
mr_rourickhi all, i'm still new to linux about 6month's now with ubuntu distro's, why is kubuntu 14.04.1 faster then xubuntu 14.04.1?00:01
mr_rourickgoogle research tell's me xfce lighter then kde?00:02
Monikayes, Xfce is lighter than kde00:04
Monikanot sure why Kubuntu is faster on your computer than Xubuntu00:04
valorie"lighter" means different things to different people00:04
valorieit all depends on what you test00:05
mr_rourickmonika, i thought so wasn't 2 sure ty00:05
mr_rouricki a unity x user so wasn't sure00:05
mr_rourickkde and 14.04 just super fast on laptop00:06
mr_rourickanyway's thank's, gonna keep this kde on here hagd all00:06
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keithzgmr_rourick, Monika: Kubuntu and Xubuntu use entirely different compositors for their sessions, I'd guess that KWin just happens to work fine whereas there's some bug of some kind with the one being used (Compiz still, I think?) and the specific graphics drivers in play.01:12
Monikayeah, I would suspect a hardware incompatibility01:13
keithzgMartin Gräßlin does some pretty amazing work on KWin, I'm not surprised to hear a case where it sounds like it's making a performance difference :)01:13
MonikaMartin lives here where I live, in Mannheim, by the way, he sometimes, but not very often, comes to the local Ubuntuuser meet-ups01:14
MonikaI think he switched to SuSE recently, though01:15
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pedahzurMonika: it's not listed in Entries, oddly enough.02:52
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Guest96797hey guys, all good? question, has anyone faced having a black display when trying to boot from a USB drive with the plasma 5 tech preview?05:47
Guest96797I can't install05:47
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beluga_anyone want to test this easy-to-reproduce bug that seems to be specific to Kubuntu: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=8640006:17
ubottuFreedesktop bug 86400 in Writer "lefthand sidebar loses icon bar display when moving cursor in or out of tables" [Trivial,New]06:17
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hateballbeluga_: I don't even know what the "sidebar" is06:27
hateballOr I would06:27
beluga_hateball: if you have a version that has it (I think it was introduced in 4.2), it can be enabled/disabled from View - Sidebar06:29
hateballso it seems, yes06:31
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soeegood morning07:14
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BluesKajHiyas all13:13
BluesKajhey soee13:17
zmajso what's up?13:22
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zmajcan't wait for kubuntu 15.04 with kde 513:50
lordievaderzmaj: You are welcome to test it :)13:50
lordievaderzmaj: Be sure to report your findings on the devel mailing list or in #kubuntu-devel ;)13:52
zmajI just wonder how to install it on my test image of ubuntu desktop next alongsied windows 8...I don't have a terminal on that one...13:53
lordievaderzmaj: Use a VM, installing a development release on a production machine is not a good idea.13:53
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lordievaderHey roasted15:08
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MobileRoeyhello everyone17:57
* genii makes more coffee17:58
MobileRoeyI'm trying to find out why my system suddenly massively slowed down after my upgrade from 14.04 -> 14.10.17:58
MobileRoeyReading package list... <-- that part in apt-get update is VERY slow17:58
MobileRoeyas is Firefox's performance.  Just very, very slow.17:58
MobileRoeywhy is it so slow?  How can I verify if it is due to certain settings or bad builds?17:59
mparilloMobileRoey: I have noticed the Firefox has become slower if you start with multiple tabs open. For 90% of the sites I visit, rekonq works, and is much faster than FF, Chrome, or Chromium.18:01
MobileRoeymparillo:  typically I can have like 80 tabs open18:01
MobileRoeyor 200+ tabs18:01
MobileRoeyin different tab groups of course18:01
mparilloAlas, 10% of the sites seem to crash rekonq. Oh, you are WAY beyond what I tried. I had in mind 20 tabs or so.18:01
MobileRoeyand yeah I did notice that having multiple rows of tabs open results in a much slower Firefox--but it wasn't like his before I upgraded to version 33 with Kubuntu 14.1018:01
MobileRoeyhar, har har18:02
MobileRoeyI'm kind of wary of upgrading my machine at work from 14.04 -> 14.10 as well, because of this.18:02
mparilloMobileRoey: The main reason to be wary is if you do not like Plasma 5, 14.10 will be supported with bug fixes and patches only 9 months or so, while 14.04 is LTS (so you want to stay there if you want to hold off on Plasma 5 for a couple of years).18:10
mparilloIMHO of course.18:10
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MobileRoeymparillo:  still though how can I speed Firefox (Fx) back up to how it used to perform before the upgrade?18:26
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FailBitI just burned a kubuntu livecd for my PowerMac G5, but I can't get good graphics — everything turns out pink and corrupt19:16
FailBitI'm in single-user mode right now on a fresh boot.19:17
FailBit`modprobe nvidiafb` says 'cannot request PCI regions'19:17
FailBit_ok, I'm logged in to irssi on this mac19:21
FailBit_any advice on how I might be able to get a GUI here?19:22
FailBit_btw -- livecd I'm using is Kubuntu 12.04 Desktop for PPC19:22
FailBit_so I don't have lightdm, I have kdm...19:23
BluesKajsudo service kdm start19:23
FailBit_the graphics are still corrupt on display19:24
FailBit_I guess I could live with my CLI, but this isn't ideal.19:24
FailBit_# service kdm stop19:25
BluesKajFailBit_, which gpu ?19:29
FailBit_BluesKaj, an nvidia I think19:30
* FailBit_ looking it up19:30
FailBit_GeForce 6800 Ultra19:30
FailBit_^ that's what I see after starting kdm19:32
BluesKajyou should be running the nouveau/default nvidia driver at least, but I think the 304 or 313 driver should work on your gpu19:32
FailBit_apt-get install nvidia-304 ?19:33
FailBit_will I have to reboot? (can't do that with livecd)19:33
BluesKajnot if X isn't running19:34
FailBit_X is not running. Ok, I'll try it.19:34
FailBit_E: Unable to locate package nvidia-30419:35
* FailBit_ looks in /etc/apt/sources.list19:35
FailBit_Does nvidia-304 have a candidate for ppc?19:36
BluesKajFailBit_, install kubuntu-restricted-extras19:36
FailBit_E: Unable to locate package kubuntu-restricted-extras19:37
mparilloMobileRoey: Sorry, I do not know the answer to that.19:38
BluesKajmake sure you have restricted and multiverse repos enabled19:38
BluesKajFailBit_, which kubuntu version are you on?19:39
FailBit_ppc livecd19:39
BluesKajoh , 12.04 probly doesn't have the 304 driver available19:39
* FailBit_ adds multiverse sourc19:39
BluesKajand you should be using 14.04 if you want an LTS19:40
* FailBit_ installs kubuntu-restricted-extras19:40
FailBit_BluesKaj: where's the 14.04 ppc livecd iso?19:40
FailBit_couldn't find it from a quick search...19:40
FailBit_nvm, no blank cds right now.19:42
BluesKajFailBit_, thereisn't a 14.04 ppc image available anyway19:43
FailBit_ubuntu was my hope to save this useless mac19:44
FailBit_12.04 is still useful19:44
geniiThere's a server PPC image. Not sure if you caould install kubuntu-desktop afterwards but maybe19:45
* FailBit looks frantically for CDs19:45
geniiThey are at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/14.04.1/release/19:46
genii( not livecd though, just install ones )19:46
FailBitCan I run the CLI install wizard from the livecd I have?19:47
BluesKajFailBit the 304 driver is supported according to this http://www.nvidia.ca/object/IO_32667.html19:47
FailBitBluesKaj: but it's proprietary, right? And compiled for Intel...19:48
geniiFailBit: You have some debian based PPC on it right now? If so can do debootstrap19:48
FailBitI'd need a CLI partitioner tool19:49
geniiFailBit: What livecd you have there right now?19:49
BluesKajFailBit, compiled for intel? never heard of that kind of driver19:50
FailBitgenii: kubuntu 12.04 desktop, ppc19:50
FailBitBluesKaj: compiled for Intel == doesn't run on the PPC19:50
BluesKajnever heard of that19:51
FailBitThe PowerPC is a big-endian processor made by IBM and used in early Apple computers19:52
FailBitLike my PowerMac G519:52
pedahzurFailBit: A modern IBM Power servers. Also rumored to be in servers being made my Google for their data centers.19:52
FailBitThe PowerPC is also used in Nintendo's GameCube, Wii, and Wii U (the Wii U using PPC64 arch)19:53
BluesKajdunno much about macs, never owned one19:53
FailBitConsider the PPC about as able to run Intel code as the Raspberry Pi19:54
BluesKajnever owned a raspi ...maybe someday19:55
FailBitIf you have a mobile phone, it probably has an ARMv7 processor19:55
BluesKajheh, got an old moto flip phone for emergencies and travel19:56
geniiFailBit: You could boot to it, partition and format with whatever's built in there ( I think gparted) , drop to a commandline to install debootstrap. Then mount the drive, and run like debootstrap --arch=PPC trusty /mountpoint  http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu     ... then you need to find the UUID of it's / and make an fstab entry for it. Then bindmount livecd's /sys /proc and /dev to the new install's ones, chroot there and run the grub-install19:57
genii/dev/sda ( or so) along with update-grub after and update-initramfs -u19:57
* genii wanders back to the coffeepot19:57
FailBit_genii, sounds good, will try19:57
geniiFailBit: That should give you a minimal cli bootable system, after you can install whatever *buntu-desktop, etc. Might need to expand the sources.list though, I think it only installs main by default19:59
* FailBit_ clueless on using parted19:59
FailBit_might have to do this in osx20:02
austin6598can i easily upgrade from the beta to the official release once it comes out?20:03
FailBit# do-release-upgrade20:04
austin6598will i lose any data?20:04
austin6598how stable is Kubuntu 14.10 Plasma 5 — Tech Preview?20:04
roastedIs kubuntu planning to use pulse audio at any point or are they sticking to phonon?20:07
BluesKajaustin6598, plasma 5 is still experimental...draw your own conclusions20:08
austin6598BluesKaj have you used it?20:08
austin6598BluesKaj can i upgrade without losing all my installed packages and configurations20:08
BluesKajroasted, pulseaudio is installed by default20:08
BluesKajaustin6598, no , your configs will be gone20:09
austin6598BluesKaj can i upgrade from a stable version without losing all my settings?20:09
geniiroasted: Since my Vivid seems to be getting a lot of phonon updates.... I'd hazard a guess they are sticking with it for now20:10
BluesKajroasted, as is phonon20:10
roastedI only saw phonon in the settings so I assumed, possibly incorrectly, that pulse wasn't there20:11
BluesKajaustin6598,  I'm on plasma 5, it's like installing a brand new desktop, your formere configuration files are overwrtitten or gone20:11
BluesKajroasted, it's not an either or20:12
austin6598BluesKaj what about upgrading from plasma 5 to the stable version of kubuntu plasma 5 when it releases?20:12
roastedI see. Thanks for the clarification.20:13
BluesKajaustin6598, we'll have to wait and see , but I assume plasma 5 configs will survive the transition20:13
roastedI hope streaming over samba gets fixed in upcoming version20:14
roastedThat bug is like 2 years old :(20:14
lordievaderroasted: Phonon runs on top of Pulseaudio.20:15
geniiI haven't really messed with my sound system since I had that !intelhda issue20:16
* lordievader has a nifty sound server :D20:18
geniiWhat linux needs is a per-app equalizer of some kind20:20
BluesKajlinux needsa comprehensive sound suite from the kernel up to the desktop20:21
BluesKajnot the mishmash we have now20:21
geniiYea, alsa, phonon, pulseaudio, OSS,  etc ... unify or something.20:23
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ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:46
FailBitmade a new ext4 fs on /dev/sda220:49
h_boyzGood evening!20:52
h_boyzI have some problem to run java on Chrome Kubuntu 14.10, can you help me?20:52
FailBitDoes ports.ubuntu.com have arch PPC64?20:53
FailBitthat would be ideal for debbootstrap I think20:53
FailBith_boyz: why you using google-chrome?20:53
FailBitUse chromium-browser (better) or firefox20:53
h_boyzNo, i have all three browser, but java work correctly only on firefox and i don't know why.20:55
h_boyzI wont learn!20:55
h_boyzBut my prefered browser is Firefox :-)20:56
FailBitgenii: ping20:59
FailBitgenii: ports.ubuntu.com doesn't have an entry for main/binary-PPC/Packages21:00
FailBit_Machine partitioned, debootstrap available.21:02
geniiFailBit: OK, let me look into it. Might be some different --arch spec needed21:02
geniiFailBit: Try powerpc instead of PPC21:03
genii( but otherwise identical command as before)21:03
FailBit_genii: thanks21:04
geniiFailBit: I'll be around for about another hour today, hopefully we can get you a bootable box by then21:10
FailBit_genii: base system installed to /media/ubuntu (/dev/sda2), what next?21:12
FailBit_still have apple bootloader21:12
geniiFailBit: Next thing is to run blkid  and find the UUID for sda221:12
FailBit_It's rather long21:13
geniiFailBit: Will need this for it's /etc/fstab21:13
FailBit_cat >> /etc/fstab # (?)21:13
geniiFailBit: Please pastebin result of sudo blkid | grep sda2   and I will edit to make fstab you can copy21:13
FailBit_isn't there a wgetpaste thingy21:14
FailBit_I don't wanna retype that UUID21:14
h_boyzi have another question if possible, i cannot adjust my brigthness! Or rather, the display work correctly but the brightness don't change.21:14
geniiFailBit: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && sudo blkid | grep sda2 | pastebinit21:15
FailBit_no such package21:15
* FailBit_ sshing into computer21:16
FailBit_genii: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9274348/21:19
geniiFailBit: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9274356/21:21
geniiwork, afk a couple minutes21:21
FailBitgenii: entire contents of /media/ubuntu/etc/fstab ?21:22
geniiFailBit: Where do you have the target mounted right now?21:24
FailBit/dev/sda2 -> /media/ubuntu21:24
geniiAh, good. Wasn't sure a moment if it's / was ina subdir there21:24
geniiFailBit: Yes, just copy the pastebin i gave over to that21:25
valoriecertainly there is such a package21:25
valorie!info pastebinit21:25
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4-3 (utopic), package size 14 kB, installed size 164 kB21:25
genii( /media/ubuntu/etc/fstab )21:25
geniivalorie: They perhaps did not yet do an apt-get update from tyhe livecd21:26
austin6598I'm trying to install Kubuntu off a USB and it gets stuck21:26
geniiFailBit: OK, fstab copied over?21:26
valoriedid you verify the ISO?21:26
valorieseems like there were a lot of imcomplete downloads this time, for some reason21:27
valorieI had a couple myself21:27
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:27
austin6598I used suse studio ImageWriter21:28
valorieyou can still verify the image21:28
valorieno matter how you wrote it to the USB21:28
FailBitgenii: hang on21:28
FailBitgotta baste a turkey :S21:28
valorieor downloaded it originally21:28
austin6598It came straight from kubuntu website21:29
FailBit_austin6598: it doesn't matter where it came from, it could still be corrupt21:30
geniiFailBit: I'll go have a smoke and return :)21:30
valorieaustin6598: right, and there is lots of places for bits to fall off between the website and you21:30
valoriethat's one of the reasons I torrent/seed all of them21:31
valoriektorrent always verifies the data21:31
austin6598My hash is not on the Ubuntu website21:33
FailBitUDP is a strange protocol.21:33
lisacvukhi, can someone help me?21:33
austin6598does it matter that I used opensuse terminal not ubuntu21:33
lisacvuki got openGl error on every game21:33
FailBit_genii: emplaced line into /etc/fstab21:36
lisacvukfor example in minetest, heres my console: lisacvuk@the-core:/media/lisacvuk/baaf8f3b-56ee-41e4-957c-13dc7ce32ad1$ minetest21:36
lisacvukIrrlicht log: Irrlicht Engine version 1.8.121:36
lisacvukIrrlicht log: Linux 3.16.0-25-generic #33-Ubuntu SMP Tue Nov 4 12:05:25 UTC 2014 i68621:36
lisacvukIrrlicht log: Using renderer: OpenGL 2.121:36
lisacvukIrrlicht log: Gallium 0.4 on i915 (chipset: 945G): Mesa Project21:36
lisacvukIrrlicht log: OpenGL driver version is 1.2 or better.21:36
unopastelisacvuk you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted21:36
austin65981i just googled my hash and if you look on this website i have the same one where is says MD5: http://burnbit.com/torrent/317787/kubuntu_plasma5_14_10_desktop_amd64_iso21:36
austin65981i did not download it from their though21:36
geniiFailBit: OK, good. Now we need to expand the sources.list there. I'll post one for you in a minute to copy over21:38
lisacvuki recently added updated drivers PPA21:38
FailBitgenii: plain text please?21:38
FailBithas a plaintext interface not requiring auth21:38
geniiFailBit: OK.21:40
FailBitTyping is hard work, especially when you only have a text console.21:40
geniiFailBit: http://paste.debian.net/133870/21:43
FailBitFailBit_: http://paste.debian.net/plain/13387021:44
FailBit_genii: done21:45
FailBit_curl X > /media/ubuntu/etc/apt/sources.list21:45
FailBit_genii: now chroot in and update sources?21:46
geniiFailBit: Good :)  Now, bindmount /dev /proc and /sys into the same dirs on the mount, and chroot there. eg:  sudo mount -o bind /dev /media/ubuntu/dev    ....for all three of those21:47
geniiFailBit: Do the bindmounts first :)21:47
FailBit_filesystems bound, chrooted in21:48
geniiFailBit: adduser new-name-here sudo21:49
FailBit_> adduser: The user `liam' does not exist.21:49
FailBit_passwd: user 'liam' does not exist21:51
austin65981ok i redownloaded the iso and got the same hash21:51
austin65981what else could be wrong?21:51
geniiFailBit: Try instead then: useradd liam && usermod -aG sudo21:51
geniiFailBit: sorry, syntax prob.21:52
geniiFailBit: usermod -aG sudo liam21:52
FailBit_usermod -aG sudo liam21:52
geniiHehe, yes21:52
FailBit_I'm no Linux amateur. :)21:53
FailBit_genii: mkay, login works (i set myself a password)21:53
geniiFailBit: Good. Now you can add some nameserver entries to /etc/resolv.conf    ( google's for instance at and
geniiFailBit: After that, apt-get update21:54
geniiwork, afk21:54
FailBit_genii: that doesn't seem to be necessary (resolvconf entries)21:54
FailBit_updated sources.21:55
austin65981can i use suse studio imagewriter to put kubuntu install on a usb?21:55
geniiFailBit: install package grub2 and linux-image-generic21:57
FailBit_E: Unable to locate package linux-image-generic21:58
geniiFailBit: What does: ls /vm*    say?21:59
genii( ideally vmlinuz there)21:59
FailBit_ls: cannot access /vm*: No such file or directory21:59
geniiOK, have to interrogate the bot a minute now :)22:00
FailBit_(note: I haven't installed grub2 yet)22:00
geniiFailBit: Try grub2 and see if it automatically puts it there22:00
FailBit_ls: cannot access /vm*: No such file or directory22:01
austin65981can anyone help me?22:01
genii!info grub2:powerpc trusty22:02
ubottuPackage grub2powerpc does not exist in trusty22:02
* genii smacks the bot22:02
geniiFailBit: I have to go do the lockdown routine here at work, will be back in 5-7 minutes22:02
geniiFailBit: Back. When you installed grub2 did it run grub-install ?22:13
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geniiFailBit: I would suggest to run it now then, to sda22:14
FailBit_grub-install //dev/sda22:15
FailBit_grub-install /dev/sda22:15
* genii makes more coffee and keeps an eye on the clock22:15
geniiI have to go pay some bills before the places close in about an hour22:15
FailBit_grub-install: error: the chosen partition is not a PReP partition.22:16
geniiI've not seen that one before22:16
geniiFailBit: Try without the sda22:17
FailBit_just `grub-install`?22:17
geniiYes :)22:17
FailBit_Installation finished. No error reported.22:17
geniiFailBit: Now update-grub    and after update-initramfs -u22:18
geniiOh, wait, not initramfs, chroot kernel.22:18
geniiTired, sorry22:18
geniiFailBit: Did update-grub run OK ?22:20
FailBit_yes, it did22:20
FailBit_it did not find a bootable linux partition22:20
FailBit_just Mac OS X on /dev/sda322:20
geniiFailBit: Need to install some kernel. If no linux-image-generic ... does apt-cache search linux-image    ...have any result?22:21
FailBit_I want 3.13.0 kernel r40?22:22
genii!info linux-image-generic22:22
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (utopic), package size 2 kB, installed size 28 kB22:22
FailBit_that's for unicorn22:22
FailBit_what's for trusty?22:22
genii!info linux-image-generic trusty22:22
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 28 kB22:22
geniiYeah looks like 4022:22
geniiFailBit: Good :)22:23
geniiFailBit: After that should see the /vmlinuz and update-grub should be able to see it22:24
FailBit_genii: I'm looking up whether I need the e500mc or smp variant22:24
FailBit_I think I need the smp variant22:25
FailBit_`arch` == ppc6422:25
FailBit_genii: It wants to install yaboot over gruv22:27
FailBit_nvm, it set up yaboot but did not write yaboot as bootloader22:28
FailBit_update-grub ran again, found linux22:28
FailBit_should I reboot?22:29
geniiFailBit: Should have now a minimal CLI Trusty there22:30
* genii goes and grabs a coffee22:31
geniiHm, I see now they installed a 64bit PPC kernel. Dunno if it's gonna work22:33
FailBitThe G5 is 64-bit22:33
FailBitand it did not boot into grub, no.22:33
geniiFailBit: Yes, but when we did debootstrap then we could have used ppc64el , I believe22:34
FailBitI will install a 32bit ppc kernel22:34
geniiAlthough, I am not overly certain on this, don't normally work with these platforms :)22:34
austin65981can i use suse studio imagewriter to put kubuntu install on a usb?22:37
archetech2sudo kf5-config --version    gives   ...22:38
archetech2QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root'22:38
archetech2after update from unstable22:39
FailBitinstalling ppc32 kernel22:41
geniiFailBit: OK. I have to leave in about 15 minutes22:42
FailBitgenii: it skipped any trace of grub and booted straight to osx again22:44
geniiFailBit: Meh :-/22:45
FailBitMaybe yaboot is necessary, idk22:45
geniiFailBit: I'll be back in tomorrow 9-5 EDT and we can continue, unless another takes it up. Might want to try #ubuntu-powerpc but there is like 12 people usually in there22:45
FailBitOk, thanks for the help genii !22:46
geniiFailBit: You're welcome, although I wish we could have gotten further :)22:46
FailBitI think I'm almost there :)22:47
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austin6598this is what i get when i boot to kubuntu isntallation usb: http://susepaste.org/6770580822:49
=== zz_XeBlackWater is now known as XeBlackWater
austin6598this is what i get when i boot to kubuntu installation usb: http://susepaste.org/5489495222:55
buriedaliveaustin6598 wrong way22:56
buriedaliveaustin6598 use better linux slax for usb22:56
buriedaliveit is utopia22:57
buriedalivekubuntu on the usb22:57
austin6598this: http://www.slax.org22:57
buriedaliveyes? got it22:57
austin6598im looking to install it on my pc, and it needs to be compatible with regular kubuntu packages22:58
buriedalivewait plz23:00
buriedalivetry http://slax.org.ru/get.html23:01
buriedaliveresolve to english?23:02
bazhangburiedalive, slax is not on topic here23:02
austin6598what is slax based off?23:02
bazhanglets stick to kubuntu23:02
buriedalivebazhang ok23:03
bazhangaustin6598, buriedalive feel free to discuss it in #kubuntu-offtopic23:03
austin6598this is what i get when i boot to kubuntu installation usb: http://susepaste.org/5489495223:03
austin6598help me!!!!!!!!!!!23:04
austin6598bazhang so you only respond when we talk offtopic23:09
buriedaliveaustin6598 see me?23:09
buriedaliveaustin6598 go to #kubuntu-offtopic23:15
buriedaliveaustin6598 based on slackware, de - kde for usb special23:22

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