[00:31] spandhe mhayden alright, merged that branch [00:32] my guess is the other non-rhel, non-ubuntu distros that also use that parsed format will need updating if they want to have ipv6 support [00:32] harlowja: awesome! thanks! [00:32] np [00:38] btw spandhe if u feel interseted, and u want to add comments to some code let me know [00:38] i started adding http://cloudinit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/topics/modules.html#debug and [00:38] http://cloudinit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/topics/modules.html#chef [00:38] but need to fill out the others [00:38] if people want to help, feel free ;) [00:38] format @ http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cloud-init-dev/cloud-init/trunk/view/head:/cloudinit/config/cc_chef.py#L21 [00:38] which then will turn into that web format when parsed [00:38] i know people loving writing comments/docs [00:38] lol [00:39] harlowja: haha [00:39] i did 3, if everyone does 3 [00:39] will do.. [00:39] then we will have most of them documented :-P [01:01] Honestly moving to github or something git-like would enable me to make more smaller commits and I'd be likely to help with something like that [01:02] as it is having to wrangle bzr and lp to get a change in makes it unappealing [01:07] * goodwill waves at ceren [01:12] folks ... Ubuntu 12.04's cloud image's cloud-init doesn't seem to have opennebula contextualization support ... or am I blind? [01:13] what is ' opennebula contextualization support ' [01:13] 12.04 is old [01:13] so i'm not sure whats even there [01:13] an old version of cloud-init :) [01:13] JayF ya, i unerstand the pain with bzr; i've gotten used to it, but its still not fun having to know it [01:14] It's more that I spend most of my time working on a stack of other things [01:14] they all use git [01:14] ya [01:14] it's old, but both me and goodwill have to support it as a guest. literally 85% of my guests will be on it. :/ [01:15] is there a way to rebuild it using latest 12.04.5 with latest cloud-init ? [01:15] i'm not sure, the ubuntu folks will have to answer for that [01:15] i don't think they do that kind of stuff though [01:15] I'm utterly new to this, and just trying to work out how to... I don't know, cram in a new version of cloud-init to the old 12.04.5 cloud image. [01:15] harlowja: who built the existing image? [01:16] yeah, this seems to fall sort of between the cracks. have been reading http://lists.opennebula.org/pipermail/users-opennebula.org/2014-February/043988.html and trying to parse it. [01:16] i think someone that smoser (who works at canoncial) knows [01:16] goodwill: canonical, I'm sure, is responsible for it. [01:16] i don't work at canonical though [01:16] some people here do, ha [01:17] like they don't have enough on their plate. okay. just was hoping there was some obvious bits I was not understanding yet. [01:17] thx :) [01:18] np [01:18] if u need to support a custom image; then shoving a newer cloud-init in that has the support u want is probably the way to go [01:19] but if u are expecting people to use the old 12.04 that comes with whatever cloud provider, then u likely are stuck with whatver is in there (which i don't believe the ubuntu folks upgrade unless its a security fix) [01:20] ceren: I have a present for you [01:20] ceren: https://github.com/racker/cloud-init-docker-build is what Rackspace is using to build modern cloud-init w/our patches [01:20] that's fair enough. okay, is there any suggested "how to try to cram a newer cloud-init backwards into an old image" page [01:20] ooh. [01:20] ceren: that references https://github.com/racker/cloud-init-debian-pkg [01:21] which you're welcome to fork and take our patch out of :) [01:21] ceren: ^ Solved Problems++ [01:21] JayF: what are "our patches" [01:21] goodwill: one patch to support some vendor_data that's locally patched into our cloud [01:22] goodwill: I'll be upstreaming it "eventually" when the OpenStack spec to get the data into the normal OpenStack metadata gets closer [01:22] tl;dr: get network configs via JSON rather than via an interfaces file template [01:22] nothing you're interested in unless you're running the same patch we are in your cloud, but coming soon to Upstream by Kilo release :P [01:24] hmmm [01:25] goodwill: this, specifically, is the patch. It's also in the cloud-init-debian-pkg repo I linked above (as a .patch file) -> https://github.com/racker/cloud-init/pull/1 [01:25] this is two birds with one stone, goodwill and I don't even work together. so the help is extra useful! [01:26] this is the openstack cooperation side of it (we downstreamed a patch doing this and put it in vendor_data) https://review.openstack.org/#/c/85673/ [01:26] Hey it's no problem at all [01:26] I built those docker builders for this because I have to support all those images [01:26] for Rackspace OnMetal, and we exclusively use cloud-init for system configuration [01:26] so if you wanna thank me; use Rackspace Cloud (and especially OnMetal) [01:27] once we have these running, that's entirely possible. currently one of our teams bursts capacity to aws, but ... *shrug* we're not emotional about our providers. :P [01:28] OnMetal is sweet because it uses OpenStack Ironic to provision *bare metal* instead of vms [01:28] Does what it says on the tin, then. [01:29] aka https://c34a6498d4802e89941e-16c214a4a8ca35317ce45a32e60db84b.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/47d4f2af-654f-4f50-a78b-c3beec555461.jpeg [01:29] lol, is that the offical logo now? [01:29] official ENOUGH [01:29] :) [01:29] The "Bare Metal Bear" came off a t-shirt [01:29] and I may have funnelled it into an internal meme generator last week [01:29] lol [01:29] our official logo is boring so we have a couple of unofficial ones; that one and the toothy cloud [01:30] aka https://c34a6498d4802e89941e-16c214a4a8ca35317ce45a32e60db84b.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/3bbef025-1f3f-459e-be14-5749bc95f5d4.jpeg [01:30] ya, i'm liking the bear vs the toothy one [01:30] the original codename for OnMetal at rackspace was "teeth", hence the cloud [01:31] ah [01:32] ceren: goodwill: Good luck; if you guys have any problems feel free to ask and I'll help, but the reason for the docker builders is it's pretty dang hard to do it wrong if your docker works [01:32] * JayF leaving for the day [01:32] appreciate it! we'll bang on this with some sharp rocks for a while tonight :) [01:33] ceren: I also suspect you'll need to s/jayofdoom/racker/ in some of those dockerfiles, as they don't appear to have been updated since we moved the repos ... but github 301s on the internet so maybe they redirect it for git too [01:34] ha, that's fine. appreciate the heads-up. [01:34] np, good luck [01:36] right now I'm mostly reading the patch, goodwill's going to try building the current cloudinit in 12.04. [01:36] also laughing at https://c34a6498d4802e89941e-16c214a4a8ca35317ce45a32e60db84b.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/3bbef025-1f3f-459e-be14-5749bc95f5d4.jpeg === harlowja is now known as harlowja_away === daxroc__ is now known as daxroc [16:20] Hello, can cloud-init clean itself at the end of the boot ? I'm trying to create images on OpenStack. I would like to do some "rm -rf /var/lib/cloud/instances" at the end of the boot. Any idea ? === harlowja_away is now known as harlowja === harlowja is now known as harlowja_away === harlowja_away is now known as harlowja === ijw__ is now known as ijw === rcj is now known as Guest93149 === rcj is now known as Guest31019 === Guest31019 is now known as rcj === rcj is now known as Guest68049