin.00:13
k1land what system is that?00:13
mackieJust a sec, pastebinning. System?00:13
k1lwhat version of ubuntu?00:13
mackieOh. Can't recall how to get the version number. What's the command for that?00:14
k1l"lsb_release -a" put it into a pastebin too00:14
nonohello what this channel about for!00:15
k1l!topic | nono00:15
ubottunono: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic00:15
* mackie looks at the topic again, blushes.00:16
mackieThere's a paste URL up there, isn't there.00:16
k1lmackie: well, that is executing that script but it results in a error.00:16
=== rigor789 is now known as rigor789|away
k1lmackie: and 10.04 is eol for desktops00:17
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades00:17
* mackie nods.00:17
mackieHas the command line changed much since then?00:17
daftykinswow you aren't even running up to date 10.0400:17
* mackie chuckles.00:18
mackieNo, it's true, it was an old disk and I was in a hurry.00:18
k1li dont know if that is just a bug that has been patched in the time.00:18
mackieHuh. Weird.00:18
k1lso i am not motivated to invistigate that :/00:18
mackieSeems like it'd be a weird bug.00:18
mackieLemme try it on my up to date install on the other box.00:18
SchrodingersScatI would suspect the script, but that's up to you00:19
mackieSame error.00:19
mackieAnd, even on the up-to-date Ubuntu install, if I first cd into the directory that script calls home, it works fine.00:20
k1lso its the scripts fault00:20
k1lmaybe its not setup properly so its errors00:21
mackieI take it it's unusual for an executable or script to not look for its relevant files in whatever directory it's sitting, and instead to look for it from whence it's being run?00:21
jseligaAnyone running more than one graphics card?00:21
SchrodingersScatmackie: you would hope that they would, but you can't account for everyone's decisions.  Idk if adding it to your PATH would help you or not.00:22
mackieHow would I go about trying?00:22
k1lfrom a quick research that is just a rubbish script. that is a known issue for it00:22
ubottuThe $PATH variable tells the shell where to look for the commands you tell it to run. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables#File-location_related_variables00:22
mackieHrm. Pity. It's a hell of a game. I'm totally following that link, Schrodinger.00:23
SchrodingersScator, just cd to the directory00:23
mackieI was kinda hoping to make a launcher on the desktop.00:24
mackieWhen I found I didn't know how to do this, and it wasn't on my cheat sheet...00:24
SchrodingersScatmaybe the launcher can be a script that first cd's into a directory?00:24
mackieThat seems like a sane idea.00:24
mackieArgh. This page makes me feel dumb. I can't parse it. How does one add a PATH variable to a command? I don't see any examples there I can make sense of, having tried multiple times.00:27
daftykinsmackie: no you don't understand, the $PATH environment variable exists for you. try it: echo $PATH00:28
daftykinsmackie: those are the folders BASH looks in for programs you want to run. so if you want *another* path to be looked in for your programs, add them.00:29
daftykinsi think you might want to look into a BASH beginners guide00:30
mackieGod yes.00:30
mackieAll I've known to do so far was type keywords into a search engine, and that has worked often enough that I've not had to figure out how to find a general guide.00:31
mackieI'll go try to find one of those, I think. Make good night-time reading.00:31
mackieThanks. I found one in a .txt format I can put on my phone and read in the evenings.00:34
mackieThat'll save everyone some trouble.00:35
=== Consuela_ is now known as Consuela
mackieWell, now I'll take off, and hopefully when I return I won't be significantly lowering the channel's average IQ.00:36
=== Anoniem4l is now known as Anoniemal`afk
mackieThank you. Directing me to find a beginner's guide will actually probably do wonders for me.00:37
mackieAlso, it's good to know this is a problem seldom encountered because most programmers don't create this problem.00:37
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
WyZeGuYmackie don't diss yourself00:52
kootIs there a place I can search the ubuntu arm repositories before installing??01:05
tyrogHi, I have changed my system language but how do I make the home folders also be written in the new language? Thanks01:07
popeykoot: packages.ubuntu.com01:13
popeykoot: also, http://ports.ubuntu.com/01:13
=== rskumar is now known as ra21vi
kootpopey: packages.ubuntu.com doesn't mention arm.. and how could i get/search the list of arm packages via ports.ubuntu.com?01:15
somsip!arn | koot01:16
somsip!arm | koot01:16
ubottukoot: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.01:16
owen1how to listen to the relase of the End key inside a bash script? maybe something like while xinput --query-state 5 | grep -Flq 'button[9]=up' ? i don't know what number should i put instead of 9.01:18
william__i was trying to install ubuntu 14.10 x64 and after the ubuntu screen it kernel panics.  what do01:20
popeykoot: can I ask what you're looking for?01:21
somsipowen1: would xev give you anything useful?01:21
imastupidguestI'm having a problem with repositories. I get the following lines at the end of sudo apt-get update    output : W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/pkgcrosswire/ppa/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found01:23
imastupidguestW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/pkgcrosswire/ppa/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found01:23
imastupidguestWhen I look in /etc/apt/sources.list there is no entry for either of these Although they are repositories I did install a while back I don't recall how I installed them - I think I did it by adding the lines to /etc/apt/sources.list. What's going on here and how do I fix it?01:23
owen1somsip: good idea. let me see01:23
somsipimastupidguest: anything in /etc/apt/sources.list.d as that's where PPA sources usually live01:23
somsip!ppa-purge | imastupidguest (might be useful too)01:24
ubottuimastupidguest (might be useful too): To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html01:24
Bashing-omimastupidguest: ^^ akso: per http://ppa.launchpad.net/pkgcrosswire/ppa/ubuntu/dists/ " trusty is not supported in that PPA .01:25
=== HoloIRCUser1 is now known as dvg32
popeyimastupidguest: threre are no trusty packages in that ppa. looks long abandoned.01:25
k1li thought we had the "there are no 14.04 packages for crosswire" issue resolved the last days/weeks01:26
imastupidguestBashing-om: popey: Ok. What can I do to remove this from my system?01:26
kootpopey: I want to check various packages.. installing either arch or ubuntu depending on which has the best repositories available.01:26
somsip!ppa-purge | imastupidguest (as mentioned before)01:26
ubottuimastupidguest (as mentioned before): To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html01:26
popeyimastupidguest: what the bot said ☻01:27
=== NotANick[BDC] is now known as NotANick
popeykoot: ok.01:27
imastupidguestpopey: Sorry, didn't see it the first time  :)01:27
zula33is opengl the practical way to run world of warcraft in ubuntu?01:28
kootI can nicely search for arch with archlinuxarm.org .. nothing similar found for ubuntu so far :-\01:29
k1lkoot: launchpad.net ?01:29
k1lkoot: or packages.ubuntu.com01:29
kootpackages.ubuntu doesn't have arm01:29
william__my kernel panic screen shot when trying to install 14.10 x64 http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=4u8g0w&s=801:30
Bashing-omimastupidguest: Inspect ' cat /etc/apt/sources.list ' If the PPA is not found - should not be there anyway. then -> ls -al /etc/apt/sources.list/etc/apt/sources.list.d <- to list the contents of the 3rd party directory. Then one may remove the offending PPA either in the GUI "Software Sources " or with a text editor.01:30
popeykoot: what distro you on at the moment, you could install a simple armhf chroot and have a poke about01:30
imastupidguestBashing-om: popey: Using ppa-purge <uri>     fails. Output can be seen here : http://pastebin.com/ekSNUXZB01:33
kootpopey: well it's for my phone so it kind of would be a chroot anyway, but yeah it seems like there is little better available than just doing it01:34
kootthe ubuntu-arm channel is completely dead, --shock--01:35
imastupidguestBashing-om: Hang on, didn't see your last statement. Lemme try that.01:35
Bashing-omimastupidguest: look'n at http://pastebin.com/ekSNUXZB .01:35
Wamphyrinot sure if anyone has come across this issue, but i'm trying to install ubuntu 14.10 my mouse works except for the left click button, keyboard works as well. both mouse and keyboard are usb01:36
popeykoot: it's 1am on a sunday night for most people who hang out there01:37
Wamphyriany ideas why the left click dosn't work?01:37
Bashing-omimastupidguest: Incorrect format of the ppa-purge command . Should be in the form -> sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> <- . ppa-purge is a good thing to try !01:37
kootmost people are in W. Europe? but yeah not the ideal time I know01:37
imastupidguestBashing-om: thx01:38
popeykoot: yeah, if you come back during the EU/US work day, people will be about01:38
popeykoot: a bunch of us have ARM based devices (phones/tablets/laptops) so can help when we're awake ☻01:39
imastupidguestBashing-om: I'm sorry, I don't know how to parse the repo uri in order to replace you example command with the right path. Should I use the entire uri as shown in apt-get update output? (ie:   sudo ppa-purge ppa:http://ppa.launchpad.net/pkgcrosswire/ppa/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-amd64/Packages)?01:41
imastupidguestI don't grep it01:42
Wamphyriguess theres no fix for it..01:43
imastupidguestYeah, I keep trying various ways to write the command but I'm just guessing and nothing is working. I'm sorry, but I don't know how to do this.01:45
Wamphyrinot sure if anyone has come across this issue, but i'm trying to install ubuntu 14.10 my mouse works except for the left click button, keyboard works as well. both mouse and keyboard are usb, any ideas why the left click doesn't work?01:46
william__Wamphyri: does the right click work01:48
imastupidguestFinally, I find the original command I ran (in history in the terminal) to install the thing. It reads : sudo add-apt-repository ppa:pkgcrosswire/ppa     So I go ahead and run sudo ppa-purge ppa:pkgcrosswire/ppa     Makes not difference at all (I get the same output as in the earlier linked paste).01:50
Bashing-omimastupidguest: Maybe try it as -> sudo ppa-purge ppa:launchpad.net/pkgcrosswire .01:50
imastupidguestBashing-om: Done - no change/output is same as in the paste01:51
william__ok i got 14.10 to start.  now it does not want to mount my partitions.  i can see them both on the osx looking menu and in gparted but they are not mounted or mounting.01:52
hipitihopI'm on 14.04 and recently (last week or so) it seems inotifywait or related seems not to be working. I use leiningen to auto compile whenever files are changed and saved in a directory but now does not trigger on save. Is this likey something changed in recent buntu updates ?01:53
Wamphyriwilliam__ as far as i can tell no, but when the install screen is up on the gui neither button works01:53
k2gremlinWhat do you guys think of Webmin?01:54
somsip!info webmin | k2gremlin01:54
ubottuk2gremlin: Package webmin does not exist in utopic01:54
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.01:54
Wamphyrik2gremlin its alright need patients for it01:54
k2gremlinIs there anything along the lines of server admin that would be better. Specifically for a gui interface on samba?01:55
NegativeFlarek2gremlin: yes01:55
NegativeFlareone sec01:55
NegativeFlarek2gremlin: sudo apt-get install system-config-samba01:56
william__how can i see why my partitions aren't mounting01:56
k2gremlinNegativeFlare, thanks I will look into it01:57
NegativeFlarewilliam__: If you're using a GPT table, then I'm not sure it'll work.01:57
NegativeFlarek2gremlin: no problem01:57
william__NegativeFlare: i don't know what that means.  i was using mint 11 before.01:58
NegativeFlarewilliam__: GPT Partition Table01:58
NegativeFlareThe Table that Mac uses for its paritions01:58
william__no i was using ext3, and ext4, and one ntfs01:59
k2gremlinNegativeFlare, do you end up webbing into the samba? Im running Server with no desktop. :)01:59
NegativeFlarek2gremlin: Sorta, why?01:59
NegativeFlarewilliam__: I'm not sure what's going on then.01:59
k2gremlinI don't want to put a desktop on the server :) Just want to web into everything I can lol02:00
bynarieanyone know why when close my laptop lid and open it back up, i cant get my screen back on?(14.10)02:00
NegativeFlarek2gremlin: well, you did say GUI :P02:01
bubbasaureswilliam__, pastebin the output of running sudo parted -l and ex[plain what is what partiton and which wont mount from where.02:01
k2gremlinNegativeFlare, Ok once installed how would you connect to it? or view it? lol02:02
NegativeFlareIts a GUI program02:02
NegativeFlareJust run it02:02
NegativeFlareBut it requires a desktop enviroment02:03
eblipyou need to install xorg to run a gui02:04
NegativeFlareeblip: of course02:04
k2gremlinNegativeFlare, do you know if you have the capabilities to "map" a network drive with Samba?02:05
Wamphyrilol guess i'm destined not to use ubuntu02:06
eblipwhy not wamphyri02:06
k2gremlinIm destined to use it.... but im learning very slowly lol02:07
NegativeFlareI've been using Linux for over 5 years02:07
eblipits the best desktop there is if you like windows and guis and clicking on menus and stuff...its like linux without the linux02:07
k2gremlinWell what I am trying to do is setup a plex server... but I need it to "map" to a network drive02:07
Wamphyrieblip mouse doesnt work on install02:07
NegativeFlareAlright guys, you do know that this is a support channel :P02:07
eblipah then you may need a driver02:07
Wamphyrieblip i'm fluent enough with linux lol02:07
NegativeFlareif you want to talk about offtopic stuff goto: #ubuntu-offtopic02:07
k2gremlinNegativeFlare, that's why I am here! :)02:07
Wamphyrieblip mouse curser is there and moves BUT left click doesn't work02:08
NegativeFlarek2gremlin: if you're wanting to MOUNT (aka map on windows) on linux02:08
NegativeFlareI can help you with that02:08
LinStatSDRUI's are for the weak.02:08
NegativeFlare!samba | k2gremlin02:08
ubottuk2gremlin: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html02:08
k2gremlinperfect NegativeFlare!02:09
NegativeFlareGlad I could help02:09
k2gremlinSo CIFS is the way to go.02:09
NegativeFlarek2gremlin: It works quite well.02:09
eblipmaybe you should try downloading a driver package not sure what its called but i think there is a bunch of drivers you can install02:10
k2gremlinOk ill get cracking. Ill let you know if I run into any issues. Thanks a bunch02:10
NegativeFlareNo Problem man02:10
william__bubbasaures: nothing will mount pastebin.com/BswtW2ZF02:11
ebliphave a look at that wamphyri02:12
eblipits a bug02:12
bubbasaureswilliam__, Are you booted to any partition shown?02:12
bubbasaureswilliam__, Live ubuntu?02:13
william__bubbasaures: yes live.02:13
bubbasaureswilliam__, Hmm, strange none will mount, I assume you know the various ways.02:14
william__i tried via gparted and the leftside menu thing02:15
bubbasaureswilliam__, This an apple computer?02:15
Wamphyrieblip i'm at the very first screen of the install theres nothing installed. i'm trying to get ubuntu installed02:16
william__bubbasaures: no this is a hommade pc02:16
snappyq: i have installed latest versions of haproxy but apt-get complains when i do 'apt-get install haproxy', relevant info: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9206405/02:16
bubbasaureswilliam__, All internal HD's02:16
eblipthats not a good start02:16
Wamphyrinope lol02:16
eblipi would start the install again and see what happens02:16
Wamphyri4 times now02:17
eblipin that case i think you should use another mouse02:17
Wamphyritried console install and gui install02:17
Wamphyrinothing wrong with the mouse02:17
NegativeFlaresnappy: Are you using any ppa's?02:17
eblipat least until you get a working install02:17
snappyyeah, they are ppas02:17
bubbasaureswilliam__, So what got you here, this a sudden event?02:17
eblipno there is nothing wrong with the mouse...but it wont work until you can get hte correct drivers02:17
eblipwhich you cant really do until the install is complete02:18
NegativeFlaresnappy: that's really weird. And you're using the same version I am02:18
NegativeFlareLet me try something02:18
Wamphyriits a microsoft mouse -.-02:18
william__bubbasaures: i am running mint14, but i tried to force it to upgrade, and now its upgrade is broken.  i was like oh i'll go back to ubuntu.  i'm in the live cd, and don't want to install untill i see it works02:18
bish0p_Can anyone here help me fix lightdm? It's not starting on boot and I need to start it manually through the terminal to log in02:19
Bashing-ombubbasaures: william__ "Disk /dev/sda: 400GB >> Partition Table: loop" I have never seen this before on a hard drive, thoughts ?02:19
glitch1I'm having a problem with bash02:20
william__bubbasaures: no idea.  it's 512B so maybe it's misreading grub?02:20
Wamphyrieblip its a generic usb mouse02:20
snappyso we have lucid and trusty packages on the /same repo/ which is shared; apt-get doesn't distinguish, even though /etc/apt/sources.list explicitly defines lucid (10.04)02:20
glitch1bash: ./palemoon-bin: No such file or directory02:20
bubbasauresBashing-om, yeah strange02:20
eblipyes a microsoft generic mouse02:20
NegativeFlaresnappy: Um, its working just fine for me02:20
glitch1it does exist for a fact and02:20
snappy(no wait, i could be wrong)02:20
glitch1I have it typed properly02:20
Wamphyriits worked before in ubuntu02:20
william__bubbasaures: nevermind that's the sector size.  ok i dont know02:21
k1lglitch1: ls -al palemoon-bin       that gives you what?02:21
glitch1k1l /usr/lib/palemoon$ ls -al palemoon-bin02:22
glitch1-rwxrwxr-x 1 root jordan 155192 Nov 10 17:25 palemoon-bin02:22
Wamphyriglitch1 try using sudo02:23
glitch1I've tried from a root terminal02:23
Wamphyriyour in a regular user account trying to execute a file owned by root02:23
glitch1same exact result02:23
william__bubbasaures: that is the only one with the error in gparted.  the error is unexpected clisters per mft record (-1) failed to mount 'dev/sda': invalid argument the device /dev/sda doesn't have a valid NTFS.  maybe you selected thre wrong device?  or the whole disk instead of a partition or the other way around? (eg /dev/hda, not /dev/hda1)02:23
nrdbI am getting this line in syslog .... Nov 24 13:15:33 localhost kernel: [932612.808043] type=1503 audit(1416795333.987:41):  operation="exec" pid=10472 parent=28413 profile="/usr/sbin/cupsd" requested_mask="::x" denied_mask="::x" fsuid=7 ouid=0 name="/usr/share/lib/cups/filter/epson_inkjet_printer_filter" .... does this mean that the file isn't allow to be executed?02:24
Wamphyriglitch1 try chmod 777 filename02:24
william__bubbasaures: and it does work in mint.  it might need the windows fsck thingy02:24
bubbasaureswilliam__, I'm not sure what your referencing and how, seems to be the sda HD mount.02:24
k1lWamphyri: that is not the issue. blindly running stuff as root or chmod777 is not very secure02:24
imastupidguestNot sure if this is a good place to ask this, but, I was pondering something... If encrypted traffic can be sent over a network (ie: the internet); and if (the loopback address) can be considered a network or works just like one; and if is how an o/s does its interprocess communication at the lowest level --> Then couldn't one encrypt the traffic across, create or include some kernel module with an e02:24
imastupidguestencryption key, and ultimately have a super secure core system??02:24
bubbasaureswilliam__, windows is a chkdsk /f tes02:25
glitch1Wamphyri I've tried it in a root terminal, anyways, I have already done so02:25
bubbasaureswilliam__, That sda partition looks strange to us so move with caution02:26
glitch1Also ldd ./palemoon-bin says that it's not a dynamic executable02:27
william__would it help if i booted into mint and gave the same parted -l pastebin to compre02:27
bubbasaureswilliam__, Nah, I just wonder if you have in general let issues happen that have just consolidated in this is all.02:28
eblipwhy not try executing it by stating the full path glitch102:28
Wamphyrieblip he has02:28
glitch1eblip bash: ./usr/lib/palemoon/palemoon-bin: No such file or directory02:29
hipitihopis there some config option which enables/disables folders being watched for changes ?02:29
eblipno get rid of the .02:29
eblipget rid of the full stop at the start02:29
glitch1eblip bash: /usr/lib/palemoon/palemoon-bin: No such file or directory02:29
eblipare you sure that is an exectuable02:30
ebliphmm so you have an executable file in a library02:31
glitch1This makes me think there is a bug in bash02:31
dem1vrhey, guys just an idea i am having... lets say ive got filters for my emails in evolution, and I want the indicator icon to have a different item depending in which email folder the email ends up02:31
glitch1It's a fork of Firefox, and the directory layout is the same02:31
glitch1That's how it is fore Firefox02:31
dem1vrwould that be much of hassle(i do know how to program ...)02:31
LinStatSDRBash? Have bugs? Silly me.02:32
glitch1I know right?02:32
ebliphave you tried taking a copy of the file and running it somewhere else02:32
glitch1I don't know what it's going to take to get everyone to just move awayfrom it... Maybe if it starts wiping hard drives02:32
glitch1Yes I have02:32
nrdbI am getting this line in syslog .... Nov 24 13:15:33 localhost kernel: [932612.808043] type=1503 audit(1416795333.987:41):  operation="exec" pid=10472 parent=28413 profile="/usr/sbin/cupsd" requested_mask="::x" denied_mask="::x" fsuid=7 ouid=0 name="/usr/share/lib/cups/filter/epson_inkjet_printer_filter" .... what does this line mean?  Is this allowed to be executed by this user?02:33
glitch1It also works fine for other people as there hasn't been anyone complaining about it to the developer. It's not my system configuration, as I JUST installed Xubuntu, and the checksum came out fine02:34
william__bubbasaures: i know you don't think it'll help but here's the pastebin from mint anyway pastebin.com/8SR3VR402:36
william__bubbasaures: oops typo http://pastebin.com/8SRA3VR402:37
bubbasaureswilliam__, Is anything mountable from mint?02:37
william__bubbasaures: everything is02:37
bubbasaureswilliam__, Have md5summed that live?02:38
bubbasaureshave you*02:38
Guest59346disk size , shouldn't it be the other way where used is the disk size and avalible is 002:38
william__i checked the image not the disk02:38
Guest59346when i df a dvd disk size , shouldn't it be the other way where used is the disk size and avalible is 002:39
bubbasaureswilliam__, I would consider it bad I think, that all looks fine, different HD order is all.02:40
=== kosss is now known as koss
usr13glitch1: who|pastebinit  #show us url02:41
glitch1usr13 ?02:41
usr13glitch1: What is your problem?02:42
glitch1usr13 bash seems to think that no file exists when I try executing the file that I am sitting there looking at...02:42
Jaded-JIf I want to run apache on a server with 2GB ram and a dual core CPU, should I use 32-bit or 64-bit ubuntu server?02:43
k1lglitch1: run from another account, not the root one02:43
usr13glitch1: Type  who   Hit enter.  Tell us what it says.02:43
usr13glitch1: Or just:  who|pastebinit  #show us url02:43
glitch1k1l I have no other accounts, and I won't make a new one because of security reasons02:43
k1lglitch1: i just tested it with the firefox in the usr/lib/firefox and that works with that permissions: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 108752 Okt 13 23:00 /usr/lib/firefox/firefox02:44
usr13glitch1: So what account do you have?  (What is the user name?)02:44
k1lglitch1: so its not a ubuntu at all?02:44
Seven_Six_Twonautilus and disk utility won't let me mount partitions on second hd02:45
usr13glitch1: cat /etc/issue #Tell us what that says.02:47
Wamphyrinot sure if anyone has come across this issue, but i'm trying to install ubuntu 14.10 my mouse works except for the left click button, keyboard works as well. both mouse and keyboard are usb, any ideas why the left click doesn't work?02:47
william__bubbasaures: should i reburn the same 14.1002:48
Seven_Six_Twoin a live dvd, I get the error "Not authorized to perform operation (udisks-error-quark, 3)" when trying to mount any partition on second sata drive.02:48
usr13glitch1: Ok.  So what did you say you did from the root terminal?02:48
glitch1usr13 ./palemoon-bin02:49
k1lglitch1: iirc everything must be root:root in there02:49
Guest59346anyone, i am not trolling , i realy would like to know02:50
glitch1k1l That defeats the purpose, as I'm trying to get it to run as my user, not as root02:50
bubbasaureswilliam__, What do you think? seems like a place to start if you need to see that normal on it booted. The live should mount easily.02:50
k2gremlinI ssh'ed into a VM yesterday with an ip of .22 I rebuilt that ubuntu VM today but I am not able to ssh into it when I assign it .22  when I change it to .23 it works. I am on Windows 7. Anyway to delete the old server key for .22 ?02:50
k1lglitch1: that is not the issue02:50
william__bubbasaures: reburning now...i'll let you know either way02:50
k1lglitch1: see the owners of firefox in its usr/lib. its root:root to and runs fine02:51
glitch1I set it to root:root and still the same thing02:51
usr13glitch1: Why did you try to run it as root?02:52
glitch1usr13 It makes 0 difference, everything I do with it gives the same result as root or as my user02:52
nrdbI am getting this line in syslog .... Nov 24 13:15:33 localhost kernel: [932612.808043] type=1503 audit(1416795333.987:41):  operation="exec" pid=10472 parent=28413 profile="/usr/sbin/cupsd" requested_mask="::x" denied_mask="::x" fsuid=7 ouid=0 name="/usr/share/lib/cups/filter/epson_inkjet_printer_filter" .... what does this line mean?  Is this allowed to be executed by this user?02:53
usr13glitch1: Ok. Well, I suppose it is broken?02:54
glitch1usr13 The binary? No it isn't, the checksum matches, and no one else has had a problem with it02:55
k1lglitch1: what if you go to the users home and then "/usr/lib/palemoon../palemoon.."   dont know the names02:55
glitch1k1l I've tried doing it in literally every possible way, I've tried copying the name to the terminal, I've tried renaming it, and renaming it back again, and no matter what bash claims it can't find it02:56
sacarlsonglitch1 should we assume you have the file in a patititon that allows excecute?    what directory is the file, and what is the format type of the partition it is located in ?02:58
k1lglitch1: my point now was to not execut it from the usr/lib directory02:58
glitch1k1l I've tried extracting it to a folder on my desktop with the same result02:59
k1lwhich i just tested and should not be an issue02:59
glitch1sacarlson It's on my / partition02:59
k1lglitch1: maybe its the program itself hafing issues?03:00
sacarlsonglitch1 in this line above you used relitive path not real full path ./usr/lib/palemoon/palemoon-bin03:00
glitch1k1l The program itself is not ever being touched, bash just claims it can't find it03:00
glitch1sacarlson I've used the full path earlier03:00
glitch1I'm going to try an older version of their installer and see if that installs it03:01
sacarlsonglitch1 and you can ls /usr/lib/palemoon   ;  and see this file?03:02
usr13glitch1: Firefox is pretty good.  In my opinion, we should leave well enough alone.03:05
glitch1sacarlson yes03:05
usr13glitch1: Is anything in it?03:06
glitch1usr13 It's absolutely terrible with the last 33 version and getting worse with each new version, it's behind only Chromium/Chrome03:06
glitch1usr13 yea, everything is there03:06
usr13glitch1: Ok03:06
sacarlsonglitch1 I'm about out of ideas,  aparmor ?  restricted shell ?  maybe a lib or other file used in the bin has the restrictions?03:07
usr13glitch1: so what happens when you do /usr/lib/palemoon/palemoon03:07
easyhearthello,when i install gnome-music,encounted an error:03:08
usr13glitch1: You may have to hit the tab key a time or two, not sure what the file-name will be.03:08
easyheart***Error***: some autoconf macros required to build gnome-music03:08
easyheart  were not found in your aclocal path, or some forbidden03:08
easyheart  macros were found.  Perhaps you need to adjust your03:08
easyheart  ACLOCAL_FLAGS?03:08
william__bubbasaures: same problem with new dvd.  verified but no better.03:08
glitch1sacarlson nope, none of those apply03:08
bubbasaureswilliam__, Not sure really a bit of an anomaly for me.03:09
glitch1usr13 same deal03:09
basil1xPalemoon would be nice... if all the plugins worked.03:09
glitch1usr13 sacarlson k1l Thank you for your help, the previous version of their installer worked, so I'm just going to assume that there is a new bug in bash and ignore it since manual installation is no longer needed03:11
sacarlsonglitch1 oh and also the privs on  /usr/lib/palemoon  directory ?   ls -l  /usr/lib/palemoon  and also bellow privs  ls -l /usr/lib ;03:11
Hganavakdaftykins: You still around? I just returned from the store in shame, realized I have a single 2TB drive, not a RAID setup.03:12
glitch1You guys on this irc are more helpful the the people on the Mint, arch, and Firefox IRCs have been for other issues I've had03:12
Hganavak^I agree. First time I've asked on here and I've been super impressed03:13
k1lsacarlson: well glitch1 he could have a point there. see the permissions of that folder in /usr/lib/03:13
velhop4hello friends!03:13
glitch1k1l It's been overwritten by the installer now, so I can't check anymore, but I had thunar set the permissions recursively03:14
HganavakIs a 20GB / partition big enough for someone who's going to be using it as their main distro? I'm not really sure what gets put in there besides the core files03:14
velhop4I just installed and updated Ubuntu's last version in my Pentium 4 and this is really slow. Can I make it run faster? Thank you03:14
glitch1velhop4 Try installing Xubuntu or Lubuntu instead, they use a lighter desktop environment03:15
bubbasauresvelhop4, A lighter desktop is where I would be.03:15
k1lvelhop4: with a pentium 4 i would suggest to got with Lubuntu03:15
Wamphyrinot sure if anyone has come across this issue, but i'm trying to install ubuntu 14.10 my mouse works except for the left click button, keyboard works as well. both mouse and keyboard are usb, any ideas why the left click doesn't work?03:16
glitch1Hganavak I would at least double if not triple it03:16
Hganavakglitch1: What gets put in it? :( My problem is I'm trying to dual boot with windows, both of which are sharing a 128GB SSD03:17
editionwhy isn't Liberation Sans used as the default UI font in ubuntu?03:17
sacarlsonWamphyri: does the mouse work on another system?  I have that problem but my problem is hardware in my mouse is broken03:17
glitch1Hganavak Unless you need very few programs and files03:17
k2gremlinHmm think I broke my VM ubuntu networking lol03:17
HganavakEverything except your documents?03:17
velhop4glitch1, bubbasaures k1l  whats the difference between Xubuntu and Lubuntu? Can I replace this Ubuntu installation without changing my dual boot with Windows?03:17
HganavakI thought all your documents get put in /home glitch1?03:18
Wamphyrisacarlson yeah03:18
glitch1Hganavak They do, but unless you make another partition for /home it goes inside the / partition03:18
Wamphyriin windoze03:18
glitch1Wamphyri what mouse, model?03:19
Hganavakglitch1: Ya that's fine, I was planning on putting everything except / on my HDD, while I partitioned / to be on the SSD? That make sense?03:19
aeon-ltdvelhop4: different desktop environments; guis03:19
k2gremlinnvm fixed it :P03:19
Wamphyriplain jane03:19
glitch1Hganavak Then as long as you don't install too many programs, you should be fine if you put /home on a different drive03:20
glitch1velhop4 The interface is the main difference. Anyways, you can install it over your current ubuntu install on the same partition03:21
Hganavakglitch1: Hmm, I was planning on installing lots of stuff. Do apps mainly get put in /? I thought they got spread around /bin and /usr. Which I was planning on putting on the HDD03:21
bubbasauresvelhop4, You can just add desktops, wont effect windows.03:22
glitch1Hganavak They usually do, but sometimes they don't follow location conventions, and they don't start any faster if they are on the HDD03:23
Hganavakglitch1: So if 30GB's around the max I can allocate to /, should I bother? Or should I just install the whole thing on the HDD?03:25
glitch1In other words your system will boot up 2-4 times faster, but your applications will not03:25
Hganavakglitch1: Sounds like a lot of effort just for a faster bootup speed when you put it like that!03:25
glitch130GB is fine unless you plan on installing a LOT of big apps03:26
bynarieanyone ever hear of software center being deleted by running apt-get autoremove?03:26
glitch1I don't know how many you plan to use, or how big your apps are, so I cannot tell you for sure03:26
Hganavakglitch1: Umm, I spose the big things I'd be installing would be IDEs and Steam. But ya I understand that03:27
glitch1With Steam you could symlink the steamapps folder to an ext3/4 partition on your HDD03:28
bubbasauresbynarie, If you removed some meta package first yes03:28
glitch1You should be able too anyways, if it doesn't let you pick an installation directory03:29
bynariewell i installed wine... then uninstalled it... then did autoremove03:29
Hganavakglitch1: Besides just bootup speed, wouldn't most OS interaction be faster too? I mean system things, just using Unity, opening pre-installed apps etc03:29
HganavakKernerl operations that don't require IO to the HDD?03:29
bynarieand BAM a ton of software was gone... tons of settings were altered03:29
Hganavak(If this is a thing, I really dunno what I'm talking about)03:30
glitch1Since you seem to be less experienced with Linux, I would recommend installing the whole thing to the HDD and revisiting it later when you have a better idea of what you want from it and what your requirments are03:30
glitch1Anything already open won't benefit from a faster drive, except for swap03:30
bynariebubbasaures, what do you mean by meta packages?03:31
SchrodingersScat!metapackage | bynarie03:31
ubottubynarie: A meta-package is a package that simply depends upon other packages and brings them in. It's not a real package, but a very useful package that can drag in other package versions.03:31
Haunt_House2There's a feature that you can spread all windows of the same type by double clicking the icon on the left side. I managed to break that. What's the name of this behavior? I think I used Unity tweak tool, but I cant find the setting03:32
glitch1The only difference an SSD makes is that it loads your OS, programs, and files faster03:32
bynarieso its basically like a "list" of packages ? for example, ubuntu-desktop? not a real package itself but contains several smaller packages to make up the "ubuntu-desktop"03:33
Hganavakglitch1: Alrighty, you're quite right I have practically no experience with Linux. I'll just install it to the HDD then03:33
bubbasauresbynarie, You have it, that what you removed?03:33
bynarieyes i think i may have03:34
HganavakIf I do install it to the HDD (just allocating some space now), will everything still work fine even though the OS I'm dual booting with (Windows) is installed on a seperate drive (the SSD)?03:34
bynariei just reimaged and got back to normal.. it was just very odd03:34
glitch1That's probably the best idea for now. Once you know how much resources everything requires, you can revisit installing it to the SSD later03:34
Hganavakglitch1: Yup just giving it a go now, before I proceed could you answer the above though - sorry for being such a pain03:35
rayq_sechey folks.  I want to install LaTeX packages on multiple computers. It's a huge download, and bandwidth is limited. I've downloaded on one machine and want...03:36
glitch1It should, though you will have to tell it to install the bootloader to your SSD03:36
glitch1Or you can choose to boot the HDD from the BIOS03:37
rayq_secto move it to another from the /var/apt/cache/archives.  Any issues with copy the whole lot and using sudo dpkg -i * ?03:37
Hganavakglitch1: The bootloader doesn't take up much space?03:37
glitch1Also np, helping out a couple of people with thing I'm familiar with is the least I can do after a couple of other people helped me03:38
glitch1No, it's extremely small actually03:38
glitch1Windows has it's own bootloader which Linux will overwrite03:39
Seven_Six_TwoI just acquired a computer with an ati card, and I was wondering if ppl recommend staying with the wrapper driver or switching to proprietary or proprietary-updates03:39
glitch1The windows bootloader can actually boot Linux, though it's complicated to set up03:39
glitch1What ATI card exactly?03:40
Haunt_House2There's a feature that you can spread all windows of the same type by double clicking the icon on the left side. I managed to break that. What's the name of this behavior? I think I used Unity tweak tool, but I cant find the setting03:40
Seven_Six_TwoATI Radeon HD 5450 1GB DDR303:41
glitch1Just stick with the open source driver03:41
Seven_Six_TwoI am trying to get 3 monitors working...03:41
Hganavakglitch1: Okay I'm just creating the USB installer now thanks. So I have to shrink the SSD or anything before I put the bootloader on it?03:43
glitch1It works with the open source driver, though I don't know how to configure it, I could figure out how to configure it on Xubuntu 14.04+ though03:43
glitch1Hganavak You're welcome, you shouldn't need to modify any partitions on the SSD03:43
Seven_Six_TwoI've read that it can work, but only if 2 share a clock. I have 2 monitors that are 1680*1050, so maybe they are the same. why xubuntu? I read that it might not work in unity, but I don't care about unity.03:44
velhop4glitch1, bubbasaures k1l  aeon-ltd thank you friends! I'm gonna study that. open hugs03:44
glitch1velhop4 You're welcome03:44
glitch1You need to use the right ports on the card, but I am not sure of which ones as they are dependant on the card in question03:45
Hganavakglitch1: Is the bootloader not located in the /boot partition?03:45
glitch1Hganavak Not the part that matters for this03:46
Seven_Six_Twointeresting. with 3 plugged in, my desktop expands to 3 monitors, but the monitor doesn't turn on. Maybe this is that unity issue03:48
k2gremlinSomeone was helping me earlier with a CIFS to mount a network drive. Is he still here?03:49
Hganavakglitch1: Alright grabbed another beer from the fridge and ready to dive in now. Don't spose you're gonna be around for the next 20 minutes or so in case things catch fire?03:49
glitch1It could be a Unity issue03:49
k2gremlinNegativeFlare, Are you still around?03:49
glitch1Hganavak Yea I can stick around for another 20 minutes or so, though I might need to reboot a couple of times during it03:50
Hganavakglitch1: Cheers buddy ^_^03:50
edwinhola ke tal03:51
=== edwin is now known as Guest54248
k2gremlin/ /media/plex cifs credentials=/home/<username>/.smbcredentials,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm 0 003:51
k2gremlinCan anyone tell me why this won't mount?03:52
k2gremlinI don't get any errors with mount -a03:52
yeinerhola edwin03:52
NegativeFlarek2gremlin: What's up?03:53
glitch1k2gremlin I don't know anything a plex or cifs, but appears to be the IP of your router03:53
NegativeFlare192.168.1.2 isn't a router03:53
k2gremlinWell NegativeFlare, I went through the walkthough to mount a windows share..03:54
rodney77hi, i got a computer with a SiS 771/671 Mirage 3 video card. I downloaded and installed the deb package from: http://zatherz.cba.pl/sis/03:54
k2gremlinits not.. lol03:54
NegativeFlareThat's an IP, on the network most likely03:54
k2gremlin:) ^03:54
k2gremlinWhen I get to the mount -a part.... it spits no errors03:54
rodney77then I ran X -configure and I got these errors: http://pastebin.com/13M1riLc03:54
k2gremlinbut fdisk -l doesnt list it03:54
NegativeFlarek2gremlin: Well have you tried cd'ing to the folder that you mounted the share on?03:55
rodney77Now I'm kind of stuck. Can anyone help me out?03:55
k2gremlinits there lmfao03:55
glitch1NegativeFlare It's possible, though rarely configured as such, usually it is or
k2gremlinwhy doesnt that show up on fdisk03:55
NegativeFlarek2gremlin: I'm not sure03:56
NegativeFlareglitch1: Very unlikely though.03:56
k2gremlinglitch1, Its not usually.... only if configured that way. Most home routers come out of the box as or lol03:56
glitch1NegativeFlare Yea, usually the router takes the single digit IP for itself and hands out double-digit and triple-digit IP03:57
glitch1I've just rarely seen a router give out a single digit on the 4th part of the IP03:58
NegativeFlarek2gremlin: fdisk won't show it03:58
NegativeFlareits not a physical partition03:58
k2gremlinOh I C03:58
k2gremlinty :P03:58
NegativeFlaredf -ha03:58
NegativeFlareUse that ^03:58
k2gremlin bingo !03:58
NegativeFlareThat'll show what's mounted, even if its a network drive03:58
Bashing-omrodney77: Not good, that graphics card, but there is some help: start with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2215422 .03:58
glitch1Hganavak I'll be afk, just message my name so my speakers beep03:58
rodney77thanks Bashing-om. I followed the link and typed the command sudo lshw -C video04:01
aoeuhI'm having troubles installing ubuntu  14.10 on an (old) intel ssd. Tried twice installing (once with manual partitioning, once with default use whole disk), both result in not booting. I get dropped into a busybox shell with the message that the root disk cannot be found (/dev/disk-by-uuid/<uuid> does not exist)04:02
k2gremlingrrr... apt-get update spitting errors :/04:02
rodney77you know what, I think I need lubuntu04:02
k2gremlincould not resolve hostname..04:02
aoeuhI tried chrooting into the system and running an initramfs update and grub update, to no avail, any tips to get it working/booting?04:02
SilencedBVWhat is the best way to start web development ?04:02
NegativeFlarek2gremlin: uh oh04:02
TheHganavakglitch1: I just booted to the flash drive, anyway  I see my BIOS interface was some fancy Asus UEFI thingy. Though when I checked earlier I thought I found out that Windows was installed in legacy mode? Is there anything I should worry about before proceeding?04:02
k2gremlinyea I have my def gw setup.. not sure why04:02
k2gremlinI can ping out... but it wont resolve hostnames lmfao04:03
k2gremlinson of a..04:03
Bashing-omrodney77: lubuntu is the recommnedation. may still hve to creat e the Xorg.conf file (?) .04:03
glitch1Hganavak Ahh, ASUS... I see in your future a world of hurt caused by your motherboard, though not likely to affect your Linux installation right now04:03
glitch1I hate my M5A99FX, worse motherboard ever04:04
rodney77thanks, Bashing-om04:04
TheHganavakglitch1: Oh dear :( Anyway, anything I should worry about now?04:04
Bashing-omrodney77: Unity is 3D, and that card will not support 3D .04:04
glitch1Hganavak Not really, Linux is pretty good about dealing with UEFI boards04:05
TheHganavakOh okay, I was under the impression it caused issues04:05
glitch1Hganavak It shouldn't04:05
TheHganavakglitch1: Just confirmed my BIOS mode is set to Legacy  in  Windows anyway - if that matters04:07
glitch1Hganavak It shouldn't04:08
k2gremlinOk any ideas as to why my server will not resolve hostnames? I can't even get updates :/04:10
nsfwwwwwhey guys04:11
nsfwwwwwcan someone help me about indicator applets?04:12
nsfwwwwwey guys04:13
MadelineWhats up?04:13
TheHganavakglitch1: I see that now ^_^ Now that I've allocated 250GB on my HDD, should I select 'Install Ubuntu alongside Windows 8' or 'Something else'?04:13
nsfwwwwwhey can somone check the indicator applet bug? i cant see my icons on right side of the panel04:14
glitch1I honestly don't know what the automatic option does, as I haven't ever used them, I would select something else and see what it offers you04:14
nsfwwwwwsample pic http://imgur.com/MKeNJm604:14
k2gremlintrying to setup my DNS... when I open the resolv.conf file it says...04:15
k2gremlin Dynamic resolv.conf(5) file for glibc resolver(3) generated by resolvconf(8)04:15
k2gremlinSo should I not add DNS here?04:16
jdecuirm_Hi ubuntu friends! i need some help with a particular device i have troubles with04:16
TheHganavakglitch1: Cool, I see my free space under /dev/sda. I also see my SSD (/dev/sdb). I have no idea what any of these terms represent but cool04:16
glitch1Set /dev/sda mountpoint to /04:17
jdecuirm_i bought an hp pavilion laptop the 11-n010la x360 model04:17
glitch1That will tell the installer to install it there04:17
glitch1/dev/sda1 I mean04:17
jdecuirm_the red one with beats audio and all that stuff04:17
glitch1or whatever your freepsace is04:17
jdecuirm_i have to boot the livecd with nomodeset04:17
jdecuirm_but at all instances it just crash with the videocard driver i guess04:18
jdecuirm_bad resolution and all04:18
TheHganavakglitch1: It just says free space. I've got /dev/sda and then three things indented under it: /dev/sda1, dev/sda2 and freespace04:18
a_pizza_manGood evening all.04:18
glitch1Format all but 4GB of your free space to ext404:19
glitch14096MB = 4GB04:19
glitch1That should become /dev/sda304:20
mindless_chaossomething ponderous, couldn't find an answer with a quick google search. When ever I apt-get or update software, it asks me to add a new user.. any ideas?04:20
mindless_chaosand appeasing it doesnt work, because if I make up a username, it doesnt continue04:20
mindless_chaosI have to kill the adduser processs04:20
k0nichiwawhat version ubuntu are u on ?04:21
k2gremlinok my DNS is dead on my server :/ this hurts bad lol04:21
mindless_chaoslatest stable04:21
TheHganavakglitch1: I'm not sure how to translate your instructions into actions :( Do you have any recommendations on guides for setting up the partitions? Assuming I don't have to do anything different with my Windows bootloader installed on a different drive?04:21
k0nichiwaare there some packages that want to add a user ?04:21
mindless_chaosI recently clean installed it04:21
k0nichiwamaybe u have a package thats getting update and does that as part of installed04:21
mindless_chaosthen I updated software04:22
glitch1What screen are you at now?04:22
k0nichiwais your username "ubuntu" ?04:22
a_pizza_manQuestion for anyone with exprience.  I'm migrating from 2012 R2 to ubuntu.  I have 1 Intel SSD that I want to use a boot drive, then 4 1TB Blacks that I want to run in RAID 10 for storing all large data, can I accomplish this on install or do I need to configure after I install to only the SSD04:22
TheHganavakglitch1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PK7gWIkAY7s&t=5m20s04:22
TheHganavakI'm at the stage that guys up to at the linked time, whatever you call that04:22
mindless_chaos?? so i have to make accounts when i update?? makes no sense, i have never encountered this b404:22
mindless_chaosusername is not ubuntu lol04:23
k0nichiwai dunno i thought maybe most people use that as username04:23
k0nichiwajust cuz amazon ec2 instances that i use have that set04:23
glitch1Let me skip this ad04:23
k0nichiwabut i do apt-get all the time and i never see that, on ubuntu 14 ec2 instances amazon cloud04:23
glitch1ahh I see, click on your free space04:23
mindless_chaosi guess I will just hammer this until i figure it out04:24
glitch1then click on the plus button next to change04:24
k0nichiwatry doing it from username ubuntu04:24
k0nichiwaif like 99.9 % of people use that04:24
TheHganavakglitch1: Yup!04:24
k0nichiwamindless users will ust use the default u know04:24
glitch1I don't know how amny MB of free space you have, but subtract 4096 from it, and put the result in the size box04:24
glitch1then set the mount point to /04:24
glitch1after that, click on the 4096MB of remaining free space04:25
TheHganavak262146MB apparently. I shrunk my partition in Windows by 250GB04:25
glitch1hit the plus again, and set the "use as" to swap04:25
TheHganavakOkay lemme whipout that calculator04:25
TheHganavakglitch1: Did I have to change the type of partition from logical to primary or anything?c04:26
glitch1nope, just set the mount point to /04:26
TheHganavakYup done04:27
glitch1did you do as I said for the remaining free space?04:27
TheHganavakSet it to swap area? Also logican?04:29
glitch1not logical, just set the remaining free space to swap04:29
TheHganavakIt's got logical checked by default04:29
glitch1does it let you select primary?04:29
TheHganavakIn the youtube video he sets most things to primary, should i have done that?04:29
TheHganavakBecause / was set to logical too04:30
TheHganavakYa it does04:30
glitch1Yea, everything should be primary04:30
glitch1I don't know why it defaulted to logical04:30
TheHganavakI guess I hit the '-' on the / mount point and create it again as primary glitch1?04:31
TheHganavakThis is Ext4 by the way right? THta's also the default. As is location for the partition: Beginning of this space04:32
glitch1yes and yes04:32
TheHganavakglitch1: Alrighty done and done04:32
glitch1alright, I'm going to have to restart, apparently the testing release of Xfce that 14.04 is based on has a show-stopper bug04:33
glitch1whoda thunk?04:33
k2gremlinYES! got my networking sharing working... !!! :)04:34
glitch1Alright I'm back04:37
TheHganavakglitch1: Welcome back. For some reason that set my swap space to 4095MB not 4096, argh that hurts my OCD.04:37
glitch1You'll just have to let it do that04:37
TheHganavakglitch1: Hehe alrighty, where to now? Thanks again for this man04:38
glitch1You should be able to continue as long as you have your /dev/sda3 mount point set to /04:38
TheHganavakglitch1: I don't have to set a /boot partition, or a /home partition? I thought the latter was advisable for updating04:39
glitch1nope, neither04:39
glitch1I find it usually causes more problems than it has a chance at preventing04:39
TheHganavakglitch1: Alrighty. And don't needa worry about anything with my SSD?04:40
glitch1The only reason a seperate /home partition is needed on the same drive for updating would be if the distro developers screwed something up big time with the upgrader04:40
TheHganavakOkay glitch1, so 'Install Now' time?04:41
glitch1If it doesn't ask you about where to install the bootloader later, then just set the HDD to the default boot device in BIOS04:41
TheHganavakglitch1: Alright it's doing its business now. Is this like a 10 minute process or 10 hour on a decent computer?04:45
glitch110-20 minutes, depends how slow your USB drive, and whether you told it to install update and/or the proprietary codecs or not04:45
nmatrix9arrrgh the viewport in for my second monitor is killing my eyes.04:50
nmatrix9Iam using ubuntu 14.04 and had a heck of a time installing the nvidia drivers.  Anyone else have experience with dual monitor setup with 14.04?04:51
sacarlsonnmatrix9: I'm running dual monitor on 14.04 but with mate and using the graphics from an intel i5,  had no problems04:52
glitch1nmatrix9 I do with a 7870 with the FOSS drivers on XUbuntu 14.0404:52
nmatrix9glitch1, sacarlson none of you had any issues trying to set the seond monitor to twin view?04:53
nmatrix9as a matter of fact Iam missing that option to twin view my second monitor in my Nvidia server settings.04:54
sacarlsonnmatrix9: It did work in twin view miror but I don't normaly use it in that state04:55
TheHganavakglitch1: The installing's finished but when I restart it just booted straight to Windows04:55
nmatrix9one monitor is stuck at 800x600 the other 1440x900.  I'd like it to be the larger but my view port out field in nvidia x server settings refuses to let me change it even under sudo04:56
nmatrix9sacarlson, command line or via nvidia x server settings gui conf04:56
sacarlsonnmatrix9: I don't have nvidia it's running from intel i5 graphics.  the setup is done from the gui for monitor settings04:58
glitch1nmatrix twin view? You mean extended desktop, or mirroring?04:58
nmatrix9glitch1, extended desktop04:58
glitch1TheHganavak Go to your BIOS and set the HDD as the default boot device04:58
nmatrix9I mean extended desktop04:58
Seven_Six_TwoI discovered that 3 monitors works fairly well in mint.04:59
christian_hello pls help. i made a check for world writable files and i get a wall of text :(04:59
Seven_Six_Twochristian_: did you do a chmod that you regret?04:59
glitch1nmatrix9 I don't know what utility is available for it in Unity or with the Nvidia drivers, but on XUbuntu Xfce 4.11+ has a GUI utility that allows you to configure it, and it worked without a hitch04:59
christian_no i just installed my system05:00
glitch1nmatrix9 I suggest googling something along the lines of "multi-monitor with unity" or "multi-monitor on Linux with Nvidia drivers" and seeing what comes up05:01
christian_what is this?http://paste.ubuntu.com/9208403/05:01
christian_is this some worm?05:01
EriC^^i think that's normal05:02
christian_thats just a ssmall part05:02
Seven_Six_Twonmatrix9: I just got here. are you trying to use multiple monitors?05:02
glitch1TheHganavak You still here?05:02
nmatrix9Seven_Six_Two, yeah just struggling to get my 2nd monitor to match my primary it's stuck at 800x60005:03
christian_i used "find / -perm -2 ! -type l -ls05:03
Seven_Six_Twonmatrix9: are their native resolutions actually the same?\05:03
nmatrix9Seven_Six_Two, had a heck of a time installing the nvidia drivers and getting it to work05:03
TheHganavakglitch1: Yup, just booted from it to make sure it worked before I set it to my primary. One sec05:03
nmatrix9Seven_Six_Two, no05:03
nmatrix9Seven_Six_Two, one is a 800x600 the 1440x90005:04
Seven_Six_Twonmatrix9: that's what ubuntu has set for their resolutions, or those are their native resolutions?05:04
TheHganavakglitch1: Hmm, did it automatically after I restarted (after booting into it once) awesome!05:05
glitch1TheHganavak Good, so everything working right then?05:06
nmatrix9Seven_Six_Two, what ubuntu has set.  But the primary monitory has far more options.  The secondary monitor only has auto, 800x600 and off as options05:06
SnwspeckleQuestion, has anyone here ever used kamailio?05:06
Seven_Six_Twonmatrix9: what are the actual specs?05:06
TheHganavakglitch1: Appears to be running very smoothly. What is this? Nothing went wrong? D:05:07
glitch1TheHganavak lol That feel when everything actually works right for once05:07
nmatrix9Seven_Six_Two, not sure how to show you but my friend I have to go now.  I gotta get up early for work.  Maybe we can talk again tomorrow if fate permits.05:08
TheHganavakglitch1: Weeeeeeee. Thanks so much. You're my hero of the week. Anything I can do to repay ya?05:08
glitch1TheHganavak You're very welcome. The best thing you can do to repay me is to help someone else out with their problems next time you are in a position to help.05:10
glitch1Lol that sounds kinda cross when I reread it, but I mean it literally, next time you have experience with an area someone is having a problem in, go ahead and try to help them.05:11
KlevreHello, is there a way to disable loading of gpu drivers during setup? My graphics card is fried and I would like to force cpu rendering05:18
glitch1Klevre Assuming the output from the GPU still works, you are looking for the VESA drivers05:19
glitch1I can't help you install them, but look around on google for how to switch to them for your GPU05:19
Seven_Six_TwoKlevre: what makes you say your card is fried?05:20
KlevreSeven_Six_Two, I've an Acer Iconia W500 tablet (two of them actually), one of which displays a pixelated green screen full of lines before shutting down if the gpu is being used a bit05:21
WyZeGuyhey i'd be willing to bet the nsa is watching this channel right now, so let me just say i want to join the illuminati, but we should work towards human freedom not control. k?05:22
KlevreHappens in both windows and ubuntu (at least during setup so far)05:22
Seven_Six_TwoKlevre: is it overheating or shutting down right away?05:23
=== WyZeGuy is now known as WyZeGuY
glitch1WyzeGuy two problems with your statement, first the illuminati no longer exists, 2 they were about enlightenment and obtaining knowledge, no controlling people, and I'll add a third, no secret group is going to let you in because you asked on an IRC channel05:23
Sparklessoooo archlinux or ubuntu?05:23
Sparkleswhat are the main differences05:23
Seven_Six_TwoWyZeGuY: the nsa also watches -offtopic05:23
WyZeGuYglitch1 that was intended to make people knowledgeable about the goofy conspiracy theories to smile05:24
glitch1ALso, of course they are watching this channel, along with any other public or unencrypted private channel, what do you think they built the world's latrgest data center for?05:24
KlevreSeven_Six_Two, shuts down right away after the pixelated screen05:24
WyZeGuYglitch1 i thought that was a playground :-)05:24
k2gremlin_Ok I need help :-)05:24
glitch1Well there is a park somewhat nearby it05:24
WyZeGuYk2gremlin don't we all05:24
k2gremlin_I setup a new server as a VM.05:24
WyZeGuYglitch1 that settles it, then05:25
KlevreSeven_Six_Two, something like: http://i133.photobucket.com/albums/q41/taytos/GreenDisplay.jpg05:25
Wamphyrinot sure if anyone has come across this issue, but i'm trying to install ubuntu 14.10 my mouse works except for the left click button, keyboard works as well. both mouse and keyboard are usb, any ideas why the left click doesn't work?05:25
TheHganavakglitch1: Alrighty, I'll hang out here from now on. Cheers05:25
k2gremlin_I did ifconfig eth0 netmask and it works perfectly as expected...05:25
k2gremlin_However when I reboot it reverts to dhcp..05:26
Wamphyritheres a file in /etc you need to edit05:26
Wamphyrii can't think of the name right now05:26
Seven_Six_TwoKlevre: can you be more specific than "if the gpu is being used a bit"? Can you do a spreadsheet without a crash? does every program crash it?05:27
glitch1TheHganavak NP05:27
glitch1WyZeGuY I bet that park is just a cover facility05:27
WyZeGuYglitch1 nah everyone's gotta take a break sometime, even government gangsters05:28
k2gremlin_Interfaces?? Lol05:28
Wamphyriprobably lol05:28
glitch1WyZeGuY Can be a dual use facility, both as a cover, and as a rec area05:28
WyZeGuYglitch1 we go wrong when we forget that they are human too. they poop just like we do. i wonder if some of them go do tai chi there?05:29
glitch1WyZeGuY ALso, you know those spots on Bananas? Those are actually little cameras so the government can watch you eat :P05:29
KlevreSeven_Six_Two, sorry. Yes, having it run in software rendering for days doesn't make it crash. Can't use it for more than 2-5 minutes if gpu rendering is on. I tested this on Windows with graphics drivers enabled and disabled. While disabled there were no issues, when enabled pretty much leaving the tablet on could make it turn off itself. Not isolated to specific programs. Happens during Ubuntu setup as well, so I'd like to force cpu rendering.05:30
glitch1WyZeGuY They want to make sure you are getting your proper nturition05:30
WyZeGuYglitch1 it's a good thing i eat with my mouth closed cuz then they can't see anything >_<05:30
ninguI have a couple questions about installing Ubuntu on a late 2008 MacBook. (1) realistically, do both Ubuntu Desktop and Server work or should I still with Desktop? (2) I don't want to dual boot, but I want to leave the Yosemite rescue partition intact, then create ext4 + swap partitions. do I need rEFIt or similar? or not?05:30
WyZeGuYglitch1 how do they ensure we eat our spinach though? o_O05:30
glitch1WyZeGuY That's what the spots on the banana peels are for, those are cameras too05:31
Wamphyriexplains why i don't like banana's lol05:31
WyZeGuYthis s*** is bananas05:31
glitch1>these terrible conspiracy theories and puns05:32
WyZeGuYglitch1 lol i'm doing all this cuz i'm slaphappy as pergatory and i really need to go to sleep05:32
Seven_Six_TwoKlevre: are ati binary drivers installed now, or opensource 3d driver?05:32
WyZeGuYglitch1 so i will force myself to bed. and you all have a wonderful night05:32
ninguI am most unclear on the rEFIt question, would much appreciate any tips on that.05:32
glitch1WyZeGuY Sounds like you need a dose of actual evidence of conspiracies, not just theories about banana cams05:32
WyZeGuYlike northwoods05:33
KlevreSeven_Six_Two, how do I check? I can't get past the language selection in OS setup05:33
WyZeGuYglitch1 northwoods :-p05:33
Seven_Six_TwoKlevre: it crashes during install??05:33
KlevreSeven_Six_Two, yes05:34
glitch1WyZeGuY I got one for you that's based on fact, yet you will probably shrug it off as too ridiculous to be true: http://jimstonefreelance.com/corevpro.html05:34
Seven_Six_TwoKlevre: oh that's a whole other bother. dang. what media are you installing from? which iso and method?05:34
WyZeGuYglitch1 oh no not jim stone what are you doing?05:34
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KlevreSeven_Six_Two, USB 14.04 x3205:35
glitch1WyZeGuY Gettin my conspiracy on05:35
WyZeGuYglitch1 please no not with the jim stone lol05:35
Seven_Six_Twowould you mind discussing conspiracies in offtopic please?05:35
WyZeGuYactually i've gotta go to sleep anyway05:35
WyZeGuYbye peeps05:35
glitch1Same here05:36
glitch1night everyone05:36
WyZeGuYnighty night sweet dreams05:36
Seven_Six_TwoKlevre: I think you might need the alternate installer. Do you see grub choices during boot?05:40
KlevreSeven_Six_Two, yes. Doesn't crash for me there, ever. I can see the boot options for Ubuntu05:42
Seven_Six_TwoKlevre: edit your grub line, and add "nomodeset" without quotes.05:45
LinStatSDRSeven_Six_Two: I read that as "nomnom all set" isntead of nomodeset05:45
LinStatSDRDon't judge :D05:47
subhojit777I would like to use a Twitter client. My requirements: nice sleak and clean UI (customization would be a plus). Any suggestions based on this?05:48
Seven_Six_TwoKlevre: if that works for you, you will also have to add that to the installed grub once install is done, but before rebooting.05:49
subhojit777And yes if I use the Twitter client how much it would be different from Twitter we access from browser05:49
KlevreSeven_Six_Two, ah thank you. Let me try05:50
NiernjHello guys, I currently have Windows 7 installed on my system.05:50
LinStatSDRWell that's your first problem.05:51
NiernjI'm trying to dual boot Ubuntu with Windows 7. I downloaded the ISO and made a bootable disc and can now proceed to the installation on boot-up.05:51
Seven_Six_Twosubhojit777: how different it is depends on the app that accesses their api. what is right for you also changes the answer. You should install a few and choose one. if you can't find a native client, you could try to install air and tweetdeck. maybe it still works.05:51
NiernjBut during the partition, when I try to use the space I emptied (which is a local drive on Windows 7), I can't add new partitions. Why is that?05:52
LinStatSDRDon't be like me: *Gasp*05:52
* LinStatSDR ** SysInfo ** Client: HexChat 2.10.1 (x64) ** OS: Microsoft Windows 7 Professional ** CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-3820 CPU @ 3.60GHz (3.00 GHz) ** RAM: 32718 MB Total (17917 MB Free) ** VGA: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 SE ** Uptime: 37.22 Hours **05:52
bubbasauresNiernj, Your space is unallocated?05:52
LinStatSDRWindows 7 /shakes fist.05:52
subhojit777Seven_Six_Two, ok thanks05:52
LinStatSDRIndeed. Have you made a separate partition for it?'05:52
NiernjProbably a stupid question, but I'm stuck on this. I tried searching around and some articles say you can't have more than 4 primary partitions because the partition table size is 64.05:52
NiernjLinStatSDR: Yeah, right. Unallocated.05:52
Seven_Six_TwoNiernj: is there free space on the harddrive? I don't mean windows saying you have free space, but a partition manager that says there is space without a partition (or an empty  one). You normally have to shrink windows partition before you can install05:53
bubbasauresNiernj, 4 primaries is a msdos partition rule.05:53
NiernjI need a swap partition and another partition ext4 in order to install Ubuntu right? But I can only make one of them.05:53
NiernjSeven_Six_Two: Yes, there is.05:53
Niernjbubbasaures: Okay, so how would I install it now?05:54
Seven_Six_TwoNiernj: make an extended partition that takes up all of the space. then make partitions in that. if your pc is decent, you can do without swap.05:54
LinStatSDRimho, if you're unfamiliar with linux you're best bet is to use it as a VM05:54
bubbasauresNiernj, Is there 3 primaries there now and a unallocated?05:54
NiernjLinStatSDR: I'm familiar with Linux, but I haven't had to use more than 3 primary partitions before.05:55
Niernjbubbasaures: Yes.05:55
LinStatSDRAlrighty then05:55
bubbasauresNiernj, cool follow Seven_Six_Two's info with the extended than the logicals for ubuntu and swap inside.05:55
NiernjTo rephrase: I have a 60 GB unallocated space.and I can only add a single primary partition, but if I understand it correctly, I need two primary partitions in order to install Ubuntu, and for swap.05:55
NiernjSeven_Six_Two: what do you mean by 'extended partition'? You mean 'Logical'?05:56
bubbasauresNiernj, You can put a extended there, this is a container for lots of logicals.05:56
Seven_Six_TwoNiedar: yes. the "container" partition05:56
Niernjbubbasaures: I'm still not sure what is an extended partition. Could you explain?05:57
bubbasauresNiernj, I have to take off is all, you will get that squared away shortly. ;)05:58
noobixniernj, extemded partition is like primary, but can be subdivided furthrr into logical parts05:59
Niernjbubbasaures: Alrighty, thanks for your help.05:59
Niernjnoobix: Ah thanks, I'll try that!05:59
noobixniernj, no need, just obe primary for / , and one for swap is enough.. to have partiyions for /usr and /home is just pedantic06:01
noobixand only to honot trafition06:01
Seven_Six_Twonoobix: It depends on the use06:02
noobixits a home desktop06:02
Seven_Six_TwoI always do a separate home. That way my data can't cause the system to run out of space.06:03
noobixit is confusing neebies06:03
Seven_Six_Twoit's not a tradition. Sure, it's not necessary. That doesn't make it pointless.06:04
Seven_Six_TwoI keep /var on its own partition on my servers for the same reason.06:05
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slyrusso I've got two machines with similar-ish configurations, both on the same local network. One gets ~45 MB/s talking to my NFS server, the other ~1 MB/s. Any ideas where to look for what might be causing the difference?06:10
Seven_Six_Twoare they both gigabit cables?06:11
Seven_Six_Twoand nics?06:12
slyrusyes, he says cautiously06:14
Seven_Six_Twoslyrus: swap cables and retest. swap ports and retest.06:14
Seven_Six_Two*ports on router06:14
slyrusinteresting idea. that means swapping rooms, but, yes, if it magically works when I move it over to the other router, that narrows things down a lot!06:15
slyrusi'll be back after i confirm that it's not router/cabling :)06:16
slyrusethtool tells me that I'm at 1000Mb/s on the slow box, FWTW.06:17
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Seven_Six_Twohow long are the cables? are they kink free, and away from rf-generating devices?06:20
Seven_Six_Twoor em fields?06:21
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NierjHey guys. I'm trying to install Ubuntu along side Windows 7 (dual boot), and have 60 GB free space. I'm at the partitioning stage.06:41
NierjIt was suggested earlier in this channel that I should create an Extended/Logical partition and then create new partitions for swap and the installation (/). But I can't seem to do that.06:41
noobixnierj, you dont need swap, just use that 60 gb as /06:44
Nierjnoobix: You sure? I'm on a PC with 2 gigs of RAM and a dual core processor.06:45
noobixyes it will do06:45
EriC^^Nierj: make a swap06:45
EriC^^Nierj: also, without a swap you can't hibernate06:45
Nierjnoobix: But I think the last time I tried to install without swap, it showed some errors during the installation06:46
EriC^^Nierj: did you press on Something else in the installation?06:46
NierjEriC^^: Okay, that's not a problem - I don't use hibernation feature at all.06:46
NierjEriC^^: Yes06:46
NierjHow else would one proceed to the partitioning stage? o.O06:46
EriC^^Nierj: still 2GB is kind of low, if you have a vm running too then you won't have any left06:46
NierjEriC^^: i don't have any.06:47
NierjSay I want swap. How would I make one? As I said above, I can only make one more primary partition from this unallocated/free space.06:47
EriC^^Nierj: just asking what you pressed and where you are at06:47
NierjEriC^^: okay, cool!06:48
EriC^^Nierj: make an extended partition06:49
sacarlson1Nierj: I think with the last partition you have you can make that the extended partition and from that can add a few more partitions that are inside that06:49
EriC^^hold on06:49
NierjEriC^^: I tried to do that by clicking on 'Add' after selecting the free space, and then I added it. Now there's a new partition, but I can't seem to add any new ones.06:50
NierjMaybe I'm doing it incorrectly.06:50
NierjEriC^^: okay, I'll wait.06:50
Nierj(Just FYI: this is the page I'm at: http://i.stack.imgur.com/fHPI8.png - not the actual image, just taken from a blog)06:51
=== Yukitteru is now known as Yukinotteru
EriC^^Nierj: press on the free space, press "+" press change primary to logical, then select use as swap area, and press ok06:52
NierjEriC^^: Okay, then?06:52
EriC^^use about 2-3GB for swap06:52
Nierjsure, I'm using 306:53
EriC^^then make press on the remaining free space do the same but select ext4 and the mountpoint at "/"06:53
NierjOh. So it doesn't matter if I use a logical partition for swap?06:53
NierjAh cool06:53
NierjDoes Linux/Ubuntu care about what type the partition is, at all?06:54
EriC^^what do you mean?06:54
EriC^^in what context06:54
NierjLike for /, does it matter if I use logical instead of primary?06:54
NierjOr does it need to be primary itself?06:55
vegombreihey guys so i made a bootable cd with lubuntu the computer i wanna install it on doesnt read the disk it reads everything but this disk it shows as blank, that old comp is running windows xp how do i install lubuntu? also i tried usb, there is no option regarding usb in bios or external drive, also i tried the new ubuntu on a bootable dvd that it read but only lubuntu it cant read why is that?06:55
EriC^^no, logical is fine06:55
NierjWhat exactly is the difference? Maybe a link I can read more about it?06:55
EriC^^logical is like a primary partition i guess, its just cheating06:55
NierjEriC^^: okay, I see.06:55
KatherineAhey is anyone doing the reddit secret santa?06:58
sacarlson1vegombrei: I'm guessing it's an old computer the the cd/dvd drive won't always read disk perfect anymore.  other posibility is the cd/dvd is corrupted maybe you can verify it integrity on the system that wrote it06:59
sacarlson1vegombrei: with your bios it sounds like your running slim on other options if usb won't work and the cd continues to fail.  maybe plop boot manager or hook an ide disk directly to it or??07:01
KatherineAgood night everyone07:01
sacarlson1vegombrei: oh and maybe you can update the bios with a flash?07:02
vegombreiits a sony vaio tx27gp with a centrino 1.2ghz and 1 gb ram dvd burner reads everything it works fine07:02
EriC^^good night KatherineA07:02
vegombreisacarlson1: hmm didnt think of that .. you think sony gives out bios updatesA?07:03
sacarlson1vegombrei: then must just be a corrupt dvd then07:03
sacarlson1vegombrei: maybe they do07:03
vegombreisacarlson1: it reads in other computers07:03
sacarlson1vegombrei: well you could try at least one more burn and make sure you burn it as slow as posible07:04
vegombreisacarlson1: nowdays dude its hard to get a good copy of ubuntu most of them have the md5 issue even the ones you get thru torrent are sometimes faulty07:04
EriC^^vegombrei: not really07:04
sacarlson1vegombrei: oh then maybe you have bad iso copy?  it should match the md5sum07:05
EriC^^vegombrei: you can use rsync to patch up an iso btw07:05
vegombreisacarlson1: yeah i got two one from the lubuntu site and the other from torrent both sizes dont match and the one from torrent site worked could burn iso on dvd but the other kept failing the dvd burn process07:06
vegombreiEriC^^: please teach me rsync oh master jedi i think it might be the key07:07
sacarlson1vegombrei: they are big files so maybe you lost conection with standard download and it wasn't complete.  check the md5sum before you burn it07:07
EriC^^vegombrei: rsync -avP rsync://mirror.to.iso /path/to/iso07:08
sacarlson1EriC^^:  vegombrei also I think wget has options to continue to download if first attempt fails07:09
EriC^^rsync will patch it up better i guess, it uses a differencing algorithm07:10
sacarlson1EriC^^: I've never tried that rsync thing, I should try that some time07:10
EriC^^sacarlson1: it's very nice07:10
sacarlson1EriC^^: and that works over http?07:11
EriC^^from the ubuntu website yeah07:11
EriC^^i guess you can't use it for http though07:13
sacarlson1EriC^^: ya my guess is it uses maybe port 22 or something but that's ok if the mirror site suports it.  but wget just uses http07:14
EriC^^it's a life saver if you have completed the download of an iso and then the md5 doesn't match, happened to me once and rsync saved my butt07:14
sacarlson1EriC^^: ya and these files are getting so big, you really don't want to start completely over if you don't have to07:15
wafflej0ck_sacarlson1: EriC^^yeah pretty big fan of rsync too but have found on low end hardware like a home NAS it tends to eat up a fair amount of CPU compared to scp or the like, but restarting transfers is definitely nice along with a lot of the other features of rsync07:17
EriC^^yeah especially with the some connection speeds, i had like 60-70kb/sec and it was at night unlimited, so it took like a week to download, it was like xmas night and then no santa when the md5 failed07:17
chenx97OMG i haven't ever thought about using rsync to repair the image :)07:17
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tek__hi guys. i have run into a little problem with linuxlite (i am a new user) and i require an issue.07:24
tek__require assistance *07:24
ubottu!Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.07:25
hateballhmm, wrong.07:25
tek__oops. im back. tethering via droid.07:29
tek__so. i deleted the password off my account and now anything that requires pass authetication bounces07:30
tek__ie, trying to mount w7 volume doesnt work. all password entries bounce back as failed.07:30
alfatihmhhi guys07:32
alfatihmhneed help07:32
tek__hi alt07:32
tek__me too :(07:32
RedPenguinYaY I fixed it, GOogle is awesome sauce :)07:32
EriC^^tek__: can you get a grub menu07:33
DigitalDevilheck yeah google is the best07:33
tek__eric, is that the bootloader?07:33
EriC^^tek__: yeah07:34
EriC^^tek__: do you have physical access to the machine07:34
alfatihmhi have done somthing bad with synaptic and need to recover my system ?????07:34
tek__sorry, i am VERY new. i am transitioning from w7. loved the install process.07:34
tek__yes i can.07:34
tek__yes. im on it now.07:34
EriC^^alfatihmh: something bad?07:34
EriC^^tek__: ok, hold shift while it boots to get grub07:34
EriC^^can you talk here while you do that?07:35
EriC^^alfatihmh: like how bad are we talking?07:35
tek__i can download an IRC client to my phone.07:35
EriC^^tek__: ok, if that's easy do that07:35
RyviusHelp, I can't get the Fn keys to control backlight working on my Toshiba laptop07:36
tek__sure. thanks eric. wait out.07:36
tek__connecting now eric. i will reboot into grub.07:39
tek_droidHi Eric07:40
tek_droidI am at bootloader. I have advanced options for Linux lite or 'c' for cmd line07:42
brentwb sacarlson07:45
tek__hi eric. passwd in konsole workd.07:52
tek__however, i would either like to remove or change default keyring password.07:52
EriC^^tek__: sorry, i way away07:53
tek__very strange. ive also lost my native resolution and cannot change it.07:53
tek__thats fine :)07:53
tek__were you going to suggest passwd?07:53
tek__it feels as though a 'registry' issue. xchat is also not using supplied nickname, its using my pc username07:55
tek__and my background has changed back to default07:55
Ryviusubuntu pls07:56
tek__hmm. i might have to try lubunto.07:56
tek__linuxlite seems great and i love how easy it was to install and drivers worked flawlessly, just a few bugs here and there.07:57
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EriC^^tekk: i gtg sorry07:59
EriC^^tekk: ill brb in 10mins maybe07:59
DiFianzany ita?08:04
RyviusWhere is my kernel configuration file located?08:05
JBudzNixstrange. booted into recovery and rebuilt packages and it seemed to fix some things.08:08
JBudzNixeven though there was a lot of errors due to no network connections08:08
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
dhaval2712o maintainers simply get the source packages and then they have to build the various binaries for it and then allow it into the repos, and the changes are tracked .orig.debian.tar.gz and so forth right?08:18
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EriC^^tekk: hey08:39
hj2007I see that a process named "kidle_inject" is eating up a lot of CPU. Anyone facing a similar issue?08:45
wafflej0ck_hj2007: post about it hear explains it has to do with "power clamp" for intel processors to reduce the heat/power consumption and is slightly deceptive http://askubuntu.com/questions/482307/kidle-inject-uses-cpu-power-without-apparent-reason08:48
wafflej0ck_hj2007: apparently that "CPU Usage" is actually idle time08:48
wafflej0ck_too late08:49
hj2007thanks wafflej0ck_, I already saw those posts but nothing seems too assuring. Let me see if the suggestion by Elder Geek is of any help.08:50
wafflej0ck_hj2007: yeah I mean really it seems like something you could just kill to see if it has any ill effect and decide if you think it's worth it for the power savings or heat reduction to leave it running or if you'd rather have it off, I use Ubuntu Gnome and tbh something like this would be nice as my i7 tends to get pretty hot and can tear through a battery faster than I'd like08:52
wafflej0ck_hj2007: ooo this might help me at least https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/PowerManagement/ThermalIssues08:54
hj2007wafflej0ck_, I've installed Xubuntu desktop environment on Ubuntu install. But I was facing same issues with Unity. Don't think that matters. yes, let me try killing the process and see the consequences.08:54
hj2007wafflej0ck_, I uninstalled thermald and everything is back to normal now. Those processes are started by thermald it seems. Until properly configured thermald is a disaster it seems ;)09:03
lkthomasis there have a dig command to list all A record for a domain ?09:03
wafflej0ck_hj2007: ah well good to know TIL09:04
sacarlsonlkthomas: ya and that's it dig09:06
=== Kenzi`_ is now known as Kenzi`
detlyI got a crash with gnome-terminal on 14.04, and the usual "problem detected" dialog came up - but now that I can actually reproduce it reliably, the dialog no longer comes up09:10
detlydoes anyone know how to get it to reappear09:10
sacarlsonlkthomas: or maybe it's dig -4 yahoo.com  ;  -4 privides only ipv4  -6 privides only ipv6 or AAAA09:10
lkthomassacarlson, doesn't work for our internal server09:10
sacarlsonlkthomas: it should  point it to the server with dig @yourserverip  website.com09:11
lkthomassacarlson, same result09:12
Skipper16i could use some help with an ubuntu installation09:12
Skipper16i'm stuck09:12
mjaykwhats your problem Skipper1609:12
EriC^^Skipper16: where are you stuck?09:12
sacarlsonlkthomas: then I assume your server is not running bind9 or other dns server or ??09:12
Skipper16i only have one flash drive to begin with09:12
EriC^^Skipper16: no dvd's or cd?09:13
lkthomassacarlson, this part I have to check09:13
Skipper16so, i was told i could use the flash drive as an installation medium and also as the destination installation drive09:13
EriC^^Skipper16: wait, that's not a problem.09:13
EriC^^Skipper16: ah, you want to install it to the flash drive?09:14
OerHeksas install and destination? no09:14
sacarlsonlkthomas: on the server see that bind9 is running and listening on the nic you have pointed to your internal network with sudo netstat -pant09:14
mjaykSkipper16: I think you mean a live install with persistance09:14
Skipper16EriC^^ it is not a problem, but i don't have a dvd drive either09:14
Skipper16no, i mean permanent install on flash drive09:14
mjaykyes that would be a live install with persistance Skipper1609:15
EriC^^Skipper16: which OS are you using right now?09:15
Skipper16win 809:15
EriC^^Skipper16: well is there virtualbox for win8?09:15
EriC^^Skipper16: with virtualbox you could load the iso and make a raw disk image and install it to the usb09:16
Skipper16here's what i did: i formatted the flash drive with only a small partition on which i put the ubuntu image and made it bootable ti lili usb creator09:16
EriC^^Skipper16: ok, so maybe if you do 2 partitions it might work?09:17
Skipper16i booted that and i had most of the flash drive unformatted09:17
EriC^^Skipper16: make 1 fat32 one, and use the rest for an ext4 one if you dont want swap09:17
EriC^^who knows09:17
OerHeksthat could only work if you load all into ram09:18
Skipper16i chose 'install ubuntu', used the free space on the flash drive and created and ext4 as / and installed ubuntu there09:18
EriC^^Skipper16: ok, did you choose the bootloader's location?09:19
Skipper16the installation worked but after reboot i find myself in the "live cd" grub menu again09:19
EriC^^Skipper16: did you choose to install the bootloader on the usb's disk?09:19
Skipper16it is giving me the "try w/o installing" or "install ubuntu" etc09:19
Skipper16EriC^^ i installed the bootloader on /dev/sda09:20
Skipper16which was the only drive (the flash drive)09:20
EriC^^Skipper16: there's no hdd in your pc?09:20
EriC^^dev/sda would be whatever has win8 i guess09:20
Skipper16i am on a different computer09:21
EriC^^Skipper16: ok, try to delete the partition that has the live system09:21
Skipper16the ubuntu computer has no hdd for now09:21
EriC^^the fat32 partition09:21
Skipper16Eric^^ okay09:22
mjaykno need to delete it just move the boot partition to the start of the drive, although installing like this is a generally bad idea09:22
Skipper16here is the layout of the drive09:25
EriC^^Skipper16: nice, it's efi :)09:27
Skipper16i delete the 1500 mb fat32 that i used as install source?09:27
EriC^^Skipper16: i guess you could if you dont want it anymore09:27
Skipper16yes, i found it in the ubuntu help pages, created it during installation09:27
EriC^^Skipper16: ok, the bios is set to efi too right09:27
Skipper16it is not that i don't want it, i just need to not boot into it anymore09:27
Skipper16yes, uefi boot09:28
EriC^^Skipper16: well can you press the boot options on your pc09:28
EriC^^Skipper16: you should be able to select whatever is in the efi boot manager09:28
Skipper16Eric^^ the bios only gives me 1 option, "usb hdd ..." which is the flash drive09:29
m1dnight_guys, I'm trying to follow this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo09:29
Skipper16it is a sh*** laptop bios with not many options09:30
m1dnight_but when I try do mount --bind /home/users /export/users it says "special device /home/users does not exist"09:30
EriC^^Skipper16: is the partition marked as bootable?09:30
EriC^^Skipper16: try list volumes09:30
EriC^^in diskpart09:30
EriC^^*list volume09:30
AntiSolI'm having permissions problems mounting external disks on xubuntu 14.04. I'm being prompted for a password to mount my usb disk09:31
EriC^^AntiSol: how are you mounting it?09:32
AntiSoli plug it in09:32
AntiSolor i click on the icon for it in thunar09:32
EriC^^AntiSol: ok09:32
AntiSolI get a dialog that says 'authentication required to mount <disk>'09:33
AntiSoland when I click details it gives me 2 links: org.freedesktop.udisks2.filesystem-mount and http://udisks.freedesktop.org/09:33
EriC^^AntiSol: ok, go to disks09:33
AntiSolwhat do you mean 'go to disks'? do you mean in settings or in thunar or what?09:34
EriC^^click on edit mount options09:34
EriC^^AntiSol: it's a program09:34
Skipper16http://paste.ubuntu.com/9211555/ Eric^^ no indication as to what is bootable imo (all but volume 4 are fixed disk on the win 8 computer)09:34
SASDOEHey all, how can I update from 10.04 to 14.04 in one go, without questions?09:35
SASDOEie, without having to attend to the upgrade every few seconds09:35
cfhowlettSASDOE, update?  no.  clean install?  yes.09:35
cfhowlett10.04 > 12.04 > 14.0409:35
SASDOEdo-release-upgrade ?09:35
AntiSoleric: package name? executable name? I don't see any 'disks' icon in my menu09:35
AntiSolEriC^^: ??09:37
AntiSolSASDOE: if you don't want to do all the intermediate upgrades between 10.04 and 14.04, one option might be to save your home partition. You can usually do a clean install but keep your home partition and it works pretty well. I've done it once or twice, once from 32 -> 64 bit.09:41
AntiSolif you're not using a separate partition for /home, you could create a tarball backup and decompress it over the top of a clean install, or you could repartition.09:42
AntiSolSo, EriC^^: does your silence mean that you're stumped because I don't have 'disks'?!?09:43
SASDOEAntiSol: Cheers I'll do that.09:45
AntiSolyou will need to reinstall all your apps, i.e it won't keep track of what packages you have installed very well, but all your settings will be there09:45
Skipper17could someone talk me to grub command line? that's what it comes down to i think, to make grub boot the proper partition09:45
Skipper17through grub cmd line09:46
AntiSolSkipper: IIRC grub has tab-completion these days, it's handy ;)09:46
AntiSolI don't remember the grub syntax, but last time I had trouble I figured it out with some educated guessing and lots of tab-presses09:47
Skipper17ls gives me > secure boot forbids ....09:47
AntiSolI think you want something like boot (device,partition), where device and partition are numbers starting at 009:48
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AntiSoltry typing 'boot' and hitting tab09:48
AntiSol(a couple of times)09:48
AntiSolEriC^^: ?????09:49
Skipper17Antisol trying ls now is > (memdisk) (hd0) (hd0, msdos4) to  (hd0, msdos1)09:50
toukiHi does an apt-get upgrade update the distrib or no? [I don't want to]09:51
AntiSoltouki: no only software not the distro09:51
AntiSoldistro is do-release-upgrade09:51
AntiSolSkipper17: ok so hd0 is the disk, try boot(hd0)09:52
AntiSolthen boot(hd0,4)09:52
Skipper17boot tab is nothing, boot alone says 'you need to load the kernel first'09:52
AntiSolthen boot(hd0,msdos4)09:52
AntiSolah, you might be at the other prompt09:53
Skipper17the other prompt?09:54
sacarlsonSkipper17: I found this that might help http://forums.justlinux.com/showthread.php?152790-How-to-use-Grub2-to-boot-Linux-manually09:54
sacarlsonSkipper17: I assume you have grub2?09:55
AntiSolskipper17: ok09:55
AntiSolroot (hd0,1)09:55
AntiSolkernel /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda109:56
AntiSol(assuming that your disk is sda1 and you're booting off the first partition)09:56
sacarlsonSkipper17: I don't recall ever booting manualy in some time so I.   might also need something for initrd  initrd   /boot/initrd.img-2.6.18-6-686  or whatever your kernel ##09:57
* AntiSol thanks EriC^^ for the amazing help. </sarcasm>09:58
Skipper17okay > set root (hd0,1) OK, but chainloader +1 > invalid efi file path09:59
Skipper17i quit10:01
AntiSolSkipper17: you don't just have a live CD lying around somewhere? it'll show you a nice menu. That's what I'd do ;)10:01
Skipper17Antisol i have a blank cd even a burner but no cd drive on the laptop10:02
AntiSolagh that sucks. Modern hardware is annoying. You could make a bootable USB stick.10:03
sacarlsonSkipper17: do you have any idea as to how this system is partitioned?   where is root partition ,  where is boot ?10:03
Skipper17i am going to the store and get a second thumb drive, then i will be able to use one as the install source and the other one as the target10:03
Skipper17sacarlson, yes i partitioned it10:03
sacarlsonSkipper17: so do you want to provide.  ok let me take a look10:04
Skipper17please do10:05
sacarlsonSkipper17: so how does that end up being maped?  I don't understand how you can have 3 partition 010:05
AntiSolI'm going to leave sacarlson to it - sounds like you know grub better than I. Sorry I wasn't more helpful10:05
sacarlsonAntiSol: no I basicly suck at it10:06
Skipper17that is windows not recognising any ext4 i guess10:06
sacarlsonSkipper17: well I can't read that so can't be of any help10:07
EriC^^AntiSol: sorry, i had to leave10:07
AntiSolEriC^^ that's OK I just wasn't sure what had happened :)10:08
EriC^^AntiSol: no problem :)10:08
AntiSolI think I found a page with what you were talking about: http://askubuntu.com/questions/445224/stop-ubuntu-asking-for-password-to-mount-second-drive10:08
AntiSolbut I don't have that 'disks' thing because I'm using xubuntu10:09
AntiSolmy user is definitely in the disks group10:09
EriC^^AntiSol: yeah, i guess so, it's called gnome-disks here10:10
EriC^^i dont think xubuntu has that10:10
EriC^^you could do the workaround of adding it to the fstab with certain options10:11
AntiSolnope, the closest thing is in the settings manager under 'disks and removable media' but there are no mount options10:11
AntiSolwhat option were you going to tell me to put in?10:11
EriC^^that would allow anyone to mount it using mount as well, like mount /path/to/mountpoint10:11
EriC^^AntiSol: i was going to suggest to check if the option is set to require authentication when mounting10:11
AntiSolproblem with that is that it applies to any usb disk, and I don't want to edit fstab for every new thumb drive10:12
EriC^^AntiSol: yeah that's true10:12
Skipper17kk, Antisol, sacarlson, EriC^^ thanks for your time i will do the easy thing now and get a 2nd flash drive, then use one as install source and one as destination, for the record using 1 usb drive as install and destination is not a good idea ;)10:12
AntiSolSkipper17: I looked at your paste and i think you might want partition 1 not 010:13
Skipper17though it does work but grub 2 command line grrr10:13
AntiSoloh no that's the usb stick. I suck at grub10:13
Skipper17Antisol part 1 is the install image, the problem is it still boots into that after installation on the 5 gb partition10:13
AntiSolyeah i noticed ;)10:14
EriC^^Skipper17: what happened i didn't see what you did10:14
EriC^^Skipper17: did you try to remove the live session's partition?10:14
AntiSolEriC^^ can you find the name of the binary for the 'disks' tool? maybe i can install it without pulling the whole of gnome10:15
EriC^^AntiSol: it's called gnome-disks10:16
EriC^^!find gnome-disks10:16
=== lalatenduM_ is now known as lalatenduM
ubottuFile gnome-disks found in app-install-data, gnome-disk-utility, lubuntu-icon-theme, mate-icon-theme-faenza10:16
EriC^^!info gnome-disk-utility10:16
ubottugnome-disk-utility (source: gnome-disk-utility): manage and configure disk drives and media. In component main, is optional. Version 3.10.0-1ubuntu3 (utopic), package size 207 kB, installed size 1204 kB10:16
=== Zerant is now known as Zerant|Work
EriC^^i think that's the package ^^10:17
AntiSolpackage gnome-disk-utility, only needed to download 300kb :)10:17
johnhey guys, any solution for lock screen on ubuntu 14.04, gnome session flashback?10:17
AntiSolooh those !find and !info macros are handy!10:17
Skipper17EriC i just deleted the live partition not it doesn't boot at all , bios boot options are empty10:18
AntiSoljohn: yeah: remove that crap and install xscreensaver ;)10:18
johnAntiSol: thx10:19
johnand I prefer this to unity or gnome3... for now10:19
Skipper17okay gotta go10:19
Skipper17will try again later10:19
AntiSolit's not as pretty, but it works. Jamie zawinski (xscreensaver author) has a great rant about why gnome-screensaver is broken. It applies to most of those session-locking apps10:20
AntiSolhere: http://www.jwz.org/xscreensaver/faq.html#gnome-screensaver10:21
johncan you read french :)10:21
EriC^^AntiSol: this might help http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/37428/arch-linux-mount-disks-with-thunar-without-password10:22
AntiSolthat does look promising, thanks!10:23
EriC^^no problem10:23
rvedi have a htpassword on a production environment - set-up before it goes live.. now, i’ve also set-up a htpasswrd on the testing environment. They shared the same .htpasswd file. Now i’ve CP that file into .htpasswdLive and changed the password for the Live environment. I also changed the /etc/nginx/sites-available/SiteConfig file where the “auth_basic_user_file /etc/ngxinx/.htpasswdLive; .. saved and ext… but the Live environment is still us10:25
rvedthe old htpassword! any ideas?10:25
AntiSoloh not nginx10:26
AntiSolisn't it supposed to be easy to configure?10:26
AntiSolyou used htpasswd to change the password, yes?10:28
AntiSoldid you restart nginx?10:29
AntiSol(or reload)10:29
issshello guys10:30
rvedAntiSol: no i did not restart10:33
rveddont know if this has consequences for anything that is running10:33
rvedis there a save way?10:33
AntiSolyeah sudo service nginx reload10:34
AntiSolor sudo /etc/init.d/nginx reload10:34
AntiSolare testing and prod on the same machine?10:34
AntiSolthat's a bad idea...10:35
LinnakHi, I've turned off animations in compiz settings manager but every window and popup menu are still fading. What can I disable more10:36
AntiSolLinnak: I don't remember exactly but I think you want to look for a setting in one of the 'window manager' type places10:37
AntiSoleither a tab called something like10:38
AntiSol'animations' or a setting like 'animate on minimize/restore'10:38
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LinnakI'm getting there. Now windows are good but popup animations are still on10:42
AntiSoldo you mean tooltips?10:43
Linnakyes. When I hove for example an icon on unity bar10:46
Linnak*hove=hover the mouse10:46
AntiSoljust keep looking for those options. It'll be something like 'animate tooltips' or 'animate popups'10:47
AntiSolsorry i cant be more specific but I don't use compiz anymore :)10:48
LinnakI just wanted to try Unity but I never could because it is so slowly10:49
ayushwhenever i10:49
LinnakI don't have problem with the look but why don't the put a button in unity-tweak-tool which said "tunr off every animation"10:50
AntiSoli use xfce10:50
ayushwhenever i delete a file in 14.10 the system freezes for few seconds10:51
ayushany idea why??10:51
AntiSolayush: that's strange. Is it a USB disk?10:53
LinnakI tried delete animation and fade words in dconf editor but it wrote back after10:53
suoreHey I want to use Ubuntu Server, it's have a pay support of company like SuSe or Red Hat?11:02
RaviTezuHi, how can i add this url http://dl.bintray.com/gocd/gocd-deb/ apt source list.11:02
RaviTezuI have tried using apt-add-repository.. But it didn't help11:02
RaviTezuThanks in advance!11:02
=== mike_ is now known as Guest11407
NahitaHi guys, Im having some touble running a command. Can anyone take a look?11:06
NahitaIm running: chcon -u system_u -t system_conf_t /etc/sysconfig/myiptables-*11:06
Nahitabut it gives me: chcon: can't apply partial context to unlabeled file11:06
student_hey all11:10
student_pedały jebane11:10
student_suck my dick11:10
yeatsNahita: what is the output of 'ls -l /etc/sysconfig/myiptables-*'? Maybe there's a problem with the fileglob (*)...11:11
Nahitayeats: -rw------- 1 root root 207 nov 19 12:10 /etc/sysconfig/myiptables-filter11:15
NahitaI dont think thats it, but thnx11:16
yeatsNahita: I'm not all that familiar with the ins and outs of selinux, sorry11:17
Nahitayeats: np, same here :D11:18
yeatsNahita: you may have seen this, but: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/chcon-can%27t-apply-partial-context-to-unlabeled-file-371977/11:19
jeanyHi, i freshly installed ubuntu but my fn keys for brightness change the brightness value in the wrong folder (changes it in acpi_video/brightness but it should - to work - change in intel_video/brightness). How may I change that?11:19
Nahitayeats: I will take a look, thnx11:19
DanMAbrahamI wrote a new song - https://soundcloud.com/mystery-dma/evening - not sure if anyone can listen? I would love to know if it works on ubuntu as I have only tested it on Windows and Mac11:19
yeatsDanMAbraham: then boot up a live CD/USB and test it, then11:20
Wulfthe trusty images on http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/locator/ec2/ are a bit outdated. How would I get an EC2 image with updated packages?11:21
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yeatsWulf: I haven't done anything with cloud images, but can't you just install one of those and update them with apt-get?11:23
Wulfyeats: doing that, but it takes time11:23
yeatsWulf: well, yeah ;-)11:23
OerHeksjeany, maybe this solution works for you too http://askubuntu.com/a/45059411:24
ZeroC00lhi there11:24
ZeroC00lneed a free ssh account to bypass filtering in my country11:25
ZeroC00lany help ?11:25
yeatsZeroC00l: not the right channel11:25
jeanyEnsure following file exists.11:25
jeany/usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf <- it does not exists OerHeks11:25
OerHeksZeroC00l, that is beyond the scope of this channel11:25
jeanybut i am trying to create it and will see, thanks11:25
WulfZeroC00l: why do you need it to be free?11:26
OerHeksjeany, make one if it does not exist.11:26
ZeroC00li know but i just asking for help any where11:26
jeanyyep, relogging11:26
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ZeroC00lthanks jeany11:26
mnms_I want to send an email from my shell account with mail command11:26
mnms_Can I setup mail to connect with external mail server11:27
mnms_because un logs I see relay is
yeats!mailserver | mnms_11:28
ubottumnms_: Ubuntu supports the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and provides mail server software of many kinds. You can install a basic email handling configuration with the "Mail server" task during installation, or with the "tasksel" command. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/email-services.html11:28
jeanyworks, thanks a lot OerHeks11:28
OerHeksjeany, have fun :-)11:28
jeany:) cya11:28
OerHeksmnms_, sure, like this http://unix.stackexchange.com/a/3706111:29
mnms_OerHeks: Thanks !11:30
ZeroC00lhi again11:34
fatvladHi there, do u know how to remove fl.txt~ from dir?11:35
EriC^^fatvlad: open the file manager and select it and delete11:36
ZeroC00lany free ssh account ?11:36
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Wulffatvlad: rm dir/fl.txt~11:37
Ben64ZeroC00l: not on topic here11:37
EriC^^fatvlad: you have to press ctrl + h to show it in the file manager11:37
ZeroC00li know i just asking ?11:37
WulfZeroC00l: no.11:37
EriC^^ZeroC00l: head over to #xshellz11:37
BadApeshould /sbin/init be running at 3.9% all the time?11:37
Ben64ZeroC00l: not on topic = don't ask here11:37
Ben64BadApe: 3.9% what11:37
ZeroC00lthanks Eric11:37
BadApeBen64: sorry cpu usage11:38
Ben64BadApe: mine is taking 0.0% so... probably not?11:38
BadApei am looking at an idle vm with high cpu usage11:38
fatvladty, rm remove it11:38
vroomfondelis /media a "true" directory or does it reside in RAM? if I do a "mkdir" there, will it remain after shutdown?11:39
OerHeksvroomfondel, yes, it will be there after reboot.11:40
fatvladi have fl.txt, I delete it, and now I have fl.txt~, cant see it with nautilus. What is it?11:41
fatvladI just donno how to google it :D11:42
vroomfondelI just umounted an SDcard and its directory vanished. Is there a convention when to remove directories there? And whats the point in conserving /media/username/whatever11:43
Ben64vroomfondel: well it got created and mounted automatically, so when you unmount it, it goes away11:46
NahitaBadApe: Mine is also at 0 011:46
vroomfondelBen64: but not if I created the directory by hand?11:48
Ben64vroomfondel: yeah it should stay11:49
vroomfondelBen64: when I umount the SDcard, /dev/sdcX as well as the /media/username/XXXXX go away. If I want to remount it by hand, how to do it?11:53
lotuspsychje!mount | vroomfondel11:54
ubottuvroomfondel: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount11:54
snuskgubbenthis is what i love about linux, i booted up and everything worked just fine and i rebooted.. and it did not boot up11:54
Ben64vroomfondel: how do you unmount it? /dev/sdx shouldn't go away...11:54
vroomfondelBen64: it does... I also wondered11:55
lotuspsychje!details | snuskgubben11:55
ubottusnuskgubben: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)11:55
Ben64vroomfondel: you didn't answer the question...11:55
snuskgubbenUnity does not start, and if i use the guest account it does.11:55
vroomfondelBen64: umount /dev/sdc511:56
Ben64snuskgubben: what did you do in between booting fine and rebooting11:56
Ben64vroomfondel: well that wouldn't make the device disappear11:56
snuskgubbenBen64, nothing. I just booted up ubuntu restarted to boot up win 8 and then i booted back to ubuntu and then it did not start up.11:57
vroomfondelBen64: it is, I think, a secondary partition on the SDcard. There is still /dev/sdc1on the same card11:57
Ben64vroomfondel: where do you see it disappear11:58
vroomfondelBen64: when I do mount or df11:58
Ben64vroomfondel: well yeah, because that shows only things that are mounted11:58
snuskgubbenBen64, i used chrome for a bit.. i did not update any programs or edit any files, my guess is that the config for unity is broken11:59
vroomfondelBen64: my bad... mount refused to remount sdc5, so I thought it wasn't there11:59
snuskgubbenHow do i reset unity?12:04
snuskgubben!unity | snuskgubben12:05
ubottusnuskgubben, please see my private message12:05
snuskgubben!notunity | snuskgubben12:05
k1l_snuskgubben: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/how-to-reset-compiz-and-unity-in-ubuntu.html12:06
snuskgubbenthis just suck, i can not run the unity-reset outside my x session and i can not get a terminal in x when im logged in to my non guest account12:16
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daftykinssnuskgubben: tried just bypassing your /home config by temporarily moving .config to .configold?12:21
snuskgubbeni will try that12:21
snuskgubbenwhere is this file located?12:21
EriC^^dont mean to step on any toes, but what's up daftykins snuskgubben ?12:21
daftykinsi don't know off hand if that's where the session config is btw, so you might want to confirm that12:21
daftykinsEriC^^: i haven't been following but it looked like a wonky session config is preventing unity from starting in snuskgubben's account, works fine in a guest session12:22
EriC^^daftykins: oh ok i see12:23
eljoniamohelow teteeees12:24
BluesKaj_Howdy folks12:24
eljoniamosomeone saw yesterday the big brother?12:24
k1l_!ot | eljoniamo12:24
ubottueljoniamo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:24
eljoniamookaymy computer turns off every time12:25
snuskgubbenwhy do i have a file called Trolltech.conf? xD12:25
snuskgubbenin my .config dir12:25
ikoniasnuskgubben: for QT12:25
eljoniamonow my screen is turn off but i can write12:25
snuskgubbeni see12:25
ikoniaeljoniamo: that seems unlikley12:25
eljoniamothis page its is a troll page?12:26
ikoniaeljoniamo: no12:26
eljoniamoikonia : why not you are so bored . Are you gay?12:27
snuskgubbeni rememberd, i did use apt-get autoremove before i rebooted and it deleted some linux-headers package.. but it was small and did not seam to be the main one so i removed it12:33
daftykinssnuskgubben: how does that relate to your unity session not working?12:34
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snuskgubbendaftykins, i don't know12:35
Aer93hey, does anybody know how can I recover that I deleted with rm :S12:35
k1l_snuskgubben: what is the issue at all?12:35
daftykinssnuskgubben: you know you just had to type "mv ~/.config ~/.configold" right?12:35
Aer93I really need the folder that I've just delete, but there is no trash12:36
k1l_Aer93: there is no trash on the cli12:36
daftykinsAer93: boot a live session right now and use data recovery software, don't do a single thing more on that disk until you do12:36
snuskgubbendaftykins, yes, but then all the configs move.. and not only the one for unity but ill try12:36
daftykinssnuskgubben: yes but the point is to test :P12:36
k1l_snuskgubben: make sure the video driver is setup right and works12:37
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snuskgubbenk1l_, it is12:39
k1l_what is your exact issue now?12:39
daftykinsfor the second time, snuskgubben's guest session works but user session doesn't bring up unity correctly12:39
snuskgubbennow? x won't restart anymore.. and unity does not start on my -real- account, only on the guest acc12:39
k1l_does not start means?12:40
snuskgubbengets error messages12:40
mnms_One more thing guys, If I have a dns zone for domain which can have private address and public I should use a views then ?12:40
snuskgubbeni think it will be faster if i reinstall ubuntu12:40
k1l_snuskgubben: the more details the better support.12:40
snuskgubbentakes less time12:40
daftykinsmnms_: that's beyond the scope of this channel really, try ##networking or #ubuntu-server12:41
k1l_snuskgubben: so is it just a black screen going back to login back again?12:41
mnms_daftykins: thx12:41
snuskgubbenno, i just get some error messages12:41
k1l_snuskgubben: or is it just windowsborders and starters missing?12:41
Aer93I did run a software recovry software, but it has generated a LOT of folders with files12:41
Aer93I cannot find my files.... the names have changed12:41
daftykinsAer93: did you install it on the existing installation where you lost the data? you probably let it overwrite where that data was already and may've lost it forever.12:42
eric___Hello, im using ubuntu 14.04. I have numbers on my icon bar that won't go away. Does anyone know how to search for this problem? The numbers are shortcuts to the various applications on my icon bar.12:42
daftykinseric___: press the 'super' key (which is the windows logo one)12:43
Aer93I installed the program where in the installation where I lost the data12:43
daftykinsAer93: like i said, if you care about this data... you need to shutdown *now* and start a live session to work from.12:43
Aer93yeah, but I had already done that when I asked you...12:44
daftykinswell you might be lucky so go and do it12:44
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snuskgubbeni removed some files in my .config dir related to gnome and session and rebooted and now it works fine12:45
daftykinsAer93: oh and if you don't have bootable media to hand... don't download ubuntu on that system :P12:45
Aer93I m telling you, I've already run a recovy software, and there a lot of old files indeed12:45
daftykinssnuskgubben: huzzah!12:45
Aer93but I dont find mine... I trying to use grep "something that I remember that was in the file" folder.*12:45
Aer93but it finds nothing12:45
Aer93grep -r I mean12:46
snuskgubbendaftykins, yes :)12:46
OerHeksAer93, if you have used testdisk, thse filenames are gone, so you need to recover that by hand.12:46
Aer93I used testdisk12:46
Aer93recover by hand?12:46
Aer93what do you mean12:46
OerHeksAer93, it would be easy if they were all *.jpg or *.mp312:47
Aer93I know...12:47
Aer93they are .vim12:47
OerHeksAer93, oke give all those filenumbers the .vim extention, and check them out?12:48
Aer93but the vim extesions seems to be also lost12:50
Aer93I dont find any .vim extension inside the recup_dir.#12:50
OerHeksi am not sure photorec would do better http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec12:51
Aer93thats what I used, thats what comes with testdisk12:52
OerHeks!info ping12:54
ubottuPackage ping does not exist in utopic12:54
Aer93I see that I have a trash in .local/share/trash13:01
Aer93and it has some files, but not the ones I'm looking for13:02
Aer93which files goes to this trash and why?13:02
daftykinsones deleted via the GUI13:02
daftykinsnot ones deleted via 'rm'13:02
cfhowlettdaftykins, CLI deletes are instantly gone, right?13:02
daftykinsor, instantly marked as free space, rather13:03
ikoniathats the best description13:03
ikoniauntil they are overwritten13:03
ikoniathere will still be inode references in backup inodes13:03
frank_oHi! Does anybody use Tor and know how to make it create the `control_auth_cookie` file?13:05
Aer93I FOUND THEM13:05
Aer93thnx guys13:05
Aer93CHIUFFFFF that was so close13:05
cfhowlettdaftykins, so they are recoverable with ... what? photorec?13:06
Aer93I was skpying class today until I found those things, thnx I found them13:06
Aer93not really, those things failed13:06
ikoniacfhowlett: anything that can interact with the file system's inode index's13:06
daftykinscfhowlett: have you not seen the entire conversation so far?13:06
Aer93I just had luck and found there was a backup somewhere13:06
Aer93a vim backup13:06
ikoniaAer93: ok - we get it, you've got the files "well done"13:06
vegombreihi i just newly installed lubuntu is there any repositories i need to update??13:06
cfhowlettdaftykins, no, I was afk.  just dropped in about 3 minutes ago.  sorry.13:06
ikoniavegombrei: why would you need to change anything ?13:07
daftykinscfhowlett: don't you have scrollback?13:07
Aer93ikonia: ok13:07
ubottufan is Control the fan  on/off  http://www.ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-12058.html13:08
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.13:09
EriC^^^^^ the worst factoid by ubottu13:09
vegombreiikonia: when i plug in external dives the folder opens and you may operate it but it doesnt show in the file managet i dunno how to eject it13:09
EriC^^the link is broken and the description seems lacking13:10
ikoniaEriC^^: edit it13:10
ikoniaEriC^^: updates always very welcome13:10
ikoniavegombrei: doesn't seem right13:10
vegombreiin the file manager the tree starts with /13:10
ikoniavegombrei: it should start with /13:11
ikoniavegombrei: can you take a screen shot of the file manager and share it13:11
ikoniamaybe easier to explain that way/check it out13:11
vegombreiikonia: ill try ... pastebin ?13:12
k1l_vegombrei: what ubuntu is that exactly?13:12
ikoniavegombrei: any image bin13:12
k1l_vegombrei: imgur.com13:12
ikoniathanks k1l_13:12
DesgensteinHow can I access the AMD GUI settings tool? fglrx doesn't have a man page, although it seems to be installed. I'm trying to set up my dual graphics so that I can run a program on a specific GPU.13:15
EriC^^ikonia: ok, thanks13:16
usr13Desgenstein: taskset13:19
daftykinsDesgenstein: click dash -> type "amd" and you should see the catalyst control center program13:19
Desgensteindaftykins: doesn't seem to locate any such thing.13:22
daftykinsDesgenstein: how did you install fglrx?13:24
daftykins!info amdcccle13:24
ubottuPackage amdcccle does not exist in utopic13:24
DesgensteinI didn't, I tried sudo apt-get install fglrx and it says that it's already the newest version13:25
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EriC^^!info fglrx-amdcccle13:25
ubottufglrx-amdcccle (source: fglrx-installer): Catalyst Control Center for the AMD graphics accelerators. In component restricted, is optional. Version 2:14.201-0ubuntu2 (utopic), package size 5006 kB, installed size 14932 kB (Only available for amd64; i386)13:25
daftykinsEriC^^: :) that's the one!13:26
EriC^^daftykins: :)13:26
DesgensteinSo should I install it?13:26
daftykinsDesgenstein: can you answer my question first...13:26
daftykinsDesgenstein: how did you install fglrx?13:26
DesgensteinI didn't, I tried sudo apt-get install fglrx and it says that it's already the newest version13:26
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daftykinsDesgenstein: so that's the only way you have attempted to install the AMD drivers? and you're sure they're in use?13:27
DesgensteinBinaryDriverHowTo on help.ubuntu.com however syas that it's not the default driver yet I don't recall making any changes13:27
daftykinsDesgenstein: ok well install the above package for the control center then try running it, or reboot to use the new driver13:28
daftykinsi don't even know if what you're trying to do counts as crossfire though, or whether it'll even work to use each card independantly13:29
DesgensteinAdditional drivers in software & updates says that I'm using fglrx. Also, fglrx-amdcccle seems to be installed already as well, but there is no man page and trying to run it produces 'fglrx-amdcccle: command not found'13:31
Nahita_How do I solve chcon: can't apply partial context to unlabeled file?13:31
usr13Does Ubuntu 14.04 installer allow us to create user account with the name of "root"?13:31
BluesKaj_usr13, who would even try such a thing :)13:32
bearfacethere's a root account by default13:32
daftykinsDesgenstein: yeah that's not its' name.13:33
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daftykinsDesgenstein: can you install "pastebinit" and run "fglrxinfo | pastebinit" ?13:33
usr13BluesKaj_: I do not know, but was confused yesterday by someone asking questions here who claimed to have created a user account with the name of root.13:34
daftykinsusr13: heh i might have to test that in a VM13:34
daftykinsi would think ubiquity would disallow it, for sanity's sake13:34
bearfaceusr13: there is an account named root by default, but it does not have a password set, thus does not allow logins.13:35
usr13Yea, I'm confused but I had him show me the output of who and also the output of cat /etc/issue, I still have it.13:35
usr13http://paste.ubuntu.com/9206720/ & http://paste.ubuntu.com/9206746/13:35
Desgensteindaftykins: result: 'fglrxinfo: command not found / You are trying to send an empty document, exiting.'13:36
daftykinsDesgenstein: mmhmm, yeah your setup isn't ideal13:36
usr13It shows root logged into pts/413:36
Desgensteinheh, figures13:36
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usr13daftykins: BluesKaj_ root was logged into pseudoterminal slave #413:37
daftykins*shrug* that could be down to several possibilities though right?13:38
daftykinslike an amateur user setting a password for root and logging in with it13:38
usr13daftykins: BluesKaj_ pts/4 is  pseudoterminal slave #4  Right?  Which would be a GUI terminal window.13:38
usr13daftykins: BluesKaj_ So how do you do that unless you have a regular user named root?  (I did not know a Linux system would allow the creation of a user named root.)13:39
usr13daftykins: Even if you set a password for root, how do you log into it in a terminal window?13:41
bearfaceevery linux system has a user named root (afaik) by default, ubuntu comes with no password set for root. 'passwd root' to set a password will enable it with the password you provide13:41
usr13daftykins: But I specifically asked if he had enabled the root account and he claimed that he didn't even know what that meant.13:41
BluesKaj_usr13, not entirely sure , I just know it's a rule never to use root as a username or pwd13:42
usr13daftykins: Unfortunately, I was out of time at that moment and was no longer able to pursue the conversation any further, so I'm confused.13:42
Jim_Could any one help me to run my skype autostart? Its Zorin Operating system.13:43
bearface"cat /etc/passwd" you'll see the root account13:43
usr13BluesKaj_: Yes. I was under the impression that the system would not allow you to do it.  And I just tested it.13:43
usr13BluesKaj_: "User 'root' already exists; please choose another Login name for new user []:"13:44
k1l_there is a root account on every ubuntu. its "just" not set up with a pw.13:44
Jim_Could any one help me to run my skype autostart?13:44
usr13k1l_: True.13:44
usr13Jim_: Sure13:44
daftykins!zorion | Jim_13:44
daftykinsJim_: zorin is not supported here. go find their channel13:45
Jim_Thanks. Yes its okay13:45
BluesKaj_usr13, right, that makes sense :)13:46
Jim_I am new to this environment and could you help me how I should go to the Zorion channel?13:47
daftykins!alis | Jim_13:48
ubottuJim_: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*13:48
cfhowlettJim_, /join #zorin         assuming the channel is on freenode13:48
EriC^^usr13: he might be able to be logged in as root on pts4 if he did a sudo su -13:48
daftykinsit's probably unwise to send users off to guessed channel names ;)13:48
usr13EriC^^: Doesn't show up that way on my system.  I just tried it.13:49
Jim_Thats fantastic, thanks cfhowlett13:49
EriC^^usr13: same here13:49
usr13EriC^^: su is super user, (not root).13:49
cfhowlettJim_, happy2help13:49
usr13EriC^^: We can log into root in tty but not pst13:49
daftykinsusr13: "sudo su -" is like "sudo -i"13:50
usr13So, how is it possible to have root in a pspseudoterminal slave?13:50
daftykinsno idea about pts'13:50
usr13daftykins: Correct13:50
usr13But I do not know how to explain "root pts/4" (See: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9206720/)13:51
usr13And why would the pts skip from 1 to 4 and then to 11?13:52
usr13I wish I'd had time to talk to him more yesterday, but ran out of time.13:52
usr13I could probably find it in yesterday's log.  Maybe someone else picked it up.13:53
EriC^^usr13: i got it13:54
EriC^^if you do sudo su -13:54
EriC^^then type gnome-terminal13:54
EriC^^you'll open a pts with root as the login13:54
usr13EriC^^: No, I just tried that.13:55
EriC^^hmm i just did13:55
EriC^^e        pts/25   :0               15:53    0.00s  0.05s  0.00s w13:55
EriC^^root     pts/26   :0               15:54    1.00s  0.00s  0.00s bash13:55
EriC^^i'm sure of it13:56
usr13EriC^^: Ok. Well, I tried it on mine and didn't see that.13:56
EriC^^at least on my pc13:56
usr13EriC^^: 14.04?13:56
EriC^^usr13: type sudo su -c "gnome-terminal"13:57
usr13EriC^^: Oh ok.13:57
EriC^^then type "w"13:57
bearfaceor just 'sudo gnome-terminal'13:57
EriC^^or, sudo su - , then type gnome-terminal in that shell13:57
LachezarHey all. Upgraded Xubuntu to 14.10, but met an unfortunate event: can't install pidgin due to (unreasonable) dependency to libunity (which I have forbidden explicitly). How can I install pidgin?13:58
JYDAnother bug: Every time I hit restart or shutdown,, it auto-loads seemingly misc programs from my last session,, even though "remember last session" is not selected. I keep deleting everything in cache/sessions,,  but it keeps happening. 14.04. Thoughts?13:58
JYDNot sure I'd seen any release ever where I've been affected by more bugs..14:01
daftykinsJYD: was it an upgrade?14:01
JYDdaftykins, No, fresh install14:01
JYDBecause I was experiencing problems with an upgrade14:01
daftykinsJYD: did you keep an existing /home that could have some bad configs fighting with it?14:02
JYDupgraded to 14.04 and hell > loose.14:02
JYDno, daftykins14:02
usr13EriC^^: Ok I tried it.  It works.  Not sure why we would do it.  I suppose it has it's use, just don't know what it would be.14:02
usr13 Thanks everyone for solving that mystery for me.14:03
JYDAre as many bugs being reported for 14.10 as 14.04?14:03
daftykinsJYD: i haven't seen anyone else complain of what you are14:03
JYDAmong my problems are the "known issues" in their release notes.14:04
Finetundrahow would i go about installing lilo during install?14:04
EriC^^Finetundra: why would you want to do that?14:04
lotuspsychje!lilo | Finetundra14:04
ubottuFinetundra: lilo is an alternative [Li]nux Boot[Lo]ader. Note: it is recommended that you use GRUB on Ubuntu instead.14:04
cfhowlettFinetundra, this ^^^14:04
JYDahh lilo works fine.14:05
FinetundraEriC^^, because will not display on the pos integrated graphics card14:05
Finetundra*GRUB will...14:05
lotuspsychjeFinetundra: you can tweak grub 'quiet splash' off for lilo-like booting14:05
lotuspsychjeFinetundra: juqt remove the text between "" and sudo update-grub and reboot14:06
EriC^^Finetundra: did you try to edit /etc/default/grub ?14:06
Finetundralotuspsychje, the problem is that i can't get far enough with grub to change that14:06
lotuspsychjeFinetundra: did you try to boot ubuntu in reoverymode?14:07
EriC^^Finetundra: boot a live cd, and try adding lotuspsychje 's suggestion14:07
FinetundraEriC^^, can't get that far. that's the problem14:07
EriC^^to /etc/default/grub14:07
EriC^^Finetundra: boot a live usb14:07
Finetundralotuspsychje, how do you suppose i get there14:07
FinetundraEriC^^, can't14:07
EriC^^and mount your installation, and chroot, then update-grub14:07
lotuspsychjeFinetundra: hold shift at boot to enter grub14:07
FinetundraEriC^^, this thing is ancient14:07
EriC^^Finetundra: you just need a usb or dvd or something14:08
usr13JYD: You switched to Lilo to fix what?14:08
JYDusr13, No, I don't use lilo anymore14:08
EriC^^Finetundra: you could probably get away with installing a live session of tinycore linux on a cd or something14:08
green-big-froghi...  is there a channel for landscape?14:08
usr13JYD: Oh.  Ok.  Well I missunderstood what you said.  Sorry.14:08
daftykinscbtis: either ask a question or keep quiet please.14:08
cfhowlettcbtis, ask your #ubuntu question14:09
cbtiswhere are you from14:09
CaT_MaNHello everyone. Is it possible to test MAAS infrastructure via OSX->Virtualbox Ubuntu Desktop->MAAS14:09
cbtisExcuse !14:09
FinetundraEriC^^, would knoppix be fine?14:09
cbtisYa se que e entrado a Ubunti...14:09
Pici!es | cbtis14:09
ubottucbtis: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:09
JYD!es | ubottu14:10
ubottuJYD: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.14:10
cbtisHello, everyone14:10
EriC^^Finetundra: i guess so14:10
lotuspsychje!alis | green-big-frog14:10
ubottugreen-big-frog: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*14:10
FinetundraEriC^^, what do you mean?14:11
green-big-frog!alis landscape14:11
EriC^^Finetundra: i mean i've never tried it but it might work14:11
daftykinsgreen-big-frog: follow the example14:11
lotuspsychjeFinetundra: wich ubuntu version is this you cant boot?14:12
Finetundralotuspsychje, anything that involves grub so far14:13
kubancwhat is the best "Option" setting in fstab for mounting fstab314:13
lotuspsychjeFinetundra: 14.04? 14.10?14:13
EriC^^Finetundra: if you can't even get a grub screen then i think you have to try editing the options in /etc/default/grub14:13
Finetundralotuspsychje, 12.04.5,13.10, and 14.0414:14
FinetundraEriC^^, ?14:14
EriC^^Finetundra: info grub14:17
Finetundra!info grub14:17
ubottugrub (source: grub): GRand Unified Bootloader (Legacy version). In component main, is optional. Version 0.97-29ubuntu66 (utopic), package size 322 kB, installed size 856 kB14:18
EriC^^no, type that in a terminal14:18
EriC^^to get the grub manual14:18
lotuspsychjeFinetundra: you are really confusing mate, whats your end goal exactly? you cant boot 14.04?14:18
FinetundraEriC^^, in the live boot?14:18
EriC^^Finetundra: in any linux that has grub installed14:18
Finetundralotuspsychje, at this point, to get the blasted thing working. I've been at his for at least a solid month and a half now14:19
lotuspsychjeFinetundra: so can you describe how far you can reach in 14.04 install?14:20
EriC^^Finetundra: https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html14:20
EriC^^Finetundra: search for graphics14:20
Finetundralotuspsychje, i usually get to about the point where grub should pop up and then get a message on screen that says that my computer can't display this resolution.14:22
EriC^^Finetundra: you can set the graphics mode and resolution and stuff in /etc/default/grub , and that link above has the info about the options14:23
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EriC^^Finetundra: you can add VGA=<number> in the kernel line , use this to know which number is what http://pierre.baudu.in/other/grub.vga.modes.html14:25
cfhowlettusually when the graphics are out of range, grub will offer to continue to boot with lower resolution14:25
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lotuspsychjeFinetundra: is this an older grafix card?14:26
Finetundralotuspsychje, yes.14:27
lotuspsychjeFinetundra: you might wanna try xubuntu or lubuntu just to test if you can bypass14:28
EriC^^Finetundra: how did you install it in the first place?14:29
Finetundralotuspsychje, i can't even live boot either of those.14:29
EriC^^Finetundra: so how did you install it then?14:30
FinetundraEriC^^, its a server install, installed with whatever installer it has14:30
EriC^^Finetundra: a server install, what do you mean?14:30
EriC^^Finetundra: tell us more about this server install you speak of14:30
Finetundrait's ubuntu server. i don't remember much about the details during install though.14:32
Finetundraits been awhile14:33
EriC^^Finetundra: how'd you start it? live dvd/cd ?14:34
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Finetundraof course. no other way i can do it on this thing14:34
lotuspsychjeFinetundra: you know server install has no gui like desktop right?14:36
Finetundralotuspsychje, yes. i can't get that far. did i mention that this graphics card is an ancient pos?14:37
EriC^^Finetundra: grub should be able to boot if the resolution doesnt work14:37
EriC^^Finetundra: it should say something like no mode could be set, booting anyways14:38
cfhowletteric, exactly.  it should install and offer to boot a lower resolution.14:38
EriC^^but try to use some kind of live session on a cd or dvd to edit grub's option on your installation14:38
EriC^^Finetundra: if you can boot a live usb then you can boot your installation, i guess14:38
EriC^^it makes sense14:38
FinetundraEriC^^, that should be the case, however it is not.14:41
cfhowlettDo you get the grub CLI?14:41
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EriC^^Finetundra: maybe the live usb's use different grub options14:42
lotuspsychjean old grafix card not booting lubuntu, that doesnt make sense to me14:42
NuClEaRbLaStcant access my samba share from my windows box. im using the ubuntu gui interface to share, and a changed the workgroup in /etc/samba/smb.conf to my windows workgroup.14:42
lotuspsychje!samba | NuClEaRbLaSt14:42
ubottuNuClEaRbLaSt: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html14:42
NuClEaRbLaStyeah...ive read a lot. it should work.14:42
NuClEaRbLaStwhich is why im asking and not reading more14:43
Finetundralotuspsychje, 8mb of vram doesn't get you very far14:43
lotuspsychjeFinetundra: maybe a damn small linux then?14:45
Finetundralotuspsychje, believe it or not, i am able to get knoppix to boot.14:47
EriC^^Finetundra: knoppix uses lilo?14:47
EriC^^Finetundra: try to hold shift while you boot14:47
EriC^^maybe that error is about the kernel gfx?14:48
FinetundraEriC^^, as a live yes. although i believe it uses lilo if installed14:50
mekhamiI made a really simple shell script to run WoW in 32 bit via wine, and now it's giving me some strange errors like '/home/username/.wine is not owned by you'14:51
mekhami...i've already successfully run this script like 5 times, but i restart my computer and now i'm getting weird ownership errors?14:51
lotuspsychjemekhami: your on the same account?14:52
EriC^^mekhami: do you have something in cron @reboot ?14:52
mekhamilotuspsychje, only one account on the computer, EriC^^ nope... I just did chmod +x ~/filename and it worked again, but I'm confused as to why this would happen?14:52
EriC^^mekhami: chmod +x ? you mean sudo chown ?14:53
FinetundraEriC^^, if it is the kernel, then every install i've made is broken. which i know is not the case as it boots on a newer machine.14:53
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mekhamiEriC^^, I mean chmod +x. that's what i just did and it worked.14:53
EriC^^Finetundra: no i mean maybe the error is cause of the kernel's gfx not grub's14:53
FinetundraEriC^^, if it is the kernel, then every install i've made is broken. which i know is not the case as it boots on a newer machine.14:54
EriC^^Finetundra: try to hold shift, grub might be working and that error is about the kernel's gfx14:54
Finetundrawe shall see14:54
semeis avahi the recommended bonjour daemon for linux?14:55
semeerr most mature, etc.14:55
EriC^^Finetundra: btw i didnt mean your kernel is broken, i meant the graphics + kernel wont work14:55
FinetundraEriC^^, that would make more sense14:56
lotuspsychjeseme: avahi-daemon - Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD daemon14:57
=== DanMAbraham is now known as moarrr
Wamphyrinot sure if anyone has come across this issue, but i'm trying to install ubuntu 14.10 my mouse works except for the left click button, keyboard works as well. both mouse and keyboard are usb, any ideas why the left click doesn't work?14:57
semelotuspsychje: thanks that is what I'm using... works well but wasn't sure if that was an active project15:01
lotuspsychjeseme: comes as default system service in ubuntu15:01
lotuspsychjeseme: check pstree from terminal15:02
lotuspsychjeWamphyri: what kind of mouse is this?15:08
Finetundrawhat do i do if i get the error where grub fails to be installed? this is s different machine.15:12
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lotuspsychje!fixgrub | Finetundra15:14
ubottuFinetundra: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:14
cfhowlettFinetundra, you can install without a bootloader.  the reboot the live cd and install grub manually ... see !fixgrub15:14
KheeperHave someone here experience with PPTP setup15:15
pbxKheeper, jump straight in with your question. include context15:16
lotuspsychjeKheeper: maybe this can help: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PPTPServer15:18
KheeperMy provider give me information how to setup pptp as a client but I can't get it work it's login get the local and remote ip but it won't work if I setup on my tp-link it's working but not on my server15:19
KheeperI have no idea what am I doing wrong15:20
lotuspsychjeKheeper: maybe the #ubuntu-server guys might know your problem also15:21
BadApemy system is showing very high cpu usage, 6 cpu's all running at around 20%15:26
BadApei've shutdown almost everything except dhcpclient and ssh15:26
velhoI made a typo in my main Username and password. Can I change both? how? thank you :D15:27
lotuspsychjevelho: on ubuntu or irc?15:28
samthewildoneHow do I use my mic in a screen recording ?15:28
velholotuspsychje, Ubuntu. Sorry15:29
lotuspsychjepopey: maybe you know what samthewildone wants?15:29
lotuspsychjevelho: usermod15:31
Wamphyrilotuspsychje microsoft wheel mouse optical usb15:34
EriC^^BadApe: what's using the cpu, open a terminal and type top15:34
lotuspsychjeWamphyri: did you install ubuntu with internet cable on? updates enabled?15:35
Wamphyrican't even get to that part15:35
lotuspsychjeWamphyri: so you trying to install fresh, but left mouse doesnt click?15:36
gebgevhi, i have a problem with ubuntu 14.0415:36
Wamphyrilotuspsychje yeah :)15:36
gebgevthe mouse don't work15:36
Wamphyriwhy is it working now15:36
gebgevsomeone have an idea how to solved it?15:36
lotuspsychjeWamphyri: enabled bios usb? did you try it on 14.04?15:36
Wamphyrinvm lol15:36
Wamphyrilotuspsychje no no15:37
BadApeEriC^^: init, as in /sbin/init15:37
Wamphyrii though gebgev was talking to me :p15:37
BadApeit is really weird15:37
gebgevWamphyri: I;ve ask the whole channel15:38
BadApei think it is a bug in upstart15:38
Wamphyrilotuspsychje havn't tried 14.04 yet, but gebgev is have the same issue as i am15:38
Wamphyrigebgev yeah my fault, i miss understood since i'm having the same issue15:38
gebgevthe computer is asus 1005PE (eee pc)15:38
gebgevWamphyri: so you know how to solve it?15:38
Wamphyrigebgev no thats what i'm working on now15:39
gebgevfrom the past i know you need to put something at the boot.15:39
Wamphyrilotuspsychje yeah usb is enable in bios15:40
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Wamphyrigebgev ubuntu is borked lol15:41
gebgevWHAT WRONG WITH THAM?? 2014 still have mouse problems???15:42
lotuspsychjeWamphyri: i would install 14.04 fresh15:42
Wamphyrigebgev what type of mouse you have?15:42
velholotuspsychje, Thank you so much!! <315:42
gebgevIt's happan to my on the live usb15:42
k1l_gebgev: what mouse it it?15:42
gebgevtouch pad on my laptop15:42
k1l_gebgev: what laptop is it exactly?15:43
gebgevasus 1005pe (eee pc)15:43
k1l_gebgev: does that work on other OS? so hardware is fine=?15:43
lotuspsychjevelho: np :p15:43
k1l_gebgev: is it disabled in bios?15:43
gebgevyes, ubuntu 12.04 work fine and win7 starter15:43
gebgevnow, it is work 5 min ago with win 715:44
velholotuspsychje, but I can't see the option to change username :(15:44
gebgevnow i boot agin to win 715:44
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lotuspsychjevelho: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-change-rename-user-name-id/15:45
k1l_gebgev: what happens when you make the trackpad fn on off keycombo?15:45
gebgevok, I'm in win 7 again and the mouse work fine here15:45
gebgevk1l_: nothing.15:46
lotuspsychjegebgev: did ubuntu 12.04 came default on your eeepc?15:46
gebgevlotuspsychje: no, I;ve installed it with WUBI15:46
k1l_urgs wubi :(15:46
lotuspsychjesome eeepc's have dualboot ubuntu/windows15:47
lotuspsychjeby default15:47
gebgevk1l_: I know WUBI is not the best but it;s work for me.15:47
gebgevthe computer come with windows 7 starter.15:47
daftykinsugh WUBI :(15:48
gebgevand i have anather macbook pro computer that i dont like at all!15:48
gebgevit is pure junk.15:49
skypcehello all15:49
gebgevit's cut my hand. and people think i try to kill my self.15:49
skypcedo you know that it is possible run unity-2d-panel from ubuntu 12.04 in 14.04 compiling it from sources?15:49
k1l_skypce: i dont think so.15:50
velholotuspsychje, I'm not able to change UserName with usermod command. The problem here is that my username is vELHO and I want to change it to Velho15:50
gebgevthis is what i want to do.15:51
nouveauI installed Ubuntu 14.04 on my computer. I now have windows 7 and ubuntu install on the same machine .I worked with adsl cable. when I log in with the normal running windows 7 internet faith I log in with ubuntu 14.04 the internet connection does not work even though when I open the management of the networks I find that eth0 is connected.15:51
velholotuspsychje, I've followed the instructions of the link you shared, with no satisfiying results :(15:51
nouveauI installed Ubuntu 14.04 on my computer. I now have windows 7 and ubuntu install on the same machine .I worked with adsl cable. when I log in with the normal running windows 7 internet faith I log in with ubuntu 14.04 the internet connection does not work even though when I open the management of the networks I find that eth0 is connected.15:51
k1l_http://askubuntu.com/questions/486865/asus-1005pe-runs-hotter-and-drains-the-battery-quicker-since-installing-14-04   gebgev i dont see any one having 14.04 on that machine or having that touchpad issues15:51
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lotuspsychjevelho: not sure then mate15:52
gebgevk1l_: so what to do??15:52
velholotuspsychje, thank you any way :)15:52
daftykinsnouveau: modem or router?15:53
k1l_gebgev: try gpointing-device-settings15:53
lotuspsychjevelho: you could reinstall ubuntu quick :p15:53
wyclifhi everybody15:53
gebgevk1l_: this it a package?15:54
lotuspsychje!info gpointing-device-settings | gebgev15:54
ubottugebgev: gpointing-device-settings (source: gpointing-device-settings): configuration tool for pointing devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.1-6ubuntu2 (utopic), package size 62 kB, installed size 504 kB15:54
Finetundragebgev it should be in system settings15:54
lotuspsychjegebgev: you can try to install like k1l_ suggested15:54
Luyinhi everyone15:54
gebgevi want it as a live usb15:55
wyclifLuyin: hi15:55
velholotuspsychje, I have a dual boot. Will this mess up the boot loader and Windows instalation? I don't like Unity. I'm thinking about changing from Ubuntu default to Kubuntu or Linux Mint, I think both are Ubuntu distributions...15:55
lotuspsychjevelho: you can install xubuntu/kubuntu fresh then, have a good username there15:56
velhoI also read that I can have several "flavours". I mean, can I have Ubuntu+Kubuntu+Limux Mint flavours, in the same partition, without duplicating files? DO all programs work in these diferent window managements?15:57
Finetundragebgev then make on15:59
somsip!flavors | velho (mint is not a supported derivative in this channel)15:59
ubottuvelho (mint is not a supported derivative in this channel): !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.15:59
gebgevbut how?!15:59
LuyinI've got a second monitor, which I'd like to use left-rotated. since the setting isn't saved, I wanted to add an xrandr-command to autostart. output of xrandr --query is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9216535/ now I hope someone could tell me if this is ok before I mess up my graphical settings: "xrandr --output VGA1 --auto --rotate right"15:59
gebgevFinetundra: ^15:59
Finetundravelho, you can install the different DE's that are existing.16:00
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daftykinsvelho: Mint is a different distro, not a desktop.16:00
SquarismHi.. If i wanna connect to a server A "as if from localhost seen by the server" on port 8080 from my computer B.. how do i create the ssh tunnel? Preferably so that request to B:1234 from B ends up at (A) localhost:8080.16:00
Finetundragebgev, get unetbootin, get a .iso of whatever flavor of ubuntu you want. start there and get back to me16:01
somsipvelho: so your current options are to install one of the flavours' desktops onto you install of ubuntu, and use it like that. And there are other desktops and window managers too. Included Mate which is used under Mint16:01
Guest67040i think it is a version of XFCE under mint16:02
gebgevFinetundra: this is what i did. but i can't make the thuch pad work on my computer:(16:02
somsipGuest67040: no. Mate or Cinnamon (off topic)16:02
Guest67040GNOME is the base of of anything from mint which is based of of xfce16:04
Guest67040its different but the base is sfce16:05
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ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:08
Guest67040pptp vnp connects opens one page under xubuntu then closes will consistatnly work under windows16:09
D3xterGermans here?16:09
rwwD3xter: #ubuntu-de16:09
LuyinD3xter: german support is in #ubuntu-de16:09
D3xterty Luyin16:10
LuyinI've got a second monitor, which I'd like to use left-rotated. since the setting isn't saved, I wanted to add an xrandr-command to autostart. output of xrandr --query is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9216535/ now I hope someone could tell me if this is ok before I mess up my graphical settings: "xrandr --output VGA1 --auto --rotate right"16:11
Knight80Hello everyone16:11
Knight80I need some help16:12
LinuxInsideKnight80: whats wrong?16:12
Knight80Will you help me out?16:12
Knight80My Linux sound doesn't work16:13
Knight80I tweaked a couple of things yesterday and now I can't make it work16:13
FinetundraKnight80, do you happen to have multiple audio cards?16:13
LinuxInsidedo you install any software like jack or other sound software?16:14
Knight80Finetundra I've got an internal audio card, and the sound system of the tv tuner16:14
Knight80LinuxInside I did, but a long time ago and it worked well with jack16:14
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Knight80I did the real time thing to try to record music16:15
velhodaftykins, but isn't Mint based on Ubuntu? I didn't know it was not supported by Ubuntu16:15
Knight80I edited the /etc/security/limits.d/99-realtime.conf file and modified it16:16
daftykinsvelho: yes but it's still off topic here, because they have their own set of problems16:16
daftykins!mint | velho just for reference16:16
ubottuvelho just for reference: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org16:16
Knight80I actually created it, in order to make the real time thing work16:16
Knight80And now I can't watch any videos with sound, nor the tv.16:17
daftykinsKnight80: using a realtime kernel?16:17
daftykinsKnight80: if you've made changes and broken something, it's down to you to put it back :)16:17
Knight80daftykins no16:17
Knight80daftykins I didn't compile the kernel16:18
daftykinsKnight80: no i'm asking if you're using a realtime kernel from the repos16:18
LinuxInsideKnight80: So you still working eith jack?16:18
Knight80daftykins Oh, no16:18
Knight80LinuxInside Yes, I'm using jack16:18
Knight80LinuxInside Should I remove it?16:18
LinuxInsideKnight80: no stop it and try it again.16:20
LinuxInsideKnight80: stop it with qjackctl16:21
Knight80LinuxInside How can I do that?16:21
Knight80LinuxInside You mean to stop qjackctl16:21
velhodaftykins, thank you for the info :)16:22
LinuxInsideKnight80: yes with the program qjackctl16:22
Knight80LinuxInside I already did that, still doesn't work :(16:22
LinuxInsideKnight80: its a program to control jack. you can install it over apt-get16:22
LinuxInsideKnight80: does it run before?16:23
FleuvHi is there program available similar to Fruity Loops Studio, Ableton or Logic?16:23
Luyinsolves the 2-monitor-problem from above. the command was correct.16:23
Fleuv*for ubuntu.16:23
LinuxInsideFleuv: Ardour16:23
LinuxInsideFleuv: with jack16:24
LinuxInsideKnight80: does jack run before?16:24
Knight80LinuxInside It worked well until yesterday, when I created the file /etc/security/limits.d/99-realtime.conf to make it work in real time, in order to work with Ardour and MuseScore16:25
FleuvI know about that program LinuxInside tried to run it once but it didn't worked out great.16:25
LinuxInsideFleuv do you installed jack?16:26
FleuvI dont remember16:26
Knight80LinuxInside Is there any way to plug vlc viewer into jack?16:26
FleuvWhat tutorial do you recommend to use while installing Ardour on ubuntu 14.04?16:27
LinuxInsideKnight80: I don't know :(16:28
LinuxInsideFleuv: https://ardour.org/16:29
LinuxInsideFleuv: i look to another one. one moment...16:29
stoddarthi everybody16:30
cryptic0I am unable to unmount a network cifs share.  "/share is busy"16:30
LinuxInsideFleuv: https://ardour.org/building_linux.html16:30
Fleuv"Unless you are a developer with experience compiling and building applications from source, this document is not for you"16:31
LinuxInsideFleuv: sorry... but you can simply install ardour 3 over apt-get16:32
Fleuvjack as well?16:32
LinuxInsideFleuv: yes16:33
Fleuvdo you know the package name?16:33
LinuxInsideFleuv: sudo apt-get install jack qjackctl ardour316:33
FleuvThank LinuxInside16:33
timvisher-xubuntis it possible to get universal readline a la os x in ubuntu? I'm sure i'm not asking the question correctly, but i'm not sure how to improve it. :)16:33
timvisher-xubuntin os x, every text entry field implements most of readline16:34
timvisher-xubuntin xubuntu under xfce, i don't think any do?16:34
o_be_onehey guys i have a probleme with expanding a partition of and ubuntu 14.04 VM disk ...16:41
o_be_oneexpanding from 20go to 40go, setted with LVM16:42
o_be_oneso i add the 20go, i fdisk new it with 8e type16:42
o_be_oneafter that i pvresize the existant lvm with the new partition16:42
o_be_oneand where i lvresize -l 100%FREE i get something weird deleting my vg root :-16:43
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LinuxInsidehello Den16:44
Denhow are you ?16:45
LinuxInsidegood. thanks! ;D16:45
FleuvLinuxInside, this program (ardour) is causing many problems already: all sounds are muted with the program running, it won't keep playing youtube videos..16:45
Deni am did not go on  IRC since 200716:46
Denhave some new ?16:46
LinuxInsideFleuv: yes i had the same problem16:46
abhinavsay me some new about ubuntu16:46
albeit_How can I use keyboard shortcuts to place a window into a horizontal "third" (top left, top center, top right, bottom ....)? With Compiz I can do the four corners, but not thirds.16:46
FleuvWhat should I do?16:46
LinuxInsideFleuv: i must stop jack and than it work with youtube.16:47
LinuxInsidealbeit_: Systemsettings / Keyboard / Shortcuts / add a new shortcut16:48
LinuxInsidealbeit_: or so...16:48
FleuvLinuxInside: Nope still no sound.16:48
albeit_LinuxInside: I guess I'm asking more what would the underlying command/program be16:48
LinuxInsideFleuv: and jack is stopped?16:48
FleuvI even closed the program.16:49
FleuvPerhaps I should close Ardour as well16:49
LinuxInsideFleuv: wich program?16:49
LinuxInsideFleuv: you must stop jack over qjackctl! in qjackctl is a button called stop jack or so. this will stop jack really.16:50
FleuvYes I've pressed that button indeed.16:50
albeit_Is it possible to customize Compiz to place windows into a third of the screen, not just halfs?16:51
LinuxInsideFleuv: is your sound output the right in the system propertys?16:51
munchymaheshhey guys wts up16:52
munchymaheshi am new to irc chat16:52
ayushi am not able to install icedtea-netx package used for running .jnlp files.16:52
MonkeyDustalbeit_  maybe ccsm can do it16:52
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LinuxInsidehello munchymahesh16:52
ayushE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)16:52
munchymaheshhi LinuxInside16:53
ayushi get this error16:53
ayushany help?16:53
albeit_MonkeyDust: Ya? I've been trying to find out if it can but nada so far16:53
FleuvLinuxInside, nothin seems to be wrong about that16:53
munchymaheshhow can i sync my iphone with Ubuntu 14.0416:54
MonkeyDust!iphone | munchymahesh16:54
ubottumunchymahesh: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod16:54
LinuxInsideFleuv: and jack is definitifly stopped?16:54
munchymaheshis there any way of syncing ?16:54
diego_Hello.  I need help in order to set up the brightness on my screen.16:54
diego_Usually I don't change the levels, but the last time I did it went to the lowest one and I can barely see the screen.16:54
diego_The problem is that I can't turn it back on.  Please help.16:54
FleuvLinuxInside, I'm checking now within terminal. Seems to take a lot of time...16:54
LinuxInsideFleuv: ok16:55
FleuvLinuxInside, I notice that only ALSA is running.16:55
LinuxInsideFleuv: im not shure, but try to kill alsa and see ob it works.16:56
GarvHey room. What was the name of the spawn room in MUD or MUD2, something like Eagle's Den or Lion's Nest.16:56
LinuxInsideFleuv: but i dont know if alsa is the problem?!?16:57
munchymaheshdoes anyone uses and support ASP.NET here?16:57
LinuxInsidehello amerjnb!16:58
munchymaheshdoes anyone interested in ASP.net16:58
FleuvLinuxInside: I'll search on the web and fix it myself.16:59
LinuxInsideFleuv: ok16:59
munchymaheshanyone here to share me abt .net16:59
EriC^^munchymahesh: try ##windows17:00
EriC^^munchymahesh: also ##asp.net17:01
ubottumonikabelli2004: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».17:04
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daftykinsmonikabelli2004: got an ubuntu support question?17:06
BhaiSo, Anybody home?17:07
hoverboardbhai, lots of people connect from work17:08
BhaiHoverboard: I wanna install python lxml and enchant on my VPS17:09
BhaiI need help with it17:09
hoverboardI'm sure someone here can help you in due time17:09
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solexiousQ: When my ubuntu server 14.04 boots it waits for network configuration, but all my ports are static so I'm not sure why. Would like to cut it out of the boot time, any thoughts what it could be? My config file: https://gist.github.com/solexious/fa7a355153a2833b0ca817:11
BhaiHoverboard: Can you help me?17:11
hoverboardI cannot17:11
hotdog_harryHello all. Ubuntu just told me to upgrade to 14.4 then when i started the process, it "seemingly" "stalled out", but then i noticed Synaptic was trying to open.  When i entered the admin and opened it, *I am now confused as to what I should do*? Why they make dis so hard? :(17:11
hotdog_harryya'll can hear me? :(17:12
hotdog_harrydoh :(17:13
BhaiI also want answer17:13
hotdog_harryHelp me upgrade off of 13.10 to 14.4 PLEASE17:13
hotdog_harryor i will use all caps.17:13
hotdog_harryI SWEAR!17:13
hoverboardhotdog_harry, sometimes you need to be patient for good advice17:13
BhaiWhat about me?17:13
daftykins!eol | hotdog_harry read the last link17:13
ubottuhotdog_harry read the last link: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:13
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:14
PiciBhai: What exactly are you having issues with?17:14
BhaiPici: I want to install lxml and enchant on my VPS17:14
BhaiBut I cant17:14
BhaiLet me show you error17:14
PiciBhai: Okay, please pastebin it.17:15
Core__Hey, can anyone recommend a simple GUI bootable usb creator?17:15
Core__^ that can work with ISO's17:15
daftykinswhich OS, ISOs?17:16
daftykinsstartup disk creator would do17:16
BhaiPici: lxml error: http://pastebin.com/bVQXZXyi17:17
Bhairoot@BhaiHost:~# pip install pyenchant Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): pyenchant in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages Cleaning up... Its installed but my python IRC bot can load it :/17:17
Core__daftykins, I am running ubuntu 41.04. Sorry I didn't explain that very well. I want to take an Linux distro's ISO and create a bootable USB from it.17:18
genii41.04, heh17:18
daftykinsCore__: is from the future17:19
Core__oh my days, long day at work... 14.0417:19
hotdog_harry***is there no simple freaking way to upgrade Ubuntu? This is assinine***17:19
PiciBhai: Firstly, there is an packaged Ubuntu version of python-lxml in the repositories that you can install. If you really prefer a more current version installed from pip, you'll need to also install the build-essential package and likely python-dev as well.17:19
daftykinshotdog_harry: carry on that attitude and nobody will WANT to help.17:19
hotdog_harryhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades is genius level junk ... i just want to hit a couple of buttons and move on with my life.17:19
PiciBhai: Is your bot running in a virtualenv?17:19
Core__hotdog_harry, what is your problem?17:19
geniihotdog_harry: Should probably upgrade your Ubuntu next time before it hits End Of Life then17:20
Core__use the LTS versions, they have a much longer support cycle17:20
Core__@ hotdog_harry17:20
dfdsfAnyone else getting hash mismatch on http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty-security/main/i18n/Translation-en ?17:21
dfdsfjust resolved itself17:22
hotdog_harrySo assuming I hit the "upgrade to 14.4" button that Ubuntu just shoved in my face, and then after about 90 seconds it just went to Synaptic ... ***what should i do***? Inside of synaptic or otherwise.17:22
hotdog_harryOr no-one here has any idea how to upgrade?17:22
MonkeyDusthotdog_harry  thank you for calling us geniuses. I guess fresh install would be fastest/easiest/cleanest17:22
Core__hotdog_harry, which version are you running currently?17:22
BhaiNo, Pici, Its not running on virtualenv17:27
Bhaioh wait, its running ><17:27
PiciBhai: Then you need to activate the virtualenv first and then install the packages inside of there.  #python might be able to help you further if you are stuck.17:29
BhaiThanks Pici!17:30
Nahitaanyone know how I can fix this: chcon: can't apply partial context to unlabeled file17:37
daftykinsNahita: you might want to share what you're actually running17:38
azizLIGHTso my entire desktop crashed and killed all my programs without warning. computer didnt reboot or anything. it just started me back on the login manager. how can i tell what happened and prevent it from happening again?17:39
azizLIGHTcause that was lame as hell17:39
EriC^^azizLIGHT: /var/log/syslog17:39
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azizLIGHTEriC^^: anything i should look for specifically? theres a loit of stuff17:40
daftykinsazizLIGHT: how about from the time it happened?17:42
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azizLIGHTsage: Nov 18 18:53:14 fractal gnome-session[2499]: message repeated 2 times: [ GLib-CRITICAL: g_environ_setenv: assertion 'value != NULL' failed]17:44
azizLIGHTthen it says Nov 24 12:36:12 fractal gnome-session[2499]: Gdk-WARNING: gnome-session: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :0.#01217:44
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azizLIGHTfatal io error17:45
daftykinsazizLIGHT: pastebin the relevant section, we don't want to be spammed.17:45
azizLIGHTalso got this Nov 24 12:36:13 fractal kernel: [496574.972125] npviewer.bin[13177]: segfault at f1885de4 ip 00000000f59fdfff sp 00000000ebdff0c0 error 4 in libflashplayer.so[f5439000+1021000]17:46
daftykinsazizLIGHT: please don't paste anymore17:46
daftykins!paste | azizLIGHT17:47
ubottuazizLIGHT: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:47
MonkeyDustazizLIGHT  start from the beginning, what ubuntu version etc17:49
Nahitadaftykins: of course17:50
azizLIGHTi got a pastebin: http://pastebin.com/S0YQEth017:50
Nahitachcon -u system_u -t system_conf_t /etc/sysconfig/myiptables-*17:50
azizLIGHTright, its ubuntu 14.04 with msi gtx 770 using xorgedgers ppa for nvidia binary driver17:51
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gabriel_hello, I would like to ask you something related to dnsmasq17:51
EriC^^azizLIGHT: flash crashes a lot17:52
MonkeyDustazizLIGHT  that ppa, where did you get it?17:52
daftykins!ask | gabriel_17:52
ubottugabriel_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:52
gabriel_I want to redirect a website to a local address. I added "address=google.com" to /etc/dnsmasq.conf but it doesn't work17:52
azizLIGHTi went on google maps and went into sstreet view which i know uses flash. this was on firefox. then it started acting all laggy and then my screen went black17:52
gabriel_the second one17:53
EriC^^gabriel_: phish much?17:53
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gabriel_Eric, just for academic intentions17:54
daftykinsgabriel_: what's wrong with the hosts file?17:54
ceed^Is it really not possible to move windows controls from left to right in 14.10? I asked on the forums and was told no, but I thought I would ask here also in case there's a way.17:55
gabriel_In hosts I need to put an entire site and special cases for subdomains17:55
gabriel_I need to include subdomains: *.site.com17:55
azizLIGHTEriC^^: sure flash crashes a lot. but why would X die17:55
gabriel_It's just for blocking sites17:55
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EriC^^isn't iptables useful for that kind of stuff17:57
EriC^^( i could be way off here )17:57
daftykinsgabriel_: still puzzled as to why that's still a problem for the hosts file17:57
MonkeyDustgabriel_  in /etc/hosts, redirect restricted sites to
gabriel_daftykins, because in hosts I can't use wildcards17:58
azizLIGHTyou need ip address ranges for iptables afaik17:59
azizLIGHTi set google to go through my tethered phone 4g, which was cool17:59
gabriel_in dnsmasq is possible to redirect sites, but I can't make it work17:59
azizLIGHTi had to lookup from bgp the ipaddress range for google/youtube to do that18:00
MonkeyDustgabriel_  is this useful http://www.shallalist.de/18:00
gabriel_for example: "address=/misitetoblock.com/
azizLIGHTwhys update-manager go not responmding when i try to read the technical descriptions. each new package i click on to read tech description about, the dialog box goes darkto indicate its not responding.18:03
azizLIGHTits not like i have a slow computer18:03
azizLIGHThm it seems like, the bigger the package, the longer the 'not responding' time18:05
gabrielI fixed the problem with dnsmasq18:07
gabrielFor who wants to block sites, first you need to install dnsmasq, then disable NetworkManager to use dnsmasq (comment it on /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf) and finally you need to add "address=/yousitetoblock.com/"  to /etc/dnsmasq.conf18:09
ubottupupo: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:09
daftykinspupo: do you have an Ubuntu support question? bear in mind there's also #ubuntu-it18:10
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tirengarfioim getting constantly crashes of apps on ubuntu 14.04, any idea?18:15
EriC^^tirengarfio: which apps18:15
rambler2what is the sleekest DE available on linux18:15
tirengarfioall, thunderbird, firefox, xchat, virtualbox machines, whatever..18:16
tirengarfioI tried today remove one of the ram modules, but the problem persists18:16
s00pcanrambler2: not having a DE is pretty slick18:16
tirengarfioI also reinstall ubuntu, but the problem persists, what else can I do?18:16
Bashing-omtirengarfio: 'fsck' checks on the un-mounted file system are good ?18:17
tirengarfiothe system also get frozen sometimes18:17
EriC^^tirengarfio: did you md5sum the iso?18:17
tirengarfioBashing-om, should I run fsck?18:17
tirengarfioEriC^^, what is that?18:17
EriC^^open a terminal and type md5sum /path/to/iso18:18
fallkon_Есть русско говорящие?18:18
tirengarfioim not an expert user18:18
EriC^^!ru | fallkon_18:18
ubottufallkon_: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.18:18
l0rdn1xtirengarfio, did you check the md5 sum of the ISO you downloaded? It seems to me you have some corruption issues.18:18
Bashing-omtirengarfio: Think EriC^^ has the better approach at this time ; see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM .18:19
tirengarfiowell, i dont have the iso of the ubuntu version I downloaded :)18:19
tirengarfioit was some months ago18:19
EriC^^tirengarfio: do you still have it on the usb?18:19
l0rdn1xtirengarfio, I would suggest re-downloading and making sure you check the md5 sum18:19
l0rdn1xtirengarfio, I've had something similar happen to me before from a corrupted ISO on a different machine.18:20
l0rdn1xtirengarfio, everything looked fine but it wasn't18:20
l0rdn1xI checked the md5sum and it was dead wrong18:20
l0rdn1xI was like what was I thinking lol18:20
tirengarfiobut after redownloading, any way to reinstall without losing my installed apps? or it is better to reinstall from zero?18:21
tirengarfioreinstall ubuntu I mean18:21
l0rdn1xtirengarfio, reinstall, but save any personal files you have gathered18:22
diego_Hello Ubuntuers. I am looking for help to fix the brightness on my computer screen.18:22
diego_Unfortunately, the usual keyboard and panel controlers don't work. So I wonder if someone knows how to get around that.18:22
tirengarfiol0rdn1x, ok18:22
EriC^^tirengarfio: you can make a list of the installed apps, and have them installed when you reinstall, and backup your home dir18:22
l0rdn1xtirengarfio, after you download the new ISO,  open a terminal and type md5sum /your/path/to/file.iso18:22
daftykinsdiego_: typicalling searching for ubuntu + your laptop model would be good for backlight tips18:23
rypervenchetirengarfio: If you backup your /home (and probably a good idea to backup /etc as well), you can restore it once you have reinstalled.18:23
tirengarfiook, thanks for you help!18:23
EriC^^tirengarfio: comm -23 <(apt-mark showmanual | sort -u) <(gzip -dc /var/log/installer/initial-status.gz | sed -n 's/^Package: //p' | sort -u) > /path/to/save/list18:24
EriC^^tirengarfio: open a terminal and type that, replace the last /path/to/save/list with whatever you want18:24
EriC^^it's the list of the installed apps that aren't default18:24
l0rdn1xyes that will come in handy when you go to reinstall all your packages18:25
diego_daftykins: thanks for pointing in the right direction.18:25
teclado_hello, I need some help with connecting to a ssh server using public keys. Do you know the right channel where I can ask my question, or this is the right one?18:27
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yeatsteclado: are you using ubuntu?18:27
tecladoyes at the client side and the server one18:28
yeatsteclado: then yes, ask away18:28
tecladoI've done an ssh-keygen and uploaded the id_rssa.pub to the server under the name of authorized_keys18:28
tecladoI've done it two times18:28
tecladothe first It worked fine18:28
tecladobut then I had to erase the files to do it again and take some pictures for a class work18:29
tecladoand the second one doesn't work!18:29
yeatsteclado: first of all, the easiest way to do that is with 'ssh-copy-id user@server'18:29
tecladoI've tried that too, but it's the same18:30
yeatsteclado: second, have you verified that the authorized_keys file is located in /home/<user>/.ssh ?18:30
rypervencheteclado: You may not have the correct permissions on the file. (~/.ssh needs to be 700 and ~/.ssh/authorized_keys needs to be 600). Also, can you try to ssh to the server using the -v option?18:30
rypervencheteclado: And provide us with a pastebin of the output please.18:31
_AKP_den katalava18:32
daftykins!gr | _AKP_18:32
ubottu_AKP_: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes18:32
tecladorypervenche, the pastebin is at http://pastebin.com/h6dW9Lsn18:35
lexflexhi ubuntu18:36
rypervencheteclado: On the server side, please provide us with a pastebin of the following command: namei -om ~/.ssh/authorized_keys18:36
lexflexany way on getting a sane alt-tab behavior on 14.04 LTS??18:37
lexflexand by sane i mean without the annoying grouping18:37
tecladothe ouput of that command is: f: .ssh/authorized_keys \n drwx------ git git .ssh \n -rw------- git git authorized_keys18:38
solsTiCelexflex: try http://www.randomhacks.co.uk/how-change-ubuntu-unity-window-switcher-back-to-old-style/18:38
tecladorypervenche, the ouput of that command is: f: .ssh/authorized_keys \n drwx------ git git .ssh \n -rw------- git git authorized_keys18:40
yeats_AKP_: got a support question?18:41
rypervencheteclado: That's still not the entire information provided by that command. Can you please paste the exact output in a pastebin please?18:42
_AKP_i love u guys18:42
tirengarfioEriC^^, after md5sum I get 119cb63b48c9a18f31f417f09655efbd  ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso18:42
tirengarfiowhat should I do now?18:43
tecladorypervenche, I have no graphics in the server, the ouput of that command is: f: /opt/git/.ssh/authorized_keys \n drwr-xr-x root root / \n dwrr-xr-x root root opt \n drwxrwxrwx git git git \n drwx------ git git .ssh \n -rw------- git git authorized_keys18:44
lexflexhi ubuntu (again)18:45
solsTiCeteclado: you can install pastebinit to paste from the cli18:45
lexflexany way on getting a sane alt-tab behavior on 14.04 LTS??18:45
lexflexand by sane i mean without the annoying grouping18:45
lexflex(sry for repost, my machine crashed)18:45
yeatslexflex: 13:38 < solsTiCe> lexflex: try http://www.randomhacks.co.uk/how-change-ubuntu-unity-window-switcher-back-to-old-style/18:45
rypervencheteclado: Ok, can you verify that your keys in your authorized_keys file are all on one line?18:46
l0rdn1xtirengarfio, yes?18:47
l0rdn1xok I want you to compare that with the sum from the ubuntu website18:47
tecladoyes, they are, rypervenche, there is only one key and it occupies one line18:47
AlexPortableMy ubuntu install sometimes freezes, what can be the issue?18:47
rypervencheteclado: And actually, it lookas as though you typed those out by hand. Let's just be sure that things are set correctly and run "namei -om ~/.ssh/authorized_keys | pastebinit"18:47
tirengarfiol0rdn1x, where on the ubuntu site?18:48
l0rdn1xtirengarfio, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes18:48
lexflexyeats: oh yeah!!18:49
tirengarfiol0rdn1x, yes, it is the same18:49
l0rdn1xtirengarfio, now you can put that ISO to a CD and do a complete new reinstall18:49
tirengarfiol0rdn1x, ok thanks18:49
yeatslexflex: credit goes to solsTiCe - I was about to tell you that Unity is kind of take it or leave it ;-)18:50
lexflexyeats: i don't dislike unity otherwise, but why they would group alt-tab in this way is beyond me18:51
Bashing-omtirengarfio: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto .18:51
lexflexwho even comes up with this and thinks it's a good idea after five minutes of trying?18:51
ralph4100hey guys. I'm trying to configure a dual boot alongside windows 8.1 on a lenovo y500 laptop with efi. One thing I am confused about from the docs: it says use the current efi partition for booting. in the install menu, there is a drop down for bootable device- I should set that to the windows 8.1. loader?18:53
EriC^^ralph4100: no, set that to the disk, /dev/sd?18:54
solsTiCeralph4100: whcih doc is it ?18:54
EriC^^lexflex: alt+tab to the menu then use alt+~ to open the group and select whatever18:55
EriC^^lexflex: not sure how practical it would be i dont really use alt tab that often on ubuntu18:56
EriC^^seems pretty doable though18:56
ralph4100EriC: so bootable device (if I remember the exact term right) is the partition where Ubuntu will reside? and not the efi partition?18:56
tecladobueno chao, thanks for trying18:56
Steve_JobsI'm logging in through ssh to one of my machines and I get 12 packages can be updated, 7 are security updates18:56
Steve_Jobswhen I do an apt-get upgrade && apt-get update, it says nothing to upgrade18:57
EriC^^Steve_Jobs: you have them in reverse, it's update then upgrade18:57
bubbasauresSteve_Jobs, dist-upgrade18:57
owen1how to listen to the release of the 'End' key in a bash script?18:58
lexflexEriC^^, ahhhhhh18:59
lexflexEriC^^,  that makes more sense18:59
ralph4100ok - 2nd question: the first time I ran ubuntu installer, I could not establish a new partition unless it was for the device itself, which would erase everything. I since went back to windows and shrank my main volume. I can set a new partiion there for ubuntu - or should I go back in installer. I noticed only ntfs and exfat avail in windows partitioner18:59
bubbasauresralph4100, You can't make a linux partition in windows you just need the unallocated space for the installer.19:00
ralph4100bubbasaueres: by unallocated to you mean not partitioned, or just free space in a partition?19:01
Bashing-omralph4100: ^^ I suggest you show us a screen shot of what GParted is from the liveDVD . Then we know what we are working with, toward.19:01
bubbasauresralph4100, Free space, we call it unallocated.19:02
bubbasauresI would 2nd Bashing-om19:02
ralph4100bubbasaures: I have plenty of free space on the drive ... but 'create new partition' button or whatever exact phrasing was was greyed out unless it was for the "device itself"19:02
geirhaowen1: Will need more context. Bash has no access to any keyboard19:03
ZerOlegendi am having trouble building xvoice and i do not know a whole lot about the error running configure that i am getting checking build system type... Invalid configuration `x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu'19:03
ralph4100ie /dev/sd19:03
bubbasauresralph4100, Free space here means nothing there not in a partition.19:03
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Bashing-omralph4100: IF we are dealing with MBR partitioning - there is a 4 primary partition limit, many times the Windows install uses all 4 partitions. We nned to look at what GParted shows for partitioning.19:04
bubbasauresBashing-om, He mentioned a oem efi W8, mmmm so fun.19:05
Bashing-ombubbasaures: OK, yeah .. new things to learn with UEFI .. better is better, but oh that learning process !19:07
Steve_Jobsbubbasaures: so I have the server on 14.04.119:07
Steve_Jobsand that will always tell me about the updates because 14.10 is out?19:08
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Steve_Jobsis there a way to say I only want to update to LTS?19:08
bubbasauresSteve_Jobs, Yeah run sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  server desktop it does not matter19:08
lexflexyeats, EriC^^ : I've added both your approaches to a stackoverflow question i found about it: askubuntu.com/questions/543148/sane-alt-tab-behaviour-in-ubuntu-14-04-1-unity/19:08
dbuggerHey guys. Is there anyway to access my Ubuntu with RDP from work? Im not sure I know a RDP server tutorial19:08
bubbasauresYou're at a LTS Steve_Jobs19:09
lexflexpardon me, i meant askubuntu question ;)19:09
quadHelixHello all, I am trying to set up apache2 on ubuntu 14.04LTS.  This is a new server with plesk installed.  When I navigate to my domain I am being served a 'plesk' page as the We19:10
bubbasauresSteve_Jobs, The dist-upgrade is part of the in the release security and kernel upgrades.19:10
Bashing-omSteve_Jobs: ' /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades ' make sure " Prompt=lts " is what is set, to only see LTS release upgrades ( if that is your concern) .19:10
lexflexi thought Steve_Jobs was dead, turns out he just switched to #Ubuntu! :D19:11
ib4I have installed bootstrap successfully in Ubuntu.....but css and JavaScript are still not recognizing in my web directory. help :(19:11
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ib4lol lexflex19:12
ib4im an ubuntu noob as well as a cmd line noob...be gentle19:12
quadHelixapologies, didnt mean to press enter.  My 'default' web page is being served from /var/www/vhosts/default/htdocs.  If my new domain is to be job.eps.info do I create that directory in vhosts?19:12
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Guest41745hi to all19:14
lexflexhi to Guest4174519:15
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MarioZZsomebody can help me with my ubuntu19:15
Bashing-om!ask | MarioZZ19:16
ubottuMarioZZ: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:16
ib4Ubuntu > bootstrap > help. Anyone available for that - > I have successfully installed grunt/bootstrap/etc. However, it is still not recognizing web script. Did I not complete the configuration or was there a move I missed that i may not know about at my experience level?19:16
ib4let me retract the "anyone available for that" part now that i read the guidelines....19:16
StratGuys, how do I determine which group a specific program i sin??19:17
Stratis in*19:17
Strat(iḿ a very noob regarding usergroups and all in linux)19:17
MarioZZso problem is that when i need to write something in some of window or browser search box i have a litle 2.3 sec freeze19:19
Bashing-omStrat: Please rephrase the question, I do not follow your logic.19:19
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Steve_JobsBashing-om: I have that set in the file to LTS19:23
MarioZZok so i see this problem appear when specially when i want to write19:24
MarioZZif somebody know what problem is this please write to me19:25
gebgevtype in google "frequency of the sun"19:25
yeats!details | MarioZZ19:25
ubottuMarioZZ: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)19:25
yeats!ot | gebgev19:25
ubottugebgev: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:25
gebgevyeats: OK19:26
ralph4100hey - just installed but got a fatal error when it was trying to install boot loader ... I ended up choosing manual install19:27
ralph4100I think the problem I had was that in order to get my laptop to boot from usb19:28
Steve_Jobsso I have my relaese-upgrades set to LTS and still get 12 packages can be update when I log in. When I try to update and upgrade, I get nothing updated and it says that 6 packages have been "kept back"19:28
ralph4100I disabled uefi19:28
Steve_Jobsany clues?19:28
ralph4100and put to legacy mode19:28
MarioZZyeats like i say i do nothing i just few hour ago installed Ubuntu everything is ok but is not normal with freeze19:28
ralph4100do you know of any guides to manually install boot loader?19:28
ralph4100I'm now in ubuntu live mode19:28
ralph4100but I think it's been installed (w/out boot loader) on my hard drive19:29
Seven_Six_TwoI'm on a pc with a bd drive that doesn't have an eject button. How do I eject it? I'm in unity right now.19:30
StratGuys upon connecting an android device (Galaxy S3, android 4.3) on ubuntu 14.04, i get the error "Unable to access "SAMSUNG Android". Unable to open MTP Device '[usb:003,042]'" (it is connected as a media device). And then another error "Couldnt find matching udev device". Please help19:30
MarioZZyeats, every time when  i type in some box like browser or enter password or like now i type i get a freeze from 3 to 7 second19:31
MarioZZubottu, every time when  i type in some box like browser or enter password or like now i type i get a freeze from 3 to 7 second19:31
ubottuMarioZZ: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:31
bubbasauresralph4100, Not sure what you have done is correct, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI19:31
xcyclistHow do I change u1 to be not administrator, and u2 to be administrator, from the command line?19:32
xcyclistIn the olden days I'd just edit /etc/group file.19:33
ralph4100here is a pastebin of my fdisk -l http://pastebin.com/jXkGA5RU19:33
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daftykinsxcyclist: add u2 to the group "admin" and remove u1 from the group admin19:33
daftykinsxcyclist: may want to test between those actions though ;)19:33
Bashing-omSteve_Jobs: " 6 packages have been "kept back"" generally -> sudo apt-get dist-upgrade <- ( as regualar apt-get upgrade will not install new packages ) .19:33
xcyclistThere is no group admin.  There is a group adm19:34
xcyclistI am looking at /etc/groups in a 14.04 install.19:34
ralph4100is there any way to now go back and setup efi bootloader for my bootloader-less ubuntu install?19:36
ralph4100that you guys know of?19:36
ralph4100also - just a basic question: is GRUB compatible with EFI? are they two different things? do I need GRUB and EFI, or just one?19:37
ralph4100don't understand the basics19:37
owen1geirha: regarding listening to the release of the 'End' key. googling for this gave me someone that did this: xinput --query-state 5 | grep -Flq 'button[9]=up'     i am trying to understand what is the replacement of button[5] for the 'end' key.19:37
owen1geirha: it was actualy inside while loop.19:37
daftykinsxcyclist: so you understand the principle?19:37
daftykinsconfirming groups now19:37
bubbasauresralph4100, efi is the windows bios, you have a gpt partition table. You want a efi install of ubuntu, the legacy is for removed windows and the gpt table still present.19:38
daftykinshmm maybe it changed to sudo - can anyone confirm?19:38
daftykinsbubbasaures: sorry but 'windows BIOS' is wholly inaccurate19:38
daftykinsEFI != Windows at all19:38
bubbasauresdaftykins, Did not give details enough to really read into it, just general info.19:39
daftykinsmmm to the layman that's pretty misleading though19:39
EriC^^ralph4100: hello19:40
bubbasauresdaftykins, Your welcome to give a detailed description to a user that just did a legacy install on a oem, and is lost.19:40
ralph4100bubbasaures: I'm here19:40
ralph4100I'm trying to understand what you guys are writing19:40
ralph4100but it's not making a lot of sense in terms of my next steps19:40
EriC^^ralph4100: first off, grub is a boot loader19:40
EriC^^ralph4100: efi is a way to boot grub or whatever else19:40
ralph4100ok, so EFI comes before a bootloader19:41
ralph4100it chooses the boot loader19:41
EriC^^ralph4100: you can reinstall grub to the disk after you install ubuntu if you want19:41
ralph4100so where do I install grub to? its own partition?19:42
EriC^^ralph4100: yeah, efi searches for a .efi file, grubx64.efi or shimx64.efi ( in case secure boot is enabled )19:42
EriC^^ralph4100: grub is installed to the disk19:42
ralph4100grub is installed to the ubuntu partition? or outside of any of the partitions?19:43
xcyclistI think usermod is the proper command for that, unless one just edits /etc/group.  Thing is, I've done the latter and found it had no effect in some modern linices.  I always thought that was strange.19:43
EriC^^ralph4100: outside of any partitions19:43
daftykinsralph4100: have you been shown the EFI page?19:43
ralph4100I have read the EFI page several times - but does not include instructions for what to do when there is a fatal error installing grub and you pick no bootloader19:43
daftykinsralph4100: which mode did you boot in?19:44
ralph4100during install I booted in legacy mode in order to boot from usb19:44
ralph4100to boot to windows I would have had to switch to efi19:44
ralph4100in the bios19:44
daftykinsralph4100: ok, legacy doesn't mean boot from USB though - USB can be booted from both EFI and legacy modes19:44
daftykinsralph4100: so are you replacing a Windows 8 completely, or?19:45
ralph4100ok - I'm sure that's true, but what happened with me was in efi I could not figure out how to boot to usb and in legacy it would automatically boot from usb19:45
ralph4100is what I need to install ubuntu having booted with efi - so it will know it's efi?19:45
EriC^^ralph4100: grub is installed outside of the partitions usually, unless in the case of using gpt partition table and legacy, a bios-boot partition is used19:46
daftykinsyou need to answer my questions first19:46
daftykinsralph4100: so are you replacing a Windows 8 completely, or?19:46
daftykinsis ubuntu to be the only OS?19:46
ralph4100no - dual boot19:46
daftykinsright, you can't mix boot modes then19:46
EriC^^ralph4100: if you installed ubuntu in legacy mode, and you have win8 and efi19:46
ralph4100and there's like a bunch of one key recovery partitions that came w/ laptop19:46
EriC^^it won't work19:46
daftykinsralph4100: boot a live session, chroot your install then follow the EFI page on how to convert your install19:46
daftykins(from legacy -> EFI)19:46
daftykinsor nuke it and start again19:47
ralph4100daftykins - ok I can follow that except how to chroot to my install?19:47
Okitaindaftykins: doesn't EFI allow for an additional MBR partition?19:47
Okitaindaftykins: like, hybrid or something?19:47
daftykinser, well boot from a live session, come back here via webchat and follow the guide page, ralph410019:47
daftykinsOkitain: typically EFI would be on GPT, so i don't know what you mean by bringing up MBR19:48
ralph4100I'm using live session right now -19:48
daftykinsok lets check out what that page has19:48
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI19:48
EriC^^ralph4100: ok19:48
ralph4100http://pastebin.com/jXkGA5RU - fdisk -l19:48
EriC^^ralph4100: sudo apt-get install pastebinit19:48
EriC^^ralph4100: sudo parted -l19:48
Okitaindaftykins: I meant a GPT/MBR hybrid thing. It's apparently possible.19:49
daftykinsugh a typical heavily messy windows 8 disk19:49
daftykinsOkitain: totally irrelevant to complicate this conversation19:49
EriC^^Okitain: if you have efi and gpt, you can use a bios boot bla bla bla19:49
EriC^^( to boot on a legacy machine )19:50
daftykinsralph4100: have you been able to use a boot menu to boot ubuntu at all?19:50
daftykinsralph4100: what brand of system is this?19:50
ralph4100daftykins: lenovo y50019:50
ranger81What should I do for guest from host 1 to reach a guest in host 2 . I am using ubuntu 14.10 as host and guest.19:50
ralph4100I did sudo parted -l and got this http://pastebin.com/EQnfCVzg it's now hanging19:50
daftykinsralph4100: hrmm, so typically you can hit escape at boot and get a boot menu19:50
daftykinsah no a Sandisk U100 :(19:50
ralph4100daftykins: ok the rest came through http://pastebin.com/9pHRSBZQ ignore q and ctrl c19:51
daftykinsugh whoever wrote parted to write them out of order, how tedious19:52
daftykinsralph4100: sooo, can you get a boot menu on that Lenovo? :)19:52
ralph4100daftykins: there is a 'one key recovery' button that brings up bios/boot menu options19:53
ralph4100that I was using to go back and forth between uefi and legacy19:53
daftykinsyeah sounds like a model i've setup before19:53
ralph4100however - while in efi so far I have been unable to get it to boot from usb19:53
daftykinsralph4100: so you *can* boot the local install of ubuntu?19:53
ralph4100but I might not have been doing it right19:53
solsTiCedaftykins: there are not sorted that's all. parted shows them in the order they are on disk19:54
ralph4100no - the only thing I could get up was the live install19:54
daftykinssolsTiCe: i know.19:54
ralph4100I haven't tried to do windows again19:54
daftykinsralph4100: ok you need to focus on getting that EFI'd flash drive boot working i would say. be sure to pick a USB 2.0 port if your system has mixed ports and try going into setup and looking at the boot screen19:55
ralph4100seems like maybe the simplest course here is to nuke the ubuntu partition, figure out how to boot from usb in efi and start over19:55
daftykinsyip i agree19:55
ralph4100ok - will try that. thanks much for your help in the meantime, I may be back soon19:56
crypto_guyi can encrypt all my partitions without reinstalling the os?20:00
rypervenchecrypto_guy: You will need to reinstall to be able to do that.20:03
anjo-aladiahMy Swap dont work on an hard disk with Documents folder Encrypted, so i cant hibenate. Do you think this could be the solution ? http://askubuntu.com/questions/462739/14-04-with-fde-and-swap-is-missing     http://paste.ubuntu.com/9219733/20:03
fribcan I run a bash script using start-stop-daemon?20:04
anjo-aladiahLubuntu 14.1020:05
VogoneFor some reason the utf-8 icons don't show up correctly on some webpages for me (e. g. github or phabricator); see also http://i.imgur.com/LmT6Pjp.png20:07
VogoneI'm on Ubuntu 14.0420:07
Vogoneanyone an idea how to fix this?20:07
MarkyCStrat: I would try using mtpfs first20:07
MarkyCVogone: Firefox? Try View > Character Encoding > Unicode20:08
VogoneMarkyC: the issue seems browser-independent (also on Chromium, Konqueror etc)20:09
anjo-aladiahWhen i do sudo mkswap /dev/mapper/mint--vg-swap_1   , it give me directory or file inexistence. Why ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/9219815/    I trying this solution http://askubuntu.com/questions/462739/14-04-with-fde-and-swap-is-missing20:09
GuyThatNeedsHelphello i have installed xfce4 and everything works i used the default config but when i minimize applications i cant get them back20:10
GuyThatNeedsHelpits like theyre hidden20:10
MarkyCVogone: Sometimes that happens to me (Win8) when the character encoding is wrong, I'm just trying to rule out that possibility20:11
anjo-aladiahWait, my entry for lubuntu 14.10 should be /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-swap_1. YMMV.   instead sudo mkswap /dev/mapper/mint--vg-swap_1 ??20:11
VogoneI understand, but Unicode is indeed set :) (now also checked it)20:11
StratMarkyC, I installed mtpfs20:11
StratIt seems to work now (I had installed it in the past but to no luck, unfortunately)20:12
Eburitusdoes ubuntu installer boot system by default in verbose mode?20:12
StratI hope itll keep working20:12
Bashing-omGuyThatNeedsHelp: When the application is minimized, you do not see the tab in the task bar ( my install the task bar is at default top od screen)?20:12
Stratthank you for all ur help MarkyC20:12
MarkyCStrat: cheers. Hopefully it doesn't break itself20:13
Bashing-omEburitus: No, one has to add the boot parameter "text" to the kernel boot line; iirc.20:14
MarkyCVogone: Can you verify that the font file is downloading?20:14
k1lEburitus: what is the issue behind that question?20:14
GuyThatNeedsHelpBashing-om: i dont see any tabs20:14
Eburitusk1l: future debugging. i was just wondering that do i need to create on boot disk with that ability.20:15
MarkyCVogone: could be: https://assets-cdn.github.com/assets/octicons/octicons/octicons-192e5fbb927be7cdb8bdfa0ecb98d3574bd395e58f9d00e5dcdfce5bc9660ac0.woff but I'm not sure if that random string is their cache-busting mechanism20:15
crypto_guyrypervenche: what about https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FolderEncryption  ?20:15
GuyThatNeedsHelpBashing-om: all i see is on the top left application menu and on the right i see icons but its not the application im looking for20:15
anjo-aladiahHow to make this entry work for lubuntu 14.10 ?    sudo mkswap /dev/mapper/mint--vg-swap_120:16
rypervenchecrypto_guy: That is not encrypting all of your partitions. I personally don't use that type of encryption. I have seen far too many people have issues with it. I use LUKS myself.20:16
MarkyCVogone: (but I don't know how to do that, because it appears Fx doesn't show you downloaded fonts in the network tab :(  )20:17
anjo-aladiahhow to make this entry work for lubuntu 14.10 sudo mkswap /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-swap_1. YMMV.20:17
GuyThatNeedsHelplike an example if i minimize terminal i cant find it20:17
GuyThatNeedsHelpusing xfce420:18
Bashing-omGuyThatNeedsHelp: Should appear to the left. I do not know the why of it not. Maybe; reset your desktop configration »xfconf-query -c xfce4-desktop -p / -r -R« WARNING: this will reset all settings of xfdesktop. be warned .20:18
k1lGuyThatNeedsHelp: did you remove the task bar from the panel?20:18
__radi've just setup a on old laptop (Running xubuntu) and have another four to go. Since three are the same models, is there any way to back to a usb stick? I've downloaded acronis on my windows pc and was going to make a bootable usb stick, but wondered if there was a quicker way to do it within linux?20:19
k1lwll, there should be a starter bar at the bottom on xfce, right?20:19
GuyThatNeedsHelpk1l facepalm i did20:19
Vogone<MarkyC>Vogone: Can you verify that the font file is downloading? <- probably a dumb question, but which font file?20:19
GuyThatNeedsHelpthanks for the help20:20
__radi should say, i would like a full backup if poss (os plus all the software i've setup)20:20
rypervenche__rad: Same hard drives as well?20:22
__radhmm, not too sure about hard drive sizes in them all20:22
__radsame model numbers20:22
__radlaptop model number that is20:22
rypervenche__rad: If those were the same you could just make an image of the disk and then copy the image to the other disks and then it should work.20:23
soroushI try to download realtime kernel here https://launchpad.net/~abogani/+archive/ubuntu/realtime/+index but it telles me I'm not allowed! How can I download hard realtime kernel?20:23
__radyeah i have a commerical version of acronis in work...but im off for 9 days and didnt take it with me20:23
Eburitusk1l: no issue at a moment but i like verbose mode in debugging some problems with hardware in future.20:24
anjo-aladiahhow to make this entry work for lubuntu 14.10 sudo mkswap /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-swap_1. YMMV.20:24
__radinstalled the free trial on my windows pc hoping to make a bootable usb stick then use that to boot the first laptop, make an image to yet another usb stick and use them to rebuild the rest20:24
__radbut i thought there might be a fancy/easy way to do this in linxu without all the fuss20:24
rypervenche__rad: Yeah, you don't need commercial software to do this. You can move all of the data over, but you would need to make some tweaks to each system to get them to boot properly. If the disks are the same size or larger, you can just copy the image over.20:26
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__radrypervenche cool, linux has thought of everything haha. can you point in the right direction...new to this so even just what im searching for20:27
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zteam_Hi all!20:30
rypervenche__rad: http://askubuntu.com/questions/491082/steps-to-create-dd-image-file-from-usb-and-restore-image-to-a-different-usb20:30
lovethecodezteam: welcome!20:30
Bashing-omEburitus: Maybe, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelBoot will give you some direction.20:30
rypervenche__rad: Same idea, but you'll want to do the creation of the image from a live CD onto either the other machine's HDDs directly or onto another disk that you then use to copy over.20:31
zteam_Is there any easy way to remove all symbolic links in a directory, I had got some weird symbolic links in my trash folder, and naultius is crashing for me once I try to view that folder20:31
rypervenche__rad: Actually, this one looks nicer: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/19446/make-a-drive-image-using-an-ubuntu-live-cd/20:31
rypervenche__rad: I would also recommend adding "bs=4M" to speed up the writing.20:31
__radrypervenche: awesome, that looks ideal :)20:32
__radlearn something new and its free to do it20:32
__radthanks very much20:32
EburitusBashing-om: ty.20:32
zteamany advice guys?20:32
rypervenche__rad: No problem. Just be careful to choose the correct drives when you're doing it. You can use "sudo blkid" to get an idea or "dmesg" to find which drive was just plugged in.20:32
ZadYree_Question: I would like to see the source of the latest malloc() implementation on Ubuntu distro. Where can I get this?20:33
rypervenchezteam: You can use the find command to find all symbolic links. One second.20:33
__radafter a quick glance, it looks quite quick...i will add that to my notepad :)20:33
_ahgI am running ubuntu 14.04, and would like to know 1) the name of the volume widget in the systray and 2) how to find out the name of a widget in my systray20:35
_ahgI have installed i3, and am able to execute "nm-applet" to get the handy wifi control in my i3status bar, but I don't know what executable to invoke to get the volume control (or battery indicator, or keyboard layout indicator...)20:36
EriC^^_ahg: you mean you want the name of the binary of the indicator?20:36
_ahgEriC^^ yes, exactly20:36
_ahgEriC^^ and how to figure out the name, so I don't have to ask here the next time I want to add one to my i3status20:37
linelevel1Hi, I have a server that said (upon `sudo apt-get upgrade`) "The following packages have been kept back: linux-headers-generic linux-headers-virtual linux-image-virtual linux-virtual" ... so I did a `sudo apt-get install <those package names>` -- was that a bad idea? Do I need to fix something before rebooting this server?20:37
netnomadGood day.20:38
Wamphyriok heres a interesting issue20:38
Wamphyrii installed the ati propitary drivers my mouse stopped working so i rebooted my computer now x won't work20:38
Bashing-omlinelevel1: ""The following packages have been kept back: linux-headers-generic " -> sudo apt-get dist-upgrade <- will take care of that .20:38
EriC^^_ahg: they are found in these dirs use this command to find a list of the dirs and the binaries inside them20:38
rypervenchezteam: Ah, I got a phone call. The find command can do it with something like "find /location -type l"20:39
linelevel1Bashing-om: Won't `dist-upgrade` also upgrade my Ubuntu version from 14.04 to 14.10? I want to stick with the LTS release...20:39
EriC^^ls -ld indicator* , then the executable would be /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/indicator-sound/indicator-sound-service20:39
EriC^^_ahg: ^^20:40
linelevel1Bashing-om: And in any case, I already upgraded them with the manual install command... so now I'm just wondering if doing so was a mistake (maybe they were held back for a reason and now I'm going to have a dependency problem when I reboot)?20:40
EriC^^_ahg: this will give you a better listing find /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ -type f -name "indicator*"20:40
Bashing-omlinelevel1: NO, dist-upgrade is to install packages that 'upgrade' will not (new) .. the command to do a release upgrade is different.20:41
Wamphyrilooks like ubuntu 14* is currently epic failure?20:41
linelevel1Bashing-om: Okay, but see my last comment... I think it's a moot point at this point.20:41
EriC^^sorry i meant earlier to do ls -ld in the dir /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu20:41
_ahgEriC^^, awesome, thanks. I found it.20:42
Bashing-omlinelevel1: I "think" you are OK, but run -> sudo apt-get update , sudo apt-get upgrade <- and see what the package manager now thinks .20:42
_ahgIt doesn't appear that I can simply execute it, like with nm-applet, but this will be much easier to google20:42
_ahgEriC^^ thanks so much for your help20:42
EriC^^_ahg: no problem20:43
Bashing-omlinelevel: Being overly cautious, one can run -> sudo apt-get -f install , sudo dpkg -C <- as checks .20:45
linelevelBashing-om: Thanks, looks good.20:46
jhutchins_wklinelevel: dependencies are a package-level concept, the package system should catch them.20:51
=== cytom2k is now known as cytomek
tafa2Does anyone know where I can get a blocklist for torrent sites?20:54
ZadYree_re-Question: I would like to see the source of the latest malloc() implementation on Ubuntu distro. Where can I get this?20:54
anjo-aladiahwhen i tryed to do sudo mkswap /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-swap_1. YMMV. it gaves me mkswap: invalid block count argument: 'YMMV.'20:56
lineleveljhutchins_wk: Then why would `apt-get upgrade` choose to keep back new linux headers?20:57
geniianjo-aladiah: Werever you originally got that line to try from, I'm pretty sure the person who wrote it put the YMMV there as an acronym for Your Mileage May Vary, and that it's not part of the command you want whatsoever20:57
anjo-aladiahgenii : the command is only this part ?   sudo mkswap /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-swap_120:58
EriC^^linelevel: cause upgrade doesn't remove stuff20:58
geniianjo-aladiah: That would seem more sane, yes.20:58
EriC^^linelevel: that's what dist-upgrade is for20:58
linelevelEriC^^: Sorry, I'm not following. What does removing stuff have to do with upgrading an existing package (like linux headers)?20:59
anjo-aladiahgenii: when i do sudo mkswap /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-swap_1  it says: /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-swap_1: Ficheiro ou directoria inexistente21:00
ColliaithIs there any way of making Ubuntu able to recover from a temporary (i.e only one second or less) disconnect of the USB hard drive if that is where it is installed?21:00
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Wamphyrii have tried ubuntu 14.04.1 and 14.10 both on the install page the left click of the mouse refuses to work BUT does work if you select the wireless icon21:00
ubottuA dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.21:00
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Wamphyrinow after upgrading the ati drivers x.org has officially taken a crap21:01
Bashing-omWamphyri: Boot to recovery mode -> enable networking -> desktop -> Additiional Drivers ; and install the open source driver ??21:02
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EriC^^linelevel: upgrade only upgrades existing packages, dist-upgrade can remove and install packages to fulfill the dependencies of packages that will be upgraded21:04
therueanyone run skype on their machine? do i download the10.04 or 12.04(multiarch) version?21:04
Bashing-omWamphyri: IF you attempted to install from OEM, will require manual removal of that proprietary driver .21:04
Wamphyribashing: why can't i install it properly tho? i have to tab through everything because the left mouse button won't work21:04
WamphyriBashing: it did work, but the mouse crapped out21:05
Bashing-omWamphyri: How old is the ATI card ? AMD has dropped all support for the HD 2X/3X/4X series of cards.21:05
geniianjo-aladiah: Does command: ls /dev/mapper/ubuntu   produce a result?21:05
Wamphyri^^ Bashing21:06
Bashing-omWamphyri: "the mouse crapped out" A USB mouse ? What is set in bios for USB devices and "plug and play" ?21:07
k1lis the mouse working at another port/computer?21:07
anjo-aladiahgenii: it say its inpossivel to acess. .21:07
Wamphyrithe mouse works fine in windows, and in ubuntu, but the left click button doesn't work on install21:08
Wamphyribut you can see the mouse curser21:08
sharehi guise21:08
k1lWamphyri: what mouse is that?21:08
Wamphyrimicrosoft usb pnp21:09
Wamphyrijust a cheap thing21:09
k1lis it just on the liveOS where its not working?21:09
Wamphyriboth actually21:09
geniianjo-aladiah: How about: sudo ls /dev/mapper/ubuntu21:09
k1lso not working on ubuntu at all21:09
k1linstall gpointing-device-settings and see if there is settings that help21:10
anjo-aladiahgenii: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9220706/    no acess too21:10
Wamphyrithe mouse curser is there and moves, i can left click on the wireless option in the upper right corner and it works, however i can not left click on the livecd and install option on the install screen21:10
geniianjo-aladiah: Then this means that /dev/mapper/ubuntu does not exist.21:11
geniianjo-aladiah: Hence, any command you try to run using that will fail.21:11
mb1ackcould someone give me a hand with getting a AWUS036H usb wifi adapter working on 14.04?21:12
arkjehey guys. i have a sneaking suspicion that something is wrong on a server i have. it resolves all kinds of bogus domains to ip addresses. any way to get to the bottom of if i have been dns hacked in some way?21:14
arkjefor example if i `curl -v -L abc` it resolves to and I get redirected to go.com21:15
jhutchins_wkarkje: Some providers resolve unknown domains to help sites, or search sites, or clickbait sites.21:15
jhutchins_wkarkje: Have a look at resolv.conf and nsswitch and dhclient.conf.21:16
Wamphyriso looks like there is a bug on the initial install screen of 14.10 and 14.04.121:17
Okitainarkje: go.com? The disney site?21:17
arkjeOkitain: yes. and literally every thing i type in will resolve to something21:17
Okitainarkje: that may be because the DNS service appends ".com" to everything21:18
Okitainarkje: You can switch to Google DNS and try again?21:18
arkjeI just did actually21:18
arkjebut you are right, that could be it21:19
k1lWamphyri: honestly i would not call it broken unless you tested other mice.21:21
mb1ackwhen I plug in the AWUS036H I get the following in syslog: http://pastebin.com/KZpxPwjp21:21
mb1ackand the entire sequence repeats every 2 seconds..21:22
arkjeOkitain: that seems to be the case. thanks for the pointer. A little less worried now :p21:22
Wamphyrik1l i'm not the only person who has had this issue21:22
Wamphyrigoogle it lol, i was just hoping there was a fix :)21:23
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Wamphyriok back21:27
Wamphyriok back21:28
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mb1ackany ideas?21:36
trap_exitwhat hardware device should I get so I can pipe _output of laptop_ to _input of phone_ ?21:36
velhohello world21:39
sacarlsontrap_exit: I guess you could use wifi or bluetooth.  I think I would go with wifi21:41
dick-dragowhat we can do here?21:42
trap_exitI want to pipe OUTPUT of Laptop to INPUT of cell phone21:42
trap_exiti.e. suppose I'm reading off a UPS number21:42
trap_exitand I am using the computer to syntehsie a voice to read off the number\21:42
trap_exitsacarlson: I think I did not explain my problrm properly21:42
sacarlsontrap_exit: I use wifi to use my keyboard and mouse from my computer on my android.  so I think in the same way you could also use your scaner21:43
trap_exitwhat scaner ?21:43
sacarlsontrap_exit: I thought you were reading off the ups with a scanner21:44
trap_exitI'm using a computer program to SYNTEHSIZE a AUDIO from a sequence21:45
trap_exiti.e. it synthesies a computer voice saying "Package A B 3 4 D 3 1 4 1 5 9 2 6"21:45
trap_exittalking to comptuer synthesized voices goes both ways21:45
trap_exitfuck automated audio systems21:45
sacarlsontrap_exit: espeak will do that just fine21:45
benagueDoes anyone run Ubuntu on a macbook pro? I'm trying to and it keeps saying select CD-ROM boot type...21:45
trap_exityes, the problem is how to I pipe output of LAPTOP to INPUT of phone ?21:46
benaguethat would be cool! but you would need telecommunications equiptment21:46
SturmFlutmzanetti, popey: You might be interested in http://hogsmeade.lieberbiber.de/_DSC2100.JPG . A Windows 8.1 tablet (it has a quad-core Intel CPU) booting an unmodified image of Ubuntu 14.10 from an USB-stick. I just disabled Secure Boot, put the right UEFI loader on the stick, attached USB-stick/keyboard/mouse via an USB hub and bam21:46
sacarlsontrap_exit: again with wifi as I said you can send any streem in both directions with wifi from and too your android phone21:47
trap_exitsacarlson: I don't understand how wifi comes into play here21:47
trap_exitsacarlson: how would this solution work? plese enlgihten me21:47
benaguetrap_exit: maybe you could try piping the output of your laptop to a voip server?21:47
mzanettiSturmFlut: nice21:47
mzanettiSturmFlut: now install unity8-desktop-session-mir21:47
trap_exitmy phone has bluetooth21:47
trap_exitI don't see how wifi connects to phone for audio21:47
SturmFlutmzanetti: Battery just died :( Will try tomorrow.21:48
benaguetrap_exit: a phone could use wifi because of VOIP21:48
sacarlsontrap_exit: wifi is just a network.  you can send anything on a network.  from the ip of your laptop to the ip of your phone21:48
trap_exitsacarlson: does this solution require I write new softare on my phone?21:49
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sacarlsontrap_exit: like synergy does with keyboard on network or wifi21:49
trap_exitsacarlson: okay, so you are suggesting a solution which in theory is possible21:49
trap_exithowerver, in practice, the software for the phone does not exist21:49
sacarlsontrap_exit: software as in app yes.  software as in driver no21:50
trap_exiti was hoping for an analog solution that just wires from laptop's output port to phone's input port21:50
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john_doe_jrI really love the colors in vim when I open a file in ubuntu…how do I get the same thing on my mac?21:50
sacarlsontrap_exit: remind you android IS linux so not much software needed21:50
craigbass1976I thought there was a pulse EQ I'd been using at home, but I just realized it was something built into VLC.  Is there such a thing as a graphic EQ for pulse?21:54
johncooperi have scripted a game to load and refresh qjoypap with a layout  then run. Then upon exit, load a different qjoypad layout ("null", a layout with no buttons/axis assigned to anything. as if qjoypad was not running, but it is). I can do this for two different games before something wonky happens. the game loads without changing the layout. after exit, the layout is loaded. and finally after all that, exiting qjoypad and/or ex21:54
frodopwnsanyone using a apple magic trackpad with ubuntu?21:55
Ary_MainartHi there21:56
sacarlsonfrodopwns: no but I was looking at them and the logitech pad why you have one?21:57
Ary_MainartI have a problem. Recently i reinstaled ubuntu on my desktop. It is all fine, except by the flash plugin. I use firefox browser and when i try to wach a movie online sound of the movie gone away then th video stops no reason at all.21:58
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Ary_Mainartbe back sun22:01
k2gremlinsup all22:03
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jhutchins_wkfrodopwns: We see people mention them occasionally, often enough to know there must be howto's out there.  What was your actual question?22:04
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frodopwnsjhutchins_wk: When I touch the tracpad with a third finger th emouse stops functioning22:04
frodopwnsive seen a couple stackexchange posts but none with solutions22:04
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johncooperqjoypad problem seems to be worked around (not fixed). It's a locked process id problem correctable by ending  my script with "rm -f ~/lock.pid" in case anybody would care to investigate it further.22:09
sacarlsonanyone use the digikam face recognition feature?  I was also hoping to use digikam as the front end of opencv for simple face recognition script to pass it an image and return if a face in the image in in the database generated with digkam.  any one know of such software existing?22:11
Lucaxhello, If I have a huge text in libre and I want to find a specific sentence, is there a way to search that without manually reading through the whole text? (I am doing transcriptions for a video)22:13
bynariejust use the "search" box22:14
HexagoniteHey, does anyone know a tool to make a bootable USB with a Windows ISO?22:15
bubbasauresHexagonite, What windows release?22:17
HexagoniteWindows 722:18
bynarieuniversal usb installer22:18
bubbasauresHexagonite, I use this multiloader it will work with W7, http://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/22:18
Mendaxso does the information on the search bar really goto cannonical22:19
Mendaxfor future use?22:19
k1lHexagonite: http://askubuntu.com/questions/372966/make-bootable-disk-usb-in-ubuntu-13-10-of-windows-iso22:19
Hexagonitek1l: WinUSB isn't in the repo anymore22:19
bynarieoh.. your on linux now and want to make a windows iso22:20
martinhartHexagonite are leaving Windows 7 for Ubuntu?22:20
Mendaxfor future use?22:20
Mendaxso does the information on the search bar really goto cannonical22:20
k1lHexagonite: please reada completly22:20
FilthyMacNastywho is trying to install winders images I got a sure fire way to do it22:20
bynarieHexagonite, unetbootin22:20
Hexagonitek1l: there's only 3 answers, WinUSB, an unrelated one, and another one requiring ‘a friends PC/Laptop (With Windows installed on it!)’22:21
xanguabynarie: unetbootin is for Linux distros22:21
FilthyMacNastywhat is the command to not see in and out messages?22:22
bynarienope, unetbootin does windows iso files too22:23
ikoniain and out messages ?22:23
bynariei use it all the time22:23
k1lFilthyMacNasty: depends on your client22:23
Hexagonitebynarie: how do I make that work? I did that and it just shows a blinking cursor22:23
ikoniaoh the IRC messages22:23
bynarieHexagonite, which program are you using?22:23
Hexagoniteunetbootin, just as you suggested22:23
bynarieoh ok22:24
mitlikDo LTSs see kernel upgrades, or just security patches?22:24
bynarieHexagonite, ^^22:24
mitlikI poked around on the ubuntu site but didn't see anything definitive...22:24
bynarieu just click the iso image and load it up22:24
k1lmitlik: security patches. but you can get new kernels from the backported newer releases with the hardware enablement stack22:24
FilthyMacNastywhat are you trying to do with a winders iso anyway?22:25
Hexagonitebynarie: I did that and it only showed a blinking cursor, just what I said22:25
bynarieok.... thats odd... but you could try YUMI22:26
mitlikThanks, K1l. Might be back with more questions on what that is, but I seem to have found a page with some information on what that is (and if I am lucky how it works).22:26
Ary_MainartHi again22:27
bynarieHexagonite, i found the perfect thing .... http://en.congelli.eu/prog_info_winusb.html22:27
Ary_MainartI have a PCI Audio card and the sound is functional. But is too low.22:28
Ary_MainartHow did i fix this?22:28
Hexagonitebynarie: [06:19] <Hexagonite>: WinUSB isn't in the repo anymore22:28
bynarieoh sorry22:29
k1lHexagonite: then search for another repo. a PPA22:29
k1lHexagonite: or ask microsoft why they dont let their isos put on usb more easily. i am sure they have a proper answer for that, not.22:30
ikoniathere is a microsoft tool for it22:30
Ary_MainartCan some one give a hand?22:30
martinhartlet's kill Microsoft Corp.22:30
ikonialets not22:30
ikonialets not make silly comments22:30
martinhartlet's do it ikonia22:31
FilthyMacNastylinus is in charge of windows 922:31
Ary_MainartHey pall22:31
Ary_MainartI need a hand here22:31
bynarieHexagonite, have you tried dd?22:31
Hexagonitebynarie: yes, same blinking cursor22:32
martinhartholy sh funch was using nnscript, it's so outdated22:32
ikoniamartinhart: control the language22:32
blackupriseikonia control your language22:32
ikonia!guidelines | martinhart please read these before speaking more22:32
ubottumartinhart please read these before speaking more: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines22:32
martinhartikonia behave22:33
craigbass1976I thought there was a pulse EQ I'd been using at home, but I just realized it was something built into VLC.  Is there such a thing as a graphic EQ for pulse?22:33
bynarieHexagonite, have you tried manually partitioning the usb, copying extracted iso files, and marking the usb with the boot flag?22:33
mitlikk1l: Is that enablement stack strictly hardware, or is that going to include other new kernel items (e.g. btrfs upgrades).22:33
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Hexagonitebynarie: yes, err, same issue22:33
Hexagonitethe ISO has the correct mda5sum, so it's not corrupted/incomplete22:33
k1lmitlik: kernel and xorg stuff iirc.22:33
bynariei am sorry then i dont know much else to do22:33
k1lmitlik: it was first intended to fix the bug that a certain "older" kernel brickes samsung laptops.22:34
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mitlikSounds nasty.22:35
Mendaxso does the information on the search bar really goto cannonical22:35
mitlikk1l: thanks for the pointers. It should help me decide between LTS and 14.10 ^_^22:35
Ary_Mainartubottu, you could help me with my problem instead askme to wait. But Ok. I will Wait!!!22:35
ubottuAry_Mainart: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:35
xangua!adlens | Mendax22:36
ubottuMendax: If you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ22:36
bynarieHexagonite, have you tried startup disk creator? i havent personally used it but it may be worth a shot22:36
k1lmitlik: if you dont want to upgrade all 6 months consider lts22:36
bynarieor alternatively, use virtualbox to run a VM22:36
Hexagonitebynarie: IIRC it's broken on 14.10? :L22:36
Hexagonitebynarie: let me try, hold on22:38
Ary_MainartHi. I have an offboard PCI sound Card. The drivers works fine, except the volume is too low. To see a movie for example i need to put the volume at max on the amplifier. Why this happen and how did I fix it? On microsoft OS I get a great responsive, but I doesent like Windows OS.22:40
athanHey... has anyone else been getting "system problem detected" windows without much to them?22:43
HexagoniteAry_Mainart: have you checked your settings?22:43
Ary_Mainarthow mate?22:44
Ary_Mainartconfig is Ok and sistem volume at max22:44
HexagoniteAry_Mainart: click on the volume indicator on your panel?22:44
Ary_Mainartat max22:44
DzAirmaXhi all22:45
HexagoniteAry_Mainart: try ticking "Allow louder than 100%"?22:45
Ary_Mainartyup. Already check and maxed22:45
DzAirmaXwhat happens if I make a apt-get dist-upgrade on a 14.04 LTS ?22:45
AlexPortableWARNING: CPU: 0 PID: 1279 at /build/buildd/linux-3.13.0/kernel/watchdog.c:245 watchdog_overflow_callback+0x9c/0xd022:46
geniiDzAirmaX: Then your apps all get upgraded and whatever latest kernel is for 14.0422:46
AlexPortablenouveau W[   PFIFO][0000:00:05.0] unknown intr 0x00200000, ch 122:46
jafarDzAirmax : http://askubuntu.com/questions/215267/will-apt-get-dist-upgrade-upgrade-my-system-to-newer-version22:46
raschySo I installed gnome and didnt like it so I uninstalled it. Now i've got multiple settings applications in unity, what do?22:46
bubbasauresDzAirmaX, dist-upgrade is for security and kernels to install.22:46
AlexPortableHow to solve?22:47
DzAirmaXjafar and bubbasaures : Thanks you guyz22:47
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bubbasauresraschy, How did you install and remove gnome?22:47
raschyinstalled with apt-get install gnome, removed with apt-get purge gnome*22:48
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Ary_MainartHexagonite: I am pretty shure there is a driver config. I just don't know where. Do you need to know how is my sound card?22:48
bubbasauresraschy, Was there a PPA involved?22:48
HexagoniteAry_Mainart: not really, wait for someone to answer22:48
raschynope, got it from the ubuntu repos22:48
bubbasauresraschy, You would normally install the gnome-shell or gnome-fallback this sound familiar?22:49
raschyyea both ended up installing on here22:50
Ary_MainartIs a CMI8738/CMI8768 with 4 channels. I have a receiver with 2 PA on the orange channel and a normal PC sound system on the green channel.22:51
bubbasauresraschy, Not sure what you have done I have never had a problem with a shell purge other than configs left. A clearer details may help, not sure I can.22:51
bubbasauresdetails of the aftermath that is22:52
cleopatra i wonder Best alternative for unity shell?22:52
AlexPortablecleopatra: gnome fallback22:53
bubbasaurescleopatra, Best is your opinion, many desktops available.22:53
raschybubbasaures, basically what I've got is multiple instances of certain applications. System settings, onboard settings, and power.22:53
raschythis in the unity launcher22:54
Ary_MainartHi. I have an offboard PCI sound Card. The drivers works fine, except the volume is too low. To see a movie for example i need to put the volume at max on the amplifier. Why this happen and how did I fix it. I am pretty shure there is a driver config. I just don't know where. Do you need to know how is my sound card? The card is a CMI8738/CMI8768 with 4 channels. I have a receiver with 2 PA on the orange channel and a normal PC sound system on the green22:55
Ary_Mainart channel.22:55
cjosephwhat do I need to know about installing ubuntu 14.10 (single boot) on an iMac? I had trouble finding a guide. Is it a click-through install, or do I need to mess with bootloading?22:55
cleopatra mmmm22:57
cleopatraAry_Mainart,  you allowed 100% in sound settings?23:00
Ary_Mainartcleopatra: Yes. I did.23:02
cleopatraStrange, I have distortion in the sound so it should work23:04
Ary_Mainartcleopatra: The sound works, but is too low. To watch a movie i need to max all soundbox.23:06
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PantsuAry_Mainart: speakers or headphones?23:17
ningucan I get Ubuntu to mount an external usb drive as world-readable (not writeable)? right now it's mounting as mode 0700.23:17
Pantsuningu: depends on the fs and what you want to use to automount it23:18
ninguwell, it's automounting already. this is ubuntu desktop, 14.0423:18
ningufs is exfat23:18
Ranieri_Guys, I have a problem. Although it's about OS X, I think the commands are similar to Ubuntu.23:18
r0t0rhi im having trouble with apt-get http://paste.ubuntu.com/9222435/23:19
Ranieri_Basically, my brother is giving me his Mac, and I want to disable read and write permissions to my ~23:19
cjosephIs there an install guide for putting 14.10 as the sole operating system on an iMac (14,2 revision)?23:19
ninguPantsu: I would strongly prefer not to have to manually mount/umount this. so if there is a way to do that...23:20
ikoniar0t0r: you should not be root, ubuntu does not have an enabled root account23:20
Ranieri_k1l: Can I pm you about user permissions and such23:20
Ranieri_k1l: Basically, my brother is giving me his Mac, and I want to disable read and write permissions to my ~23:20
ikoniar0t0r: the package is not actually called xchat, search for xchat then install the correct package name23:20
k1lRanieri_: see osX support. maybe the have a channel in here23:20
ikonia!info xchat23:20
ubottuxchat (source: xchat): IRC client for X similar to AmIRC. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.8-7.1ubuntu7 (utopic), package size 311 kB, installed size 988 kB23:20
k1l!alis | Ranieri_23:20
ubottuRanieri_: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*23:20
ikoniar0t0r: is this actually ubuntu ?23:20
Ranieri_k1l: Iight thanks23:20
Bashing-omr0t0r: " Filename: pool/universe/x/xchat/xchat_2.8.8-7.1ubuntu5_amd64.deb " it is there, enable the universe repository in Softwre sources .23:21
ikoniar0t0r: run apt-get update then try the install again23:21
=== johnlage is now known as johnlage_partyha
r0t0rdidnt work23:21
Ranieri_k1l: Would the command be chmod 700 for my directory?23:22
ikoniar0t0r: check the universe repo is enabled - but it should be23:22
Pantsuningu: there are lots of ways to do automounting, udiskie, any sane file manager, udev rules, systemd units and so on23:22
ikoniar0t0r: please pastebin (pastebin.ubuntu.com) the output from apt-get update23:22
Pantsur0t0r: Bashing-om: you really should not use xchat, it is no longer maintained23:22
Pantsuuse hexchat instead23:23
ninguPantsu: this is standard ubuntu desktop so I assume I'm using nautilus.23:23
Bashing-omPantsu: OK, tks :)23:23
Pantsuningu: which fs is it btw?23:24
ninguPantsu: exfat23:24
Pantsuanyway, you can change the polkit rules to set the default permission23:24
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ninguPantsu: I am googling for how to do that but don't see anything obvious. happy to do it either through a config file or gui23:26
SnwspeckleHey guys question, I installed ejabberd (xmpp server) to /opt/ejabber-14.07 but when I run the command line util for ejabberd (ejabberdctl) It's trying to point to /usr/sbin/ejabberdctl instead of /opt/ejabberd.... Any ideas?23:26
k1lSnwspeckle: start the ejabber one you installed23:27
Snwspecklek1l, Is there a reason why I cant do ejabberdctl from anywhere though?23:27
ikoniaSnwspeckle: yes23:27
Pantsuningu: man polkit23:27
Pantsuningu: man 8 polkit even23:28
ikoniaSnwspeckle: the default path is pointing at an install outside of /opt23:28
ninguaha. ok :)23:28
Pantsuningu: it is pretty good23:28
ikoniayou manually did your own custom install in /opt23:28
SnwspeckleWhere can I change the path?23:28
ikoniayou have to tell it to use it23:28
ikoniaSnwspeckle: get it running first23:28
grySnwspeckle: I don't understand. Does /usr/sbin/ejabberdctl even exist?23:29
Snwspecklegry, I first tried to install ejabberd through apt-get but once installed I realized its super out of date. I then removed ejabberd. After I downloaded the newer version directly and ran the install file instead of using apt-get23:30
Snwspecklegry, And no, /usr/sbin/ejabberdctl doesnt exist23:31
gryThat's not the question. Ah, that is. Thanks. I'd be quite interested to know what stores (and calls) that old path, since your wording implies that you get a "/usr/sbin/blabla: file does not exist" error.23:31
Snwspecklegry, I'm truly not sure, I am thinking of reverting to a backup I made before attempting this install23:32
k1lpath gets loaded on login, maybe its still there23:32
SnwspeckleSoooo happy I made a backup23:32
ikoniathere is no need to go to a backup23:32
ikoniaa.) confirm it works using the full path23:32
ikoniab.) fix the path23:32
gryk1l: If I have /usr/sbin in PATH and run foobardoesnotexist, I don't get a "/usr/sbin/foobardoesnotexist: file not found" error.23:33
gryWhereas he does.23:33
ikoniagry: you should23:33
SnwspeckleAlready starting the backup. Reason I am doing this is because the apt-get version is extremely old and it may have installed config files that may be conflicting23:34
ikonia-bash: foobar: command not found23:34
gryikonia: Why? There is a handful of other entries in PATH which do not exist. It should say "foobardoesnotexist: command not found", not "/usr/sbin/foobardoesnotexist: file not found".23:34
ikoniagry: command not found, sorry, thought you where paraphrasing23:34
gryikonia: He quoted sbin specifically. I think he gets the specific file not found error.23:34
ikoniaSnwspeckle: you're makig it harder than it needs to be23:34
ikoniagry: understood23:34
ikoniagry: maybe something like /etc/alternatives23:35
ikoniashouldn't take long to track down23:35
grySnowstormer: please paste the full error you get when you try to run "ejabberdctl" in a terminal.23:35
Snwspeckleikonia, I'm very new to linux and I need to ensure that this server is very stable. Besides, the install takes 1 minute23:35
ikoniaor the binary is actually a shell script to the real binary23:35
ikoniaseems like cracking a nut with a scud missile, so I'll bow up23:36
ikoniashould only have taken a minute or so23:36
SnwspeckleOr a Patriot missle :P23:37
lobotengo un problema, alguien puede ayudarme23:37
=== lobo is now known as Guest79603
SnwspeckleInteresting, looks like the config/initalization file is actually a .yml file hm23:40
Snwspecklegry, actually still getting the issue, here is the error: The program 'ejabberdctl' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:23:50
Snwspeckleapt-get install ejabberd23:50

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