
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
ging__what's the quickest way to lookup which package provides a command?00:48
ali1234dpkg -S /path/to/file00:50
ali1234if you don't know where the file for the command is oyu can use which to find it eg: dpkg -S `which ls`00:51
ali1234if you don't have the command installed, sometimes just attempting to run it will tell you which package you need to install00:53
* m0nkey_ pokes diddledan 02:29
m0nkey_OK, dumb question. How'd I mount a NTFS volume at log on, without adding it to fstab?02:29
m0nkey_I know it has something to do with fuse.02:30
m0nkey_nvm.. think I just found my answer02:30
daftykinswhat's wrong with fstab :(02:30
m0nkey_Don't want the mount to be system wide02:31
m0nkey_looks like udisks does what i want02:31
m0nkey_udiskctl did it02:36
m0nkey_brb. testing02:38
m0nkey_beautiful, that worked02:38
daftykinszero config?02:48
m0nkey_Not quite02:57
m0nkey_Added /usr/bin/udisksctl mount -b /dev/sdb1 to my start-up applications02:57
daftykinsneat :>02:58
daftykinsnn \o02:58
MooDoomorning all07:49
diploMorning all08:43
mjaykmorning diplo08:45
MooDoohowdy diplo mjayk08:53
=== roht is now known as bugfix
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)10:11
MooDoomorning bigcalm10:12
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Shopping Reminder Day! :-D10:15
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.10:16
bigcalmJamesTait: what does one do on this day?10:17
zmoylan-pione puts on protective body armour and begins christmas shopping i think10:17
JamesTaitbigcalm, reflect on the fact that one now has less than a month to complete one's Christmas shopping.10:18
zmoylan-pishops on sunday were jammers compared to usual10:19
* Laney has the week off next week \o/10:19
Laneymid week Christmas shopping shall be done10:19
bigcalmOh bother10:21
bigcalmWe're off to Liverpool for the weekend. I expect it to bussier than usual10:22
zmoylan-pian outbreak of busses is the worst... :-p10:22
foobarryirl shops sucks10:23
foobarryor maybe just people do10:29
feisarHi All, is there anyway to get the Ubuntu desktop to give me a graphical notification of a degraded array (/proc/mdstat) ?10:51
foobarryfeisar http://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?f=42&t=14176810:53
foobarryi get it to email me though10:53
diploHows your intranet thing looking foobarry ?10:53
feisarthanks, we're deploying a load of hi spec desktops for scientists so notifying them from the desktop is ideally what I want10:54
davmor2JamesTait: need milk, and there is my shopping reminder for the day ;)10:54
foobarrydiplo: looking good, although w3schools gave me some bad advice which i rectified last night with assistance from guys in here last night10:55
foobarryits a friday afternoon job i reckon , as i have operational things to do this week :(10:55
foobarrymain thing atm is getting useful data into my dashboard10:55
foobarryi'm such a noob at "new web", static html + css with a little php is my limit10:56
bashrcnot much of a web developer myself, but it might be good to learn11:04
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
foobarrygrrrrr some evil scumbag put a hosts.allow in addition to iptables11:07
foobarrytook me couple of hours to realise that was the issue11:08
diploJust found the url in my history foobarry, looks good!11:15
foobarryheh, i moved to a different server, might be old/broken stuff on that box11:16
diplo:) Looked better than the last time i'd seen it11:16
awilkinsIs there a Spotify lens?11:28
RyviusHelp how do I get acpi_toshiba installed?11:58
daftykins"modprobe acpi_toshiba" ?12:05
davmor2awilkins: would you like to be a bit more specific? I think someone wrote one for the desktop but I'm not sure it is official or maintained and it in a ppa12:08
awilkinsdavmor2, Yeah, just wondered if there was a well supported one12:09
daftykins!info toshset12:09
awilkinsNot really a problem12:09
lubotu3`toshset (source: toshset): Access much of the Toshiba laptop hardware interface. In component main, is optional. Version 1.76-4 (utopic), package size 60 kB, installed size 237 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)12:09
davmor2awilkins: if you mean in unity 8 then not that I know to but then I haven't really looked either12:09
daftykinshey people! http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B00DVLWQMU/12:10
daftykins'allo 'allo on DVD!12:10
awilkinsIt doesn't age well12:11
awilkinsI remember really liking it as a kid12:11
bashrcI remember being vaguely annoyed by it as a kid12:13
Ryviusdaftykins: It says it is not found12:13
daftykinsRyvius: ok. so what's the reason for this exactly?12:14
RyviusI'm trying to get the Fn buttons for backlight adjustment working12:14
RyviusAnd I don't have any of the toshiba stuff installed appearantly12:15
daftykinshrmm, tried all the usual backlight=vendor kernel parameter stuff?12:18
foobarryi remember having saucy feelings about the girls on it as a kid12:19
RyviusI feel like I have. Now I'm trying that acpi_toshiba thing, but I don't know where to add it12:19
foobarryit was a quite good programme but degenerated into complete farce everntually12:19
daftykinsRyvius: did you google for ubuntu + your exact laptop model?12:20
foobarryobv it was designed as panto but turned into hi-de-hi12:20
daftykinsugh yet another kernel update for 10.0412:20
Ryviusdaftykins: Yes that's where I found the acpi_toshiba thing, but no guide on how to add it, other than a manpage for BSD12:21
daftykins!find acpi_toshiba12:21
lubotu3`File acpi_toshiba found in freebsd-manpages12:21
daftykinsRyvius: 14.04 or 14.10? tried installing the above 'toshset' just in case that does anything?12:23
foobarry10.04 is EOL isn't it?12:23
daftykinsobviously i'm totally guessing here though12:23
daftykinsfoobarry: not on server, no12:23
daftykinsgood until April12:23
foobarrydoes server in this context mean only certain packages are updated still12:24
foobarryor it uses different repos12:24
foobarryto the desktop edition12:24
daftykinsi don't know how they handled the split originally12:24
lubotu3`Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu.  Desktop support ended May 9 2013. Server support continues. See http://ubottu.com/y/lucid for more details.12:25
Ryviusdaftykins: 14.10, and already have toshset installed, though it cant run since it misses the toshiba kernel stuff12:26
daftykinsRyvius: hmm, i'll be at a proper computer in a short while to see if i can't find anything more useful but i think this one is beyond me for sure. what's the model?12:30
RyviusSatellitePro L300-1CZ12:31
RyviusI will be gone for 15 minutes now12:34
foobarryworth it?12:40
bigcalmIt's tiny12:45
bigcalmFor a bit of fun, might be expensive for a stocking filler12:45
bigcalmThat said, I hope somebody gets me one for xmas12:45
foobarrythey have about 11hrs left12:48
bigcalmI'm sure I'll survive12:48
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|lunch
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
RyviusOkay back12:52
davmor2bigcalm: now you've seen it you won't :)12:55
bigcalmdavmor2: you going to the LUG this week?12:58
bigcalmdavmor2: you know Amo is back...12:58
TwistedLucidityfoobarry: That wee bugger is 3D printed!12:58
TwistedLucidityI don't think I have ever seen that in a commercial product before. Well, not so obvious at ant rate.12:59
davmor2bigcalm: I'm hoping too but it depends how crazy today and tomorrow are hence not putting my name down yet :)12:59
foobarryTwistedLucidity: how do u know its 3d printed?13:00
TwistedLucidityfoobarry: I looked at it. You can see the lines from the layers being laid down. Or are those just artefacts.13:01
bigcalmMight just be a poor cast13:01
bigcalmNope, that does look 3d printed13:02
foobarrysee what u mean13:02
foobarrywhich is funny because revell have access to injection moulding13:03
TwistedLucidityMaking the dies is costly, maybe this is an experiment?13:03
bigcalmMight just be a prototype13:03
TwistedLucidityOr that13:04
foobarryit may also be impractical to mould13:07
foobarrysome amaznig pics13:10
daftykinsRyvius: you'd seen this one presumably? http://askubuntu.com/questions/316856/toshiba-satellite-l300-xubuntu-12-04-no-brightness-control13:15
daftykinslink of death13:15
foobarryis there an elegant way to combine 2 awk commands? cat short.xml | awk -F'[<|>]' '{print $4}' | awk -F'"' '{print $2}'13:36
=== alan_g|lunch is now known as alan_g
=== roht is now known as bugfix
m0nkey_Google it? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12167250/combine-multiple-awk-commands14:54
bujjihello popey15:37
bujjii have a problem with hard disk15:38
bujjiplease solve15:39
lubotu3`Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:39
diploI believe popey is on a plane back from Turkey :)15:39
bujjimy external hard disk password blocked because of multiple attempts..how can i recover it,that is wd external hard disk...please help me on this problem15:41
daftykinsWD encryption? hrmm15:43
bujjii think so15:44
daftykinsi'll be back later.15:44
bigcalmBig bubbly Lemmings15:47
bujjidaftykins are you there15:53
diplobujji, I wouldn't just select one person, if someone can help they'll answer15:55
diploYou've not mentioned any model numbers or anything you've tried so far15:55
bujjiokey diplo..thanks15:55
diploI've had a quick google and it seems for certain models there may be hacks15:55
diploBut they're quite in depth, have you tried on the WD forums as well ?15:56
bujjii tried that.15:56
bujjiits hard15:56
diploOK, well all I'm saying is it's not a linux specific issue, what model WD device is it ?15:57
bujjiyes...model :WDBAAA3200ABK15:58
TwistedLucidityMy guess is that WD will have a way to unblock. But the device might need to have been registered and this may well cost £££15:59
foobarryi have a cheeky favour to ask if ali1234 is around :-$16:00
bujjii hope you people find a solution for this16:00
diploSounds like there isn't any way round it apart from suggestions in that post16:01
diploIt appears they store the pass on the device and they can become corrupt16:01
mappshi all16:02
diplobujji, this isn't a linux issue.. it's a WD issue by the looks of things16:02
TwistedLuciditybujji: You need to contact WD16:02
bujjii  expect you people find a solution for this16:03
bujjiexactly i refered that community16:04
diploUnless you're willing to go through some very in depth hacking of the device you are basically out of luck it seems16:05
TwistedLuciditybujji: You expect us to find a solution?16:05
diplobah :D16:05
diploHe left, I give up16:05
TwistedLucidityOh I have no doubt I could find a way into that drive. But £££££16:05
diploProbably, but he didn't sound very umm willing ?16:06
* TwistedLucidity would sub-contract the job to a crypto-guru for £££ and keep $$ for themselves16:06
zmoylan-piand if it's locked by wd software isn't it likely that the software is mac/windows?16:06
TwistedLucidityI think...16:06
TwistedLucidityIf I want to do something like that, I buy a boring HDD and use EncryptFS, TrueCrypt, whatever16:07
TwistedLucidityNot some undocumented POS from the OEM16:07
bujjii am back..sorry for the disconnection16:09
bujjihey diplo are you there16:10
TwistedLuciditybujji: You expect us to find a solution?16:10
bujjii am expecting find a way to sslove the problem16:10
TwistedLucidityYou've been told the solution16:11
bujjime ?16:11
TwistedLucidityYes, contact WD, hire someone to break into16:11
TwistedLucidityOr try the ideas in diplo's link16:11
bujjiat the first i refer that link before i came here16:12
TwistedLuciditySo....you tried those?16:13
bujjiyes. I have no solution16:13
TwistedLucidityCall WD support16:13
TwistedLucidityThis isn't a Linux or Ubuntu problem, this is a WD problem16:14
TwistedLucidityYou /might/ be able to hire a disc recover specialist to decrypt the drive, but it won't be cheap16:14
foobarrydon't reckon16:15
foobarryif its encrypted then surely its only accessible with the encryption key16:16
TwistedLucidityfoobarry: I was thinking they could possibly by-pass the firmware and brute force. Like I said, not cheap16:16
TwistedLuciditybujji: The freezer trick won't help with encrypted data16:18
bujjiits really a challenge for me..16:19
TwistedLucidityThe data is *encrypted*. If you don't have the password you need to call WD support and speak to them. *OR* you have to pay someone to break the encryption.16:20
TwistedLucidityI'll repeat - this is not a Linux or Ubuntu problem.16:20
bujjithank you..16:21
TwistedLuciditybujji: Is the data important or do you just want to be able to use the drive again?16:22
bujjiis there any way to contact them??16:22
bujjiyes important..16:22
TwistedLucidityDo you have back-ups?16:22
bujjii thinkthere is a way to format16:23
bujjino (16:23
=== Lcawte|Away is now known as Lcawte
TwistedLucidityOK. Then call WD Support and speak with them16:23
TwistedLucidityCheck their website to find the correct number for where you live16:24
bujjihow can i find that to get the support like chat or direct contact16:24
TwistedLucidityLook on their website16:24
bujjiokey ..thank you for your time to reply.16:26
daftykinsi think i would agree with the above16:28
bujjiokey bye..twistedlucidity16:29
TwistedLucidityHeh, and now I find the answer. Well, almost16:30
daftykinsbest not to try and use such devices other than they're intended anyway though, really16:31
TwistedLucidityAye. My guess is that if anything can be done it needs to go back to WD with a suitable amount of £££16:32
TwistedLucidityAlso a good object lesson in having multiple back-ups!16:32
daftykinsoh come to think of it, that's that indian fellow again most likely16:32
daftykinsso no wonder we didn't get the full story from the beginning16:33
TwistedLuciditydaftykins: ?16:33
daftykinsyeah, user from india16:33
daftykinswell we didn't get any info on where the disk came from, whether it was used with Windows before16:33
ging__nickserv ghost ging jungle16:38
TwistedLucidityOh dear16:38
zmoylan-piwe promise not to look :-)16:39
ging__i think it's expired anyway and someone else has taken it16:39
=== ging__ is now known as ging
TwistedLucidityIf forgot my password a while back. Thank goodness it's stored in plain text on the drive!16:40
* TwistedLucidity facepalms16:40
zmoylan-pii have them written down in personal code in safe place16:41
gingoh it did work16:41
gingbut i can't figure out how to change the password16:41
daftykinsbetter to ask in freenode16:41
gingnow i just need to talk a bit of mindless rubbish so the whole thing goes off the screen16:43
daftykinsor create a new pass ;)16:44
gingi did16:44
gingbut people can still see my fail16:44
daftykinsstatus windows for all commands, sir16:45
bigcalmAnd the channel is publicly logged :)16:45
daftykinsto bash.org!16:46
MyrttiI saw only nickserv ghost ging ******17:00
Myrttioh  man, that joke is so old.17:00
MyrttiI'm groaning at myself17:01
daftykinsit was pretty terrible the first time too17:02
* bigcalm giggles at Myrtti17:03
davmor2Myrtti: oh look you typed in you password mine is hunter217:43
davmor2ging: they just need to look at user to know you fail.theginger.net17:47
gingthat is why i only use trivial passwords on irc as it's all unencrypted17:56
gingand the big risk of typing it into a channel17:56
daftykinsnot if you SASL auth like a good sir17:57
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
daftykinsthere's some nice stuff coming up on Amazon UK's black friday lightning deals18:15
daftykinspair of Netgear 500Mbps powerline adapters18:15
daftykinssadly i missed the 512GB crucial MX100 SSD that went for £120 :(18:15
daftykinsappears to be a 16-port gigabit switch from linksys coming up too18:15
daftykinsin 24 minutes18:16
DJonesdaftykins: I paid £175 for that SSD about 3 weeks ago18:23
daftykinswhere did you buy?18:23
DJonesWouldyou believe PCWorld18:23
Myrttiging: connect over SSL and it's not in plain text18:23
daftykinsDJones: why on earth O_O18:24
DJonesWork actually paid, so price didn't matter that much18:24
ali1234i only paid £160 and i bought it about 2 weeks after it was released18:24
DJones£175 was about the average price I saw checking online before buying it18:24
daftykinsi got mine cheaper on release day *cough* VAT18:24
daftykinsthis Linksys switch won't ship to the Channel Islands!18:24
daftykinsit frustrates me to my very core when we get treated as second class citizens18:25
DJonesIt was a case of having to be able to pick one up from store,rather than a cheaper price buying online18:25
DJonesdaftykins: So if they ship to the channel islands, you get a 25% discount over the rest of the uk and consider that as 2nd class citizens?18:25
ali1234not 25%18:26
daftykinswhere do you get 25% from?18:26
ali1234he did the math backwards18:26
ali1234if vat was 25% you'd get a 20% discount by not paying it18:26
DJonesYep, spot on, good job I'm an accountant18:26
ali1234but it isn't18:26
DJonesDidn't have my calculator to hand18:26
daftykinsyou don't need a calculator to do VAT :(18:28
daftykins10% and double it18:28
daftykinsi quite like the look of this games console video capture device18:28
DJonesBut not backwards18:28
ali1234yeah backwards is harder. 20/12018:28
daftykinswell i don't know what values you were comparing anyway since i never mentioned any18:28
daftykins(that were excluding VAT)18:28
ali1234or 1/6. so 16.666%18:29
DJonesdaftykins: Would it have been cheaper than mine or ali1234's if you'd had to add 20% vat?18:29
daftykinsi dunno, this was months ago18:29
ali1234same price probably?18:29
ali1234well, same price as mine. cheaper than yours18:29
DJonesali1234: Would be £133.33 assuming his price included vat18:30
DJonesMine was £125 ish18:30
DJones£145 ish18:30
ali1234i bought mine with magic internet money anyway18:31
daftykinshang on let me compare from the true source18:31
DJonesBut regardless of price, it was a good recommendation from ali123418:31
daftykinsugh not that coin malarkey :P18:31
DJonesdaftykins: Does that mean you paid in "mycoinnameisbetterthanyourcoinname" currency :)18:32
daftykinsDJones: you come up with some very odd questions18:33
daftykinsjust standard ol' GBP18:33
daftykinsok so 512GB MX100 direct from crucial is £138.99 to me18:34
DJonesHeh, by magic internet money, I thought you meant random-coin18:34
ali1234it's £129 ex vat on scan, which is where i bought mine18:34
daftykinsthat wasn't me that said that, DJones18:34
* daftykins makes a coffee for DJones ;)18:35
* DJones throws a whisky in the coffee18:35
* DJones Oops, that was ahalf a bottle18:35
ali1234+ £5 for delivery18:36
ali1234that probably doesn't cover channel islands though18:36
daftykinsno crucial's delivery is free18:36
daftykinsyou can pick various levels but why would you if you can get it free :>18:36
ali1234yeah but it's still more expensive18:36
daftykinsthan what?18:36
ali1234than scan £129.51 + £4.57 delivery18:37
ali1234(ex vat)18:37
daftykinswell obviously etailers differ in price18:37
daftykinshow are we even having this conversation 0o18:37
daftykinsi thought you guys were comparing tax to non-tax, not shopping around :P18:37
DJonesI was just comparing tax/non-tax18:38
ali1234i thought we were just bashing PC world for having a 15% markup on everything18:39
DJonesali1234: I wasn't doing that, they had stock I could pick up there and then, suited me for this18:39
daftykins£49.99 for a Linksys 16 port switch 0o18:44
daftykinsi don't think that's especially all that great?18:44
ali1234it's okay. do you really need 16 ports tho? cos 5 port is £1718:46
ali1234and they do an 8 port one as well18:46
daftykinsyes, i have an 8 port already and use more than that18:48
daftykinsnot all at once typically but i like to have things patched in18:48
daftykinshow confusing18:56
zmoylan-piall the more bacon here for us18:58
zmoylan-piwhoops, wrong channel...18:58
DJonesbacon? Where's Jono?19:01
DJonesOh I forget, he's run off to xprize19:02
zmoylan-piah, the hackers preferred method of keeping arms warm in cold office19:02
daftykinsjust ignore the terrible handwriting19:03
davmor2daftykins: aaaaawwwww an arm warmer how quaint :)19:45
daftykinsmore of a typing hinderer19:45
daftykinsi got a notification a while back by email from a NAS i put in for someone, saying it has an update out for fixing the ol' BASH bugs and what not, but for a device not hosting external services i wouldn't think it worthy to contact a home user and say i need to come over to update it :D19:55
zmoylan-pican i come over and check your script handling is always a good opening line...20:02
daftykinsthing is it only makes sense to charge for something like that, but equally you can't justify the time20:03
daftykinsi don't think it matters for a backup NAS for macs that hosts no online services20:03
ali1234i would say NAS units are most likely to have exposed cgi scripts that use bash20:04
zmoylan-piwas the email from the nas or the company who made the nas?  can be justified as a smart device callout...20:04
ali1234haserl is quite common in that type of system20:04
daftykinszmoylan-pi: automated email notification from the unit, yeah20:06
zmoylan-piso pass on that email and say that your hardware is recommending an importany security update.  it may not be providing web services but you have no idea what security problems will apprear around the corner...20:08
zmoylan-pibetter safe than sorry20:08
ali1234ugh... what was i thinking: _draw_block_type(false, (blocktype)(crash|diamond)); _draw_block_type(2, (blocktype)(crash|diamond));20:15
diddledanali1234, gezundheid20:16
ali1234glColor3f(b & 1, b & 2, b & 4);20:19
ali1234those aren't floats20:20
diddledanali1234, what are you working on?20:28
diddledanit's obviously something graphical20:28
diddledan3d monopoly?20:29
diddledanMMO monopoly would be an interesting concept20:29
diddledanali1234, that looks like tetris on steroids20:38
diddledanit looks impossible20:38
ali1234it's puzzlefighter20:40
ali1234it's two player tetris with actual strategy20:42
daftykinsdiddledan: bring 'round the horses! i am tempted by chinese takeaway21:03
diddledannew trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFinNxS5KN4 OH EMM GEE21:18
* zmoylan-pi could murder battered sausage and chips right now21:50
diddledanzmoylan-pi,  +121:51
diddledandaftykins, your money looks fake21:51
daftykinsty sir21:51
diddledandaftykins, it isn't even trying to look legit21:51
daftykinsbut the queen!21:51
daftykinszmoylan-pi: i hope that's open sauce21:51
zmoylan-pibrown and/or red sauce21:54
mappspprentice time yay22:46
daftykinsugh :P22:51
daftykinscan't stand that22:51
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
* diddledan watching "the code"23:39
diddledanit's a pretty decent intrigue23:39

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