
bkerensapopey: Uh actually I would say a pretty balanced amount used Linux06:39
bkerensapopey: probably 40%+ of technical staff anyways06:44
bkerensaalbeit I bet most don't use flash though06:45
bkerensaand not Ubuntu but Fedora, Arch and OpenSuse seem to be the most popular... And a dash of Xubuntu06:45
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
dholbachhey hey... I've been struggling with the network somewhat - I hope it stays stable now :-/09:23
aveemashfaqdholbach , when is it going to be this time. in 10 min or after an hour14:47
dholbachmhall119, balloons: ^14:48
dholbachin an hour I think14:48
balloonsaveemashfaq, yes, 1 hour and 12 mins from now14:48
aveemashfaqjust change it in the schedule please14:48
aveemashfaqon ubuntuonair.com14:49
elfycomm team in ubuntu-on-air is showing 15:00 GMT which is in 11 minutes14:49
aveemashfaqand any topics decided14:49
aveemashfaqthat's my point elfy14:49
balloonsjose, can you change the Community Team Q&A events on the calendar to be 1600 UTC?14:58
elfyhi balloons :)14:59
elfysilly old dst changes :p14:59
balloonsyea, I wonder what to do with it14:59
aveemashfaqballoons please use a space after the name even when putting a comma, this would help tag the person15:00
elfyaveemashfaq: ?15:00
aveemashfaqit must be aveemashfaq : ? . I am using kiwi irc and i get those things highlighted to me when i put a space15:01
elfyjust using someone's name highlights them - or does in normal irc clients at least - don't often bother with webclients at all15:01
aveemashfaqi did not know that. i don't use dedicated irc because they don't work in my college network15:02
elfyyep understood15:02
mhall119irssi + ssh + byobu == winning15:04
balloonsznc + anything you wish = winner15:12
mhall119yeah, I haven't taken the time to setup znc yet, I hear it finally supports multiple networks15:15
aveemashfaqi was frightened for a while thinking what is all of this and is this the topic of discussion15:17
belkinsaballoons, agreed ZNC bouncer rocks.15:40
balloonsmhall119, yea multiple networks used to not be fine, but it's trivial now15:41
belkinsao/ czajkowski and everyone else.15:42
elfyhi belkinsa15:43
joseballoons: for all future events?15:56
balloonsjose, yea15:56
joseballoons: got it, thanks for confirming!15:57
joseballoons: also, could you please let me know if you're going to continue doing this over the next month? or you're having a slight holiday?/15:57
balloonsjose, good question. The last two weeks of the year at least we will not be doing it15:59
balloonsI suspect there may be a week or two more in there as well15:59
joseballoons: please lemme know so I can cancel it beforehand16:43
balloonsjose, please cancel dec 23rd and dec 30th. I'll let you know if there are more17:02
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow!17:44

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