
bluesabreelfy: thanks for the bug report... the sudo dialog assumes everything works since sudo has no password in live.  Will fix for vivid01:12
Unit193Hmmm... New x-d-s in trusty will add the Settings submenu, and removes Settings Manager, so it appears.06:29
=== Unit193 changed the topic of #xubuntu-devel to: Xubuntu Development | Support at #xubuntu | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervet/ReleaseSchedule | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu | Daily testing with results: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/
elfybluesabre: thanks07:52
bluesabreUnit193: hm? what x-d-s?11:14
knomexubuntu-default-settings ?11:14
bluesabrebut "new" and "trusty" are throwing me off11:14
sidiali1234, knome got 500ish replies on the first survey, 250ish on the second one11:50
sidimost open ended questions were used as a dumpsite for thank-you notes11:50
sidii'll try some quick and mega-dirty grounded theory coding on the data, but mostly i'll strip the thankyou notes away and so i'll have relatively little open-ended data to process11:51
sidimost questions were like "what problems do you have" so easy to code11:51
knomesidi, did you ever send that mail to xubuntu-users?12:01
sidiknome, erm nope12:02
sidiposted on your forum12:02
* knome facepalms12:02
sidiand informed you so you can decide to advertise it in your own ways12:03
knomeforums... :P12:03
sidii got a lot of xub respondants though12:03
knomei'm not the marketing lead :P12:03
knomegood enough12:03
elfyknome: on UF 30 people actually read the thread12:30
elfysidi ^^ :)12:30
sidielfy, ah well ;P12:43
ochosiphew, finally read up on the meeting13:23
ochosithat was quite lengthy13:23
ochosifirst of all, very sad to read that elfy 13:24
ochosiif you wanna discuss anything there that would help you to reconsider, don't hesitate to get in touch with me13:25
ochosii mean we've PM'd about this a few times in the past, so i think i have a good understanding of what's going on13:25
ochosipleia2: i like the marketing ideas – very happy to see those flowing in! if you need help/support from my side, do get in touch13:28
ochosiand i agree that gathering some user data might be good, it's not intended as a vote on our default package selection anyway13:29
ochosiand in the end, even if many users want e.g. LO, we might still have technical issues with including it by default (e.g. image-size)13:29
ochosibut good to know what users think in general13:29
elfynice :)14:51
knometa ta14:52
knomeabout time i blogged about something :P14:52
knomelast time was in february14:52
elfyquality over quantity always works ;)14:53
knomesure, i'm avoiding pushing out crap14:53
knomehvae 5 draft articles14:53
* elfy has none14:54
knomemaybe you should start blogging ;)14:54
elfyas close as I've come is as close as I'd like to be :)14:55
elfydone bits for xubuntu and the fc 14:55
knomethough personal blogging is something completely different...14:55
knomei mean, it has that very different feel, since you really don't have to stick to being kind of "boring"14:56
elfyof course - never ever been bothered by it to be honest :)14:56
knomethough i guess i still kind of like to be boring...14:56
elfymuch like all the 'social' stuff - no interest in that either14:56
knomeyeah, not touching that either14:56
knomea place where snarky comments win over thought-out, longer commentary is not for me, generally speaking14:57
knomeone could argue that IRC is one of those places... but it really depends much on the channel14:57
knomethat said, we should probably stop or move over #xubuntu-offtopic :P14:58
elfyslickymasterWork: thanks - all merged and synced15:32
slickymasterWorkok, thanks for that elfy 15:32
slickymasterWorkover Testsuite C right now15:33
elfythanks :)15:34
elfythat really bored the life out of me for the last 2 sessions :)15:34
slickymasterWorkwell, the first one is a miss (Abiword)15:40
elfyyou see the same bug?15:42
elfyoh nvm - so could I :D15:42
elfyjjfrv8: not another vbox issue :(15:49
elfyre abiword 15:49
=== qwebirc166433 is now known as slickymasterWork
elfyjjfrv8: commented on abiword bug - I see the bug regardless of where livesession is - vm and hardware16:06
elfykind of glad that it's not just a vm bug 16:09
slickymasterWorkpoor VM bugs, getting underrated16:12
elfyI *really* didn't want to see loads of those again16:12
* slickymasterWork knows16:12
knomehttp://xstaging.lallinaho.fi/ - comments about new color scheme (old dark bg dumped out)16:31
knomeochosi, ^ ping16:31
elfyquite a lot lighter - maybe too light, though if the desktop screenshots weren't so much darker it wouldn't *jar* quite so much16:38
knomethe dark bg just starts to give me a headache too16:39
knomeit's kind of "unprofessional"16:39
knomeand yeah, don't know if "baby blue" is any more professional, but hey...16:39
elfyyea - agree with the headache comment16:40
knomeat least the right thing is now highlighted - the screenshot16:40
elfywell that's true :)16:40
slickymasterWorkeven though I'm not a big fan of 'baby blue', in the overall 'look' , it results striclky aesthetically speaking16:48
ochosiknome: i agree with slickymasterWork on the baby-blue part16:49
knomemaybe it should be even less saturated or sth16:49
knomebut i'll have to sleep on it16:50
knomealso, you can test the responsive design there as well16:50
knomejust stretch the window16:50
ochosiwell done!16:51
knomestill some things to fix, as i mention in the blog, but it's getting there16:52
elfyoh - the responsiveness is good :)16:53
pleia2ochosi: thanks16:56
slickymasterWorkyes, I can also confirm that the responsiveness is working correctly knome 16:57
knomeof course it is! ;)16:58
slickymasterWorkanything else wouldn't be expected knome :P17:07
ochosielfy, knome: re: chairing the meetings and meeting times...17:15
ochosii don't mind if we just cycle with every individual chairing one meeting per cycle17:15
ochosii understand the concern that especially i skew the distribution of meeting times by chairing more meetings17:16
ochosiso from my pov we can switch to a different system anytime17:16
elfyI like the cycling chair (and time to suit different chair's) thing - works well 17:17
elfyand I think that now pleia2 is only 1 lead it's only you that skew it 17:18
elfyand it's not an issue as such - just something I brought up 17:19
pleia2thank goodness for that17:19
elfy(even if it does affect me when someone has 3  meetings at 11 am :) )17:19
elfyhi pleia2 17:19
ochosiit was more to accomodate for bluesabre to be able to show up, tbh17:20
elfyyea 17:21
ochosiit's not my favorite time of the day for meetings17:21
elfywhich is a positive thing anyway imo17:21
elfyit's not my favourite time of the day for anything ;)17:21
* slickymasterWork doesn't like to chair :P17:21
elfywho does ... 17:21
pleia2slickymasterWork: no one likes to chair!17:21
slickymasterWorkhey pleia2 17:21
ochosielfy: it's my favorite time of the day for... lunch ;)17:21
elfyI'm sure knome really loved chairing everyone for instance 17:22
slickymasterWorkbut I don't like it more :P :P :P 17:22
elfyochosi: :)17:22
* slickymasterWork agrees with elfy 17:22
slickymasterWorkre: knome 17:22
elfytalking of which - time for food apparently17:23
habhattithese responsive sheets are fantastic17:25
knomejust working on the smallest resolution stylesheets17:28
habhattiHave you considering adding controls to the screenshot slider on the front page?17:28
knomeadding some odd/even row coloring17:28
knomehabhatti, we had that, but removed it at some point17:28
habhattiThat's odd.17:28
knomewhy? people can click through the list of all screenshots17:29
knomei mean, the only reason why somebody would want to click through the screenshots is that they are impatient, in which case the list of screenshots is better anyway17:30
habhattiis this wp 4.0?17:31
ali1234that screenshot page is a bit... nope17:31
knomethe staging site is, production not17:31
ali1234the new front page is nice though17:31
knomeali1234, welcome to volunteer and take a better one17:31
ali1234is this bootstrap?17:31
habhattiwell :)17:31
knomeali1234, no17:31
habhattiif you're planning to upgrade this to 4.0 I could throw a theme your way17:31
knomehabhatti, we're not looking for a new theme17:32
ali1234it looks weird to me17:32
knomeali1234, what? the screenshot?17:32
knomeali1234, or the theme?17:32
ali1234the screenshot page17:32
ali1234the theme is fine17:32
knomeoh, that17:32
knomeright, likely looks weird :P17:32
knomecheck the production website17:33
habhattineeds more spacing17:33
ali1234well production looks more normal17:33
ali1234still don't like it though17:33
knomethe screenshot page has gotten the least love tbh17:33
knomei like the production tour page.17:34
ali1234hmm tour page is nice but... maybe a bit more wwhitespace between the blocks?17:34
ali1234did i mention the mouse is called Xue?17:34
ali1234apparently, according to super tux kart17:35
knomeali1234, it isn't like this wasn't shown off before it hit production... but if you have actionable work items, you can start off by filing a bug :)17:35
knomeit's really hard to track feedback/requests on IRC17:35
knomeali1234, and, it's intentional that the boxes overlap17:36
* habhatti nods.17:36
ali1234what boxes?17:36
knomeon the tour page17:36
habhattitour page blocks17:36
knomethe colored boxes17:36
ali1234they overlap?17:36
ali1234how so?17:37
ali1234they don't look like they overlap17:37
knomemaybe you should post a screenshot and tell which browser you are using17:37
ali1234i am using firefox17:37
ali1234which version are you talking about?17:38
knomethe boxes should overlap in both staging and production17:38
ali1234overlap what?17:38
habhattieach other17:38
knomeeach other - please send a screenshot17:39
knomeotherwise i have no idea what you are seeing, and it's really hard to tell if what you see is intentional or not - since you don't seem to know what you are talking about yourself either..17:39
habhattichecked in ff, it's identical to chromium17:40
knomesee the line between the blue and the pink box17:40
knomeit's a mix of those two colors17:40
ali1234it doesn't look like they overlap17:41
knomewhere are you proposing to add whitespace?17:41
ali1234it just looks like you put a coloured border17:41
knomeit's not meant to be "too" obvious17:41
ali1234i was proposing to add more padding to the top and bottom of div.hb17:41
ali1234but t doesn't look better so forget it17:41
knomebbl, sauna17:42
knomeadded release schedule dates to the team calendar22:44
knomeochosi, and the reminder about translation release coordination22:44
pleia2wow, unixstickers sold out of the 33% and 26% off t-shirts already22:48
slickymasterknome isn't almost a month and a half a bit too large before a period before the official translation deadline?22:51
knomethe coordination is going to take time22:51
slickymasters/too large before a period before/too large a period22:52
slickymastereven so22:52
slickymasterI was planning to make the last call for translations by the end of March22:52
knomeyou got to remember that this is a bit different...22:53
slickymasterI was aiming at 16-18 March22:53
knomethere might be string changes that needs released22:53
knomeof course, the user-facing calls for translation should happen as usually22:54
slickymasternot quite getting knome 22:54
knomeand then we will want the translation releases to happen just before the non-languagepack freezes22:54
knomeif there are changes in the UI, they are subject to the UI freeze22:55
knomethat pretty much concerns all string changes22:55
knomeso we need to be on our toes for that22:55
slickymasteryeah, but NonLanguagePackTranslationDeadline is expected to happen at april, 9th22:55
slickymasterdo you think than 1 month a some days isn't a bot too much22:56
knomeno, because that's not our first target22:56
knomethe first target is UI freeze22:56
knomewe can't do translation releases that update more than translations22:57
knomeand to make sure that doesn't happen, we'd want those applications to have releases before the UI freeze, if possible22:57
slickymasterisn't UI freeze on March, 19th?22:57
slickymastermy wrong, 12th22:57
knomepoint being, we want the coordination to start before the UI freeze22:58
knomethe reminder is set to one week before that22:58
knomebut as i said, there are two targets...22:58
slickymasterok, point taken and accepted22:58
knomefor the components that have string changes, land them for UI freee22:58
knomeand for everything else, land before the translation deadline22:59
slickymasterand I do see the logical of your reasoning22:59
knomeand sure, the reminder is quite early for that22:59
slickymasterokie doke22:59
knomebut it has to be because of the UI freeze22:59
knomewe can add another one when we hit that22:59
slickymasteryou're right22:59
knomewhen we know better which translation updates we are waiting for22:59
knomegetting a hold of all people who maintain this and that will take at least a week23:00
knomeand getting them to do the release... at least one week more23:00
knomethen we'll want it to land to ubuntu via debian, so add some time for the changes to land in debian23:00
knome(note that debian might also have partially conflicting freezes)23:00
slickymasterjust to be sure, we're strickly speaking about Xfce related releases, in this case, right?23:01
ochosipleia2: maybe if the things sell well we'll get discounted/free items to give out as motivational gifts ;)23:39
pleia2they're sending me one along with our sticker bundles ;)23:40
* slickymaster needs motivation :(23:45
* knome takes the whip out23:46
* slickymaster points knome to ochosi words23:47
knomei still have some xubuntu stickers left... with the old logo23:48
knomeand some of the first, limited edition powered by -stickers!23:48
knomethat's silver on black!23:48
knomethanks to pleia2 :)23:48
knomeumm no, bad brain23:49
knomeit's white on black23:49
knomenot the same as the current one23:49
knomeslickymaster, would one of those give you motivation? :P23:49
slickymasterlol, I was just kidding 23:50
knomeso you don't want one? :P23:50
slickymasterand secretly trying to get a free t-shirt23:50
slickymasterof course I want23:50
knomei'll put that on my "send this stuff to xubuntu people" list23:51
slickymastergood, generous  and gentle knome 23:51
knomei still have a box to send to pleia2 :d23:52
sidi-valenciaknome, i also lack motivation for writing up the thesis. 23:55
slickymasterlet's all spam him with lack of motivation issues23:56
sidi-valenciaand then ask for beer.23:56
slickymasteror rum23:57
sidi-valenciamy gf gives me candy as i progress but she fell asleep. she was my last hope23:57
ochosiknome: well if you wanna throw some of those goodies into later motivational bundles for users e.g. for doing QA, that'd be nice23:57
sidi-valenciaochosi, very good idea, actually, to give goodies where you need more contributors23:57
ochosiwell we have goodies for xubuntu users and bounties for xfce contributors23:58
knomeochosi, i have a very limited supply23:58
knomeochosi, i also have a ping-pong ball for you :P23:58
knomebut as i've said before... i can contribute some customish artwork as a motivation23:59

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