
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 34 building (started: 20141127 02:05) ===02:04
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 34 DONE (finished: 20141127 03:25) ===03:24
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/34.changes ===03:24
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bzoltantrainguard, could somebody gently kick the silo3 and silo19 to proceed with the landing?05:11
robrubzoltan: did 19, what's going on in 3?05:12
robruno known spacetime, great05:13
robrubzoltan: just tried republishing 3, we'll see...05:17
robruwell shit05:25
robruMirv: up yet? might need a copy package in silo 3, I have no idea why it isn't publishing ^^05:26
Mirvrobru: hmm, okay05:30
robruMirv: publish job seems ok to me, I didn't really touch that one yet (not in production at least).05:31
Mirvwell, ok, I'll keep looking whether it surfaces from somewhere and copy it manually if not05:32
robruMirv: thanks05:35
Mirvso, I guess this https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image is worthy of bookmarking now05:42
bzoltanrobru:  thanks05:46
robrubzoltan: you're welcome05:46
* bzoltan is going to give thanks today to everybody who is helpful :)05:47
bzoltanMirv: robru: i do not know if it could be a factor, but I could validate this silo super quickly ... took less than a minute the verify the fix it brings05:48
robrubzoltan: speed shouldn't be part of it... the package is in the ppa, the publish job should publish it. simple stuff...05:50
bzoltanrobru:  I see05:50
robrubzoltan: Mirv: alright gents, today I am going to pretend that I have a healthy work/life balance and EOD at 10PM instead of this week's usual 2AM. goodnight!05:54
bzoltanrobru:  off you go brother :) Enjoy05:55
Mirvrobru: wow! good for you :)05:56
Mirvbzoltan: I've just copied the packages manually to archives, let's see how that goes06:00
Mirvyeah, it appeared immediately https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu/3.1.1+15.04.20141126.1-0ubuntu106:00
bzoltanMirv:  nice06:01
bzoltanMirv:  I have one strange build failure in the Tools Dev PPA https://launchpadlibrarian.net/191287307/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-amd64.qtcreator-plugin-ubuntu_3.1.1%2B15.04.20141126-0ubuntu1~0trusty1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz06:02
bzoltanMirv:  I might be blind .. but it is missing package what _IS_ there in the very same PPA06:02
Mirvbzoltan: it says it's not installable, not that it wouldn't be there06:09
Mirvbzoltan: so with that PPA, if you try to install the same packages, you should get some error message why they can't be installed06:10
bzoltanMirv:  I just made a chroot for testing that06:11
Mirvbzoltan: maybe you should have the SDK Release PPA in the dependencies?06:11
Mirvfor example to have the newer cmake+remotelinux packages from there usable for the PPA06:11
Mirvbzoltan: added, you could try again06:12
bzoltanMirv: bahh.. you were right06:14
bzoltanMirv:  it builds now06:15
brendandsil2100, ogra_ - good morning :)08:08
ogra_moin moin08:16
ogra_so serge provides a fixed cgmanager for testing ...08:26
* ogra_ starts trying to set up amd64 multiarch support on his krillin08:27
ogra_i assume we should apply the debdiff and push that to a test silo :)08:28
ogra_thats two versions ahead of RTM08:31
Mirvthat's based on utopic version, not vivid, it seems08:35
Mirvbut still quite different08:36
ogra_yep, and 0.32 had a lot of changes ... and 4 ubuntu versions too08:38
ogra_(and probably even the fix already)08:38
ogra_hmm, bnut jibel tested with 0.32 before and it was showing there too ... so probably we should prepare a silo with the test packages anyway08:44
ogra_did anyone notice weird weather icons on the startpage ?09:17
jibelogra_, 'partly cloudy' is weird indeed09:23
ogra_pretty bold and looks like from a different icon set09:23
jibelactually only the 'tonight' version09:23
ogra_which i got in all thre icons last night :)09:23
ogra_today only the "noon weather" uses it ... left and right icons look ok09:24
ogra_that isnt actually the "noon" weather :P09:24
ogra_(says tonight underneath)09:24
ogra_heh, thats the first time i notice it is today, tonight, tomorrow09:25
davmor2ogra_: I see rain, rain and rain, it's pretty accurate09:25
jibelogra_, this is what I get http://people.canonical.com/~j-lallement/junk/tonight-partly-cloudy.png09:25
* sil2100 just got two reminder e-mails for the morning meeting09:26
ogra_davmor2, haha09:26
sil2100davmor2: for the UK it's hardcoded for 'rain'!09:26
ogra_jibel, yeah, the same here09:26
jibeli'll file a bug09:26
jibelogra_, respin to fix the icon?09:26
* ogra_ already had two session crashes today :(09:27
ogra_both after cgproxy hangs09:27
davmor2mine are all good here09:28
ogra_your session crashes ?09:29
ogra_or your cgproxies ?09:29
Mirvrobru: it seems also ubuntu-ui-toolkit publishing failed / not in archives09:32
sil2100psivaa: ping :)09:33
sil2100psivaa: (not much we need from smoketesting, but still pinging about the meeting)09:33
Mirvogra_: ^ publishing somehow broken, please ./copy-package -b --from=~ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/landing-019 --from-suite=vivid --to=ubuntu --to-suite=vivid-proposed ubuntu-ui-toolkit09:33
ogra_Mirv, done09:35
Mirvogra_: thanks!09:35
* Mirv did the -gles one09:36
bzoltanthank you ogra_ and Mirv09:42
* bzoltan does not feel now pointless to stay up until 2am for UITK testing :D09:42
* davmor2 hugs bzoltan there you go dude now you should feel wonderful about life the universe and everything09:44
bzoltan:) actually I do :) I went for a good swim in the morning, had a gigantic breakfast and now it feels good...09:46
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
sil2100ogra_: if anything, silo rtm 003 for testing cgmanager ;)09:59
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sil2100ogra_: ah, and give us a sign once you have a moment for promotion10:26
* sil2100 needs to reconnect, modem reset required10:27
ogra_jibel, (or anyone else who wantes to help testing) rtm silo 3 has the cgmanager test packages now10:35
jibelogra_, on my list. I'm finishing the testing report first.10:39
ogra_right, just wanted to give a heads up that the packages are available now10:40
jibelogra_, apparently we can also reproduce it with long running tests. I'll ask Max to run them with the patched version of cgmanager to see if there is an improvement.10:41
ogra_ah, sweet10:42
sil2100jibel: where will you send out the testing report? Phablet?10:48
jibelsil2100, same than last time10:48
Laneysil2100: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-005-1-build/83/console ← where did it get that "15.04" from?11:17
sil2100Laney: I think you mean the 15.10 version11:26
Laneythat comes from debian/changelog11:26
LaneyI thought CI train would just deal with it11:27
Laneycan revert that part of course, but it seems like a bug11:27
sil2100Laney: no, CI Train actually parses the whole version number and tries to make sure all fields make sense11:27
sil2100Laney: in case of the archive they don't make sense11:27
sil2100Since 15.10 does not exist yet11:27
sil2100So why a package that's from vivid has 15.04.0+15.10.20141030-0ubuntu1 (15.10) as the version series number?11:28
sil2100CI Train had to make some mistake11:28
LaneyI don't know, someone didn't update it right I guess11:28
Laneyor CI train, I don't know11:29
sil2100Same here, CI Train that I know should have just used 15.04, but maybe something changed or hmm11:29
sil2100Laney: anyway, the only salvation now is to actually bump the upstream number :<11:29
Laneyif I do that in the changelog will it be ok?11:30
* Laney tries ;-)11:32
Laneyargh, now hash sum mismatch11:33
davmor2ogra_, sil2100: looks like vivid 34 is broken across the board11:46
ogra_yes, see other channel11:46
ogra_i just uploaded an update to the  livecd-rootfs hack11:47
jibelsil2100, report in your inbox11:48
sil2100jibel: \o/11:52
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victorpjibel, sil2100 how is it going?11:55
ogra_victorp, on my way to promote ...11:57
victorpogra_, way to go!11:58
ogra_victorp, and rtm silo3 has a possible fix for the UI hang ...11:59
victorpogra_, nice12:00
ogra_sadly our cgmanager package is like 6 versions behind utopic12:01
sil2100It might take a bit to get that tested though12:01
=== alan_g|afk is now known as alan_g
sil2100Well, *if* we'd like to play safe, we might try asking Serge to try cherry-picking it to the 14.09 version of cgmanager12:02
sil2100If that's possible of course12:02
sil2100But I'm a bit willing to get the newer cgmanager into ubuntu-rtm12:03
ogra_right, just saying ... we're missing a ton of fixes12:03
ogra_(two new upstream versions and 4 debian revisions)12:03
ogra_all have plenty of fixes12:03
Laneyhow come the build job is only telling me the status of amd64, armhf and i386?12:11
davmor2Laney: what else are you expecting?12:12
Laneyarm64, powerpc and ppc64el12:12
ogra_in a ppa build ?12:14
Laneya silo, yeah, why not?12:16
ogra_ppas dont have these arches iirc12:16
sil2100Laney: so, that might be a bug in CI Train, robru did a big refactoring of the watch-ppa so it might work differently now12:20
ogra_just read the documentation then :P12:20
Laneysil2100: It means the job finishes before all arches are built now12:21
bzoltansil2100:  may I ask for a silo to chew on line 71?12:23
ogra_=== Image RTM #10 promoted !!! ===12:25
ogra_(that is: krillin 169, mako: 140, emu: 134)12:25
ogra_sil2100, victorp ^^^12:25
davmor2ogra_: WooHoo \o/12:25
davmor2jibel: ^12:25
ogra_victorp, in the es channel i promoted 116 ( #2  which was missed last promotion) and 119 ( #3, equivalent to 169 above)12:26
cjwatsonLaney: Sounds like a great way to end up with publications that will never migrate12:26
victorpogra_, nice..12:27
Laneysil2100: Where can I file it?12:29
sil2100Laney: there's is a cupstream2distro LP project :)12:44
sil2100I'll take a look at it later today once you fill the bug12:44
Laneyokay, if that covers CI train then cool12:44
sil2100ogra_: \o/12:45
sil2100Laney: Robert's been doing so many changes that anything could be the cause of this breakage ;)12:45
* sil2100 tries to keep his hands away from that12:45
* sil2100 lunch o/12:47
Laneydef watch_arch(build): """Return True if we care about this arch, False if we ignore it.""" return build.arch_tag not in ['powerpc', 'arm64', 'ppc64el']12:48
=== pete-woods is now known as pete-woods|away
=== karni is now known as karni-lunch
olligood morning13:03
ollisil2100, jibel, are we golden?13:03
ogra_<ogra_> === Image RTM #10 promoted !!! ===13:03
ogra_<ogra_> (that is: krillin 169, mako: 140, emu: 134)13:03
ogra_<ogra_> ...13:03
ogra_olli, ^^13:04
ogra_wont get more golden for now :)13:04
ollijoc, how is your guys' testing going13:05
Mirvogra_: \o/13:07
jibelogra_, I'm testing silo 3, don't expect a definitive answer today given how the bug is hard to reproduce13:07
jibelI'd like to validate it with LRT too13:07
ogra_jibel, i'll install the package too ...13:07
jocolli: just me this week! - ok so far i think, nothing that would be blocking, still got telephony testing to do but doubt that will throw up anything13:07
ogra_probably i'll get one or the other session crash less13:07
ogra_currently the user expirience is quite awful here :(13:08
ollijoc, what's your ETA for being done with the tests?13:08
jocolli: EOD13:08
ollijoc, awesome, mind sending me a quick note with your final verdict?13:09
jocolli: sure, will do13:09
olligood job everyone13:09
olliI am so happy, I am going to eat a bird today ;)13:09
ogra_poor bird !13:09
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jibelwe must not release to often to preserve bird's life13:16
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 35 building (started: 20141127 13:25) ===13:24
Elleocihelp: would someone mind triggering jenkins on this community MR? https://code.launchpad.net/~danielholm/ubuntu-keyboard/ubuntu-keyboard/+merge/242580 thanks :)13:42
=== karni-lunch is now known as karni
Laneysil2100: how do I tell what happened to my unity-settings-daemon copy?14:03
Laneyis that what you just said?14:03
LaneyI don't see a log file on snakefruit for today14:04
sil2100Mirv: did you mention earlier today problems with the publish jobs?14:11
sil2100Mirv: since Laney might also see some problems14:11
Laneylooks like the files are there if I rsync them manually14:11
Laneyhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cicopy.log ...14:11
ogra_not sure if thats related but Mirv asked me for a copy-package for one silo since publishing didnt work14:11
cjwatsonBroken by http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cupstream2distro-maintainers/cupstream2distro/trunk/revision/84014:15
cjwatsonI suspect you just want to drop use_creds_file=None from copy2distro, but I'm going to let one of the cupstream2distro committers deal with that, and maybe grep for parameters before removing them next time14:17
cjwatsoncitrain/reverter.py use the same parameter too and will also be broken14:17
* sil2100 looks14:19
sil2100Argh, robru again forgot about the copy2distro script14:20
sil2100I need to instruct him to always grep for what he changes...14:20
sil2100cjwatson, Laney: let me fix that then14:20
cjwatsoncopy2distro and citrain/reverter.py, yes14:24
Mirvsil2100: yep... exactly that14:27
greybacktrainguards: can someone please add https://code.launchpad.net/~mir-team/qtmir/gles-sync/+merge/243043 to vivid silo114:33
Mirvgreyback: reconfigured with that added.14:50
greybackMirv: thanks14:50
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
Mirvsil2100: tell me when there's something deployed that works again :)14:54
sil2100Mirv: sure, double checking if all works here locally first14:57
sil2100And the GPU hang I got didn't help with that14:57
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sil2100cjwatson: ugh, sorry it took so long, but can you do a bzr pull on snakefruit for cu2d?15:13
sil2100I think I checked all incompatibilities15:13
sil2100At least it works locally (without copyPackage())15:15
sil2100hm, wit15:15
rsalvetiogra_: did 35 fail to build?15:15
ogra_hmm, let me check15:15
sil2100cjwatson: actually, wait a minute15:15
cjwatsonsil2100: it autopulls15:15
sil2100Oh, it does?15:16
ogra_rsalveti, damn ... not sure why i didnt get a mail15:16
cjwatsonas of a while back.  figured it was less evil than not noticing that copy2distro was broken for months15:16
sil2100Since I wonder how it was working then, maybe Robert asked Steve or someone to prepare the env there15:16
sil2100Anyway, then it should work I suppose15:16
rsalvetiogra_: yeah https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage/+livefs/ubuntu/vivid/ubuntu-touch/15:16
sil2100cjwatson: thanks!15:17
davmor2ogra_: should 35 of built by now?15:17
rsalvetidavmor2: failed to build15:17
ogra_bah, and indeed i got mail ... it just drowned in the 100 others from silo testbuild failures etc15:17
ogra_Building dependency tree...15:17
ogra_E: Unable to locate package libmirplatform3driver-android15:17
ogra_P: Begin unmounting filesystems...15:17
ogra_now why is it looking for 3 ...15:18
davmor2ogra_: here have a wompwompwomp.com15:18
ogra_that should be 415:18
ogra_and worked in the former build15:18
cjwatson<cjwatson@amber ~/src/ubuntu/livecd-rootfs/livecd-rootfs>$ bzr grep libmirplatform3driver-android15:19
cjwatsonlive-build/auto/config:         add_package install ubuntu-minimal libmirclient8driver-android libmirplatform3driver-android ubuntu-touch15:19
ogra_especially since my change cant really affect this ... its only a change in a hook that runs after rootfs build ... looks like something suddenly depends on libmirplatform3driver-android15:19
* ogra_ hugs cjwatson 15:20
ogra_i dont get why it didnt bite us in the former install the same way though15:21
ogra_the package was gone from the archive by then and the line was the same ...15:21
sil2100brendand: hi, do we have a bug for your 'altitude-based' music+phonecall issue?15:23
cjwatsonogra_: I probably hadn't removed the NBS binary15:24
cjwatsonthat's a separate manual step15:24
ogra_that explains it then, good15:24
cjwatsonISTR doing that this morning15:24
ogra_ah, yeah15:25
brendandsil2100, no i don't want to file anything until i have an idea of what's going on really15:26
pstolowskitrainguards, hello, my silo 13 needs to have unity-api purged from it; respective MP was removed from it and it now fails on dependencies, can somebody help with that please?15:35
Mirvpstolowski: sure15:35
Mirvpstolowski: there's also unity-scope-mediascanner in the PPA?15:36
pstolowskiMirv, right, also needs to be removed15:39
sil2100Mirv: I wonder if the fix I pushed already works15:40
pstolowskiMirv, thanks!15:40
sil2100In theory the rsync files should still be on snakefruit so copy2distro should just pick them up15:41
sil2100But hm, it doesn't seem to be working15:41
Mirvpstolowski: both done15:42
Mirvsil2100: testing15:43
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sil2100cjwatson: sorry to bother you, but I'm not sure if I have any other archive admin handy ;) When you have a moment, could you check on snakefruit if copy2distro returns any errors? Or if not, if the directory with rsyncs (never remember what the dir name is) if it has any files in it?15:43
cjwatsonsil2100: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cicopy.log15:44
pstolowskiMirv, awesome, thanks15:45
sil2100cjwatson: thanks, ok, so robru didn't get anyone to set up the env15:46
* sil2100 sighs15:46
Mirvsil2100: republishing does not seem to work.. but what, wouldn't work anyway?15:46
sil2100Mirv: it wouldn't, sadly15:47
sil2100The rsync copy happens only once15:47
Mirvsil2100: but would fresh publishings possibly work now, or not?15:50
MirvI think robru mentioned at some point that republishing should work now, but it seems not15:51
sil2100I'm still a bit confused how this could have worked before15:51
sil2100cjwatson: is copy2distro executed with some custom environment variables?15:54
rsalvetiogra_: cool, so we know why it got broken15:55
ogra_rsalveti, yes15:55
rsalvetiwe were just lucky15:55
rsalvetiat the previous build15:55
ogra_right ... well15:55
ogra_the previous build might have had the old package too15:56
ogra_additionally to the new ones15:56
cjwatsonsil2100: http://paste.ubuntu.com/9270575/15:58
cjwatsonnothing beyond that15:58
sil2100wow, then I wonder how this worked before o_O15:59
sil2100It seems without the JOB_NAME env  variable the launchpad_cache directory is ''15:59
dbarthhey trainguards, it seems like silo 006 is having trouble landing; let me know what i need to do16:00
cjwatsonit was use_cred_file=None before remember16:00
cjwatsonwhich I think bypassed that?16:00
cjwatson(maybe not, haven't looked too closely)16:00
mitya57^ I should try to merge only when the package migrates from proposed to release, right?16:01
popeycihelp: can someone help me get jenkins setup for https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calculator-app/reboot - the same as we have the other core apps (calc is getting rewritten)16:02
cjwatsonmitya57: correct16:03
sil2100cjwatson: I wonder if it's related to the way the login function is called16:04
Mirvdbarth: we know, everything has the same problem16:04
* mitya57 . o O (then it'll hang there until I find some archive admin to demote apt-watch to proposed)16:04
cjwatsonsil2100: can we just back out to a working version?16:04
ralsinatrainguards can I please get a silo for line 62?16:05
sil2100cjwatson: I'll just try to check something and if it doesn't work, we'll back it out16:05
cjwatsonmitya57: I've just processed your removal bug16:08
mitya57cjwatson: \o/ thanks!16:08
sil2100hah, yeah, it seems to be related to the way robru calls the function now16:08
sil2100Let me try fixing that16:08
sil2100cjwatson: pushing fix in a moment16:13
* sil2100 crosses fingers16:17
sil2100cjwatson: the cicopy log seems empty - does it mean it's working? ;)16:20
cjwatsonshould do16:21
cjwatsonit's a bit crude, you just get the last one16:21
cjwatsonit's not running16:22
cjwatsonnothing in cu2d/incoming/16:22
sil2100Damn, then we'll have to re-publish the old rsyncs... could you copy over there https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-005-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/packagelist_rsync_landing-005-vivid ?16:23
cjwatsonshould I just wget that?16:24
sil2100Yes :)16:24
* sil2100 again crosses fingers16:24
cjwatson2014-11-27 16:25:02,703 ERROR Rejecting unity-settings-daemon as ci-train-ppa-service/ubuntu/landing-005 isn't allowed.16:25
sil2100ARGH, so how the heck did it work before wiithout the .production file16:26
sil2100cjwatson: can you do `touch ~/.production`? CI Train requires this file to use the production silos now...16:26
sil2100And since CI Train requires it, copy2distro as well ;/16:27
cjwatsonin the homedir, seriously?16:27
sil2100That's where the code looks for it, I think robru assumed citrain is jenkins-only16:27
cjwatsonI see ... pretty generic name, but done16:27
cjwatsonand wgot again16:28
sil2100No idea why it defaults to staging and not the other way around...16:28
cjwatsonsafe default16:28
sil2100Sorry about that16:28
cjwatsonsil2100: looks happier now; https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-settings-daemon/+publishinghistory16:30
sil2100cjwatson: seems to work \o/16:30
cjwatsonany more control files to wget?16:30
alex_abreusil2100, can you retry to publish silo 18?16:30
sil2100Yay, thank you for all your help, sadly we'll need to wget more files now :)16:30
cjwatsonsure, just give me a list16:31
sil2100Let me provide that, one moment16:31
sil2100cjwatson: need to double-check which ones we're missing16:32
sil2100cjwatson: ok, seems like we only need to copy-over one more file: https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-006-2-publish/40/artifact/packagelist_rsync_landing-006-vivid16:35
sil2100All others seem to be ok now16:35
Mirvalex_abreu: not yet, sil is looking at other problems preventing publish16:35
sil2100Mirv: fixed \o/16:35
alex_abreuMirv, no worries16:36
sil2100alex_abreu: I can now16:36
cjwatsonsil2100: done16:36
sil2100cjwatson: thanks again!16:36
Mirvsil2100: \o/16:36
Mirvhmm, I wonder if that 015 can be salvaged still or not16:52
Mirvtrying via reconfig still16:53
sil2100ogra_: did we have a new vivid image to fix the brokenness?16:53
ogra_sil2100, yes, and it failed ...16:53
ogra_fix is underway ... waiting for promotion16:53
ogra_new vivid image building16:56
ogra_and so far i neither had session nor app crashes with the new cgmanager (but that indeed means nothing)16:58
sil2100ogra_: is jibel also trying out the fix from the silo?16:59
Mirvsil2100: robru: ok I pass on 015, probably needs full rebuild?17:00
ogra_sil2100, yes, and nuclearbob17:00
jibelogra_, can you tell sil2100 that I am also testing the silo17:00
Mirvreconfigured and build-watchonly'd already17:00
ogra_sil2100, jibel just asked me to tell you that he is testing the silo17:00
nuclearbobogra_, what am I trying out?17:00
ogra_nuclearbob, the *fix*17:01
ogra_nuclearbob, cgmanager ...17:01
nuclearbobogra_, I may have missed something, is this is an email somewhere, or am I delegated because I showed up?17:02
ogra_nuclearbob, i thought jibel said you are long running tests atm17:03
ogra_(and that he asked you to pull the probable fix in)17:03
nuclearbobogra_, ah, yes, okay.17:04
ogra_ARGH !17:19
* ogra_ takes back everything he just said 17:20
ogra_so #35 i386 just failed17:20
ogra_Fetched 13.3 MB in 6s (1971 kB/s)17:20
ogra_W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/vivid/universe/i18n/Translation-en  Hash Sum mismatch17:20
cjwatsonyeah, that's unlucky, lb should probably be fixed to retry that17:20
cjwatsontry again :-/17:21
ogra_well, seems armhf still builds17:21
ogra_i guess i want to let it finish17:21
ogra_and trigger an i386 one afterwards17:22
ogra_hmm, so i killed that unity8 that ate my CPU17:28
ogra_from the terminal app ...17:28
ogra_now a unity8-dash pops up in top ... taking its place17:28
ogra_this looks like my session restarted without actually restarting17:29
ogra_(if that sentence makes any sense)17:29
ogra_lifecycle management is definitely confused now17:29
ogra_but killing these two stray unity8 and unity8-dash processes got my phone back to behave normal it seems17:36
ogra_i wish i knew why they existed at all though17:36
=== alex_abreu is now known as alex-abreu
rsalvetiogra_: it seems the armhf built fine, i386 is still broken17:55
ogra_rsalveti, right, see above17:55
rsalvetisame hash sum mismatch17:55
rsalvetiogra_: should we just try to rebuild it?17:55
rsalvetioh, sorry17:56
rsalvetithought you were talking about the armhf one17:56
rsalvetimy bad17:56
ogra_np :)17:56
ogra_i386 build kicked17:56
imgbot=== trainguards: IMAGE 35 DONE (finished: 20141127 18:10) ===18:09
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/35.changes ===18:09
ogra_could someone check if that boots now ?18:11
robrucjwatson: sil2100: wait how did copy2distro break? I thought snakefruit had an old copy of cupstream2distro. did somebody pull trunk?18:11
rsalvetiogra_: hm, interesting list for the dropped packages18:27
rsalvetiis that because the package got replaced?18:27
* ogra_ checks18:28
ogra_libmirplatform3driver-android was bumped to 418:28
ogra_and -mesa was supposed to be gone before18:28
rsalveticool then18:28
rsalvetidownloading :-)18:28
ogra_and i386 fifnisehd too18:29
* davmor2 updates all the things18:33
greybackit boots18:36
davmor2it boots18:37
davmor2and sergiusens nolonger has to buy ogra_ beer all is forgiven18:37
ogra_phew, so sergiusens wont go broke ... good thing18:38
robrudbarth_: apologies, your packages are in distro now and I've manually merged&cleaned silo 6 for you.18:38
rsalvetiyeah, wizard is up18:39
robruMirv: hey what about silo 15? I can fix it, just need to know what you tried already18:39
davmor2dbarth_, rsalveti: I'm still getting "It looks like you current browser doesn't support HTML5 audio and/or mp3 playback ......"18:40
Mirvrobru: I tried force republish, then reconfig+buildwatchonly+publishagain18:40
rsalvetidavmor2: right, that's the issue we discussed a few hours ago18:40
ogra_davmor2, sure, because the codecs were dropped18:40
rsalvetijust need to update the seeds18:41
robruMirv: ok18:41
robruMirv: so you didn't rebuild any package in the ppa then?18:41
davmor2rsalveti: youtube not working either I'm assuming that is the same thing too right?18:41
Mirvrobru: no, I tried to avoid that18:41
rsalvetidavmor2: yes, anything media related with the browser18:41
Mirvso that upstream wouldn't need to retest18:41
robruMirv: great, thanks.18:42
davmor2on a plus side it's the only issue so far :)18:42
robruMirv: ok, found the issue. yeah the silo was in an inconsistent state, had to reach in and mangle some stuff by hand. should be publishing now.18:49
robrumandel: sorry about the delays, I think it's moving now.18:49
rsalvetigreyback: yeah, just reproduced your flashing issue with --developer-mode, will check18:53
ogra_grrr ... hanging dash ... i hate that19:06
ogra_(usually if i go back from the store)19:06
cjwatson00:30 <cjwatson> robru: I wouldn't be totally opposed to auto-pulling this code in ~/cu2d/run.sh if you folks are happy with that19:33
cjwatson00:30 <cjwatson> Might make it easier to tell when problems happened19:33
cjwatson00:32 <robru> cjwatson: I like it. it terrified me to know that ancient code was just sitting around there rotting19:33
cjwatson00:32 <robru> cjwatson: I'll try to write some unit tests for that file one day.19:33
cjwatson00:33 <cjwatson> robru: OK, that's done now too19:33
cjwatson00:33 <robru> cjwatson: speaking of run.sh, you can drop that commented out block, and also drop the --no-filter arg from the active block, because that behavior is now the default19:33
cjwatson00:33 <cjwatson> (Added 'bzr pull -q -d "$BINDIR"')19:33
cjwatson00:34 <robru> cjwatson: sounds good, thanks a bunch19:33
cjwatsonrobru: ^- as I told you two months ago or so :)19:33
robrucjwatson: ah ok, yes my memory is not the greatest. it does make sense, I had just completely forgotten19:34
robrucjwatson: it probably is better that we discovered that same-day ;-)19:34
robrucjwatson: sorry for the regression, hacking on untested code is remarkably difficult.19:34
mandelrobru, awesome, thx21:56
robrumandel: I'm not feeling very awesome ;-) but you're welcome.21:56

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