=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away === kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away === kadams54-away is now known as kadams54 [01:47] lazyPower: ping === kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away === kadams54-away is now known as kadams54 === kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away [14:58] lazyPower: mbruzek1 https://github.com/hatched/ghost-charm/issues/27 [14:58] hatch I saw that [14:58] I will give it a shot as soon as I can [14:58] hatch: same [14:59] awesome :) [14:59] thanks for the update [14:59] The ghost charm is really nice [15:00] now if I can only figure out the apache charm for url redirects I could transfer my own blog haha [15:02] hatch how do I try it out? branch your git repo? [15:02] clone? [15:03] nevermind I figured it out while typing my question [15:03] hatch: honestly, I don't grok the apache charm. IMO it is easier to fork the charm and change it for my own purposes and just use that. :) [15:04] jrwren: yeah I was thinking that, but even that seams like it's way complicated [15:05] I may have to write my own since I can't seem to get the author to respond to my q's :) [15:05] lazyPower: ^ there is probably a community issue here somewhere :) [15:05] hatch: I don't know. It depends on how well written the apache charm is. Should be as simple as fork, edit http.conf tempate. [15:06] hatch: another option, depending on your goals is to include apache in your web app charm. For simple configs is likely doesn't make much sense without. [15:06] yeah I just need to add a single line redirect from the ghost charm into the apache charm on relation [15:07] you send a base64 vhost config when using apache [15:07] or you can wait for the nginx charm to land and use a modern httpd [15:07] not sure I want to wait until 2016 :P [15:07] write your own? ;) [15:08] haha I don't have the time to write the ghost char [15:08] i did hear however that kwmonroe was doing reviews on the nginx stack [15:08] like, a week ago [15:08] so its probably closer to done than you think [15:09] yeah I wonder how we can build a community around charms [15:09] people working on them should be able to post to some forum somewhere or something [15:09] maybe add discourse to jujucharms.com? [15:10] i would say a section on discourse would be an excellent start [15:10] but as it stands now - we're getting dangerously close to too many sources of information [15:11] we have reddit, juju.ubuntu.com, jujucharms.com, the mailing list, ask ubuntu [15:11] just to name a few [15:11] I think there is charms tag on askubuntu.com [15:11] but is there anywhere for a community to develop around charms though? [15:11] ah, just a juju tag which includes charms [15:12] hatch: askubuntu is not a bad place IMO. [15:12] but that's only for questions [15:12] right [15:12] you can't say "hey peeps I'm making a charm for X, feature requests?" [15:12] the problem i have with that is there's no place for conjecture around charm approach and sideline conversation [15:12] it would be nice if there was a juju portal for askubuntu, most folks won't go to the effort of searching just juju tags there. [15:12] discourse would be an ideal place [15:12] there is discourse.ubuntu.com [15:13] maybe we could make a section on there? [15:13] hatch: you just volonteered! [15:13] linked from jujucharms of course [15:13] wish castro was around this week [15:13] i would also ping rick_h_ and see if something like that would fit in sub-navigation of jujucharms.com [15:13] as well as poke ze list [15:13] lazyPower: who da what? [15:13] or maybe just http://discourse.ubuntu.com/c/cloud-and-server done! [15:13] rick_h_: <3 [15:13] * rick_h_ was on call and not watching whatever is going by [15:14] so... it exists, and none of us knew about it. That is telling :( [15:14] hatch: if you want something like that to be the official garden for our community to grow - it has to be included in the official site(s) [15:14] http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/category-definition-for-ubuntu-cloud-and-server/84/1 [15:14] lazyPower: agreed [15:15] I can fire an email to get some others input [15:15] lazyPower: so no main level nav item but if you want to link/put info into the community nav item of the page I'm cool with it [15:15] lazyPower: file a bug with the requirements and we'll work with design and put something together [15:15] there is a community nav? [15:16] if the deploy ever goes out there is yes [15:16] oh lol ok [15:16] it's the latest page of content that ant did and will hopefully be live later today [15:16] along with the docs and other improvements [15:16] oh cool - that does sound like a possible place to put a link to that [15:17] it's base don 'blocks' of content so I'd suggest putting something together with design, much like the 'about' page I think [15:17] lazyPower: any questions find me and we can chat and I can point you in the right direction [15:19] by default juju and the gui sorts the configuration options alphabetically which makes my config descriptions make no sense [15:19] could we format them as they are in the yaml? [15:21] I'll file a bug so we can discuss [15:24] annnnnnnd submitted https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/1396201 [15:24] Bug #1396201: Sort charm config options to match yaml order [15:27] rick_h_: ack ty [15:27] lazyPower: ghost also added postgres support which is kind of cool [15:36] frankban: Can you respond to this comment in review? https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/662/files#r20842506 [15:37] hatch: looking [15:40] hatch: that's true, for local charms we get the icon from the juju-core HTTPS API. see getLocalCharmFileUrl in go.js [15:40] alright thanks [15:41] I'll have to update the icon method to support this stuff [15:53] lazyPower: hatch: the latest 'website' subordinate works pretty well for nginx (not yet for apache). it sets up a vhost based on content pulled from a git/bzr branch. check it out at https://demo.jujucharms.com/~ibm-demo/trusty/website-0/?text=website#readme. needs a few tweaks, but it's simpler than the apache charm. no config yet for url redirs, but i'll put that on the list for the next pass. [15:54] kwmonroe: cool I'll check it out a little later. My main interest is to be able to allow the users of the Ghost charm to provide a regex/string for url rewriting which would then get passed to apache/nginx on relation so that they could import their blogs from tumblr, wordpress etc [15:54] plus it's a little self serving because that's exactly what I need to do lol [15:55] roger that hatch [15:56] kwmonroe: so are you going to get this charm promoted? [15:57] I suppose I also need load balancing too... [15:57] to balance between the units [15:58] yeah hatch.. promotion is in the cards.. though there's a bit of work to get the nginx subordinates in sync (in terms of config naming, readmes, etc). [15:58] hatch: for balancing, are you a haproxy kind of guy, or would you rather nginx do the balancing too? [15:58] kwmonroe: well atm I have it being done via the apache relation [15:59] I dont' really care what does the balancing tbh [15:59] ack [16:00] redirects need to be real http redirects however (need to keep the seo) [16:00] and the load balancing would be nice to have sticky balancing so that users could log in without the risk of being sent to another unit [16:00] there will also likely need to be a caching layer in there somwhere [16:02] nginx sounds like a good balancer/cacher then. it'll do the http layer, but leaves other tcp traffic alone [16:03] anywho, i'll put a pad to paper after i load up on cranberry sauce. good things will come out. [16:03] haha awesome [16:04] if you need any testers lemme know :) [16:04] cool, thx === kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away === kadams54-away is now known as kadams54 === kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away [17:18] http://www.prairie-towns.com/index.html :) [17:22] *something something something* mean joke about canada. [17:22] :_ [17:22] :) [17:23] lol [17:23] I joke because I actually really like Canada. Part of the reason I live just south o' the border. [17:24] close as you can get while keeping your heath care and .....oh [17:24] :P [17:24] yeah - easy target I know [17:24] FREEDHUM [17:25] BTW http://www.harkavagrant.com/index.php?id=364 [17:26] lol [17:26] that actually happened? [17:26] Totally did [17:27] haha oh boy [17:27] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fenian_raids [17:28] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Eccles_Hill - the only reason I know about it [17:29] yikes they got it handed to them [17:30] Right? There were a lot of holes with that plan. [17:31] These photos rock [17:33] http://www.prairie-towns.com/alsask-images.html - Alask, Saskatoon. Say that a few times fast. [17:33] Sorry Saskatchewan. [17:39] haha yeah [18:15] rick_h_: ok I fixed that issue you found in the PR - whenever you get a moment it's ready for another look [18:15] hatch: ok, otp but we can sync up in a little bit [18:15] yeah np [18:15] I'm just going to hop on huws branch now [18:16] hatch: ty much [18:35] hatch: ok, let's chat, standup please [18:36] ok joining [19:24] lunching [19:44] rick_h_: I have updated the PR like we discussed, they are ready to go after 2 second review for the 3 remaining ones [19:44] uiteam: have a good night [19:44] fabrice: thanks, just finished up last bit and starting reviews. They'll be done in the AM [19:45] fabrice: ty and have a good evening [19:45] fabrice: good night [20:08] uiteam stepping out over lunch to refill prescriptions, back in a few.