
ChaserMy run command dialog (alt+f2) has frozen and wouldn't goaway. Is there a way to restart it with out restarting KDE ?02:05
Chaseraha its the krunner process.02:07
drdoomI have a laptop with a 16 GB SSD used for caching and would like a guide on how to use it in kubuntu as I do in win8.103:00
cjwelbornIs there a room for Muon? I have a gripe/question..03:07
tootheI got rid of notifications for new pidgin messages - How do I turn them back on?03:48
mgoldenWhat is the muon question?04:56
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noob_how do you hack facebook?06:55
soeegood morning08:03
lordievaderGood morning.08:05
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murthyAnyone interested in reproducing this bug?   https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/138984713:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1389847 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Ubiquity waits until the driver-manager finishes before proceeding to the partitioning screen" [Undecided,New]13:56
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yossarianuktested plasma 5 - love it !14:12
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soeeyossarianuk: tested on Kubuntu ?14:27
yossarianuksoee: yes - did had an odd moment where any display/graphic option in system settings would crash/sugfault.14:32
yossarianukbut after installation of nvidia driver and reboot (in plasma 5.1) worked well...14:32
yossarianukand fast ans with less memory usage than 4.x14:32
soee:) some people raports probems and glitches with graphic/effects etc14:34
soeethough, i never had any14:34
soeeglad you liek Kubuntu + Plasma5 :)14:34
yossarianuksoee: easily looking like the nicest DE for linux14:50
yossarianuk(or anything..)14:50
yossarianukjust love the fact its NOt dumbed down.14:51
soeeyossarianuk: well i think version 5.2 or 5.3 will be the one i can call mature enough :)14:52
yossarianukwith 4.x it was 4.2.x by the time it was usable...14:53
soeehere now wirt 5.0 it was usable enough for me:)14:54
soee5.1 was cool update and waiting for 5.2 .. you know .. activities switcher etc14:54
soeeok time to go home, cu later14:55
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grywolfSCI am needing some help on getting KUbuntu installed alongside Windows 718:35
grywolfSCI have tried installing it from inside Windows using the KUbuntu DVD and I am getting the following error: Errors: 1 >>stdout= 11-25 12:59 DEBUG  WindowsBackend: command >>C:\Users\gc\AppData\Local\Temp\pyl60EB.tmp\bin\7z.exe l C:\ubuntu\install\kubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso 11-25 12:59 DEBUG  Distro:     does not contain casper\filesystem.squashfs 11-25 12:59 DEBUG  TaskList: ### Finished check_iso 11-25 12:59 ERROR  TaskList: [18:38
lordievadergrywolfSC: You don't want to use Wubi, it is horrendous.18:41
lordievadergrywolfSC: Make a live-cd or a live-dvd and boot from that.18:41
grywolfSCI am finding that out18:41
grywolfSCOK that should them load grubb and do the partitioning for me, I do not want to loose right now Windows 718:42
grywolfSCBTW lordievander thank you18:42
lordievadergrywolfSC: You can select the side by side options.18:43
grywolfSCok thank you lordievader,  I will go ahead and do that.  I am trying get off Windows and onto Linux,  tired of all the cost involved with the programs that are for Windows only,  there are many more that free that do the same under Linux18:45
WhoKnows_625hello, if I ended up with unmet dependencies after updating, were should I report that? It's Kubuntu 15.04, the pakage is kate-data19:05
soeeWhoKnows_625: whats teh output of: apt-cache policy kate-data ?19:08
lordievaderWhoKnows_625: Could you join #ubuntu+1 and paste the full output there please?19:08
EvilRoeyhi all19:09
EvilRoeyhey listen...so Firefox got REALLY slow after I upgraded from 14.04 -> 14.10.  So is Chromium.  I tried with a new ~/.mozilla, and Fx is still slow. It lags greatly in starting up, and in responding to user input, especially with a few tabs open (then it takes forever to respond to the scrollwheel, for example).  It also uses 100% CPU time.  What can I do?19:10
EvilRoeyhey soee, lordievader19:10
soeeEvilRoey: i had no such problem, strange\19:11
lordievaderEvilRoey: You could use strace to see if it doing something strange over and over...19:11
RiddellWhoKnows_625: yofel may know about kate19:12
yofelRiddell, WhoKnows_625: I'm fixing it right now19:12
EvilRoeylordievader:  ok.19:13
EvilRoeytrue I can do that.19:13
WhoKnows_625Ridell: thanks19:14
ubottuveralux: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:14
yofelWhoKnows_625: in the meantime, use 'sudo dpkg --force-overwrite -i /var/cache/apt/archives/kate_4%3a4.14.3-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb' (or i386) to get around it19:15
yofelor do it for kate-data if it's stuck on that19:15
WhoKnows_625soee: thx for replaying. This is fast yofel says is already looking at it.19:19
soeeWhoKnows_625: yofel is a ninja :-)19:20
kubysczesc polakom !19:31
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MrAlexhey guys20:55
LogicalDashI'm trying to set up Choqok but it's not letting me add any accounts. (I don't think it has its own channel but correct me as needed)22:01
LogicalDashI get to the "add account" window and click the Add dropdown and nothing actually drops down from it.22:02
deanomacjust ran into a slight problem. did an update today in kubuntu 14.04. in muon update manager. now i have no window decorations and anything i open(firefox, okular, etc)covers up my panel. I must be using the wrong verbiage in forums and elsewhere, cuz i can't find anything useful. Suggestions???23:20
valoriedeanomac: sounds like something went wrong23:38
valoriecan you do, in a konsole: `sudo apt install -f` ?23:38
valoriecopy-paste between the ticks23:39
valoriecontrol+shift to paste into konsole23:39
deanomacno effect, 0's across the board23:42
valoriedeanomac: perhaps post a screenshot?23:43
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:43

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