
cmaloneyGot this in the mail today: http://cloudkickermusic.com/album/live-with-intronaut00:47
cmaloneyThey parallel released it with Century Media00:53
cmaloney(OK this is hilarious)01:45
cmaloneyAlso explains my day most days.01:45
cmaloneyrick_h_: I've heard that walking desks can decrease concentration02:27
rick_h_cmaloney: that's a good thing for me :)02:30
cmaloneyThen go with my blessing02:30
cmaloneyconcentration /focus02:30
cmaloneyGood morning16:36
mrgoodcatanybody see this article yet? http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-3019121818:56
mrgoodcatits pretty much the british intel services complaining because american companies don't make it easy to spy18:57
mrgoodcatits nice and refreshing to see these companies not being awful for once18:57
akellingAbout time they did not roll over.18:59
mrgoodcatthe complaints make me feel warm and fuzzy inside19:01
mrgoodcatthey complain about "complex encryption techniques" that make it hard to spy on content19:01
mrgoodcatand such things that i'm wholly in favor of19:01
akellinglol right!19:02
mrgoodcat"Where there is a possibility that a terrorist atrocity is being planned, that argument should not be allowed to prevail,"19:03
mrgoodcatin reference to companies saying they need to protect their users' privacy19:04
akellingThe possibility of X are crazy arguments.19:06
akellinghttp://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2014/11/beefed-up-iphone-crypto-will-lead-to-a-child-dying-doj-warned-apple-execs/ - This artical comes to my mind also.19:06
mrgoodcatwhat a misleading title19:10
cmaloneyWell, if it's only one child I'm OK with that.19:12
cmaloneyJust as long as the DOJ lets me choose19:13
cmaloneyI have a list19:13
cmaloney(note: not really)19:13
akellinghahahaha cmaloney19:15
jrwreni do. really. its historical. hitler, 100 yrs ago. that sort of thing.19:19
cmaloneySuch a deal20:45
rick_h_such a good deal? famous work? /me doesn't know what it is22:40

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