
hieupm37cjwatson: do you mean that I can create a Makefile that creates .deb from my pre-build binaries? Pre-build binaries are the source and I can upload to launchpad this source and Makefile.01:43
=== mgz is now known as mgz_
elachecheHey guys!! I created a branch under lp:~user/+junk/branche_name Is it possible to add a blue print (under +junk) to that branch or I must create a project to do it?11:22
mgzyou need a project for blueprints11:23
elachecheok, thx mgz, I'm discovering LP and Bazaar..11:28
mgzelacheche: if you want somewhere to play around without harming anything, you can use https://staging.launchpad.net/11:31
mgzthat has a copy of the data, but you can create and change things without affecting the real site11:31
elachecheGreat mgz :) :D12:38
=== karni is now known as karni-lunch
=== karni-lunch is now known as karni
wxlhey folks i'm trying to authenticate with the api and i get ssl.SSLError: [Errno 185090050] _ssl.c:344: error:0B084002:x509 certificate routines:X509_load_cert_crl_file:sys16:22
tewardif i have a depwait on a build in a PPA, and upload a newer version of the package being built, will that automatically supersede the current dep-wait'd builds and then build the new version?17:00
cjwatsonteward: should do yes17:13
tewardcjwatson: awesome, thanks.17:19
tewarddid Launchpad just explode?19:22
tewardtried uploading a debdiff to a bug and it failed - says there was a problem connecting19:22
tewardcjwatson: ^19:23
cjwatsonteward: doesn't look obviously broken from here, maybe a network glitch of some kind but it's past the end of my day so not investigating now.  try again?19:34
tewardcjwatson: figured it out - the debdiff was 172MB. o.o19:35
tewardi've gzipped it and uploaded without incident19:35
=== benonsoftware is now known as \b
=== \b is now known as benonsoftware

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